[COLOR=Indigo]For me, it'd have to be Gunstar Heroes for the Sega Genesis. It looked GREAT, the stages were long but not tedious, and had the craziest bosses ever.
The shooter had one VERY addictive feature, which is it's weapon combos.
It had four weapon types...
Flamethrower- short range, high power
Seekers- slow moving, low power, seeks people
Rapid- obvious
Laser- Long range, goes through people
Then... combos, i.e.
Laser + Flamethrower= Short laser- Very low range, VERY hig power.
Anything could be combo-ed.
Even after having these new games and systems, I still go back to Gunstar Heroes.
(Made by Treasure. And you KNOW how good their shooters are.)[/COLOR]