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Everything posted by Havokio

  1. [COLOR=Indigo]I agree. Virtua Fighter was insane. The problem was that hardly anyone I knew played it. So I practiced less and less, till I found no meaning in doing so.[/COLOR]
  2. Havokio


    [COLOR=Indigo]It suffers from "Digimon syndrome" That said, it sucks in the beginning, but gets REAL good towards the end. And as for the first question, I've heard of newer mangas being produced, and that story will lead to when the game (Sword of the Berserk: Guts Rage, for the sga dreamcast) began. Then a series on manga will (may)be released for those who don't have the game. Anything else is uncertain.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Indigo]I find no point in being brought. What's the point when you're not free to spend such money?[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo]No Lie. I'm 20 now. I've had one, who was to be my fiance, Sakura Migata. She had went back to Kyoto last year, and I haven't recieved any e-mail replies, or calls. This obviously went sour.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Indigo]It's not the fact of whether or not he's guilty or not that we should be concerned about. The verdict is the problem. I don't think he's guilty, but that means nothing. Sample defence: He has had a series of accusations of child molestaion, so why would you send your child into the jaws of a monster? Here's why that wouldn't work: Even though the parent is partial to blame, the fact is that he shouldn't have done that, REGARDLESS of circumstances. Let's keep in mind that the jury consists of (correct me if I'm wrong) 6-7 parents, all but one of those parents are women, who are very protective of children. There, in the entire jury, are at least 8 women. Mothers, widows, and former parents. This means one thing... He's screwed... whether we like it or not.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Indigo]I had hardly used it. There was a time period though, that several people showed up and said "hi", if only for the sake of being polite. Cause after that wave, I'd find no one. I only have 6 people listed as "friends', but I may as well delete them. I started a blog, but seeing as how no one comented after the wave, I'd decided to stop. Here goes... [url=myotaku.com/users/havokio] Havokio's Hell[/url][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Indigo]I'd also go with the Armored Core series. To anyone interested in buying the game, get "Silent Line, Armored Core". The controls take some gettind used to, but when you do, you'll fight just to see the replays, trust me. There is no need to waste money on "Armored Core: Nexus". The amount of extras they give is minute compared to the others.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo]Guilty Gear X 2, Super Smash bros. Melee, or Tekken 5 These are the only tree I have real fun playing. Guilty Gear is suprisingly deep, and Tekken 5 fixed up most of it's problems. Smash has an ENORMOUS amount of depth that casual players will never find. BTW: I don't really like Soul Calibur 2 as mush as everyone here seems to. Don't get me wrong, I didn't say it was bad, and I'm quite good at it, but it doesn't take much skill to be considered "Good" in that game.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo]For me, it'd have to be Gunstar Heroes for the Sega Genesis. It looked GREAT, the stages were long but not tedious, and had the craziest bosses ever. The shooter had one VERY addictive feature, which is it's weapon combos. It had four weapon types... Flamethrower- short range, high power Seekers- slow moving, low power, seeks people Rapid- obvious Laser- Long range, goes through people Then... combos, i.e. Laser + Flamethrower= Short laser- Very low range, VERY hig power. Anything could be combo-ed. Even after having these new games and systems, I still go back to Gunstar Heroes. (Made by Treasure. And you KNOW how good their shooters are.)[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo]How can you gloat whan ALL of your characters are button mashers? Anyway... Tekken 5: Craig Marduk Devil Jin Martial Law (no backflips) Guilty Gear X2: Sol-Badguy Potemkin SSBM: Ganondorf C. Falcon[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Indigo]Gungrave should DEFFINETELY be put back on. ... I doubt that'll ever happen. Seing how "Anime Unleashed" sucks horribly.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Indigo]For it's time, I'd go with Arika, hands down.[/COLOR]
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