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ranma kun

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About ranma kun

  • Birthday 05/03/1986

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    roy mustang62

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  • Biography
    im an animator and martial artist
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  1. Its all about itachi uchiha from naruto.....he is so cool, and so orchimaru.
  2. probably sakura con, i love it there..... its so much fun and I always love to see all the cool cosplay costumes, if your goin to sakura con, look for me! im going as Itachi uchiha :animeknow lol
  3. jimmy hendrix stevie ray vaughan eric clapton tom morello and of course joe satchriani
  4. [QUOTE=Twilight_Kioku]ok, im a high school student, have about 30 manga novels, 6 dvd's, 72 gig of anime on my comp, and a hellovalotta wallpapers. recently, one of my teachers in my computer classes noticed my wallpapers i have up, and some other classmates as well. recently, mine has been DNAngel wallpapers, and negima. she gets kinda mad and tells us to get rid of our wallpapers, calling them cartoon porn. i was just sittin there thinking 'yeah, porn my a__, if she wants that, i can bring some'. not goin to, of course, but just the idea of excluding it from my computer classes when all i do in there is draw anime on the computers...well, i dont have anything to do in there anymore! and neither does a couple of my friends. we are now forced to BS our way through the day. i also bring my manga to school to read, because my parents dont really like it, when its nothing worse than whats on the local channels at prime time. i bring them to school, and some more teachers chew me out for reading that, and i contenue to think, 'wtf? itsa book, im an adult, GET OVER IT!' long story short, my teachers are anti-anime, anti-manga, and im stuck with nothing to do for a few hours. anyone else have this problem around school or anywhere similar? good new is, she hasent said anything about my .hack// music, yay[/QUOTE] I had a similair problem at my school, but i solved it by going to my art teacher and asking if he would like to sponser an anime club, then i went and filled out all the forms and made one. It lasted two years *because i graduated* and I ended up having a meeting every week with up to twenty people showing up, and every friday i had an after school session. By the end of the year my principal was beggin me to tell him where i bought my naruto headband and stuff because he wanted to get some for the staff :D give it a try, who knows you might change a few peoples perspectives on anime and the subject in general. If you want any ideas feel free to send me a private message and i will be more than happy to help :D
  5. oh my gosh, i absolutly love fma. Its the only anime that has got me so worked up that ive preordered al the dvds, and have bought all of the merchandise in america, and i even got some in japan. Hot topic is also selling some cool fma shirts as well, so if any of you guys want one check it out, im sure other places will be sellin em too.
  6. so far im up to episode forty one of the subtittled anime, and ive become totally obessesed with fma. I first saw it in japan, and afterwards i went on an fma shopping spree there. I just struck a deal with suncoast, and im having every dvd preordered for me as soon as the one before it is scheduled for release, so far ive been set up three months ahead of each one, lol. Also for you animators out there, the extras on the dvds are top notch. Tons of production sketches and character designs, very well put together dvd, my favorite and the dvd also comes with a hand dandy little pamplet on alchemy. I hope the rest of you will enjoy the series as much as i have been!!! :D :D :D :D :D
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