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Xiao Shen

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About Xiao Shen

  • Birthday 05/30/1987

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    Ladi Sapphire 5
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    I've helped create the first newsletter for my community.
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  1. [size=1]Hidden in a case of white Shrouded by a darker burn Never to come to see thel ight Freedom, a concept, to never learn Bound by the chains of reality Locked up by the paralyzing fear Kindness only to the insanity Of living a lie for another year. I'm broken and torn Between reality and fantasy I'm tired and worn From facing lack of security Of the world the past has made Mistakes that form my future My heart and mind start to cave Trying to find what to search for I hold the light and the darkness of my heart Trembling I will embrace my own shadows Pain seering through each body part Drowning in the blood of the shallows The blanket of lies has been lifted My eyes have been opened to see that death Is no longer a secret for the gifted I've now taken my last, and only breath My mind's foundation's cracked long ago Leaving me a teetering ground to stand on No longer certain of memories I know No longer a person to lean on Shredded and alone, I'm deaf to the masses I'm now blind to the facts of the truth Lying to me, wearing rose tinted glasses I've locked myself tight in an imaginary booth I hold the light and the darkness of my heart Trembling I will embrace my own shadows Pain seering through each body part Drowning in the blood of the shallows The blanket of lies has been lifted My eyes have been opened to see that death Is no longer a secret for the gifted I've now taken my last, and only breath Shattered into tiny pieces My mind, now broken on the floor Nothing left for me to believe in It's been shut, that once open door Opportunity knocked, then left me a message To wake up and capture the signs But I've been lied to, I didn't trust it I never really could read between the lines. I hold the light and the darkness of my heart Trembling I will embrace my own shadows Pain seering through each body part Drowning in the blood of the shallows The blanket of lies has been lifted My eyes have been opened to see that death Is no longer a secret for the gifted I've now taken my last, and only breath Well, I hope everyone enjoyed my song.. It's not all that good, I know I can do better, but, just bear with me for now, okay? Feel free to comment on if it's any good or not. n_n;[/size]
  2. "It's not safe to run with scissors, right..? So, throwing them is just as bad.. Isn't it..? Hmm.." - Me
  3. Kids Alive is awesome! But, I have to say my all time favorite song is Sugar Baby Love by Yoko Ishida. She's so talented! *does a jig*
  4. It's a bit of a copmlex story, really. It's good otherwise, I give it my props for the comedy, but the drama was a bit much for me. I felt sorry for the main male character, I forgot the poor boy's name.. He had a hard past, and, well, Yukinon (I'll call her that cuz it ticks her off otherwise XD), she's so dramatic.. All like.. 'MINE MINE MINE!'.. Just like little shortie (forgot her name too).. Other than that, it was a good story, and I loved the music! *dances about a bit*
  5. [SIZE=1]Hope you and your new programs make a lot of.. Beautiful artwork together. Awesome job, and keep up the good work! *gives a thumbs up* Flogging Molly is awesome.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Best thing to do is just experiment with it. More than likely, just make a new blank layer, retrace the original image, and then erase the background image when you're done. And voila, you should have a lineart. I'm workin with 6, so I don't quite know how to work the newest version. Best of luck to you and your work![/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]I hope everything works out for you, and welcome back to otakuboards. Lord knows I haven't been here all that long, but I've been on the verge of quitting. I think the 'livejournal' thing really helps keep me in touch with my .. 'reality' side. n_n; Best of wishes to you![/SIZE]
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