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About gothicserenity

  • Birthday 06/05/1988

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  1. Anyone gay/bi/les from canada or anywhere else I guess lol
  2. So I have to do a poem and a representation of Hamlet it has to be a model thingy a 3d thing that shows a main idea in Hamlet and I can't think of anything....HELP PLEASE. anyone with any ideas please mail me...thanks
  3. Hey all I want to get a backwards mullet (a chelsea) but I can't find any pictures of any ones :S UGGG so I was wondering if anyone had one or new of where I could look.
  4. ....gay people. I've only seen like 3 threads. I'm bi and from manitoba canada Where is everyone from??
  5. hey. So I don't really have one. my friends know i'm bi and my mom has hinted about knowing. yeah thats it lol. So anyone else have any coming out storys? :animeswea
  6. Hey all I'm bi. I was just wondering if anyone else here is like me.
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