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Everything posted by hyper123

  1. ooooo it is soo pretty!!!!!!!!! you did an excellent job^________^
  2. i agree with you , Gelgoog Pilot and SpiritWolf! well the person i love doesnt treat me like dirt .....but ia m not sure if he take me for granted .........hm........
  3. Fruits Basket!!! it is so funny!! ^_______^ i love it soooo much! it is worth the money to buy it!!!!! that manga is one of my Favorites! well i hope u will buy it and enjoy it ! ^_______^
  4. DN Angel is soo funny and cool! ^_____^ Dark looks sooooooooo cute! i read the first volume and i want to read the second so badly!!!!!!!!
  5. yeah i thought ab affiliate usually is 116 x 75 and i think u should blend in an image with it...as again...my opinion is that it is too plain..
  6. [quote name='Taylor Hewitt']Pictures of what?[/quote] ANIME! ^_^ or something you like or whatever i dont know...but for sure , ANIME! ^_^
  7. and there is all differ kinds of love! ^_^ you can love your family , friends , and relatives! but if u love your boyfriend or girlfriend it is differ than! ^_^
  8. i agree with u , dMage. ^_^ your words are sooooooooooo right! :)
  9. Alternative title: Ghost! Age rating: Teenagers (May contain bloody violence, bad language, nudity) Genres: Comedy, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural Plot Summary: Mitsuo Shiozu is a sort of 'medium' who's body appeals to sprits. They can take him over and set things to rest, leaving him as a spirit while they do it. Unfortunately, female spirits tend to posses him, and as a result, two of his male classmates develop crushes on him. Mysteries and crossdressing hijinks ensue, along with romance as Mitsuo attends school with Hasunuma and Ichi, the two who have feelings for him. Between all of these things, which of the boys will Mitsuo choose... [IMG]http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/images/encyc/A3100-12.thumbnail.90.jpg[/IMG] there is some info on eerie queerie! ^_^ i want to read the second volume soooooooooo much!!!
  10. it is too plain. i think u should add pictures into ur artwork, that would be more attracting. :)
  11. I am just wondering did anybody read Eerie Queerie before. It is sooooooo funny!! i read the first volume. if you didnt read it i recommend you to read it! i mean if u like Gravitation then u should read it . -Sillylingling
  12. gravitaition is so funnny!!!^_^ i read the manga books: volume 1 and 2 of gravitation! i am going to borrow the dvd from my friend to see the anime version fo gravitation! it seems like it is differ then the manga!
  13. thank you for everyone for posting! ^_^ well i now think it depends on the situation. i
  14. I am just wondering ...... because i love someone but it seems like i did that wrong thing.... i dont know i am very confused..... -Sillylingling
  15. [SIZE=4][COLOR=red][FONT=Century Gothic]Hey everyone !!! Feel free to talk about anything in here!!! I just want to know more people and relax a little!!!!!! hope to chat with cha! -Sillylingling :p [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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