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Everything posted by SlowChemical
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]I can't believe this thread is still going. Yet I'm happy is still on. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Now for somethig a little different. Would you rather be Male Or would you rather be female?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I love been a female. I really can't think of been a boy. Girls sometimes get away with more things then boys. I girl can pull of been a guy then a guy been a girl. Even if guys don't get discriminated of playing vidoes games like some girls do, I still perfer been a girl. So definately number two. [QUOTE=wolf Toboe] Chose: (and tell why, please) Freedom OR Love[/QUOTE] I didn't see this one, sorry. Well I guess I have freedom. I rather get to do things the way I want and not be controlled then have love. Love is great and all but love has its bounderies. I hate been controlled boxed in a cage like a dog. I rather than be free then anything else. Choose: Eating all the donuts in the world untill you explode or Eating one 'forbidden' donut and your soul go straight to hell[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1] For some people prom is just around the corner. It's hard to get cleaned up and dressed for some. To looked good for someone or just to make a statement to others. Either way prom is a night not to be forgetting. People want prom to be like a fairytale. They want to have prince charming or there princess by your side. Some aren't so lucky to get a date but going with friends is just as enjoyable. Prom is a time to shine, a time to have fun and a time to shake what your mother gave you. Yet getting to the actual date of the prom is stressful. Getting the right dress or suit and prom date is not an easy task. There is sweat, tears, and blood (Yes, I mean blood) to get to this date. Hopefully it is all worth it. I want to know what you are doing to get ready for your prom. If you?re completely stressed out about your prom like I am about mine. Is this prom the same like the others? Or is this one special to you? If you already went through the whole prom(s) process, how was your prom? Prom can be a nightmare or a blessing whatever you want it to be.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=#FF3366][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]I have no real true goals of life. I do make goals but is one of does short term goals like get 100 in a math test. I never think ahead which is what you really doing when you make Life Goal list. Yet I'll try to make true life goals in my list. Maybe if I make one in this thread I can actually live up to it...here I go. Life Goals: 1)[B]To fall madly in love:[/B] This would be wonderful to do. I never really loved someone to tell you the truth. So far all I ever had was 'puppy love', kind of. If you ask all my past boyfriends they will say 'she never loved me back'. What they mean is that I never returned there feelings with a 'I love you too'. If I had the 'I love you' would be just a shallow meaning. So I would always say 'I like like you'. I want to say the words 'I love you' one of these days. I think maybe [U]someone [/U] I know is the one, not sure yet. 2) [B]To get along with my older sister:[/B] This is probably impossible. You see my sister and I [U]never[/U] got along even when we were little. We grew up with a hatred for each other. Now instead of playing evil tricks on each other we get into fist fights. You might think I'm over exaggerating but it's true. I have ever single scar in my body to show for it. 3) [B]Photographs that mean something:[/B] I want to take photographs with all my best memories in them. I want to look back and I say I had a blast. I notice some of us tend to look back or remember only the bad times. I don't want to do that anymore, I don't want it to be a part of who I am. I know it be difficult to only remember the good times for me so I need pictures. I want to lots of pictures each one have its own value. 4) [B]Remember names:[/B] I'm very forgetful to the point I forget my own name. This is I know very silly since I been writing my name since kindergarten. Is just if I think too hard for too long I forget a chunk of history in my life but just about 2 months. Like the other day I was thinking too deeply, too hard and I forget my friend Jonathon name. I meet him about 1 month ago. I lose friends like this so I want to stop doing that. This is all I have so far. Hopefully I have more later on.[/SIZE][/FONT][/color]
RPG The Mixed Experiment III: The New Era [M-VLS]
SlowChemical replied to Lionheart's topic in Theater
[color=#FF3366][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]?Shh, keep quite. We are trying to disable it.? Renée whispered. ?We can?t let it fire again?? He directed his eyes to the ocean then looked at her ?You can see what damage it does. Protect the front with Azuroth that would distract them while Renée and I disable the weapon. Now go on ahead.? Shisuki nodded and ran up front. ?Ahem, we disable the weapon? The last time I remember you almost turned to little Blondey dust in the air. I think I should handle this.? Renée grinned Hiro frowned ?That was a moment of weakness won?t happen again. Anyways I?m the leader and you do what I say understand? Now do what we talked about.? ?Yeah, whatever just don?t get yourself killed.? ?Hnn, shouldn?t I be saying that?? Hiro took out his sword ?Go!? Hiro jumped up to the top of the machine. He tried to slice his sword into the machine but he was just able to scratch it. He frowned more, if that were possible. The machine?s rifle stopped lighting up. It looked like it was going to stop for just a little scratch? No that be too easy. The machine opened a part of its armor and two guns pushed forward. They turned, pointed at Hiro, and fired. Hiro jumped away from the machine. It was just normal bullets thank lord. Renée got this as her cue. She slides under the machine while it concentrated its energy on firing at Hiro. She crawled under all the way to what she thinks is the control panel. She saw it when she and Hiro were under the machine when she was trying to save his blonde ass. She turned facing the control panel. She took out poison out of her pouch. Hopefully this was the right one that eats away metal and not flesh. She took some of the mixture and smeared it on the control panel. The control panel armor rusted then turned into dust. Oh she was lucky on that one. She looked at all the wires, the very, very complicated wires. Why did she offer to do the actual disabling part? Why couldn?t she be the decoy? Renée sighed and pouted ?Okay, which wire is which? Err?blue one? No, red? Black?? Renée panicked. ?Okay the only sure thing is to do this!? Renée grinned and pulled on all the wires. She yanked them out and hoped it didn?t explode. Nothing happen. Oh today HAS to be her lucky day. She slide out and yelled at Hiro ?Okay the laser should be disabled now? The bullets stopped firing at Hiro ?Uhh, and the bullet fire?. I think it can still move though. All it can do now is run us over? Renée crawled out and ran over to Hiro. ?Well then that?s all I need?? Hiro put his sword forward and charged. He jumped a top of the machine. Two enemy soldiers claimed out in a panic not even bothering to look at Hiro. Hiro dug his sword into the machine. He put as much force possible digging in there. He sliced up cutting the machine in half. ?There goes Hiro trying to be a hero.? Renée smiled. The machine sparked with electricity. Hiro jumped away from the machine getting away from the sparks. The machine lit up with huge shine of electricity. It stopped for just one second then exploded. Renée fell to the ground covering her eyes as a huge gush of energy pushed her down with a blinding light. ?What was that?They have that...kind of power? That? nuclear power? If I didn?t cut of the laser energy we could have been BBQ?ed just from the explosion?? Renée said huffing and puffing completely out of breath. It was amazing all that energy. Renée got up stunned. Oh my lord, what to do now?[/FONT][/SIZE][/color] -
Anime Life without anime - challenge to anime addicts
SlowChemical replied to a topic in Otaku Central
[color=#FF3366][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] I find that very funny you propose that challenge. I myself got that same exact challange from a friend. It was about 1 month and 2 weeks. Well it was supposed to be 1 month only but they caught me cheating and increased it -.- For a whole month I had my signature 'In Anime Hiatus' then explained how much I hated my friends. I couldn't even glance on anime so I had to make so called 'normal' avatars and banners. I was extremely angry. The funny thing is that during that time mangas that I truly wanted to read came out. It urged me to go to Barnes & Nobles and buy them. The worst part is that I go pass Barnes & Noble when I'm coming home from school. So I found myself wondering around that part for a few minutes wondering 'Are they going to catch me? Can they catch me?' and yes they did. That month and and 2 weeks was torture. As much as I love anime I love manga more. All that manga waiting to be read calling my name, it killed me. I tried to get myself busy by playing sports. That?s when I learned how handball can give you muscles ^_^ On the side note I cheated 17 times.[/FONT][/SIZE][/Color] -
RPG The Mixed Experiment III: The New Era [M-VLS]
SlowChemical replied to Lionheart's topic in Theater
[color=#FF3366][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]"Yeah...fun" Renée smiled and wiggled her fingers moving her hand slowly to her back pouch. Men with guns started runing all over the place. Oh my, how many were they? Before Renée could count her blond haired captain charged. A fight already? Renée took out her windmill shuriken out of her puoch and unfolded it. By that time men already surrounded her. Darn, they where quicker then she thought. " Oh my, all this guys just for me. You know there only one of me and alot of you. I think...I can handle it." Renée smiled. Time to prove Mr. Blondey she was worth it. She twirled her windmill shuriken around. She threw it as hard as she could her weopan slicing threw one man. Eww, that was a bit bloody. It came around slicing each man that surrounded Renée. Renée rose her hand up and her weapon came back to her. Renée ran following Mr. BLondey. Hoping she was able to show off to him. She killed any man that came close to her or him. Yet the darn moron didn't notice it. Soon she gave up protecting his back. He did fight well saving his own ass. Well he WAs the captain. He fought to hard she thought to serious. "Get down!!!" She heared Blondey scream to the point it made her ears ringed. She dropped down to the ground as a laser shot. Dust rose up making her cough. She looked up from the ground and saw the damage tooking. What...the hell was that? She looked at Mr. Blondey he was running start for the machine. "What is he doing? Trying to get himself killed!?" She said. She quickly got up and ran after him. Many enimies blocked her path. She just jumped over ther heads not able to mess with them now. The poroxide must be getting to Mr. Blondey's head. The machines long rifle started to lite. Shit, that was no good. She ran faster. "Look out blondey!" She tackled him to the ground sliding them under the machine. "What the hell your doing!?" He yelled "Saving your poroxide ass from been killed!" She yelled at him. She pouted and covered her ears as the machine started to heat up to fire once more. "I can't let this machine fire again. It is going to destroy the whole city." Hiro said covering his ears from the heating up noise. "Well what should we do Mr.Blondey?" Renée smiled at him. [/SIZE] [/FONT][/color] -
RPG The Mixed Experiment III: The New Era [M-VLS]
SlowChemical replied to Lionheart's topic in Theater
[color=#FF3366][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Renée Lore sat in a tree her legs dangling over the edge. She pulled an red ripe apple out of her pocket. She started to shine it a front of her shirt.She looked at it and took one big bite. Darn, was she hungry. She hadn't eating a thing since she got here. She knew why...no money! God, was she dead poor. Luckily she found a apple tree. She luckily was able to drag her dead tired and starving body to it. 'Hnn how much will a apple sell? Oh well maybe I can find some saps later to play poker with me..." Renée laughed. She took another bite out of her apple finishing it up. She threw the apple core to the ground into the pile. The apple tree was almost bare on the side Renée was on. What can she say? She was hungry! She patted her stomach content. She smiled and licked her fingers. She stood up from her branch and jumped down. Okay, lunch was down now the second thing she had to do... "Oh yeah! Report to the main gate" Renée smiled. She looked at the time and gasped. She was late! Omg, is she didn't report she probaly won't get paid! No, that can't happen. Renée took a big breath and started runing as fast as she can. [I]'Can't be late, can't be late, can't be late!' [/I] She kept telling herself. Renée ran as fast as she can yet she didn't think she can make it in time. 'Okay just a little help from this magic spell...' She put her fingers in a hand signal and soon she was picking up speed making dust trails behind herself. "Yes! I'm going to make it!" She said as she came closer and closer to the main gate. She tried stopped herself as her feet drag. She was running to fast and she seem no to be stopping! She panicked, her feet still dragging tyring to stop, and the meters between her and the gate closing. Soon, BOOm! Face contacted to the gate making the whole gate shake. She fell down coughing with the cloud of dust that followed her. Soon Renée opened her eyes and dusted herslf off. "Gah, I thought I could have made it! Curse me for using that spell. I'm not late, right?" "Please tell me she is not in the Alpha Team...." Some blonde dude asked a officer. "Well she is Renée Lore...that makes her in the...Alpha Team.." The soldier told him. "Alpha? I'm I late?" Renée asked "No your a little early...." The soldier told her. "I need a new watch" Renée pouted. "Oh lord no, I get stuck with the silly ones..." The blode guy that asked the soldier sighed. "What? Say that to my face Mr. Blondey!" Renée yelled. "Uhh...his your leader. His name is Hiro." The guy told her while Hiro frowned "Ooopsss...." Renée panicked "Er...nice to meet you ma'm, I mean sir!" She bowed. Grr, why, oh why did it had to be blondey? [/FONT] [/SIZE][/COlor] -
Sign Up The Mixed Experiment III: The New Era [M-VLS]
SlowChemical replied to Lionheart's topic in Theater
[color=#FF3366][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] ((Occ: Sorry very distracted. I better finsih this tommorow)) Name: Renée Lore Gender: Female Age: 22 Race: Humans Position: Mercenary Personality: Renée has an all out attitude. She is very blunt and doesn?t act her age most of the time. She pouts, screams, and sometimes wines to get her way. She kind at heart but there is evil behind that warm smile. She can be trickeries at times having the mind of the king of thieves. She has a lot of pride and would go all out in battle if the opponent is worth it but if not she like to have her fun! Appearance: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v111/Dark_Misstress/Ayame1.jpg]Renee 1 [/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v111/Dark_Misstress/Ayame2.jpg]Renee 2 [/URL] Reene keeps her windmill unfolded in a pouch tide to the back of her waist. She has has some other utensils in her pouch like diffrent varities of posions. Each posion has a diffrent effect. Yet there mixed up sometimes and she forgets which ones do what. Weapon: Windmill Shuriken Abilities/magic: She has some magic with includes the air element. She can change the wind currents around her which is extra helpful with her windmill shuriken. This helps her have more control of her weapon when it in the air. It makes it a lot easier for her weapon to come straight back to her and help change direction of her weapon.. Her air magic also helps run a lot faster and become extremely light. Character Snippet: Renée was sleeping silently under a tree. The breeze whistle through the branches of the tree waking up the wind chimes that hanged from the lowest branch. The chimes made a faint sweet melody that was carried through the wind and into Renée?s ear. Renée took a breath in heavily. This is almost heaven?for now. Something tickled her nose. Renée slightly woke up wiggling her nose yet keeping her eyes closed. She wrinkled her nose, it didn?t come off. She shook her head and it fell onto her stomach. Renée opened her eyes and got up. A feather fell down from her stomach and into her lap. Renée picked the feather and looked at it in awe. ?It?s just a feather you know?? A voice came from above her. Renée looked up and there is her older brother lying down in a big high branch from the tree. ?Yeah I know?? Renée wrinkled her nose standing up and looking at her bro. ?Sorry to wake you from your slumber kid but is almost time for dinner? He smiled at her. ?Gah, not your gruel stuff again.? Renée whined ?It?s not gruel! It?s a healthy and nutritionist! Anyways we have to make due of what we got.? He sighed and climbed down from the tree. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed more heavily. ?If we had just a little more money?? He looked at Renée and she gave him a warm smile. He panicked ?Uh-uh no way you?re going to do that. I know what you?re thinking?.Just stick to your little magic tricks and training. At least be less lazy to master that windmill thingy.? ?Uhh! Let me do it!? Renée whined ?The will not notice, I?m too good. I?ll train later promise.? ?That?s the problem now, your not going to become the queen of bandits.? ?No better, King? She smiled. She turned her back to him and heavily sighed ?Okay Ken I eat the darn gruel. Only for you bro?? She turned back to him and put up her hands as in defeat. He looked at her and he spotted the keys to the house around her finger. ?Renée?? He started but she already half way to the house. He tried to catch up but she was way to fast. Renée opened the door into the house and quickly locked it. Soon Ken was banning on the door to get in. ?Nope sorry bro?.? She swung the key around her little finger ?You have to notice more often. You need to catch up to your little sister if you?re going to survive in this world. Your skinny, grow some muscles.? ?No thanks?? He glared. He knew she wasn?t going to let him in the house anytime soon. [/FONT][/SIZE][/color] -
[color=#FF3366][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Lol, thanks for proving me wrong Ayokano. I knew what I said sounded wierd. Yet I think about Kingdom Hearts 2 the have the same exact clothes as the movie. The movie was two years after the whole kaboom thing. As you said the movie not be relevent to KH2 but they had to add some fact into it. I think, not sure. My facts might be wrong since it has been a long time since I seen the movie. I have a tendecy to write unstead of looking at things...-.- Well you see your right about what Rufus wants to do with Shinra now. Yet it does depend if Monkatraz wants to do a negetive (past) or positive (future) side of the Turks. Well some people see things as bad, some as good. -shrugs- [/FONT] [/SIZE][/color]
[color=#FF3366][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]A year after the FFVII: Advent Children our heroes where actually doing Kingdom Hearts 2 except Vincent, 'cause his cool like that. He was doing the whole Dirge of Cerberus thing, Leon. Yet no one knows what exactly the turks where doing after ADVENT CHILDREN. So it would be fun doing a RP to fill that plot whole. What I seen from the movie the turks fame seem to...diminish. Even so they seem to have become better at what they do- matured. Yet before the events of FVII, what the turks where actually doing seemed fuzzy. You can kinda a better idea of Vincent story life, a once famous turk. Making a before FFVII RP will be diffucult. Thinking all assinations, information, and missions the turks might have done before FFVII will hurt the brain. If done wrong the whole idea and plot of the real game might be ruined. No one knows how to do this correctly other then the ones that worked on the FFVII project. The only thing that gives you insight of this is a mobile game that revolves around events that happened before FVII. Unfourtanetly the mobile to play this game is a JAPANESE ONLY mobile. (sigh) Yet I might be wrong about doing before FVII events........ So after ADVENT CHILDREN will be the most likely choose. Especially since ADVENT CHILDREN is in DVD now and game fans will be all over it. Again, listen to me on your own risk. You can read what the others and I wrote about this. Yet the true decision is what you really feel on doing. [/SIZE] [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=33999][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Umiko took her clothes off as asked. She pulled out pin needles, combat knife, and a long string of fiber wire out of her bag. The principle did say she can keep any weapon. She put her pin needles in her mouth making sure not to pierce her lip. Her combat knife was held in her right hand, she clenched it trying to get a good grip. She started wrapping the fiber wire around her left hand. She tugged it to tight and her hand started to bleed. Trinkets of blood feel down her palm. Umiko winced, already drawn blood before the fight even began. That was pretty stupid she though to her self, well the fight hasn?t started so is safe to be careless. She licked the blood off; she didn?t want to leave any trails for her predator or prey and off she went to the underground. Umiko started wondering around stupidly. She didn?t know who exactly to go after. She looked around a corner. No one was there, Umiko sighed and turned. Just then she felt a blade poke the back of her head. Umiko froze, her breath went heavy, and her eyes slowly turned trying to look behind her. All she can see is a small glimpse, her breath went heavier. Is this fear or excitement? ?Oh my, what easy prey I caught. Aren?t you that girl? You know the one that always smiles no matter what? Hnn, I knew you where weird yet I wonder how you get this far in the underground. Now let?s see?.turn around.? The guy lowered down his blade. Umiko smiled when she turned around, her breathing returning to normal. ?My, my?.it is you. Thought you be dead by now?? He tilted his head to the side ?Now let?s have fun shall we?? He said taking the first slash. Umiko flipped back taking no damage, lucky! The guy raised is sword and smiled. He mouthed the words ?you won?t be lucky the second time?. He charged at Umiko slashing everywhere. Umiko couldn?t dodge all. He gave her one long slash on her left arm blood slowly dripping to the floor. Her cheeks had three slashes on each side the slashes looking like bleeding whiskers. ?Now, now this is too easy?? The guy stopped as Umiko panted out of breath. ?I thought I had more fun but?.I guess I finish you off now? He rose his blade one last time. Umiko rose up her head and smiled ?I can?t die so ugly like this, blood dripping everywhere. I wanted a beautiful death which I smiled as I died, my skin was had no scars, I hold a rose in my hand, and my flesh won?t decay so if someone takes a picture I look exactly like that wonderful picture for all eternity. I wanted not be devoured by worms, rote in the underground with the rest of the dead bodies. No if I decay, the memory of me will decay. I want it to be saved?in a picture or not to decay at all.? Umiko smile grew. The guy wrinkled his nose at her and charged, ready to stab Umiko right in the stomach. Umiko stood up as he ran closer. He pulled back his sword and pushed forward for Umiko?s stomach. Umiko held the blade with her bare hands. Blood ran down her arms, to her elbow, and drip to the floor. The guy looked up shocked. Umiko stayed with a peaceful smile ?A beautiful death?do you want that too?? Umiko broke the blade off and threw it to the floor. The guy fell to the floor. Umiko walked closer and he crawled back. She pulled out pin needles; the guy got up and started running. She threw it at him it piercing him along his back. He stopped and fell to the floor face down. ?I paralyzed you as you can tell. You won?t be able to move and it going to get harder and harder to breath?but I make sure your skin wasn?t damage. A beautiful death, no scars, but please smile, I don?t know a way to preserve your body. So you?ll decay to the ground and be nothing more, no picture to save your memory.? Umiko unwrapped the fiber wire from her hand. She took of the pin needles and sat in his back. She wrapped the wire around his neck and pulled as hard as she could. He didn?t struggle unable too. Soon Umiko heard him stop breathing. She turned him around, his face hinted terror even with his eyes closed. He didn?t smile as she asked him to. Umiko sighed putting his arms over his chest. She wished she had her camera and a rose to keep his memory at least in a photograph. ------ She killed one person as she was required to, to get out of the Underground. She left going to her locker putting on her clothes. It was hard not to get the blood that caked her skin on her clothes. The palm of her hands was cut which made it difficult to even put her clothes on. Yet in some miracle she was able to put on her skirt, shirt, yet her underwear was the worst challenge. If she didn't spread her legs no one will notice. She sighed hoping no one will notice that she didn?t have a bra on. She looked down on herself. Yeah right! Her chest was pretty large and her shirt didn?t make it any better. She poked the top of her breast and sighed. She bandaged herself off knowing she had to go soon to class. She looked at her bandaged hands. Ha, how can she hold a pen now? [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=33999][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]"Truce?" Umiko said. She looked down at ground and bit her lip. Not kill the rest of this group? She looked around the table. They did survive this long. They could have her back...somehow.Umiko tapped her fingers on the table and thought. She had no real answer or no way to say her answer. A truce seems logical...but. Umiko looked at Toshi and smiled. Toshi blinked and smiled back "Is that a yes?" "Take it... as a yes I... suppouse....." Umiko said still smiling. Toshi smile grew, guessing she was approving. Outside the resturant everyone was leaving. She tapped Kenji's shoulder hoping to leave a final message for today. Kenji turned around and Umiko started talking swiftly "Okay Kenji listen up, by tommorow I want that beard shaved or do I have to shave that Chubaca myself. I swear I do it without a shaving cream and I remember to press really hard. As for your hair, I guess I actually have to fix it. Oh for the underground don't get your too many scars" "Ha your worried I get hurt?" Kenji asked "No I don't care for anything else other then my pictures..." Umiko said grimly. Her face stood emotionless something diffrent from her normal smiling sunshine one. Umiko turned and smiled at the rest of the group as her goodbye. She quickly walked to her house, almost running. The underground is going to one hell of a fight. I guess is time to sharpen does weapons.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=33999][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]The resturant was a bit crowded. She couldn't help bit wonder of from taking picture of Kenji to talking pictures of tables near them. Some of them were happy families, couples on dates, and a group of teens like themselves. She looked a Kenji again a wrinkled her nose. That beard bothered her so much! How can he eat with that? It looks like a chubaca planted on his face! She took a of him eat and almost gaged. "When are you shaving that thing?" Umiko asked moving her camera down. "Never.." Kenji replied "You're not serious?" "Yes, I am." ".....Watch I find a way to shave that thing even against you will. When you sleeping, when you knocked out, or anything! I'll find a way!" Umiko said clentching her fist with fire in her eyes. "Is that some sort of mission...?" "Count on it! You look like your 30! I don't want some old man as my model. No, no I'm very serious about my pictures you know. I mean very, very, serious." Umiko said and pouted " I'm ussually very shy and talk very little. Yet when it comes with my projects I get out of my shell and go all out!" Umiko huffed[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=33999][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]"Okay....as long as I get to shave that beard of yours too." Umiko wrinkled her nose. It looked disgusting. She didn't want to say it to his face of course, that will be rude."Okay...one date. I don't like going out unless it for taking photos." "Okay....." Kenji said. They both stopped talking and Toshi spoke to Kenji. Umiko didn't pay attention to busy cleaning her camera lense. She pulled leafs and twigs laid and stug on her camera as they talked. If they were not talking to her then i didn't matter to her. Toshi walked quickly off after finishing talking. Umiko toke a picture as she walked away. "Okay where is this house of yours. I want to finish this quick..." Umiko said. Kenji faintly smiled and pointed the way. Umiko sighed and walked ahead with Kenji behind her. [/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]"Okay then..." Umiko said and took a picture of him "There one thing...." "What is it?" Kenji said "We need to clean you up. Like shave, cut you hair, and make you take a bath" "I don't stink!" "..........okay" Umiko took a photograph and smiled " We still have to do things to get you really photogenic....I don't ask ANYONE to be my model. I ussually do spontanious photographs. I only doing this for class....." "Gah, I guess..." He frowned "Yet I feel liek I'm taking advantage of this deal..." Umiko bit her lip "What might you want in return?" "In return?" He said and thought.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode] Umiko took a picture of the sitting at Toshi's table. She never saw him before yet she already guessed he can eat like a horse. Umiko sighed wondering why she didn't sit with them. Well there a mighty good reason, she likes to be alone. Umiko sighed and started playing a game in her cellphone. 'SnowBall Fight' was her favorite yet she always wondered why they didn't get sued by the Final Fantasy Company. The victory song for Snowball Fight sounded so much like the victory song for FFVII. Umiko sighed again as the victory song echoed in the lunchroom. She looked back at Toshi's table. The guy was still sitting she held up her camera and took a picture. He was very photogenic, well she considers him. He did look a bit funny looking. Yet he did have a look that caught her interest. Umiko always took pictures that most of the people never knew about. She did need new inspiration and her photography teacher told her they needs models for her new assignment. Umiko sighed, she never had models. She had to ask someone. But how can she have the courage to ask him. Yeah ?Can you please be my model? well work, sure. The lunch bell rang and Umiko sighed. She had to find him in the halls and have him as her model. She walked through the halls looking for him. She just couldn?t find him; she cursed herself for missing her chance. The school was over and Umiko walked home staring at her camera sad she missed her chance. Then she heard noises like there was a fight. She hide behind a street pole and took pictures of the fight. Kenji guy was fighting in it and he looked amazing she thought. If only she took photos when the fight began maybe it would have looked better. People crowded clapping for his big victory. Umiko thought this was a perfect time to ask him! She was about to move when she spotted Toshi moving to him. She stood behind him getting his attention first. Darn with Toshi there she never can get her picture! [/FONT] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=33999][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]Umiko wondered off from everyone else taking pictures around the house. Yes, it might be rude to take picture of someone else house. Umiko really didn?t care, she wanted to remember this night. This was her first time getting invited to someone else house. She had to keep the memory fresh in a solid good picture. Umiko left the party earlier then the rest. After she got her pictures she got her stuff and left. Umiko never felt like interacting with other people, she wasn?t a people person. Her camera was her only friend and the picture memories it took. It might be sad, but true and Umiko wouldn?t want it any other way. She went home, went to bed for school the next morning. She got up, stretched and opened her window. There was a cool breeze outside. Umiko inhaled deeply taking in the air to wake herself up. She rubbed her eyes and looked outside; it was a great day to take pictures. Umiko smiled and felt like the wind was smiling back. Umiko went downstairs to the kitchen. ?U..mi..ko..? He father sang Umiko yawned ?Toast with cream cheese, beacon and orange juice please!? Umiko grabbed her camera on the kitchen table and started cleaning her camera lenses. ?Wow, just an order and command. No hi father ? ?Hi dad, now please toast!? Umiko said. Her father sighed and started doing breakfast. Umiko cleaned her normal lens and snapped it on her camera. She turned it to face her and smiled warmly at her camera. She put the rest of her lenses in her bag and started eating breakfast.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=33999][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Umiko raised up her camera to face the teacher. She pressed the button and took a picture of the teacher with a huge flash illuminating the front of the classroom. The teacher blinked surprised and looked at Umiko. She yelled ?This is no time to take pictures!? Umiko tied her camera back to a string and put it around her neck. She smiled to the teacher as her response. The teacher stared back at her with a frown which slowly turned to a smile. She sighed ?Okay just put it away?? Of course Umiko didn?t? Umiko started taking pictures of everyone as they talked remembering to take of the flash to not surprise her subjects. She took a picture of Fayza almost drift off to sleep; it would have been a pretty picture if she actual fell asleep. Then Umiko took a picture of her talking to Toshi. Umiko then took a picture of Toshi talking to Shun, then to Tosoji. Then she moved around the classroom and took a picture of Toshi talking to Destovi, then Suzu. Umiko thought this was interesting, five out of six pictures Toshi has been walking around talking to others. Umiko continue taking her pictures. After awhile her pictures where as if Toshi was coming closer to her. She kept taking shots as Toshi walked closer, closer, and closer. Umiko looked away from her camera, blinked looked inside her camera, and a huge eye stared back at her. Umiko almost screamed but instead put her camera down. Toshi was right there staring at her. ?Hi!? Toshi said to Umiko ?Nice camera to have there?? Umiko looked down at her camera. She couldn?t think of a real response. Umiko just looked up at her and smiled. Soon Toshi smiled back. ?I?m having a party and I decided to invite you. So what you say?? Toshi asked Okay now she had no answer to that what so ever. Umiko thought for a while then held up her camera and said ?Sure?? From there she took one good picture of Toshi smile grow wider. [/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Name: Umiko Yuki Gender: Female Description:[URL=http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b62/threesummers/1123997008218.jpg]Umiko [/URL] Thoughts on fighting and death: She doesn?t mind fighting due to the fact you always have a live to survive. Even if you don?t fight yourself someone else is fighting for your survival. Death is not what really scares her but what happens after you die. About your body slowly decaying, going back to the ground, and the mind numbing question: heaven or hell? She doesn?t believe people go to either, yet just roat in the ground or you spirit wanders the world. She doesn?t want to get eating by worms yet she is fascinated by the thing called ?death? Personality: Umiko drags her backpack a lot and walks alone in the halls. She usually sits down at lunch playing games on her cellphone in her own little lunch table. She doesn?t have friends since she doesn?t talk to the others. Some people find her weird ?cause she happens to smile out of nowhere sometimes or sits in a dark corner in the hallway. In the underground she tries to shut much emotion she can when she fighting. Pain, remorse, sadness, or anger thinking it will blind her. She smiles just before a battle at her opponent and tries to do things quick. She talks a lot of battle try to make it more pleasant or maybe is to distract the opponent, who knows. She might sound insane when talking. She is ruthless and would do anything to survive. Character details: Umiko is a photographer and loves to take pictures. Her favorite pictures to shoot is when the subject is sleeping or when they don?t know the picture is been taking. She has her own photo room in her house to develop her own pictures.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]?Move please?? Nasca faintly said. Murphy turned his head as pin needles whizzed over his head and pinned the Marines next to Murphy to the bottom of the boat and one to a pole. She pinned down the Marines already on floor down making them unable to get up. Each of them struggled to get up yet the pin needle was pinned too deep and too closely to there skin. ?Did?I?take long?? Nasca asked as she ran towards Murphy. ?Nope, right on time?? Murphy said as a few more marines came. The marines just keep on coming and coming. ?I also got a gun?I think there no ammo?? Nasca hung her head. ?Well we can?t kill a Marine now anyways?? Nasca checked her small handgun, there were only three shots. Well there was only one thing to do now. Nasca pinned down the feet of the Marines surrounding Murphy and her. Each tried to snag there feet of the ground. As there where occupied Nasca got behind some knocking them over the head making fall unconscious, Murphy did the same. One marine as his feet still pinned to the ground fired at Nasca. Nasca ducked and ran towards the marine. Okay, this was the most stupid idea Nasca ever got running straight into an enemy?s fire yet she took the risk. She kept her body low as she ran and tackled the marine?s feet knocking him to the floor as his shoes tore off. The marine head banged hard against the floor knocking him out. Another tried to fire at her. As she still laid on the floor she picked up her gun and fired at the man?s gun knocking it right of his hand. Murphy punched the man?s lights out as he still was stunned. Nasca sat up from the floor and started to pant. Out of this entire excitement one can forget to breath. ?What would we do with the one pinned on the floor. There still awake?? Murphy asked ?Oh no, I totally forgot about them!? Nasca panicked. ?Well there is one thing to do?? Murphy went straight up to one pinned down Marine. The marine looked at him panicking ?What are you going to do?? He said his voice cracking with fear. ?Well this?? Murphy pulled back his arm and punched the lights out of the marine. He did the same for each pinned one. ?Er? that would do?? Nasca said surprised. ------------- Murphy tied up each knocked out Marine together. He finished the last knot and sighed. ?What should we do with them? The can wake up any moment?? Nasca said and thought ?You don?t think we can just throw them overboard?? ?Well Marines can swim can?t they?? Murphy joked ?Well?? Nasca thought. Murphy looked up at the sky thinking as well, to throw over board or not to? [/FONT] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Occ: Okay I hope that was good enough. Like Astidis I been sick and haven?t been on for about 4 days, not even for my one year anniversary on OB yesterday. So I am sorry for not responding sooner. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Eleanor Rose . [B]Age[/B]: 17 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Job[/B]: King's knights/group of Mike's [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL= http://www.negima.ne.jp/images/ver12_03.gif][B]Eleanor[/B][/URL] Eleanor wears a tight fit white dress shirt with a black pined up vest. Her pants are black pinstripe pants. She has two belts that cross each other and hang loosely. Her sword hangs securely on one of her belts. [B]Personailty[/B]: Eleanor is mild manor and ill tempered. If you make her angry is all fury on you. She can be cold at times and might block people out when they are speaking. Yet Eleanor has lots of patience. Her anger and coldness melts quickly when shown true compassion and friendship. [B]Weapon[/B]: Long sword [B]Abilities[/B]: One ability of hers is Hyper Dash which is when she dashes zigzag way killing off enemies. Another is she slashes her sword downward creating a straight clear path through. [B]Bio or character snippet[/B]: [Soon?.major writer block][/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]-coughs- Here I though I was the one who was OB's sadistic member of the month...Isnt that the reason why I am also being stalker as well...isnt it? [FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]To answer your question which only your stalker can answer (Me): Yes that is the reason! XD [/SIZE] [Quote= Raphael][Size=1] Tied to a chair and forced to watch Teletubbies live action for a month non-stop or Hitted by a large truck and brought to hospital with broken bones almost everywhere. Takes one week to recover from the injury. [/quote][/size] [SIZE=1]Well that easy and simple! I rather take the second choice due to I will miss school for a week. Haha, from something bad there must come good. Would you rather: Get beat to death by Winnie the Pooh or Locked in a room with Micheal Jackson and R.Kelly combined (No matter if you are a boy or a girl X3) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Wow, that is a tough question for me. I'm a hyper, crazy, and tom-boyish type of gal. I really don't like changing myself for others. Yet one time I must admit I did act diffrent for a crush. My friend pointed out the change and I couldn't believe it at first. One day, I caught myself in the act. I acted as my friend said girly, serious, a bit bubbly, and un-hyper. My crush liked short girls with long hair and acted 'cute'. I'm a harsh looking girl with long hair, unbelievable height, compatative, hyper, barely serious, and a vidoe game know-it-all so to say. I couldn't be short but I tried to put certain type of make-up and such. When my friend caught myself acting different so did I. I stopped as soon as possible. I soon realized I only liked him because he was 'cute' and nothing else. I felt very shallow from that point and couldn't believe I wanted to change myself because of [I]him[/I]. Don't get me wrong, I like guys for personality alot of the time. That was the [I]only [/I] I acted shallow. I blame it on hormones >.>.....[/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS][strike]would you rather Frolic through a field of pink flowers or would you rather have a fancy like teaparty[/strike] No not even I could suggest that...that would be to painful to have any of you see coming from someone like me.. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Ah, my heart! -grabs her chest and falls over her chair dead- [/SIZE] [Quote=Ikillion][COlor=DarkSlateGray][Size=1][FONT=Comic Sans Ms] Would you rather however be bitten a hundred times by a Brown Recluse spider. ([URL=http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=brown+recluse&btnG=Google+Search&sa=N&tab=wi]click[/URL] to see what a bite looks like.. but be warned the images are rather graphic) Or would you rather be slowly constricted by a Boa constricter only to have you bones be crushed. Then afterwards the snake looses intrest and tries for another prey. However then fire ants come over and slowly begin to eat your body [/quote][/color][/size][/font] [SIZE=1]Ahh, I like both spiders and snakes how can you make me choose between them? Okay, I think I'll choose little Ms.Spider. I could get the medicine to treat the bite quickly as possible. If I can not get treatment then there goes my finger! I think it be more likely my index finger beacause I'll be the stupid person petting the thing. (I have a taranchula for a pet, no lie. I wish I had a snake but my mom is deadly afraid of them) [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Would you rather: [B]Be about 1/4 of a inch tall and be stuck inside the cage of Buffy with Buffy[/B] (My pet spider and this is during the times I forget to fed her >.>) or [B]Be 1/4 of a inch tall and wonder the rat infested streets of NYC.[/B] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]For Delta question: I choose froze bite. I really wouldn't like a disease like leprosy. Ugh, don't you hate when you post about 2 minutes after a person and don't even realize it? [/SIZE]
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9333ff][font=snap ITC]Question, if they messed w/ your thoughts and feelings how would you know you still have them? Right now though I'd rather not have any memories [/center][/b] Ok so that wasn't a fair question? Too bad.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Not really, your memories would be mixed up, some new memories would be put in or someone else memories would be inserted in your brain. You know that kind of thing....[/SIZE] [Quote=NekoSama101] here's a tough one: would you rather be stalked or stalk?[/quote] [SIZE=1]Wow, I feel like that question was brought up because of me. Yes, I am a stalker and proud of it! Yet I can't feel deeply hurt by that question. I'm not a maniac stalker. I stalk people mainly for fun. The people on my stalk list are people that peek my interest. For example, Ikillion and his gory, imaginative, and crazy choices. Yes, I am a stalker I will not lie. So since my currrent occupation is 'stalker' then I have to go with the second choice! I like stalking people! I like killing things! Oops, that slipped out...haha Would you rather? [B]Locked in a room with Barney [/B] or [B]Locked in a room with Elmo Occ: I MEANT ELMO! Not emo...>.>[/B][/SIZE]