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Everything posted by SlowChemical
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi rolled her eyes and shook her head. She tapped on Shun shoulder and said " Can you let a girl do her job?" "Huh?" Shun looked at her "You see he came after me and my friends. Meaning were the ones to take him down. Please no more super hero, I get it enough from the guys laying on the floor oozing blood" Hitomi shook her head " Shoot i forgot about him..." Hitomi let out a sigh " I go take care of Lee's wounds while you stall to the rest of the girls get here..." Hitomi said moving toward Lee. Damn how can she forget about him. "Are you okay?" Hitomi said squating down and moving Lees hair from his face "Yes...i'm laying on the floor...coughing..out blood....just peachy.." Lee said in a weak voice "Can you cut me the sarcasim?" Hitomi said ripping a pieace of her pajama and trying to stop the bleeding. She went to the get the first aid kit. "You be fine..your in my hands. Wow that didn't sound very nice coming from me now? You probaly hate my guts.." Hitomi said wiping the blood from the wet pajama cloth. Then she put some disefecting on his wound. She wrapped it up and sighed. " Just live can ya? Don't die please I beg. If you live this, i don't care if you ever see me again at all. I be fine just knowing your alive" Hitomi gave a warm smile. She took otu something out her pocket " Here drink this...it well help you regain some blood..." Hitomi put the bottle on his mouth. Ugh so this is like having a baby? [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi norrowed her eyes at Lee " You think I'm weak huh? I need no one to stand by my side and hold my hand.." Hitomi said getting in fighting position and taking out her shuriken " I don't need you or anyone to protect me!" Hitomi yelled and threw her shuriken at the assisan. The assisan moved and it gave him a slight cut on his cheek. The shuriken came back to hitomi hand. The guy tilted his head and touched his cheek. "That is pretty impressive little lady.." The assisan said grinning " Thank you. Sorry but you have to be my punching bag today! I been threw alot of stress espiecally from that guy on the floor not moving right now." Hitomi smiled and titlted her head " Sorry to hurt such a pretty face.." "Hnn.." The assisan grinned " Are you sure you should be saying that a front of your boyfriend? But thanks anyways now let get started sha'll we?" He said getting ready " Not really my boyfriend..it very complicated. You wouldn't understand" Hitomi said holding her shuriken tight. She wanted to buy sometime for the rest to get here.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]"CHIEF! I mean....crap stupid habits i need to break!" Hitomi said cursing herslef.Hitomi ran to Lee and slapped his face "Damn you idiot get up why don't ya!? Ugh okay forget enemie shit and just wake up. You can do whatever you want. Kiss me, hug me, marry me even! Just get up!"She looked at the guy at the door. She norrowed her eyes and said " This isn't a really good time! I have soooo much anger to spill...I guess you be my punching bag..." Hitomi said. Hitomi ran to the living room to get her 4-pointed shuriken. The guys just simply walked " Why do they always make this harder? Ugh...girls.." Hitomi jumped behinde the sofa grabbing the phone and her shuriken. She called Tomoe and Mailynn on three-way. "Girls i'm in big trouble!" Hitomi said " What is it Hitomi!" Tomoe said " Is something really wrong happened?" Mailynn said "Don't know the half of it...First her comes Lee from the Dead..." Hitomi began " WHAT LEE'S ALIVE?" Tomoe said shocked "Not only that he kissed me and crap then a stupid stranger came into my house. Some stupid assasins again! He also put some curse on Lee" Hitomi said " We be there!" Mailynn said "Hey that is my line..." Tomoe said "Hey when was it your line?" Mailynn said "Since i'm the leader. I am fire element" " We didn't vote on it" "UGH JUST FORGET TOMOE"S RIGHT SHE THE LEADER BLAH BLAH JUST GET YOUR ASSES HER AND HELP ME!" Hitomi yelled and hanged up. The guy's footsteps were getting closer by the second. Crap thi is the last thing she needed, along with Lee coming and having a curse![/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi looked at Lee shocked as Lee kissed her. What the hell when she thought she might forget him, he goes and kisses her. Damn why did Lee had to be so darn irresistible? Hitomi closed her eyes and kissed him back. This sucks, he should hate her. He should be getting is revenge. Why didn't he? Ugh why does he had to be the better person. Hitomi put her hand on his chest and push him lightly away from her. " You should hate me...not kiss me you idiot. Don't you know the rules of enemies?" Hitomi said turning her head away from him [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi felt something press against her lips. Her eyes flutered yet did not open. She turned around to the window. She flung her eyes open and saw it was still raining. "The earth hates me huh? Won't let me sleep.....What else want me to get hit my lighting...not stop by that! Kill everyone and everything i know! EVen my dog if I had one..." Hitomi huffed and datup from her bed. She ruffled her hair and sighed. "Maybe some warm milk will help me sleep.." Hitomi said getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen. When she reached the kitchen she drank from the milk carton. As she drank she noticed a trinklets of blood on the floor. SHe knew it couldn't be from her blood stained hands earlier. The blood looked to freash and when she got home Lee's blood was already dry on her hands. SHe wiped of her milk mustache from her brow. She followed the blood outside her door and into the rain. She look up to the sky. " Why doesn't anything lead you into anything nice and cozy? Maybe something DRY!" Hitomi yelled. She sighed and heard a rustling noise. Her eyes widen and looked at some bush. With a faint vioce she said "Lee..." The rustling stopped. " Is you isn't it? Why won't you come out?" Hitomi heard the rustling start again and when she took a step foward it stopped. " Ohh i see....I'm not worth seeing huh?" Hitomi smiled " No skin off my nose. I just wish you never met me. Maybe if you didn't you be happier you know? Like you wouldn't be dead...Your dead aren't you a zombie or something?" Hitomi shook her head " It doesn't matter. I guess i have to move on right....have to protect does how need protection. Fight evil and crime were ever it goes! Hehe i sound like a super hero!" Hitomi laughed. No responds or no signal of a response. " I don't expect you to listen to my ramble...but i have to move one. With or without you...god what I'm i saying. It sounds like we had something for each other.Does kisses didn't mean anything huh? Maybe not to you..ugh you never knew what was going throw your head anyways.I'm acting like we were boyfirend or girlfriend or something. Must be the rain.." She looked back up to the sky and then to the ground " Ugh you just a animal huh? I forest creature? What a bunny? Maybe a deer? If a lucky I get a bear to eat me!" Hitomi smiled and walked back inside.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Real Name: Fay Strife Code Name: Envy Age: 22 Weapons: Shotgun, magnum, and a rocket luncher Gender: Female Reason for participating: Fay looks outside the window as the train moves. It was pouring outside and the humidity made the window foggy. "Fay your knew foster parents are nice. I meet them you be fine..." I social worker lady told her " The just want me for the stupid money.Does selfish bastards....they don't want me...." Fay said still looking outside " Fay..." The socail worker said reaching to touch Fay's hair "Get your filthy hands away from me" Fay said and frowned "Oh...yes..." Social lady stoped and walked away from her seat. Fay hated going from foster family to the next. Ever since her family got killed. She hated all does people with mom's and dads ,all happy and smiling. SHe will give everything she had to be one of does people. To have her mother and a father. SHe didn't had much really. Just that stupid rabbit her mother gave her even though she was too old for it. Also some info on the people that killed her family. Some freaking mob boss or something called "Mr.Faith". She wish she died along with them. The only reason she surivive is because of the bullet shoot not hitting any major organs. Yet she can still taste the pool of blood her parents where laying on dead. She can hear the gun shoots fired. It happen so quick it was all a blur. It was too hard to remember like she wanted to remember. Fay squeeze her stuffed rabbit tight and ripped off one of its ear. She hated Mr.Faith for doing this to her. She was jelouse of the people who had parents. Never knowing what they got until is taking away from them. "Fay...get up sweety is time to leave the train..." A social worker said Fay looked at her in disgust " Leave me along why don't you?" Fay said walking out the train as the social worker follow. She stepped at the platform and whispered " I get this Mr.Faith..." Fay took the ripped out rabbit ear and throwed it at the ground. "I can always help..." somone said Fay glared " Hey Mister shut up don't you? Don't you think you should leave a girl to ripp her rabbit to shreds....How are you anyways?!? Who said you can earsdrop like that!? And how can you help?!?" Fay yelled " In more ways then one...."[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]((Occ: Do you mind if a do the appearance later?)) Name: May Croft Age: 16 Gender: Female Class: Magician Appearance: Character Snippet: "Okay..err what is it again?" May said thinking for a moment. May search rigorously for a book in the many tall piles around her room. She climb one hug pile. On the top of the pile there was a book with a shiny blue cover. She reached for the top and slipped with the whole pile fall right after her. She submerged from the mess she created with the shiny blue cover book. " Okay! Lets see..." May said searching in the book. She turned the page and found it. "YES! Perfect..." May said and smiled. At that time the door flung open and her teacher came in. "May!?" Her teacher growled " Ugh..yes..." May said nervously as she got up and looked at her teacher " Look at this mess! You better pile this books up again..." He said walking over the pile of books and getting to May. "Yes mam..." "Also have you been studying you summons and rituals?" "Err...yes mam.." "Hnn.." Her teacher leaned foward and stared at her "You been looking to summon ghost again right? Bring people from the dead?" "Err no mam!" May said quickly scared out of wits "I told you is magic not to be tampered with and to strong for you.." "Yes mam...i know... you told me.." May said looking down. Her teacher pat her on the head and left. As her teacher left and closed ther door May smiled. She gott he blue shiny book from the ground and sat down to read. "Sorry teacher but i have too! Summon a human being from the dead is just to challenging not to learn!"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic] Hitomi got the keys to her house and open the door. She yelled saying that she was home. No one replied. Great alone again in this big house. She sighed, if only her parents knew what was going on. What just happen today. If they knew she actually killed somone. Will the still love her? SHe doubt they even loved her now. Hitomi took of her shoes and starting to get ready for bed. She took a long shower, brushed her teeth and try to get the smell of blood off her hands. She tied back up her wound, that she got today. People well absolutely freak if the saw her big bruise and cut. She put on her pajamas and sat down on her bed. She didn't feel like sleeping much. So she stood there for a while in the dark by herself. Thinking about what just happen. Looking back to her moment of insanity. She realized if he did come back to life, she must not hesitate to kill him. She looked out the window and saw it was raining. She got up and wiped off the fog from the window. SHe saw outside and it seem to be pouring. The rain was always had a sad quality to it. Some people call it romantic and beautiful ,but it just made Hitomi want to cry with the sky.Lee would probaly agree wth her or call her a wimp. It wasn't fair, she was the one to felt like crying. To wanted to seek comfort but the only one who could she killed. She shook her head and the fog appeared again on her window. She took of her slippers and layed down on her bed, not facing the window. She didn't want to see the sky cry. No not if she was the one who desrved to cry.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi was on her knees with her head lowered. " I had to do it...he was going to kill me. He could have left free if he...just..listened. He was..still human...still..human." Hitomi voice was but a whisper. " You idiot...you stupid fool. I pierced you heart as you pierced mine. Yet is..not fair.." Hitomi shook her head. Tomoe looked at patted Hitomi in the back. "I promise myself i wouldn't cry.." Hitomi said " Crying helps sometimes..." Tomoe said " I won't...He could heal right! I don't think the darkness would let him go that easy right! Maybe they still have use for him and heal heal!" Hitomi tole Tomoe actually raising her head Tomoe shook her head "If he did we have to kill him..." "I won't give up.." Hitomi said walking to Lee's body and pick it up. "Hitomi stop being folish.." Mailynn said " Just leave it alone...what your going to do with it?" "Bury it...him" Hitomi said dragging Lee's body " Damn you not ass light as you seem!" Tomeo and Mailynn looked at each other. OKAY! They agree Hitomi had lost her mind. The thought just to help them bury him to ease her soul. After they buried him Hitomi kneeled down and put a letter on top of a grave. " If you can read it says that i'm sorry." Hitomi said and smiled " For everything, if you do rise off from the dead...heal from that wound. Go ahead and get you vegence on me, since i killed you. Evil or not you were still a close friend of mine. Dearest of all" Hitomi smiled. Hitomi got up and smiled at Mailynn and Tomoe. "COME ON I"M SOOOOOOO SLEEPY! Don't we have school tommorow or something?"[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi looked at Lee and then to Shun. She slapped her forhead. CRAP TWO OF THEM NOW! This is starting to piss her off. She thought of doing something but...it was risky. Then she remembered that is not them anymore. There no soul-less biengs now. Not Lee anymore, not Shun anymore. She didn't want to see how Tomoe was handling this. Seeing SHun like this an all. SHe shook her head and started doing hand symbols. With her full concetration Shun and Lee both feet were sunk into the rock. "Crap i can't move..." Lee said trying to get his feet out of the solid rock "Ugh..." Shun got angry " That not all!" Hitomi said as both of them started to sink further into the rock. Until only there heads where popping out. "You know you guys look funny like this" Hitomi smiled " Ugh...i get you for this.." Lee said struggling to get out. "Sorry but that solid rock there! What you expect it was sand box?" Hitomi grinned. She really didn't know what to do now. Finish them off or let them be stuck in the rock 'until the find a way out. They would leave them with a warning no to harm a living soul. SHe really didn't want to kill. "Tomoe..?" Hitomi said with her head down looking at her own feet. "leave it Hitomi...." Tomoe said " This is only a warning, if we see you again...we have no choice to kill you." "I have to make people suffer as I suffered...." Lee grinned "You really think this will contain me?" The girls heard what he said but already started to leave. "Girls lets go..." Tomoe said while Hitomi and Mailynn nodded. The all left living the boys behind. "To kill a human life, to save many. Are you even consider human if your consumed by darkness? Once a humna always a human...does that go for everyone?" Hitomi whispered as she walked with her head down. "Hitomi you said something?" Tomoe asked "NO! Not at all!" Hitomi said cheerfully "Just tired, i need to sleep!" She streached and yawned "What a long day!" " Is been tough...I'm proud of all of you." Tomoe smiled. Hitomi and Mailynn nodded there heads.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hitomi ran ignoring ever ounce of physical pain she had. Hitomi who was in the lead, was soon runing behinde Tomoe and Mailynn. "Are you okay Hitomi?" Mailynn said with worry " We can always so donw.." Tomoe said "NO WAY!" Hitomi smiled " You can't slow down because of me! Is no big!" " Your in denail..." " Ya Hitomi stop lying" " What is a lie but to cover up the truth. If people always knew the truth the world be full of sorrow. I rather live a lie then know any truth at all.." Hitomi said lowering her head while still runing. Tomoe and Mailynn looked at each other. There really worried about Hitomi. What happen to the cherful, spunky, loud girl they knew? The one who kicked butt in baseball? Hitomi was runing with tears in her eyes. She wish this never happen. SHe already had enopugh problems. Her father and mother are in the break of a divorce. She was always alone. No one dare cared what she thought in her family. She was the only child so she has no one to talk too at all. NOW the only guy she cared about was a full blown killing machine. She hated to cry, she haven't cried in so long. Tonight her tears flowed like a river.She can't cry anymore..no not anymore.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi was asleep for a while. Her wounds were treated and covered. She woke up and panic. Where was she?!? Where Lee!?! Tomoe!?! Shun!?!? SHe looked around looking everywhere. She grabbed her head and remembered...Lee is gone. He truely gone. She put her hand into a fist and pounded on her leg. She was going to kill him and end it all. He was going to die by her hands, end him from his sorrow. SHe got up from her resting place and quickly fell back on the ground. Her wound was still tender, damn it. Mailynn ran to her side and asked "Hitomi you must rest..." "I swear i'm fine!" Hitomi got up on her feet "No biggy fast healer see?" Hitomi smiled "Hitomi i know your hurting, inside and out. I know what happen i saw....and Makai told me." " You know nothing...Makai no nothing. That was not him, not anymore..." Hitomi shook her head "He must be destroyed at all cost..." Tomoe walked in and frown "Don't be so rash Hitomi.." " Tomoe you should see his face...he accept it. He wanted this to become what he is now..." Hitomi said " There must be.." Tomoe was cut by a far away explosion sound. "THAT IS PROBALY HIM TOMOE!" Hitomi pointed outside "You don't know how he looked after he transformed. He look coold..his eyes looked like it had no feeling. He ain't the same Lee.." Hitomi shook her head and mumered "not my Lee" Tomoe looked oustside the window and saw fire not so far away. Explosion after explosion. Did Lee have no mercy? Hitomi put on her custom and ran outside " HITOMI STOP RUSHING INTO THINGS!" Mailynn said and put on her cotume too she found not long ago. SHe ran after Hitomi. " I AM THE ONLY ONE WITHOUT A NINJA COSTUME!?" Tomoe said runing after them.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi clenthing her stomach still. She looked at Lee with pure hatered. "Your weak minded. Falling into the darkness. Is the voice really that tempting? Do you really hate us all that much? You hate me that much? Your worthless....."Hitomi voice kept getting weaker. "I can't believe i look up too you. I'm stupid of thinking you more than just a friend. Now i know your just a piece of shit, that can't let go of the dumb past. Your parents die so what? SO YOU ALWAYS PITY YOURSELF" Hitomi yelled " You even to scare to get revenge, let it go and live your life....I hate you Lee. I dispise you..." Hitomi spit on Lee's shoes. Hitomi then fell and layed down on the ground. She was laying on a pool of her own blood. She was stupid, just plain stupid. She shouldn't have never trusted of Lee, not at all. Hitomi clenthed the ground and strated to cry. "Hate me all you want...it be easier for me" Lee smiled She let herself get carried by Makai. SHe needed a friend right now.She really needed a friend.... [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi eyes widen "Your parents..." Hitomi looked away from Lee and thought. He never mentioned his parents. Not even the years she knew him. Hitomi looked back at Lee " He killed your parents...that man..." "Yes..." Lee said angry "Don't get angry at me! It ain't my fault you feel into your ancestor palm. Fell into the pitiful darkness. I thought you were stronger then that. I trusted you...with everything I had. Yet you go over fall into there plan and hurt me" Hitomi yelled at Lee. She tried to hold back tears. This wasn't about her.Lee was hurting and she was been selfish Lee kinda took a step back from this " It wasn't my fault! THEY..IT TOOK OVER!" Hitomi winced and grabbed her stomach.The wound haven't been taking care off. She tried to ignore it and pass it off as not so seriouse wound. It hurt so bad now, that her vision was getting blurry. She barely can stand on her feet. All this stress has gotten to her. "Crap..." Hitomi fell on her knees and kept holding her stomach. SHe was bleeding from her stomach. She holded out her hand and saw her own blood. Lee did this too her. She shook her head and grabbed her stomach again. Damn it...damn it all...she can't let Lee see her now weak. He probaly think is a time to attack. Damn it...damn it to hell.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic] Hitomi norrowed her eyes. This guy is talking alot of bullshit. How many people are out to kill them? Lee, Makai and this stupid assasin people. She shook her head "We have not time for this. After we get this Shun out of the battlefield." " Hitomi lets hurry...his lossen blood" Tomoe said Hitomi nodded " Do as you please Makai after this. I'm not afraid to die" Hitomi said as she and Tomoe dragged Shun back to the shrine. Tomoe and Hitomi sat him down. His wound didin't look good. Great the asshole had to go and play hero. He should have left it them. NO! He had to be mister DUN DUN! Save the day man! Hitomi shook her head. That lady that Shun hurt had gotten up holding her wound. She saw her get up when there were talking to Makai. "They lady is up" Hitomi said "I know....let's leave Shun here and fight.." Tomoe said "He be okay the blood seemed to stop.." Hitomi nodded "Okay" When they got back to the battle field, that Miss Fu was fully recorved. She looked completly unharmed, her dress wasn't even torn. She was setting on a tree stump, waiting for there return. "Ohh your here..Then the real fun well begin" Miss Fu smiled " Crap" Hitomi cursed under her breath " Don't let your gaurd down Hitomi. She dangerous sure of it" Tomoe said "Thank you hun" Miss Fu got up and dust of her dress. Hitomi got to fighting position and reached for her shuriken. In the corner of her eye, see swear she saw Lee. Hitomi went into furry. She turned her head, and heard of swift movement. It was LEE! She ran after him, she wasn't about to let him go. Was he there seen them...trying to find his big moment to attack? Off to finish the job? "HITOMI GET BACK HERE! WHAT THE HELL YOUR DOING!" Tomoe yelled "Destroying and old fond memory..."Hitomi mumered as she ran after Lee. ((OCC: Four-pointed shuriken is like a gaint heavy ninja star. Instead of holding it from the tips you hold it from the bar on the middle. You can see this in Naruto or FFVII Yuufie first weapon))[/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi went upstairs to the attic. She knew she must find something there. She searched to the old dusty boxes. Nope..nothing in this box. She toss that box away. Nope, nope, nope...err nope not that either. She checked all the boxes, nothing. She sighed and saw one box in the far corner of the attic. She walked to it and opened it. Inside there was a four-pointed shuriken, and a ninja custome her size. She smiled and thought to put it on. Hitomi put it on and it fit perfect. She decided to look at herself in a old tall mirror. She look like a acient time ninja. Hitomi put on a big grin.Small, deadly and cute to boot! She picked up the shuriken she found with the custom. It look pretty heavy put she picked it up at ease. She didn't know that the other found Lee. She was going out to find him. She thought, maybe she might have to fight him. She well if she had too. SHe opened the attic window and jumped of from it. She landed on the tree and climb down it. Okay not a ninja yet.... SHe still couldn't believe herself or Tomoe. SHe did open the ground once. Heck must have been Tomoe! She just wanted to deny things, deny everyhhing. She jumped got out of the tree and decided to see Tomoe first. "Maybe she at her house? Tired to find the stupid ass...we probaly have to take shifts" Hitomi said "She love the things i found! [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi woke of pretty tired. She looked out the window of her room and saw it was still dark. She still had her clothes on and not her pajamas. She got out of her bed sleepy. She went inside the kitchen and toke out the milk carton. 'Ugh there never hear so what the heck?' She thought drinking out of the milk carton. Hitomi streached and sighed. " I hope is just a dream...ugh...ancestors...blah..blah..firends out to kill me and other friends...blah blah...ohh yes and a freakish powers which i have to get naked to use! WOW WHAT A HORRIBLE DREAM!" Hitomi yelled and sat down on the kitchen chair. She ruffled her hair and yanwed. SHe knew it wasn't a dream. No it couldn't be the thing was to vivid. It like is stuck in her brain. The pain was too real. Ugh the pain. Hitomi touched her stomach and moved acroos to her ribs. She tried to ignore the pain, but it was too hard. WHo done this?...Oh yes good old friend Lee. When she sees him again she going to hurt him so bad! UGH! Just the thought of him makes her blood boil. She shook her head trying to clear her thought. She took out her cellphone and called Tomoe. " Hello Tomoe? Did you find the bastard....I mean chie- I mean Lee yet?" Hitomi said " No we have been searching.." Tomoe said concerned " Oh...I see...bye" Hitomi closed her phone.She looked outside and maybe thought she should go and find him. Ugh...she should..for old time sake.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi got up holding her stomach. "Great that was exactly what a need....I friend gone crazy". Hitomi quickly try to ignore the shooting up and down her body pain. She tood straight up and look around. She whistled " Wow he messed up this place..." She saw Tomoe get up. " Crap..." Tomoe said sitting up Hitomi squat down next to Tomoe " The fool kicked us all and ran off." SHe said resting her face on the palm of her hand. "What should we do? I think we should go after Lee, see what wrong really..." Tomoe said thinking hard. "Do what you want. I lost all confidence to that boy..." Hitomi said plainly "Your joking right?" Tomoe said astonish "Nope, i wish i was" Hitomi said and got up. "I be home sleeping now." Hitomi toke a big yawn and streached.She got her shoes and walked outside. " [I]I guess the only guy you can trust is your own father. HA! I don't even trust him." [/I] She thought as she was walking home. She thought she trusted Lee, now he lunches a big freaking energy to her stomach, ya great. Now she lost all hope for the little fool.SHe wonder if Mailynn got into this crap too. Shun seem to be on the good side for how long? Also the guy Mailynn hangs around with?...Err Makai?. SHe couldn't think any longer. She got out her keys and open the door. She kicked of her shoes and went to sleep not even putting on her pajamas. "One less person to care about on my list" She said about Lee as she fell into deep sleep.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi reached for something on her back as she was runing. Her hand grabbed nothing. "CRAP!...damn were is the stupid shuriken?" Hitomi thought. Great why did they have to come when she was just learning? Why did they have pick after a month or two?After she learn some ninja techniques or two. OR AT LEAST WHEN SHE FIND AN NINJA ILLUSION FOR SOME CLOTHES!. Hitomi huffed and heard someone was close by them. " Tomoe she coming near...." Hitomi said "I know..." Tomoe thought for a second " Damn how were get in time for Lee" Hitomi blinked " Hnn...I stay you go on ahead. You go find Lee and protect the stupid idiot. I give him five seconds before we had to save his ass..." Tomoe got confused " But..." " Just go..." Hitomi said as she stop in her tracks and faced the other way in attack position. " Okay Hitomi good luck" Tomoe said as she ran foward and went to get Lee. Hitomi sighed as she waited to the lady to come " After this a be categorizing cuts by size and deepness, starting by mine, then Lee, maybe TOmoe...wonder who else is in this crap." Hitomi shook her head[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi sighed " THis isn't easy huh?" " Nope not at all. Ki is hard to control needs full concetration, but you get it. I swear " Tomoe said "Okay..." Hitomi scratched her head. Hitomi heard footsteps. After a while they stopped " TOmoe..something is here." Hitomi said getting itno fighting stance. " Ya i know..." Tomoe said. The both got into fighting stance. The heard a big thunk on the door. They winced. It kept on...thunk...thunk...thunk. The last thunk the door fell " God i hate doors..." One women said " I was thinking of a more graceful entrance Hitomi yelled " SHUT UP LADY! Get out.. we don't want to hurt you!" Hitomi yelled " Hurt me...ya right." ((OCC: Ohh yes Lilt said in the underground that when ever you want post the guys post there ancestors thingy. I think were going with the asssan idea?)) [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi got out of the water. She mabey thought this be the one she was sure of it. She got in to a land base field. Hitomi stomped the ground. Maybe that would work. Nothing at all. She stomped again. Nothing at all. Okay this was getting annying. She jumped up and down on the ground. Nothing. UGh okay this is it. She kicked the ground and swinged her arms widly. " WHY WON"T THIS WORK". SHe said and swinged a arm forward. A few rocks can up as she swinged. " Stay that form!TRy to hold it!" Tomoe said "Er...okay..." Hitomi kinda send her hand up on the air. She clentch her hand and the rocks shattered creating dust. Some voiced gigled " Light as a feather yet,can control earth. Being one of the tall girls, weight lifter wasn't my thing. Pretty good combination don't you think?" Hitomi noded " Ohh good, Mimirue controler of earth, weopon maker/master, and don't forget cute to boot" Tomoe coughed " Did you really had to make all this dust?" Hitomi scrathed her head " Hehe sorry got carried away!" (( Occ: YEP! Thinking of earth. SInce Hitomi is pretty light, yet can control earth and left heavy stuff is unexpected. Expect the unexpected ^^))[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi try her bestif she could control the water. She try to move her hands a certain way. Nothing at all. Hitomi said angry " it ain't working..." Tomoe frowned " Try harder" . Hitomi splashed, kicked, and try as her might to control the water. " THE ONLY THING I"M CONTROLING IS HOW STUPID I LOOK!" Hitomi said pissed. God i bet her ancestor probally laughing her ass off, rolling at the ground try to stop laughing so hard. " Can we try something else? Wind...ohh about Earth?!" Hitomi asked [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi marched back down stairs and yelled at Lee " YOU GO DO IT! I DON"T KNOW HOW TO PLEASE A GIRL! YOUR A MEN GET UPSTAIRS!" Hitomi yelled and pushed Lee upstairs "WHAT I"M I SOPPOUSED TO DO?" Lee frowned " DON"T KNOW DON"T CARE YOUR PROBLEM!"[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi slapped her forehead " You can't what?..ugh Tomoe..." She closed the door. Before she closed it she said "Try harder or something...it ain't our problem" " I just be on the computer" Lee said "Okay..." Hitomi said and got a kiss on a cheek. She blushed and saw Lee wasn't there. She touched her cheek and thought "Okay...that was wierd...that it was a one night stand thing....what i'm i going to do?" She slapped her forhead again and went downstairs to rest. God she can hear the bed squeek from here.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]"No one wants a blood stained couch. Is hard to get the blood out you know" Hitomi said putting disafecting on it " Ohh that stings" Lee squinted " Duh, what you thought? It be pleasent. You cut will take forever to heal and the germs from the cut can be fatal." " Uh..huh" She wrapped it up and sighed. This stinks...what next? We all get bommed and sent to hell? [/FONT] [/COLOR]