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Everything posted by SlowChemical

  1. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi cursed under her breath. She shouldn't have let that happen. Should have whooped does guys. She looked at Tomoe and she knock out. Her eyes where losing color and seemed to have no pupil. "CRAP!" She let out and ran to Tomoes side. She tapped on Tomoe's face trying to wake her up. For some strange reason she knew that curse...and it didnt look good.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi grinned after she say what was happening to Lee. SHe really didn't mean too but it just happened. Some voice said " What a pretty demise for and idiot.." Hitomi shook her head and got off Lee and Tomoe. " Okay we can help him...he getting whooped there" " Finally! What took you so long Hitomi?" Tomoe asked " The guy could have going to get badly hurt now" Shun said " I don't...know...BUT LETS HURRY AND GET IN THERE!" Hitomi said runing to the fromt door, as the rest followed[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi looked inside the window of Lee's house. The rest were helping her up to the window. " Hurry up Hitomi what going on?" Tomoe said " Ya come on" Shun said " Well some girl, some dudes...and CRAP they are going to hurt LEE" Hitomi said " Should we go in?" SHun said " Ya lets do.." Tomoe said " No...lets stay...watch" Hitomi said plainly [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi got dressed and went home. She got her keys and open the door of her house. Her mother was never really home, always on call in the hospital. Her father always worked late nights wouldn't come home 'till very late. Hitomi sighed and took of her shoes on the steps. She put on her sandals and started walking to the kitchen. She felt a bit tired, what she had with Lee was....specail. She smiled in rememberence. She got tea and sat down on the chair. She looked at the calendar. DAMN! Tomoe's b-day is coming up, what I get her? She panick err...stuffed dog...makeup set? She yawned 'I think on it in the morning'. She left the barely sipped tea in the kitchen. She put on her black pajamas ans went to sleep. Yawn what an tiring day.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi hugged Lee tight squishing her breast against his chest. Hitomi licked his lips and shifted one leg over his, bringing him closer to her body.She tranced her hand down his back and touched his butt. She grin and stuck her tounge inside his mouth. Damn was Tomoe being loud over there...a howler ain't she?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi kinda sat up as Lee kissed her breast. She had his head where she wanted.She smiled and leaned forward. She kissed his ear and licked it. She bit his ear and Lee stopped for a moment. She whispered to his ear " Shh..please..don't stop" Lee continued. Then she traced his neck and shoulder with her tounge.[/FONT] [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi let out a tiny moan as Le placed his hands on her breast. She kissed him in the most passoinate way. She loved it, she loved the tatse of him. She licked her lips and kissed him more. "mm...chief.." Hitomi said.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi was more then surprised Lee made the first move. She don't she probaly had to lead,hehe. Hitomi and Lee got into a more passionate kiss as Lee slowly pressed her down on the floor. Hitomi liked Lee for sometime, the jokes, the calling names, were just notices. She really couldn't get to close o him 'till tonight. He always seem like she didn't mean anything more than a friend. She thought maybe is hormones talking control, or he actually liked her. Either way she going to enjoy the moment. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi smiled. Lee wasn't making complete sence. He seemed nervouse, that made Hitomi happy.Lee kinda seemed to be trying to stare at something. "Whats on your mind?" She asked " Er...huh...umm.." Lee try to reply. "W/e it is just do it"[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi was watching the movie and saw Lee was bored to death.She wouldn't be surprised if he got a dagger from the wall and carve his own eyes out. She smiled and sat next to Lee. " Like movie?" Hitomi asked " Huh what?...w/e it sucks hard" Lee replied " Ohh it does?" Hitomi said, while laying her head on Lee's shoulder. She wonder what would be his responds? She smiled at the thought of it.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi pour some water on her and dried herself off. She wrapped the towel around her. She smiled a bit, this isto much fun. Hitomi was kinda dissapointed Lee didn't do all her body. Also that she didn't get to scrub him down. She thought she get him later, count on it![/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi raised and eyebrow " Oh really?" She can see Lee blush. She loved it wondered how much more can she kept it up. "Continue Lee you haven't finished". Lee started up again all red. How fun![/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi decided to play his game " Why not Lee ,you can wash the front" Hitomi said turning to him." Go ahead, finish up for i can wash yours" Hitomi smiled. Hehe how she loved to tease Lee. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi smiled at Lee "Chief can you sponge me down? Help me clean up please? I Do the same" She said to Lee handing him the sponge. "Remember to get wash me down good" She winked at Tomoe " Ya Shun you heard the girl , wash down good" Tomoe smiled[/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi laughed " What else do boys fantasies?" " Girls rolling in mud?" Tomoe said " Oh yes me can do that! Wait sorry boys are bath is ready and i don't want to get cleaned up .Then dirty again...." Hitomi laughed "Sorry guys maybe next time" Tomoe laughed aswhile[/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi gigled " You know what you look better undressed Lee". Tomoe started laughing harder. She good see Shun stare at her and Tomoe. She and Tomoe looked at each other then at Shun " You know don't have to undress us with your eyes were already undressed" Hitomi said to Shun " No extra effort" Tomoe laughed "And more times the fun!" Hitomi gigled[/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi kinda mad that she didn't cling Shun out at strip poker. Damn was he good! She got both her and Tomoe naked quick. She covers her chest with her arms. " DAmn is cold in here..." Hitomi said " Ya i know..." Tomoe said as she covered her chest too " Well i saw Lee drool like a mad man" " Yep ain't he a bit surprised to see two naked girls afront of him" " Probaly made his day" Hitomi laughed[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi yawned and streached wide. She opened on of her eyes and looked at Lee " Chief i can here ya you know? I always thought you were the beast that dwells within" She said sleepily.She got up and looked around. This was not her house "Err where I'm I?" Hitomi said confused. " Ugh you forget? First you were my house because you feel asleep on my back, then we are here at Tomoes." Lee said sipping tea " Ohh ya i forget..." Hitomi said with a bit of a smile while scratching her head." Ugh i got knocked out, huh it was tiring today right chief?" SHe said streaching some more.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi rolled around on Tomoe's couch. She streached out and had one feet dangling over the edge. She was still fast asleep, her snoring filling up the room. She didn't fill up to much space in the couch. When she sleeped she always looked like a napping kindergarten. Lee called her "snorlax" because, she eat and sleeped, eat and sleeped. " Umm french fires, milkshake, double cheese burger!" Hitomi whispered in her sleep with a big grin. Err Snorlax it is....[/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi yawned kinds noded back and forth from sleep and awake.She saw Lee sipping tea edge of the couch. " Chief...can i..ask..." She got half asleep " Hnn what you want?"Lee asked "hnnn....forget it..."Hitomi didn't want to explain. She just wanted really forget what she heard when she slept.She got up from the couch turn to face Lee " What is it now?" Lee said sipping tea. Hitomi looked at him with sleepy eyes and knocked out with her head on his lap. She started snoring again trying to forget.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi scrunched up her face and shoke her head " Won't....do...that.....he friend.......chief is good friend." She mumered. She rolled on the couch trying to get comfortable. "hnn...someone.......there?"She felt somone near her.'Hnn...who?'[/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi was dead asleep in the couch.Her snoring heard all around the room.A necluer boom couldn't wake her up. She rolled on his bed. She stuck in curled up postion in the bed. She started talking in her sleep "Shun...nice....Lee ass.....err ice cream.....ugh friend, enemy.Enemy...Shun enemy Lee enemy? Lee friend.....long....long time....Shun......recent...ugh.Enemy of me?.....no someone....else...." Hitomi had an unpleasent look on her face.SHe took a sniffed the air "Smell...funny.....kinda nice......."She sniffed a bit more and fell into deeper slumber[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi yanwed " Huh? nope i leave near ya about three blocks up...or was it down?" She couldn't rember. SHe did had te memory of a fish " Do you even remeber your own adress?" " errr....something street on something something" "Wow how specific" Lee rolled his eyes " Come on be a friend and carry little old sweet me.I'm leave near, same path your going. I'm also a good look out when you don't notice things in the dark! I know you want to" She smiled "Hurry up i'm sleepy unless you want a sleeping girl on your back?" [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi was paying to much attention to the news to listen that Shun left. After a while she saw toke her eyes of it and looked around. " Hey were Shun?" Hitomi asked " He left didn't you hear?" Lee said " Ya he said he had to get home" Tomoe said " Oops didn't here" Hitomi frowned " Poor you chief. You and Shun could of taking turns carrying me! I guess is all up to you" " Wow i'm the luckiest guy on the world..." He said sarcastically " Yep chief!" [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]"It ain't my fault i'm short and can't see the tv!" Hitomi smled at him " Anyways you know i'm a feather weight!" " Ya ya w/e!" Lee said " Haha you like me being on your back don't ya chief?" " A hyper girl you looks like she in elementay still? Ya right" " Come on you know you do" " Shut up Hitomi and watch the news...." Hitomi stuck her head from Lee's neck and saw the news. Some guy name Saio was on the news, she swear she saw him before.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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