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Everything posted by SlowChemical

  1. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi glared at Lee " Err ambulance man do you think brain there to switch this man brain with? You know something smarter...maybe maynoisse? Or a garden snail?" The ambulance just ignored her and went back " Stupid kids and there pranks" One ambulance person said " Last time be worry for ya Lee" Hitomi said " Ahh you got worried how sweet.....you have feeling?" Lee grinned " Err shut up...damn my feet hurt..." " Uh hnnn" Lee licking his ice cream " Can i ride your back?" She smiled " Pretty please it was fun later and you back is comfortable! You be doing an old friend i favor, at least you can do for scaring me to hell"[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]" I don't find it funny at all. As far as I know this person deserves to go to hell..." She pouts " WHo would i tease if he dies? A tree trunk? The wind? The can't say smart commments back..." " Err aren't you a little overacting?" Shun said smiling " Hnn!" She said turning her back " NO WAY!...let me just gets this fool his ice cream....." She said taking her wallet out[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]" LEE!" Hitomi gives him a tight hug " Don't get any ideas i'm just relieved!" She said letting go. She sighed and glared at him "Do that again i swear i strangle you and take you to hell myself" "Hitomi be nice he just got back from his episode" Tomoe said " Ya cut him some slack....dude was seriousely out" Mailynn said worried "Hitomi be nice" Shun said sweating She got up angry and huffed to the front counter. " Yes i like an ice cream. Err what flavor?" She looked at Lee " What you want chief...." " You switch you mood alot do you?" Lee said " What your talking about?" [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi calls the ambulance on her cell phone. She had it one speed dail because her mother said for emergency. THIS WAS ONE! " Yes...err Name Hitomi Shiozu i like to report i sick person......Yes he having some kind of sezuire or something!.......Err where near the Ai hot spring.....I DON"T KNOW REALLY I AIN"T NO DOCTOR JUST GET THE FREAKING AMBULANCE HERE!" SHe yelled and hanged up. "Hitomi stop being so worried you have to come some what..." Tomoe said " Ya he be fine" Mailynn said " Ya he better because i find i way to get to hell, were he going and strangle him for leaving!"[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi looked at Lee in shock " LEE CRAP!". She fell to the ground seeing if he alright. Tomoe and Mailynn look too. Shun was shocked and surprised but all this. " DAMN YOU LEE. Don't you dare die on me! I swear i shove my foot so far up you butt you'll have toes for teeth!" Hitomi said shaking Lee voilently. " Wake up damn it!" She got no respong from him " Lee he sick!" Tomoe said " What we do??" Mailynn said "Are we able to move him?" Shun asked "Darn you" Hitomi mumered [/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi digged in her chicken sandwhich. She couldn't eat red meat, it made her sick. She took dipped into her fries, before she knew it there were gone. She looked at Lee's fries there were still there. She toke some and put in her mouth. " HEY! Those were mine!" Lee said " I know! That was the point" SHe smiled " Ya that cute jamming your mouth with fries" " Yep i know iam. THANK YOU CHIEF! " She made a cute little smile " You have to take a insult and turn it into a complimetn huh" " What insult?" "Ugh..."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]" Ya' I'm okay,were strong...Mailynn?" Tomoe said " Yep no cuts no brusie" Mailynn "Ya your right you wouldn't cut it to be a superhero. Can't be batman his too cool for you. Superman? To much for your ego. Err spiderman...as far as i know your a afraid of spiders!" Hitomi said with a smile and walked afront of Lee " Haha funny" Lee rolled his eyes " Come on! Just i little joke from little me! I buy ya that ice cream..." She mumbels " Ugh allownece down the drain...still making payment for the stupid thing" She frowned a bit then took went happy again. " Shun thank ya for protecting us while Lee went macho" "Huh? oh no problem Hitomi" Shun said surprised " Ya Ya,can i get food now" Lee said " W/E" Hitomi " PAY HALF GENTALMEN!" Tomoe and Mailynn said[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]" CHIEF!!" Hitomi said. " Trying to be Mister Superhero?" "No jokes Hitomi trying to help ya here" Lee said " Err Ya almost forget that! Hehe" Hitomi try to run to Lee but the guy block her. " SORRY BUT I HIGHLY THINK I"M YOUR TYPE!" Hitomi said. She jumped over the guys head like leap frog, knocking him down on the ground. The guy got up pissed off. She then runed behinde Lee " How did you learn that?" "Don't know, don't care. JUST SAVE ME AND I SWEAR I BUY YOU ICE CREAM!" She screamed on him[/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi got dressed with Tomoe, Mailynn and the rest of the girls. She couldn't help but laugh because off Shun. He was so nice. She actually stared at the groung then look and drool for hours on end. For that he get a kick in the john and cracked skull. She hoped Lee won't change him to some more leacherous ways. Hmm 20 bucks to stop Lee, wait...she still has to pay for that thing of Lee's she broke. Ugh that well cost her all her allowence. Hitomi put on her skirt and shirt. She still had bare fotted when she heard something. She saw somone seeing them. Hitomi ran to the end of the lockers row and looks left and right. " WHERE ARE YOU PERVERT! I KNOW YOU THERE! SHOW YOUR SELF FOR YOU CAN GET A BUTT WhoPING FROM SOME GIRLS!" Hitomi yelled " Hitomi no one is there!" Tomoe said " Ya no one " Mailynn said " BUT I SAW SOMONE!" " Ya i sense it too..." " I know, but juts some leacher..." " Ya..." Hitomi sighed and walked to her locker finishing dressing [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  10. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Plum]" So I told they be paying half" Hitomi said " They should be a gentlemen.To pay for us ladies food" Tomoe said " Right! CHief has to realize i'm a bit short on money hehe. Lee probaly going to say" She mimicks Lee voice " Short on hieght and short on money? Haha not the only thing" SHe pouted " Then he laugh for half and hour like and idiot" " Hehe only got one part right, the joke. Not the one to see Lee to laugh like an idiot" " Err well in my thoughts he does!" Hitomi said sinking into the water. Her nose bobbing in the water.[I]'That chief...' [/I] [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  11. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi got inside the hotsrpring and sighed. Haven't seen HSun or Lee yet she can sense they are here. It was pretty bothersim. She sinked a little into the water her nose bobbing in the water. She sighed and closed her eyes a little. "Hitomi don't fall asleep" Tomoe said " Ya i know " Hitomi opened her eyes " There boys are down stairs in the hot springs." "Oh really...." Hitomi yawned. She been calling Lee chief for sometime now. She wonder if it bothered him? He always asked why she called him that. She just smile, laugh and walk away. She walked over to the glass window and looked out. SHe knocked on it hard enough for the boys to her here. The boys turned and looked up. " Lee and Shun want to get food after this? With me and Tomoe. Maybe the other girls are coming too, not sure. I owe you lunch to Shun for hitting him with the ball, and Lee for jumping on his back. Okay deal? DON"T TELL ME I"M NOT NICE TO YA LEE GOT THAT!'" " Whatever Hitomi" Lee said " Ya sure" Shun said " DON"T BE MEAN LEE OR NO FRIES!" Hitomi said going back to set down on the hot spring [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi got out of school uniform and walked passed the field. She saw neither Shun or Lee where there. She pouted [I]'Great the boys probaly went to check the 'view'. Ugh that Lee making Shun go to his level'[/I] She sighed and got a coke from the soda pop machine and started walking. She walked to the Ai springs where she going to meet everyone. Tomoe went ahead of her, she staying back to catch up witht the boys. So much for that idea huh? She sighed and streached. She feel somone watch her and just move when she streached. SHe thought she saw something in the corner of her eye. She turned around quick. Nothing. She thought [I]'Great Hitomi paranoid.I should have my own theme song NANANA PARANOID!'[/I] She sighed and started walking again[/FONT] [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]" Alright Chief....the swellen in his nose is still there but his bleeding has stop...." She said taking a big sigh." Heard going to some party? Let me guess your groupies and followers well be there?" She smiled and got up. " No matter i won't be there to make fun of you, so sad huh? BRings tears to my eyes..." She said wiping imaginary tear off. " Can you watch him for me as a get ice? Also to get out of this stupid clothes we have to wear.." She said and walked away[/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Plum]"Chief! be careful!" SHe said as Lee picked Shun up. She walked beside Lee as he carried him to the bleachers. " Ugh, great about this, since the game probaly won't countinue because of a injured person. I buy you lunch Lee and Shun too...when he wakes up. Don't get wrong idea ain't no groupie! You still have to buy mine for me been so kind! Also half of the box lunches the girls give ya.... " She said as they walked. " Hehe and your back was pretty comfortable!" She laughed as Lee laid Shun in the bleachers. She looked at Shun and got a tissue and holded his nose.[I]'Poor boy probaly going to have a hard time after this' [/I] She sat next to Shun trying to stop the bleeding.[/COLOR] [/FONT]
  15. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi ran around the bases making a home run. She saw Lee wasn't very happy. She grined and did a little dance. " I told you Lee legendary swing!" She said while dancing, her victory dance. She stopped and watch some people look at the outfield. She someone was knocked out. SHe squinted her eyes and said " OMG IS SHUN!" She saw people gather around him. She try to look over the crowds shoulders. She huffed and looked at Lee. "Sorry Lee but i have to do this!" She runned behind Lee and jumped on his back" Lee looked at her on his back " WHAT THE HELL YOUR DOING!?" Hitomi just replied " Let me see you guys are gaints i have to see what going on!" [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi leaned on her bat looking at the boys as the play. She heard some of there girls scream to Lee. " Wow Lee i didn't knew you got fans from the stupid and blind!" She grinned as she watched Lee hit the ball and run around the bases. She took of her eyes away from the game and saw Shun sitting. 'Poor guy, he get use to this school no doubt. Well i hope the other guys are nice to him. He seems sweet.' She smiled at Shun and wondered if he noticed. She heared alot of screaming fans and looked at Lee. He just hit a home run and glanced at her. She saw him smiled and say to ready her wallet. " Lee if i wasn't so short i punch you in the face. Since i am like three times smaller then you I'll hit lower...." She said with a grin. " It only the begining chief! We girls well soon get the lead" She saw Shun hit the plate. She crossed her fingers behinde her back and said " You can do it Shun!". Then she mummered " French fries, hamburger, large soda, ice cream and umm chicken nuggets!" [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  17. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Plum]Hitomi walked to pick a bat after that whole Shun thing. [I]' Hnn pretty wierd, but such a nice compliment!'[/I] SHe took a bat to get a feel of her bat. She heard Lee say something about all for a free lunch. SHe laughed and tilted her head at Lee " Free lunch yep chief! Think about it!After all this, we girls be starving after kicking ya guys butt. Since were growing girls we need to eat alot. Better empty your wallets boys!" She said to Lee as she put her helmet on and swinged at her imaganiry ball.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi took a batting pose. She gripped her pretend bat and swings "Hehe my legendary swing!" She smiled and tipped her pretend helmet. " Hehe be hitting some balls with this perfossianal swing, yes chief. Winner buys food! Get ready to feed some hungry girls, boys" She says to the boys with a confident smile.She hears somone pass them as she was talking. She looks back and sees Tomoe " Tomoe hey! Lets play baseball!....err i mean softball. What are the rules again?" She turns to one of the boys and ask. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  19. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Plum]The boys can always be assasins? Assasins mostly are for money, but it still has a honor code like a ninja. The have skills almost like a ninja but a bit diffrence.... Err if you play the game Tenchu you get what i mean hehe ^^ So maybe try that? [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  20. [COLOR=Plum][FONT=Comic Sans MS](( haven't RP in so long, tell me if i'm doing ok ? ^^)) Name: Shiozu Hitomi Age: 14 Gender: female Ninja Warrior Ancestor: Mimirue Shiozu a short ninja. People were fooled by her cute innocent looks and short hieght. She was a weopon master fav weopon was the shuriken. She is looks exactly like Hitomi hieght and all. The only diffrence was she keepther hair in a bun away her face. Last thing you want to do is is die on a mission because of your hair. Description:Hitomi is short about 4'11. She has black neck length hair. She is very lightweight almost light as a feather. Background: Hitomi is very humble. She would smile at anyone and doesn't really care what people think of her. She is proud of her height and lightweight-ness. Her father is a senior partner in his law firm and works late nights. Her mother is a doctor and is always on call. So Hitomi mostly does everything for herself, it's just a no big deal. Hitomi is likes to express her feelings alot anger, sadness, and mostly happiness. She likes being happy most of the time to keep her friends not worried. She always likes a good laugh, laughter cures the ones that are hurting inside right? [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Red][FONT=Century Gothic]Michell sat on the window cell, her legs dangling " Don't roll your eyes missy.... I told you Frank always lets me in. He bassically leaves a key for me, I like the open window better though. He leaves it open all the time i sneak in day night blah blah." She tucks her hair behinde her ear and goes back in " okay people come in we have to search the house" She screams from inside of franks house [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Michell looked at her watch " School is over...He should be calling me by now" Michell checks her cellphone seeing if she missed any calls " He soppoused to call me on the way home...he gets bored to easily." She stomps her foot on the ground hard with anger. " THAT IS IT!" Michell goes to the back of the house while Tasha and Nick follow her. Michell opens the a window of Franks bedroom. Nick raises a eyebrow " Franks never lets me down! He always keeps this window open for me..Nick don't look at me like that...Frank is a very good friend. I like you the best" Michell jumps inside the bedroom.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Michelle jumps out of the car " Much better" Shw alks on the front of the house. She checked under the carpet for a key. Frank ussually left her a key somewhere for her to get into his house. She ussually use the window from his bedroom to get in the house, but she didn't want to let Nick think anything wrong. Michelle not finding the key under the carpet, she looked in the rain gutter, nothing. She sighed and scratched her head then ringed the bell of the house. No one opened the door.She turned to Tasha and Nick " He ain't home and i can't find my key for his house...." She tilted her head [/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Michell say Tasha giving her a dirty look she just blew it off. She tilted her head looking out the window. She had to many things in her mind, Frank should of called her by now. School was already over and on the way home her and Frank will call each other for they won't get bored during the walk and bus. Michell tucked her hair behinde her ear, looking at the scenerie.She sighed and looked at Nick in the driver seat afront of her. She leaned foward from her seat " Nick turn right from here, were almost there" [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  25. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Red]Michell takes a ciggratte out of her pack and lights it. She blows the smoke to the sky making a dark ring over her head. The smoke disapears and she holds the cigarrate in her mouth. Michell takes a big sigh and sits back of the car looking into the sky. " Can we go now...? I'm getting bored and Nick i think i stoled your gum" She sticks out her tounge showing Nick his gum "want it back?" She takes another puff of her cig.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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