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Everything posted by SlowChemical
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]She stares at him blankly " Okay....my place..isn't Senji so nice?" She grins and starts walking to her apartment[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][[SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]She looks blankly at you " Yeah....double shifts...just for today...Jen's shift is at night..." She looks at her clock " i have an hour" She smiles and says " Want ramen ....'till then?"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Rororu was reading the invitation and she saw Erriku. She stared blankly at him and gave him a tackle hug. " YOU WORK WHERE I WORK!" SHe flashed him a smiled and remebered the invitation. She looked in her pockets and showed it to him " Senji.....gave this to me....to give to you..."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Roro starting sweeping being closing time. Senji leaning on the counter looking at her as she sweep. " You know Rororu were having a masqurade party for the dinner workers...." He goes up to her and gives her a flier. " Par....ty?" Roro said " Yep, ohh yeah give one to your friend he lives with you right" Roro shoke her head " Ok then don't forget to tell him bring a date, speaking of dates Roro would you mind if i escort you-" He say Rororu wasn't there and have already left. He sighs depply [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Rororu watches Erriku go to the back. She tilts her head and looks through a door window that leads to the back. One of her co-workers saw her and said " RORO!!" He pat her on the back and she jumps " Senji......" She says nervouse and surprised " What would the boss say if he found you snooping around and not doing your work?" Senji said " Well...I just..." Rororu said with a blank look " Get back to work and take care of Jen's shift she had to go to the doctor" " Double....shift....?" " Yep and you better start working now" He took her hand and dragged her away from the door " Why ...are you mean?" She pouted " That why i get for trying not to get you fired?" He said and laughed a bit [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]She got to a dinner place where she worked. She tried to sneak in the door by crawling on the floor, but her boss cut her." Don't you think you get your outfit dirty like that......" He said with a smile. She gave him a nervous smile and said " Well....i was late......and...." He helped Roro up and said " Fine...its fine just go and bust table five" She looked at her boss and thought [I]"why his he so nice?" [/I]. She got up and walked toward table five. She cleaned it an one of the customers were asking for cofee. She went over and poured his cofee, but couldn't help but notice he had a tie. [I]" No Roro no fire starting, just don't do it" [/I] She ignored her her voice and toke a lighter out of her pocket. She looked almost like a zombie He boss saw what Rororu was doing and yelled to Rorou " NUMBER 3 WANTS WATER!!" Rororu snapped out of it and said yes sir. Her boss sighed and shoke his head " Ohh Rororu what do i do with you" He just smiled and went to the back of the dinner[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Roro woke up a little dizzy, she rubbed her eyes and felt it was puffy and wet." I must have been crying......." She dried her tears with her hand and got out of her bed. She looked at the clocked and say it was late. She squinted her eyes at the clock and said " OMG THE CLOCK IS NOT LYING I"M LATE FOR WORK!!!" She ran out of the room with a piece of toast in her mouth and trying zipping her waitress outfit " I NEED TO GET AN ALARM CLOCK!"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]"Goodbye Erriku" She smiled and waved back. She opened the door for him to leave and closed it. She went back into her room and laid on the bed. She sighed heavily " Ten...minutes until i have to go to work" She turned on her bed and remebered she forgot to ask him if he wanted anything to eat. " Shoot......i wasn't a good host..my father would of killed me...yeah right my father" She curled into a ball in her bed and scrunched up her nose.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Roro eyes went wide and turn away from his stare " Umm Erriku....your nice....but love is something that grows over time not a quick thing......" She turned back and look at Erriku and smiled " But i would be your best friend....if you be mine...my dad didn't let me have friends....But it doesn't matter now." She gave him a big toothy smile and said " Maybe i grow felling for Erriku too....but not now" She leans and gives Erriku a kiss on the cheek " Well Erriku accept friendship?"[/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]She laughes a bit " Be...strong..guy huh?" She saw him sit on the bed and she took the clothes off her bed " Sorry...its messy..." She put the clothes in her closet , and looked through the window " Your the very first person.....who came to my room...is Erriku, Roro's first friend?" She said looking blankly at him and flashing him a smile [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]She looked at him as he took of his shoes " Don't be surprised...what you...see in there" She walked inside her bedroom when Erriku opened the door " Come in....and yes i want to start lifting now" She points to the bed that against the west side of the room " Can... you move it.....?" [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Looks blankly at him " Through the right door......" Before she entered her room she took of her shoes " Take ...off...your shoes....before entering" She put her slippers on which where next to the bedroom door and sat here kitty plushie down on the floor. " Its..a bit rough in there....alot of clothes are on the bed..."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]SHe sighs depply " My mother...." SHe stared at the ground and her face darkend by the second. " No she not my mother......." SHe lift her head up and started smiling again " Well east is...towards the window....i need it the sun to wake me up.....heavy sleeper" She grabs Erriku hand and walks him toward her room " room....13....if i remeber welll...."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]She holds her plushie tight and bits the ear harder " Well..i...need to move the the bed....next to the closet facing east..." She stops behinde him and looks at the floor " Was...your mother a ...good mother?...." Her face darkens and the hold the plushie tighter against her chest and sighs deeply. " The lifting......................you don't mind right" [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[SIZE=2][COLOR=Red][FONT=Century Gothic]" A....trac..tive?" She looks blankly at him and smiles. "Well your name is nice too Erriku" she bits the ear of her plushie and sees him staring at it. " You like it? is the...only thing i hold dear....." She tightnes her grip of the plushie. " Your going to help me unpack.....i just need someone to lift....something..would you mind?" She starts circling around him agian with a blank look in her face [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/SIZE] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]She flashes him a big smile and says " I moved in today.......just finish..packing..." She bit the ear of her kitty plushie and said " Not alot of people don't like my name" SHe runs behinde him and looks over his shoulder " Espiecially finding it cute....." [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]She looks blankly at him and at his hands. She goes to her room quickly and a second later comes out. She holds her kitty plushie tight and she slowly circle around him. " I'm Rororu...." SHe said faintly " Call me...Roro........" She stands afront of him and says with a big smile " Wierd name huh?" [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Here is the profile Name: Ayama ((denies that she has any real last name) Gang Name: Raven Age: 24 Gang: Royal Flush Gender: female Personality: Mellow tone persoanlity, barely talks has a cold expression on face Appearance: Neck length black hair roughly cut by a knife. Her hair is slanted covering her left eye. Blood shot red eyes Weapon(s): Two daggers with the queens of heart sign carved in them. Also one hand gun and queen of hearts symboled diamond edge cards. Title: Queen of hearts Bio: She been on the streets for a long time. Her mother was a drunk, and she never was mothering.SHe doesn't know her father because her mother sleep with every man in the whole neighboorhood. Her mother always kicked her out the house for a few weeks so her boyfriends can sleep there. One of her mother boyfriends try to do something...horrible to her when she was 14. She ran away from her house that night. After that night she been on the streets, stealing things to stay alive. One time she stold some jewelry in the jewerly shop so she can sell it in the pawn shop. She forgot to cut the wires of the security alarm clock and she almost got caught. She ran away from the shop with the cops after her. She ran into the Royal flush leader making her stop and the cops right there. She took the band leaders dagger quickly and stabbed one of the cops. The other cop started shooting but to late she was close enough to kill him. The leader was shocked that this girl can fight and handle herself very well. The leader offerred to extingush the dead bodies if she joined. Being dispread she said yes, has been with the royal flush since[/FONT].[/SIZE][/COLOR]
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Rororu took the key that the land keeper just gave her, and went to her room. " Room....13......" She slowly open the look inside. It was some and compact for sure. She went in and looked at the closet , small space for her clothes. She said and thought to herself [I]" Lucky i didn't bring to mmuch stuff"[/I] She started unpacking her stuff. She put her clothes in the closet, her underwear and the drawer and her pajamas. She took the guitar off her back and laid it on a corner. She sat on the bed for a bit after finishing packing, the bed was a bit firmer then she use to. She sighed to her self and loked at the floor.Her moment of silence was interupted when she heard some of the other tenants talking. She peeked her head outside the door. "He....llo?" She said tilting her head. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
RPG The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Rororu step up to the apartment bulding, it was nothing like home. It was alot smaller then she was used too. She was used to a big garden up front, seen birds everwhere and smell many fragrences.She looked down at her feet and there was no rolled out carpet. All there was, was dirty cement. No garden, no good smelling fragences and no butler. The only birds here wasa pigeon sitting on the roof looking at her. She stared back, then the bird aimed and before she knew bird poop barely missed her. She stared back at the bird, then to the front door of the apartment building, all she can do is give a big toothy smile.She enter the apartmen building with kitty plushie, guitar on her back and a suitcase with few of her stuff. She walked in and heard people yelling. She saw it was coming from a room with a half falling off sign saying " Rom 1: Manager's room". She looked blankly at the door and heard something about rent and removing foots. She stood afront of the door , seen if one of the two people fighting are going to come out anytime soon. The door opened and a slender disgrunted japanase man walked out mumbling. She looked blankly at the man as he passed by her. Then slowly peeked her head inside the door the man just came out from. She mumbled to her self in a curious voice "Any...dead..bodies?" [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
Sign Up The Daminoru Apartments- Welcome to Cheap Hell- <M-L,S>
SlowChemical replied to PWNED's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Red][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=2]Name:Rororu (Roro) Asukana Age: 16 Gender:female Nationality: Japanese Appearence:Is tall for her age about 6 feet and 1 inch. Slanted black hair,hair passed the ears but not up to the shoulders, slanted hair covering her left eye. Her eyes are red and has a blank look on her face. Has a tan complexion Personality: Melancholy, mellow mostly has a blnk look on her face Occupation: waitress Biography: Parents always telling her what to do. Even though they can't even keep thier life on track, let alone hers. Her parents marriage is on the tracks. Her mother can't keep sober for one minute, always out on clubs and in her father words "not been a good trophy wife". Her father is the president of a famouse and wealthy company making 41 billion usa dollars a year. He works late nights, never showing any sign of going home and has a terrible temper problem which she has to deal with. Roro seeks attention, never getting attention at home and always been alone in the mansion. She gets this attention from...starting fires. She set fire to the front garden, her fathers car, principle of her school car,a police car and the butlers french minuture poddle. Now she sick of tired of the constant fighting going on latly or more often then usual , she seeks her own place. Somewhere small, cozy, and CHEAP REALLY REALLLY CHEAP. She got a newspaper and found this place. Characters Intrests: Setting thing on fire, sleeping, looking at the sky, drawing and writing on things (includes cars and walls), playing guitar Room number:13[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Red][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=1]Name: Riku Yakazami Age: 14 Appearence: Hair is black, red highlights, mainly messy and neck length hair. Her hair is slanted covering her left eye. Has blood-shot colored eyes which her right eye has a bandage under it. Gender:Female Bio: Comes from the city where nothing interesting happens. Grow up in a family of four children. Didn't get any attention from family evenwho hard she tried, even though she was very smart already in college and a great machenic. Her family just wouldn't listen to her, guess that why she is on this ship. position: engineer[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
Manga Does Online Manga Ever Get You Depressed!?
SlowChemical replied to gaarasgirl90's topic in Otaku Central
Yes i have been depressed with online manga that have not came out yet. It sucks...like Elfen lied when is that going in Manga in U.S.A or about Gunslinger girl huh? i see no manga at all here :animedepr It totaly sucks to wait....and wait -
Ofcourse going to watch Wrestle Mania in paper-view Love wrestling I'm kinda of the very few girls that watches wrestling
Anime At what age did you start watching anime?
SlowChemical replied to Elk's topic in Otaku Central
I started watching anime when i was 4....it started with Sailor Moon then DBZ. After that I guess more and moreanime keep coming and get eager to watch it.Now all i watch is dvd with subtitles and the very little japanese i know comes from anime have to say I'm a very sucky translator -.-