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Everything posted by SlowChemical

  1. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS] 'Course you can stalk me...I don't kill stalkers... That I know of yet... Nah I probaly won't kill you. I am just to nice to do something like that... [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Kyah! X3 Good, 'cause I happen to stalk a few people -points to siggy- I like my victims to know I'm stalking them. You know a fair warning to them for them to put there security on and turn on the lights X3. Oh yeah, I don't think I belive you 100% on the "I don't kill stalkers" and the " I [B]probaly[/B] won't kill you". Keyword on the second one is 'probaly'[/SIZE] [Quote=Ikillion][Color=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans Ms] Would you rather watch a single bug crawl inside of your body and eventually lay multiple eggs inside of your stomach, then once the eggs hatch have the bugs eat your body from the inside out? Or would you rather have tiny needles slowly be injected into your skin, some going through to the other side of your body, puncturing organs, cutting blood vessels, till your lungs eventually get punctured and you drown in your own blood after you are punctured from over a thousand needles? ..... I told you stop looking at me like that! [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Main reason I'm stalking you X3. I would take the first one. I'm deadly afraid of needles. Anyways I have this obesession with Shino from Naruto. So if I experience that kind of thing I probaly know how he feels, haha. Would you rather? [B]Have someone mess with your thoughts, feelings, and memories[/B] or [B]Have no memories or feelings what so eve[/B]r[/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS] I don't need any help, I was just wondering what people would choose and plus I just wondered if someone would choose the other or something like that. If you want to see bad then I will show you with what my next choice is... I don't have problems....Why are you looking at me like that? >_> However how can you all really be that terrified with the thoughs that go on inside a fifteen year old boys head...? Besides I wouldn't kill anyone...on purpose atleast. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Ugh, I saw your next choices and I was....astonished. You scare me a whole bunch. Can I stalk you? X3[/SIZE] [Quote= NekoSama101] now would you rather: be happy but hated by all or be loved by all and be sucidal [/quote] [SIZE=1] I rather have the first one. I rather be happy and hated. I don't care what so ever what people think of me. If they hate me so what is better then been sucidal. Would you rather? [B]You body perfectly frozen and been preserved in the middle of Antarctica. Then about 500 years later they have your body and in case you in a museum for everyone to see. [/B] Or [B] Been mummified and buried deep underground. Your body is found in 500 years and they in shrine you thinking that you?re some kind of god.[/B][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Well I'm Dominican/French/Korean yet don't look it at all! I'm more Dominican then anything else because it is a big percent of me. My great grandfather was pure french and married a dominican women, my great grandmother. The korean part of me is so far back is not even funny. The korean part of me makes me look idian (as in Native American) with the meduim asian eyes. I fluent in spanish and know a bit of french. Yet I have no idea how to speak Korean. My friend is teaching me chinese yet I don't think that would make up for my lost heritage. I wish I could speak the laungage so much. My little sister looks more korean then me yet with a tan, haha. The only time a look more asian is when I put eyeliner on! [/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS] Would you rather [i]spend a day trapped in a room with Kevin Spacey's character from 'Seven' [/i]or [i]spend a day trapped in a room with a knife, a vat of lye, and Ikillion?[/i] [/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1] Well I guess traped with Ikillion. I just give him about $20 not to kill me XP. No seriously I don't think he'll kill me. Well I never know though since I don't know him. Yet that might be a good thing! He won't hurt me since I don't know him. Wait, killers kill people they don't know or people they stalk. Err...I change my mind Kevin Spacey's character from 'Seven'. I fear for my life, thanks Raiyuu. Would you rather: [B] Your wife/husband put posion in your food just to have your life insurance money?[/B] or [B]Your wife/husband posion you while you in the car? [/B] (You know the little trick to put the gas fumes inside the car, locking all the doors, and you don't have the keys to turn off your car to stop the gas.) [/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][B]?Ariel go search out for Fallen. If our falling allies do not wish to come back, kill them?[/B] Michael gave out simple instruction. Ariel silently nodded knowing there wasn?t any real alternative. Michael promise he do good by wiping out Fallen that would not come back to heaven. Ariel took his instructions to heart due to his promise. Ariel nodded one again and parted ways with Michael to search out. Ariel put on a white robe and went into town. The town was filled with people scurrying around the place. Ariel moved with a crowd trying to blend in. Michael said that the Fallen where near, yet Ariel have seen no sign of any of the angels. This task might be harder then she actually expected. [I]?This might be difficult, killing a past companion. Yet they have sinned for running away?? [/I] Ariel lowered her head and picked up pace. She wanted to end this quick and maybe bring back some angels except wiping all of them out. She did want to revert back some angels under the wing of god. Ariel could just image the blood spills she might cause. Yet she imagined that they would be a lot more then Michael had let on. This was for the own good though, ?...bring down the sword of justice upon the Fallen? where Michaels words. The word justice echoed through Ariel?s ears. Ariel bumped into a person. With Ariel?s fragile structure she could have knocked down easily if she hadn?t anchor her feet safely to the ground. [B]?Pardon Senor?.?[/B] Ariel voice was almost unable to be heard. She looked up and a small gasp escaped her lips. The face of the man was familiar she remembered him from heaven. He too fell into the hands of Belial. [B]?Seeing that you?re here Ariel I see it had begun huh?? [/B] The angel shrugged. Ariel looked down and stood silent. [B]?Ha, you never were talkative. Ariel, you know what your name means? It means ?Lion of God? and lions have strong voices. It is irony that the name has been giving to you. Haha, I guess God does have a sense of humor?? [/B] The fallen Angel laughed. Ariel stretched out her arm with her palm up as she still looked down. [B]?Come?? [/B] Ariel spoke that one word that meant many. The fallen stared at Ariel for a couple of minutes. She actually expected him to go back to heaven? Did she think he would just go ahead and throw away his freedom? [B]?You?re kidding right? I?m free here. There, in heaven I felt like a caged bird. Here is different no rules to hold you down. Thou shall not drink? My as-" [/B] The fallen stopped speaking when at that moment Ariel rose her head and a frown was placed on her mainly emotionless face. [B]?Fight?.kill?? [/B] Ariel spoke is a different tone yet still with her whispery voice. [B]?I would gladly die for my right to get away from heaven. Heaven a paradise? You must be kidding me! Is one rule after another, thou shall not do this, thou shall not do that, I?m sick of it! Why can?t be free like the humans??[/B] [B]?Responsibility??[/B] [B]?Ha! You really make me laugh Ariel. Let me guess Michael been putting you up with that nonsense again?? [/B] The fallen started to laugh. Ariel just moved passed him uttering the move ?come?. This ?come? was much different then the other one. Ariel moved into an ally, moving away from the humans. The fallen angel gladly followed. [B]?Must?kill?you...for...your?sins?.?[/B] Ariel said the most words she spoke at once when they reach the wide ally. The fallen laughed as he heard her. He couldn?t believe she spoke so many words and wanted to fight him. She was so fragile; she couldn?t physically keep up with him. [B]?Okay, if I kill you I truly earn my freedom. This is easier then I thought!?[/B] He laughed again as Ariel just frowned. [I]?Michael, I have tried to bring a fallen back. Yet through speaking I could not persuade. Now I must ruin my hands with blood, I'm sorry...? [/I] Occ: Eeek, it is long...I feel I could have done better[/SIZE]
  6. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=informal roman][size=4] [b][center]Sing your country's national anthem wearing nothing but what you came into the world wearing Or Appear on Jerry Springer wearing a pink string Bikini to find out your parent has just married your crush?[/color][/font][/size][/b][/center][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1] Well I have to take the second one. I know the bikini is pink but is better then being naked. Also about my mom marying my crush for me that would be teen molesting in her part. So when she goes on Jerry Springer she also go to jail the same day, haha. Well for the whole game sake I would very sad by my mom marying my crush. I wouldn't cry, which I barely do this days but my heart would be shattered. Even though i'll feel that way, I still pick the second due that I'm not comfortable naked at all.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]I haven't done one in a while. 1. Pick a Band or Artist: [B]Jack Off Jill[/B] 2. Are you male or female: [B]When I am Queen[/B] 3. Describe yourself: [B]Author Unknown[/B] 4. How do some people feel about you: [B]Devil With the Black Dress On [/B] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [B]Underjoyed[/B] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [B]Losing his touch[/B] (Haha, does this even count if your single?) 7. Describe where you want to be: [B]Rabbiteen[/B] 8. Describe how you love: [B]Strawberry Gashes[/B] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [B]Star no Star[/B] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [B]Clear Hearts Grey Flowers[/B] 11. Now say goodbye:[B] Vivica[/B][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]The worlds that most interest me is [B]Matrix[/B], [B]Batman Begins[/B], [B]Lord of Rings[/B], and [B]Shrek 2[/B]. The Matrix it be most fun world do to the long black trenchcoats. I would like custome change aswell like Lan suggested. In Kingdom Heart 1 and 2 theres alot of custome changes. For example, Nightmare Before Christmas there is the holloween custome change (I think Sora look especially cute in that one). So what Lan said would go with the whole Kingdom Hearts RP. Yet I think there a few levels that might be hard to play, like the [B]Day After Tommorow[/B] and [B]Saw II [/B] (Big huge Saw fan here!). You could exhange it to maybe a 007 movie for like a spy theme level. For some strange reason I would love a recent Tim Burton movie (Corspe Bride or Remake of Willie Wonka Chocolate Factory to add a bit of humor) . Well, that just opinions a thrown out there Leon.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]"Everyday I like to give myself a little treat..."- Deer " This time is just no a bullet wound"- Me "zzz..." -Hunter " -.- " *camera click- Me [/SIZE]
  10. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#8833ff][font=lucida calligraphy]Uh Slow Chemical. Jerry Fowell is an extremist preacher. He tends to go a bit overboard with the whole God Hates Fags thing.[/color'][/font][/quote] [SIZE=1] Ah! No wonder I don't know him! I don't go to a church and I never did set foot in one ever in my life, haha. I don't even look at tv programs with preaching things in them anyways. When they preach sounds like greek to me! Err, so since you said that I should go with the other choice huh? X3[/SIZE] [QUOTE= Ikillion][size=1]Would you rather have all of your skin burned off and thrown into a tub of battery acid to drown. Or would you rather have all your skin peeled off your body with a knife and thrown into a tub of lye?[/QUOTE][/size] [SIZE=1]Well since I have a obesession with fire and I'm completly fascinated by acid (Acid eats away things like fire itself yet without the glow). Okay, again you might think I'm wierd yet I rather get my skin burned off then peeled off. Battery acid here I come! >.< [B][U]Which you prefer?[/U][/B] [B]Sit next to Batman in a classroom[/B] or [B]Sit next to Superman in a classroom [/B] I have brought up the oldest question in the comic book world 'Superman or Batman?', haha [/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE=Pepoke][SIZE=1] Would you... [I]Be hit on by the worlds largest female body builder by being slapped in the butt[/I] or [I]Get the crap beaten out of you by the worlds largest female body builder[/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1] Well, I'm a girl...so...Do I really have to say my answer? Okay -.- , the second due to the fact I would not like to get hit on my a [B]female[/B] body builder. I rather get beaten by her then anything else.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Now would you rather let yourself be impaled through every spot of your body and be able to live through till the last one? Or would you rather be pushed off of a plane that was at 35,000 feet? Edit: Why does this always happen? >_< [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I would pick the second one. Getting pushed off a plane from 35,000 ft would be my dream. No, I'm not nuts is because I would love to go skydiving. I wouldn't have the courage to do it myself so a push would be wonderful, haha. Even though I'll meet my doom I still have fun falling from a high altitude. It would be such a...adrenaline rush! [B] [U]Which do you prefer?[/U][/B] [B]Being able to get what you want and more, yet someone had to die for you to have it[/B] Or [B]Being able to have nothing at all and suffer forever because of it (No death is caused by this...)[/B][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]I would rather do the first one. I hate this guy Edmund so much. I wouldn't care if someone hated me back for a whole week. All I would care about is punching his face in. His head is so big is such a perfect target that everytime I play basketball and he walks past I get the ball, imaging his huge head at a bulleyes, and throw the ball as hard as I can to that bullseye. You can not imaging how good it feels for me to give him a nice punch, no idea. Okay no, don't loose your temper SlowChemical.... [B] [U]Which do you perfer?[/U][/B] [B] Being hunted down like a dog by the goverment[/B] or [B]Being hunted down by Barney because 'he loves you, you love him'[/B] (Haha, you know that song "I love you, you love me. We are a big great family!") [/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE=Dee][SIZE=1] [b]Having an expensive cell phone, means of travel && communication, etc. and having no friends[/b] or [b]Having friends but no cellphone, any type of transportation, or any way of reaching them. [/b] [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Wow, that actually I tough one for me. For me is like[B] My Friends + Me= Life[/B]. I mention them alot and I love each and every one of them dearly. I would rather have friends and yet not able to really truely talk to them or see them. I could write them a letter and we can become pen pals. I have few close friends because people are scare of me, haha. So I treasure the ones I got. [U]Which you perfer?:[/U] [B]Teaching George Bush how to read and write[/B] or [B]Teaching a pig how to fly [/B] Actually I threw this question out there for fun and see how many people pick Geroge Bush! [/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]EDIT: I made I added more nicknames that people gave me and 1 nickname I gave a person.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][U][B]Names I given people[/B][/U]: [B]Deacku[/B]- I given her the name [B]Genkai[/B]! Since she loves Genkai from YYH and that was her name when I used to be in neopets a long time ago. [B]Lionheart[/B]- I given him the name [B]Leon[/B]! Well because I like that name, it fits him, and it goes along with his username. [B]Ming Na[/B] (one of my real life friends)- I given her the name [B]Ninja[/B] since she is asain. Lol, she actually loves it. [B]Jamie[/B] (one of my real life friends)- I given her the name [B]Homeslice[/B] due to she one of the person I can most connect to since we have simalar issues. She like home away from home, lol. [B]Linette[/B]: I gave her the nick name [B]Negi Dearest[/B]! This is due to her loving the manga Negima. Negi is short for Negima and the dearest part is because she calls me 'Mercy Me', haha. [U][B]Names Given to me[/B][/U]: [B]Ninja[/B]: This name was given to me through Neopets and real life. Is beacause when I am hyper I look like about to do acrobatic stunts, run up walls, and such. [B]Sage[/B]: This was given to me from another furom. I have no exact clue why they gave me this name. Haha, I have the worst memory sometimes! [B]Jade[/B]: One of my boyfriends/best friend gave me this name. He said I was just as precious and rare like jade the jewl. He had a obsession with jade thing saying they gave luck or something. He said I was his lucky charm! He so sweet... [B]Mercy Me[/B]: This is giving by my friend Linette since my name is 'Mercy'. She likes saying Mercy Me alot, she says it fits well with me. [B] Belovelent[/B]: This is giving me by Deacku. I have no real idea why she calls me this sometimes. I guess she just likes too, haha. [B]Ninjie[/B]: This is like a alter to my nickname 'Ninja' about 2 people call me this [B]No One[/B]: This is from another furom I used to go to a long time ago. No one calls me this anymore (Haha! No one, no one? Get it? Ugh, I guess not -.-) [B]Bere[/B]: This is called by my parents and some of my closest friends. 'Bere' is short for my middle name which is Berenice. [B]BT[/B]: This also comes from my middle name. I have no idea where they got the letter 'T' from! Some of my closest friends call me this for a alternative to Bere. They use this one more often beacause it sounds ten times better then Bere, haha. [/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1] Well, I rather go with the latter one. I have no idea who is Jerry Fowell so I'm not sure if I like his type of music or not. If I listened to my least type of music and/or singer I stick a pencil in my ear and make myself death. Hey, they said that sing language is fun! Which you perfer?: [B]Living with Micheal Jackson [/B] or [B]Living with R.Kelly[/B][/SIZE]
  16. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]Well, my signuture is due to my anime hiatus T_T. I can not read a manga, see an anime, or do ANYTHING anime/manga related. This also means no avatars/siggy of anime/manga. So since I think I'm going insane due to this haitus I was like : "Heck why not show my insanity and stalk people!" So hence my signature.....ha,ha [/SIZE] [/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]I would rather work in a raw sewage plant. I would not like to bring death to anyone. Taking someone else life would be a very stressful thing for me. I would literally go nuts.... [U]Which you perfer?[/U]: [B]Dying by the hands of your father/mother?[/B] or [B]Dying by the hands of your lover?[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
  18. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]That?s on obvious one, when that foam-wearing bastard opens his arms to give you that hug, your knee should jerk forward sharply and leave him on the ground writhing in pain. Even if you couldn't do that, I'm no idea what "is devil songs" are so I'd just stick with the devil I know. [b]Would you debate Albert Einstein on his Theory of Relativity ?[/b] Or [b]Would you rather explain said theory to George Bush ?[/b][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]'Devil songs' are his "I Love you, you love me" thingy, and does random songs he sings sometimes in the show. Just imaging sitting a front of the tv hearing does songs over and over again for hours on end. I would find the nearest gun and shoot my self. That's a great time to take my happy pills! Anyways I rather debate Albert Einstein Theory of Relativity because then I can just walk out in the debate sooner or later or I could just pretend that I know what I am saying. If I try to explain the theory to Goerge Bush I'll get fustrated easily and try to strangle the president which is a big [B]NO[/B], [B]NO [/B] X.x Which you perfer? Listening to someone run there fingernails on a chalkboard or Runing your own fingernails on a chalkboard (Has anyone done that? It hurts you just as bad as the person hearing it)[/FONT] [/SIZE]
  19. [COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]Well I rather pick the second one. If I can just talk to the creator of teletubies and make him see his horrible creation he can know the error of his ways. Yet someone might go insane watching teletubies for hours on end. Anyways, me and Po (the red one, no I don't know how I know there names) have a score to settle. Which you perfer? The person in the Barney suit hug you? or Hearing Barney sing is devil songs over and over again?[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]I would pick the second one! I can't stand been pushed around. I have to tell the truth, I have too much pride. I guess pride is my deadly sin, haha. [U]Which do you perfer?[/U] Been omptimistic yet noticing alot of the ugly things in life more then your supposed too. You see all things go wrong yet blindly ignore it to keep yourself 'optimistic'. or Seen every single bad thing in life and never been able to see the good. Yet you can't do anything about it?[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]"Grr..." Haraku frowned she took her pillow and hit him with it. "You are so stupid! Ugh, I rather have tooking my chances with Senji's suffocating love!" Haraku said still hitting him with the pillow. "Ugh! Why oh why do I get the perverts?" Haraku groaned. She kicked him of the bed and frowned. "If you still doing the 'I'm going to follow your command' bullshit, then follow this. SLEEP ON THE FLOOR!" Haraku sighed and laid back down. Haraku blushed, stupid Kenshin trying to be a pervert. Next then you know he be trying to have sex! Ugh....asshole.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Haraku strenched and yawned " I'm tired...is been such a busy day..." " I know, my love yet is things that you have to deal with. Let's just sleep okay?" Senji smiled. Haraku rubbed her eyes. She felt horrible about herself. Why this whole competition for her. She wasn't worth it at all! Ugh, boys and there blind stupidity. Haraku just climb into bed as Senji laid next to her. Senji wrap his arm around her and held her close. It wasn't really strange them sleeping in the same bed. They constantly did it when they where little and even now. Haraku rested her head on Senji's chest. She notice something that she didn't notice before. Senji heart beat faster then normal. Haraku was bewildered why. "Senji, your heart is beating at a alarming rate... are you scared?" Haraku asked "No, my heart always beat faster when I'm close to you.." Senji said half asleep. Haraku could have gaged. Eeek, this was sickening. Why, why or lord does this man have feelings for [I]her.[/I] Haraku grabbed the pillow and hit Senji with it. "You really are stupid!!" Haraku frowned. Senji woke up instantly confused why she hit him. "What did I say?" "Ugh, I'm sleeping with Kenshin!" Haraku said and left Senji alone.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]" Is because your not like me...." Haraku said. Senji looked at her as she spoke. He decided to back off this time. "Your normal, nothing really wrong with you. Well, beside the whole liking me part. You don't know what I have gone through and what I have done. If you did know, you wouldn't think me the same. I'm a horrible beast, a monster. Your nice, corny, yet nice. I didn't even know how the likes of me could even go out with a guy like you. Senji his like me, we been together as long as I can remeber. He knows everything there is to know about me. He accepts me....yet I highly doubt you can do the same..." Haraku spoke in a soft voice. She looked away from him blushing. "I liked you alot Kenshin, you were diffrent. If I did believe in love, maybe you could have called it that.." "Ah.." Senji wanted so bad to speak out yet he stopped. He just leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets. His eyes full concetration on the wall. So she was in love with [I]him?[/I] So long he wanted to hear her say that to him. He even asked her to marry him so many times... " I don't want you to go, yet I can't se I be back with you. I'm confused...is that I owe so much to Senji. I care for him as well! He gave me a home, love, attention and understanding. I deeply truely care for him!..." Haraku sighed and looked at the ground. Senji just shook his head and jumped back to his optimistic self. "You know what that means right? I guess we must compete for the young ladies heart! She really confused and we the only one to clear her mind. Of course I would not lose to you..." Senji smiled at Kenshin " So lets go on our marry way and not stress Haraku about this okay? We just two hopelessly sick puppies runing after the same gal. We just have to compete for her.." Senji shrugged[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]"Ah..." Haraku try to get her words out yet was too shocked. Great, now they trying to kill her. Now how many times have a near death situation happen? So many to lose count. She really care if she died, she was going to sooner or later. "GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF HER!!" Senji yelled pissed the hell off. Senji tighten his fist ready to go all out on Kenshin. Senji stopped and sighed, he knew that Haraku wouldn't like blood splattered on her clothes. Taking blood stains of clothes was a hard job! "Please let her go...don't hurt her. I beg, we, each other are the only things we truely have left. If she died there nothing in this world I have left. If you truely care for her as you say you do you wouldn't harm her. Or are you words all a lie? You just putting up a front?" Senji frowned. "Get way from me now...." Haraku frowned trying to get away. " She doesn't like you touching her! Get away from my Haraku! You don't love her! You don't even [I]like[/I] her! She doesn't like or love you! DON'T YOU GET IT!" Senji yelled losing his temper quickly. He was always humble unless it came to Haraku. Senji quickly dashed to Kenshin. He pulled him away from Haraku and rose him from the ground by his neck. He banged Kenshin to the nearest wall. " Do you want to die? Is that your wish? I rather let you live to watch you suffer! I won't even grant you the pleasure of death! No death is way to good for you!" Senji said dropping Kenshin kicking him in the stomach as he fell down. He grabbed Haraku and held her close again. "Are you alright? Everything okay? I never let anything hurt you...never.." Senji said and kissed Haraku gently. He didn't want anything to hurt her. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]I rather freeze in Anartica. I have this thing with been perserved. If you freeze in Anartica theres a likely chance you body would be perfectly perserved. I think is really cool if that would happen to me. For burning there might be no trace of your existence after words. I would like someone to know I existed, so Anartica would be my choice. Now for the other one, licking a drunker's spit. I would hate not able to move a inch. I'm a very active person and the thought of unable to do anything makes me crazy! I would kill myself if I could if I where in that state! Now Loving someone and doing everything you can for them. Then you realize you can never have them? or Your existence been hated, and everyone and everything you know and love wants you died. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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