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Everything posted by SlowChemical

  1. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]"Hmm you got guts.." Senji smiled " I thought you just an spineless asshole....." Haraku hung her head as Kenshin spoke. He was right, she did sleep with 5 other guys. She didn't feel any proud about that. She was stupid and foolish. Senji accepted her even though he knew everything about her. He been with her thick and thin. "Your stupid..." Haraku spoke still hiding behind Senji. Senji looked back at her curious. "What the 'not treating Haraku better' crap. I was the one that did wrong..." Haraku said as her right hand clenched back of Senji's shirt. "Hnn? Oh no, I know that face. Please don't start crying Haraku..." Senji turned around and held her close. Haraku didn't embraceher back but silently cried. "Everything is going to be alright...I'm here remeber. I never let you down haven't I?" Senji said smiling at Haraku as she cried. "First the bitch and then you show signs of kidness and feelings toward her? She was right you are stupid. I rather not kill you now...Haraku is frigile now and exposing her to blood might led....to things bad. You might not know anything about her...but I do...and doing somethinf foolish when she like this...causes...problems..." He told Kenshin.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Senji head turned and looked at Kenshin's direction. Senji blinked completly confused. His face of confusion quickly turn into a frown. "It's you..." Senji said harshly " It thought you went of the other direction. Please, I suggest to move out of my sight...." "Senji...." Haraku said not even able or wanting to look at Kenshin. He called her a bitch. That was very un-called. Haraku didn't want to even talk to him. All she really want was him dead. "My love would like you not exist. You know what I mean by that right?" Senji tilted his head and smiled warmly. " You see Haraku didn't like your little...insult. You can bash on me all your want but mess with the one I love there bound to be trouble. Now we have a delima..." Senji said standing up and walking towards Kenshin. Senji stood a front of him hands folded while Haraku stood a back of him. Senji stood a few inches taller then Kenshin and was blocking the view of Haraku. "You see the delima is how to get rid of you...." Senji gave him a cheerful smile.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Okay, I have a riddle What eats but can not drink? Is a fairly simple riddle.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Lol, fear the Pink Unborn Lord Xion! XD I would rather take the preps. Even though I'm using the color pink I hate it so. Okay Feeling the pain and torture from everyone human in the world in one second or Slowy getting dipped in a pool of acid?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Pink][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Well since my english is atrocious I can't answer the english word riddle. Yet I think I have a clue to the horse riddle. It might not be the correct answer yet it is logical: The horse is tied to the rope yet the rope is no tied to an unmovable object. If the rope was tied to an unmovable object it would anchor the horse so it won't be able to move more than 10ft. Also it is poissible the rope is cut... I highly doubt I'm right! I'm horrible at riddles, have no thinking power >.>[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR=Pink][SIZE=1]Nasca sighed knowing she did the coordinates correctly this time. She actually found the fastest route to Kikya Port. It took her less time then she expected it too. She didn?t even think she get it right! To make sure she was right she looked at her Father?s old book. The coordinates was exactly what her Father wrote down. She didn?t know if it was out of luck, skill or just something she remembered to copy from her father. Nasca poked her fingers together nervously as Kura looked over the map. She had to tweak the course a bit since they had to pick up Joseph. It was minor adjustment so Nasca couldn?t and shouldn?t have made any error. If she did she should put up the white flag and declare herself the worst navigator in history. Stop it Nasca you can be just as good as your Father or able to copy your Fathers life time work. Either way she had this journey to prove herself. [B]?Are you sure this coordinates are correct Nasca? We are going the right way? We must pick Joseph soon as possible for we can get to Reverse Moutain?? [/B] Kura asked her [B] ?Yes?I?m..sure?[/B] Nasca body stiffened and her eye twitched. She didn?t like people questioning her navigation skills. Only her and her father could question or look down on her navigation skills. Yet she wasn?t going to lose her temper with the captain! [B]?Kikya Port is not completely off normal course. I few adjustments had to make since where heading there first, yet the adjustments where minor?.Where sailing NorthEast now to Kikya Port?..? [/B] [B]?I see??[/B] Kura said [B]?Yes?Kura?I mean captain?? [/B] Nasca gulped. Nasca turned around and sighed not able to face the captain anymore. She took a big breath and closed her eyes. Seagulls where flying making that annoying screaming sound. Yet for Nasca the seagull noise seem relaxing, but only out at sea. She can smell the salty smell of the ocean more clearly now which soothed her. Oh the deep blue, the only true place Nasca wanted to be! [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='jigglyness']i actually have a few favorite colors. one is a pastelly grey purple. second is a greyish olive green. another is just grey. like the greys in the posts. If you haven't noticed...i really like greys or greyish patelly colors. they actually make me feel real calm and nice. like lying under a tree staring at clouds. shikamaru. haha.[/quote] [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1] [COLOR=Pink]Lol, you remind me of my bro-in-law! He wears grey from top to bottom everyday! Okay, now back to the topic. I like the color red, black, light purple, recently a certain type of green and believe or not (drum roll....) grey as well! Haha, red and black has always been my fav two colors. I have no idea but red makes me feel hyper. It gives me kinda a burst of energy! Also sorry to steal your favorite color Aaryanna but due to my avatar and siggy I have too. (XD) [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Actually I wouldn't mind Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, and Chinese (only in few dialects) The reason why I wouldn't mind Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Italian is because the sound similar. I'm fluent in Spanish, so due to there similarities I can make out some of there words. I speak French and Italian pretty well says my French/Italian friend yet I have no idea how to write it! So I can tell almost what there saying if it dubbed in does laungages. For Chinese, well I have a chinese friend. She making me learn some of the dialects (Mandarin, Cantonese, and err...I forget the other). So it be a cool experience seen anime in the dialects she making me learn to see how far I have come! It be a fun experience learning a new laungage through anime. It is better then hearing my friend yell at me because I pronounced something wrong![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Ariel (Meaning ?Lion Of God?) [B]Gender:[/B] Feminine [B]Side:[/B] Agent of Heaven [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/v111/Dark_Misstress/?action=view¤t=girls110.jpg][-Click Here-][/URL] [B]Fighting Style:[/B] Ariel is not physically strong and can be in trouble in hand to hand combat. She has great extremely fast and very agile. Her endurance is great. She uses weapons that tie up the opponent or can be thrown from a great distance. Even though Ariel is always at great distance Ariel?s accuracy is impeccable. Her weapons are pin needles and fiber wire. The fiber wire is to tie up the opponent or to slice. The fiber is tied to each finger of Ariel?s hand for maximum control. She also uses the fiber wire to set certain traps. The fiber is also sometimes tied to the end of the pin needle. So when Ariel?s throws pin needles where she can pull the fiber wire to swing the opponent like a rag doll. The pin needles can be also be used to pierce the opponent. Her most favorite trick is to use the opponent as her puppet by tying the fiber wire to each of the joints. She makes them hit themselves and there allies since she herself has no physical strength. She does this trick from a far and is mostly used. The others are when Ariel wants to be closer to the battle field. [B]Personality:[/B] Ariel can seem very bashful. She constantly in deep thought and talks among herself. Ariel?s only speaks to others when truly necessary other then that she reminds quite. Her words are very soft and seemed to be carried away by the wind. Her face doesn?t show much emotion or movement other then an eyebrow rise and a small grin. [B] Writing Sample:[/B] [I]?Look down?they there are all of them.? [/I] Ariel told herself looking down from heaven. It seems like everyday the each angel seems to fall into Belial?s hands. Even hell seems to have trouble with Belial, so she has heard. Was it wrong? Was it right? Did it even matter from this point? [I]?Michael says they have sinned. Each wanted to break from the rules and procedures of heaven.? [/I] Ariel thought. There was really no choice. You had to follow rules or things would fall into chaos. No one can truly escape from them they are where everywhere. Yet did heaven?s rules really bother them that much? [I]?Heaven is heaven, yes we are limited here. Yet the do say this is paradise??[/I] Ariel sighed still talking to herself. Paradise is what heaven is called. Yet why did people want to break away from a place labeled so? Ariel knew how the fallen felt. Yet she understood that Michael words. Yes they have sinned, for feeling they must escape. The wind picked up and Ariel shut her eyes closed taking the harsh cold wind. The wind, it was free. It had no rules but its own. It could be harsh, unforgiving and fierce. Or it could be gentle and warm breeze of comfort. She guessed the others wanted to be like the wind. Could Ariel escape among them? The wind picked up even more making Ariel hug herself for some warmth. Was the wind punishing her for thinking such thoughts? The wind stopped and Ariel opened her eyes. She hoped for a sign to show her the right path. To listen to the words of Michael, the Angel of War. Or to listen to the words of her stressed out companions. A feather fell into Ariel?s shoulder. Ariel gently picked it up scared it fragile structure. Ariel frowned as she twirled the feather around. It must have fallen from one of her wings. Ariel took this as a sign to follow Michael. To put the fallen angels back into heaven and under the wing of God. She promised herself not to follow the path of the fallen ones. She must keep her spirit strong or the pressure would truly crush her. Like this feather she is fragile and so where the rest. The wind was the freedom they seek. The must not follow it or it would separate the feather and destroy the feather in the end. The feather would be lost and slowly decay. If it returns or stays under that wing it will grow, prosper, and live. ?Must?bring?back?? Ariel spoke near to a whisper. She knew then that it really has begun. Occ: Tell me if I need to change anything...[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1] Nasca sighed putting her things inside her knapsack. She had to get ready for the voyage. The ship was been supplied and yet Nasca had some uncertainty. She didn?t have doubts about the ship but in herself. Everyone was probably more prepared then her. The last time she set out she was lost and almost died of starvation. Yet she wasn?t alone this time. She just hoped she can even navigate. Her abilities were horrible compared to her fathers. [I]?You?re no good at this navigation job. You shouldn?t have even showed up!?[/I] Nasca told herself. Nasca poked her fingers together absorbing her own mental smack. [I]?Ahh, go and hope not to get the ship lost?? [/I] Nasca put all her books inside her knapsack and a couple of clothes. She didn?t have too many possessions. Her only thing she really cared about was her books of navigation and her lucky compass. Nasca tied her compass to a piece a string to make it into a necklace. She tied it around her neck and hide it under her shirt. She patted her chest making sure it was safe. The most important thing of her possessions was an old worn out book and some notes that were safely tuck inside. Her father gave it to her hoping to her to learn all she can from it. [I]?You have learned nothing but to copy your father. You can?t really do anything by yourself. Not only that but you can?t pin point your location on the map correctly sometimes.?[/I] Nasca gave herself another mental blow. Nasca lowered her head in shame. Her father?s book is the only thing that made her feel like a navigator other then her compass. Her father?s book! Where was it?! Nasca panicked and searched in her knapsack, nothing. Nasca got her knapsack and ran into the ship. The ship was still been supplied and Nasca just rushed onto the deck. Where was it? It had to be on the ship, there was no other place. Nasca searched nervously around the ship. How can she find it during the supply period? Nasca sat on the deck?s floor and started to cry. How can she do that to her father?s book? Nasca stopped crying feeling something under her. She got up and there was her father?s book. She hugged it and wiped of her tears. She was such a nervous wreck just because of a book! ?Ma?am please move. We must supply the ship, you?re in our way.? A man said carrying a crate of supplies. Nasca got up blushing furiously. She bowed to him many times as an apology. She completely forgot the ship was still been supplied. She was sitting on the deck stupidly. The man shook his head and passed by Nasca. Nasca scratched her head feeling useless. ?I see you?re still as quite, shy and nervous as ever Nasca?? A women voice came from behind her. Nasca turned around finding out that it was Kura was the one speaking to her. Nasca gasped and started to blush. She bowed to Kura feeling a bit ashamed. Nasca stopped bowing and sighed. She poked her fingers together out of nervous tendency. Everyone in the ship knew how shy she might be. Nasca rose up her head and swallowed the lump in her throat she had from crying later. She stood up straight and saluted to Kura. She didn?t want to make look a fool a front of the captain. No Nasca was way too proud for that. She just hope she won?t get thrown off the ship for getting them lost sooner or later![/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1]"Hnn..how much he knew.." Haraku whispered. "The thing with Haraku's humanity does not concern to "outsider" " Senji told. He sat down on the stool. Haraku sat beside him a bit furious. "What would you like?" Kenshin asked. "Bloody Mary.." Senji replied. "Martini.." Haraku sighed. "Miss likes hard liqour I see. You should watch your drinking habits." Lee told her. What was he her dad? Haraku wanted to shove her foot up his ass. First about her smokes, then her humanity, then about her drinking habits? "Ugh, can't stand you already." Haraku growled. "If you want to know about my humanity I have none okay? I grew up with a split personality and few emotions to show. I can't feel emotion other then stress. I can fake does emotions you and Senji have easy. The problem with feeling only stress is that I'll go insane if under too much. Kicking, screaming, blank expression and everything. I grew up too fast mentally though. I couldn't experience been a kid, neither could Senji. I guess that how my split personality kicks in. Mioko is just like a child. She curious and has all full fledge emotion. I envy her..." Haraku said. "Now now, don't blame it on Mioko. Just remeber this Haraku I love you the way you are." Senji smiled and kissed her. Eeek, not with the love crap again. Haraku sighed and shook her head. "Your a hopeless fool..." Haraku shook her head. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1]Senji started to hug Haraku from behind with a grin on his face. He wondered what Haraku might be thinking about. She seemed quite. "What is it love?" Senji asked. "Hnn..nothing.." Haraku said. "I think I know, you remember the thunder?" Senji said. "The thunder...you mean that day." Haraku said trying to remember. She say Lee look at there direction been a bit interested. "It was raining harder then this. The thunder roared on and on almost endless. We set camp in alley. You deviced it with cardboard box and trash can I believe. You were as smart back then like now. That was the first day we notice how lucky people get to go inside warm houses. We got a roof over there heads and everything. This made you think to go to the orphanage not able to see me suffer anymore. You know without me telling that I hated our life. Leaving in the streets, stealing food, beaten up other people for our helping of the trash in junk for we can built. We where a good team right? You sneak behinde with your speed and steal w/e. A class a pick pocket. Then a beat the hell out of them...." Haraku recalled. "You remeber too well. It seems more blury for me. I think back and remeber how nice you were to everyone. Now your only nice to me. Yet i can deal with that.."Senji smiled. "Humans are true cruel to show any compasion too..." Haraku frowned.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1]"No way! I not dancing there topless shaking my "thing" " Haraku yelled. "It was a joke! Ahh where is the adventure Haraku?" Senji said defensively " About I throw you into a desserted island with a valcono eruption? Then lets see how quick your brain can think of escaping that one!" Haraku said. "Well that easy, looking at resources and.." Senji begging to say until Haraku rolled her eyes. "Oh now, don't go all smart on us! You stay a fucking genuis at home and to the goverment. Ugh, I rather stay in the putried land from the other demention then you two perverts." "I'm not the pervert! Lee the one that said it was a "family place". If that a family place to him then he has to be the pervert!" Senji pouted. "Ya, blame it on the new guy for your flaws." "My only flaw is not able to be with you all the time. Been away from you is hard. Is like slow anguish..." Senji said. Haraku could have puked! "Please tell me the portal STILL open. Let throw Senji into a unknown dessert and leave him with no water or food. Yet this smart ass my think of a way to survive by eating sand!" Haraku told Lee. "Is nice to know you have so much confedence in me, my love" Senji smiled.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1]"I suggest to back of! Not your type of chick? Then why the hell your touching her for, huh pal?" Senji said " If you want to stay I suggest a 20 feet raduis away from us!" Senji yelled. All that Haraku could do is smile. Ha! Mr.Lee is in trouble. "Hehe, I was just joking. I like fooling around with the new guys." Haraku said. "Not funny Haraku. I could have hurt him if I decided to take rage on him. I don't like your little tricks..." Senji pouted " Sorry for that, my love likes to play around alot. But as soon as we get out of here you need to by her a new pack of smokes. There more stress releavers then anything else..." "I suggest you should not take about things you don't know. Yes I know that does kill you. You know what? I don't care, death is just something to deal with. I don't care if it comes sooner or later. I rather die anyways..." Haraku pouted. "My love, I rather you not say that. Yes, you do have a point. Yet I rather die together then alone. I'll follow you wherever heaven, hell, or limbo. I don't care where as long as we are together." Senji gave Haraku a warm smile. Haraku felt horrible. Senji his such a sweet yet love struck fool. She wished he wasn't in love with [I]her[/I]. "Just keep walking Shakespear. I rather not go all Romoe and Juliet. Save the gushy stuff and lets continue okay." "Yes, yet I inforce the rules. No touching Haraku, no breathing my love's air, and no thinking about her. Sorry I didn't say it sooner. Yet my loves trick reminded me..." Senji said and turned around.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1]"He reminds me of "him" I don't like it.." Haraku said staring at this "Lee Shiozu". "Haraku please be nice. He might look like the bastard yet we have to comprimise. Home schooled? Cool, I finished school very early age. I guess you can call me a genuis. So I got lots of free time on mine hands." Senji smiled trying to make polite coversation. Of course he wasn't mean to Lee like he was mean to Kenshin. Lee was not Haraku ex-boyfriend which made it way easier to like Lee. "Hmph! I will comprimise yet I won't say I like him! You can come with us if you want. Is better to travel in group.." Haraku frowned. "Hey better for me if you don't like him!" Senji smiled "You heard the lovely lady...." Senji turned and started walking with Haraku still on his back.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1]"You walking a bit slow Haraku.." Senji complained. "It ain't my fault, you were also way faster. I'm just stronger" Haraku smiled. "Hey! That one time you tripped when we stoled food my speed svae you! I had to carry you on my back due to your ankle" "About the time when you got in trouble and you didn't have much force in you punch. You called me up you held the guy and I had to punch the shit out of him!" Senji pouted " I rather you not go back to THAT part of history..." Haraku started to laugh. Senji smiled and started to carry Haraku on his back to go faster. "This reminds me of the old days..." Senji told her. "Sometimes I rather forget.." Haraku said and buried her face in Senji's neck. The old days seem too painful to remember. Yet it was much better then now. She just hope not to see Kenshin's hideous face. Senji was about to respond when interrupted by a voice. "Are you the kids my son attacked?" Some boy told them. Senji stared at the boy who looked alot like Kenshin with a few minor adjustment. Senji decided it WAS Kenshin since Senji didn't have his glasses with him. "What the fuck are you talking about? I suggest to moved out of the way Kenshin. I swear to god I'll kill you. You made my Haraku stress herself. She was deeply sadden by your harsh words. She is not a bitch! You know nothing about her at all! Leave us alone now before Haraku gives me the command to kill you..." Senji yelled. Haraku picked up from Senji shoulder. "Kenshin...uh..." Haraku stopped herself from speaking. What was the point? She didn't want to talk to such a filthy thing.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1]Name: Nasca Lore Nickname: Compass Age: 23 Gender: Female Appearance:[URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/v111/Dark_Misstress/?action=view¤t=dgm_comic06_04.jpg]Girl on the Left [/URL] Short Bio: Nasca father was a famous navigator. He taught her everything he could. How to a draw a perfect map, navigate with a compass, navigate with the stars, everything he could. She studied day in and day out. Her skills grew slowly though. She sometimes couldn?t pin point the exact latitude and longitude of there postion. Nasca?s map drawing skills were great, but that is because she learned to make an exact copy of her father?s maps. She knew how to work a compass perfectly by reading her father?s books. She never used navigating with the stars yet she always kept that skill in the back of her mind. Her father would always said that Nasca navigation skills were not as great as his. That he was the best and she would never surpass him ever. Nasca believe her father greatly on this. Her navigation skills were a bit weak. She studied very hard to perfect her pin pointing position skills. She was too proud to ask her father for any help on this. Nasca soon grew into a shell were she thought that she can never be like her father or even come close to surpassing him. If she grew out of her shell she could go farther then her father ever could. She went into the sea in the journey to learn better about navigation, advised by her father. Cross-scar Kane found her on a small boat starved half to death. Nasca didn't set out with enough money and out of stupidity forgot her map. After Cross-scar found Nasca he took her aboard. She felt like he was her second father almost since her first father wasn't so nice to her. She felt saddened with Cross-scare Kane meet his demise. She never knew how they can kill such a wonderful man. She didn't know to take revenge or to crawl into a ball and cry. To proud to cry she set out with Kura and the rest. Short Personality: She is greatly defensive of her navigation skills. The only time she speaks out loud and shows her mild temper. Yet she is mostly quite and only speaks when telling the captain of there position and which direction to do. She is very proud yet doesn't like to show it. She wonders around the ship reading her most praised possession; her father?s navigation book and some notes that he took in his adventures out into the sea. Position on Ship: Navigator Weapons: Pin needles and two small handguns. Devil's Fruit power: None Dream: To surpass her father and perfect her latitude and longitude skills. She also wanted to be the number one navigator of the world.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1]Well sometimes there were some differences in the crop circles. For instants, some of the crop circles are perfectly bent without the bottom part of the stem been broking. In others supposedly "hand-made" the stem is easily broken by a wodden plank the step on to make the circles. To make a perfect crop circle all you need to be is a good mathematician. Yet to tell the truth I don't believe in aliens. Like Retribution said: [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [quote name='Retribution][size=1'] I think that the crop circles are a load of BS, but it's interesting how perfect they look from above. [/size][/quote]
  19. [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1]Senji got up wiping the spit of the face. Haraku glared at Kenshin as he walked past. Senji was actually been nice. But of course if you look passed the monkey comment. Haraku sat down beside Senji and wiped his face off with her sleeve. "He caught me off gaurd..." Senji told Haraku looking sad. Haraku found it wierd since he didn't bounce back as he should have. She always found Senji a optimistic. He never frown without quickly reverting back to smiling. "Is wierd, Kenshin not like this. He ussually alot nicer. He was too nice actually..." Haraku told him while wiping his face "I have no idea what got into him..." "Me I guess, I tend to be asshole to ex-boyfriends of yours. Is a curse I have to bare with..." Senji said. Senji then Senji's expression changed. He looked really pissed off. What is it something Kenshin said? "That bastard, he can insult me all he want. Yet insulting my Haraku is way to far! I'm going to kill him. No one calls you a bitch!" Senji yelled "...Are..you..sure?" Haraku said feeling hurt. No one really called her a bitch infront of her. There where whispers around the school of course duet o her attitude. "Yes..." Senji said with his frown lines geetting deeper "He said Next time you piss me off, I'm not going to kill you, but also YOUR BITCH" "I hate people that don't understand. Human kind judge people too quickly. I feel sorry for the fool not seen you the way I see you. Your kind, sensetive, and loving side. I do not mean Mioko either I mean you. Outsiders, they just don't understand us..." Senji said harshly. He looked at Haraku who looked like she was about to cry. "People..they..don't..understand. All the shit I had to go through. Of course I could never trust a human being other then you. The others are cruel and un-trusthworthy. The beat you down until you can't feel anymore. If you give no emotion they call you a freak. If you give emotion the call you weak. All...the..shit..." Haraku said. "Haraku don't..." Senji told her "He didn't have to live our life. He didn't have to work for the things he got. He got everything serve to him. Oh a star athlete, a father, a roof always on his head...." Haraku said and bursted out crying. Senji grabbed her and held her tight. "My love don't stress this thing..." Senji told her with his sweet kind voice. "Why not!!? I hate him!! I hate him! He doesn't know how life really is! The harsh cold truth! He lives in a shell where everthing is alright. Where he protected by the outside. That what I hate about him and I what I always hated that about him. That happens also why I was attracted to him. He didn't live in the streets 'till 6 and the orphanage 'till 14!! I can't trust anyone! He didn't have to be sick day in and day out like me. He didn't live OUR lives... " Haraku said calming down just a bit. Her tears still fell like water. "Stupid, ignorant, slefish monkey. His life bassically revolves around a hoop. He just can't take him anymore. I knew something like this was going to happen. That why I called it off so early. He doesn't know how words can hurt somone." "I see, I think I have to do something drastic. It going to be either in here or out there. Either way I can erase all memory of him if you want, my love. I can do it in a flash remember I'm your knight in shining armor!" Senji winked at her. Haraku wiped her tears. She knew exactly what Senji meant. He was going to kill by his own or let the goverment do it for him. Haraku didn't care she wanted Kenshin dead. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1][B]1. Pick a Band or Artist:[/B] System of a Down [B]2.Are you male or female:[/B] Sugar (That the only thing I can find. I'm a girl >.
  21. [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1]Both Haraku and Senji looked at Kenshin and laughed. Wow, he almost sounded like them. "Sorry for laughing but I find it funny. I didn't know a monkey that shoots a ball inside a hoop can talk this way or have the courage. I guess neither did Haraku. Yet I am really sorry, I am ussually I'm really nice. I just happen to be mean to Haraku's ex-boyfriends. I have to say envy happens to show is true colors alot.." Senji shrugged. "You must understand my postion. Haraku is very...very dear to me. I think I owe some thanks to you for protecting her. If you wish that it is best to leave by yourself that is fine. Yet i do not think it is wise. You see you never know what around the corner. Is better to travel in group...just something a must force if you willing to walk with us. No looking at Haraku, no breathing Haraku's air, no even thinking about Haraku okay?" "Must you apply that to ever guy you meet..." Haraku rolled her eyes. "Yes I must insist, your my one true treasure, everything I have. Your beauty and brains are un-canny...I know there some guys that can't help themselves. I can barely hold myslef down.." Senji said kinda and lovinly to Haraku. He ran ran his fingers threw her hair and cuped his hand over her cheek. He stared at her for a few seconds then remebered he still had Kenshin to deal with. " I'm sorry, what is your decision?" Senji asked Kenshin [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]My god, Kiyana -- there's [b]no reason to take your life because of a holiday.[/b] The picture you posted was rather disturbing. I suppose this wouldn't be a good time for me to voice my opinion on how I feel about those who 'hate valentines day.' >_>[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Silver] [SIZE=1]Yes true you can forever rant about does things. It would turn into a endless argument don't you think? If you really want to know about sucide rates in Valentine you should type in " Sucide Rates over the months". If you get some result it would give you some clue. If sucide rates go up in december or febuary then the rumors are true. Yet for my opinion I think that personal will can not be charted. Like my friends like to say "When in doubt, google it" :cool: [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=1]"What the hell your doing here?" Haraku whispered to Senji as Kenshin walked behind them. "Well as I said I'll follow you to the ends of the world. I'll always protect you know matter what.." Senji smiled at wink " You know that babe.." "Hnn, the words of a love struck fool" "Yep I am a fool for falling in love with you..." "Blah, you know I don't believe in that love crap" Haraku stuck out her tounge in disgust. " You speak blindly..." "Ahh yes.." Senji look down of the floor sadly "Ohh well" Senji looked at her cheerful and smiling "Ugh, no for real why are you here..." "Hnn, that for me to know and you to never find out lady. Be happy that your knight and shiny armor came to save the day!" "I see no brave knight!" Senji looked a bit hurt for a sec and bounced up again " That hurts Haraku.." "Hnn, you know I could have done perfectly well on my own..." "Yes true I do have to say, yet the boy over there seem to try to take the glory. I think a little fear have strucking in the heart of Haraku. Which is strange that never happens. You can of killed way more of does guys then him with a hand tied behind your back. Okay a little exeggeration, but you could have kicked alot more ass. Who is he anyways" "Human fear what they do not know. Is a one time experience and only one. Also you mean my ex?" "Yes true fear comes to others more easily though. Which ex is this?" "New ex..." "You just broke up with him. Let me guess the classic text message and happy face? Yes nothing to mean for my lovely Haraku..." Senji stoped and bowed to her while holding her right hand. He kissed her hand and smiled up at her "That what a love about you.." "Ugh" Haraku rolled her eyes and yanked her hand away from him. Senji stood up and looked at Kenshin. He gave him a angry warning smile that said [I]"She's mine and if you touch her I'll kill you. No one well find your body, I got connections like that"[/I] "Let's find others sha'll we?" Haraku said yanking Senji's arm "Of course.." Senji said looking away from Kenshin. He stared at Haraku yet was soeaking to Kenshin " I think you need to speed up slow poke. Anartica icebergs move faster then you...but i guess your too dumb to find the humor in that joke" Senji held her hand and smiled at her "Let's go my lady..."[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]There no real specific range of people that kill themselve on Valentines Day. Is like the same thing they say that people kill themselves on christmas. There was actually a research on what months and holidays does sucide go up. The result was that sucide doesn't go up at holidays, certain months, or certain day times. People just kill themselves whenever. You can go to ask jeeves or so if you really insist. I not sure any other sites that might help you. I hope that helped a little[/FONT][/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  25. [FONT=Courier New][COLOR=Silver][SIZE=2]Haraku got up dusting dirt off her kimono. She was sick of standing there and waiting. She would look like the perfect prey for any massive, big teeth, carnivorous animal. Well there nothing better then some exploration. Wait didn't curiosity kill the cat? Oh wait she wasn't a cat, oops. Haraku started to walk around. She was trying to get rid of her bordem. Yet walking around didn't seem to help much. She wonder if there wasn't anything exicting around her? No matter what culture or place they had to have some kind of entertainment. Haraku just hoped that SHE wasn't the entertainment. Haraku spotted a human shape figure. Hopefully it was a human. She stepped closer not getting too close. She squinted her eyes getting a better image. There he was, Kenshin. Yep out of all the people she knew it had to be Kenshin she found. Why not a nice rabbit? She would even take a angry tree stump. Hey, even a huge hungry looking bear would be better. Ahh but not him! He was wimpy, corny, and had the IQ of a garden snail! He proballly get her into more trouble if she searched around with him. Haraku sighed and thought she really had no choice. Kenshin was the only human she seen so far. Haraku took a big breath and walked up to him. "Yo.." Haraku said waving sheepishly at him. "Oh it's you Haraku.." Kenshin said "Your not mad at me right? Your not going to make angry phone calls?" Haraku scracthed her head. "Hnn... about what?" "For dumping you over the phone. Not only tha but putting a happy face after the message..." "Ohh that...well just thinking why you dump me and what kind of girl makes a happy face after a break up message. Other then that...no I'm not mad" "Well I'm that kind of girl and I won't tell exactly WHY I broke up with you. Hey look at the bright side! Your game in basketball will increase! Of course god knows you need it..." Haraku said and streched. God, why he liked basketball so much. It was such a brainless sport. You just shoot a ball inside a hoop, amazing! "Now Mr.Romeo why not explore with me? We can cover more ground that way. Don't tell me your not as curious about this place as me?" Haraku said and started to walk.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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