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Everything posted by SlowChemical

  1. [COLOR=YellowGreen][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]Haraku wiggled her toes against the wet crisp blades of grass. She had to figure out a few things out. This wasn't the first time she disappeared out of nowhere. Well it wasn't exactly [I]her[/I] that disappeared but that was beside the point. This one and the other had to be connected. Last time this happened she got into a huge fight. Since the stupidity of Mioko she had to kill someone with her own hands. Haraku looked at her hands as she tighting her hand into a fist and then unwind it over and over again. When she killed that person it didn't bother her into a few days later. Even so after that time it didn't matter much. Why wasn't she not caring about spilling blood? Haraku sighed looking up at the sky. Why god she had to be such a bitch? Haraku fell back laying on the grass. She can hear Senji nagging at her in the back of her head. He hated self pity and self let down especially if it came out of her mouth. Haraku squinted her eyes as portection against the sun. She put her arm over her face as a shield. Well she was Miss Queen of Mean. She bet her life on it that alot of people thought she was a bitch. Kenshin probaly joined that line of people or maybe was always there to begin with. Haraku sighed and shook her head. No one knew why she was like that. She been such a outcast. She couldn't really blame it on her second personilaty or her mental illness. Only Senji understood her. He was always there for her and told her never to doubt herself or think to much of things. He understood been in the same orphanage as her. Yet Senji had it easy been the genuis he was. He finished high school and college at 10. He got his own place by 14 by telling the goverment they can have his brain if he got out of that hell hole orphanage. Yet he had to take her with him. Haraku closed her eyes remebering further back. He was always so nice. She was consider the mental child. She always had the split personilaty problem and her mental illness. She couldn't handle stress or she'll break down into insanity. Haraku was insane by the way she lived and the way she acted. She was considered a freak and the would run so much test on her to see what exactly what wrong with her. They split personility was not that bother them but the hollow look, her instant rage, not able to feel true emotion or pain, and the way she acted under stress which hinted insanity. Yet she was so close to the edge of been locked away to a place were she couldn't hurt anyone or herself. A place called death if the orphanage got there way. Yet she was so far from it now. Haraku had to grow up since a young age. Mioko is the child that Haraku could never be. The curiosity, exploration, low understanding of things all the things a little child had Mioko had. Senji didn't care how insane she was. He didn't care about her split personility or mental illness. He understood and loved her the way she was. When she would freak and go into insanity he was always there to break her out. He actually loved both sides of her equally. He took her with him when he left the orphanage. He gave her the money to put food on the table and gave her to a good foster home. All through his goverment connections and job which he was growing lazy of doing. He thought of the rock band taking major time off to make it and start it with Haraku as the singer. What was the last time the goverment called him to make some invention for them or something? He been so gone from that so long and got so lazy. Like Senji said "They wouldn't know how to get there heads out of there ass without me." Haraku smiled at her thought which quickly faded. Yet Kenshin... Ahh he wasn't anything. Yet something about him that itched her so badly. Even through all she still had some strange thing that attracted her to him like gravity. Ahh! She had to stop. She called it off and that was final. He wouldn't like a murder like her anyways. Senji would love her no matter what. She had to stop thinking. She had to put her mind to get out of this place, this tourtament. She had to get out or fight out. She didn't matter if she had to spill some blood in the process![/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=YellowGreen][SIZE=1]A painful experience? 1)I can only think of one at the top of my head. I was but a mere child about 4-6. I have no idea how I can remeber it so clearly. I was walking down the stairs and I slipped from the top step. I tumbled down all the way down. As I tumbled I hit my head on the rail several times. Like that wasn't bad enough at the end there was like a sharp object. I don't rember what exactly what was it but it cut my head and I was bleeding alot. I had to get stiches on my head and I fractured wrist. Of course I didn't get out of it without a few brusies. 2)Another which I remeber which wasn't so painful. This one was a simple thing. The door slammed on my hand. I was sitting on my seat next to the classroom door entrance. This again was when I was young and I was still in elementary. The door was wide open and it was very windy day. The door was slowly closing. One of my classmates told me to hold it from closing. I got up putting my hand on the door and I try to put the wooden block under the door. The wind picked up and slamed the door shut with my hand along with it. I yanked my hand fast away but not fast enough. There I was holding my hand as it bleed. I just stood there looking at it and wondering why it didn't hurt yet it was bleeding this much blood. There was alot of blood on the floor which the teacher had to mop off as the rushed me to the nurse office and called my mom. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [SIZE=1]Haraku put on her clothes ready to leave the scene. She looked at her phone and sighed. Haraku knew it was about time to do what she was planing to do. This was just a perfect excuse to do it. Haraku text messaged Kenshin and wrote "It's over, Sayonara! ; )". Haraku thought is was a little messed up to put a happy smiley at the end of her text message. Well it was her, Miss Queen Of Mean. She probaly be rocks tossed at her house and sad messages for the next few days untill Kenshin gets over it. She wondered how happy Senji will be in her decision. He make his own personal parade. Haraku after sending the text message she turned of her phone. She didn't want to know how fast Kenshin might reply. This made her decide not to pick up her phone for the next couple of weeks too. Jocks always seemed scarer when they just got there heart torn. Yet he had to look at the bright side, his game will drastically increase! After Haraku put her phone in her bookbag she felt faint. Her head started to hurt and the room started spining. She felt lke she was in a enless vortex. She lost conciousness and fell backwards onto the floor. Haraku eyes fluttured open and she looked around. Nothing seemed the same. She raised her arm up to what it seemed to be the sky and saw she was wearing some kimono. Yet it was diffrent from the ones she used to wearing. It looked from acient times. "Yeah, fucking blast from the past...wonderful. I'm just lucky is not from the seventies..." Haraku told herself and sat up. Where the fuck was she? [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]Haraku got in the hotspring. She splashed the hot water of her face trying to get relax. Her muscles were worn and torn from the concert. The hot spring might help her relax her muscles. I nice massage would be nice. Maybe she should have brought Senji he would gladly massage her back. Haraku sink half face into the water. There were to many things on her head. One was that tournament thing. She haven't thought about it in a while yet it was pretty fresh memory. The other Kenshin she wonder where he was. He did not come to Nyoko's birthday. Then there Senji... Haraku hold her breath and sank herself underwater. She serve this as a punishment to herself of thinking about Senji. She cursed herself in her head. She went back up to the surface and took a big breath. She had to remeber is a birthday party for Nyoko. She had to fake been happy and whatever senseless emotion she had to fake. Ugh, what a wonderful time to have a cigarette. Haraku sighed remebering she forget to buy a pack. Now, she was really mad at herself. [/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Haraku finsihed dressing herself. She just wore a white t-shirt with plain denim jeans. She just put on sandals not bothering to put on boots. She turned around and looked at the others. "So you liked the show? I hope Nyoko that I was good enough at the song tribute. My voice was getting worn out in all..." Haraku told them. Senji walked in at all of them. "Haraku love the peep show....ohh your friends? Ohh hey, I'm the guitarist of the band. So I see you all know Haraku pretty well?" Senji asked "Yeah Senji they do...." Haraku told him " Well is your boy toy here? Is this him..." Senji said pointing to Kazuma "Nah, he didn't show up..." Haraku shrugged "Too bad he would have gotting a great nude concert. Yet the greatest view of course was were I was standing front stage center" "Whatever" Harkau shrugged " Anyways Jun you still up with the whole dinner thing? I'm straved....." " Do you mind if I come?" Senji asked the rest. Haraku looked at Senji disapproving of his request yet he just ignored the stare. "Umm...well it is my birthday. I guess is cool to hang out with the band members of a rock group!" Nyoko said. She got a cold glare from Haraku. "Great! I think I like to buy for the birthday girl.." Senji said. Everyone agreed and walked out of Haraku's dressing room. Senji and Haraku were the last people to get out. Yet Senji wrapped his arm around Haraku's waist and whispered in her ear. "Tonight was just like old times..." Senji whispered "Yeah like you said "old" times. Now I think I have to check my cellphone please.." Haraku told him. He let go and sighed "As you wish...tell me when he slips up okay?" Senji winked and got out. Haraku grabbed her cellphone and looked to see any messages from Kenshin. They were none. This bothered Haraku alot, which was strange because it never bothered her before at all. Haraku raised an eyebrow worried. She closed her cellphone and put on her back pocket dismissing it.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Haraku got out of Kenshin's baggy boys clothes and got ready for the concert. She wear a black tight fit pants. The pants came with lots of zippers, back pockets, and a chain hanging from the side. She wore a black tank top with a long sleeve fishnet shirt over. A top of everything she wore a black trench coat. She looked dark, mysterious, and of all things sexy. Well she did have to give her fans something. " One sexy beast..." Senji said coming in her dresser room. "I guess so" Haraku shrugged. "Were on...you're sure that you're ready? Pretty tough crowd....anyways were is lover boy?" " I don't know don't care. He probaly outside acting like a gorrilla. I kinda left him out of the blue..." Haraku shrugged " He doesn't even knwo I'm here..." "Does he even knwo who you are? You know Ms. Rock Princess?" "Nope, is kinda a shalllow relationship and he knows nothing about me really. Only one thing though, Mioko" "Ahh I see is it only for the sex? As I said before "boy toy" " " Nah, something a little more deeper then that..." Haraku said as she stared at herself in the mirror "Don't really know what draws me to him.." "Hnn.." Senji said growing tired of the coversation "Let's go Master..." "Yeah yeah.." There were screaming fans all screaming out "Addictive Elixir". That made Haraku feel in the mood for singing. The lights turned on on the stage. Haraku grabbed the mike and spoke " Thank ya guys for coming. I know most of you came on to just see me" "We love ya Haraku!" Haraku heard screaming fans say. Haraku smirked as she heard them. "Nah for real you came to hear our songs. Don't worry boys if you are lucky you get some fan service later..." Haraku winked. With that the band started to play. Haraku hold her mike close to her lips. The band played louder which was her cue to sing. She pulled of the trench coat throwing it on the floor and sang. That made all her fans scream louder. In the corner of her eye she swear she saw her friends, yet there was no Kenshin. Yet that bother Haraku a little more then it should have. Haraku ignored it and still continue singing rocking it on the stage. Sweat dripping down her face having a wonderful time. She did 3 songs untill she had to stop. "You guys still want more!?" Haraku screamed at her mike. The fans all screamed "Yes". Senji went up and poured water over her head. "I think are singner needs to cool down a bit don't you think?" Senji said to the audience through Haraku's mike. "Very funny..." Haraku glared at him. " Don't you guys think she looks sexy went wet?" Senji laughed through the mike. He got a loud roaring responds from the fans. "Well I think we should continue with our concert don't you think?" Haraku said grabbing the mike from Senji "Now this song is to a friend which I hope is here tonight. Today is her birthday guys! Sorry i couldn't make it to the whole party..but this is for you!" Haraku said and the fans raored. She started to sing again for Nyoko. [/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]"My voice is getting raspy...I need to rest before the concert. Take five okay guys?" Haraku said. Everyone stopped palying and went to rest. Haraku took a water bottle from the fridge and sat down on the couch. Senji sat beside her. "So who your new boy toy?" Senji asked kicking up his feet to the cofee table. "None of your bussiness...." Haraku said and passed him her water bottle. Senji took it and drank. "Come on Haraku you can trust me. We are friends now aren't we?" "All I can say his in a basketball team..." Senji burst out laughing "Your with a jock again? Wow, does he even understand you? What is his IQ equal too? A garden snail? Ha, ha you crack me up" Haraku shruged "What ever...do I hear jelouse in your voice?" "Hnn yeah right, I bet I went farther with you then he ever had" "What ever..." Haraku said not caring much about the coversation. "The same as always. Yet that was makes you so irresistible" Senji moved closer to Haraku. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. He grabbed her chin and slowly moved to kiss her. Haraku ignored the moving closer and arm around her shoulder. Yet as he moved closer to try to kiss her it urged her to kiss him back. Senji lips were almost touched her's untill Haraku spoke up. "You really shouldn't do that....you still have old feeling I see? Leave does to die....anyways break is over." "Well I tried..." Seni said letting go of her " Don't tell me you didn't want that kiss as much I wanted it?" Senji winked at her "I think your new boy toy will be up for a open relationship.." "Whatever Senji...just work does finger to your gutair" Haraku said and got off the couch. Senji got up and walked behinde her. "What ever you say Master" Senji shrugged and smiled. [/SIZE]
  8. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]Haraku opened the door to someone's house. She hoped she can sneek in without people noticing her. It was dark the lights were off. Haraku tripped over something and fell face first on the floor. The light quickly flicked on revealing the room. "Did anyone tell you not to sneek into people houses?" A tall guy around 16 told her. He had rock gear on and a guitar swung to his back. "Blah blah blah, going to nag me to death? What are you my wife?" Haraku said sitting up in idain style. "Well you're late..." "Blah blah shut up Senji..." Haraku said revealing the name of the guy she was talking about. Yes, Mr. Senji Kuchiki. The guitar man of the band "Addictive Elixir", asshole, and ex-boyfriend. "Well we do have to practice. Remeber we have a concert to do today?" Senji told her helping her up. "Well I rember now...do you have a cigerette? Pretty please with sugar on top and candy on the bottom?" "Yeah yeah...." Senji said and took out a pack. He took one cigerette and put in his mouth. He took another one and gave it to Haraku. "Thank you, how lovely...." Hraku said as she lite her cigerette. She lite Senji's aswell. "Well can we start Ms. Bandleader?" Senji told her and gave her the mike. "Yeah, yeah....just don't go to fast. Rei needs to come with her drum solo in the right time and the bass seems pretty much perfect. We have some work to do guys...." "We could have done it soooner if..." Senji rolled his eyes "Shut up?" "Whatever, just please tell me your going to change from does baggy boys clothes later right? It makes you look like a thug. Your a rocker not a thug..." "Hnnn?" Haraku said looked at her clothes. Oh, yeah Kenshin... "At some boy house I guess. Who's the guy you had fun with last night?' Rei said. Senji just stared at Rei. "Whatever, just forget it. I'll change later on when is time to go. Lets just start....1...2....3" Haraku said and everyone started playing.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]Haraku yawned and turned to the other side of the bed. She opened her eyes to be greated with Kenshin's face. Haraku was about to yelp and kick him off when she remebered what happened last night. The whole tumble war fight. Haraku got up and yawned. She searched around the room floor for her pack of cigarettes. She finally found it tossed under Kenshin's bed. She opened the pack only to find one lonely little cigarette there. "How peachy....ugh. I have to go take a bath. Crap, where the hell is his bathroom?" Haraku said and put the cigarette box a top of the counter. She picked up a towel at the door thinking he would not mind if she used it. She went off to take a shower. After her shower ther was a clothes problem. She looked at the bed and he was still sleeping. Okay, time to raid his closet. She already borrowed his towel. Why not his clothes? SHe put on a shirt that fit her huge. The shirt landed up to her knees. She picked up one of his boxers and put them on. She got one of his pants. Yet everytime she walk the would slip down. So Haraku also borrowed a belt. "Okay I look wierd yet..who the fuck cares?" Haraku said. She felt a little bad leaving him like this. Not exactly saying goodbye. So she wrote him a note. It said simple words "I'm out of here". She got her pack of cigerretes, left the note a top of the counter, and went out the door. She had band practice today for her rock band. Was there a concert today? Oh well, Senji well remind her. Damn, the only problem was a gift for Nyoko. What the hell should Haraku do?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]Haraku panted completly tired. It became a tumble wat for the 'man' position. It was getting very rough and fustrating. The pillows were on the floor and the bed covers were stripped off. The sheets was a tangle mess between the two bodies. Of course Haraku was the winner. "Give...up.." Haraku panted "Why..should..I?" Kenshin said equally tired "It..has been hours..give up. Your the bitch..." "No..fair..rematch?" "Too....bad" Haraku said giving him a tired kiss. Haraku got up only to be pulled back into bed. "I said you can stay.." "Ohh...do I? Can I at least have a smoke?" Haraku sighed "Okay..I guess I'll stay." Haraku said and got up putting on her clothes. "What you doing? I thought you said you stay?" "I will just putting on clothes. You expect me to sleep naked? Ha, ussually do but I don't want it to turn into a rematch." Haraku said as she zipped up her pants. Kenshin pulled her down on to his lap. Haraku sighed ans streched. " Your going to ix the bed.." Haraku said "Nuh uh..." "Yup! Your the one that couldn't execpt that they're the bitch!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [SIZE=1]Haraku smiled as Kenshin moved down. He spread her legs as he stuck out his tounge. He tounge started to play with her click. Haraku let out a small maon. She felt Kenshin smile. "Who said you can stop bitch?" Haraku frowned.Kenshin continued as his tounge traveled around her virgina. Haraku, evern though trying to hold back got a orgasm. Her maons got louder and a heavy blush formed over her cheeks. Kenshin licked her clean and looked at her. "Ha..your the first to have a orgasm.." Kenshin smiled[/SIZE]
  12. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]"That's right who's the man?" Haraku said and smiled. She kissed his neck and slowly went down. Kenshin didn't leave much to the imagination. He left her no fun of her taking of his clothes.Well Haraku had to do the best. Haraku slipped down as her tounge licked the tip of Kenshin's dick. Her tounge slowly moved up and down. She wrapped her mouth around it and began to suck. She swear she heard Kenshin maon. Haraku smiled and pulled out. She wiped her mouth and looked at him. "You were the first to moan!" She laughed [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]Haraku smiled and laughed "Dude I wear the pants on this relationship! Remeber who's on top and who's the bitch..." "Really?" Kenshin laughed "Really..." Haraku said as she moved closer. She wrapped her hand around his waist and gently kissed him on the lips. She pushed him down to his bed. " Can be so show offy you know.." Haraku said as she crawled on the bed toward him. She laid on top of him and stared at his face. Kenshin pushed her off him and made sure he was on top. "Nuh uh my turn.." Kenshin said and he undo her sash. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]"Kenshin..." Haraku said. She looked up at his face. His face had a sprinkle of horror. Was he was remebering something painful? "Uhh..Kenshin.." Haraku said and touched his face. He seemed to be on alot of stress lately. She felt sad that part of it was her fault. "Are you okay?..Wake up..." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]"Ugh...I'm truly sorry..is just...the way I am okay!" Haraku yelled "Is not my fault I am like this you have to understand. People just have certain personalities. My personality is rotten to the core! I try to do better in this relationship...but you had to bring up that question. Why did you have to bring that up? God...is Mioko what you want? Damn it...damn I just hate myself.." Haraku covered her eyes with her hand. Why was she always so diffucult? Silent tears fell down Haraku's face. How much she hated her self to hurt someone she thought she can actual have a real relationship with. She had no one to blame but herself. She wiped her tears as Kenshin's back was turned. Hopefully he didn't see her cry. "I should go your right..." Haraku said and try to walk out the bedroom.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]"....What is wrong with you?" Haraku turned around to him " Some guys well think I'm a slut or something. The first thing they do is explode on me. Yet you ask "What's wrong?" "Is it me?" "Want to break up?" " Haraku said mocking him. Haraku took a big breath and talk so more "God you are a moron. Looking out for me and not for yourself. I can only hurt you don't you get it? Okay they were all before you, yet who said I won't sneek behind a ally with a guy? Is not you is me...I'm a fucking horrible, evil, nasty human being!" Haraku yelled with her face red. She was completly angry at him for been such a moron. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]"Wow isn't that a personal question...." Haraku said and turned around not to face him. She knew he would have not like the answer. "Well I want to know..." Kenshin said "Why do you care?" "Haraku" "Ugh...5. Some.... happen... to be on your...basketball team " Haraku said. She pulled the covers over her head waiting for the explosion.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]Haraku smile faded as her face felt sore. She never really smiled. Smiling was Mioko's job not hers. She heard Kenshin say he was sleeping on the floor. What the fuck well he do that? He actually been really nice to Mioko. Haraku rubbed her cheek and sighed. "Okay cut the crap.." Haraku said "Huh?" Kenshin looked surprised at her as he held a pillow. "Well I have to cut it? First question...how the hell you met Mioko? She was to be a good little gilr and come back home when she went back stage. Ohh yes, this is not another side of Haraku. This is truly yours Haraku. Ugh why are you sleeping on the floor? Like i having seen everything and I haven't slept in the same bed with a guy" Haraku pouted and took a big breath. "Answer first question. I kinda of interrupted her dancing..." "Well woo hoo..." Haraku sighed and rubbed her cheek "God never knew smiling hurt so much. My face is not cut out to smile...." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]Haraku try to put a on a smile. It was hard though. The smile looked crocked and wierd. Haraku thought it was perfect that Kenshin knows about Mioko. Maybe if she hit him in the head hard enough he would forget? Yet Haraku decided to play along "Well I guess...so..." Haraku said in her best "nice" voice. She got up and climb in the window. She sat in the window cell and looked at Kenshin as he brushed his teeth. Haraku so badly wanted to say "nice shower" to see what he would say. Yet she thought it wasn't a very Mioko thing to say. Damn it, she can't act like Mioko all night. She well literally kill herself! She had to crack sooner or later.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]Haraku sat on the food court sipping a can of soda. She was super bored and having found the others yet. She changed her kimono feeling disgusted knowing the silk touched her skin. She hated it when Mioko danced for her. She hated Mioko since she was consider her nice side. Haraku brushed it off letting her head cool. She didn't want anger gettting the best of her again. Haraku got up and felt Kenshin pass her. He didn't seem to notice her which Haraku wouldn't give a fuck about. Yet something was diffrent when he past her. Did Kenshin cut his hair? Wearing new clothes or something? New colon he was wearing? Haraku was not good at noticing things. Well who said everyone had to have a kine eye? Haraku looked at him as he walked away. Haraku felt as though she should follow. Yet she didn't want to play the role of spy. She had seen spy movies and she know that always got people in trouble. Yet something bothered Haraku too much. Haraku sighed and stepped foward in Kenshin direction as a decision. She followed him to his house. Of course without the few hiding in the bushes, behind trees, trash cans, and strangers. Haraku looked inside the nearest window. She peeked in and saw it was the bathroom. [I]"Great, asshole not here....he must be fine okay. Miss Haraku is getting a bit paranoid..."[/I] Haraku turned around to go home when she heard the shower go on. Her mind was a bit curios so she peeked in again. There was Kenshin getting in the shower. He got in and closed the shower quick. Haraku cursed self for not seen a little peek. Damn it she went her for nothing. She didn't even get to see a little show. She just hope he didn't see her. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]Yuuko sat on the Lucifer Knight inserting data. Yet as she was typing she wondered something that was bothering. How did the Lucifer just walk when the computer system was complety turned off. Yuuko finish typing in the accuracy data and started to scan the info on the Lucifer. She found nothing that indicated a virus or system failure. Yuuko stared at the computer for a long time amazed. She didn't know what happen to Knight. Then how the hell did that boy even got up? Crossed wires? Maybe she activated something when she hit the cock pit? Yuuko sighed and turned of her cd player. Music always kept her at peace when fustrated or stress. It also was good working music when she typed in the data. Yuuko got out of the Lucifer and started to climb down. "Ohh Yuuko there you are! How is Sho doing? Is he alright?" Miranda said as Yuuko climbed down. Yuuko froze and thought back. Ohh yes the little asshole was still in the medical room. She then thought what she did to Sho's face. "Umm..I don't really know. I left before the doctor came. I left him with Naoko...ha,ha..." Yuuko said in a nervous smile and laugh. "Ohh...wait what did you do?" "What do you mean Ma'am..." "You did something to Sho didn't you. I'll find out sooner or later. For real Yuuko I have no idea why you hate that boy. He seemed to do nothing to you at all..." "One he was born, two he got inside the cock pit..." Yuuko said under her breath. "Don't worry he be fine I guess..." Yuuko told Miranda and came down. "Now if you excuse me I have work to do with Lucifer Archer..." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]Yuuko droped Sho in the medical room bed roughly. She cracked her neck feeling tense. He might not weight alot but god damn you had to give her some slack. Yuuko wasn't very happy of taking to the medical room. She should have let him inside the cock pit and make the Knight explode. Yuuko then thought of the murder charges. She thought she was too young and beautiful to go to jail. Yuuko stared at Sho as he laid in th bed. If it wasn't for that Knight Mode he wouldn't have stood a chance against her. They Knight mode bassically saved his pathetic life. Why would they want this boy with no skill? The very thought of him stealing that Lucifer and piloting it made Yuuko angry. All he had was raw talent. Yuuko had to work hard to get her Lucifer and learn how to pilot it. He came so easy for him. Yuuko hnad turned into a fist. Anger was rolling inside her. She god damn hated Sho. If there weren't security cameras she would punch him in his state right now. Yuuko sighed trying to calm herself down. She sat on the bed next to his. She crossed her and sat there wating for the doctor. She checked her watch "How long does it take for a doctor to come!" Yuuko yelled. Doctors just made patients wait to show there importance. She looked at a desk near her and saw a marker. A evil grin appeared on Yuuko's face. She opened the marker and started to draw on Sho's face. She gave him a mustache, swirly lines all around his face, and darkened his eyebrows with her marker. She smiled at her finish product. Wow how funny he looked. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]Yuuko paniced fear showing. She doesn't remember typing anything about the Lucifers able to use the modes after it was shut off. The fact that it can even do that scared her. Yet she had a hint of exictment. These was just wonderful, how the Lucifers can use there modes this way. Her fathers invention was more wonderful then she thought and she fell in love with the Lucifers even more. She had to try it sometime. Yuuko thought it was no time to stand in awe and stare at it. She needed she get out. She find another chance to defeat him when the Lucifer wasn't acting up. Odin took on big blow from The Knights sword. Yuuko quickly blocked it with her own sword. In Yuuko's amazement her sword was cracking. These made Yuuko interested in the little boy. He can use the Lucifer pretty well, yet she still thought he needed to be trained. She still hated him of course. "Okay now this is getting tired..." Yuuko said and back up Odin. She shot the Knight Lucifer in the right knee making it fall. The knight seemed not to get up and no movement what so ever. "Yuuko i think you stopped it...cockpit seems to be opening. Go check on him.." Miranda said "Do i have too?" "YES!" Miranda yelled. Yuuko moaned and got out of Odin. She walked up to the laid down Knight. She open the cock pit and looked inside. Sho seemed to be badly hurt. He seemed to have lossed consciousness. Yuuko nervously grinnned as she though she did went to beast on him. He was after all a begginer. Yuuko took him away from the cock pit and carried him on her back. Luckily he didn't weigh much for a 14 year old boy. "The devil does have a heart.." Miranda grinned as she saw yuuko carry Sho.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]"Crap! You didn't say he can activate the Knight mode so freely. I thought this training session you can't use your mode" Yuuko said as she try to dodge a hit from Sho's Lucifer "Well I think you got him pissed. Knight mode is activated by rage" Miranda told her over the intercom "I KNOW! Remeber I'm the one who had to type in that data..." Yuuko said. Crap no she really pissed him off. She pissed him off so much that his anger meter was full. Crud these twerp needed anger management. "You should have no shot the cockpit.." Miranda told her. Yuuko mocked her shaking her head. Yuuko moved away from Sho. She tried doing a long range attack since it was too dangerous to try a head on one. She placed her hand on the control and aimed slowly as Knight came toward her. She had a full lock and waited untill he got a bit closer. "3..." Yuuo counted "Don't dare shoot the cock pit!" Miranda yelled "2..." "YUUKO" "1.." Yuuko shoot rifle hitting the Lucifer just above the cockpit. Hopefully that just stopped Sho for a minute to regain sense.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [color=#CC9933][SIZE=1]Yuuko sat inside her Lucifer typing furiously. She needed to adjust the agility of her Lucifer. She notice in battles her Lucifer speed have decreased by 0.002%. Yet it might be slight she rather not take any chances.Yuuko sighed as she pressed enter. She open the cock pit and climbed out of Odin. "Yuuko i suggest you get back in there..." One of the workers told her "Why?" Yuuko glared "Well you be fighting the new boy..." "REALLY?" Yuuko said cheerfully and turned around to look at the head of her robot. She did the most evilest grin you can imaging. Now she can finally put this bastard Sho in his place. "Okay...I have no problem at all..." Yuuko said still having the evil smirk. She climbed back up to her Lucifer. Oh her beautiful Odin how he crush that Sho. She couldn't wait to see Sho in the emergency room his hair turned white because he couldn't stand the awsome power of her Lucifer. Now to set the record straight not to sneek into a Lucifer without the proper training. She put work and sweat into her Lucifer. She trained day in and day out to be a pilot even when her father didn't permit her. She wasn't going to let some twerp get a Lucifer because he had luck. He had not suffered as much as her to get this Lucifer. Untill Sho shows her he deserved it she going to beat him to a pulp untill he finally take the hint. "Okay enjoy the training Yuuko..." Somone scremed from outside "Ohh yes i will..." Yuuko said havinga devilish smile[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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