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Everything posted by SlowChemical
[SIZE=1]Yuuko came in the command center holding a disk. She walked up to one of the workers and gave him the desk with strict instructions. "Insert all the info in this disk into the Knight. This happens to enhance the robot accuracy just by a bit. Since the accuracy of that Lucifer sucked compared to others, Father decided to enhance it for the new pilot.Now with these beauty it be just like the rest. Make sure no character is miss type or un typed because it is vital importance." Yuuko said and laid it on the workers desk. The worker shook his head and did as he was told. He thought how she dared tell him what to do when he knew it already. He stood shut because she was the top scientist daughter. "Yuuko you're here, good. I need you to greet the new pilot. You know the one that pilot the knight and defeated the demons without no training" Miranda said to her. Yuuko gave her a glared. "Yes Ma'am..." Yuuko said and followed Miranda to meet him. "Yuuko this is Sho. Sho this is Yuuko she is the pilot of Odin and the creater of the Lucifer's daughter." She said with a cheerful smile "Nice to meet you.." Yuuko said not looking at him and bowed. She finally looked up and saw how Sho looked. "What! His the pilot?! Look his so puny! Did he even hit puberty yet? I have to work him? Lord..." Yuuko said and glared at Sho. It was bad enough the praise they were giving him but he was younger then her too. These is the worst day of her life. "Be nice Yuuko...you don't want make enemies especially when there co-workers. They won't get your back when your in big trouble in the battle field." Yuuko's father said walking toward them. "Uh..yes father.." Yuuko stood shut and looked at the ground. She only looked up to give Sho a cold glare time to time. "You must be Sho? The new pilot..." He grinned at Sho "Yes he is Sir. Ohh yes Sho, this is Mr.Uzamaki. He developed the Lucifers" Miranda told Sho " Father I be working on Lucifer Odin okay? Just a few adjustments to him to make him more agile." Yuuko said and walked away, yet without giving Sho a final glare goodbye.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Name: Yuuko Uzumaki Age: 17 Sex: Female Appearance: [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/v111/Dark_Misstress/?action=view¤t=Yuuko.jpg]Clicky![/URL] She wears the same shirt and hoodie shown on the picture. She has a short gray skirt and knee high black combat boots. Personality: Yuuko has a lousy personality. She is mostly rude and can be kind of stubborn. She doesn?t consider peoples feelings. She will say out loud what she thinks of you. She tells your flaws quickly and mostly right about them. She is very critical of everything a person does. Yet Yuuko is nice to a rare few. If you happen to be the rare few you can say she is the nicest and caring person you ever meet. Bio: Yuuko grew up always in a military base. Her father and she always traveled place to place never really settling thanks to her father?s job. Either way Yuuko was happy just to see her father to time to time. She spends most time at her house alone. These continued for years until Yuuko decided to join her father in his work. Yuuko father works for the military as the master mind of the development and structure of the robots. She helps him with his work as a secretary. She saw the scientist and engineers develop the robots. Yuuko secretly read the blue prints for these robots in her father?s file. She thought these robots were absolutely amazing and wanted to pilot one. She finally got to test some of the proto-types and few of the finish products after extreme begging to her father to let her. She typed most of the combat data for some of the robots. Even though she tested some robots none of them seem to respond to her. She felt enraged when she saw a boy jumped into one of the robots and pilot it. She thought it should have been her and not him. She hated to see her work go to some amateur with extreme luck. She couldn?t stand to hear the day after that incident how good of the pilot he was. How talented he was to pilot one with no proper training. It made Yuuko sick. She hates him with a burning passion. Weapons: sniper, falcon gun Abilities: none Character snippet: Yuuko sat down a front of the robots computer system. She was typing in the combat data for one of the robots. Her father asked her too because he said she was so good at it. Yuuko thought it was just a excuse to get her out of his hair. Yet she didn?t mind much she loved these robots and called them her babies even though it was clear they were not exactly hers. ?Yuuko! Where are you??? Someone screamed from outside. Yuuko opened up the chest of the robot and peeked outside. ?There you are your father wants you to test one of the new models for him. Now stop typing in the data for the robots and come down.? The women said and grinned at her. ?Ugh?I be down?? Yuuko rolled her eyes and climbed down the robot ?He works me like a dog. Yuuko do that, Yuuko do this?.? ?Isn?t it what you wanted?? ?Yep.. Don?t you just love it?? Yuuko smiled ?There so beautiful! Ahhh the thrill to pilot these things! The battle field is where the most needed and beautiful. It brings out there true glamour! Don?t you think?? ?Yeah, I guess so now let?s go?? ?Roger Ma?am?? Yuuko said and saluted to her. Yuuko climbed into one of the robots. She turned on the system and gripped the controls. ?System is on. The energy?? Yuuko said over the intercom ?85% ??92%...100% and stable?? Someone talk to her back ?Okay now let?s see what this baby can do?? Yuuko tried to make the robot walk. She succeeded on that part. ?Okay everything looks fine now?? Yuuko was interrupted when the computer system blinked red with the letters spelling out ?Danger? ?Danger! Danger! ENERGY UNSTABLE! Prepare for system shut down? The computer said and a few seconds later the robot completely shut down. ?Ugh we?ve failed on this one guys?? Yuuko said and sighed. Name: Odin Appearance: [will edit] Weapon: Long Rifle and sword Mode: The mode is call ?Celestial Moon?. This one responds to depression instead of blind rage. The robot weapon turns into a chain sickle. The chain part is expandable to any length and can wrap around an enemy. Once it is wrapped around it sends volts of electricity to paralyze the opponent. The sickle is to hack away once the enemy is paralyzed. This is only when the depression meter is only half full. When the meter is completely full the robot chain separates into many. The chains dig into the floor and send billions of volts into the ground in which can 1) Make a huge explosion killing the enemy on impact 2) Create a massive earthquake trapping the enemy, killing it, or the earthquake flips the earth surface completly or 3) electrocute many enemies at once. Since the power is so destructive the meter is set higher then the rest of the robots making it harder to reach its peak. The robot rarely uses ?Celestial Moon? because it rarely achieves full power. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Ruika got out of the plane and got her bags. She saw Ayame pass by her. Ruika looked and by her movements that Ayame didn?t trust her at all. Ruika knew it would not be that easy. At least Ruika thought it was a good enough try. Ruika tried to ask her nicely, yet that didn?t work. Ruika didn?t want to get into a physical fight with Ayame she knew she will surely lose. Too much energy would be put into just trying to stay alive. She wanted to stay alive just a little bit longer. Her plan to escape this hell hole failed. Yet Ruika knew that plan well fail from the start. The plan was too simple minded and Ruika only put one nano second thought to it. Her prediction of the outcome was correct, no trust from Ayame at all. Ruika thought maybe Ayame didn?t think that Ruika can find her weak points. That she was unsure of Ruika abilities. Ruika eyes never seemed to fail her. Ruika could device an effective plan to break through fighting styles, destroy opponent on physical and emotional weak points, and go through any type of security. She can do this by looking at the fighting style, movements, daily routine of a person, and security only once. Ruika was smart and sharp. Ayame probably thought she was weak, an amateur. This didn?t bother Ruika at all. She knew better to get angry about what people thought and say about her. Ruika thought not to approach Ayame anymore. It be too daring and Ruika didn?t want to take that risk. Ruika thought it was a stupid idea to think an elite assassin will want her help. Ruika sighed and thought maybe she should just kill herself now. Her life was no worth living. She wasn?t a perfect assassin. She knew she had to be a perfect assassin to stay alive in this business. ?Sir? would get rid of her anyways sooner or later when he finally realized all he needs is Ayame. She could join up Sojiro in heaven. Yet Ruika thought how her life is now and how many people she had killed. She knew she be going straight to hell. There was no chance for her among the living or among the dead. Anyone after revealing these thoughts to them selves would have broken down and cried. Yet Rukia face stood emotionless as usual. She learned from this business no not show any kind of emotion to yourself and others. She wasn?t going to let a tear slip just because she thought she deserve to die. Ruika knew this was the life she had to live. She had nothing precious to protect anymore if she escaped. Everything was gone and ?HE? made sure of that. So the only precious thing she had was her work, her pin needles, abilities, home, and the man she had to worked for. Yet she felt pity for Ayame been raised as a dog. A dog ready to jump as high as it master told it even if it was clearly impossible. Ruika saw herself over analyzing things again. She stood and waited for the rest to come out. She wanted to do this mission already for she can go back ?home?. She wanted this done quick and right. Ruika yawned and wondered how Sakura was doing. Ruika had taking a peculiar interest in her wondering why the boss kidnapped her. She knew she had to watch her back knowing that some others of taking an interest to her too. Some of these peoples interest is just to help Sakura. Some other people interest is to watch and create her down fall. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Ruika sat down on her seat as she opened her book. She flipped to a part where she left of last time. She couldn?t help by read tragic stories. Maybe it was because it drew her attention away from her own tragic life. The reason was deep inside the pages of her life story. Her life lacked detail, characters, and any real plot. Ruika preferred her story to be that way. Ruika looked up from her book and saw some of them speaking to each other. Her eyes quickly searched and looked at Ayame. She saw how Ayame greatly disapproved of the others talking. Ruika blinked and remember Ayame attitude earlier when she was giving the newbie a weapon. Ruika never say Ayame in action, yet she knew one flaw of Ayame. Ayame had a superiority complex. Ruika thought maybe she could see Ayame work and find her weakness. Then she can device a plan to bring Ayame down and maybe Ayame can grow stronger from that. Ruika knew Ayame had more pontential, yet since she was consider the ?best? Ayame haven?t grown anymore. She knew it be foolish to take Ayame spot as ?Sir? favorite. Ayame could have it if she wanted it. All that Ruika truly want is out, even though she followed orders, and did everything **** wanted. Ruika got up from her seat. She sat next to Ayame and can sense Ayame glaring at her. ?I?m not an enemy unless you consider me one?? Ruika said in a melancholy tone her voice always carried. ?I do not need it for a newbie..? Ayame told her her voice cold as ever ?I?ve been in this business for 4 years; I?m not considered a newbie? ?I have been in this all my life?? ?Sorry you been raised up like a dog?? Ruika said not meaning to hurt anyone. She can feel Ayame glare become colder. Ruika was making enemies now and Ruika knew this well. Ayame pulled her gun out complete angry and annoyed. Ruika quickly pulled out one of her pin needles and stopped Ayame gun half way. ?I?m just as fast as you?.only not in heavy weapons. I have to admit if we had a battle right now I won?t able to win. Yet if I see you in action just once I could find out your weakness and I could stand out a chance. My eyes are my strong point and I won?t tell you exactly what they can do. I?m just here to help you to grow stronger. I?m not an enemy unless you want me to be?? Ruika said and let go of her pin needle. She wasn?t up for a fight with Ayame. Ayame just needed to learn there are people than can be better then here. That can take that spot from being ?Sir? pride and joy. Ruika got up from the seat. She lowered her head and closed her eyes. She felt a bit sick but she wasn?t going to show that to Ayame. ?Excuse me I be going to the restroom. Please think about what I said. I?m here to help..? Ruika said and walked to the bathroom. It was vacant and Ruika quickly opened the door and went in. Ruika quickly collapsed to her knees a front of the toilet. She held her long hair up and vomited inside the toilet. How much Ruika hated plane rides because they made her air sick. She wondered how a device like this can get so high up in the air. Sojiro would have laughed and made a witty joke about her current form right now. Ruika got up from the ground after a long hour in the bathroom. She washed her face and mouth in the sink. She felt a little better now. She stared at the mirror and her reflection stared back. When did her red eyes get so cold? Sojiro would hate her now. Ruika shook her thought and walked outside acting as though nothing happened. The planed landed when she was in the bathroom and people were starting to get up. Rukia sighed and went to her seat to get some of her stuff. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]You won't get killed...just really big ouchies, lol. I had a few incidents with mosh pits like i said. Yet i thought really remeber from what bands. I just remeber the scar left behind. Yes I admit I have a really horrible memory. Incidents in mosh pit: Pull on hair (feel on floor and they stepped on it) Scrap knee (fell again) Banged really hard against a person Pin pericing my skin I have a very visible scar on my elbow from a mosh pit incident. You can't ask me how, you can't ask me from what band...all i know there was a group of people rocking it all around me >.< [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Nu Metal? Wow there too many categories of music. Well I wasn't saying that i can mosh to the bands a wrote done more like a listen to them. I thought some where metal but i wasn't really sure. Yet I thank you for the save from Jake is it? I didn't really want to get virtually yelled at lol. Yes i know that mosh pits are ussually to a aggressive, fast, and what i think playful music. I wouldn't actually consider mosh pits a place to pic a fight yet more like a place for aggresive play. Also I had no idea that punk rock bands had mosh pits. I never consider that there type of music can go with the whole mosh pit thing. I'm not into punk rock at all and don't know much of the bands that fall into that genre. Anyways thanks for the info and save, lol. [/SIZE]
Anime If you were stranded on a deserted island....
SlowChemical replied to a topic in Otaku Central
[SIZE=1]Desserted island along with a anime character i hate? It has to be the bad attitude people. I would hate to be with Sauske (Naruto), Naraku (Inuyasha) and maybe Dokuro-chan (From Dokuro-chan) Sasuke i had to kill in the first day do to how smug he is (I'm thinking of early Sauske). Naraku I get annoying because he be bossy us around not lifting a finger. Then Dokuro-chan is nice and all but HYPER!! She will annoy me with her cutness and hyper-ness. She hit me with her bat spiked thing all that time and sing that annoying song to revive me "Piru Piru Piru Pi Pi!" [/SIZE] -
[CENTER][SIZE=1]I'm not a punk rock fan Sakurasuka so i don't know if punk rock bands had mosh pits. So don't make me pick sides 'cause i have no opinion at all. I do like some metal bands. Well there consider metal like Slipknot, Static X, Lacuna Coil, Killswicth Engage, Disturbed,Trivium and others i can't think of becuase I'm having a big mind block. I like System of The Down yet i think they fall on the alternative side?[/SIZE][/CENTER]
[SIZE=1]The best gift i ever got? Wow I never had to many gifts in my life. I'm not very much appreciated XP. Yet i see my parents give my sisters presents for the tiniest things. Well you have things like that not get you down, lol. Well i think the best gift was a got from a friend. It was a perfume that she bought for me. She thought it was cute so she bought it. Sadly for me it was named after my most hated color, PINK (ahh how the color burns >.
[SIZE=1]I only have a few incidents really. Some i don't even remeber yet i remeber the scar. Well that is the result of people bashing you into stuff half the time: loss of memory and scars. Yet either way is a very playful enviroment. Yes i have to say it is aggresive play yet still fun. I had a pin stuck in my pants which pierced my skin. I think it was from another person pants that had pins of them. That could have come from anyone. There were alot of pants like that in the mosh pit. (I have a wide collection of pants like that myself. Hehe) Green Day has mosh pits? I never went to a Green Day concert. I'm sorry but i happen not to like pop rock or punk rock or w/e category they happen to be in. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I been to a few mosh pit concerts. Is true what Goddess says you can release alot of anger. I guess is easier to bash it on a person you don't know in the mosh pit because people bumping into you in stuff. I guess is what state of mind the music puts you in. My happpens to be in a playful and agressive play. I'm just a freak like that lol I think I broke an arm once someone made me fall on the floor very hard. I few people stepped on my hair (i have long hair). So no one ever had a mosh pit incident?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Occ: I fear I mde my first post too long. Please bear with it ^^;; ------------------- Rukia closed the door to her room slowly behind her. The room was dark with no lights on and the curtains shut closed. Rukia flicked the light switch on and looked about her room. How plain it looked all but red sheets, comforter placed on her bed, and the black curtains with the crimson butterflies printed on the silk fabric. Rukia sighed and walked to her closet and pulled out her suitcase. It was already filled with a two things; a book to read in the plane and a picture of a distinguished young man with a cheerful smile and glasses. Rukia picked up her book and dared not to look at the photo. She pulled some clothes out of her closet and neatly placed it on her suitcase. A few pairs of jeans, skirts, shirts and tank tops she placed on the bottom. Then she put three elegant dresses on top. Each seemed more beautiful then the next. Then Rukia gently placed the book at the very top. Rukia zipped the suitcase up and put it next to her door. Rukia then turned around and looked at the head mirror. She was far enough to look at the whole picture of herself. She could see her long black dress she was wearing drag on the floor as her red slash around her waist hanged. She walked up to the head mirror looking at face. Her eyes directed at her butterfly head dress. It was a fraction on out of place. Rukia moved it slightly to make it look perfect. Her eyes started to stare straight at the mirror. She blinked and was rewarded with her reflection blinking back. Her eyes were red and shimmered with the light like it always did. Yet she felt something was different in some strange way. The atmosphere seemed fresh in a way. Oh yes Rukia thought, that new recruit. She thought to keep her eyes on her. Rukia tilted her head and thought the others might be thinking the same. Rukia held her head and told herself to stop over analyzing things again. Rukia tied the kitsune mask around her neck. It faced back looking as thought it was another pair of eyes. Rukia walked to the door and picked up her suitcase. She picked up lots of pin needles and placed it in a hidden pocket she had strapped around her thigh. Then she picked up a few more pin needles and hid it in her slash. She thought of not bringing any other weapon. With her pin needles she can kill the baby?s guards quick and silently. She just had to hit the vital points of the body with leaving a few puncture wounds. She opened the door and walked a few steps out the door with her suitcase rolling behind her. She looked over her shoulder looking inside her room straight at the mirror. ?No fear, remorse, or regret?? She said to the mirror and closed her bedroom door behind her. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Mioko dodge the attacks from her opponent. She tried not to hurt her opponent but just to tire her out. Yet the girl will not give up. "Okay this is getting me tired...." Mioko said. Mioko got punched in the face do to her not paying attention when she was talking. Mioko grabbed her face and her cheek slightly bruised. Mioko got pissed feeling anger rage inside her. With that anger she turned back to Haraku. Haraku touched her cheek and snorted. That stupid Mioko toke to long to come back. Now that bitch got herself in trouble, well got them into trouble. Haraku came in fighting pose. The girl came charging at her. Haraku bent down dodging the punch and punched the girl hard in the stomach.The girl fell down in pain. Haraku walked up to the girl as she was on the floor holding her stomach. Haraku sat down next to her and pulled her hair up to her face. "I'm not a pussy like Mioko..." Haraku said plainly and smacked the girl in the face. She let go and stood up. She kicked the girl in the stomach as she was still down. The girl coughed out blood. "Now let end this..." Haraku said and pushed the girl to face up. Haraku then stepped on the girls neck. The girl neck was crushed and died instantly. Haraku kicked her lifeless body to the end of the arena. "Now may I leave?" Haraku yelled "You have finished your first opponent. Really didn't think you were able to do it. Your strategy was...a bit wierd to us. Yet winner anyways..." The voice said. Haraku teleported back to the festival. She still had her white and red slash kimono. Great, she wondered who had talked to Mioko or seen her. Now her friends think she is crazy. Haraku sighed and walked around the festival looking for the others. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Name: Rukia Kuchiki Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/v111/Dark_Misstress/?action=view¤t=large_p_5698_image.jpg]~Click~[/URL] She wears a kitsune mask that she keeps on only on missions. When not on missions she has it tied around her neck facing back. She keeps the butterfly hair accessory on her hair at all times. Personality: She has a very addicted personality. She points out peoples flaws quickly and keeps herself at an emotional distance from people. Has a problem of hurting peoples feeling when is not truly intended. She can device an effective plan to break through fighting styles, destroy opponent on physical and emotional weak points, and go through any type of security. She can do this by looking at the fighting style, movements, daily routine of a person, and security only once. She is incredibly fast and physically strong with only light type weapons. Her accuracy is perfect only in pin needles. Yet her biggest strong point is her eyes and mental strength. Biography/Character Snippet: ?You?re such a moron?? A girl about 18 spoke to a man about the same age. She stabbed her stake and looked at him. The man chuckled and folded his hands over the table there were sitting at. He looked at her and shook his head as she spook. ?Don?t blame the steak for it. Come on Rukia! Don?t you have any sense of adventure? Come to New York with me it be perfect. We?ll have a perfect opportunity there.? He said with a smile ?You keep talking about ?we? Soji. You such a dreamer sometimes I wish I knew how to dream just like you. Yet isn?t it better to set you foot in reality more? Why do you keep looking at me that way?? He smiled as he was staring at her ?Well I can?t help but how beautiful you are. They way you talk. They way you move. They way you smile. They way you say moron to me with such passion.? He grinned and his eyes sparkled as he gazed at her more ?I just can?t help but stare and smile all the time when I near you..? ?Then what are you proposing?? ?Exactly that Rukia, marry me and come with me to New York?? ?M-a-r-r-y? You are moron. Let?s just give you a prize for moron of the year award right now. You notice we are just 18? Not only that but in university and just starting are lives?? ?My life starts when you say yes?? ?You give me a headache..? ?Is that a yes?? ?I think about?? She said and got up from her seat ?I see you tomorrow okay?? ?I?ll be waiting..? He said and looked at her as she walked out the door. Tomorrow came and Rukia walked to Sojiro?s house. She thought of what he said over dinner. She would have been more then happy to be Misses Sojiro Yakazama. She walked up to his apartment door. She searched her bag for the keys Sojiro gave her. She opened the door and walked over the boxes set on the floor. Sojiro was still in the process of moving in the apartment. He wanted to get away from his parents as soon as he went to college. Rukia couldn?t blame him one bit. He multiple times he asked she wanted to stay with him in the apartment. All does times she told him no. Yet either way he put her name on the apartment. It was the intention of making her want to live with him since there was always the hassle of picking up the mail there. She saw no point of it. ?Sojiro you should really finish up moving in. This is just disgusting?? She yelled and she jumped over one box. She heard no answer which was strange. He was always here fixing up the place or playing video games. ?Soji? Were you at exactly?? She said and moved toward his bedroom. She opens the door of his bedroom and screamed. There was Sojiro lying on the floor in a pool of blood. His throat was slight open and his eyes were shut closed. He clenched a small close to him. Rukia sat next to his dead body slowly weeping. She took the box out of Sojiro still warm fingers. She opens it and there was a ring. She cried harder knowing it was the engagement ring he meant to give her today. She took the ring from the box and held in her hand. Steaming tears ran down her face splashing on the ring. She gently kissed the ring and put it on her finger. She gently graced her hand over his cheek. His cheek was still warm. She could not think of him cold as a normal cold corpse. The door behind her closed slowly. Rukia stood still not moving an inch from her place. She could see a guy in the corner of her eye. The bastard that killed Soji was still here. Rukia wiped her tears off her face. She sniffled ready to take the worst. ?Great now you?re here. I have been waiting for a while. I said I was looking for you and this guy decided to play hero. Now please come with me?..? A voice said standing up behind her. ?What if I reject your invitation?? She spoke with her voice raspy from her crying. ?Do you really have a choice?? Rukia looked at Sojiro and thought of her parents ?You killed them too huh?? She can feel the figure behind her shrug. Rukia shuddered and felt tears fall silently down her face. ?I?m not going no matter what you say?.? Rukia said wiping a tear from her face. Rukia got knocked over on the head falling on the floor unconscious. The man through her over his shoulder and carried her away from the apartment. After that Rukia was made to kill. She never wanted to give people the same fate of her beloved ones. Yet she adjusted to do as she was told without no questions. She learned to have no remorse or regret over her falling victims.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Mioko covered herself feeling cold. It was dark and her walk felt endless. She could have broken down and cried any second. She didn't want to be along. Even that boy that called her fat could have been good company. What was his name? Kenshin was it? She knew it didn't matter anymore. She was alone for now and had no place to go. She walked as she felt there was a platform. The lights turned on blinding Mioko for a bit. Mioko rubbed her eyes adjusting her eye sight. " You my now begin..." A voice said "What?" Mioko said then got punched in the face. "What the god's angels is going on?" Mioko said and touched her lip. Her lip was bleeding and she can taste the metallic blood. The girl attacked her again and Mioko moved out the way. "Why we fighting..?" Mioko asked "You have no choice...PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" The girl try to punch her again. Mioko put her hands out defensively. A shield appeared in Mioko amazement. Mioko looked at her hands completly scared. The girl was pushed back and came charging back at Mioko. Mioko dodged it gracefully. Mioko try to take this as dancing. Dodging the attacks with spins and twirls. Mioko moved gracefully as her feet constantly moving. Mioko best option she thought with no weapon or no idea how she did that shield was to tire out her opponent. "Stand still..." The girl said her breath heavy "Sorry I can't. I don't want to get hurt you know.." Mioko said calmly fanilly stopping for a moment "My deepest apologize....truely. Your turning weak and tired. Why don't you rest? It is the best and maybe we can get out of this..." Mioko looked around "I said there is no escape..." [/SIZE]
Discuss What's A Girl To Do? Underground: The Principals Office [PG-SL]
SlowChemical replied to Citrus's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1]Not like much people care, but I haven't been posting because I have no inspiration. My bag of inspiration has gone dry. The bag is filled with inspiration-less air >.< So i have no idea what exactly to put my character in. Is kinda hard to squeeze her in. Yet anyways I'm still in...I'm not dead...yet... So BIG delay for me[/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1]Mioko looked at him surprised. Wow she was used to compliments on her body. People saying that she was beautiful. Mioko blinked it away " Uhh are you saying I'm fat? Well i hope that was a joke Mister..." 'FAT WHAT? HAVE YOU SEEN HIM DEVOUR DOES HAMBURGERS! IS LIKE WATCHING A WHALE! I EAT LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!' Someone yelled in her mind. Mioko grabbed her head in a bit of pain. She shook it off and looked at him "Welll i coke well be nice thank you." Mioko bowed "Well we can get a salad for you too. See I made a funny!" Mioko smiled.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Mioko heard the cheers of her fans. Mioko bowed and when she looked up again there was disorder. Mioko blinked in confusing. She tighting her grip on her fan and frowned a bit. Who is interrupted her encore? She saw a few people fighting. Some with bats and brass knuckles. Mioko thought there be no fighting in her festival. Miko jumped in the middle of the fight and yelled at them " WHAT THE HELL YOU THINK YOUR DOING!? THERE BE NO FIGHTING IN MY FESTIVAL YOU HEAR!? YOU HOOLAGANS!" Mioko yelled. Her face turned red with anger. The all stop and looked at her. All that was running in there heads was what a crazy bitch she was. They stood there in shook. "NOW LEAVE I SWEAR! I GET THE POLICE ON YOU! GET THE FUCK OUT MY STAGE NOW!!!" Mioko yelled her voice turning raspy from her yelling. The people winced and looked at her strange. "I ain't your mama but i sure can get them. So fuck off now! I SAID NOW!" Mioko growled and the scampered away. They can see that she wasn't joking and the where not wanting to see a angry lady. One stopped and yelled out " I get you Kenshin when the crazy bitch not here" Mioko calmed down quickle and sighed. She turned around and found a guy staring at her. SHe stared back not knowing who he was. "Uhh sorry about that. I didn't mean to cuss...were they after you? Umm my name Mioko..." Mioko bowed "Uhh Haraku your name is Haraku. Cut the nice act this is not you." The boy said to her "uhh Haraku? Sorry you have me mistaking I'm Mioko..." "Well i play along...I'm kenshin" "Nice to meet you..." Mioko smiled pleasently at him. "Uh.." Kenshin winced not used to Haraku smiling nice at all. When Haraku smiled itwas more wicked. "Now you guess drove away my fans. Now tell me how your going to make this up?"Mioko said and opened up her fan[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Haraku looked up at the stars as the fireflies danced around. Her dance was up next and she tried to get mentally stable. She looked around her and saw her friends having fun. Haraku wasn't haven much fun at all. She couldn't be more worried about her dance. Haraku checked her watch and saw it was time for her dance. "Time for all hell to break loose..." Haraku said scratching her head " Okay you'll do it Haraku..." Haraku got backstage and the director told her to get ready. Haraku undress and put on her kimino. She fastened the sash and started work on her hair and makeup. She more her hair up for when she dance her hair wouldn't distract her. She finnally was finished. She looked at herself in the mirror. It wasn't her anymore it was Mioko. The dancing star of the festivals. The talented, pretty, and kind women that treated everyone with respect. Haraku's second side that she had every time she danced. It turned into a split personality problem and her director always called her "Mioko" and never knew her real name. Mioko had no idea of Haraku's life style and attitude. She knew nothing but her love to dance. So as soon as Haraku put on her dancing kimono and that makeup it was a click for Mioko. Mioko picked up her fan and smiled at the mirror. Her smile cheerful and warm, nothing like Haraku's. Her face look more surprised, happy, and kinder then Haraku's. Mioko got on stage as the announcer annouced her. "Everyone is time for Mioko are star of the show to entertain you. Clap your hands everyone for Mioko!" Everyone clapped as Mioko got onstage and the music started. The music was first rough and up beat. Mioko dancing to it aggressively spinning her fan and tossing it up in the air. Then the music got more calm and graceful and so did Mioko dancing. Her steps were elegent and excellent. Each one looked carefully rehearshed. Making her look completly beautiful. Her fan gestures brought out a certain spirit in her. Mioko couldn't look anymore happier on stage. To her friends...Haraku's friends she couldn't look anymore at home. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Haraku started to get ready for the festival. She sat down in front of her mirror and started to brush her hair. The firefly festival was going to be a bit of a pain to her. She was schedule to do her fan dance later on in the night. Haraku has been dancing for some time. She always turned so diffrent when she but on that kimino and her makeup for her dance. Haraku got up and look inside her trunk of clothes. She had two kimino's inside. One was a regular kimino that was bright red and had a dark red slash. The second was her dancing kimono that she had to wear later on the night. It was pure white kimino, its sash happen to be a crimson red. Haraku took her red kimino out and put it on. "Okay now I go have fun and later on i have to dance..." Haraku said "it might be a mess..." Haraku loved to dance, don't get her wrong. Yet after that if her friends decide to see her backstage she wouldn't recongnize them. She act diffrent, talk diffrent, and go by a diffrent name. She hated her other side Mioko the little miss perfect. Haraku sighed and finished tying her sash. She looked in her mirror and grinned "I look pretty don't I?" Haraku smiled "Okay now don't get a big head! Hopefully you don't have to deal with that pain in the ass today. Let's prey he doesn't see you tonight or the dance." Haraku sighed and picked up her other kimono. Before meeting up with her friends she had to drop it of for the show for she can get dress there. Ugh, what a hectic night it was going to be. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Haraku talked on the phone telling everyone where exactly they meeting. "Okay everyone go it?" Haraku said through the phone. Everyone was on line. She called Nyok which Nyoko called Kenshin. Kenshin called Kaze in which Kaze called Sukara. Then Sukara called Kenshin with Haraku's help. This was confusing circle of people. It almost made Haraku dizzy thinking about it. "Uhh not really..." Sakura said "Where is it again?" Nyoko asked "Ugh it resturant..." Haraku sighed and rolled her eyes "Sushi resturant?" Kase asked "Nudest resturant?" Kazuma asked "No is kinda a nice one. It pretty new I think. You eat and then they take you this hot spring thing to relax. They serve the most worderful drinks when your in the hot spring. I checked it out is it's co-ed..." Haraku said answering everyone question "It's pretty cool.." "Ohh okay.." Everyone said "I called her cousin already...all have a present right?" Haraku asked "Yes for the millionth time..." Kenshin said "Who told the lap dog to speak?" Haraku said "Now bye and we meet there okay?" Everyone hunged up.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Haraku yawned as she looked around the mall. She was waiting for Jun to come back. She hated shooping because she never knew what to buy. She thought the wait you have to go though was like hell. Haraku yawned and a cop she knew passed bye her. "Hello Haraku not in trouble again?" The cop said "No Mister Tsukatsu!" Haraku said cheerful. "Hmm ya right. I know you to well for that..." "Haha very funny!" "Well I just want you to be sneaking around with any guy her agin. I think 5 times is enough.." "Well I can always bring Kenshin.." Haraku grinned. She never really do that. Kenshin had to work hard for that prevlidge. "Yes yes...do not do that please...." "YES SiR!" She sulated as he walked away.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Haraku took a puff of her cigarette. She took another sip of her drink. The drink was awful and gave her a bad taste in her mouth. She through it out in the garbage. Haraku figured that the bag Kazuma set down was a present for Jun. She felt a little bad not exactly getting Jun anything. Haraku digged deep in her pocket. She pulled out her hand and found some money and lint. Okay lint is not the best gift for a person. So she thought to give her money, people liked money. She counted it and she had about sixty bucks. Haraku stuck a ciggarate in her mouth. "Her a little birthday gift.." Haraku said and layed money on the table. "Uhh what is it?.." Jun said "Money...people like money right?" Haraku asked a bit puzzled. "Yeah.." "Well I'll buy you body paint with the money okay? Don't want to feel like a cheapstake..." Haraku pulled out her cigarette and took a bit of her hamburger. Haraku then saw a cop. She through her cigarette in the garbage quick. She took out perfume and sprayed it widly on the air her. Haraku stuffed the perfume in the bag and panicked. "Haraku what's wrong?" Jun asked "Cops don't like me..." Haraku said and nodded to a cop near them "Ever since I sneaked around with that boy in that mall. The time they caught me smoking. Also that time that..." "Ohh yes i remeber..." Jun said thinking back "Now look innocent" Haraku said. The cop passed by like nothing happen. Haraku sighed in relief. It wasn't her fault she was a under age smoker. She blamed the goverment for that.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Haraku sat there dumfounded. Okay what the hell just happen? They were trying to get in and an old man captured Jun first, then the rest. Haraku cursed herself and blamed the boys for disturbing the lock. Well she knew she had no real right too but she blamed Kenshin the most. Haraku glared at Kenshin. Kenshin couldn?t help but see her stare and he looked back at her. ?What?? Kenshin asked ?Hmph all you can say is what? This is your entire fault!? Haraku hissed ?WHAT! You can not blame me for this Haraku!? Kenshin yelled at her ?HA! I THINK I JUST DID!? Haraku yelled higher then he did ?YOU?RE SUCH A BITCH TO ME! WHAT THE FUCK?? ?SORRY THAT IS TOO GOD DAMN FUN!? ?UGH YOU?RE IMPOSSIBLE!? Kenshin yelled. He was really frustrated. How the hell can she blame him? Kaze and Kazuma where doing the same shit he was. Haraku growled at him. She jumped on him pulling his hair for he can look at her in the eye. ?Impossible? Ha shut up you fucking basketball player. Ohh I?m so good look at me shoot! I fucking monkey with half a brain can do that!? Haraku yelled. She stopped and breathed. She couldn?t help but notice her womanhood was just a top of his manhood. Haraku blushed and got off him. "Ugh just forget it..." Haraku pouted with a blush still running over her face.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Haraku packed a flashlight and extra batteries. She knew exploring that tea house will take a while. Her flashlight will run out sooner or later. So she needed to be prepared for that. She didn?t wanted to be the only asshole walking around in the dark. Haraku looked at Kenshin checking his flashlight. He try to turn it on but it didn?t work. He hit his flashlight billions of times. Haraku giggled at his stupidity. She loved watching him squirm. Haraku thought just to help him out a bit. She did have a bit of kidness in her heart. Well just a tiny, tiny bit of kindness. Haraku walked to Kenshin. ?Here is an extra flashlight. Since that your other flashlight won?t work?? Haraku pulled out a flashlight. Kenshin looked at her. ?It won?t bite is not a gag. Is just a normal flashlight, okay?? Haraku showed him ?Well thank you?? He took the flashlight ?Well your welcome. I just hope you like being the first one to die?? Haraku grinned at him.[/SIZE]