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Everything posted by SlowChemical

  1. [SIZE=1]Hitomi scratched her head "Well...yeah why not? Is just a dance. Yet err...this probaly the first one I ever gone to. I not really asked to dances...or turn down the boy most of the time." Hitomi shrugged "But hey why not, is not in engagement if you go with a person so..." Suzu smiled at her. Hitomi was bewildered by his smile. He looked at her with such a innocence in him. He was truely adorable in a sense. She thought for a moment and slammed her fist against her head. This was a dance meaning they had to get all formal. The only problem was that Hitomi had no dress. She didn't wear dresses and she didn't go to dances at all. She thought it was a waste of energy, time, money and dancing space. "Uhh...are we obligated to were a suit and dress?" Hitomi asked Suzu. "Err well I'm not exactly sure.." "Well...hopefully not 'cuase i know my mom and if she finds out about this dance she going to go crazy with it. This means wearing pretty pink for me..." Hitomi covered her face with her hand. She hated pink and she was not going to wear that hideous color. Her mother always goes on a shopping spree everytime there was a dance in her old school. Always telling her to try this on or try that on. Each dress more pink and hideous then the last. Hitomi which she learned never to tell her mother about dances. Hitomi herself well go to catastrophic melt down if her mother ever knew.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Hitomi looked at Suzu why is he blushing? It tried to hide it the best he could yet it stilled showed even though he was looking down. He just asked her over to his house. Hitomi smiled well he always looked a bit cute this way. Hitomi half turned away from Suzu, closed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "Well I don't know..." Hitomi said "Ohh well..okay.." Suzu studdered and looked a bit glommy. "Actually I think I will go. Anything to get me out my house it fine with me.." Hitomi grinned. Suzu was a truely a nice guy. He was in the hyper side. Yet that what she liked best about him. She liked cheering people up even though people think she didn't stand human emotion. Last year people started to call her a robot. Wow she wasn't much diffrent from the Quincy guy last year huh? "Well what time you want me to come over? We walk to your home after school? Or do i have to come by later?" Hitomi asked "Uhh ya i walk you home..i mean we walk to my house.." Suzu said lost in thought "Okay..now lets get going..can't stand standing her longer!" Hitomi pulled Suzu put of class not before glancing at that Quincy guy. [/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Hitomi leaned against the wall looking up the clock. She didn't feel like mingling anymore. What the real point anyways? Some of the people were not here anyways. Samauel, Leah and Bianca wasn't here. Quincy didn't seem like a person to talk to right now. Kiala and Jason she already knew so what the point? She yawned almost drifting off to sleep. She was way to tired she had that thanks to her little sister's wining. One of this days she going to get her hands around that little girls neck. Hopefully Hitomi could get away with it. Hitomi yawned agian and her eyes felt heavy.Hitomi opened her eyes wide trying to make them stay open. She tried to resist the temptation of sleep. Hitomi blamed this at the sand man and his evil wicked ways. Hitomi stumbled a little and almost fell on floor if wasn't catched by Suzu. "Huh?" Hitomi shook her head and rubbed her eyes. "Well I found you..." Suzu smiled cheerfully "You were about to faint, I think.." "I was about to fall asleep just now.." Hitomi yawned and stood up straight "Well is class over? PLEASE tell me is over..." [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi got downstairs and saw that Tomoe was massaging Lee's back. Wow did didn't look like a very good scene. "Uhh what you doing?" Hitomi asked Tomoe " His asleep...shh.." Tomoe told her " Ohh..he so cute and innocent when he sleeps..." Hitomi grinned. [I]'Ya it makes me want to step on his throat. HEY! What about this lay him down and I'll do exactly that!' Mimirue chimed[/I] "Haha...good idea but no.." Hitomi laughed "Who you talking to?" "Ohh Mimirue....like a said she hates Lee..." "Ohh..." "Great now she has this stupid..yet brillant idea.." "What is it?" "Well..it involves getting him extremely jelouse. Also involves my tounge and my lips.." Hitomi sighed and called upstairs "Naota come down here..." "You got your pajamas?" Naota called from downstairs "Not exactly just come.." Hitomi said "Well now wack himm up and let him see this.." "Well what your going to do?" Tomoe asked concerned "Well going bassically making out with Naota infront of him. All tactics seem to fail.." "Wow that a bit harsh..."[/SIZE] "Blam Mimirue..."[/FONT]
  5. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Jade stiffened up as Aron told her his warning. Two minutes? She probaly only clear a half a mile if she ran fast enough. Yet Aron sense of smell was great and probaly smell her even if she was 5 miles away in two minutes. Ethier way, if she ran or not she is completly screwed. There must be one thing to cover a fox smell. Well she had one idea perfume! That always killed her dogs sense of smell. Yet she wonder if dogs and foxes are the same? It doesn't really matter now she had no choice. She looked in her pocket and searched for perfume. Maybe she was lucky that she had some after a few months or years at this prison. She looked at her back pocket and there is was, perfume. She spread it around the place hopefully blocking his sense of smell. This way she can still watch them without being spotted. Well she hoped to hell this crap worked.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]"Great...Diaga wasn't kinding when he said the come in heards.." Lilith pulled out a magnum gun. She tried to be careful and not waste bullets. She aimed and one eater and squeezed the trigger. Her hand cocked back not use to a gun shot much. Well this is a time to start loving shooting guns. Luckily she killed two eaters with one bullet. Ahh the wonders of a magnum gun! " One little two little three little eaters...now i think i really gone insane.." Lilith sang and started to shoot some eaters. [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi leaned back from her chair completly bored. She started to chew on her pencil eraser. She sat foward and rested her chin on the palm of her hand. How boring this become. What the point of this exercise anyways? She looked around and saw some people get up from there sit. She kinda heard other people coversation even though she really didn't mean too. Quincy wasn't so very nice. He seemed pretty mean looks like his looks is all he got going for him. She shruggged and thought she shouldn't judge people so quickly. Now the rest of the class seemed nice enough. Well she had no opinion on Samuel guy. She didn't get to hear him talk much do to the pshycopath teacher. Oh well, she probaly had no choice to find about him later. Somone tapped Hitomi shoulder and she turned around. " Boring class right now.." Suzu said "Yeah pretty much..." Hitomi said with a pencil still hanging out of her mouth. "You really shouldn't be chewing this.." Suzu plucked the pencil out of her mouth and flicked it to a trash can. "Bad habit...it is not my fault.." Hitomi scratched her head "Well I guess we have to mingle a little huh?" Hitomi got up from her chair "See ya later.." She ruffled the hairs a top of Suzu head playfully. He always looked cute when his hair was messy.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]"Oh I see Suzu...Anyways we have to get this assigment over with" Hitomi said resting her chin on the palm of her hand "So who wants to start?" Suzu asked Hitomi and Boudicca. Hitomi yawned and started to balance a pencil on her upper lip. "Let's start with Hitomi.." Boudicca suggested Hitomi was shocked and dropped her pencil "Me? Okay...okay..." Hitomi sighed "I'm Japanese and I was born and raised there. Tim is a acounting and my mother is a secretary. I have two sister sadly. One older sister and one younger sister. Ohh yes my father is dead from a fire. He was a firefighter in Japan. Anything more? Ohh i'm consider a screw up in my family.." Hitomi said plainly. She picked up her pencil and started to twirl it around. "Then if you father dead...then who is Tim?" Suzu asked "Ohh Tim my stepfather and nothing more..." Hitomi answered with a yawn.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Name: Hitomi "Heartnet" Shiozu Age:17 Gender:Female Appearance: Hitomi Personality: She can be cold at times. She can be mean and seem not understanding people's emotions.Yet she actually loves to make people laugh and cheer them up. She only vicious to does that make a very corny joke. Short Bio: Hitomi happpens to be in a family with two siblings. The older sister happens to bud in alot into her life. The little one just at the age of 6 seems inncoent enough to others but is rotten to the core. This makes Hitomi the midddle child. She hates being the middle child with a burning passion. She has a stepfather. Her father died in a fire about 2 years ago in Japan, he was a firefighter. She doesn't call him stepfather "father" or "stepfather" she calls him by his first name. She can't accept the fact that his her new father even though her other sister accepted it. She originally was born in Japan.She grow up there as a child and she spent most of the adolescents in there too. Yet as soon her mother got married to her stepfather they moved to Australia. They have about a year of residents in Australia. The Crush List: Suzu (has a thing for the hyper type) [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi took of her shirt and then her jeans. She was in her under wear as she looked in her closet for pajamas. She desperately for clean pajamas. Nothing at all. "Crap" Hitomi cursed under her breath "What happen?" Naota said not lookig back "I have no fresh pajamas. My mother probaly washed them and left them in the dryer again.." Hitomi bit her lip " Well go get them..." "Ther down stairs...Lee and Tomoe are there.." "And?" "I'm only in my underwear.." "Just take a towel..." Naota throwed her one over his head still not looking back. "Your not going to look back huh?" Hitomi grinned "Tempting but no..." Naota said and blushed "Your a really nice guy..not like Lee..." Hitomi frowned then sighed. She wrapped the towel around her and started to walk downstairs. Which was not good...downstairs didn't seem a very friendly looking scene.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]"Hmm...is Lee going to crack under pressure and actually sleep with Tomoe?" Hitomi whispered to Naota as she listened from her door. Naota shrugged " No idea.." Hitomi bit her lip "Well Lee is one horny fuck anyways..." "Okay great for him..Can I go to sleep?" "Yeah, not on my bed though...there some extra pillows and blankets in my bedroom closet..." Hitomi pointed to her closet and then sat down on her bed. "Ohh okay..." Naota got the pillows and blankets and started making a bed. He looked up at Hitomi and blushed. "What is it?" Hitomi asked "Well...i have my clothes on and a need to take them off to sleep. You have to put your pajamas on, which means we both have to get undressed.." "Ohh that is a problem.." Hitomi scratched her head "Well i won't look..of course if you won't" "Okay deal Naota..uhh turn around.." [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi can almost kill Naota. He studdered to much, what a bad actor! Hitomi frowned in Lee's request for her and Naota to sleep in her room. Ugh, she didn't get him jelouse enough. How far can she go with this? Hitomi grinned when she thought of something up. Naota saw her grin and thought this wans't good. Hitomi sighed and cling to Naota shirt.She buried her face in his chest "Hmm Naota..you smell..really good" "Huh?" Naota said puzzled. Then he felt Hitomi's nail digging into his gut. He decided to play alone and not get hurt. He wrap his arms around her waist pulling her closer. He buried his face in her hair and said "You smell good too.." They both can feel the sting of Lee's eyes as Lee looked at them both. Why couldn't they get a room? Hitomi grinned with her face conceled by Naota's shirt. This should be going great. "Come on Naota...we won't be needed extra pillows Lee. Naota will be sleeping in my bed tonight.." Hitomi said pulling Naota's arm upstairs "Ohh yeah...don't come knocking when my bedroom is rocking.." Hitomi said and winked at Lee. This just made Lee frown in disgust... [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi gasped to yell and moan again when Tomoe opened the door. "Uhh...you guys ain't doing it...I swear I heard....i'm I hearing thing..but Lee heard it too. Uhh i'm in the wrong pl-" Tomoe mouth was covered by Hitomi "Hush...I'm trying to make Lee jelouse. Please don't tell him! Keep it hush hush!" Hitomi whispered to Tomoe and let go off her. " Okay i get it, but Lee is expecting a report down there on what exactly you guys are doing.." Tomoe said "Easy! Tell him that there really gone at it there! That Naota seems to be doing alot better then you Lee. His satisfying her 100x better. Say that I said it was the best orgasms i ever had" Hitomi said with a grin. Naota shook his head and thought how he got into this mess.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]"Ohh yes, yes, yes! OHH NAOTA! YOUR THE BEST! YES YES RIGHT THERE! OHH!" Hitomi yelled. She was trying to fake her moans and screams. While Naota banged on the floor. " Start moving the bed. Do it hard for the can hear the bed squeek.." Hitomi whispered to Naota. " Ugh..okay.. You have some crazy ideas Hitomi.." Naota confessed "Not your turn to argue...so just do it.." Hitomi whispered to Naota as he got up and shook her bed. Hitomi took breath and started to fake her maons and screams again. This is too much fun![/FONT][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi closed the door of her room " Ugh I can't believe him..I kill him with my own hands one of this days. That proabaly the only pleasure he ever give me!" Hitomi yelled pacing around her room. "Err Hitomi?" Naota said but was cut off "I can't believe the nerve of this guy! I BURY HIM IN THE GROUND IF A HAVE TO!" "Hitomi?" " Ugh! Damn stupid fool...he always like to push away..." Hitomi said sitting down and grabbing her head. "Hitomi..are you okay?" Naota said worried "Hnnn" Hitomi raised up her head to look at Naota and a light bulb turned on. " His trying to get me alone with you.." Hitomi said " Uhh.." Naota scratched his head. He thought that wasn't a very bad idea. " His doing that for he won't feel guilt of always pushing me out of his life. He never shows affection when I do.I probaly found another huh? That asshole after all i been through with him.." Hitomi bit her lip" I know what to do! I give him exactly what he wants. Actually..more like faking it!" "Faking what?" Naota said puzzled "Lets pretend were having sex. Bang on the floor, moaning, you know crap like that. Then when we go down we act all lovey dovy....I wonder how he feels about that!" Hitomi said grining[/FONT][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]"Okay a freaking play in one condition!" Hitomi said completly annoyed " And that is?" Lee asked "I go first!" Hitomi started " Okay truth or dare to...Lee!" "Okay..dare!" Lee said "I dare you to stand still and let me kill you!" Hitomi said angrily at Lee. Hitomi poucned on him and started to choke him. "This is a stupid game! You always trick me into things like this!" Hitomi yelled as she shook him voilently "I...can't....breath.." Lee gasped out "Good! I don't give a fuck what in you wallet! You piss me off so much! Why the hell you keep doing this to me! Everytime i try to get close to your ass you push away! You show affection, you try to kill me, you die, come back, show affection again and then try to hurt me! UGH! NOW TODAY YOU TRY TO GET YOURSELF KILLED AND YOU TELL ME [I]"Everything going to be alright Hitomi, I can handle this!"[/I] BLAH BLAH! I''ll kill you before you do this to me again!" Hitomi said choking him harder. She seemed she was really going to kill him. Naota pulled her off of him. Holding her back while Hitomi swinged widly. "Damn you Lee don't you fucking understand! The things you do, don't only effect you but others! Damn it!" Hitomi stopped and calmed down. She sighed and pushed Naota away. " You see what no sleep does to me?" Hitomi said " Now I'm tired, something took alot out of me today.." Hitomi looked at Tomoe "Well I guess I'll depart from this.."[/FONT][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]"Ugh I can never win with you! I thought the say that the woman wins the arguments all the time. Ugh if only there were true. Unless you want to reveal Lee that a drag queen?" Hitomi said sitting on the couch. "Haha very funny.." Lee yelled from the kitchen ?Whatever you say dear Lee?? Hitomi sighed and turn on the tv ?What the hell do you want Tomoe and Naota here in the first place?? Hitomi asked ?Hmm? No reason at all truly..? ?Your bluffing..? ?Hnn? Hey I should be asking what with you and Naota? ?Nothing at all, he just helps me in my time of need. His a really good friend you know. Good friends are rare to find?? Hitomi said flipping channels. There was a dead silence for a few minutes. ?What exactly that supposed to mean? Are you in love with him?? Lee asked ?Lee your foolish..? ?Answer the question..? ?There is nothing to answer. Is your imagination..? ?Hitomi answer it please?? Hitomi froze for a second. What exactly to tell him? ?Like a said yesterday to you Lee before you went hunting. I only love one person and he happens to be in my house right now?? Hitomi said putting the remote control down ?Happy or do I have to send the happy bunny after you Lee??[/FONT][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]"See ya Tomoe!" Hitomi waved at Tomoe as she walked out the door. Well please let it be finnally a good time for bed. She needed some sleep and quick. She felt like collasping on the floor thanks to the ancestor transformation. "Sleepy..sleepy..sleep..bed time.." Hitomi said going upstairs. Hitomi spoke to soon as the door rang. Great! What now? The final plague knocking on her door? Hitomi opened her door tired and weary. Guess who was on the otherside? Lee....whoo hoo "I need a place to crash.." Lee said "Ugh..really? not again..." Hitomi rubbed her eyes from sleep " The transformation took alot out of me...i need rest.." "Well i can go to Tomoe's house anyways.." "Ugh w/e sleep here...you know where the kitchen is if your hungry. The couch if over there.." "What i can't sleep in your bed?" " Huh?" "Come on it's a king size.." "Ugh...." Hitomi hit herself in the head. What the fuck does this guy want her to do?[/FONT][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi saluted "Yes sir Chief!" "Your wierd.." Tomoe said "Hey I'm wierd you should her me and Mimirue bickering in my head.." Hitomi said rolling her eyes "One thing she hates Lee...calls him a meathead.." Hitomi coughs and the meathead part and says "true" and inserts another cough. "Wow really?" "Yep the only thing we can agree on is that Naota cute and has a great as-" Hitomi stopped and covered her mouth. Oops, slipped out to much. She didn't want to affend Lee. She hoped he didn't hear her talking and was gone by now. "Anyways the only problems now is the the ancestors..." Tomoe started "You mean Makai's and Shun's?" Hitomi bit her lip "Yep...hope is sorted out well. Don't want things to set on fire..." Tomoe said scratching her head.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]"Yeah yeah..roger that.." Lilith moved to the top machine gun. "Lock, to the head and squeeze trigger..." Lilith said trying to remember to do this thing right. Well she was a first timer and either way she had to help out. Did she really have a choice anyways? "Okay how fast does this SUV? want to know how fast i have to shoot.." Lilith said "Pretty fast...." Diaga said over the intercom "Well faster than 60 miles per hour? Well I try my best to pull the trigger in time. You might have to run this things over...rodakill..." Lilith grinned " Haha don't worry i'm a pretty good shooter..." [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]"Well I guess...it has be done by the professionals. Never let a man do a womens job.." Tomoe ancestor snapped her fingers and set the girl on fire. "Okay....now.."Hitomi said coming back " He finnally gone.." "Took awhile now can I please speak to Mimirue?" Hitomi sighed and ruffled her hair. She turned into Mimirue in a instant. The girl boss got up almost completly burned. She huffed and puffed slowly runing out of breath "Well I was here for a time. Just like to play my other half for a bit ya know?"Mimirue said "Yes yes all fun and games...now can you hold this girl still?" "Sure.." Mimirue looked at the girls feet and buried her feet on the ground "Well that do Big Sis?" "Yep, just fine.." Tomoe ancestor said with a smirk. "Well flip a coin who can finish her off?" Mimirue smiled having a coin ready at hand "Tales me, heads you?"[/FONT][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]"Gill? Guild? Ele? Guilty?" Faith said trying to figure her team mates name. It was harder then she expected. She went to her dorm only to get her CD player. It was too boring in there. If she stayed only longer in her room she go insane. She put on her headphones and started walking around. It was late and way to quite. She put her CD player on the highest possible volume it can go to calm herself down. The rock music probaly can be heard by everyone. Yet Faith didn't care, if she didn't do that she had to brake a few bones to hear screams of someone to calm herself down. For this insanity of hers and her thirst for a bit of choas was to blame of her parents. Faith started to skip to her rock music with a grin on her face. Tommorow will be a good day. She finnally learn what her team mates can do. She hoped it was alot...[/FONT][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]"Yeah, yeah...is instinct I only run when being chased..you know? Well you should know you chase things right? Your a what dog? wolf? kitty cat?" Jade smiled. Aron didn't seem to be smiling at all. He looked at her and frowned "A gray fox..." Aron said strictly "Err sorry...only making a joke.." Jade scratched her head. "Like I said everything you say or do can get you killed.." Aron said looking back at Cooper. Great, she might make enemies with a perfect. Jade stiffened up and try to her best to look calm and cool. Jade looked at the deriction Aron was looking " That a perfect...she only a reject. She has no match for him...don't you think you should help?" Jade walked beside Aron and watched. [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  24. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Faith looked at the board completly confused. Great who are this people? She never heard there name before. Well she had to deal with them. She walked to this so called "Tory Guile" dorm. Who can she work with a guy that she can barely pronounce his last name? She knocked on his dorm hoping he was there. The door squeaked open. "I'm Faith...I'm part of your team...I expect for use to work like a team. No hard heads please...anyways well meet up every morning working from dawn to dusk. I hope that not to hard? Okay...we'll see the other team mate later, i guess..." Faith said it without looking at him at all. She was staring up in space thinking how this was going to turn out. She had no emotion in her voice, with a completly hallow expression. Well she hoped she didn't look to him like a physco.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Tomoe was got on the roof with a huff. Tomoe looked around and saw Lee bassically playing tag with a little girl on the roof top. That girl was ordinary at all. She was destroying Hitomi's roof just by stepping on a spot. "Hitomi won't be happy about this.." Tomoe said. "Me won't be happy about what?" Hitomi said finnally getting up to the roof. "Well i have bad news and worse news...So how did it go with Naota?" "Well he probaly suspects something but...hey! stop delaying the question. What the bad news?" " Well your roof is been ruined by a death touch girl.." "Great how can I explain that to my parents!" Hitomi grabbed he head completly confused. "Yeah..the worse news is that Le-...ohh looke Naota is still here..." Tomoe said trying to distract Hitomi. "Ohh really? CRAP! I be right back.." Hitomi jumped of the roof. "Phew..." Tomoe sighed with a big relief.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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