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Everything posted by SlowChemical

  1. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Jade hanged from the window cell of the building she fell off from. She only wished she was a perfect. Maybe she could have sprout wings and fly. Jade grinned and pulled herself up climbing inside the window. Well she had to get out this place and see the helicopter. She ran up the stairs to the roof top, looking for any clues of a helicopter pad. Yes, there it is one that wasn?t so far away. Jade hopped from roof top from roof top. She was near the building until she spotted Cooper. Crap, she guarding the helicopter? Yet Cooper was a reject like Jade. So Jade could take her down. When she looked closer Cooper had guard?s dead bodies around her. Great that means she won?t take any prisoner. Cooper looked around to see anyone is coming. She turned and looked at Jade?s direction. Jade quickly laid down against the roof floor hoping not get spotted. What a freaking mess?.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]"Well alright..whatever you say.."Lilith looked for anything that she can actually use. "Ohh what is this...?" Lilith picked up a magnum gun. She was always fascinated by magnum guns. Yet the only problem is that the only had a few bullet to hold. Anyways the sure were powerful. Lilith picked up a dagger, just incase she ran out of bullets. "I guess I'm ready..."Lilith scratched her head "well how long we have to wait..i'm get extremly bored..." [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  3. [color=#Df2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Fay smiled " I think that will be best to help the village. I think we can pratice a bit later in our journey. We need to help those poor people out there..." Fay smile dissapered "The knife...has done so much harm. Yet I think the town can rebuild itself with a little help. Everything needs a little aid to grow. Like trees need the sun and water. We should truely help...." Fay bit her lip in thought almost drawing blood. Wow what a mess the knife left them. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  4. [color=#Df2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Faith sat under a tree her back leaning against it. She started wrapping her fingers around red string. Setting up a game of cradle. She was completly bored. She heard the announcement and hated it. How can she assemble a team? Everyone thought she was a physco and she was anti-social anyways. Her team mates that she be with will completly hate her. "I wonder...." Faith whispered. She got up and started walking back to her dorm. Totaly concetrated on her game. Grabbing the X's either under or over. Ussually it was a 2 player game. When the person grabs the right x the string goes to the other player hands. If you didn't mess up the x well appear again and the other person takes a turn getting the x. Yet Faith played it fast enough and correctly that she didn't need anybody to play with. Anyways if anyone wanted to play with her the couldn't keep up. The ussually too slow or did it wrong. Faith walked dodging people as she walked totaly not concetrating on walking and more on her game. She got to her dorm and moved the door knob with her elbows. She enter her dorm and sighed. She started thinking about the tournament. She probaly going to be paired up with the quite ones or the ones that are too peppy. If the couldn't keep up with her in a game of craddle she will severly hurt her team mates for them un-able to participate. She will have to do this alone in the long shot. Well how many bones can she brake in tournament? Well if the teachers don't try to hold her back. Faith smiled.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Lilith scratched her head "Well been a mother a three help? I bassically do have eyes behind my head...I don't get scared that easily anyways.." "Mother of three?" Mae looked at her strange "There my siblings...i take care of them. Anyways I won't scream and run away. They just get to me faster anyways..." Lilith shrugged "I'm sane most of the time.Lets get this "thing" hunting over with."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [color=#Df2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Fay sat on a chair in the inn reading a book. She was deeply bored. There wasn?t much to conversant about. The objective was to find the Knife and stop her from causing anymore harm. That exactly what Fay wanted to conversant about there duty. Knowing there beliefs about this and if they truly believed in what there doing. She probably just feel foolish and ashamed of herself anyways. Fay sighed and put the book on a coffee table. She laid back on the chair and turned her head toward the window. There were clouds and wisp of smoke in a near by town. Fay eyes grew wide. The knife has already have set the town of fire? ?We must hurry. She has already have started..? Devlin spoke ?Yet she might not be there by the time were there. All we can do is help the villagers?? Fay said getting up and staring out the window. ?Maybe if we hurry fast enough we might stop her from setting more harm to the village. Lets must go now. Why are we setting here?? Someone spoke out ?No we can?t get there fast enough. Even through a rush. She has already left by now. She bet us to the punch. She probably was there for a few days skimming her plan to set it on fire. She probably got some people to join her. The knife is surely cunning. Our battle well probably only make the fire spread or cause more fire. We don?t know exactly how to use our gifts yet. We can only cause more harm then good. Especially me since the scrolls spells can cause much harm then good if not used properly?? Fay bit her lip. All they can do is get back on there horses and help the village out. If she had only had some practice with her scroll. If only they got there gifts a bit more early. Yet you can not change what already has been done. Damn sometimes she hate been ?wise? [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  7. [color=#Df2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Jade heard the helicopter coming. Crap she didn?t expect them to leave so soon. Well she better stop playing games. Damn it when it was getting so much fun too. Jade stepped at the edge of the roof top. ?Your friends are about to leave. I guess you have to go. You don?t want to be left behind right? Unless of course you want to stay with me Dyru? Parting is such sweet sorrow?? Jade grinned ?Anyways your not my type?but you cat friend..err dog..wolf? Fox? What ever he is pretty cute. Tell him I?ll call him?? Jade smiled and stepped back falling off the edge of the roof. She waved at him before she left. Dyru looked over the edge. He found that she wasn?t there. No dead body in the floor. She didn?t knew how to fly but she disappered?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Faith continued eating her tray dispite the huge noise coming from the cafeteria. Ahh the sound of choas always calmed her. A boy came up to her table and slammed his hands on the table hard trying to get Faith attention. "This is our table. I suggest to move.." He spoke ina heavy german accent. "Foreign..?" Faith said sighing. She closed her eyes and continued eating. "What wrong with that..just move. I have no time to fool around girl.." "Hn.." Faith continued to sit down and eat. "Did you hear me!" The boy yelled. "Yep.." Faith picked up her tray. The boy smiled feeling as though he succeeded of removing her from the table. Faith just kicked the table up the air. While placing the tray of food on her head. She kicked the table again at the foreign students direction. The table slammed against him making him fly across the room into a wall. He connected to the wall sliding down it completly hurt. Then after he thought he was in the clear the table slammed into him again. A few people stared at her. "Well he shouldn't have thought it was over that easy. I did kick the table into him...he just bounced of the table. The table was going to hit him again...he wasn't my fault he was off guard.." Faith tilted her head looking at them confused. Faith sighed took her tray off her head. The food haven't spilled or showed sign of any movement. Faith sat back down into another table. She picked up her fork and started to eat again. This foreign students are started to annoy her. Well at least the caused a little chaos in this school. It was way to quite anyways....[/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [color=#Df2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Lilith started to play around with the knife. Twisting and spining it around. She threw it up and catched thrusting the knife to thin air. "Don't hurt yourself.." Mae said jogging back towards them. "Huh? I won't..." Lilith said. "Mae look over there.." Daiga said nodding his head to the direction to a few eaters. "Well we finally see a flock..." Mae said Lilith whistled "Wow does things sure are ugly. So we're going to fight them?" "We?" Diaga said "Ofcourse...you need all the help you can get. I not going to stand here and look pretty.." Lilith said frowning[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Faith sat down on the lunch table with her plate.She sat alone because she haden't made any friends yet. She was a bit anti-social. People didn't like her much because they thought she was nuts. She picked up her fork and started eating peacefully. Faith couldn't help but overhear the coversation over at the next table. Some girl arguing with a boy. Is that her boyfriend or something? Faith couldn't help but stare with the fork hanging out her mouth. I guess the girl notice since when she sat done after the argument with that boy she stared at Faith back. Faith opened her mouth " Arguing...my parents did that alot" Faith said with no trace of emotion in it "Didn't do much after the ended up in the hospital un-able to move...." Faith looked down at her tray and took out the fork out her mouth. She started to eat again not letting the girl reply on what she said. She didn't really care if she replied to her. Just wanted to say something, speak her mind.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]" I'm not making fun I'm just mimicing...you know one of my bat things i got. Since bats use there voice to get around. Sound waves and everything...i won't get technical because I guess you wouldn't understand. " Jade said with a sigh "Now can you please leave me alone? I have nothing wrong...I said i will see you guys later. What you want me hurt you for just because your speech problem? Not my fault blame the scientist.." Jade closed one eye "SsI scan't sshelp ssit..." Dyru said "Okay now we don't have to do this any way at all. Lets just call it misunderstanding...now I'll leave now. Ofcourse you want to follow because you can't stand been so far away from me. You just can't part, Mister Romoe..." Jade smirked. She didn't let any information knowing which side she was on at all. She made no suspicion at all. Ever word was planned out and she had to decieve to get ahead. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  12. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Lilith streached and yawned "So in this situation what your going to do? There some civilians..." "Well when we get to the main hall and meet up with the rest we'll equip you guys to fight the eaters.." Diaga said "Well I see that..you just gave Chase a gun.." Lilith said and rubbed her eyes away from sleep "Well get this over my patience is going thin. I have much to do" "What is more important then fighting this eaters?" "Well my family. Yet nether less I'll help. I guess I have no choice anyways since i seen the thing. Don't worry I'm don't wine , follow orders, and know how to take care of myself. Anyways i do that for others.." Lilith said and yawned " Hnn sleepy?" " Yeah...i didn't get sleep. I was on the roof and slept there. I woke up and tore down the roff door...i guess that why the eater was following. The noise?"[/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [color=#Df2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Jade sighed and sat down on the roof. There not really much to do but to look for other people. She wonder if they thought she was on the other side. That make her in really big trouble! She hoped they thought she was undecided yet or maybe thought she was on there side. She didn't let anything out to seem she was a traitor right? Jade gasped and moved to the direction she heard snaping wind coming from. Damn it that Dryu guy found her. He was getting closer by the second. Jade got up and started to run again. Running from roof top from roof top making some distance between them. She couldn't fight him but maybe she could out run him. Jade thought and stopped for a bit. Maybe she shouldn't run. Maybe she could convience them that she was on there side. To decieve them, well she was a thief. "Ssnake sboy.." Jade said mimicing his voice "ssover shere...." "What do you want? I said i be seeing you guys soon, not this soon. Stop persuing me..." Jade said in her normal voice [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  14. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi heard something slowly crack and fall off her roof. What getting attacked by angry acorns? Hitomi could almost hear something going on upstairs. Like pieces of plaster falling on the ground of her room. "Err Tomoe?" Hitomi said worried "You get Naota out of here. I look on the roof..surely there is a assisan attack..again. Why can't i have a normal day in the hot springs?" Tomoe sighed. Hitomi pulled Naota up and dragged him out the door. "Err what going on?" Naota said completly confused "Well I wish i can tell you. It kinda a secret..only a few people know..." Hitomi said throwing him out and locking the door. It was better for him not to know. He be alot safer that way. Hitomi ran upstairs to her room. She climbed out her window and crawled to the roof. Why the heck won't the assisan live them the fuck alone?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Tomoe and Hitomi started to stop watching the movie. There were a bit busy trying to throw popcorn into Naota mouth. Tomoe throwed on "HA! THAT ONE IS GOING IN!" The popcorn fell into the ground only skimming Naota's face. "Hehe my turn." Hitomi stepped back she flicked the popcorn ball. Naota moved his head and catched the popcorn "Yum!" Naota said rubbing his stomach " Hey that no fair..you cheated. Naota moved so you couldn't miss..." Tomeo said " Well you lose you lose.You smell that Tomoe?" Hitomi said "Burned popcorn?" Tomoe asked "Nope the smell ofme beating you in popcorn basketball..." Hitomi smiled. Hitomi looked at her watch. Hnn strange usally assisans well be up on this place by now. Did Lee really kill them all? She highly doubt it since it was only him. Stupid fool went out and got himself killed. That what you get for trying to do thing alone.Well goodbye to her Lee.Hitomi sighed "Everything okay Hitomi?" Naota said worried "Ya just a bit lost in thought..."Hitomi scratched her head "Best 2 out of three Tomoe?" "Your on!" Tomoe said getting her popcorn at hand.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]"Okay here the popcorn and the soda for the "not-so-straight" guy.." Hitomi said throwing the soda can to Naota "Wow when did that happen? I don't remember confessing or even thinking that.." Naota said sipping soda "Well i guess i have to call up my mother an tell her. Then she yell and tel me "I have no son, I have no son" Then father he will just stare. The only thing with that is i like a girl! Go figure!" " Is just a joke don't get your thong up in a bunch.." Hitomi said stealing some popcorn "Well lets go on with the movie..i think Mailynn won't mind us starting without her..." Tomoe put on the movie. After a few minutes in the movie Naota spilled out " Watch she be there first to die, then this boy, only one will survive booo..." " Dude can we watch the movie?" Hitomi said with a frown "Hey that is what you get for been a movie buff.." Naota scratched his head [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  17. [color=#Df2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi put on her shirt on the rigth way. She heavily sighed and walked back to Tomoe and Naota. "So what all this for Hitomi?" Naota said "Duh I'm bored...what you want? Hookers? Sorry i forget to hire some.." Naota rubbed his chin "Well that wouldn't be so bad.." Naota looked at Hitomi and burst out laughing "Just joking..what about a movie?" "Horror!" Hitomi screamed out "Romance!" Tomoe said "Sci fi!" "Action and Adventure!" "Err what about a double feature?" Naota said scratching his head. "Ahh okay..whatever i get the popcorn..." Hitomi got up to go to the kitchen "Can i have a soda honey?" Naota smile "Sure thing swetty pie..." Hitomi laughed and went to the kitchen[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi got up and dressed again. She was way to bored not to invite friends over. She started to brush her hair when she heard the door rang. "I Be there!" Hitomi yelled. She ran downstairs still brushing her hair. She opened the door and Naota was there. "Hey.." Naota smiled "Ohh hey..Tomoe and Mailynn are coming. I think Mailynn is bringing Makia?" Hitomi said still brushing her hair. "Uhh isn't he a gangster?" "No his okay! Mailynn likes him so don't judge people you don't know..." Hitomi said hitting him in the chest "Well I'm not judging, just wondering.." "Okay.." Hitomi said finishing her hair. "Uhh your shirt on backwards..." "Ugh! I be right back...going to change..again.." Hitomi ran back upstairs "Ohh ya open the door for the others."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Faith sat on the side her head tilted to the side as the rest of the people were trying to deafeat there partner. The east side which was martial arts. To learn how to fight with your own body.This was great for Faith sense she didn't like to use weapons much only if she had to. She like using her hand more than anything else. The teacher of the martial arts section of the school looked at Faith and started to scold "Why are you sitting there? Your supposed to defeat your partner..." Faith looked at her "I did..." Faith pointed to girl moaning in pain laying on the floor. The girl sat up agaisnt the wall feeling a bit weary.Faith looked at her with slight emotion in her face. She looked delicate and innocent. "She wouldn't fight for real. She seem to hold...back. She said it was only practice...did i do something wrong? I didn't brake anything..." Faith said with a puzzled look in her face. "Oh..well." The teacher looked at Faith a bit concerned "Well i get you another partner.." The teacher motioned for one other student to come over. "You well fight Faith now. Her partner is...out of use right now." Faith got up and took a fighting stance. "What is worse slow and painful or something quick?" Faith asked as they started there fight "Uhh...a slow one?" The student replied Faith frowned "Wrong answer.." [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  20. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi rested her head on her pillow. She sighed and streached " Okay what do you do at this time? Count sheep? Err don't feel so sleepy...I should call Naota over...to god damn bored." Hitomi picked up the phone beside her. She looked at her clock "Well is not long until the assisans try there attack onmy friends. I think i have a little time left for a friend to come over...again.." Hitomi dailed Naota's number. "Hello?" Naota answered "I'm desparetly bored..." Hitomi yawned on the phone "Well i didn't know i was a littl toy.." "Well you need to entertain me. That what a good friend is for" "What want me to dress up in a monkey suit and dance?" "Ugh ugly image thank you. Just come over..." "Okay... bye bye" Naota hanged up. Hitomi closed the phone and thought she should call Tomoe and Mailynn. Hey why not invite all of them? She dailed Tomoe's number. The phone started to ring.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Fay got on her horse "Well i guess this is now or never.." Fay sighed " Well we beter go now..." Cosain said and softly kicked her horse on the side. The horse galloped foward. Shortly Devlin and Joshua cuaght started there horses. Fay was the saw them go off and sighed "Well let get going sha'll we Mr.Horse?" Fay said as she started to gallop beside the rest.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [color=#Df2020][FONT=Century Gothic]((Occ: Err there a little typo Raze_3103. Fay is my Betrayal of The Knife name. Jade is here...i bit confusing sense you in the RP too...o.o)) Jade sighed as she sat on the roof top of a building "What can I do...there perfects and just little old me. Need to get other people to help. Yet the might not want to....humans can be so cruel to people like us..Why would the want out?" Jade bit her and looked up at the sky "Like when we be fighting in the streets destroying building and crap they be throwing stones." Jade mimic one some of the guards voices " What are does things! What freaks!" "RUN! RUN!" "Get out of our town! We don't need nothing for the likes of you!" Jade scratched her head. Well she needed some rejects or luckily some perfects to help. Surely no one that wanted to join "Golden" team well parish.Don't they get it that here is the only place they can be safe. What would they want from the human world? Out there is way to dangerous. Jade stood up "Okay i need some help from stopping them from leaving! Is not safe out there...out there" Jade look up at the sky again.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Lilith crouched poked the monster on ther floor " So this thing...is the cause of the disappearances in our school huh?" "Huh?" Daiga said looking at Lilith "Well I read the papers..." Lilith cleared her voice and mimic an annocer voice " Another student has disapeared, there are no leads on what, how, or who is making this students disapear. Officers are in intesive investagation..." "Well the thing your poking is a "it" not a what or who. Well not anymore..." Diaga shook his head "Well I seen you kill it..your not normal students are you. Don't worry I barely talk to people. I'm..hnn difficult? " Lilith said getting up "What you guys going to do erase my memory?" Lilith holded out her hand like she is holding a pen in her fist.She closed one eye and concetrated on her imaginary pen. She take out her thumb and moves it like she is clicking something. "Flash!" Lilith sighed and let down her arm. "Well the girl has a point. This thing is a bit creepy looking.." Chase said kicking it on the side. The choas eater flitched and grabbed his leg. "Ugh.." Chase shook his leg widly "His just a nerve reaction. Taking that blow its dead.." Lilith shook her head "Well i have no choice then.." Diaga scratched his head "Hnn say that agian?" Lilith looked at him with confusion. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  24. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Lilith woke up to a dark sky. She rose up and looked around. Where was she? Oh yes, the roof top. She looked at her watch and forgot it was broken. She shook it "Crap...need to get a new watch. Why time is i?t have to get home and make dinner.." Lilith got up and picked up her bookbag. She opened the roof top door only to find it closed. Lilith tried again to open it. Nope still closed. Lilith stepped back and kicked the door open. The door fell and tumbled down the stairs. "Oops.." Lilith scratched her head "Now they think I'm a burgular or worse..." Lilith try to sneek down stairs quietly hoping that the staff would not see her or the people playing that stupid volleyball game. It was dark and hopefully she would be able to sneek around the shadows. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  25. [color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic] Name: Faith Heartnet Age: 17 Gender: female Appearance: Faith Dorm: West Bio: Her father and mother hated Faith. She never was a child to control. She would always disobey them. Maybe is the reason because she would get severely punished for every little thing she did. Stained her clothes, missed one problem on her homework, or got one bad test grade. Later on the years Faith fought back. When she was on the verge of being punished she would flip her mother over to hurt her back. As for her father she would break every bone of his body possible. It came to a point where it became a habit to hurt her parents also it became addicting. After getting sick of paying hospital bills and countless of therapy sessions her parents sent her to Knockout to fulfill her violent nature. Personality: Likes to do things the hard way. Prefers the loud and noisy type places other that nice and quite. When is too quite she goes insane and try to make trouble. Other than that she is usually quite, seems harmless and nice. Like to ask the question ?Which is better slow and painful or nice and quick?? yet doesn?t like people answering her question. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
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