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Everything posted by SlowChemical
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]To tell the truthI have no idea how i got ot anime. Maybe it was DBZ? or Sailor Moon? I knew something had to get me started. Now i have an addiction. Now the true question for me is "How Did i get other people to like anime?" I have at least 12 friends probaly going to blame me for getting them to anime. I even got a person that hated cartoons and animated stuff into anime. He perfered reality tv to anything else. Yet when I showed him "Scryed" the manga (the manga was out before the anime came to USA right? O.o) he loved it and is truely addicted. So ya I'm the one to blame for some new members of the anime void.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Jade frowned "Yep i do make a little trouble. Actually is only 4 times a day breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack time. Ohh ya slimy here just killed my favorite guard to tease..." Jade twisted her wrist to certain way to get away from Mr.Fang Boy. "Swatch.sit.." Dryu hissed "This breakout..do you really manage to go outside there? You won't be accepted...is the human world..Were not human anymore.." Fay said tapping her fingers nails on her cheek "Look at fang boy he truely lost his humanity.." Dryu hissed at her "I ssdon't slike syou.." Dryu hissed "sstraitor..sscan't I ssskilll sher?" Jade smiled nervously "My time to leave...bye bye.." Jade jumped up on the roof top and yelled at the three. " I guess we'll meet again...i have a kine sense of this things.." Jade looked at snake boy and mimic his voice "Ssgoodbye sfang sboy...". With that Jade ran away. She knew the odds and she couldn't take out a perfect all by herself. She didn't want to much information slip. Hoped she kept it a secret on which side she was in. "Crap I guess it truely has begun?" Jade sighed [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Fay sighed and stood up to walk where ever Kohai was taking them. Fay walked with her head down looking at the floor. She saw Cosain person walking a front of her. She heard her mutter and Fay was ashamed of her impatience. Yet she just wanted to get over with this.She walked beside Cosain and sighed "I'm sorry for being rude and impatient. It never was my best virtue. Kinda makes me a bit ashamed of myself..." Fay said looking down. " Uh..I'm Fay.." Fay said nervously " Maybe there a item for impatient ness? Maybe I could switch with that?" Fay tried to make a joke and tried to crack a grin. She really couldn't really smile being under immense pressure [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Lilith went to the top of the roof top of the school dragging her bookbag. She was completly tired. Her head down, shoulder slouched dragging her feet. Her face was darken and had heavy bags under her eyes. Lilith layed on the roof top resting her head on her bookbag. "The only time i have to sleep.." Lilith yawned "hope...no..is..here.." Lilith turned on her cd player and put on her headphones. She put on heavy metal music drowining out her thoughts. In a few minutes she was in deep sleep. Not be able to be awake for hours on end.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=#Df2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi turned on the lights and strenched "Popcorns gone...candies gone..movie marathon has ended. Now you must leave" Hitomi girnned "What a nice kick out.." Naota said getting up. " Ohh well.." Hitomi said walking him out the door " See ya tommorow?" "You bet.." Hitomi said closing the door. Now she had to go to sleep. Wondered if Lee was dead or alive? He said not to worry...how can't she not? Ohh well...now for bed.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Jade hide from a corner seeing some of the people talk. She could hear everything there saying. Crap, she knew the one day people try to brake out. She didn't know why this place is so nice. Jade grinned and shook her head. Should she tell the gaurds there were escaping? No the guards didn't trust her anyways, what would be the point? The people that were talking were two perfects and a reject. She knew them because she always heard the sceintist talking. Jade turned around and found a gaurd staring at her with a frown. " Oh..hello Mr.Guard Bossman.." Jade said with a nervouse grin " Jade how you got out of your cell?" "Er...well.." Jade took out a bobby pin and gave him her shackles " Well it was easy...well kinda off since you guys made mine giving lots of volts of electricity everytime my wrist twitch just because that one time I-" " Hmph.." The gaurd took out handcuffs and put them on Jade "Uhh i suggest not to do that...there is a break out. You should be worried about not been killed like your friends.." "What?" The gaurd took out his gun "You stay here.." The gaurd moved " Ya right.." Jade slide her hands from the handcuffs and swinged them around her finger " Okay......There perfects...I'm just a reject...I can't take them down there power is way to great. They can do to much damange outside this doors.Idiots on't they now is much safer here now?" Jade pondered for a bit, planing on what to do.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic](( Occ: Sorry it took long to post. I have been stuffed with homework lately and this project...hope is not TOO late..)) Lilith was in the girls bathroom skipping class. She turned on the sink and splashed water on her face. She was tired her sibling wouldn't let her sleep. Tommy wanted his blanket, Angel wanted three bed time stories, and Janet kept having nightmares. Lilith rubbed her eyes to stay awake. She slapped her cheeks two times and shoke her head. "Okay..now..what time is it? Was a sleeping to long here?" Lilth looked at her clockwatch. It was ruined she put water on it. "Crap..." Lilith got outside and looked around. Some people where moving toward class. Yet she had no idea what period it was. She saw one person move the other deriction from the others. "Er...excuse me?" Lilith tapped his shoulder "What period is it?" [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Fay clentched her skirt. She stared at her feet as the rest started talking to the young member of the council. The guy that came with that girl. Maybe he want to take her place? No her father would scold at her for even think of that.Is she the only one having doubts? Fay raised her head " Mam..High counceller? When do we get started?"[/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]"Monster movie marathon?" Hitomi said walking on the cement fence. " Monster movie marathon" Naota said with a laugh walking on the sidewalk " Okay popcorn, candy, more candy...and err more candy!" " Let me guess thats not all for me?" "Nope all mine...you get a nice fruit basket.." "Wow how nice..." Naota and Hitomi arrived on Hitomi's house. The turned on the tv, changed the channel, and popped some popcorn. Hitomi placed some candy on the coffe table. It was all from sneakers to cookie dough. Hitomi sat on her couch next to Naota. The truned off all the lights. "Watch this...tries to find the noise..goes around the corner and then scream.." Naota said poiting at the tv. Then a girl scream was heard from the tv. " Wow your good.." Hitomi laughed. The movie then stopped and a reporter was on. "Sorry to interupt the monster movie marathon but a storie just came in. The most powerful man in the counry has just died. There were many casualties. He was killed by a young 14 year old boy named Lee-" Hitomi turned off the tv and looked at Naota. "Wasn't he here yestarday? Hitomi.." Naota asked worried "Ya..." Hitomi replied "Damn it I knew his was trouble. You have to watch out for him. He might be just faking his death. I don't want to see you get hurt.." "Don't worry he won't hurt me....He promised me that it be okay.." "Just because he said it doesn't mean he do it. Please Hitomi I don't trust him...when he was in this house he gave me the most evil glances every single second..." " Oh..yeah..that.." Hitomi looked up and saw that Naota was truely worried about her. His heart was on the rigth place but... "I'll be fine.." " If you saw so..I trust you.."[/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Fay road on her carriage. She looked out the window and it was raining. The was probably the only time she wished it rained for weeks on end. To her disappointment she been summoned by the high council. She hoped it was a mistake. Yet when they summoned for her made her wrong. She sighed and remembered the talk she had with her father before she step inside her carriage to the high council. [I]"Father must I go? I don't think I'm up for this...There must be a wiser person then me. The scroll? There no possible way that responsibility can be giving to a simple child.." Fay told her father before her leave "Fay please do not talk that way. The high council has chosen. You should act like is a honor not a curse!" Her father shook his head. "Well how would feel if you had no obliged to save people's lives?" "Act as if is a great honor..." Her father replied without a thought "Raise up your chin, back straight, and smile..." Fay sighed and try her best to smile. "Okay now...you must go.." Her father said helping her in her carriage "If you say so..." Fay said getting into her carriage[/I]Fay stuck her head out and talked to the driver ?Driver when well be getting to the High Council place?? ?Well?the rain might be a bit of a delay...? The driver said ?Ohh I don?t mind the delay..? ?Well we can?t keep the High Council waiting that be rude?? ?Ohh..yeah..? Fay sighed. In a few hours Fay arrived at the door. She held her skirt tight and walk to the engraved doors. Great, wise was engraved in it. Fay touched the door tracing her fingers over the words. Well nothing more to do then to go in these doors and wait for orders. She opened the door with great hesitation. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi rubbed the ears. She opened her eyes and Lee wasn't next to her. Well knowing him he probaly didn't stay her long. Hitomi sighed and got out of bed. She got into her shower and turned on the shower head. She stared up as the water rained on her. Well he left no big deal like he haven't done that before. Naota will call her soon seeing if she ready to go to school yet. Hitomi then remembered something. He asked her to have a normal day today.He said that because he was going to get revenge for his parents wasn't it? Ugh normal day? She was thinking of going to school, hitting Lee a few times for being a pervert, go home and not get attacked by a assisan. What was his explanation of normal? She probal spend the whole day worrying. Yes he might die, no he is dead. Part of Hitomi felt he already died and left this world. The other part was acting a fool and hoping. She got out of the shower and started getting dress. Well if he died he died because he did something he wanted to do for a long time, something hornable. She couldn't look for him because she had no idea where he was. Well he said have a normal day don't worry and crap. If he was still alive he come back to her. If he dead she look for another. Well she not sure that what Lee wanted though. Hitomi got out of the door and meet Naota in the corner of her street. "Ready for school?" Naota said "Yeah! Got all the extra honework..damn this crap is heavy..." Hitomi wined "Ohh I carry that for you then" Naota got Hitomi bookbag "Ohh thanks" "No problem" " Lets have a normal with no worries" Hitomi whispered [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi closed her eyes. What he meant he take care of everything? A normal day? She haven't had does in a while. Hitomi yawned and rested her head on Lee's chest. "Well is good to have abnormal days here and then....sometimes been normal is overated." Hitomi yawned again. She just realized downstairs she confesed her love to him. Yet he said nothing in return. Just a hug and kisses. Well she can't expect too much from him. She just wanted to go to sleep. Let this day be over.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi couldn't help but feel like she said something horrible wrong. He asked her such a silly question yet he wanted a sure answer. He wanted a yes i would have your child other then a maybe. Hitomi sighed and shook her head. Everything seems to diffucult now. Hitomi walked downstairs. She saw Lee just on the couch. She just stayed at the middle of the steps. "You know now I have to burn that couch?" Hitomi said grining hoping to put a grin in his face. No results. " I don't know what to say. I didn't know you meant that as such a seriouse question...is just..." Hitomi stopped. He probaly wasn't listening to her. She turned around to go upstairs and go back to bed. "If it makes you feel better. I'll say I love you" Hitomi said walking up the steps back to her bedroom.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi thought for a moment. His asking a bit to much from her she thought. " I..can't..do that. I'm way to young to have a child. Anyways a child is mostly a result of two peoples love. What a silly question to ask.." Hitomi laughed. She looked at Lee face and saw he was seriouse. "Your lying right?..ugh well...maybe...in the future. Maybe i liked to have your child one day. Why do you ask such question? Why do you ask me of all people? Can you just sleep? I'll even let you wrap your arm around me. Well that help?" [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi sighed and couldn't sleep.She just wanted to rest. She had a hard day and it was hard on Lee too. Yet his being so attaching to her or been a pervert. Well she really didn't mind much.... "Do you want something to help you sleep? Ugh I'll give you a stuff animal to hug?" Hitomi yawned. "I want to sleep Lee...I can't do that until your asleep.." Hitomi wined. "Do anything..i don't care what. Anything that makes you fall asleep do it...and GO TO SLEEP.." Hitomi pulled the covers. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi walked Naota to the door. " Thank you for the dinner...will breakfast.." Naota said "No problem.." Hitomi said and closed the door.Hitomi looked around and Lee wasn't around. She went upstairs and open the door to her room. " Yo" Lee said " Why are in my bed?" Hitomi said closing the door behinde her "Well felt comfy so i invited myself in..." " Ugh your impossible..." Hitomi sighed. She was about to talk off her towel and put on her pajama but she stared at Lee. "Do you mind?" "Not at all...go ahead undress" "Haha funny..close your eyes.." Hitomi said. Lee closed his eyes and she took of her towel and put her pajamas on. "Now were I'm I going to sleep?" Hitomi said and yawned. "Ohh fuck it.." Hitomi jumped into bed and rested her head on her pillow. "Move over a bit..."[/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi yelled "I SAID TURN IT DOWN!" Hitomi was getting a bit angry "YOU HAVE HORRIBLE TASTE IN MUSIC!! YOU SOUND LIKE A FREAKING HIPPIE!" Naota sat there covering his ears as he saw Hitomi yell at Lee. Royal rumble gloves are coming off. Hitomi guessed that Lee didn't like Naota at all. He just probaly jelouse because Naota ten times nicer then Lee. Hitomi grinned HA! Jelousely ain't a good color on Lee alright.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]"Don't you dare burn down my kitchen!" Hitomi yelled running inside the kitchen. "What the hell happen?" Hitomi asked " I just burned myself.." Lee replied " Well would you like to go to the center of the earth to be boiled and burned extra crispy? I told you to stay upstairs. Now Naota problaly thinks I'm screwing you or something. Especailly because you came downstairs putting on your shirt and only wearing a towel. It doesn't help I'm in a towel..." Hitomi slapped her forehead " Is official I'm a whore...not only that..I'm your whore.." Hitomi wined "Uh..Hitomi?" Naota called out " Err Naota i be right there...with a soda for you!" Hitomi yelled back. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi got and put on a towel "I'll get it...you stay here...he sees you and think I'm a whore.." " Your going out in a towel? Gives the guy some fantasy to think what under there you know" Lee said " Well he help me in a time of need." Hitomi said and then lowly said " He tried to help me to get over you...." Hitomi went downstairs and looked at the peephole. Sure enough it was Naota, damn she hated when Lee was right. She opened the door and looked at Naota. "Ohh hey Hitomi..caught you in a middle of a shower? Sorry about that I just came to give something.." Naota said and his eyes were fixed on Hitomi. " Ohh what?" Hitomi said confused "Ohh ya.." Naota reached in his pocket "This is a good luck charm. It helps you in wealth and protects you from danger. Maybe it might help you to forget that person your trying to forget" Hitomi took the charm " That very sweet of you Naota..." [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]"Please don't kiss me.." Hitomi whispered "Don't kiss me anywhere...not my cheek not my forhead nor my lips. Unless there really meaningful.." Hitomi shook her head "You give a hopeless heart hope that way.. " "Okay..if thats all...may I leave?" Hitomi asked " I feel sort of...uneasy.." Hitomi looked down and back at Lee. He seem to be in some kind of pain. " Do you mind if I do that for you? You seem like it hurts...and you using my best shampoo..." Hitomi said [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]"I know what you mean. It pretty funny isn't it?" Hitomi whispered "Funny?" Lee said "Yes funny...i pierced you through your heart. You hurt me in my stomach..." Hitomi pointed to her scar in her stomach. " Yet a suffered worst scars as you left. I felt alone....Kinda felt I wasn't good enough..you know?" "I don't have much physical scars as you Lee. My body heals quick and some scars fade. Yet the one you gave me is the one that remains." Hitomi sighed " That is all? No more else to tell?"[/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]"You kidding right?" Hitomi blinked in confusion "Nope not at all" Lee said " Ugh..you better tell me.." Hitomi turned around "Don't look.." Hitomi took of her clothes and got in at the far corner of the shower. "Okay you can...look" Hitomi said shyly. " Now explain...everything. From begining to end i want nothing left out.." Hitomi said with a bit of annoyence tranced in her voice.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi roared knocking on the bathroom door " DON"T YOU THERE TOUCH MY SOAP WITH YOUR DIRTY SKIN!THERE MY FAV KIND AND HARD TO GET! I DON"T NEED YOU USING IT ALL UP! UGH I"M GOING TO HURT YOU LEE WHEN YOU GET OUT OF MY BATHROOM! LIKE YOU WEREN"T IN TROUBLE ENOUGH!" Hitomi was really pissed off. Everytime she thought she can forget about Lee here he comes back. Acting like a real caring loving person. She didn't know to trust him again not what he have done to her. She already enough emotinal pain and physical pain not to trust him. He had to explain so much now. He going to stay awake and tell her every detail. Even if she had to smack him a few times to get her answer.Htiomi leaned against the wall waiting for Lee to come out.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi covered her eyes blushing a very bright red " OKAY THAT IT YOUR DESERVE A SECOND HARD PUNCH FOR THAT NASTY LITTLE JOKE!" Hitomi yelled. Hitomi ran foward to her house, trying so hard not to look. " Meet me at my house in a few minutes! I get you some gym pants!" [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[color=#DF2020][FONT=Century Gothic]Hitomi opened the ground under San. "Okay your pissing me off badly..." Hitomi said rolling her hand into a fist. San fell only to hold of to the edge. Hitomi walked to the edge of the opening. Lee was behinde her looking down to the pit. " Why can't bitched just die?" Hitomi said stepping on San hand. San let go out of pain and fell down,down,down,down to the earth core. Hitomi closed the opening and sighed. She turned around and looked at Lee " Lee dear....YOU HAVE ALOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO! GIVE ME A REASON NOT TO SHOVE MY FOOT RIGHT UP YOUR ASS? OR TO THROW YOU DOWN THERE WITH ThAT WHORE??" Hitomi yelled. Hitomi didn't wait for a answer. She put her hand into a fist and punched Lee right in the face " YOU UNGRATEFUL FUCKING LITTLE MOTHER FUCKER OF A ASSHOLE!!" [/FONT] [/COLOR]