The crappiest game I ever played probably was a Monopoly game that my dad got me for my birthday. With so many Gameboy games out there, he had to get me a monopoly one?!?! I can't believe that they ever even MADE a stupid Monopoly game for the Gameboy. :animesigh
[QUOTE=The Monster]Oh come on Morpheus, Dynasty Warriors isn't that bad. Point taken that you ar running around slashing at powerful enemies but it is Addictive like hell. Grabted that these are my thoughts on the game but still.
How can something make a game as crapper then Superman 64 and make Said Superman game look like Super Marion 64. Now that you mention It Bubsy the Bobcat 3D would fit that mould. It has been said before by a Moderator but I cannot remember which. It tryed to jump on the Band Wagon of Mario 64, Slipped and Crippled itself for life. Bubsy 3D was not even a Ho-Hum Platformer, It was a *Blows Raspberry in the face of Game owner* Piece of Crap that no one even paid attention to. Its predecsors were crap and, guess what, it didn't break the mould.[/QUOTE]
Dynasty Warriors 5 was on X-Play. They did a review for it. There was a guy named Cao Pi (pronounced cow-pee for those who don't know) and they gave it a 4 out of 5. I'm not sure if Dynasty Warriors was bad, but Dynasty Warriors 5 seemed good.
[color=#4B0082]Merged the double post. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]