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About J_Man_05

  • Birthday 05/12/1987

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  • Occupation
    Bum on Welfare

J_Man_05's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. J_Man_05

    Is Ash gay?

    I think Brock wants misty and pikachu wants togepi
  2. I have red that you can buy from me for 6$ if you want it and if you do send the money to me I swear I will send the game. I don't cheat people like some people do.
  3. hey when your book gets published I'll be sure to by one this is an awesome story. great job!!!!:cool: :) :p :love: :smirk: :babble: :wigout:
  4. What about my team Typhlosion- leftovers hyperbeam cut flamethrower flamewheel Ho-oH fireblast fly thunder zap cannon Tyrannitar earthquake roll out rock slide rock throw Scizor slash steel wing swords dance false swipe Blastoise Surf hydro pump blizzard ice beam Dragonite fire blast Blizzard dragon rage Thunder
  5. I'll help ya I'd like to be an elite
  6. ;) :p :love: :wigout: I heard you could get celebi in crystal by going to the ilex forest shrine and leave the g.s ball there and a pokemon will attack you and it will be celebi.
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