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Everything posted by Cap'n

  1. [quote name='aoi-chan']hey i love naruto!!! it is one of the best anime i have ever read/ watched and all of my friends agree. I am new to this site.. (i kno wierd) but i am getting the hang of it :catgirl:[/quote] abuhhhh, so yeah Lunox wasn't bashing naruto as a whole...only the current filler arc in the anime which [I]is[/I] pointless and boring...(yawnfest!)... and for Lunox...[spoiler]why didn't Jiraiya just lay the smack down on those body guards?? I assumed it was so he didnt draw unnecessary attention to himself but my theory was blown out of the water when they began chasing him through the town...*shrugtastic*[/spoiler] I guess I'm done now XD
  2. [QUOTE=r2vq]The Anime has almost caught up with the Manga. Episode 135 is the first Filler Episode after the [spoiler]Rasengan vs Chidori[/spoiler] battle. Apparently there'll be a few of these before the Anime continues on with the Kakashi Gaiden and current plot arcs. Is anybody watching these? Is it worth downloading? I usually only get the Manga and I was considering getting these episodes since they're side stories that never happened in the manga. Edit: I read the update wrong. >.< 136 is the first Filler Episode. If anyone watches it, it'd be great if they would report here on it. -ArV[/QUOTE] Uhh, I dunno how promising these new fillers look...it will most likely turn out to be subpar in the fighting department but Jiraiya's antics are always top-knotch so that will even it out.
  3. Naruto: Sasuke [spoiler]going to Orochimaru.[/spoiler] Third Hokage [spoiler]dying.[/spoiler] Full Metal Alchemist: Ingredients of the stone...once again FLCL: *agrees* The Guyver: [spoiler]Guyver 1 coming back after being demolished by Enzyme.[/spoiler]
  4. [QUOTE=Lunox]*dies* Anything I ever said about an anime having good fight scenes? Anything? CROSS IT OUT AND REPLACE IT WITH NARUTO EPISODE 133. The animation was effing [i]gorgeous[/i]. My respect for the animators of Naruto just got multiplied tenfold. *0* So...wonderful...*drools* [/QUOTE] I still think the show had some other good fight scenes...like when Sasuke was fighting the two random Mist-nin early on in the series as well as Kakashi's fights with Zabuza. Also, the fight between Lee and Gaara was fantastic. As for episode 133 [spoiler]it was AMAZING!!! one of my absolute favorite parts was the Naruto missiles and/or the rope of Narutos...that was definitely the best fight scene in the whole series.[/spoiler]
  5. [quote name='Lunox][spoiler']*sigh* I wish there was more of Gaara. >_>[/spoiler][/quote] I totally agree with you. [spoiler]I was so excited about him being the Kazekage and his fight with Deidara was awesome. But he got demolished so quickly and now he looks all helpless getting Shukaku sucked out of him.[/spoiler] Makes me want to cry...almost...
  6. [QUOTE=Dagger]According to a recent [url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/columns/sunday.php?id=35][u]interview[/u][/url] with the CEO of 4Kids, the company "[expects] every series we license to be released in its original form." Apparently this includes One Piece, although it seems that an uncut version of the show is still pretty far off. Keep hope alive! :animesmil ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] HURRAY!!! I was really hoping they'd at least [I]make[/I] an uncut one *phwew* A while back I got some DVDs of the anime but the subtitles where so dodgy I couldn't sit down and actually watch it all...[I]SO[/I] that means I still have hope in these so called uncut DVDs.
  7. I also am excited in the direction of the scanlations...[spoiler]I figure Naruto and the crew will fight Itachi for a while and then we'll get a guest appearance by SASUKE!!! I really wanna see how he's changed. I never was a big Sasuke fan but I'm really interested to see his new outfit/jutsus.[/spoiler] And on the topic of the dub, the June issue of [I]Shonen Jump[/I] has announced that it will be release in September '05 on Cartoon Network. I don't know how old this news is but noone seems to have posted about it so, there ya go.
  8. [I][B]1. Age:-[/B][/I] □ 13-18 (16 to be exact) [I][B]2. Gender:-[/B][/I] □ male [I][B] 3. Where are u from? [/B][/I] Born in US, live in US...i have too many nationalities to count [I][B]4. How did u come across anime?[/B][/I] I got real interested in Pokemon in about 5th grade and i was real into mainstream stuff...then i started watching Outlaw Star and Cowboy Bebop on Cartoon Network and after that i was hooked to everything anime. [I][B]5. Do you think Anime influences u as a person?[/B][/I] Anime is definitely reflected in my mannerisms and sense of humor. I also became very interested in Japanese culture because of it. [I][B] 6. Research shows that anime is increasingly popular with the western world. Why do you think this is so?[/B][/I] I think, because its animated and people like the fact that something animated can affect them as much as any real life movie or television show. In japan its second nature but its so unique in western culture that many people immediately latch onto it and want more. [I][B]7. What attracts you to anime?[/B][/I] Well...I do loves me a good fight scene now and again, but I really love how characters are developed so well its like reading a really good book or watching a really captivating movie. [I] [B]8. Is your interest in Anime, in any way related to an interest in Japan or to learn about Japenese society?[/B][/I] Of course it is. I would directly attribute my love of japan and japanese culture to anime since anime introduced it all to me. [I][B] 9. Have you taken a Japanese language class or been to Japan?[/B][/I] I've taught myself Hiragana and am currently learning japanese in private lessons/computer programs [I][B]10. Have you learned anything about Japanese culture, and if so, give 3 specific examples?[/B][/I] God i've learned a ton about Japanese culture...ok 3 examples you say? Although there have been a multitude of technological advancements over the years, many ancient traditions are still upheld, such as tea ceremonies, strong family values, and uhh i'unno, lets say chopsticks XD Good luck on your paper/project thingy! Hope this helps >.<
  9. uh oh guys! the Poll's almost over and there isn't a clear winner!! Let's step up the votes so we can see who wins? If it's still a tie after the poll closes, I'll announce the winner based on some other type of something...ok go!!
  10. You bring up a lot of good points but I think that, even though he has just causes, he's still pretty ruthless and whatnot. At least he's more of a villain than Sesshomaru...I mean, he is only ever a rival at a point...[spoiler]and he has never been a major antagonist ever since he met Rin.[/spoiler] I don't care how cool he may be. XD Plus, since no one really complained in the old thread...I just used my best judgement. :animeswea
  11. [QUOTE=ReFlux][color=darkred][size=1] For one thing... Where's the Knives?! I would have voted for Scar, but he's actually not a villain, but more of an antagonist.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] First off, If you wanted Knives on the list...then you should've voted for him back in the nominations thread (which is now closed). Though I think he's a great villain as well, no one voted for him, therefore no Knives. Second, Scar [I]is[/I] more of an antagonist but he's a pretty crazy antagonist...and he [spoiler]blows a piece off Al. That's an impressive feat so he gets to be a villain.[/spoiler]
  12. I think you should go as Yuko simply because, as you said, everyone is gonna be going as Ed. Since FMA premiered on Adult Swim, its fanbase has increased tenfold. Go as Yuko so people don't say "Oh...another Edward Elric...*scoff*". That is, unless you like going with the grain. Then by all means, go as Ed.
  13. Ok everyone, if you wanted to see...I'll break down the original nomination votes for you and you can use those to choose your final vote. The poll will end in 5 days and we can see who wins!! Legato Bluesummer (Trigun): 8 Votes Vicious (Cowboy Bebop): 5 Votes Orochimaru (Naruto): 4 Votes 7 Deadly Sins (Full Metal Alchemist): 4 Votes Captain Kuro (One Piece): 3 Votes Sensui Shinobu (Yu Yu Hakusho): 3 Votes Scar (Full Metal Alchemist): 3 Votes Skurai (Ragnarok): 2 Votes Seishirou Sakurazuka (X): 2 Votes Kuroro Lucifer (Hunter x Hunter): 2 Votes Seta Sojirou (Rurouni Kenshin): 2 Votes Happy Voting!
  14. Ok everyone! Thanks to all you who voted. The nomination round is officially over. Soon I'll post the top 10 or 11 villains, since there were some ties and whatnot, in a poll format thread. If Dagger or some other mod could please lock this topic, since it serves no other purpose, that would be [I]fan[/I]tastic. If anyone does vote before the thread is locked, your vote [B][I]will not[/I][/B] count. Thanks again everyone!
  15. I just wanted to remind everyone that there is pretty much one day left to post your choices. Also, I specifically stated that Sesshoumaru [B][I]doesn't[/I][/B] count. So stop posting him cuz it is a wasted vote. That and, the rules also state that you can put a maximum of 5 picks. I only re-state this because there have been a number of 6s. Luckily everyone who picks 6 has a Sesshoumaru. Coincidence? Who knows. Thanks for voting everyone and keep up your picks Btw, nice call on that one Dagger...try and say why you picked your villains since it's sort of against the rules just to post a quick list of random badguys.
  16. [quote name='ladyarianrod]2. [spoiler]Sasuke[/spoiler] from Naruto. [spoiler']Now that he's gone bad, he's much better than he once was.[/spoiler][/quote] I'm sorry ladyarianrod, but I can't use [spoiler]Sasuke because he's not a villain for the entire series...[/spoiler] however since you posted 6 villains I'll just use the other 5. Also, I'm just counting the 7 Deadly Sins (FMA) as 1 villain...I know they have their own quirks but its too difficult to document them as individual people/homunculi.
  17. Ok, so I decided to start a villain contest like they're doing over at GameFAQs...What you gotta do is post a maximum of five of your favorite anime/manga villains and on April 10th, I'll compile them all and get the top ten. Then I'll start a new thread with a poll of those 10 and we'll see who the ultimate anime/manga villain is. The only stipulations are that the villain has to be originally from an anime (or manga) and he/she must stay a villain throughout the series. This means no Gaaras or Sesshoumarus. But remember this doesn't necessarily mean the main bad guy/girl. Please submit your choices in this format: Villain Name (Name of anime/manga villain is from) Ok so my votes are for Orochimaru (Naruto), Legato Bluesummer (Trigun), Vicious (Cowboy Bebop), Claire Leonelli (Heat Guy J), and Captain Kuro (One Piece).
  18. I don't envy the man who has to count all of the Land Before Times. Though we mustn't forget Robocops 2 & 3, Caddyshack II, and the Leprechaun movies. In the case of the Leprechaun movies, those are sequels of a bad movie already. I mean...: Leprechaun, Leprechaun 2, Leprechaun 3 [COLOR=Red](this is where it gets wierd)[/COLOR], Leprechaun 4: In Space, Leprechaun in the Hood [COLOR=Red](WTF IS THIS?!?!)[/COLOR], and [COLOR=Red](drumroll please......)[/COLOR] Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood [COLOR=Red](omg *dies*)[/COLOR]
  19. Cap'n

    Sin City

    [quote name='The Drizzle']little kids SHOULDNT be brought there(Capn and BoxyBrown know what Im talking about)[/quote] yeah, we all saw the sneak preview together and there were some parents who brought kids under 5 to see it. The movie being as graphic as it was, I know some [I]adults[/I] who would turn their head at the scene where [spoiler]kevin is getting eaten by his own wolf[/spoiler] not to mention the nudity. Of course I sucked it up and dealt with it all, but thats a different story......... *end shameless self-promotion
  20. Wow...holy crap...I just found a cover of House of the Rising Sun re-done by Muse! It's definitely the greatest thing since sliced bread >.> I know the mods are gonna hate me for such a useless and short post but this cover is truely amazing. Muse totally takes the song and makes it their own. I guess if anyone wants it, I could send you a copy :animesmil .
  21. I rather like Frog from Chrono Trigger, he's so chivalrous :D . But I also like Guy a lot from Fire Emblem for GBA. Although the game has kinda crappy character development, he looks cool...plain and simple. As for well developed characters, Vyse from Skies of Arcadia is a swordsman I guess...a pirate swordsman! I may be biased since it's my favorite game but he's such a fantastic character that really goes through a lot in the course of the game and he always manages to look up :animesmil .
  22. [quote name='boxybrown305][COLOR=DarkRed]but i liked to watch my friend play Eternal Darkness. It wsn't exactly that it was "scary," although some parts were, but it was the most freaky. It has GOT to be the number one game that plays with your mind. [SPOILER]The camera angle tilts, bugs crawl on your screen. One time it said that it restarted, and erased all memory, and my friend was so worried because he was really far, but then it ended up just being another trick.[/SPOILER'].[/COLOR][/quote] Holy crap, Eternal Darkness was so freaky. I was looking through this whole thread hoping someone had mentioned it. Anyway, It definitely screws with your mind like you mentioned. Also one of the scariest moments is when [spoiler]you go in the bathroom in the mansion and you walk over to the bathtub and all of the sudden the whole camera shifts and you see yourself dead in a bathtub filled with blood. It stays like that for a few seconds and then the camera shifts back to the normal state.[/spoiler] That reminds me to go out and buy that game :animeswea . It also deals with a lot of heresy issues and really interesting stuff. I reccommend anyone who has a GC to go out and get this game. Its not too much of a well known title I guess since no one's mentioned it and everyone will love you cuz you bought a game that's unheard of.
  23. The one question I have is, can you mold your character to your liking or do you have to play the same type of character everytime? If you don't get what I'm saying, examples would be like...an speed based character or a strength based character.
  24. wow dreamer, I actually bought the first 4 episodes on DVD and I made some quick judgement calls just like these other people...I didn't check but, is there a subs option? Cuz the dub [I]really[/I] didn't do anything for me. And it did seem a little repetitive. NONE THE LESS, I'm gonna give it another shot. You know where I could get my hands on some FF:U bittorents? :D
  25. Cap'n

    WrestleMania 21

    now...I haven't watched wrestling in years, but what you're forgetting, Hells Fire, is that this is a wrestlemania and unexpected things will happen. Granted I have no idea what kind of character development has been going on, but this isn't just an ordinary pay-per-view we have on our hands.
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