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Everything posted by Cap'n

  1. Bwahahah, I did the exact same thing...I was like "wtf, rosetta stone?!?!" I had to read it at least 4 times to get it straight in my head :animeswea .
  2. I agree with you to a point...I mean, a lot of other people attempt suicide just for attention. I'm sorry all that stuff happened to you and it seems like you were getting way too much negative attention but I know a kid who's attempted suicide at least 36 times now and he keeps getting attention and he loves it. In no way is suicide the answer, but those who succeed in committing suicide, sometimes have an excuse. Though excuses are never as good as them not killing themselves at all.
  3. I find that most MMORPG's are incredibly addictive...Ragnarok Online and the like. I know I failed my U.S. History class cuz I played RO [I]all[/I] the time. Then my mom made me quit :animecry: .
  4. Muse was by far the best gig I've ever been to. Interpol in a close second. I enjoyed the Darkness and the Scissor Sisters with the way they work the crowd, but Muse and Interpol don't need to do that. They are such intense bands that the mood ends up in the same place as a band who puts on a big show. My friend [I]did[/I] say that there were Fire-Breathing Midgets on Unicycles at the Motley Crue gig, though. I'd like to see that.
  5. Anyone see that new Adidas commercial? I think that's the girl from the Yeah Yeah Yeah's singing in it...anyone know for sure? Other than that, it's an awesome commercial and song. I heard it was directed by Spike Jonze and I love his work in general. *remembers the Praise You video*
  6. [quote name='Sol-Blade][COLOR=DarkRed]Oh man, he finally passed away eh? I remember watching his [i]Roast[/i'] on Comedy Central once, he was one of major Friars and to this day, still is. He really was a pioneer in the comedy world, damn I'm gonna miss him.[/COLOR][/quote] You sure you're not thinking of Jerry Stiller? He played George's dad...
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