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Chibi Bunny

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Everything posted by Chibi Bunny

  1. [QUOTE=GTK]Squee for the Police girl. Ceras is just ten times cooler than Tamari. Plus they make super badass figures of her XD [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23643[/img][/QUOTE] Ceras! Even though I draw Temari more often....lol She is a better one in my eyes, and I am Sooo cosplaying as Ceras in that outfit sometime!! Anyway. Ceras is a willling, and yet relucant, Vampire. It's rather confusing. I love her design and her character's personality, and her Anime Voice lol Hee hee :catgirl: Mew..
  2. Hee hee I Love FMA! I'm crossplaying as Edward this year at A-kon!..Arm was hard to meake... :animeknow lol Anyway, just wanted to post, going to wander elsewhere :animeswea ..Lalalalal.... :D
  3. Hmm...That song from the new Adidas(I think) Smart Shoes commercial..I don't even Wear tennis shoes...Ever. Just wandering around in school, singing or humming it. Smartest shoe commercial I have Ever seen cause now I think I want a pair of those blasted shoes.... ... Whenever I wake up, Try and take the shape up, Turn into the whole wide world I made up. The lights are goooooooin Off. Whenever I wake up, try and ta...*trails off for about half an hour singing cause it loops...It Loops!!* Mew..
  4. Fukai Mori! Inuyasha theme song, there's one other I love, but I cannot for the life of me remember the name...Blast!... Mew..
  5. And here I thought it was Video that did the killing. =3 Hey slanted and legible is better than the scribbles I work out all day... I like this piece Very much! The whole thing looks like shading, but with a shape! lol The Amp is cool..Sorry, babbler... :animeshy: Anyway, you seem very talented...Keep it up! :D
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