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Everything posted by NinjaJedi007

  1. I wanted more. I happend to catch the commercial yesterday night and thought it looked interesting so I watched it. I thought it was going to be a whole movie but it only took about 30 minutes!
  2. I'd want to go out with Mizuho from Please Teacher pretty badly. She is amazing and being with her would be great.
  3. I don't really watch a lot of Adult Swim, but the show that catches my attention the most is FLCL. It actually has a pretty good dub and the show itself certainly does keep me entertained.
  4. I'm afraid of going blind. Think about all the things you do that require vision. You couldn't see everyone you've known your whole life, couldn't go on the computer, it would be difficult to just move around. That would be terrible.
  5. I liked FFX much more. FFX2 just felt like it was forced like it was made for the sake of being made. It didn't have the same feel that the other FF games delivered. It wasn't bad by any means, it's just not as good.
  6. I'd would love stay stay with Belldandy. She's absolutely cute and she has magic powers. You can't go wrong!
  7. Anime can be for everyone. There's a series out there for just about every type of person basically. If anything I'd say its more for adults. With adult oriented anime the creators don't have to hold back as much so more can be delivered to the audience.
  8. An online friend gave me the site. Forums are always nice so I decided to join yet another. Its all good though, I have no complaints here.
  9. Tennis and track & field are the only ones that truly interest me. I've also participated in both of these sports so of course they appeal to me. Its the most interesting because its all about you, the participant.
  10. Rate people in the Hot-or-Not thing on My Space. I dont think its bad or weird at all but when other people see it they're just like... [I]lame![/I] Oh well, I keep doing it nevertheless.
  11. Baby, my love for you is like diahrrea: I just can't hold it in.
  12. No, I don't think it'll die. Anime has been around for such a long time and it probably will continue. I can't really see it going away, its possible in the US, but Japan will always have anime. Anyway, the quality titles will always remain. I can't really see people completely looking away from anime like its a fad.
  13. My favorite is FFVIII. I dont really know why people hated this one so much. Is it b/c they broke away from the cute little character sprites? Anyway, the love story is what made it for me. Watching the development between Squall and Rinoa was quite nice. This game had a nice feel and experience that I felt some of the other ones didn't really have. Go FFVIII!
  14. Rock Lee from Naruto is my favorite. His life is basically mine so it really has that appeal. Not so much the ninja stuff (obviously) but moreso the hardwork and underdog nature. Nothing really came easy for me so in order to get better at things I'd spend an obscene amount of time practicing and working for it. Besides just that, all the action that he's in is simply amazing. Each one of his fight scenes is mind-numbingly awesome.
  15. I could never like the opening song [I]Rocks[/I] from Naruto. Its the very first opening song you ever hear and I just dont like that song at all. It just reminds me of crappy 80's rock that just isnt appealing to me.
  16. I'm probably going to pick up the box set this summer seeing as though I'll be working n all. Right now I only have volume 1 because I cant find anything else! I've watched it many many times and I wanna see what happens already. Soon enough it will all be mine. Anyway, even with 4 episodes I'm quite satisfied. Everything so far is so hilarious. Episode 3 with Motoko is my favorite so far.
  17. I'm really into Saikano right now. I hear its supposed to be one of the most depressing anime ever. From what I've seen so far I'm quite impressed. Shuji and Chise are a cute couple. Volume 1 left off at such a key place and I totally wanna know what happens already!
  18. I'd like to see Lucy (Elfen Lied) vs Chise (Saikano). Seeing as though they're both like ultimate weapons, you can only imagine the amount of chaos that could go down. Now I havent finished either series yet, but even after one volume, both seem obscenely strong.
  19. I dunno about choosing between the cds. To be honest I would probably pick up my favorite non anime cd over any anime cd. Im not saying they're bad but I dont like it as much as some other stuff. Now I listen to a lot of anime music, dont get me wrong. I have the Naruto and Beck OST and have listened to those an obscene number of times. Theres a site that I go to that has an anime music player with lots of different songs. A lot of anime music out there is sooo good!
  20. all the ones i was thinking of were said: ninja scroll, elfen lied, and gantz. well its true. those have some of the most graphic stuff ive ever seen. i dont really mind though. its nice to see a couple dark and disturbing anime now and then.
  21. One anime I thought was really crappy was this one called Dragon Knight. It was really cheesy and seemed like it tried to have some hentai in it. That really didnt work at all and neither did anything else. The hero basically had to save this land consisting only of women and defeat the evil guy in charge. All the "action" was dumb as all he had to do was swing his sword once to dispatch almost all of his opponents.
  22. Im afraid of going blind somehow. I honestly dont know what I would do if I couldnt see everyday. Theres so much that I do: I see friends, go on forums, play video games, play tennis, do school work, etc. Going through life that way would just be so difficult.
  23. I really like warm, sunny days. If the temperature is about 70 or 75 degrees than its perfect for me. Everything just looks so nice and it feels great to be outside. Being in the rain or seeing lighting storms is kinda fun but being out there is just icky!
  24. I think seeing the movie is worth it. When I saw it I was expecting a Hong Kong action flick but boy was I wrong. The movie is more of a love story than anything. If you're expecting non stop action, then this movie isn't for you. By the end I could appreciate the movie for what it was worth. There was really good cinematography and yes the ending was kinda confusing. If you watch it twice or just think about it for a while, it really does make sense just fine.
  25. Ralph - Mr. Simpson, these tar fumes are making me dizzy. Homer - Yeah they'll do that.
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