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Everything posted by NinjaJedi007

  1. Mine is definitely Torrie Wilson. She is just smokin hot and I love seeing her on WWE. That commercial shes in with Stacy Keibler for that WWE game was amazing. Too bad you didnt see a whole lot! I have this really good pic of Torrie Wilson if anyone wants. I'd like to put it up but that may be a bit riskay ;)
  2. One song I really like is Haruka Kanata by Asian Kung Fu Generation. I heard it for the first time because of Naruto. Then I had to get more songs and found that Loop & Loop as well as Kimi to lu Hana are a couple other amazing Asian Kung Fu songs. Definitely worth checking out.
  3. I like punk/ska stuff. Some groups I'm into are Reel Big Fish, Nofx, Less Than Jake, and Fall Out Boy. There are others but lets leave it at that for now!
  4. High school is pretty much just like what it is in the movies: people stay in their cliques and do the things they do. Its very segregated and you can clearly tell where someone associates. I thought it was just plain sick. So much politics and popularity was constantly floating in the air at all times. Well, thats what it was like for me at least. I'm so glad I'm no longer in that awful awful place.
  5. I can say I'm a fan of Monopoly. Ive played many a game of monopoly and I dont think Ill ever get tired of it. The many varieties that exist just make it even more fun to play! Another game I like, I dont know if you'd consider it a board game, is Taboo. Its a fun party game and Ive really grown to appreciate it. You really have to know what you're doing to play.
  6. I used to be a stall #4 user. Then I discovered stalls 1 and 2. Most people choose the last one, so if I'm in there, then that means its likely that someone may choose the one right next to me. I'm not a fan of doing my business directly next to someone else so I then started to use the first stalls. It's those places where no one ever sits next to you. Now thats comfort for me. Heres a little story straight from one of my Xanga entries... i was in the poo depository pooing today after lunch, and i hear this person coming through the door sounding pretty sick. then out of nowhere there is violent vommitting. oh my god. ive never hear someone throw up so badly in my life! holy crap. i mean, it was the type of vommitting where it was actually noisy in the bathroom. loud forceful sounds followed by what sounded like a bucket of slop being thrown into the toilet at a height of 6 feet. all this while im silently taking a crap at the end of the room. i finished my business and gingerly left the restroom.
  7. Metropolis was another movie I havent seen that blew me away. Ive seen so much about it: stuff on the internet and lots n lots of trailers. This is just one of those titles that I just cant find anywhere! Anyway, there is so much insane stuff that goes on and I'm so fascinated by it. The characters themselves look a bit more on the cartoony side (opposed to a more serious look) but the animations and visuals are still amazing.
  8. Now I'll agree with you on Chobits. The panties in Chobits was pretty cute I must say... [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v478/Willhy/chobits74.gif[/url] ... but Happosai just really annoyed me so much. That little old man would just bounce all over the place and steal underwear, steal them!
  9. One of the firsts, and one of my favorites, is Chobits. Hideki, a farm boy, goes to the city to prepare for college. At Tokyo he's finally exposed to Persocoms which are pretty much human-like computers. Once he discovers this one particular Persocom, the story then begins! I think this is definitely worth checking out. It's a romance/comedy, but I think its a little more on the romantic side.
  10. I've yet to see it, but the new movie Steamboy looks amazing. The only thing I have is this behind the scenes/preview about it. It's about 30 mins and they showed a lot of stuff about what they did. Apparently the entire project took about 10 years to finally complete the masterpiece they exactly wanted. the drawings and CG are all very well done and i want to see Steamboy so bad.
  11. im in college so i have to actively search out to find people interested in anime. if i was reading a manga, i dont really think anyone would say anything about it unless they're into it too. an interested person may ask but its just not as likely. there was some talk about having anime/manga stuff in your libraries. i really need to check that out some time. i never really thought about that until now actually!
  12. Oh My Goddess is one of my favorites. The series is really short yet its done so it seems like so much has happened. Keichi is just absolutely blessed one day with the presence of Belldandy, which is my favorite goddess. Throughout the whole story, I just loved watching their relationship develop. The problem and resolution was done quite well. By the end I was on the edge of my seat just waiting to see what was going to happen. Definitely worth checking out.
  13. I love Belldandy from Oh My Goddess. I totally wish I had someone like her in my life. If something like that ever happened to me, I think I'd be the happiest person ever.
  14. for some reason people are shocked when they find out i like anime. i guess i dont seem like the kind of person that would be into it i guess. whenever people see me watching anime or talk about it, they actually seem to care. thats when i take advantage of the moment and try get people into it! anyway, the most stereotypical thing is that anyone into anime is a nerd. ill admit, some people definitely fall into that category but come on, dont assume that [I]everyone [/I]is like that. people who stereotype ust need open up and try something new.
  15. i really cant stand people who think that way about anime. ive heard so much crap about "toon porn" and it makes me mad every single time i hear it. i just want to grab someone and shake some sense into their thick skulls. so many people dont even know how good some series are. more series need to be exposed (not the kiddie stuff) that show what anime is really about.
  16. Yui Horie is one of my favorites. she just has such a cute voice that i cant help but love everytime i hear it. her voice is Narusegawa from Love hina and Hitomi from Dead or alive. Yui Horie is so cool! i cant really decide on a favorite song. there are just so many. the intro and ending for Cutey honey are really good. very upbeat and catchy.
  17. hellz yeah ive seen it and i love it! its nice to find other people who are into this amazing show. so far ive only seen a couple of the OVAs but i really want to see more. for a show thats so silly the art and animation is really awesome. Robert is so funny. his random moments of violence/threatening are hilarious. at one point he held a bully at gunpoint :animesmil [url]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/ip1i1mi1p/9d9ccc026cffcc3405847e6953b9ab6c.jpg[/url] ^ enjoy
  18. i remember this one kid in middle school. eventually he acquired the name "stalker". he was one of those loser kids who kept thinking i was his friend because i talked to him once. because of that he followed me everywhere whenever he got the chance: during recess, in P.E class, omg it was so annoying. i couldnt stand being around him any longer. even though i was blatantly mean to him, he still kept talking to me. at one point i just ended up punching him a couple times. it wasn't the best way but it worked!
  19. my favorites are the dead or alive games. i could never really get into 2D fighters. the freedom of the 3D offers more of an experience. there are multitiered environments and things you can crash into which add that extra something besides just fighting. lots of fast paced action are in the games yet its at the right speed so you can actually appreciate the moves they do. in the newer games, the environments are just beautiful! from particle effects to water reflections, its all good.
  20. i personally love the panty shots myself. it really is everywhere and you cant really avoid such a wonderful thing! i dont think that i'll ever get tired of it either. it seems to be getting better and better too. ^ underpants! [COLOR=#503f86][size=1][B]Regardless of the relevance to the topic at hand, this is a family-orientated board. I know the picture wasn't hentai, but please keep any pictures displayed reasonable. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  21. my favorite is Naruto. its got everything and thats what i love about it. theres quality action, drama, music, fan service, you name it! its the only anime that pulls my emotions this way and that. i get so emotional over so many parts and no other series has ever done that.
  22. I didn't like the final boss in Silent hill 3. When i got to that point i was like [I]what the heck is this??[/I] it wasnt extremely bad, but i was sure disappointed. The Silent hill 2 boss was good (i think so) so i guess i was expecting something similar.
  23. I really like the second Ranma 1/2 movie. Tons of fan service and lots of kewl action. I always wondered what that would be like... trapped on an island with only super hawt girls! I haven't seen that in a while. Guess I should get back to that sometime. A movie that I really wanna see is Metropolis. I have this awesome trailer for it and I've watched it so many times. I hear lots of good things but I just cant find it anywhere.
  24. This has yet to happen but beating Ikaruga will be the ultimate experience. If you've never heard or played it, the game is an up-scrolling spaceship shooter. Yes thats right, there is an insane amount of crap on the screen at all times and switching shields at the right time is so freakin hard. The furthest I've ever seen the game was level 3. Who knows if I'll see anything more.
  25. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]Yeah, I have to agree here. I didn't find dodging the lightning bolts all that hard -- it only took me two tries to get all 200 in a row. Though it was pretty annoying to get to 180 or so on my first attempt and then get hit. [/color][/QUOTE] the thing that was the worst was that i had no clue whether i dodged 200 or not so i kept playing for as long as i could just to be safe. that really worried me.
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