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Everything posted by Kamuro

  1. [quote name='Morpheus']Comparing those movies is like apples and oranges. Sure, they're all animation, but how does that make them 'just like' one another? "Ray" and "Mean Girls" are both live-action. Does that make them the same?[/quote] [SIZE=1]I wasn't only comparing them concerning animation. Yes, that is a similarity, but not the only one. Each is made solely for children, and each has similar morals at the end and lessons to be learned throughout the film. Each uses big time movie actors originally known for films geared towards older people and puts them in roles as children friendly creatures. Now I'm sure you can mention actors and their roles in other children's movies, but I can pretty much guarantee you that I can list more movies of another orientation. It seems after the first successful animation film everyone decided to start doing it, and its just getting old if you ask me. Not only are they all animated movies, but the animation is incredibly similar. Look at them, and although some shapes are switched around, some color is shaved off, its basically the same. Hate to crush your childhood dreams however, sorry lol.[/SIZE]
  2. [quote name='Dj Professor DM']I played the game I'm near the end. It's a very good game. As you progress you can be as coniving as you want as you go through it. Every boss has an achiles heel that you can take advantage of.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Musashi is at no time in the game coniving or spiteful lol. The whole point of the game is to beat the bosses, they're bad, hence the fighting. You can't beat them without finding out how to first, and then playing against it. But this doesn't make him coniving, it makes him smart, and an even greater power for good, he is fighting evil you know. The first game was definitely a blast and it overshadows this game entirely if you ask me. It's not by any means a good game in my book, I said it was "solid" because the story is sound, and for that I give them credit. However, the gameplay is tedious. The first move you duplicate is the sword combo you use, THE WHOLE GAME. Yes, you can aquire more skills and such, but they cannot be performed mid combo, and out of the 20-25 skills you can aquire, only 4 of them don't require MP when used. considering you start out with around 100 MP, and the average amount of MP per technique is 15-20, its hard to really string together rough attacks without using all your MP. The minigames are all the same, you just use different vehicles on each one lol. It even has the exact same biking one as FF7 where you use Cloud to knock enemies off their bikes. Also, after beating the game you don't really get anything. You may play it over again in a harder mode, but nothing else. I gave it a 7 at most because I did like Kingdom Hearts, and they're incredibly similar. Square is capable of much better, however, and FF12 will blow this game out of the water.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Alright alright, the Yellowcard song wasn't amazing, but I think the expectations were amazingly high and probably wouldn't have been met by any band that was chosen to play the song. Eminem's performance was boring to me, very predictable, the songs he would sing and the change in the middle, it always happens that way. Mariah Carey sounded like she was doing a voice over, and sort of looked like it as well. I agree shes a good singer but the live song sounded exactly like the one I've heard on the radio, several, several times. Foo Fighters were definitely the best. As for Mean Girls, I agree. The acting in mean girls was mediocre at best. Yeah, the girls are young, but they're playing themselves for god sakes lol. Now, the girl that won played in The Notebook, which was indeed, good acting. If she would've won for that rather then Mean Girls, it would've made more sense. As for "The Incredibles," its completely overrated if you ask me. How many have we seen just like this one? "Finding Nemo," "Monsters Inc," "Madagascar." Theres so many, yet people always call them "breakthroughs" in movie making *confused* The paradies were ok, but Jimmy Fallon just doesn't make me laugh for some reason. His jokes were cheesy and predictable. I thought the funniest one was Napolean Dynamite as Batman, priceless. I, too, thought Spider Man 2 was shafted on some awards. I can't believe seeing movies like Napolean Dynamite and Mean Girls winning so many awards with Spider Man 2, The Aviator, Ray, all came up basicaly empty handed (besides Leonardo's one award). These movies were truly great yet Mean Girls seemed to sweep the show. Proves once again that to many young blonde girls have access to technology. They should be counted as halves to make the votes fair lol.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]Ok, well I just got this game the other day and I beat it already, so, that says something for its length and playtime lol. However, I didn't really mind this game. Its made by Square Enix and its pretty obvious as you play through. The battle system is almost identical to that of Kingdom Hearts and although it does become tedious, it's an overall solid system. They try to change it up a bit by offering numerous skills for Musashi to learn along the way. Theres different types of monsters and you're able to duplicate skills from each adding to your arsenal of techniques. Theres around 25 in total, including the defensive ones. The whole point of the game is for you, Musashi, to aquire the Five Great Swords and save Princess Mycella to aid you in finding your way home. The Five Great Swords consist of the elements (wind, fire, earth, etc) which also spices up the fighting a bit with the magic techniques and such. As terrible as it sounds, considering I liked the game, I hate Musashi lol. His character is annoying and the voice acting is probably the most annoying I've ever heard. Its sort of a love hate relationship. I hate a lot of the characters in the game and I love a lot of the characters in the game, theres really no gray area. Gandrake is the "bad guy" you always find in RPG's, and hes definitely my favorite character in the game. Although he becomes a bit jaded, he's a smart guy with a strong personality and amazing sword talent. It took me around 20 hours to beat the game and about 25 to get everything. It's not an amazing game like you might have been expecting from that of Square Enix, but its a solid, fun way to spend your time. If you were a fan of Kingdom Hearts then you'll probably like this one as well. I give it an overall 6.5-7. Have any of you played it? If so, any thoughts?[/SIZE]
  5. [QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude]Um... in case you haven't noticed, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 10-2 ALL have them. *****. Anyway NO MORE FINAL FANTASY! Come up with another one! just as a recap: Cid FF1: invented airship technology FF2: Owns an airship you can fly in FF3: Owns an airship FF4: Playable charachter FF5: Scientist FF6: [spoiler]invented magitech[/spoiler] FF7: Pilot FF8: Headmaster in Balamb Garden FF9: Airship engineer FF10/10-2: Rikku's dad FFtactics: teammate[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]well, if you actually read my post I supported the Cid "trend," so you wasted a lot of your time doing a recap, oh well. Secondly, is 6 through X-2 all the Final Fantasy games? No, its not, so its not a trend between [I]all[/I] the games, which is what I said. *****. So, more trends. A pretty obvious one is the 108 Stars of Destiny throughout the Suikoden series. I'm pretty sure every game has them and if not they still have the 108 characters, its just called something else.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]I usually hate these meetings of rich, good-looking people, but I really didn't mind this one. Theres so many award shows nowadays I don't pay much attention to them, however, I sat down and watched this one and actually didn't attempt to kill myself :animesmil . The Breakfast Club is definitely one of my favorite movies of all time and I loved the tribute they did and the remake by Yellowcard. I think everyone gets so caught up in the movies of today and whats to come that we forget what actually got us there in the first place. Movies like this set a standard and developed a whole new way of thinking. It broke down barriers some of us didn't even know were there and its great to see a blend of the past as well as future on the MTV stage. Tom Cruise was also given the "Generation" award, which is just another award MTV made up to consume air time, but I think he deserved it, however meaningless it may be. Tom Cruise is my favorite actor, at least one of them, and he entertains me more then I expect everytime I see his movies. I become enthralled in his characters and truly do respect his incredible talent for movie making. If you're inspired by something so insignificant as a movie, doesn't that tell you something? Well, Jerry Maguire, probably my favorite movie including Tom Cruise, was truly inspiring, at least to me. The Foo Fighters were the last to perform and I expected them to be good, but I thought they were great. Although the show did include other lackluster performances (such as Eminem's, how predictable) this one truly blew me away. They sound just as good live as always and they did really well at such a large venue. Their new cd comes out soon and I encourage all of you to pick up a copy. Those are just a few highlights of the night from my POV, but what did you think? Was it good, or could it have been better? Think they're going in the right direction? What was your favorite part? Share[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]My vote goes for Tool as well, Jake pretty much hit it on the head, as he always does lol. NIN isn't a horrible band or anything, I just prefer Tool's flow and overall solid music making rather then that of a sketchy NIN. I do commend them however, the music they make is not heard quite often, and despite lack of genre popularity, the band is doing pretty well. As for Slipknot, I didn't plan on putting them in a battle after the "Mudvayne vs Slipknot" thread. There just seems to be a lot of conflict surrounding them, and I'd rather not flame any bands if you know what I mean. I think comparing Slipknot to NIN or Tool would be difficult since the music is vastly different. Although NIN and Tool are different as well, I think they share some of the same qualities when it comes to the actually music. They both flow well and I thought they would both put up a good fight, despite the overall popularity of Tool around otaku lol.[/SIZE]
  8. Kamuro

    Heroes [M-VLS]

    [SIZE=1]Trace walked along the lavish White House halls. He'd seen what happened to Cloak and Psyker and doubted these criminals would be so easy to catch. He didn't expect to find any traces left of them throughout such a large house. He laughed to himself as he walked. He knew the president was an important person, but why such a large house with rooms no one even uses? It was a theives dream, no matter how many cameras they placed in the rooms, it'd be impossible to monitor them all at once. He entered the room where the president sat and scanned the area, finding it cluttered with secret service agents and an assortment of police officers. A large man in a black suit approached him, black glasses covered his eyes as he rose his arm out strait preventing Trace from further movement. "You don't belong here. It's freaks like you who did this in the first place, I don't want any of you around here." Trace just grunted with a smile "It's my job, [I]sir[/I]. So I suggest you move from my path and allow me to examine the scene, if you intend for your president to be returned, that is." The man stood strong, his arm yet to waver "Well, this is my job. So move along kid, or I'll be forced to remove you myself." Trace just laughed "No wonder the president was taken so easily, with mindless thugs like you around I'm surprised it hadn't happened sooner," he said, continuing to smile up at the large man. However, the man gritted his teeth angrily and put his hands on Trace's shoulders, intending to move him from the room. Immediately vines shot from the floor, wrapping around each of his limbs and slamming him to the wall. Everyone else turned around quickly and ran towards Trace, however they all suffered the same fate. Trace walked slowly, a path created through the silent unconcious bodies cluttering the room floor. He placed his hands upon the wall, his fingers roaming over the soft fabric. He could feel the energy of the previous lifeform that passed through here and it certaintly wasn't just another criminal with "special powers," or so the secret service called them. His hands rose slightly, vines creeping up within the wall. They moved over and under wooden beams, searching the it for anything out of place. As his hands lowered he brought the vines to the outside of the wall and found nothing but a ring, small and golden, smooth to the touch. He wasn't quite sure if it meant anything, but he placed it in his pocket and went on his way.[/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=Teal][FONT=Book Antiqua]Aron sat quietly among the sleeping the bodies of his comrades. The fire was still lit, yet it was simmering down to the last cinders. Ashes blew in the wind as small puffs of smoke rose slowly. The only person still awake was Chase who sat across from him sharing the same silence as his own. Aron's mind wandered off, a tangent of assumtions about the mysterious man who sat so close to him. He remembered the motives of Chase and why he was there to accompany them on the journey. Aron couldn't help but feel guilty. Although Chase wasn't the most upstanding guy, he wasn't a bad one, and he was being decieved. [I]It's not fair[/I] Aron thought to himself. Chase's skills had proved quite useful on the journey and the group would hate to see him go, but it was time he learned the truth. "There's no treasure" Aron spoke silently, as not to wake up the rest of the team. Chase laughed a bit "I know" he said. Aron looked at him, confused "but the whole reason you're here is for the riches and fame isn't it?" Chase laughed again silently "Of course not. I know theres no treasure involved. Believe it or not I've grown quite fond of you all and I'd like to see you get home safely. I've also learned a great deal about myself so far, and I want to continue on." Aron looked astonished, he had underestimated Chase and his motives concerning the team. "Suprised?" he asked Aron who had yet to reply to his comment. "To tell you the truth, yeah, kind of. I mean, when we first met you seemed like you only cared about yourself." Chase nodded "I was, basically. The world in which we live is a tough and unforgiving one, and I've had to take care of myself for quite some time now. A life alone had made me cold and scournful towards others, yet it was the only way to live." Aron sat in awe as Chase shared his feelings so openly. As outgoing as Aron was, he always made sure to keep people on the outside looking in, and here Chase was, allowing him to see inside his very soul. He continued talking "Being a part of the group has given me the friends I once longed to have. I'll stay for their benefit as well as my own." Aron nodded "Well, this wasn't so bad was it?" he said with a laugh. Chase nodded and laughed as well "I've been waiting to get that off my chest for some time now. I can finally rest easy" he said, followed by a short sigh. Aron hadn't noticed just how tense Chase was all the time, but now, it seemed everyone was coming together. The pieces of the puzzle were finally becoming intertwined.[/FONT][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=1]OOC: Just a little insight on Heartless Me's character. It seems as though some people are being left out of the RP a bit and I want everyone to be involved. Don't be afraid to have fun with each other, talk and be serious, or joke and have some laughs. Its all about fun and all of us here are essential to the RP, so be a team! I'm not expecting 3 posts on the way to Tresora, however, 2 will be fine. I'm anxious to get this going. Good job so far everyone![/SIZE][/B]
  10. [SIZE=1]K sat upon a branch once again, it seemed as though he must've grown smaller over time, no one seemed to notice him much anymore. [I]It's for the best I guess[/I] he thought to himself, looking down upon the group. [I]They do look pretty tough[/I] he inquired, his eyes scanning a rough looking demon up and down. [I]That one could become quite the problem[/I] he thought, ruffling his feathers, deep in thought. So deep, infact, that he failed to notice the group walking away from him. [I]Whoa, wait[/I] he yelled in his head as he jumped from the branch, taking flight at the first gust of wind. He moved from tree to tree, his talons sinking into the hard oak as he continued to watch the group. He wanted to get a good look at everyone, just in case they were looking for a fight rather then a friendly talk. He soon, however, noticed Reoan, walking towards the front of the group. He'd never met her before but he got a strange feeling when he caught sight of her eyes. He wanted to meet her, he had to meet her. But before he could even get the chance, he felt fingers wrap tightly around his small feet. The demon was obviously smarter then he originally thought. "This ones been following us" he said, hanging K upside down from his right hand. The group turned and looked to Kraven as the bird struggled wildly in his hands. "Let him down" Reoan spoke softly. With that he was dropped to the ground, his feathered head thumping hard against the forest floor. K morphed back to his human form, quickly turning to confront Kraven. "What was that for? Its not as if I was attacking you or something" he said, his voice showing a defensive tone. Kraven just grunted, no words leaving his mouth. "What do you want with us?" Reoan asked. K laughed hesitantly "I'm not quite sure myself, I was on my way to Japan but I kind of got side-tracked. I saw you guys and was about to come down to introduce myself when scruffy over there took it upon himself to bring me down." "Quiet, bird" said Kraven, becoming annoyed. Before K could return the comment Reoan interrupted "A zodiac?" she asked, looking somewhat interested. K turned to her once again "Y-Yeah kind of, but I don't like labels you know?" She nodded "Come with us, it'll save us a lot of trouble." K looked at her confused, but decided it was best for him to follow. "Alright" he said, nodding back. And with that the group continued their journey. OOC: Alright, DC wanted everyone to eventually meet up so here I am to join the group. If theres anything I need to change just ask.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Vincent Kane [B]Age[/B]: 23 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Angel Parent[/B]: Gabriel - The Moon - Not Fallen [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://tinypic.com/5uk55c][I]Vincent Kane[/I][/URL] [B]Personality[/B]: Vincent is a smart, well-intentioned man. He likes to be around other people and enjoys the company of women inparticular. However, he isn't a "ladies man" as some might say. He finds himself to become shy and nervous at times yet he hates to be alone. Being alone allows him to remember things from his past, which isn't as bright as it may seem. He likes to talk about others rather then himself, and if things aren't going his way he'll do his best to change the subject. He's a very caring individual and he'd give his life forthat of a loved one in a second if he had to. He follows orders well and acts as a good team member to others. [B]Short History[/B]: Vincent was born from the womb a heavenly angel, inheriting her beautiful placid hair and sculptured face. Unfortunently, he never had the chance to meet his mother, because she wasn't meant to be on Earth, and her visit there was very short lived. However, her time there was well spent, and she met the love of her life. A tall, handsome man with a strong mind and caring intent. They together, made a child we now know as Vincent. His first few years couldn't have been better. He exemplified many skills most children wished to have. His brain developed faster then others and he had a presence like no other. Just walking into a room with him would light you up, and being around him was almost impossible without a smile across your face. It was clear to his father that he had inherited his mother's heavenly grace and the essence of a true angel. As years passed, however, he became discriminated against, his powers mocked by vindictive people. Even so, no matter how mistreated he was, he never felt sad. He kept going, each day harder then the one before it. In his later years, things changed again. His powers, once a burden, became a blessing. He became a Hunter, and the people who once ridiculed him now owed him their lives. He used his power to protect the world, his destiny. [B]Weapon/s[/B]: Vincent dislikes weapons, however he is equipped with a long chain that he uses for protection when a foe seems to formidable. [B]Trademark Clothing[/B]: [I](consult appearence)[/I] Vincent wears no special armor or protection from that of demons. His essence proves as an adequate shield most of the time. OOC: Here you go Reiku. If you need anything to be changed just ask.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]I figured I'd stop this one since obviously Def Leppard stands no chance whatsoever lol. Ok, heres another. [B]Tool vs Nine Inch Nails[/B]. Keep em comin![/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Geez you guys lol. I'm straying away from so-called "similar bands" from now on. The whole point of the post was to choose which one you liked better, not analyze each and say how I was completely wrong and they're incredibly different *sighs* Its my [I]opinion[/I], which was the object of the post. I wanted to see which bands you prefer, if it involves a Venn Diagram, stop it! lol Heres some old school, [B]Led Zepplin vs Def Leppard[/B]. Ok, now no one please say "Those aren't old bands, blah blah blah," cause I don't care, they're old, thank you lol. By the way, Rammstein sounds insanely Metal to me. I don't know the 54096754 different genres so I call them that. Sorry :animesigh [/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Kugo [B]Age[/B]: 28 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Former Occupation[/B]: Mercenary, Card Shark [B]Affiliation[/B]: Gabriel's Crew [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://tinypic.com/5phraa][I][U]Kugo[/U][/I][/URL] [B]Personality[/B]: Kugo is an outgoing, loud-mouthed man with smart comments and a firey spirit. He gets along well with others who understand him, or take the time to get to know him, everyone else just doesn't matter. He looks down upon Angels, says that kindness is just another word for weakness. He is unforgiving on the battlefield and will do whatever it takes to win. He's a stern leader and will do whatever he chooses, whether it applies to his orders or not. He doesn't trust many people and he feels as though he just doesn't fit in. [B]Bio[/B]: Kugo was born the spawn of two runaway thieves. A modern "Bonnie and Clyde" I suppose. They had commited several crimes against the angels as well as the demons and found it hard to live a normal life, especially with a child. So their solution was to leave their new born in a dumpster outside of a bar they often went to. And they did, just after he was born Kugo was left, cold and alone. The bartender found and raised him during his younger years. However, Kugo proved a difficult child, and after just a few years of living with the man he ran away. He loved to be by himself and travel lands of his own accord. He counted on no one other then himself, and he liked it that way. He traveled from town to town, making ends meet by stealing and pilfering large markets. He finally found himself a home in a town ruled by demons. Everyone was scournful and independent, just like he was. It was the first time since he was born that he actually felt as though he belonged. He lived in the town for years, making a living in poker, demons loved to gamble. He thought it was fun, seeing so much dependent on a simple roll of the dice or turn of a card, and he enjoyed taking money from people, in any way. However, one day a demon suffered the final nail in his coffin and aquired the information he needed to take down Kugo. Both angels and demons were alerted of his presence, and more important, his lineage. His parents had yet to atone for the crimes they committed, and he was the last one to see them. It seemed as though they'd disappeared, and Kugo was to suffer for what they had done. He was chased out of town and the home he'd come to know and love was ripped away from him. He spent the years following moving from place to place, avoiding the constant run-in's with angels and demons. He became a mercenary, many saw him, but none really knew who he was. He lived most of his days in the wilderness, outside of any real industrialized city, alone. [B]Weapons[/B]: Kugo uses a large broad sword kept in an even larger sheath draped across his back. He often uses his fists as well, a "man's true weapon," or so he says. [B]Skills[/B]: Kugo enjoys melee combat more then any other. He loves to fight and refuses to use any projectile weapons. Hes learned to deal with attacks from afar and really doesn't need any other weapon then his sword. [B]Character Snippet[/B]: I remember those days, I took them for granted now that I look back on things. It was so quiet, so peaceful. Even in the seeming depths of hell, it was home. Demons always complain of their stereotype implying lack of intelligence, well let me tell you, they're stupid. I should probably lay off, since I'm of demon blood, but c'mon. I've duped many in my day but none were easier then the few I met that night... They walked in the bar like they owned the place, funny thing is, I doubt they'd even been there before. Both men were huge, rippling muscles erupting from their shirts. I'm sure they were strong, but that meant nothing here. Fights are prohibited in the bar area and if you caused trouble, they'd kill you on sight. I sat confidently, leaning back in my chair, taking small sips from a shot glass. "That's an angel's drink!" one shouted from across the bar, the other pointing and laughing in suit. I just smiled, shuffling my cards as I watched them drink. As soon as they turned their attention from me I threw a card. It sliced through the air hitting the large one who made the comment. He turned around abruptly, scanning the bar for whoever threw the card. Although he was quite stupid, it didn't take long for him to notice that I was the only one in the bar with any cards. He rose from his seat and strolled towards my table, his large feet stomping against the wooden floor. He sat down, glaring at me as I continued to shuffle. "You throw that card?" he asked, nodding in the direction the card lay. I just smiled "Slipped," I said with a grin. He looked at me, I assumed he was trying to comprehend my statement. After further thought he rose from the table "Don't let it happen again," he said, his voice low and husky. He turned from the table, however, another card struck his neck before he stepped to far away. Without any thought whatsoever he turned and ran towards me flipping the table out of the way as my glass crashed to the floor. He grabbed my collar and rose his fist. I assume he would've swung had he not heard the click of a gun from behind the bar, the bartender holding a large shotgun, locked and loaded. "Maybe we should settle this with a game?" I inquired, still confidence behind my voice. He dropped me, "what kind of game?" he asked. Apparently he'd forgotten the whole point of the fight, my cards. "A card game," I said, reaching in my pocket and pulling out the deck of cards from before. He agreed, reluctantly, but he had no other choice. We sat at a new table and I delt us both a hand of seven. "The game is simple, poker, stud, so what you have now is what you'll use, is your luck better then mine?" I proposed, smiling again as he fixed the cards in his hand. We stared each other down, as if we planned to fight, even if it was just another game of cards. "If I win, you leave me and this bar be, never to return, if you win, I'll let you have whatever you want," I said, a smile draped across his face. Apparently he'd been delt a good hand, luckily, mine was better. He layed three kings across the table, grinning triumphantly. I looked down, it was a good hand, however, it doesn't beat four aces. The look on his face was priceless as I layed the cards down. His confusion soon turned to anger, and before he could think he swung across the table screaming that I cheated and some other nonsense. The bartender was prepaired and before his fist was even halfway to my face it dropped limp to the table. He was shot, in the head to be precise. His body was bloodied, and so were my cards unfortunently. His brother jumped from the table in awe, he ran from the bar, screaming threats and words I shall not mention here. Little did I know he was to become my end, and my confident smile would soon change to a look of shock as I was ran from the town.[/SIZE] [B][SIZE=1]EDIT: Wow, sorry Fallen. I'm was kind of out of it and angels and demons were just kind of...angels and demons lol. I fixed everything well I think, and when I refer to demons and angels I mean the people, the group or whatever. I was also typing my post while you were typing your's, so I didn't see the Gabriel's Crew comment. Didn't meant to be such a bother *shakes head*[/SIZE][/B]
  15. Kamuro

    Heroes [M-VLS]

    [SIZE=1]Trace walked slowly through the placid hallway. He could hear the noise of spinning tires from the hanger where all the vehicles were kept and smell the burning the burning rubber as docile cars were started once again. He finally reached the large garage and as he approached his motorcycle a vine shot from his sleeve, grabbing his helmet and placing it upon his head. His hair formed to the circular shape as he flipped the dark black shade over the opening of his eyes. With a quick turn of his key the bike erupted from the hanger, smoke flowing from it's wheels. Soon enough he caught up with the rest of the group, somewhat of a convoy moving down the road. A convoy of misfits, Trace smiled as he road. Although they were misfits, he was glad to finally be a part of something he was proud of. He passed a car and road close to Sparx. They each glanced back at one another and nodded in agreement. With that fire burst from the back of each bike, the men gripping tightly as they were brought to maximum speed. Trace swirved in and out of cars, tilting in almost perfect harmony with his bike. He loved to ride, and he loved the thrill of speed and how it made him feel. Sparx was close by, his massive hands contorting the throttle with all his strength. Just ahead was a truck with a low ramp and Sparx used it to jump from the the ground through the air as he landed with a loud thud far down the road. Trace noticed a fork in the road, however, the left road was out. It was a quicker way to get where he was going, but at what cost? He shook his head [I]who cares?[/I] he thought to himself as he pulled up, jumping over the low orange barriers. He drove to the edge of the bridge with no plans of stopping. As soon as his front wheel left the pavement a bridge of vines began to grow. Water shot from his tires, the plants giving way to the heavy metal. However, he continued to drive, the bridge growing larger by the second. In no time he was on his way to the White House. [I]I wonder where Sparx is?[/I] he inquired, looking back as a large clap of thunder echoed through his helmet.[/SIZE] OOC: Thought I'd speed things up a bit, no pun intended lol. On to you Fallen.
  16. [SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Katz [B]Age[/B]: Unknown, looks to be around 28 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Race[/B]: Alien [B]Origin[/B]: Katz is from the planet Lok. Although he is an abnormal lifeform, he grew up on Earth due to the destruction of his planet. [B]Function[/B]: Field Agent [B]Callsign[/B]: Ruk (the 'u' pronounced like the 'u' unicorn) [B]Equipment[/B]: [I]Weapons [/I] - A single katana concealed under his coat. Hes not a big fan of human technology and he tries not to use it as much as he can. [I]Armor [/I] - As stated above he refuses to use anything to advanced. He wears only normal clothes covered by a large, white coat. [I]Spell Books[/I]/Ancient Artifacts - Katz has an original symbol carved from the rock of his home planet. It allows him to control himself in trance form. [I]Machinery [/I] - None [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://tinypic.com/5pmsd3][I][U]Original Form / Human[/U][/I][/URL] In this form Katz resembles an ordinary human. He wears no armor or protective devices, only clothing he has chosen for the best, most agile movement. The coat, is of his own accord, he thinks it looks "cool." He's often found smoking since he enjoys the feeling it gives him. [URL=http://tinypic.com/5pms6h][I][U]Trance Form[/U][/I][/URL] In this form Katz begins his escalation in power, speed, and intelligence. He enjoys this form since it brings him beyond the human level, but not beyond the point where he loses control. His pupils shrink to a smaller size and the whole of his eye becomes white. Various markings cover his face and body and his hair grows a bit longer. His muscles expand to form to his new power level. [URL=http://tinypic.com/5pmrtc][U][I]Final Form[/I][/U][/URL] In his final form Katz reaches his epitome of power. His hair shortens up quite a bit and spikes from his head in a gelled fashion. His muscles expand once more to suit a great increase in power and muscular strength. His hands form claws sharp to the touch. He can still control himself in this form, however, he finds it hard and sometimes he loses his head in battle. [B]Personality[/B]: Katz was originally cold and forlorn towards humans, however he has become more open since working with the people of Clandestine. Although is still quiet, he has learned to speak his mind on most occasions. He is still oblivious to the ways of normal human living, since hes never lived in an actual city, but he hopes to someday. He enjoys to learn new things and the group loves to laugh at his thoughts on things he's never scene before. Sometimes, he just likes to be alone and finds peace and quiet in his quarters of the base. Hes a fierce competitor and in battle he loves to fight like theres no tomorrow. Sometimes he makes irrational decisions and does other then what hes told. [B]Legacy[/B]: Katz was born on his home planet of Lok. It was similar to our own however much more advanced concerning technology and the ways of every day life. His planet suffered a surprise attack and was destroyed, but he was placed into an escape pod by his parents and sent into space. There he floated for days, a small baby, bare and alone in the vast reaches of the universe. Soon enough his pod found Earth, and gravity pulled him towards it. He landed not far off from a military base in Australia and they found him tattered and alone in a small forest just off the campsite. He was given to scientists to study and from his early age exemplified what they called "strange" activity. They tested day after day to find out something, anything about this peculiar lifeform. He was given the name Katz after the doctor who experimented on him. Katz was tortured, not intentionally, but his years as nothing more then a test subject made him cold and unwilling towards humans. He had overheard one of the doctors mention Clandestine before, and he knew this was the only way out. Although he despised working with humans, he knew it had to be better then where he was now. However, when he reached Clandestine, they welcomed him with open arms. He finally found respect for humans and their race. After such an epiphany it was easy for him to work well with others and he soon became one of the best field agents on the force. His brute strength came in handy when fighting large beasts and his superior intellect aided in several crime solving situations. He was known for thinking out of the box, and made quite the name for himself as an abstract thinker. [B]Deity/Lord[/B]: None, his people have all perished. [B]Quote[/B]: What? It's "cool."[/SIZE] [B]EDIT: I apologize for any problems had trying to veiw my images, I've fixed everything so give them a look if you had trouble before.[/B]
  17. [size=1]Most of you have probably noticed my new username as well as several pictures of Kamuro around the forums. Many people know his look, but few actually know who he is. Well, here I am to tell you lol. Kamuro is the main character of a manga called KamiKaze. I've been very interested in this manga for sometime and finally found some useful information on it. The thread has been rated M because the manga includes excessive violence and sexual situations. I'm providing two sites for everyone to look at. The first is a site containing information about the manga, it's characters, plot, etc. The second is a site where you can access the manga and read 40-50 previously translated pages of the comic. Just click the drop down arrow next to "Navigation" on the left side of the screen and choose where ever you'd like to go, "The Comic" being the actual translated pages. [url="http://www.ex.org/ex/4.4/36-manga_kamikaze.html"]KamiKaze info[/url] Hopefully everyone enjoys the manga. Any questions just ask and feel free to post comments on what you thought of it. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Link removed. Any links to adult content from OB are strictly against the rules, even when discussing a manga. At no point are they allowed. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b][/size]
  18. [SIZE=1]The point I was trying to make is, if someone wants to kill another person, they'll do it. Whether its with a gun, a knife, or their bare hands. Its amazing how people can be completely lazy at other aspects of life yet determined enough to kill someone for whatever reason. My point is this, I don't believe taking away guns would really solve anything. Crime rates would become lower, at first. However, people often to find ways to get around laws, and putting restrictions on guns only makes people want them more. Drugs for example, some people do drugs just for the high of knowing they're not supposed to. I'm sure you could list tons of countries benefiting from the extraction of guns, and I would list countries troubled by the exact opposite, however, I'm lazy and don't feel like looking it up lol. On to the other point. Its hard for me to believe that Paris Hilton isn't, well, completely retarded lol. I've never seen her make a smart point, about anything. And if she has, it sounds like shes reading it from a card or its being spoken into her ear. Now, I imagine there is people behind the scenes making sure Paris gets all the exposure she does, which is why shes so popular. Besides the fact that shes pretty. As dumb as she may be, shes pretty and girls want to look like her, unfortunently. Britney Spears is a publicity whore as Paris is just a regular whore lol. I believe Britney Spears almost knows what shes doing, but luckily shes just stupid enough to do things like get married 4085358 times and then wonder why people are interested in her? "I don't know why people say I'm a whore *stupid giggle* I love Kevin," people are interested because god knows how long it'll last. As soon as she announces something everyone takes out a spot watch, I mean c'mon. Alright, heres some more things... - I hate it when you walk up to an elevator and press the button, and it doesn't come. Then another person comes up and either... 1) Presses the button constantly or even at all as though you were just standing there and forgot to push it or 2) They actually ask if you've pushed the button. No, no I havn't, I enjoy the shiny door and I'd hate for it go away so soon, dumbasses... - Who does serving sizes? I look on the back of something and say "Hmm, not to many calories, I might just eat this" and then look at the serving size and its a half a cookie or something. I mean c'mon, be realistic. I'm not fat, but when I buy Oreos I don't intend on eating them a half at a time.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]I understand what you're saying Generic, you're obviously a fan modest mouse rather then franz ferdinand. And maybe they have many more albums and have been around longer, but the point is, they sound very very alike. Thats the relation I was making, as different as you could make them seem, they sound the same at least to me, and several other people here. And apparently no one knows anything about the bands I've listed lol.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]There is so many of these things surrounding McDonalds, coincidence? I think not. I also heard of people trying to sue McDonalds for gaining weight...*confused* Is it not you who put the food in your mouth and swallowed it? Just because the food is made and advertised, does not mean you have to eat it. So shut your fat holes please ;) Also, people who believe guns should be done away with. Now, I'm no crazy redneck, but really, the statement that "guns kill people" is completely untrue. People kill people, guns are simply a tool to do so. If guns were taken away, people would still kill other people, just in different ways. Way to help expand murderous patterns! WOO I also don't like people who work at a fast food place, and then complain all the time because they work there. Well, first off, its your own fault you work there, apparently you're not smart enough to get a job paying above minimum wage. Second, I don't need to hear your problems nor your complaints concerning your life, just serve me my food and be on your way.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Alright, not to bad, but I think the two bands that battled aren't that popular, at least not here lol. This time I've got [B]two[/B] for you to check out, one metal and one punk rock. So heres one for the metal fans, [B]Dimmu Borgir and Rammstein[/B]. Now these two aren't nearly as alike as the first two bands but they do have similar styles and sound. Both are from different places and are a fair representation of their own type of music. But whos better? The second battle is this, [B]Simple Plan and New Found Glory[/B]. Both your classic punk rock with stereotypical fans and songs. I'm not really a fan of either of them but I'd like to hear what you think.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Takani Ichi [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Age[/B]: 17 [B]Sign[/B]: Snake [B]Instrument/Job[/B]: Manager [B]Appearance[/B]: Ichi is a tall slim man with short brown hair and eyes. He wears a traditional suit. Long blue pants, a white button-up shirt, blue jacket, and red tie usually loosened around his neck. He seldomly shaves and as a result has aquired a rough look. He smells of tobacco due to constant smoking, although he is under age. He fears his new job as the band's manager will force him to clean up his look, cause "no one wants to deal with a filthy delinquent," or so his mother says. [B]Personality[/B]: Ichi is a lazy kid with not much on his mind, besides himself. He lacks the will power to pay attention in school yet seems to have a natural talent with money and numbers. He also deals well with people, and these traits have aquired him the job as the band's manager. He keeps track of the money and does all the show booking and promotion. He is rather self-concious and although everyone has faith in him as manager, he doubts he'll make the grade. He acts as though he doesn't care what people think, however he feels quite the opposite. [B]Character Snippit or Bio[/B]: "Wake up you bum!" Ichi's mother shouted as he clenched the pillow covering his head. "You're gonna be late for school!" she cried again, her voice high and equivalent to the scraping of nails against a chalkboard. Ichi quickly rose from the bed and screamed back "Shut up already, I'm going!" He slipped into his pants and shirt, throwing a jacket over his shoulder and just barely fitting a tie around his neck. He walked downstairs to find his mother sitting at the table, waiting for him. "You look horrible, whens the last time you took a bath?" she asked menacingly. Ichi just grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the counter and left through the front door, ignoring his mothers taunting questions. Almost immediately he lit a cigarette, the gray smoke wafting through the air as he took a puff from the tip. He looked down at his clothes [I]I can't believe she makes me wear this[/I] he thought to himself as he walked. His mothers attempts to make him a "smart, well-mannered young boy," had all but failed. He figured she just made him wear this for the humiliation factor. He grunted as he threw his cigarette to the ground, stomping it out angrily. The ash burned against the sole of his shoe, a quick resemblence to his life, or so he thought. Although he wasn't the smartest, or most well-mannered around, he felt as though he was destined for greatness. He hoped someday he'd be able to return home, and rub it in his mother's face.[/SIZE] OOC: Heres my sign-up, tried my best but I found myself struggling for ideas. If theres anything you'd like me to change just ask
  23. Kamuro

    Heroes [M-VLS]

    [SIZE=1]Trace sat quietly upon a marble bench encircled by beautiful plants and flowers he had grown himself. It took some reasoning for the team to allow him to build his own garden at the compound, but he thought it necessary if he was to stay. Everyone had their own sanctuary, and this was his own. The sun beat down on his face as he gazed up towards the sky, taking in the warmth of a beautiful day. His hand was loosely gripped around a frail rose he kept with him always. It'd been in his possession for years and even now it radiated the divine scent of the first day it had become his own. He placed the flower lightly within an inner coat pocket and stood from the bench. He began to walk through the large, lavish garden, his shoes clicking against the walkway as he strolled. When he reached the end of the path he stopped, the garden was immense and he had yet to fill it. He took a pouch of seeds from his pocket, opening it slightly and placing his hand inside. His fingers rolled over the numerous buds within the bag. He could identify each one with a simple touch and quickly drew from the bag a bright red seed. He tossed it upon the soil in front of him and closed his eyes. His hands began to raise from their once docile state and his fingers twitched as the seed broke open, leafs and vines erupting from the dormant shell. The plant grew large augmenting and swelling in every direction. Trace stood his ground, his hands continuing their subtle dance through the air. The plant's limbs grew wider, and holes began to form mouths, sharp teeth appearing and cluttering each with deadly tools. Saliva dripped from each opening hitting the ground and sizzling as they burned against the soil below. He opened his eyes, a massive red plant sat before him, an eyeless stare scanned Trace up and down. He had sprouted a [I][COLOR=DarkRed]scarlet plant[/COLOR][/I]. An extremely deadly shrub almost impossible to control. The large plant began to strike wildly, each branch swiping rapidly as teeth clanked against one another. Trace moved fluently from side to side evading the attacks almost effortlessly. The plant hindered, it's limbs returning to their original state. Trace continued to stare "You will obey me," he stated confidently. The plant lowered it's appendages, a sign of defeat and a concedence of power. Trace walked up to it, taking a limb in his hand and stroking it softly. "We will fight together," and with that he closed his eyes and lowered his hands gradually. The plant began to shrink, returning to its home in the hollow shell of the seed. When it was completely departed he knelt to the ground and returned the seed to it's pouch. He turned from the scene and began his walk back to the compound. When he reached the opening he saw Lily there waiting for him. "How'd it go?" she asked eagerly. "It conceded..." Trace replied, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Must've been a tough one," she inquired, noticing the perspiration. Trace nodded "Please take care of the plants for me, they need their water. The usual amounts." Lily cued in agreement as he began to enter the compound. "Thank you Lillian..." She stopped abruptly "I told you not to call me that!" she shouted, the sound echoing in the hall as he continued to walk away. "I know..." was all he said as he disappeared into the darkness of the compound. Lily grunted angrily as she began watering the plants. She mumbled to herself, annoyed. "I told him not to call me that...I can't believe him...he knows I don't like that...I'll pop him one if he says it again..."[/SIZE] OOC: Hope this is alright, any problems just PM me.
  24. [SIZE=1]Thats what I was saying Baron, why was it so well-covered? I understand that a lot of these kids are incredibly smart and it should be recognized, but to what extent? A boy collapsing is proof of just how nerve-racking its become, and it shouldn't be that way. I guarantee you their teachers, parents, whatever, said "go out there and have fun," but how is this possible with the lights and cameras glaring down on kids not even old enough to drive yet? Heres my comments on whats been stated so far that I like... - The puck, sounds pretty stupid to me actually. I mean, in theory I could see how someone thinks it would be a good idea, but as you stated, white ice, black puck...problem? Seems like a lot of work for someone to hit it around massively with large sticks. - James James, genious lol. I hated Friends and I never really understood the popularity either. - I find not only the Catholic church, but almost every church in existence being hypocritical on one point or another. I make it a point to ignore most things they say. Heres a few more I thought of, they just kind of pop into my mind lol... - I actually heard this one from a comedian. Pop-tart directions. Is there really a need for pop-tart directions? C'mon, is it that hard to put it in the microwave for 3 seconds and eat it? *shakes head* - Medicine and their mass amounts of side-effects. I'm sure you've all heard it before, medicine made to cure one ailment yet causes several others. Can't believe I forgot this one. So much confusion, so little time...[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]I've heard a lot of weird stuff in my days, and here I am to mention them all to you lol. I'm just kidding, I won't list them all. The point of the thread is to list small things you've heard, that just don't make sense. Things that seem excessively weird but no one really seems to notice. Here are some examples of what I mean. - When shows offer "a year supply" of something. How does that work? I mean, who decides what a year supply of something is? How much do you get of it? I think shows just say this for the shock value "A year supply of something, that must be a lot!" but I can't really imagine a show actually giving you excessive amounts of something. - Another thing I don't understand is how people like John Edwards actually become famous. Apparently he can "talk with spirits from another dimension" but c'mon, we all know this isn't true. He mentions a month that someone from a large audience has a relation to, NO WAY. I mean, people just seem incredibly gullable. Its the same with Mrs.Cleo or whatever her name is. I can't imagine calling some fake physcic for false hope about something going on in myself. How bad have things gone in your life that you're consulting late night physcics? - Has spelling actually become a sport? I mean the "National Spelling Bee Championships" or whatever they're called was shown on ESPN, and a kid actually passed out on the show, from the pressure I guess. The announcer goes "Well, this has never happened before," well of course not, they're spelling for god sakes. I know its important to them, but it isn't a sport. And spelling is not an exasperating task. These are just a few my examples. If anyone would like to relate to the things that I've stated that would be good as well. Point is, what are some things that just, don't make sense.[/SIZE]
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