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Everything posted by Kamuro
Personally, all my RP's have had an M rating, but there has been reasons for this. Each one has blood, fights, language, relationships, etc. It all depends on the persons opinion of what M means. Some people think whorish powerpuff girls are funny, and they deserve to be rated PG or PG-13, just cause its a sort of childish idea, or based off a childish idea. While others would consider it completely inappropriate. This is why it is up to the creator of the RP to rate it fairly. Its safer just to put an M rating even when you don't think they'll be anything to bad in the thread. Better safe then sorry, you wouldn't want to offend anyone just because you gave a lower rating to your RP.
[FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER][COLOR=Teal][B]Name[/B]: Dain Frasc [B]Affiliation[/B]: Half-Breed [B]Age[/B]: 25 [B]Appearence[/B]: [URL=http://tinypic.com/4ujllt]Original Form (how he looks most of the time)[/URL] [URL=http://tinypic.com/4ujlzq]Divine Form[/URL] [B]Personality[/B]: Dain is a hard-headed, stubborn, and proud individual. Instead of regretting his own conception, he prefers to embrace it. He accepts the traits of both his father and mother gracefully. He listens to only Krath and Wyatt, while discounting other's opinions. Hes gotten in trouble countless times, defying the Counsel and doing as he chooses. Krath often became frustrated with him, hoping both his sons would follow in his footsteps and reach high rank in the Blessed Army. Dain knew he disappointed his father, but always felt it necessary to be himself, and nothing else, not even to please Krath. [B]Weapon[/B]: Dain is equipped with two swords. The first being a sword made of crystal. It is intensely sharp and can cut through almost anything. It's also light, making it easy to weild. The other is a much longer sword given to him by his father. It holds immense power and Dain never uses it unless hes forced to. [B]Reason for Being Placed in Limbo[/B]: Dain defied the Counsel by joining his father in battle and disgracing the Kingdom of Heaven.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
They usually do succeed, guess its meant to be inspirational. The video game guy still plays video games though lol.
Personally, I like snow, I think its beautiful when it blankets the ground, covers trees, houses, etc. Its fun to play in the snow, build a snowman, snowball fights, sledding, there all kinds of stuff to do. Its cold, but its fun. I like rain a lot, but only when its warm outside, like a summer rain. Its fun to walk in, to jump in puddles and such.
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Teal][B]Upgrades:[/B] Physical Upgrade-Speed Slash1, Battle Cry1 [CENTER]Aron walked the streets quietly, his hands in his pockets, not quite sure of what to think of the boy he encountered. He heard the sound of cheering and looked at a distance down the street as Kira jumped through the air. She was surrounded by people who clapped and cheered as she flew. [I]Hmph, shes quite the character[/I] Aron thought to himself. He pondered whether or not to go see what was going on, but decided that Kira could take care of herself and went on his way. As he walked he glanced over and saw Azalea leaving town by herself. [I]What could she be up to?[/I] Aron wondered as he followed a bit behind. She walked along a dirt path away from the city; a half mile or so from town she stopped and sat against a tree. Aron walked up slowly "Hi" he said startling her. "What are you doing here? Did you follow me?!" Aron blushed red "H-Hah yeah, about that, sorry, I was just kind of wondering what you were doing." Azalea huffed "Ok ok, its fine, I just wanted some privacy" she spoke as she sat back down. Aron still stood, studying her "So, what are you doing?" he asked intently. Azalea sighed and looked around "That town is so busy, people don't even take the time to notice how beautiful the scenery is around here. Where I'm from, green is just a color, but here it runs lush through fields and covers trees from bottom to top, its incredible. I figured I'd go for a walk and take in everything, I probably won't be here ever again you know?" Aron nodded "I know what you mean, it is beautiful, but you shouldn't walk around out here by yourself, this world is dangerous." Azalea nodded and hopped to her feet "Not when I have a strong guy like you to protect me" she laughed and winked at him. Aron laughed as well "Of course" he said as he struck a super hero pose, hands on his waist. Azalea giggled and nudged him. Aron looked down at her and spoke "Alright, now lets get back to town, we don't wanna miss out on anything, its like you said, we probably won't be here ever again." Azalea nodded and they began the walk back to Hunds. About halfway there Azalea stopped "Umm, Aron?" she spoke as he turned around. "What is it?" Azalea blushed slightly "Umm, I'd like you to have this." She put her hands in her shirt and rumaged around pulling out a shiny gold necklace, a pilot's wing on the end. She walked up and put her hands around Aron, hooking it together in the back, and then stepping away. "Looks good" she said. Aron looked down and took the pendant in his hand. "Its a wing" he said in surprise. Azalea nodded "My dad gave it to me, its sort of my good luck charm y'know? But I want you to have it, like you said, once we go home, I might not ever see you again, and I wouldn't want you to forget me." Aron nodded and smiled "Thanks, I promise I'll take care of it for you." They each smiled at each other and nodded in agreement. Before they could continue a man appeared instantly behind Azalea, a sword to her neck. She struggled violent cursing at him. Aron ran towards her "Stop right there, or she'll die" the man spoke calmly. Aron stopped in his tracks "What do you want? She hasn't done anything to you!" The man smiled and laughed "Come to think of it, she hasn't done anything to me...oh well." With that he sliced quick through her neck and through her body to the ground. "We'll meet again soon Aron" and with that he disappeared. Aron ran to Azalea's lifeless body. He turned her over, looking down at her face, blood filtered from the wound rolling down her neck. "No, please Azalea. Stay with me, please." He put his head to her chest, hearing nothing as tears began to stream from his eyes. He picked her up from the ground and walked over to a tree, laying her down he kissed her forehead, walking from the lifeless body, his head leaning down.[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER] OOC: Sakura had to resign from the RP due to personal problems. I played her character into it a bit before I had to let her go. She'll always be with us though *sighs*
[COLOR=Teal][FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER]Kakashi gasped for air as he stumbled to his feet. He wasn't expecting the use of the sheath and was caught off guard when the wooden case pummeled his stomach. [I]I hate when they're tricky[/I] thought Kakashi as he regained his once lost air. Albel had moved a great distance away from him and knelt on a boat trying to tend to his wounds. Kakashi felt a stirring in his stomach from the last blow [I]I'll be fine, just a bruise[/I] he reassured himself. He watched Albel, thinking to attack, but gave him the same respect he was given. He would not attack until Albel rose to his feet and was ready to continue. Kakashi quickly looked to the sky as he heard a large clap of thunder. [I]A storm[/I] he thought to himself. The beautiful morning sky had turned black as clouds almost seemed to hover over them, an omen. Rain began to fall and splashed against the water as the boats rocked. Kakashi felt his hair turn wet and drape over his face. His attention returned to Albel as he regained his footing and drew his weapon once again. Kakashi gripped the claw tight in his hand as water dripped from the ends. The cloth at the end of his sword became wet and and flapped violently in the wind. Kakashi quickly burst into a run towards Albel, jumping and hopping from boat to boat. Water splashed viciously as he dove down towards Albel. Swords struck as thunder clapped once again, lightning shining bright in the background. "You'll die..." whispered Kakashi. Albel looked down at him "We'll see..." At that moment they both began slashing hastily. Metal sliced through the air in every direction as they both fought with all their might. Kakashi used both his claw and sword in defense not even noticing the sheath once again. He was struck in the shoulder and knocked to the side by the might of Albel's attack. He screamed in anger as he charged once again. Albel slashed quickly striking the mask of Kakashi in the process. There Kakashi stood, his broken mask in hand, dampened hair covering his face. He dropped the mask to the ground and turned to Albel. "You'll pay for that..." he spoke calm and quiet. Albel was struck scared as he saw the eyes of his opponent for the first time. They were full of fire as he glared at Albel through the strands of wet hair. He charged again, both men striking quickly. [I]C'mon you wuss, fight, fight![/I] he heard the voice of his father echoing in his head. [I]Your a disgrace[/I] the voice spoke again. Kakashi was infuriated, as his sword struck the sheath of Albel it broke and wooden peices fell to the ground. Albel jumped back, nervous from the loss of his greatest weapon so far. Kakashi breathed heavily, his face pointed towards the ground, a killer instinct taking control, as lightning struck loudly in background.[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
In the case of video games, there was some obession involved, but thats not the basis of the show. A few other examples of the addictions on the show include, cutting, drugs of any kind, sex, water pills and/or laxitives, etc. I think you'd have to see the show to fully understand the depth of the video game addiction, but as far as the others go, they're pretty common
[SIZE=4][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Teal][CENTER]Apostate Redemption[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][CENTER][IMG]http://tinypic.com/4ryzqd[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Teal][CENTER]? ? ? ?Hmph, what a bunch of fools? grunted Dain as he walked along a white road leading away from a beautiful castle. Walking next to him was a young looking angel, his brother, Wyatt, ?I told you, you should?ve kept your mouth closed, now look what you?ve done.? Dain spat upon the lavished walkway. ?It doesn?t matter, I hated this place anyway, we?re better off without it.? Wyatt stopped in his tracks and spoke angrily ?Speak for yourself, I liked this place, its your fault we have to leave.? Dain turned sharply and looked at his brother ?You didn?t have to help me you know, I would?ve been just fine on my own. I told you that.? Dain sighed and closed his eyes remembering the scenes of the days past. [B]Flashback...[/B] Angels of every size and shape whipped through the midday sky as demons trekked across the ground chanting threats and devilish songs towards the heavenily armada. Leading the angelic fleet was a large man dressed in gleaming silver armor claimed to be forged by God himself. The man?s name was Krath, the leader of the first squadron of the Blessed Army. A long broad sword held in his right hand reflected his masculine figure as he began to descend upon the oncoming drove of demons. Leading the army of fiends was a young man dressed in a red coat, a hat shadowing the whole of his face. He raised his hand as the demonic army stood still behind him. He lowered his arm slowly as the sky began to fill with a blinding red light. The monsters laughed and chanted as smoking angels fell to the ground. Wings turned to ash in an instant as the entire Blessed Army dropped from the sky. Every angelic warrior had been slain except Krath, who lay silent covered in burns and blood from his own army?s wreckage. He pushed himself from the ground and stumbled to his feet, his sword now covered in dirt and ash. He struggled to lift it in his own defense. The demons drew closer as Krath attempted to flap his wings and take flight. He heard bones crack and distort as he shouted in pain. It was impossible for him to escape, he realized the inevitability of the situation and took a fighting stance as the young man and his army drew close. The man stopped and identified himself as Terran, the leader of the demonic army of Satan himself. ?Y-You won?t take me without a fight? Krath muttered as he glared defiantly. Terran smiled as he unsheathed a large black sword from his hide. Krath used the little strength he lad left to swing the large sword at his opponent. Terran easily dodged and tripped Krath smiling as he fell to the ground in shame. Krath began once again pushing himself from the ground. ?Insolent bugs, just won?t seem to die? spoke Terran angrily as he walked over to Krath standing above him. He rose his sword, blade down, and struck directly through Krath?s head. He heard the skull shatter at the insertion of the sword and laughed as he ripped it from the now lifeless corpse of the Blessed Army?s greatest soldier. ?You?ll die!? shouted Dain as he flew hurriedly toward the crowd of demons. He landed with a stomp shooting dust in every direction as he regained his balance. Terran stood silent and watched as the strange looking angel drew his sword. ?You?ll die, you fool, you should?ve never come here. The Blessed Army will crush you, I will crush you!? shouted Dain as the demons watched on intently. Terran looked upon his opponent with curiosity ?Why are your wings black, you are an angel aren?t you? Or perhaps your not a pure blood? Just a mut, a mistake.? Dain screamed in fury and swung his long sword. Terran used his own as they clashed causing a thundering clatter of noise throughout the entire battlefield. Terran smirked ?Is that all you?ve got? You must be a half-breed, how stupid of you, to think you could conquer a fully-fledged demon. What a stupid boy you are.? Dain leapt in the air and dove down towards his enemy. In an instant Terran stepped aside and sliced through Dain?s left wing. He took it in his hand as Dain fell to the ground in pain. ?How disgusting, a black wing, hardly a prize of any sort? Terran gloated. Dain struggled to get to his knees, he could feel the blood squirt from his back and soak his coat. Terran turned from the fight and faced his army. ?All of you, continue forward. I have news for our leader, I shall return later. As for this one, kill him.? He pointed to Dain and then disappeared instantly. The demons began to crowd around him, licking their mouths and swatting their claws. Dain rose to his feet, sword in hand, and shouted angelic hymns as the beasts drew closer. He swung the sword slicing the monster closest to him. Black blood soiled the ground as the demon leapt back in pain. Dain turned quickly cutting the one approaching from behind. He twirled slashing rapidly trying to thwart attacks from every side. As he began to tire he let his guard down and was struck by a large club to the back knocking him to the ground. He just barely rolled over to get a glimpse of the sky, unsure if he?d ever be able to see it again. He watched as the clouds floated by, he wondered why such a fierce war had to happen on such a beautiful day. [I]Another testament to the irony of God[/I] he thought to himself. As he lay the demons drew closer weapons drawn and ready to rip Dain apart. As he stared up he noticed a black flash shoot by and heard numerous bodies fall to the ground. ?Wyatt...?? he mumbled quietly. The black flash returned almost instantly spilling ebony blood upon the battlefield. The demons jumped back retreating safely from the area around Dains body. The black flash suddenly slowed down and landed next to Dain. There stood Wyatt, wiping his sword clean of the demon flesh. He looked down at his fallen brother and began to rant ?What are you doing here Dain? Are you crazy? The Counsel told everyone to stay back, it was the Blessed Army?s job to defeat them, not our?s. Father was fully capable of destroying such a small army.? Dain broke the rant with a subtle ?Stop? as he pointed to the body of Krath lying close to him on the ground. Wyatt gazed in awe of the situation, their father?s body lie battered and bloody on the ground. His face unrecognizable from the sword the was thrusted through his skull. Wyatt sighed and looked to the ground, then to his brother. ?Thats still no reason for you to have come here, you know your not strong enough to take on an entire army of demons. It was suicide.? Wyatt examined his brother and noticed his missing wing. He gasped at the sight of the bloody nub twitching where a large black wing once sat. He turned to the demons left still standing and snarled as he burst into flight towards the pack of monsters. ?You?ll pay for this, back to hell with all of you!? ? ? ? Dain and Wyatt were concieved by the divine angel, Krath, leader of the Blessed Army and Lucia, the daughter of the Lord of Darkness himself. Krath was misled by Lucia and was unaware of her devilish heritage. Krath was the strongest warrior the Heavens had, and she was determined to bring him down. However, she could never succeed, sending monster after monster to do him in but never achieving her goal. She decided, if she couldn?t kill him, that she?d cause him an angel?s greatest shame, the conception of a demon and the birth of an unholy child. She decieved him into the sexual act and gave birth to not one, but two half-breed children. Fraternal twins embodied with the spirits of both Heaven and Hell. Each child expressed qualities of both their mother and father. Dain was tall and had aquired a large, strong physique over the years, resembling that of his father. Wyatt had aquired a smaller, quicker physique. Each child was cursed with wings of soot black, the mark of their cursed mother. The Counsel of Heaven, a group of demi-gods elected to rule over the Heavens, decided to let Krath remain a member of their society, considering the circumstances. Both Dain and Wyatt were accepted to live among the angels, taught the way of divinity, and expected to choose the holier path of life. After defying the Counsel by joining battle, both Dain and Wyatt have been exiled from Heaven and any placed deemed divine. They?ve been sentenced to live in Limbo, a world not of Heaven or Hell, complete neutrality reigns supreme among the lands of Limbo. Both angels and demons are sent there after defying their higher power, whoever it may be. Limbo is was made to decieve those who are sent there. It seems lush and beautiful, the grass is green and the mountains dark and white at the tip. However, this place, it's secenry, and the geography of Limbo, is always the same. It is meant to be this way to become tedious and drive its occupants insane. Those sent there are heretics, rebels, people needing the change of everyday to stay alive and well. The repetativeness and overall bore of Limbo gets to them more each day. Voices invade their heads, showing them visions of the past, making them lament and suffer, wishing for what they had, but knowing they'll never achieve what they'll always strive for. Dain and Wyatt quickly realized Limbo was a place they would not be able to live in for long. They conflicted on the reason to leave the place, but agreed that staying here, was not an option. ? ? ? Each of you is to choose a character currently residing in Limbo. You may be a demon or an angel who chooses to align with Dain and Wyatt to escape from Limbo. I?m looking for an equal, or almost equal amount of demons and angels to join the party. If theres to many of one sort, then I?ll choose the best characters and they?ll participate in the RP, hopefully we?ll have a good amount of people to help us along. When you post your character I?ll be looking for the following... [LEFT][B]Name[/B]: (Any) [B]Affiliation[/B]: (Demon or Angel) [B]Age[/B]: (Numbered years may very, however old your character is, appearence still stays the same as it was when they were placed in Limbo) [B]Appearence[/B]: (Preferably a picture, but a detailed description will be accepted as well) [B]Personality[/B]: (How your character interacts with others. Their overall personality, sociable, anti-social, whatever. Be specific, its much easier for characters to interact with each other when everyone knows how certain characters will act) [B]Weapon[/B]: (Your weapon of choice, you may use up to three but be sure to take this into consideration while posting an appearance. A small girl won?t be carrying a large broad sword, a bow, and a katana, just doesn?t work that way. No guns, there will be no need for these kinds of weapons as the story progresses) [B]Reason for Being Placed in Limbo[/B]: (Pretty self-explanitory, why you were sentenced to a life in Limbo) [B]The Meet[/B]: (Wyatt and Dain set off in different directions when they reached Limbo in search of people to help them break free and return to the real world. If you?re a demon, then you will be recruited by Dain. If you?re an angel, then you will be recruited by Wyatt. Simply post how you met up with either brother and how you joined the party)[/LEFT] ? ? ? This will definitely be a fun RP. I?ll be playing Dain and Kairi will be playing Wyatt. I?ll post Dain?s profile after speaking with Kairi about it and then he?ll post his. As the story progresses it will intensify into one of the largest battles between Heaven and Hell you?ve ever seen. An RP to be forever remembered by those of Otaku.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='Dragonboym2][COLOR=Blue']Before I start, I would like to know, what does anyone have against Tidus of FFX? I like Tidus, I think he's a good guy. Alot of people say that he is useless in FFX. No, I disagree. He has the strongest limit breaks in the game. If you time it right, he can do alot of damage. Tidus dosn't like seeing people saddened or upset, same as I do. So he always has a joke, or somthing if his freinds and teammates get upset about somthing. He helps keep the team in a positive frame of mind, so they can overcome obsticals, and feel better about themselves. His cheerfulness is a welcome change to Cloud and Squall's darker personalities.(Don't get me wrong, I like Cloud and Squall too. But Squall was always upset. Cloud at least smiled from time to time.)[/COLOR][/quote] Well, concerning Tidus, it wasn't so much his funny attitude that got on my nerves, it was 1) He's stupid, as in, not smart and 2) Hes always whining. To explain my first comment he always asks stupid questions about things most of us would already know the answer to. I feel sorry for Auron have to answer his completely retarded questions everytime a thought crosses his mind. To explain the second, he whines a lot. I would rather a tough, non-affection character then one that complains everytime you get a new mission or something to do. He acts badass in the very beginning, a big blitzball player of Zanarkand, but as soon as hes taken from his element he becomes whiney and annoying. As far as his limit breaks go, no one was really talking about his playable character, more his personality. Main characters usually do have the best limit breaks, Cloud's Omnislash for example. Speaking of Cloud you said you liked the change in character to Tidus after FF 7 and 8. Well, you forgot Zidane, he was vastly different from Cloud and Squall. He was young, playful, vigorous, he was fun. If they wanted to make a good change to the character scheme then this was it, Tidus, however, was not.
I agree that hes been through a lot, but neither of us can say that what hes went through has affected his decisions conerning young boys. I just think your giving him to much credit, if hes had so many problems, then he needs to talk to a therapist or something, get things out in the open. As I said before, lots of people have childhood problems, point is you hope to be past them by the time your in your 40's. Hes had plenty of time and more then enough money to get some help for the things hes endured at least be able to set things straight with himself, if not his father. I'm 16 and we have barely any money at all yet we had enough to help me out, why can't he just get some help. I'm not even referring to the molestion here, since we have no idea if he did, I'm just referring to his life in general, why not? If he can't deal with his own problems and pushes them upon other people, especially young children, then he deserves whatever he gets in the verdict of his trial. I guess we'll see when its over.
Anime What anime world would you be most afraid to live in and why?
Kamuro replied to Otaku America's topic in Otaku Central
I'd probably be most scared to live in any Dragonbasll world, considering the Earth blows up every other episode. Personally, I wouldn't want Buu turning me into candy either Bloodseeker ;) -
I've recently been watching a show on A & E called Intervention. The show is based on people who are burdened by addictions to the point that they can no longer contro ltheir own lives without the help of others. I find the show increasingly interesting during each new episode. Theres many more addictions to date that people barely ever notice. Of course theres the common ones, drugs, pills, etc. But on the show yesterday (Sunday) they were showing a guy who was addicted to video games. I found it interesting, because I love video games. I play them a lot, but it scares me to think I might someday reach this extent. He sometimes mimics the characters and you can tell just by looking at him that he'd rather be playing a video game then doing whatever else hes doing. The point of this post was for people to comment on the show as well as share any addictions they've had and/or people in their life have had. Its not always easy to talk about these things but I find myself pretty comfortable on these forums and I'm thinking a lot of other people feel the same and might be able to shed some light on addiction and how it works as well as comment on the show and if they think people are actually cured by these "Interventions."
Is homosexuality inherited or learned?
Kamuro replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I didn't mean all gay and/or lesbians are made that way because of outside influence, but I believe in my cousins case, it was a factor. He was placed around girls at a young age, he always played with girl toys, never played with boys, and I believe this gave him girlish tendencies. Its natural for someone to rub off on you if you spend a lot of time with them. I believe that as he got older it got harder and harder to relate to guys in any other way other then sexually. I don't believe its silly at all to think of the situation from a different point of view and actually notice a trend in his life. I'm not saying that this applies to all cases. But there is a lot of gay men who express girl tendencies and a lot of lesbians who express man tendencies. Just a thought. -
[QUOTE=Bloodseeker]The fairy and the elf from Drakenguard. "AHHHH, MY CHILDREN!" "HAHAHAHA, SO PRETTY!" I really wanted to sock that elf in the face. And to any Rikku haters, please die. She's one of the best examples of how to make a giddy and goofy female character cute instead of annoying. I think that the vital points are that she didn't have the high pitched voice that drives most people mad and she didn't act oblivious to the surrounding situation. She was cheerful, but she didn't go around ruining the more serious scenes of the story with a the "Cheer up everybody!" attitude that you see with so many of her sort.[/QUOTE] For one, I agree with the fairy from Drakenguard. That bi*ch was annoying. The other women, with the spirits of fire and ise was pretty annoying too. "The children, the children" geez, drove me crazy. Her magic was pretty good though, so whenever I switched I used her and blanked the field with falling balls of fire and ice :cool: . On the point of Rikku, she was pretty annoying. She didn't bother me as much as Tidus though, I'd rather listen to her "made to be cute" voice then Tidus and his god damned whining.
Agreed, the show was just as good as always. Like I said before, I couldn't see it changing even a little, let alone a complete turn in show idea. American Dad is well, below par I think. But Family Guy has still got it.
Lost and Found: The story and opinions on Jennifer Wilbanks
Kamuro replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I actually saw a report on the news this morning concerning this women. The report only verifying the women's stupidity, but the thing that surprised me is that the women [I]as well as the parents[/I] are thinking of being charged with a crime. I understand the women, but the parents? Apparently they called in a false report to the police. But c'mon, they didn't know where their daughter was or what could have happened to her, they did a responsible thing, I think. Also, her friend tried to make an excuse for her, saying she was under a lot of stress and such. And all I have to say to that is...utter bullsh*t. -
[QUOTE=Lunox][color=darkslateblue] I have much sympathy for this guy. It's obvious his child life completely sucked a** and father messed him up somehow. It's so obvious that this is a mental problem, but all I can hear people say is "OMG MJ is a freak ew". Did I think he did it? Since the media is OH SO reliable, I'll definately come back to you after thinking about if for two years. Seriously, this is the first time I've ever actually written something about MJ. It's possible that we could all just shut up and realize that there are many, many child molesters out there. Go ***** about them, please.[/color][/QUOTE] For one, we both agree on the point that no one really cares, nor needs to here about the trial every 5 seconds on TV. We disagree on the point of his childhood. Lots of people have problems, and while your growing up, you're so impressionable and being treated badly molds you in the wrong way and could possibly scar you for life. However, that does not give him the right to do what hes done. Anyone can see that hes had some problems, but who hasn't? Hes doing the same thing that was done to him, scarring young children and just adding to the numbed of fu*ked up people in our world. The kids hes hurt and/or touched could become just another michael jackson down the road. Its proven that those who suffered from this when they were young are likely to do it when they're older. Lots of people sympathize with him, but personally, I can't even bring myself to think of him as anything other then a washed up musician who has way to much money with nothing better to do but sleep with small children.
being 16 its hard for me to state the meaning of life considering I'm not even close being done living it yet, theres much for me to learn and lots of things I'll probably never see. However, I believe the meaning of life is to live it to the fullest. This means being devoted to something, whether its god, your spouse, your children, etc. I think living a life without any devotion is just not worth living. Never showing emotion or letting yourself open up to other people just keeps you isolated and alone. I believe if you live a good life, you treat others well, and love like theres no tomorrow, that you will be rewarded when your life is over, and you'll live on always. Sorry for the cheesyness of this post, but my mother is actually not doing so well, cancer, so I guess its just comforting to think that she'll live on in some way after shes gone. My posts aren't usually so, heartfelt, but oh well.
I fully agree with James on this one, I don't really care whether people do it or not. However, I do believe its unfair to the children they will have, if they decide to. As stated above the chances are great for the child to have several different birth defects and/or diseases from the combination of homozygous chromosomes (incest). However, if I did know of someone acting in asn incestual relationship, I wouldn't call the cops on them or expect anyone else to do so. Its your freedom, to be with who you want, and much worse things happen everyday. So its probably better to focus on things like abusive relationships and such rather then an incestual relationship.
Is homosexuality inherited or learned?
Kamuro replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I believe that it depends on the situation. I do believe that some people are, infact, born gay. I'm not saying that its intirely genetic, but people are different, homosexuality is another difference some people are born with. Some are born with a preference for women, some for men. However, I do believe that in a lot of cases it was learned. My cousin, for example, is a homosexual. His mom actually made him take ballet when he was young, this among other things I believe influenced him with female tendencies. This left him with feelings he couldn't understand and he turned out to be gay. This is just one example of several that could take place to make a person question their sexual preferences and end up becoming a homosexual. People can study and analyze it all they want, point is, if they're not gay then its really none of their business. Homosexuals go through enough torment and such by their peers, they don't need people observing them like experiments trying to determine the why they are the way they are. No one studies straight people to understand why they're straight, why do it to homosexual. Just cause they're different? -
[CENTER][COLOR=Teal][FONT=Book Antiqua]Upgrading is a very important part of FF: Memoirs. Depending on the city each character is able to choose a certain amount of skills to add to their arsenal. Since characters start out basic, its essential to pick the right skills to help you along the way. If a skill is followed by a number then it means that the skill is leveled. Skills begin at level one but as we reach more cities throughout the game you're able to upgrade skills to the next level making them much more powerful. For example, the skill fire allows you to create a small fireball in your hand at level one, but at level 3, you are able to create huge infernos and pillars of fire as you see fit. You may not choose a higher level skill without first learning the lower level. For example, you may not choose Fire2 or 3, without first choosing Fire1 at a previous town. After reaching level 3 of a skill it becomes mastered and you now have the power fulfilled the potential of the skill. Magic upgrades are just that. Upgrades related to the use magic, the elements, the ability to heal, etc. Later magic skills include Barrier, Shotgun, Ultima, etc. Its essential to have some sort of magic if your character is weaker physically. Physical skills are used to push your body to its full potential by using your own aura. Increases of speed, strength, stamina, can all be reached by the learning of physical skills. Special Techniques are skills that fall under neither physical nor magical upgrades. They are techniques used to increase fighting ability. The following are the upgrades for the first city, Hunds. You may choose two of the upgrades chosen below. Remember to include them in your first post in Chapter 2.[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Hunds Upgrades[/CENTER][/B] [B]Magic Upgrades-[/B] -Fire1: the ability to manipulate fire at a basic level. Able to form fireball(s) in your hands and hurl them at enemies. -Lightning1: the ability to manipulate lightning at a basic level. Able shoot small bolts of lightning from hands as well as conduct metal objects. -Ice1: the ability to manipulate ice at a basic level. Able to form small ice shards and hurl them at the enemy. -Regeneration1: the ability to restore a small amount of health. Heals minor scars and wounds when used. [B]Physical Upgrades-[/B] -Weapon Throw: the ability to throw your weapon and have it return to you depending on the distance it is thrown. -Speed Slash1: the ability to swing your weapon incredibly fast for a short amount of time. Less damage, more strikes. -Battle Cry1: the ability to shout loudly as your own sound waves increase your strength for a short amount of time. Strikes do more damage. [B]Special Techniques-[/B] -Multiplication1: the ability to create 2 other incantations of yourself. Creates the illusion that there is three of you, when truly there is only one. -Teleportation1: the ability to teleport instantly from one place to another within a short range.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[CENTER][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Teal][B][SIZE=4]Chapter 2[/SIZE][/B] [B]Aron's Time[/B] "C'mon!" Luna shouted as she ran down a black paved street. She grabbed the hand of her mother and pulled her along quickly. Following close in pursuit was a large red dragon. They darted in and out of running people trying to escape the monster's wrath. The dragon spouted fire from its mouth, reducing a nearby crowd to cinders as they ran. Sweat dripped from Luna's forehead as she and her mother struggled to keep up with the crowd. Luna's eyes scouted the area for a place to hide. She saw an open door at a nearby store and ran towards it. Just before she entered the door her mother fell to the ground. She stopped quickly turning "Mom!" she shouted as the dragon came upon them. A man in the store grabbed her "C'mon, you'll get killed!" he shouted as Luna struggled to reach her mother. "No!" she screamed as the dragon bent down and consumed her mother. It's large teeth crunched the bones loudly as blood squirted in every direction. Tears streamed down Luna's face as she witnessed the instant demise of her mother - - - - - - - [B]Flora Time[/B] Aron walked the streets of Hunds alone. The group had split up, each person was to search for information about Aron's world and the time rip that had occured. They were also expected to upgrade equipment and anything else they chose to do while here. Aron looked around, the streets were incredibly busy. He could tell this was definitely a merchant's town as people scrambled to get items from one place to another. As he walked he found himself at a tavern. [I]It'd be nice to have a quick drink after the long walk here[/I] he thought to himself as he entered. He looked around as he walked to the counter and took a seat. "A beer" he said to the man standing behind the bar. "Coming up" the man spoke quickly and went to retrieve the drink for Aron. Aron's eyes wandered around the bar stopping on a mysterious looking boy sitting all the way at the end. The shadows concealed his face as Aron tried to get a better look. "Heres that beer" said the bartender surprising Aron and bringing him back to reality. "Thanks" he mumbled as he took a sip. His eyes returned to their spot at the end of the bar, he was amazed to find that the boy no longer sat there. Aron looked around the tavern but saw no sign of him. [I]Thats weird[/I] he thought to himself. He shrugged his shoulders and finished his drink. After leaving the tavern he continued to walk through the town. The glimmer of a sword caught Aron's eye as he noticed the blacksmith's shop. He walked over and watched as the man struck hot iron firmly. He entered the store and looked around, all kinds of weapons cluttered the walls. In the corner of the store stood the boy he had seen before. [I]Hey, its him[/I] he thought, and in a blink the boy was gone again. "What??" Aron spoke out loud as the other people in the store turned to him in confusion. He looked around embarrassed and quickly left the store. [I]Who is that boy[/I] he thought to himself as he walked the streets eventually exiting and walking along the path of a nearby forest. He sniffed and smelled the pine of the trees around him. [I]I love that smell[/I] he thought as he leaned up against a large tree pondering the events of the day. He closed his eyes and thought of Luna, however, he was interrupted by a vibrant voice say "To Tresora..." Aron hastily opened his eyes. Standing before him was the mysterious boy he saw before. "Who are you?" Aron asked quickly taking the chance to iterrogate the young man. "What your looking for, its in Tresora..." the boy spoke again. "Tresora? Where's that? What do you mean?" The boy closed his eyes and disappeared from sight leaving Aron alone in the forest. - - - - - - - Our next destination will be the kingdom of Tresora, however, each of you will be posting events that take place in the city for now. Everyone is looking for information on how Aron and the others got to Flora and why they're here. You may interact with each other as well as people of the town as you please. Try not to get in to much trouble though ;) . This is a time for you to explore, interact with each other, as well as begin our new upgrade system. Your upgrading options will be posted at the underground. Each city offers new upgrading options for your character. In Hunds your character is able to choose 2 upgrades from the options posted in the underground. At the beginning of your first post in Chapter 2, please state the upgrades you have chosen. For example...[/CENTER] Aron- Magic Upgrade- (Choice) Physical Upgrade- (Choice) Special Technique- (Choice) [CENTER]You will only have 2 choices in this Chapter so choose them well.[/COLOR][/FONT] [/CENTER]
I actually like this show. Although its another reality show just like the 3204983249843 others on TV, its actually pretty fun to watch. I love to see couples who say "Oh we love each other so much, we never fight. Of course we'll win" and then you see them yelling and cussing at each other after they miss their plane to the next checkpoint. It really shows you how little you know a person until you travel around the world with them in a race with barely any money and mediocre transportation :animeswea
if I was rich, anime and music would be top priorities on my list of things to buy. Music would be first, of course. From buying tons of cd's and such, to buying equipment for myself and my own band. It'd definitely be nice to replace all the crappy stuff we've been having to use forever. As far as anime goes it's incredibly expensive. Going to a place like suncoast will run you dry. Especially if your trying to get a whole series not played on TV. Box sets run into the hundreds and it drives me crazy buying them seperately only being able to see one part at a time. Money would solve this :D
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
Kamuro replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
looks like I get chibi :catgirl: I think your sig and ava say a lot about you. I'm not sure if I'll get this alright but at least I can say that I tried. First, your avatar. I believe it shows your femininity (if thats spelled right). I can't say I know much about Bloom Cosmetics, but its safe to say its not for guys lol. Most of the information I got, however, was from your signature. I'm assuming the picture is you, once again confirming that your a female. The quotes show that you have a sense of humor. Everyone has a serious side, and your's shows in a lot of posts you've made, but the quotes confirm that you have several other sides people have yet to see. I also saw the clubs you belong to. The first being one consisting of people who love Lost Prophets. Well, theres a hint to the music you like lol. Maybe you like lots of band with similar styles of music Taking Back Sunday, The Ataris, etc. Maybe you like all kinds of rock, you just chose this band as one of your favorites. The club after that implies that you, well, love wrist cutters lol. This shows your compassion for others in pain. Maybe its just a turn on or something, but I've read a lot of your threads/posts and your a very compassionate person. Your smart, you have lots to say, and its expressed in your signature on Otaku. This is pure speculation, by the way lol.