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Everything posted by Kamuro

  1. *looks up stupid in the dictionary* wow, she does look freaky Anyway, I heard about this, but didn't really take any note of it. People get abducted all the time, I'm not really sure why some stories get more attention then others. I think its a little bit to much of a coincidence that the one they actually decided to publicize is the one where it was a faked abduction? I mean really, getting cold feet is understandable, but you lose any sympathy I had for you in the first place when you do what she did. Theres so many other options and ways to work through it without kidnapping yourself. And it was so incredibly theatrical. C'mon
  2. I agree. Personally, I'm ready for all this to be over. I couldn't really care less about michael jackson and his sexual preferences. Sometimes its interesting to here about it, but c'mon, enough is enough. You can't turn on the news without seeing that god awful face of his blurring up your screen. Celebrities, although placed upon a pedestal, are no different from us. Yes they have money and what not, but there is much more important things going on in the world then michael jackson's affiliation with little boys. It wouldn't be half as important as it is now if it was just a "normal person", which really urks me. Some people have much more important problems that aren't even being recognized because stupid people feel it necessary to update us every 5 seconds on the events of michael jackson's life. Well, heres an update, no one cares.
  3. The thoughts that circle through my head often are those of the song "Tulips Are Better" by Atreyu. It sounds weird, having song lyrics echo around in your brain all day, you'd think it'd get annoying, but it doesn't bother me. The basis of the song is this. Roses are beautiful, they draw people in, to smell and to touch, but every rose has it thorns. Coming to close causes you to get hurt, and roses end up alone surrounded by the blood of those who came to close. Tulips might not be as pretty as roses, but they have no thorns to hurt those close to them. I relate this to people. Beautiful people are often stuck-up and snobby, especially in HS, where I am now. They draw people to them, and these people are hurt. I remember that in the long run, the rose will be left alone, and I'll be the one surrounded by the scent of others, rather then their spilled blood. It sounds a little morbid, but its comforting, watching people be cocky, and knowing that someday they'll regret every minute of every day they've lived. And the people they've made fun of, rule the world they were once a part of.
  4. [quote name='tzen']i didnt have the energy to read what every one has written here so im just going to say my thoughts: squall in final fantasy 8 .... damn i hate him, bringing shame to the final fantasy games is what he did! :animeangr he with his stupid looks and dumb cloths, i would like to steel is gun blade and chop him in to tiny pieces and hide him away :animesmil why couldent any one at square do that? :animeswea[/quote] You didn't really say why you disliked Squall so much. Apparently he has bad clothes? :animeswea I don't really see what everyone's problem is with Squall. Yeah, his character is kind of dull, but if you've played through the game then you'd know he changes, and the other characters along with him. They mesh together well, and although the game wasn't Square's best endeavor, it was still good. If you can't provide any other reason as to why you dislike Squall other then "he has dumb clothes" then your point is really mute. On the subject of the Gunblade, although it was a unique kind of weapon, it was nice to have something a little different then the stereotypical sword that main characters always use. I doubt one mildly disliked character brought shame to the dynasty of Final Fantasy. Go play the games over again :rolleyes:
  5. [COLOR=Teal][FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER]Aron examined Pralle as he stood there, he always looked so conflicting. Aron new he had some sort of bipolar personality, he often noticed Pralle going back and forth in his mind discussing a decision he was about to make. He didn't exactly know why, but he could just feel another presence when he spoke with Pralle. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but he always tried to distinguish the words as they flew back and forth through Pralle's head, echoing in the darkness. "Who do you think the girl is?" asked Aron out of curiosty. Pralle shrugged his shoulders "I'm not sure, I assume its someone from my past. But as you know, I can't remember." Aron nodded and stared at the lake for a second "Well, what does she like?" Aron asked. Pralle sighed, closing his eyes trying to remember the vision of the girl who often visited him in his dreams. "Shes beautiful, flowing brown hair, soft skin, a little nose, young, but I get the feeling she has an older soul, she wears flattering clothes, showing her incredible figure, I just wish I could see her face." Aron's eyes widened [I]He just described Luna![/I] he thought to himself. An almost perfect description of his life long friend, he didn't know what to do. He decided to keep it from Pralle for the moment, [I]I'll tell him when the time comes[/I] Aron thought. He rose to his feet and patted Pralle on the back "You'll find her, but for now, lets go get some sleep. We're in for a long day tomorrow." Pralle nodded as they turned from the lake and made their way back to camp. [B]The next day...[/B] Aron awoke with a large yawn and looked around as everyone sat and talked around the fire. "How does everyone always get up before me? Geez..." Yuri laughed "You sleep like a rock." Aron rubbed his head yawning once again. Cid smacked him hard on the back "C'mon Aron, we don' got all day ta wait for ya." Aron nodded and got to his feet straightening out his clothes. "Alright everyone, lets go!"[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. everyone defines friend differently, having some stick by you through thick and thin is a nice quality, but it doesn't solely define a friend. Some people stay, just to make themselves feel better, being able to tear you down makes them feel stronger. If someone is treating you badly, then they aren't your friend. Besides, would you really want someone who treats you like crap to stick by you all the time? Even if they do stay, wouldn't it just prolong the misery they cause? My definition of friend is this... -Someone who likes you, and accepts you, for you. If you have to be someone else around them to please them, then they're not really liking you, they're liking the person you're trying to be. You shouldn't have to put on an act to be accepted, being yourself is enough. -Friends do fight sometimes, but there is a line and when its crossed, it should be acknowledged, not just thrown aside cause of "friendship." People change, and someone who could've formerly been your friend, could be an enemy now. Someone who treats you badly doesn't deserve to have your attention. Friendship is mutual. If your the only one making an effort, then its not really worth it. Why should you hang out with someone who makes fun of you all the time despite how well you treat them. -Friends should stick by you through thick and thin. Although this isn't the only quality you should be looking for, it is important. Whats the point of having a friend when they leave everytime you really need them. They should be there, to talk to you, and comfort you when gos wrong. Even when you make mistakes, a friend should be able to love you unconditionally. Even if they don't agree with the decision you've made, they should be honest and tell you, but not just leave you there to deal with things on your own. -Friends should be true to you. Honesty is always the best policy when it comes to friendship. So many friendships are ruined because people lie and talk behind each other's backs. Whats the point of confiding in someone who tells all your most personal thoughts to everyone else. Those are just a few of the things I look for in a friend. Just remember, these millions of people out there, and just because one person doesn't like you, doesn't mean there won't be tons of others who do. You just have to find the right people and try your best to be a nice person so that they'll treat you the same way.
  7. Yes, I agree. Doom 3 is possible the one of the scariest games you'll ever play. The monsters aren't bad looking, despite the obviousness of the game. Its more of the shock factor then the actual game itself. Just walking keeps you on edge, you never know when something will jump out and attack you. As Slipheed stated, playing this game in the dark is utterly terrifying.
  8. [quote name='Silpheed][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][U]Any main characters from any Final Fantasy[/U] Wimp in the beginning and bad-boy at the end, whining the WHOLE way there! I'll have to say that Tidus and Squall were the worst of all FF's main characters, I wanted to shoot them both in the faces seventeen times with a pistol then throw their bodies off of a cliff and into the ocean! They wouldn't shut-up about how the world wasn't right and how they weren't supposed to be there. They almost made both of those games un-playable in my eyes.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] *confused* if we're speaking of FF games then you have to take all of them into consideration, especially since theres so many. Tidus, for instance, is the eptiome of your point. And I agree with you, he sucked lol. But on the topic of Squall, he was always pretty badass. However, he became more outgoing as you played through the game. He opened up to his teammates and showed a side of him not previously seen by gamers, I thought it was pretty good character development. Cloud, arguably the best FF character of all time, completely contradicts your statement. For one, he was always badass. Second, I don't believe I ever heard him "whine" and if he did, it wasn't about the tasks he had to endure. He actually loved the planet and the whole point of the game was to save it. And he did, with a lack of whining on the way there, I might add. Zidane, also another popular FF character, contradicts you as well. He did whine a bit, but he was never made to be badass. Zidane was always playful, full of curiosity with an outgoing personality. Even as events shook his world his attitude stayed basically the same. I chose to mention these characters simply because they're better known then others from earlier FF games. But I believe you'll find that the majority of characters are actually not bad. And after all the games they've mad, of course not every character is going to be a home run, but I think they've done pretty well.
  9. I don't usually like seeing movies created after books. Books are so detailed and intimate its hard to bring that to the movie screen. They always seem to take the best parts out during the transition and its disappointing to see one of your favorite books in a completely different light. However, I heard this movie was pretty good. Since I've read the books I have been weary to see the movie, but I hope to check it out soon.
  10. Well, I think the thread was geared more towards a person style, and what a banner/avatar says about that, rather then an indepth personal profile. Anything beyond that is basically an assumption. What someone thinks about someone else just from their appearence on a forum. Its fun to see if you can actually get the feel for a person who you've never actually met before. I choose you Baron. Your signature contains no text, and I think its better that way. Its an almost abstract signature, why clutter it with random remarks? I think that this signature actually does refer to your personality a bit, and definitely to your style. Its different, your banner is the only one like it in Otaku, and that says something. Your original, and the certain sophistication to the banner definitely relates to your higher standards. All this, is just speculation. Take it as you will. And by the way, I got a new sig pertaining to my RP at the square. Critique it if you'd like.
  11. [COLOR=Teal][FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER]Aron stood next to the divine creature before a large lake. The water gleamed in the moonlight as the creature began to walk across the water. Her feet just barely dampening as she made her way. "Wait" spoke Aron reaching his arm out for her. "You can't leave me alone, p-please not alone." She continued to walk leaving him fallen to his hands and knees upon the cold wet ground. "N-No..." Aron sat up quickly shouting "No" and franticly looking around. Everyone stared at him in confusion. "Whats wrong?" asked Yuri. Aron shook his head "Nothing, sorry." Yuri nodded "Try to rest, we're only stopping here for the night, we'll make our way to Hunds in the morning. Theres plenty of people there, merchants mostly, its always busy with the hustle and bussel of trade." Aron nodded and stood, brushing himself off, he never really liked camping much. "I'm going for a walk, I'll be back soon." Yuri watched closely "Don't go to far, you wouldn't want to get lost." Aron sighed "I know I know." He walked through the quiet forest, the air was cold, the night sky black and cluttered with stars. He gazed up, thinking of home. [I]Wow, its beautiful. The sky was never like this at home, I've never seen so many stars before.[/I] He continued walking until he reached a lake similar to the one in his dream. He sat beside it and layed back watching the sky once again. [I]I wonder if shes ok...[/I] he thought to himself. Visions of home flashed in his mind as he quietly pondered the night sky.[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: There will be a couple more posts until we reach the city of Hunds where we'll begin the second chapter. Feel free to interact with each other or me on the way there if you like. The story is just beginning and it'll be getting good pretty soon.
  12. I was actually semi-interested in this movie. The fighting didn't look bad concerning perviews, trailers, and such. I was afraid it might be another generic "Kung Fu" movie. Theres so many terrible ones that have already been made, I didn't doubt that this one might be the same. Hopefully I'm wrong though, I'm short on money as it is, don't wanna waste it on a crappy movie :animenose
  13. I actually loved this era of gaming, but then again, I loved them all lol. As previously stated, each bit era had something new to offer and build upon gaming. I love to play PS2, XBOX, etc, but I still play SNES all the time. Of course as time passes all these systems will become more and more outdated and gaming will just get better and better.
  14. I actually drive a green Suzuki Esteem. Not really the biggest and most extravagant car you'll find, but we've had it for years and never had any problems with it. It gets good gas mileage and its pretty safe. Not as flashy as a BMW or something, but its a pretty good car.
  15. I actually loved the movie, despite the acting. It feels weird saying that, considering how fk'ed up this movie actually was. But I love watching pretty people scream ;) .
  16. Kamuro

    "Candy Shop"

    *bows and accepts his award* thank you my friend, just posting my POV, definitely contrasted the original idea of this post, but oh well lol. I always do the same, post my opinion :D
  17. Trish Stratus as well, *humps computer* Beautiful and shes actually pretty smart. No more stereotypes, yay :animesmil
  18. Kamuro


    Thats the whole point of this post, I just got tired of being judged and being accused of judging at the same time. Its incredibly stupid and narrow-minded to just assume things about a person, group of people, or even an entire race. Not everyone from that race is the crazy extremist that created the stereotype, we're just normal people. How can you expect me to not judge you when you do the opposite to me, c'mon.
  19. Beautiful, its a bit hard to read the font on top, but other then that, I love it, exactly what I was thinking of when I pictured the banner. Thanks doukeshi. And don't worry about it Momo, things happen :animesmil
  20. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Roland ran as quick as he could after the large horse. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he attempted to catch up with the galloping creature. Pain coursed through his legs as they became weaker and weaker. He closed his eyes [I]n-no they won't take her[/I] he thought to himself. In that moment he felt a shot of pain from his eye. He felt the crest of fury initiating itself and his legs regaining their stamina. He burst into a run after the horse leaving streaks of fire in his wake. He caught up to the horse and reached out for its tail. As his hand just barely grazed the hair it disappeared and Roland fell to the ground with a thud. He got up quickly looking around. [I]What? Where is it?[/I] he thought to himself. [I]I lost her![/I] he screamed in his head. The sound of failure echoed as he stood angrily. He made a fist and swung at a nearby tree, however his knuckles scraped the air and stopped instantly. Roland was confused so he took his other hand and moved it forward slowly. He felt a barrier in front of him and realized that this must what stopped him from catching the man on the horse. [I]Hmph, fools, they think this can stop me?[/I] he spoke to himself with a slight smile. His fist ignited, fire swirling around his fingers and dancing in his palm. He made a tight fist and struck the barrier, all was quiet for the following seconds until a huge explosion occured around the whole of the barrier. It seemed as though peices of glass fell to the ground as the barrier shattered at his feet. It was a little while longer until he reached an encampment full of men who looked like the one that had captured Saturnine. [I]I have to make sure Saturnine is safe before I just rush in[/I] Roland thought to himself. An idea struck him, he'd create a distraction close to the camp and then search for Saturnine when the men left to fine the soruce of the disturbance. He raised his right hand as a large fireball began to form, he threw it far from himself but closer to the encampment so that it would be heard. As it exploded trees fell to the ground and smoke rised through the air. Everyone in the camp rushed to see what had happened as Roland snuck past them and into the camp. He searched a few tents before he found himself in front of a large cabin. He swung open the door and found Saturnine lying on the floor, wrists and ankles tied together tightly, body bare from the waist up. Roland ran to her side and knelt there, examining her bloodied back. He ran his fingers over the gashes and quickly released her from the rope. He sat her up against the wall, examining the rest of her body for injuries. She awoke suddenly screaming and swiping her hands franticly. "Get away from me! Get away from me!" she shouted. Roland took her hands in his and steadied her arms "Saturnine, its me, its ok, I'm here" Roland spoke calmly. Saturnine settled herself and looked at Roland confused "I thought you'd leave me, this is compromising your initial mission isn't it?" she asked quietly. Roland laughed "Yeah, but I decided to make an exception. How are your wounds? Can you heal them?" Saturnine shook her head "They damaged my crest, I tried, but it won't work." Roland examined the bloody crest and stood up straight "Hold still" he spoke as he reached out his right arm. He took a dagger from his belt and reopened the crest of destruction on his right hand. Blood seeped from the ridges and fell to Saturnine's crest. The bloods meshed and ran through the scars of Saturnine's back. Her eyes closed as she felt the power of the crest of empowerment returning to her. Her scars disappeared as she regained her herself. She turned to Roland and saw his bloody hand. She gasped as she ran towards him taking his injuried hand in her's. She attempted to heal the wound but was unable. "Crests don't heal other crests Saturnine, I'll be fine, we have other things to attend to." he spoke firmly as he took his hand from her's. He turned from her and made his way to the door. "Lets go, we have to find the others."[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [COLOR=Teal][FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER]Waves erupted as Albel burst through the water and into the air. Kakashi turned quickly catching a glimpse of Albel's figure in the sunlight. The glare blinded him and he fell to the ground as Albel slide past him quickly striking his stomach. Kakashi grabbed the area checking for a wound and found only a small one, luckily he'd moved just a bit, in the knick of time. He stood up and saw Albel staring at him. "Is that all you've got? C'mon." Kakashi drew his sword ready for battle. "Thats a nice weapon you have there" shouted Albel from across the boat. The blade was small but shined in the sun showing Kakashi's reflection. He began to spin the blade slowly, then faster as he felt the wind increase the speed. Albel watched closely wondering what he was doing. Colors began to flow over the spinning blade catching Albel's attention. As soon as his attention drew from his Kakashi to the spinning blade he struck slicing quickly at Albel's side. Swords clashed and scraped as the two pushed against each other. Albel was surprised at the small mans teachnique, it was quite fast. Kakashi began striking in every direction, trying to find an open spot to insert his sword. Albel moved back and forth fluently almost falling off balance dodging the blade. He jumped back and began to leap from boat to boat once again. However this time, Kakashi followed. They leapt back and forth as swords struck. Waves clashed and flooded the boats as their feet pounded the rotting wood. When they reached the last boat farthest from land they each stopped huffing and puffing wildly. [I]Hes good, but not good enough[/I] Kakashi spoke to himself. He'd trained months for this fight and didn't intend on losing. Albel noted his opponents mind had drifted from the fight and struck quickly. His sword scraped the ridges of Kakashi's small claw. "Huh? Another weapon" spoke Albel surprised. Kakashi began to slash back and forth with both weapons striking Albel's chest. Albel yelled in pain as blood shot from his chest turning his shirt a dark crimson red. Kakashi jumped back still holding his weapons in their striking position. "Give up yet?" he asked as Albel regained his balance.[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. I usually don't eat much, and if I do its not on any kind of schedule. I never eat breakfast, just cause in the morning I'm half-asleep anyway, and don't really care if I'm hungry or not. I usually drink a powerade throughout the day, no lunch or anything, not really compelled to eat it. As for dinner, sometimes I eat it, but usually not. My mom can't cook anymore and my dad, well, he sucks at it. Plus I'm usually still not hungry anyway. So basically I have about a bowl of cereal a day, later in the night when I actually reach the point of hunger.
  23. I have a cat and a dog, and personally, I prefer a dog. Cats are cute and playful when they're young, but my cats is old, and does nothing but eats and sleeps. This leads me to question myself about why I bought a walking waste of space. My dog -plays, cuddles, gives attention, and shows affection ten times more then any cat I've ever seen. And that might seem like a lot, but its not considering most cats just, well, don't care.
  24. Kamuro

    "Candy Shop"

    [quote name='ReFlux][color=darkred][size=1]Excuse me for my assumptions, kakashi. I just disagree at your point in comparing him to a two year old, when I beleive his rhymes a pretty complex and what not[/color'][/size][/quote] Yeah well, if I jumped to a conclusion then you jumped right with me. Anyway, we both had valid arguments so it would be pointless to continue anyhow. Good show though.
  25. I've actually never had a "favorite teacher." Theres some teachers I like more then others, but they're all still teachers, and still, well, annoying. The qualities I look for in a good teacher are usually not the same thing that qualifies them to be a teacher lol. They're supposed to teach us, but personally, reading from a book is boring. If its something important, then I want it to be related to my real life. I want the teacher to relate to me on an equal level and repsect me so I can respect them. I like loose teachers, not so tense all the time. Knows how to have fun and learn, not just teach us mindless skills.
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