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Ok Albel, the thread is up at the square. Check it soon and lets get this thing going :cool:
[CENTER][IMG]http://tinypic.com/4rdwqs[/IMG] [IMG]http://tinypic.com/4rdwro[/IMG] [/CENTER] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Teal][CENTER]Kakashi stood still, his feet pleased to finally be back on solid ground. He'd spent days aboard a rough wooden boat traveling to this very destination. It was rather early in the morning, just a hint of the sun peaked over the ocean showing his tilted shadow on the ground. He breathed comfortably, he always felt safe while wearing his mask. His hands in his pockets as his coat flapped in the wind. His eyes scanned over the hundreds of boats tied together in the water. He felt awkward in the silence of the moment. He heard a sound and turned around quickly, his eyes roaming over the cobblestone street. [I]Hmm, nothing[/I] he thought to himself as he turned back around slowly. And standing there before him was a tall lanky man with a smile on his face. Kakashi jumped back quickly "Albel I presume?" Albel nodded and spoke "Kakashi? I thought you'd be, well, bigger." Kakashi stood up straight "Never judge a book by its cover my friend." Albel gave a quick laugh and jumped high into the air backflipping onto the boat nearest to land. Water splashed as mist from the ocean brushed over his face. "Shall we begin?" he spoke loudly. Kakashi gave a nod and took a stance. Albel laughed "No weapon? This will be even easier then I thought it would." He began to jump back and forth from boat to boat. Kakashi kept his eyes on his target and burst into a run towards the water. He lept towards Albel dropping quickly in front of him. There the two stood face to face, staring each other down. Albel quickly drew his sword and began slashing franticly. Kakashi stepped back swiftly moving his body in an attempt to dodge the blows. [I]Hes quick[/I] he thought to himself as he nearly avoided the sword drawing his own in a fluent movement. Albel got a glare from the blade and quickly jumped back to the other end of the boat. The cloth of sword flapped in the wind as Kakashi stared down his opponent. Each fighter took a stance and stared down the other as the boat rocked on the quiet water.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Your turn Albel.
[COLOR=Teal][FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER]There Aron sat, on the cold ground in his cell. [I]What have I gotten myself into?[/I] he thought to himself. He looked around, contemplating escape. [I]No, even if I could get out, I can't just leave everyone here[/I] he sighed. Just then he heard the clanking of armor walking towards his cell. He stood up quickly and brushed himself off. There before him stood the very large knight that had captured him before. "You, come with me, and don't try anything funny." Aron winked at him jokingly and began to follow him down a long hallway. At the end of it was a large door which opened as soon as they reached it. Yuri sat at a desk inside, his fingers laced and in front of his face. The large man walked from the room and closed the door with a loud thud. Aron stood silently, looking Yuri up and down. He realized Yuri wasn't just another soilder, and he was obviously smarter then the men working under him. "Sit please" he spoke to Aron in a calm voice. Aron said nothing but made his way to the chair in front of Yuri's desk and sat. "I've talked to everyone from your group, and it seems that you're the man behind all of this" Yuri spoke, still calm and collected. Aron looked at him confused "Behind all of what? We havn't done anything wrong. And by the way, I don't appreciate being treated like a common criminal and chased through the streets. And another thing..." Yuri broke off the rant "Calm down Aron, I know your not from around here." Aron stared "How do you know my name?" Yuri sighed and spoke "I don't know much, but what I've gathered is that a rip in time has been created that connects our world with yours. I've sent my men to investigate but they've found nothing. For now you'll have to stay here, everything seems a bit fishy to me, and I'm not sure quite yet if its in my best interest to let you all go. You will return to your cell and await my decision as the others have." Yuri began to walk from the room as Aron leapt up and spoke "Wait! I have questions, whats happening? You know more then your telling me." Yuri said nothing and exited the room. Aron ran to the door but it closed almost instantly. He pounded on it yelling for Yuri to come back. Just then he felt something hit him in the back of the head and he fell to the floor. Aron woke up on the floor of his cell. He sat up and felt his head. [I]Feels like I was hit by a truck.[/I] He looked around and saw no one. [I]Guess all I can do is wait...[/I] [/CENTER] [/FONT] [/COLOR] OOC: Kairi next. Lyuann isn't participating at the moment.
Yeah, its probably a rumor, as stated above, DOA never really had much of a story. It'd probably look stupid trying to conform the game to some farfetched story so that it can be made into a movie. However, I'd love to see the fight scenes and such. How awesome would it be to see hot girls in skimpy clothes busting each other through walls and stuff?
I think its funny how short people count halfs. I always just say 5'8 or 5'9, but lots of girls say "oh, I'm 5'2 and a half ;) " Of course this makes no difference whatsoever, I just think its kind of funny. :rolleyes:
Yes, I hadn't even remembered hate crimes. Its nice to see other nationalities mentioned. Thank you Chabichou :animesmil . As for hate crimes, I believe that they are completely unnecessary. How can people possible try to live equally when there is laws based solely on a person's race. Crimes should be punishable equally. When a black person kills a white person, for whatever reason, its not considered a hate crime. Now if a white person kills a black person, then theres always that speculation of whether or not it was because of the person's race. I mean how stupid is that? Who cares what the reason is, they deserve an equal punishment (excluding other factors). It completely contradicts the constitution. We are not all equal in society when members of a certain race have special privelages. This law and some others don't neglect a person's race, they practically point it out.
Well, considering ^.^ was the one who compared 50 to a 2 year old, I didn't really think it was a fair assumtion. [quote name='^.^][Color=DarkBlue][Size=1]Gah, the beat I will admit is good, but even a two year old can rhyme his words. Just because it rhymes, doesn't make it worth while. I mean, it's like Xyander and x kakashi x pointed out. No one cares that 50 Cent can get hoes. If we cared, we'd send the paparazi after him.[/size'][/color][/quote] And your correct, the song is definitely geared towards sex. Of course, thats just the reason I don't like it. The song is just so basic. No matter how complicated the rhymes are, as cheesy they may be, its still a simple POV about a simple subject. The song just has no depth. Like I said before, if you want something to dance to, then this is what you want. But if your looking for something other then that, you just won't find it here.
[FONT=Garamond][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER][B]Chapter 2[/B] "Theres no need to look for me" Roland spoke as he joined Ashem, Phoenix, and Saturnine in the large room. Each of them looked over quickly, surprised that he had been watching. "Hmph, I thought I heard something" Phoenix said, patting himself on the back. Saturnine bowed as Ashem stood quiet. Roland began to look each person up and down taking note of the crests they had chosen. He rose his head and spoke "There will be no fighting between us. As of now, we will work together to accomplish our goal and destroy Chaos. I will not stand for any civil war between us, and you will be killed if I believe you are compromising our initial goal." All was silent except for a mumbled "Hmph" by Phoenix. Roland shot a glance in his direction "When I say we, I mean you as well Phoenix. I fulfilled my part of our deal and you will do the same." Phoenix turned and began walking to his room "I'll be ready to go tomorrow." Roland nodded and turned to his other teammates. "I expect both of you to be ready tomorrow as well, the others should be here soon." Saturnine and Ashem nodded as they walked off. Roland sighed and returned to his room for the night. Roland awoke the next morning eager to begin his journey. He sat up and began his preparations. When he walked out from his room Juren ran to him hurridly. "I have some bad news sir. Only four of our six have returned. Zhuge and Kyss have failed to find Godo and have been killed accordingly. Azalea returned late last night after the other three had gone to their rooms." Roland put his hand to his chin and pondered. "Must they have been killed Juren?" Juren nodded "Yes sir, we would've let them go but they could leak information about our attack on Chaos. We'd lose our element of surprise." Roland sighed "Yes yes, I guess it needed to be done. However, we must press on, tell the others to meet me in the dining room." Juren nodded and ran away quickly. Roland sat at the head of the table as each of his companions walked in and took a seat. Roland laced his fingers in front of his face and spoke "Today we begin our journey to the fortress of Chaos. Each of you has been informed on the powers of your crests and should be able to tap into their powers whenever you choose. Each of you who chose the dragon crest have selected a dragon and may now call on it whenever you see fit. There are certain places where dragons are unable to go, but we shouldn't encounter any problems like that until later in our journey. I expect that you've all prepared yourselves adequately and we will be leaving shortly." The group left town afoot. The few horses kept at the stable were worn out from their previous journeys. Roland was aware of Phoenix's horse but assumed he'd like to keep it from the others for now. Roland watched the surroundings closely as Inferno strode quietly close to them through the forest. Although the day was bright and sunny, under the cover of the trees everything seemed dark. Shadows clouded around them obstructing their longer vision. Far into the forest they reached a junction. The initial path seperated into several others going in all different directions. They stopped and looked to Roland for direction. Just then a masked man dropped from a tree and grabbed Saturnine. He simply touched her shoulder and she fainted in his arms. He jumped and boarded a horse that looked as though it appeared from nowhere. "Stop!" shouted Roland as he threw his scythe in an attempt to down the horse. Just before the weapon reached its target it fell to the ground. "Damn, a barrier. You guys keep going, take the north path. I'll get Saturnine and we'll meet back up with you." Before anyone could object Roland took off after the horse. Ashem, Azalea and Phoenix stood quietly. "Guess we better get going." said Ashem quietly as he began to walk down the path leading north. Azalea and Phoenix followed shortly after. - - - - - - - - There will be no specific posting order. We'll all be posting in accordance to the story. Ashem, Azalea, and Phoenix may interact however you guys choose, or even be split up themselves. For now, I won't mention our next destination, just remember that we're in an almost never-ending forest and anything can happen. However, we'll all end up in the same place eventually, so don't worry. And don't be afraid to have fun. Theres lots of freedom in this part of the story, and you have to make it to Chaos' fortress by any means.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Jian and Skye had to be removed for personal reasons, everything will still work out well though.
this is my point, you'd think if their life was so hard and wore them down so much, they'd want to forget about it and just move on. However, this isn't the case, they continually bring it up over and over again blaming mistakes they've recently made on their past or even their ancestry. I mean c'mon, a lot of these people didn't grow up in the streets, most of the black people at my school live down the street and have since they were yonug. Yet they still feel the need to bring up their "rough past" as an excuse for whatever is going on in their life. Rappers do the same, a lot of them anyway. Continually bring up how hard their life was, when its been proven that half of them didn't have the hard life they claim to have had. Its all an image for the general public to eat up. In another post in the "Music, Movies, etc" forum I we're discussing 50 Cent, and someone claimed that he must be talented, hes number one on the charts. Well, that means nothing. It really has nothing to do with true musical talent. If their life was so hard, why re-live it in every song you sing? Just move on for god sakes.
well, I don't think the gay people in the forum thought they had to advertise their sexual preference. I'm a guy and I'm straight, but I don't put it in my signature or anything. Maybe we should make a seperate art sub-forum for the making of gay banners and avatars? Sorry if I sound a bit harsh, but really, whats the point of this thread? We don't have enough gay threads for you? :animenose
I'd feel prety bad to if I had to pay a computer technician $90 an hour to fix my computer. It wouldn't surprise me if they made the viruses themselves and sent them out. The more problems for other people, the more money for them. I'm so diabolical :D
Well, there wasn't really a question to this post, but yeah, spyware and such is definitely a problem. It seems to bother me no matter what program I download to try and block it out. Some people just sit at home all day creating viruses and ways to get past firewalls. Its pretty annoying, but you should be use to it by now.
I'm about 5'8 or so, wish I was taller :animesigh
You didn't really conflict most of my points :animestun , you just kind of commented on them. Referring to America, theres been plenty of number ones that suck, point is, how they look on the chart has nothing to do with the actual music. Theres plenty of amazing musicians that aren't even recognized by these charts because of their lack of popularity. Just because theres a girl in the song, doesn't mean she speaks for all women everywhere, Lil' Kim disproves that greatly. Sure, some girls like to think of it like that, but the majority, don't. Point is, most people would rather think of sex as an act of love then a rodeo. I mean c'mon, its so cheesy man. I wasn't trying to school you on Blink 182, you brought them up remember, not me. But as I said before, the music is completely different and can't really be compared. I basically said that I don't like this kind of rap because of its lack of feeling. Theres plenty of rap that actually has something to it, I would even call it inspiring. Stuff like Nas, hes had a hard life, but it isn't mentioned in every song he sings. And I've heard a great majority of 50's songs and its all basically the same ideas with a different beat. No one really commented on the lyrics I posted, cause well, its true. They are repetative and it just gets old. I have a friend sitting next to me right now who loves rap and he hates the song. Guess its just a matter of personal preference when it comes rap. Lastly, the owning comment was because I was angry at the assumtion you made. That I havn't really listened to 50's stuff. I mean, you have no idea so how can you say that I havn't heard it. Why would I be posting in a thread about 50 cent if I havn't heard any of the songs? It wouldn't make sense.
I've had some pretty weird dreams, which is scary because a lot of people believe that dreams foreshadow something thats going to happen in your life. I've never actually seen a specific relation, but I'm thinking I probably missed a lot of the similarities. I recently had a dream about walking through a forest with lots of monkeys. Yeah, sounds weird, funny part is, I've always wanted a monkey. You know, as a pet or something. They were doing their little "eek" noises at me and I was kind of scared. I ran into a random house in the middle of the forest and found a guy sitting in a chair. I'm not quite sure what he said but a monkey was sitting on his shoulder, so this = not good news. He did a loud "eek" and I was attacked by rampaging monkeys. I woke up from the dream and instantly took a shower. I felt, idk, weird or dirty or something. Its weird how dreams can do that to you. You know its not real but it influences you in reality.
[QUOTE=ReFlux][color=darkred][size=1]I agree with Genkai, "Candy Shop" is a triumphant Rap song. I mean, It was the number one song in America from some time, but other than that, it does take Rap in a slightly different direction, using Blues Age metaphors and equal-standing take on sexuality, its pretty refreshening in the genre as it grows more and more monotonous with most of its main-stream artists. (Don't get me wrong, I love rap, mainstream aswell, but some of the stuff out is getting boring.) "Candy Shop", musically, is pretty good too, not the best, but I like it. I prefer "On Fire" to "Candy Shop" any day. But its still a great song. I love it. Oh, and x kakashi x, the song doesn't talk about 'hoes' or 'b*thces' at all. And what else can rich rappers rap about other than their life style? The News? I don't think so. And come on, there are gobs of songs out there that are not about rap that revolve around sex, or have sexual messages. Example, Blink 182 "Push it out, fake a smile, avert disaster, just in time..." Come on! We all know what that means. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] geez, here we go... [B]1-[/B]It was the number one song in America, just proving the amazing amount of stupid people that populate our country. Just because its at the top of a chart showing album sales, doesn't mean its good. Personally, if I had the money I'd buy it just so I could light it "On Fire" and watch it burn to the ground. I'd rather listen to the crackling sound then half the songs on this cd. [B]2-[/B]I've heard more complaints from girls about this song than compliments. Singing about girls as sexual toys is quite the insult, to most girls anyway. Calling it "equal-standing" is just bringing girls to the lower level of 50 Cent's lyrics. Sure, maybe its "equal-standing" but its equally low. [B]3-[/B]Hes not talking about bit*hes and hoes? Who do you think these girls are hes talking about? What is your definition of "hoe" anyway? I don't think you need mine, you can just read the song lyrics right? [B]4-[/B]Not only are the lyrics unmeaningful and cheesy, they're repetative. [I]"Wanna show me how you work it baby, no problem Get on top then get to bouncing round like a low rider"[/I] And in the very next verse... [I]"Give it to me baby, nice and slow Climb on top, ride like you in the rodeo"[/I] According to 50, shes already on top isn't she? Oh well, point is hes saying the same thing over and over again in different words. Guess it was hard to write a whole song completely based on sex and the degradation of females as we formally knew them. [B]5-[/B]Comparing Blink 182 to 50 Cent is comparing apples and oranges. The only similarity between them is the numbers in their names. A lot of Blink 182's songs are jokes, meant to make you laugh and/or joke around about sex. 50 Cent actually talks seriously and acts badass while he talks about a girl licking his lollipop. How many girls do you know that would sexually pleasure you if you walked into a room and asked them to "ride you like you at a rodeo" (excuse 50's horrible grammar). Also, tons of Blink 182's actually have something behind them. Even if they seem to be stupid, we have no idea as to the actual meaning of the words. A majority of 50's songs are based around the same things. Hoes, money, his "tough life", parties, etc. If your looking for a beat, sure, listen to his music, if your looking for anything else actually relating to musical talent, then listen to something else. [B]6-[/B]I always have to say this over and over again. [B]Do not assume[/B]. "Please don't compare 50 Cent to a two year old until you listen to his CDs" How do you know we havn't listened to his CD's, heres a rude awakening my friend, I have. Don't just assume because we don't like it, that we havn't heard it. You have absolutely no idea what we've heard and can't just discount our opinions to make your own look better. [B]Conclusion-[/B]I believe you've been owned.
Children That Are Smarter Than Their Parents
Kamuro replied to Sinistra's topic in General Discussion
My point was, if you put me and my parents out into the world with the same amount of cash, they'd do better. They have more people skills, more experience in the work place, more knowledge of the world. I'd be lost without the stable environment they provide for me. I think its easier for kids to sit back and say how smart they are while they're in the house they don't pay for, typing on the computer they didn't buy, and sitting in the chair thats not their's. An environment that has been the same or close to it for years. How could they compare themselves to someone whos been out in the world and had to deal with real life problems, such as money. When I say this, I'm referring to the economic and living standpoint. Some people might have gone through a lot more then an average teenager has, I know I have, but that doesn't make us any more talented or special in the real world. -
I agree with your SunfallE about religious relationships. I've actually had someone completely stop talking to me because I told them I was an athiest. Its terrible to think what could've been and that it was ruined because I had different beliefs then her. But it drives me crazy when someone trys to conform you to their religion. Not only in religious relationships, but life as well. I mean, you can have whatever religion you want, but you don't need to advertise it and you don't need to press it on me. Shirts that say "I Love God" are just not needed, I don't walk around with a shirt on that says "I Have No Religion." However, after seeing shirts that promote religion, I'm compelled to buy one that says "I Don't Care." Feeling pressured is one of the worst feelings in the world, especially in relationships. It makes you defensive and irrational. As for blood type, I don't know mine either. Which is what I said in my other post, how often does this truly come into play? Never.
I don't fear much really, even if you are scared, I think its better to just suck it up and fight your fears. I mean, fears kind of get in the way of living life to its fullest. If theres something you really want to do, then you shouldn't let something or someone stand in your way. Being alone is a fear thats hard to fight, and its one of mine. I always try though, and theres no way I'll go down any other way then fighting.
America has always had its own way of doing things, the US is a melting pot of all different kinds of people and a mixture between them made us the way we are today. Even if I found metric measurements easier, its just not the same you know? And why does it matter anyway what side of the road you drive on? Your still going to the same place, just a different method of getting there. As for showers and/or bathrooms, I've always wanted one of those lavish bathrooms you see on cribs. With the walk in showers and TV's everywhere. Marble floors and water jets everywhere, like its raining, but inside :animeswea . A lot of the time the toilet and shower are still in the bathroom, but seperated, which solves our other problem, privacy, and its right where you need it.
I'm looking for a banner and avatar to go with my FF RP some of you might have seen in the Arena. I'd like it to have my character on it [CENTER][URL=http://tinypic.com/4qms9g]Aron[/URL] [URL=http://tinypic.com/4qmsgh]Aron2[/URL] [URL=http://tinypic.com/4qmskx]Aron3[/URL] [URL=http://tinypic.com/4qmsnl]Aron4[/URL][/CENTER] I'd also like either 1 picture to be on each side of the banner or one picture placed in the middle (or close to it). I was thinking 1 on each side might look a bit better, as far as the whole FF look goes. I'd like the text to be "I was frozen in time, but I feel as if my time is just beginning..." going across the bottom of the banner. I like a fancy sort of text, not messy. Similar to the current text on Kairi's banner, for example. The color scheme can be what you choose, I was thinking more of a blue. I think it sort of helps to immulate the feeling. I'd just like the avatar to match the banner, whatever you choose to do. I'm accepting any and all of your creations, just because you see someone has already posted, don't be afraid to post your own :p . Thanks.
I wouldn't classify myself as a rap hater, but, I would classify myself as a hater of this song. Although the beat is catchy, the lyrics have little to no meaning at all. If you want the beat, just take the words out. Other then that, its terrible. No one cares about 50 cent, his lavish lifestyle and his "hoes." I don't wanna hear about him licking lollipops or anything for that matter. I actually don't mind rap with something to listen to, but this is horrible and creates the many stereotypes related with rap already.
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
Kamuro replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
I havn't read all the posts in this thread so that I can still post and generalize about sigs that have already been talked about. Quincy Archer I love your sig/ava combination. It shows you have a flare for drawing. Its simple, no colors, yet the subject of each is detailed making it a good combination. It shows you like Bleach, of course, which can give other clues as to what your into. Maybe you like the character styles of Bleach, or even the drawing style. Maybe I read a bit much into the drawing, but its really a work of art. -
a girl's chest? talk about opinionated lol. Some people like big, and some small, I don't really think it affects popularity. Most of the popular girls I know are petite and little. Bigger chests might attract more attention from guys in particular, but not people in general, and not exactly the attention your looking for. The basic problem is that people are divided into groups. Fissures are made between friends and people of the school in general and people assume things. You can look at someone from a certain group and presume something without even knowing the person. Its stupid.