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Everything posted by Kamuro

  1. Kamuro


    of course tetris was rated high in competition, its old school, people love and respect all the old games, mario, contra, metroid, all classics that people still love. And you can love it as much as you want, but that doesn't make it a worth while game. Its addicting at first, as I said before, but its the same thing over and over again. Back then it was the thing because they had nothing better. But with all the gaming advances we've made theres just no reason to sit down and play tetris, it has become obsolete. Now I'm not referring to all older games when I say this. I love mario and I still play it all the time, but at least theres a plot for god sakes, tetris is just random block placement, c'mon.
  2. I choose bowser, I'm not really a big fan of the silent hill series, and bowser is classic. Hes been a villain for years and hes one of the best. No matter how stupid, how slow, how tedious he becomes, people still seem to like him. Guess he just has staying power?
  3. The definitely lost its touch, or whatever you want to call it. I was never really "amazed" by the simpsons like a lot of people were. Sure, some of the ieas were pretty funny, and the show was alright. I think a lot of people were just surprised of the language/content that the simpsons put on TV so they made it a guilty pleasure by watching it even though their parents wouldn't want them to. I don't ever remember the simpsons being witty lol. Maybe its been awhile, and if it was witty it certantly isn't now. I don't really think theres a point in watching it anymore, if you want a witty but still funny show check out family guy, if your looking for a bad-mouthed guilty pleasure then watch south park. Its just not intriguing in the least. The only people that really make it a point to watch the the show are the hardcore simpsons fans, who I'm sure will lash out at me for my previous comments, but oh well. :p
  4. Kamuro


    wow, Buffy...what a terrible show lol. How generic can you get, a teen fighting demons/monsters and dealing with school and her own life problems at the same time. If you read that without knowing we were talking about Buffy 20 other TV shows could've popped into your head. I mean c'mon, I've seen people ngrossed in this show and it just shows me that they have nothing better to do, and apparently nothing better to watch. If you actually take a step back and look at the show, you'll see just how predictable and cheesy it really is. A lot of the acting is pretty bad as well, it just seems so incredibly obvious and its definitely not a worthwhile show. After they run out of ideas they just begin to bring certain characters back and replay some of the same problems they had before in the show. Sorry to burst your bubble. :animeswea
  5. I'm eager to see what other people will post under this thread, since theres a lot of different people here with a lot of different opinions. Myself, an athiest, couldn't really tell you the meaning of life. Since I don't believe in god I can't refer to him or why he created us. And if he did, it seems we're some sort of amusement for him. "People are doing well, eh? Lets throw some cancer down there and see what happens." Its terrible to think of it that way, but can anyone prove it wrong? No. Truth is no one knows why we're here, so this thread will probably cause lots of opinionated bickering, which is always fun.
  6. [QUOTE=Godelsensei]The one thing I really can't stand about the high-school environment is the fact that I get stuck sharing a classroom with abrasively stupid people. Art class is always a perfect example of this: it's hard to get anywhere when most people's only ability to critique is, "I hate it it is so ugly you're gay." Also, I used the word "barbaric" to describe the way a figure was portrayed in an anti-fur-garments piece, and the whole class started laughing, because they were reminded of "Dave the Barbarian."[/QUOTE] maybe its just me, but that seemed a bit stuck up? I understand because I have shared classes with people who well, aren't smart, but you can't expect to critique someone elses art and not expect them to the same to your's. So you used a longer word, did you really give a more detailed critique then the other person? No, they said they hated your's and you said you didn't like their's. Neither of you provided any information on how to better each others work in some way. The whole idea seems stuck-up, are you better then someone else because you use the word "barbaric" while critiqing art? And if these people are really "stupid", or your just smarter then them, then why did you take it upon yourself to critique their artwork, figured it would suck, since they're stupid right? Sorry if it seems like I'm bashing on you, I love having intelligent conversations and critiqing good artwork as much as the next guy. But because someone seems to be stupid, doesn't mean that they are, and life is hard enough without people thinking that they're better then you when they really have no idea what kind of person you are.
  7. five year olds of course do have some sense of right and wrong, theres a reason that we've chosen to start them at school during this time in their lives. However, children are still children, and when feeling overwhelmed they do lash out and they do throw tantrums. The point is, its natural, and it happens. However, the crime didn't fit the punishment, not at all. Anyone with even a small bit of common sense knows that you don't put a five your old in handcuffs, especially when theres so many other ways the situation could've been taken care of. Anyway, the mother is sueing so I assume she'll get more then enough money to make her daughter feel better.
  8. lol, I wasn't referring to the show, I was referring to the way she treated her boyfriend, or if we're speaking of her sucking, maybe I should mention the actual physical things she sucked? which I won't do since thats nasty, and I'm nice :p . To answer NPC's question, I think she did some modeling, but not as much as people assume she would've done after winning on the show. Shes actually the kind of person who would do surreal life anyway even if she didn't need the money, just cause shes quarky and horny.
  9. well, this post is kind of unexpected lol, but if I absolutely have to use a stall, its usually the one on the very end, the handicap one lol. Plenty of space and privacy. I pretty much never go to the bathroom in a public place though, even if its just to pee. Its just so dirty, and your surrounded by other people, I mean c'mon, you don't even know these people and your whipping it out in front of them so you can go to the bathroom, sometimes its not even worth it to me
  10. don't worry about it retribution, as I said in my first post, a lot of people were sort of one-sided about the issue because the first post was one-sided. A lot of important information was left out and its hard to make an informed conclusion without having all the facts. No need to defend yourself, I don't mean to pick you out, just an example. As for the emotional comment, its very true. I mean, her life seemed to be hard enough already, and something like this could dramatically effect her. At such a young age its hard to imagine being arrested. I'm 16 and have never seriously talked to a police officer let alone be arrested. Shes got a long hard life ahead of her and the last thing she needs is this unnecessary roughness. She shouldn't have thrown the tantrum, but you have to take her age into account. Shes five, and all five year olds do it, even more so when they have problems like this one. And although it was a big mess, it could've been handled much differently.
  11. yay, I was waiting for panda to post, its nice to have a sort of motherly opinion on these things, sorry for the analogy if that offends you, but its nice to know that someone who is actually really informed on the opinion has something to say about it, and luckily panda feels the same way I do *hugs* lol
  12. I'm embarrassed to say that I've never been anywhere. I live in maryland on the east coast of the us and and I've never been more then about 5-6 states away. Farthest is about florida, which was nice, but I wasn't there long and I had to drive. I'm not much of a "hot weather" person anyway, so it wasn't really enjoyable. I love the snow, and I'd like to go some place cold. Other then that I'd really like to go to japan, some place in europe, or something like that. I long to leave this place and travel the world, but my family is really tight on money, so its hard for us to go anywhere. Hopefully I'll be able to visit these places when I get my own place, a job, etc. Doubtful though :animesigh
  13. I didn't really read all the posts in this thread, but I assume young people posted it sucks and older people posted that it was important. And well, I'm 16, and I'm in the middle. I know everything I'm learning in high school is important, but personally, I can't remember anything I learned last year lol. I can't imagine actually using most of the skills I learned in high school in real life. I actually learn more from the personal interaction with people rather then the actually readign and writing. I learn from my friends as well as teachers who actually make it their job to not only teach a subject, but apply it to you and your life. Its sad because a lot of people just teach to teach and aren't really passionate about it, which makes school really not worth going to.
  14. Before I ever heard anything about this guy, I saw him on TV. I didn't know his personality, likes, advocations, etc, and I didn't like him. I got a bad vibe from his stance to his untrue face and eyes. And after hearing everything people have said, it just confirms my suspicions. He is against basically everything. And as someone said before, thats not freedom, how could you live freely while having to refer to a book/preist every 5 secs to see if what your doing is ok. Popes are supposed to be people you can trust, and its proven time and time again that they're just as untrustworthy, maybe even more, then a normal person. Advocate of god, a joke. However, I don't believe the choice of a new pope will directly influence my life at all, in any way. He won't be telling me what to do, and I won't be abiding by his unrealistic way of living life. I just felt it necessary for me to post a somewhat different opinion of the "Oh so holy" pope, or even popes in general.
  15. yeah, this is a hard question to answer, mostly because it deals with peoples' personal feelings. Everyone has theory's and/or ideas of how to find the right person for you, but in my opinion I think it kind of gets in the way. People spend so much time wondering if the person they're with is the right person when they should actually be spending time with them. I think its a feeling that you get, you just know that the person is right for you. You have to have a huge amount of trust and love for the person and if you invest all your time in the relationship then by the time you decide to propose you should be sure enough to make the decision.
  16. there is so many insane things people look for when they're searching for a mate, but blood type is definitely one of the most farfetched. I mean c'mon, how often does a person's blood type actually come in play during a relationship? Unless someone needs a transplant or something its really irrelevant to the actual relationship. Its crazy to think that people can actually make a life-changing decision based on a characteristic that really makes no difference.
  17. I hate posts like this, if your going to post a story don't just post a one-sided veiw with half-a*s information. Even if it happened the way it was originally told, the girl could've easily been removed without having to be cuffed and locked-up. I mean c'mon, did anyone even bother to try to talk to her rather then send her to someone else, from home, to her teacher, to her principal, to the cops without anyone to even talk to. Have some sympathy, we've all been annoyed by kids like this, but this could scar the girl for life just for throwing a temper tantrum which I doubt any of you could say you've never done. As for the post, next time you decide to post a story, make sure you include all the facts so people don't just randomly post agreeing with you and then end up regreting what they've said due to facts that weren't represented in the original post.
  18. I have no issue with breast feeding, but I don't agree with doing it in public as many have said. Whether they choose to do it or not is their own opinion but doing it in front of either people is imposing their decision on others. I couldn't really care less what they choose to do but when they whip it out in front of me and start feeding their baby then it becomes a problem. No one wants to see your breasts for your baby feeding from them, so do it at home.
  19. well, I choose ThatOneOddDude, your sig tells me some things about you, not much however. You like video games is probably the obvious choice here, but the specific characters on the sig gives me a little more in depth information. Each character on the sig is a shooting character, maybe you like shooting stuff lol. Metroid is an old school game remade new school, maybe you liked it a lot and think it should be done more often. You like Master Cheif, as do many others, so not much to say there. Other then the video game angle, however, I don't believe theses much to gain conerning your actual personality, which could be a problem or a blessing epending on your POV.
  20. [COLOR=Teal][FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER][B]List of Participants[/B][/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER][COLOR=Teal]x kakashi x as Aron Burrow Sakura as Azalea Sinclaire Kairi as Yuri Rein Reiku as Kira Mayaoko Anarchy as Garrek Flynt Xy GGu as Jumo Laretime Lyuann as Electra Raze Meggido as Pralle Stein Kitty as Rin Maida Heartless Me as Chase Dingum[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT] [COLOR=Teal][FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER]Thanks to everyone who posted, your interest is appreciated.[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [CENTER][IMG]http://tinypic.com/4j2xkp[/IMG] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://tinypic.com/4kenex[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Teal][FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER][B]List of Participants[/B][/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER][COLOR=Teal]x kakashi x as Aron Burrow Sakura as Azalea Sinclaire Kairi as Yuri Rein Reiku as Kira Mayaoko Anarchy as Garrek Flynt Xy GGu as Jumo Laretime Lyuann as Electra Raze Meggido as Pralle Stein Kitty as Rin Maida Heartless Me as Chase Dingum[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Teal]Final Fantasy: Memoirs has just begun in the Adventure Square. In this underground post I'll be summarizing the story after each chapter, giving information about upgrading, and answering any questions people have about the RP. I'll begin by explaining the upgrading. As the story progresses the characters will be visiting several cities and towns along the way to find Aron and the others a way home. At certain towns character will be able to upgrade certain skills. Examples being the upgrading of a weapon, new spells, new special abilities, etc. Weapons can be modified as well as aquired at these towns, however there is a limit to the number of weapons you may use. Spells increase in power and/or range depending on the town we're in. The first town that allows upgrades will only give the use of basic spells while the ones later in the RP will offer much more powerful spells. The same goes for abilities. These three aren't the only upgrades available but the others are a secret until I decide to make them available ;) . I'll also be keeping everyone updated on people leaving the RP. Hopefully everyone involved will stay involved but I understand theres more important things and won't hold it against you if you have to step down.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [CENTER][IMG]http://tinypic.com/4j2xkp[/IMG] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://tinypic.com/4kenex[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR=Teal][FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER][B]List of Participants[/B][/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Book Antiqua][CENTER][COLOR=Teal]x kakashi x as Aron Burrow Sakura as Azalea Sinclaire Kairi as Yuri Rein Reiku as Kira Mayaoko Anarchy as Garrek Flynt Xy GGu as Jumo Laretime Lyuann as Electra Raze Meggido as Pralle Stein Kitty as Rin Maida Heartless Me as Chase Dingum[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Teal][CENTER]? ? ? ? ?[/CENTER] [CENTER]There Aron knelt once again before the beautiful angel. She floated lightly before him, her hand caressing his face. He reached out and took her hand in his. "Who are you..." he asked slowly as he observed the creature. She just stared back and said "It has begun..." With that Aron sat up suddenly in his bed. He looked around expecting to see his own room but finding himself asleep at the inn in Adrae. He sighed as he got dressed and made his way downstairs. Waiting for him was the 8 companions he had met the day before. Some were looking for a way home as he was while others decided to join him for reasons of their own. Each person was wearing the same clothes they wore the day before and looked as if they hadn't gotten much sleep. Aron walked up and asked "Everyone sleep well?" They just looked at him and mumbled under their breath knowing he knew the answer to the question. "Well, before we leave Adrae we should probably prepare equipment and stuff, not sure how far it is to the next city." Garrek took a map from his pocket and looked it over "Depending on the route we take its about 5 miles to the city of Hunds. A small city occupied by traders and merchants mostly. We might find something there." Aron looked at him surprised, he had no idea of the several skills each of his companions had. "Well, with no horses it will take a while on foot, we should make sure to get prepared." Everyone nodded and they left the inn. The sun beat down on Aron's face as he covered his eyes. They all stood on the main street of Adrae and looked in each direction pondering where to go. Before they could decide they were encountered by 3 men on horses. They wore heavy armor and bore a sword at their wastes. The largest of the men spoke "We, the Knights of Adrae, have been ordered to place each of you under arrest and place you in the dungeon of the Great Castle of Adrae." Aron spoke up "For what? We havn't done anything?" The large man's voice thundered "You will do as you are told and follow us now!" Aron looked at his companions and each of them nodded. In a flash they were running down the street in the opposite direction. "After them!" the man shouted. The horses burst into a run in pursuit of Aron and his team. "We have to slow them down" Aron said as he huffed and puffed. Chase jumped from the ground throwing small daggers at the men in pursuit. Each one was deflected by the large armor and only made the men angrier. Aron quickly turned the corner followed by everyone else. They took another turn into an alley and ran to the end stopping abruptly. Aron breathed hard as he spoke "I think we lost them." Just then he heard the clicking of the horses hooves on the alley cobblestone. "You thought wrong young one." Knights of Adrae came from every direction riding slowly towards them. Aron sighed "Awe man..."[/CENTER] [CENTER]? ? ? ? ?[/CENTER] [CENTER]All of us have been captured by the Knights of Adrae and placed in seperate dungeons. Each of you will post your interrogation by the hands of Yuri Rein (Kairi) the Leader of the Knights of Adrae (for more in depth information on Yuri Rein check the underground thread or his post at the Adventure Inn). You will tell your story, why your here, etc. At the end of all the posts Kairi will post telling us of our fate, to leave the dungeon or not. While telling your story you may include flashbacks if you wish to liven things up a bit. Make sure to finish in one detailed post so we can get this thing started. There is no specific posting order besides Kairi being last. [B] Be sure to check out the post in the Underground[/B].[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Garamond][B]Flashback continued...[/B] Roland awoke in Godo's chamber, everything was dark and quiet as he looked around. He rose from the bed and stretched, feeling his scarred skin extend he grabbed the crests on his hands. [I]Still tender[/I] he thought. He clenched his fists feeling the power flow through them and tried his best to adjust to the new found pain as he moved his fingers. He put his hand to the crest on his eye and no longer felt the ridges of the scar, they had formed to his face forever engraved. He closed his eyes and focused, searching through his mind to find the power of the crest of fury. He couldn't, [I]maybe its just not ready yet[/I] he thought to himself. He walked around the chamber searching for Godo, but couldn't find him. [I]Might as well explore the rest of this place till he gets back[/I] Roland thought. He saw a sword draped across the wall, took it down, strapped it over his back, and went on his way. As he walked the several halls of Godo's home he lit torches to mark his path. This "home" was almost like a maze and Roland feared to get lost in such an ominous place. He reached the end of a long hallway and entered a room. He walked to the middle and lit a torch illuminating only a few feet of the chamber. Just then a man jumped down infront him. It looked as though he had been hanging from the ceiling. Roland jumped back in astonishment and drew his sword. The man stood up straight and stretched the wings sprouting from his back. The man moved the hair from his face and revealed his identity. The man looked just like Roland. They were almost identical except for the wings and the crest over the man's eye. They even had similar swords and clothing. Roland stared at the man trying to comprehend his situation, but before he could even speak the man attacked. Roland jumped back and swung his large sword making a loud noise as it clashed against the ground. The man jumped back and took flight. His black wings flapped wildly as he flew with great speed around the room. He flew out of sight into the darkness surrounding the small flame in the center of the room. Roland looked around trying to see where the man had went. Just then he attacked from behind slashing his sword across Roland's back. Roland fell to the floor in pain as he felt blood gush from his wound. He stumbled to his feet and turned to the mysterious man landing in front of him. Roland clenched his right hand and threw a ball of fire at the man. [I]The crest of destruction[/I] he thought to himself. He learned of his new power and began hurling large explosions all over the room in an attempt to crush his enemy. The man took flight and dodged each blow swiftly. As a large explosion blanketed the room Roland stopped firing and huffed out of breath. Smoke floated all around him and he stood still trying to hear his enemy. Just then another strike came from his side slicing down his arm and disappearing almost instantly. Roland grabbed his arm in pain trying to tend to his wound. Another strike from the opposite side and both his arms cried tears of blood. He fell to the floor feeling dizzy from the loss of blood. [I]I-I can't win[/I] he thought to himself. Just then he felt an overwhelming power inside of him. He leapt to his feet and tensed his muscles. His wounds healed right before his eyes. No longer feeling the pain he picked up his sword. He watched as the blade became encased with a red light and felt as though a feather in his hand. He felt energy pound in his arms and chest. He screamed out in pain as his muscles expanded and he became larger. He huffed and puffed as he felt the power course through him. Just then the man struck his chest but just barely broke the skin. He fell back as the recoil of the blade caught him off guard. Roland swung his sword violently slicing back and forth on the man's chest. Blood fell to the ground as he continued to swing faster and faster. Soon after the man's tattered body fell to the ground and his soul found a new home in hell. Roland fell to his knees feeling his muscles descend to their original size. He looked up at Godo standing before him "The crest of fury, wonderful isn't it..."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. lol, I think I'd listen to Kittie even if they were terrible, just cause its a hardcore girl band. You don't see many of those and even if it wasn't all that good I'd listen to it our of respect. Luckily its not half bad and they actually got a lot of girls into listening to metal and such.
  25. no worries, I just didn't like the uneducated remark. Considering this is forum and seldom to people actually know each other personally, its hard to say that someones educated or not about a certain subject since you have no idea of their past or what they do now. I just felt it important to post another POV rather then the usual "Slipknot is awesome!" 1-2 sentence posts. I really enjoy Slipknot's music so maybe I'm a bit passionate about the subject and this leads me to exaggerating the subject and such, but I think its important remember the old music while forming an opinion of the new.
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