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Everything posted by Kamuro
I wasn't referring to you when I mentioned the bashing, just most people in the slipknot post. Even if your opinion is different, at least you express it in a well-mannered way. Some people just come into a post and insult a person with a different opinion then their own.
[FONT=Garamond][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name[/B]: Kakashi [B]Age[/B]: 18 [B]Place of Origin[/B]: Japan [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://tinypic.com/4jxnkk]Kakashi[/URL] [B]Occupation[/B]: Mercenary [B]Body[/B]: (Mostly represented in the picture) Kakashi is a small man with not much of a physical stature. He wears a mask over his face concealing his identity. He has brown hair and an unknown color of eyes. He wears a jacket and vest showing no visible weapons. [B]Fighting Style[/B]: Kakashi grew up in a freelance sect started by his father. The sect was never partial to one kingdom or another and did what they chose. They helped whoever decided to benefit them the most. Kakashi grew up fighting, but not the way his father wanted him too. His father used a large halbard spear and expected his son to do the same, his son however took an interests in smaller blades. One blade in particular that was quite short. His father laughed at him as he swung his spear mercilessly in battle. Kakashi always sparred with his father and had to fight extra hard to compensate for the size of his weapon. However, over time he learned to overcome brute strength and use it to his advantage. He focused on speed and percision rather then just swinging a large weapon. The last spar ended with his father lying dead on the ground, Kakashi's small blade lie petruding from his chest. When the members of the sect found out about this he was exiled, never to return again. Since then he wanders aimlessly doing what he chooses, when he chooses. [B]Weapons[/B]: [URL=http://tinypic.com/4jxq36]Short Sword[/URL] [URL=http://tinypic.com/4jxq4z]Claw[/URL] [B]Skill[/B]: Kakashi twirls his blade fast; the combination of the sword and the flapping of the cloth sometimes creates the illusion that hes not there. Since he focuses on speed its easy for him to move from one place to another quickly causing the illusion of teleportation. [B]Blade God[/B]: Yes[/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Hope this will do Kairi.
yes, my condolences as well, and if I wasn't athiest, I would pray for her family and such, but I am, so I'll keep her in my thoughts and hope it'll do just the same
I think theres actually a little romance in every anime, I wasn't really sure actually how romantic of an anime you were looking for. Like an Inuyasha love story, subtle like YYH, etc.
I always post my opinion, even if it does cause a little controversy, as you can see, me getting bashed in the slipknot post lol. I really know nothing about John-5 so I couldn't really say whether I liked him or didn't like him. Its hard to actually pick out a certain guitarist in a song and listen to the actual tabs he/she is playing so its hard for me to comment.
lol, sorry, but I don't care if te songs are hard to play, I play, and I don't focus on the difficulty of the song, if it doesn't sound good then does it really matter how complicated the tabs are? Sure, they've become increasingly talented, but the downhill comment was referring to their musical career. They're not an acoustic band, and if they continue in that direction, then they'll lose a lot of their most dedicated fans, who loved the first albums and really didn't want them to change. "If its not broken, don't fix it" as I said before. Its not uneducated to listen to the music and like it or not like it. I've listened to the music, read the lyrics, read/played the tabs and my opinions are anything but uneducated. It urks me when someone says that just because my opinion is different from their own. Its not uneducated, theres reasoning behond my remarks and if you really read each one then you should be able to put them together and relate to what I'm talking about. I've said over and over and over again that I don't mind a band going in a different direction, however, this change was drastic, and un-needed considering the success they already had. I could easily call your remarks uneducated considering I've posted this several times and you come back and post the same argument as before. As for Stone Sour, I was never really a huge fan, but it is softer then Slipknot, and it doesn't make sense for Corey to play a song like Vermilion in a band like Slipknot with 9 members and only put 2-3 to use. Anyway, its his song and he can play it however he chooses.
Thanks to everyone for your posts. Kairi is helping me set everything up and I'll soon post the list of the people involved in the RP in here as well as at the Underground. Until then this thread is still open to anyone who is interested in signing-up, but do it soon cause it won't be long till we get started.
[QUOTE]Most 12 year-olds I know don't play Candyland. And you are talking about others being ignorant[/QUOTE] It was a joke * looks for something uncomfortably sticking from your *** * oh well, yeah, his parents should definitely know already about the problem he has so they should somewhat understand how he was feeling at the time
Yeah, it wasn't meant to be a spam post, so if you have more then one song just put it in the same post, as for NIN I'm not really fan, but I do enjoy that song in particular
1. Age:- 19-24 2. Gender:- Male 3. Where are u from? Maryland, USA 4. How did u come across anime? Media 5. Do you think Anime influences u as a person? Explain I believe anime does influence me as a person. A lot of animes have characters in relation to our real lives, and theres often morals in animes. This leads a person to really relate to the show and/or form themselves to become a better person. 6. Research shows that anime is increasingly popular with the western world. Why do you think this is so? I'm not quite sure. I think when one person watches an anime they really like, they share it with their friends which leads to more and more people watching a certain show. 7. What attracts you to anime? Actually, at first I was just interested in the fighting. Which I still love, but now I've learned to really read into the story and form a bond with the characters of each anime. 8. Is your interest in Anime, in any way related to an interest in Japan or to learn about Japenese society? I do have an interest for the Japanese culture, but its not solely based on anime. I love anime and I'd like to meet some of the famous authors and artists of todays anime. However, I've always been kind of interested in the Japanese culture, I just never really pursued the interest. 9. Have you taken a Japanese language class or been to Japan? I've never been to Japan or taken a class. I have read books, however, about the Japanese culture and some others about the language. I know some Japanese but I doubt it would be enough ot acutally get me some where in the country. 10. Have you learned anything about Japanese culture, and if so, give 3 specific examples? Its hard to think of three specific things I've learned about the Japanese culture. Its hard to generalize so I'll just leave this one blank.
By no means is OK Computer the best album of all time. I expected to see The Beatles, US, Michael Jackson, etc. But think about, does Radiohead really beat out the Beatles? No way.
trying something new is just fine, however, why fix it if its not broken? As basically everyone has agreed, Iowa and albums like that were much better then Volume 3. Aren't bands supposed to get better with time? Learning more and playing better. In that sense, Slipknot is going downhill, and quickly. I find it that those who liked more softcore and/or acoustic music before Volume 3, enjoyed Volume 3, and thats fan. But thats not Slipknot. I know people have said it is, but its not. If you were a hardcore true Slipknot fan, and you've heard all their albums and songs, then you'd know that Slipknot is not an acoustic band. That is not what they were meant to do. They were meant to play metal. End of story. As for Boxy, I do agree, some of the lyrics are quite good. Maybe they're just not as blunt as the previous albums. Which is what I liked, they said whatever they wanted to say without worrying about the consequences. It was the no holds barred Slipknot that I loved to listen to.
I think we discussed this in another post but anyway, guilty or not its his own fault that hes in the position hes in. It was his choice to sleep with young boys even after he had been accused before of child molestation. I don't want to hear him complaining at all, everything in is life is at consequence to his own actions.
[CENTER][IMG]http://tinypic.com/4j2xkp[/IMG] [IMG]http://tinypic.com/4j3i40[/IMG] [/CENTER] [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Teal][CENTER]? ? ? ? ? ? ?[/CENTER] [CENTER][I]Shes so beautiful[/I] he thought to himself. A young man knelt quietly on the ground gazing up at a divine figure. The figure drew closer giving off a gentle radiance as she flew. The man gazed at the creature's exquisite face and felt an overwhelming feeling of happiness. The figure landed in front of him and reached out her hand to touch his face. Her soft skin grazed his, and in that instance Aron awoke. He quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He splashed water in his face and looked at himself in the mirror. [I]That dream again[/I] he thought to himself. He contemplated what it might mean but nothing came to mind. [I]Oh well, I'm sure its fine[/I] he thought as he began to get dressed. When he finished getting ready he glanced at his clock "Damn, I'm late again." He ran down the stairs and hopped over the banister. He jumped in his car and sped down the road. "Man, I can't be late again, she'll kill me." When he finally arrived at his destination he saw the person who was waiting for him. A beautiful young girl sat at a table by herself outside a cafe. As Aron got out of his car the girl looked over at him and glared. When he reached the table she stood up and spoke "Your late again Aron! I can't believe you." Aron gave a nervous laugh "Heh, well, see, it wasn't my fault, I u-uhh." He thought hard to come up with a reason that would satisfy her. "Don't even try it, I'm tired of your excuses." He sighed "I'm sorry Luna." She huffed and they both sat down. Aron and Luna were old friends, the best of friends. Lately Luna often worried about him, he always seemed preoccupied and neglected everything, even his school work. As Luna spoke Aron stared off into space. He never really cared much for her lectures. Just then the earth began to shake. A violent earthquake. Aron jumped to his feet and a crack formed in the ground below him. He grabbed the edge and held on as the ground continued to shake. Luna ran over and grabbed his arm "Aron! Hold on!" He gripped the earth tight as it shook in his palms. "I-I can't hold on any longer." Just then he lost his grip and fell into the large crevice. Luna screamed his name as he fell away into the darkness, tears streaming down her face. Aron awoke on a soft field of grass with a young boy staring down at him. "Are you okay?" he asked as Aron sat up. "What happened? Where am I?" He looked around and saw nothing relavent to his home world. "Your on Flora, where are you from?" He looked at Aron curiously. "I'm from Earth, but I've never heard of this planet." The boy looked puzzled "Well, why don't you come with me? I live pretty close." Aron nodded and followed the boy to a large town. It looked extremely old, almost medievil. As he walked through the town he decided to go off on his own and explore. Maybe he'd find someone he knew.[/CENTER] [CENTER]? ? ? ? ? ? ?[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal][CENTER]Aron has fallen into a time rip and been transported to a completely different planet and time. He searches the city of Adrae for people of his own time. You may play a character from this time, or Aron's time, whichever you choose. If your from Aron's time then you'll be looking for a way home as well. If your from Flora time then you can choose whatever ambition you like to accompany Aron on his journey to find a way home.[/CENTER] [B]Name[/B]: (Any) [B]Age[/B]: (Any) [B]Appearance[/B]: (Picture or detailed description) [B]Personality[/B]: (Your characters personality, how they interact with others, etc) [B]Your Time[/B]: (Aron's Time, or Flora Time) [B]Reason for Accompanying Aron[/B]: (Your reason for joining Aron in the journey to find his way home) [B]Weapon[/B]: (No guns, the only exception) [B]Bio[/B]: (How your character met Aron and decided to join the group) My Character [B]Name[/B]: Aron Burrow [B]Age[/B]: 20 [B]Appearence[/B]: [URL=http://tinypic.com/4j3uzc]Aron Burrow[/URL] [B]Personality[/B]: Aron is an easy going guy who just loves to relax. Hes always up for an adventure, if it interests him. Hes easy to get along with and fun to be around. He does have a serious side that is brought out in battle, or when one of his friends is in danger. [B]Your Time[/B]: Aron's Time [B]Reason for Accompanying Aron[/B]: To find a way home. [B]Weapon[/B]: A short sword and his fists.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal][CENTER]This will definitely be a fun RP with lots of twists and turns. I have lots planned and you'll see the relation to Final Fantasy soon enough. Make sure to be detailed in your post and don't be afraid to have fun, this will be an RP with lots of action, but plenty of joking and comic relief. It has a little something for everyone.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
Gunsmoke will be put on hold for awhile, not as much interest as I thought but hopefully people will check this out and join. If I get an adequate amount of people then I'll start it up but until then I'll be working on another RPG and continuing Shackled Retirbution (check out the square). Kakashi
When it comes to a game with an in-depth story, they are inferior. They can't give advice on a character when they didn't even watch half the cutscenes and actually see the character development. I never said anything about not enjoying a game how you want to enjoy, I just said don't talk to me about it. Point is, I wouldn't care, but when I see a casual gamer gloating and giving advice on how to play the game, then it annoys me and I'll tell them to stfu :p
Well, number one, your only 12, what do 12 y/o's do at parties, play candy land? Anyway, I'm kinda confused as to why your trying to so hard. In the story you call these people mean but your still trying to be their friend. If they're ignorant, leave them be and they can be ***** by themselves. Point is, kids can be cruel, I know, trust me. But it doesn't stop, and its something you have to get use to. You seem smart enough and I'm sure people will come around eventually. Hang in there.
The first is definitely to grainy, but it does look good. I like it better then the second. The second is alright, but it seems a bit plain to me. You should think of adding a different picture to it or hyping up the background a bit.
Art Please rate my banner/avi combo. [IMAGE HEAVY]
Kamuro replied to sakurasuka's topic in Creative Works
I like them both a lot, I seem to be drawn to that type of signature. But as said above you should make it clearer and compliment the images a bit more. The backgrounds are also a bit plain which does suit the banners, but it might be nice to have a little something in there. -
Welcome. And as said above, it depends on your drawing style. Personally I like a combination of the gothic fighting style anime and the cut and dry original anime. Its nice to have a little something for everyone when entering a competition. Usually I would say to do what you want and express your own ideas, but in a competition you have to think of yourself as well as other people and what they'll think.
I didn't like it much. I'm not quite sure why though, it seems to be interesting but I guess its only for an aquired taste. And yes, this post was massively advertised. I opened it up and thought I was watching a commercial, and staring at rainbow for a second or two lol.
I actually wouldn't mind seeing a Zelda anime, I'd prefer a newer one though. When the first one was made they didn't have all the materials/ideas we have now. I think if one was made now it might actually be pretty good.
Its not that casual gamers injure me, its that they annoy me. They think that they're the "Master Gamer" because they beat the game in a short amount of time and think its their place to give other's advice about the game when ITS NOT. If you havn't played the whole game, watched the scenes, felt the story, and beaten it, then I don't want advice from you, you suck.
Lately I find myself more and more interested in the actual lyrics of a band rather then sound. The lyrics really express how the person is feeling at a certain place or time in their life which makes it easier for me to relate to and listen to. I made this thread so that people could post lyrics they liked in hopes that someone else might check out a band or singer they like. If you don't wanna post lyrics, say whos lyrics you like, and why. What musician(s) do you relate to? My first lyric post will be one of my favorite songs by Atreyu. Its called "Someone's Standing On My Chest." Its off their first album "Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses." I really relate to this song and the feeling of being trapped somewhere with no escape, hope you like it. Atreyu "Someone's Standing On My Chest" Starving, searching this barren wasteland. Trying to grasp being this alone. Pleading for a breath of fresh air, Someone's standing on my chest Dying; I'm asphyxiating myself. Break myself, slave to my weakness Choke on my words. Oh I'm drowning and I feel so alone. Break myself, slave to my weakness Choke on my words. The lights are on and I wish I was home. Break myself, slave to my weakness Choke on my words. Oh I'm drowning I feel so alone. Break myself, slave to my weakness Choke on my words. The lights are on and I wish I was home. My lips are screaming pretty nothings. My ears are bleeding for want of words, Fu*k words. I need actions. Hope has left me fu*king shattered. Someone's standing on my chest. Alone would be a pleasant change from here. How do you gauge loneliness? (x3) Have you ever felt so alone? It feels like the light will never reach me here. I'm choking back my longing for shed tears. So strangulated by my lonesome fears. Please don't worry too much, It only hurts when I breath.
I'm a guy and I actually don't think the shows that bad as far as reality TV goes. I find it funny a lot of the time. Like in the 1st or 2nd season (can't remember) the girl cheated on her boyfriend and tol him and called her a stupid bit*h. I thought it was hilarious, mostly because I hate girls who cheat and well, she sucked :animesmil . Anyway, I'm not really rooting for any model, but I do like to watch the show every now and then just to see whats going on. I mean at least this is something real, they're going for a job, rather then Survivor where they just put random people on a secluded island and watch them suffer. How can they call that reality TV, when does that actually happen in real life?