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Everything posted by Kamuro

  1. Although its not usually a good idea to skip through school and join a major sport, I believe its the person's choice to do so. Whether they join right out of school, leave school early, or complete it fully, its their decision what they want to do. If they do leave school and then end up getting hurt, or not making it, then they have to live with the decision they made and hopefully learn from it. If they leave school and do well in a sport then more power to them.
  2. A cell phone post, great little devices aren't thay? I can't say that I have a favorite song ring tone. My phone is years old and can only play the generic Nokia ring. Everyone walks over to me and says "Hey look at this awesome cell phone, I can go on the internet and everything." I just look back at them and say "Awesome, check out mine though, it lights up :cool: " And I walk away acting cool.
  3. I don't think he was claiming friendship with the Saudis, he just pointed out the fact that we're not really at war them. However, I wish we were, so we could kill them and take all the oil they're hording :animeswea
  4. Yes, agreed, popularity and cool are different, but most people using here are probably using the term loosely. Cool people is what they were referring to, not so much popular, if your using the exact definition. However, popular and cool often go hand in hand when it comes to people in general.
  5. Kamuro


    Only extremely strict religions are like that. I won't mention specific ones because I don't want to insult anyone. But some religions don't even like to acknowledge that sex exist, let alone admit that people falling the religion take part in it. Its very unrealistic and stupid of any church that practices this belief. Now, the idea of waiting till marriage is a commendable one. I would never bash on anyway who felt it important that they wait. But saying its bad and you'll go to hell if you do it, is crazy and completely out of line. How dare people call themselves advocates of God and judge other people as well as tell them what to do, whats right or wrong. Luckily, I'm an athiest so I don't have to worry about such things :p Anyway, no this wasn't really meant to be a religious post, but some religions do relate to the treatment and/or behavior of women. In the middle east women are looked down upon and thought to be not near as important as a man. This definitely influences the way women act and speak to other people. Its a shame because here we've realized what an asset women are in almost every aspect and I believe it helped us become a greater country. Everyone is equal.
  6. Yes, it depends on what you mean by "rule the world." The popular pretty people are most often seen and liked. People like Paris Hilton, for example, retarded, yet beautiful and rich. However, the people who rule our country, and often the world, are not beautiful. Actually, they're far from it. Presidents, dictators, basically everyone in the UN is far from attractive. Anyway, I know what you meant and sadly its true. All these pretty people have way to much influence on the way people think. Like the MTV show "I Want a Famous Face." People pay thousands of dollars just for the chance to look like their favorite celebrity. Its crazy to think that someone would go through all that pain and spend so much money just to be someone they're not. However, it just shows how much influence celebrities have on the general public. Everyone wants to be them but no one can reach their high standards and kill themselves trying to do so.
  7. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=DarkRed]As soon as Tucker crashed into the ground he awoke abruptly in the room he had been in before. He was still shackled to the pillar and unable to move. The room was still dark and he was unable to see anything. [I]This is messed up...[/I] he thought to himself. He broke the Master's rule, but only while trying to fulfill another. He thought this torture was unfair, and the punishment didn't fit the crime. Just then he heard another noise "Ugh, not again." Just thin he became unconcious once again and his body fell limp. He woke in his bed, but this time, it was a different bed. He awoke as a child in his old home. This was the home he stayed in when he first moved to Brazil with his parents. He stepped out of his bed cautiously afraid his legs might not be in working order. He was surprised when he realized that he could walk again. [I]Well, at least its not as bad as last time[/I] he thought. He walked downstairs to find his parents sitting at the dinner table. It had been years since he'd seen his parents, after he moved out they barely ever visited. He was never really close to them. He admired his father as a pilot, but his father never really paid much attention to him. He said hello to his father and mother, but recieved no response. "Yo pops!" he shouted as he slapped his dad on the back. His father fell forward onto the table facing smacking hard against the wood. Tucker noticed the knife in his back and jumped at the sight. His mouth dropped as he stared at the knife in his father's back. Blood covered his shirt and began to drip to the floor. He ran to his mother and realized that she had suffered the same fate. He pulled the knife from his father's back and checked his pulse. He felt nothing "No dammit, no!" he shouted as he did the same to his mother. Both his parents had been killed and he was left alone. "T-This is only a dream, just like last time, I know it, I know it, none of this is real." he reassured himself. He took the knife in his hand and cut his arm, he flinched in pain as blood began to drip to the floor. He had felt the knife and was worried that this was no longer a dream. He wasn't sure of the Game Master's power and knew that if he wanted to, he could probably make this Tucker's new reality. A reality of nothing but death and loss. A reality Tucker just couldn't take.[/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Save me Kairi *hides*
  8. OCC: I spoke with Lyuann and she said that she was thinking of including some villains in the story and is allowing me to play Seifer. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Seifer Almasy Age: 18 Personality: Seifer is a cocky guy who likes to pick on people for their weaknesses, thus Squall for always being quiet and keeping to himself. This attitude causes others to look down on him and keeps him from achieving a high rank in SeeD. Although he seems to have a sort of reckless abandon he has a cool head when he enters battle, and at heart hes true leader. Appearance: [URL=http://tinypic.com/4imzuq]Seifer[/URL] Weapon: [URL=http://tinypic.com/4imzxi]Gunblade[/URL] [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  9. My favorite anime is probably Yu Yu Hakusho. Although theres tons of animes I love to watch, this one has some of the best characters I've seen. The fights are incredible especially towards the end of the series (The Dark Tournament, Sensui, etc.). Its fun to watch and the character development is good as well. *two thumbs up*
  10. 1. Mitsrugi (SCII) - Hes a samurai, what else is there to say? He was also pretty good when it came to fighting, one of my favorites. 2. Jack (Tekken) - Whichever Jack, metal or not, he was always awesome. I loved to just bust on people with his powerful attacks. 3. Kage (Virtual Fighter) - Kage, hes a ninja, from the VF series. One of my favorites as well. 4. Nightmare (SCII) - Although I thought he sucked in actual gameplay, he was pretty f'in cool. 5. Yoshimitsu (Tekken) - Although Tekken never really incorporated weapons, Yoshimitsu always had one anyway. I loved his moves two, using the sword to make him float as helicopter, priceless lol.
  11. I bought SCII and wasn't really impressed. It was fun, but there wasn't much depth to it. It was fun, but I don't expect much from SCIII, or the series for that matter. Also, if the game is PS2 exclusive, it would make no sense at all. Generic stated it before. Why would the original open up and actually vary between systems and then come out with a sequel exclusive to just one.
  12. Casual gamers themselves don't get on my nerves, I'm sure they're nice people, but when it comes to gaming, they know nothing (at least from the POV you described). I hate it when someone who buys a game, skips past the majority of the game content and beats it, thinks they can give me advice on how to play. And if I don't beat it in a day I hear "C'mon man, that game was cake, totally easy." I find that a casual gamer collection consists of games like GTA and Halo, highly advertised and often over appreciated. If they're friends don't play it first and verify that its good, they don't buy it unless they've seen the commercial on TV. Point is, I don't want someone who beat a 40 hour game in 10 hours giving me advice on the concept of the game.
  13. Yes, the Doom marine has an impressive arsenal. But I choose Master Chief. Why? Because the demons of hell weren't piloting tanks, spacecrafts, or jeeps outfitted with massive automatic machine guns. They would fight, Cheif would eventually get frustrated, hop in a tank, and the Doom marine would be no more :cool:
  14. It definitely sounds good, SSB was a blast first time around, hopefully it will be on the DS. I'm a bit nervous on how the controls will work out. It might be hard to form the game to the DS and it's touch-pad. I'm sure they could do it, but it might be awkward and make it harder to play. This would lower the fun-factor of the actual game.
  15. ahh well, I can't say I've heard nearly as much Manson music as you've had. My friend who loves Manson made me a mix so I can't really even name the songs I've heard or what cd they're from. By no means would I call them bad or not worth listening to. Guess its just a matter of opinion, I just felt so much focus on image was meant to compensate for the actual music. I just wasn't impressed after a lot of the other bands I've heard. And I havn't pursued the music and listened to as much of it as you have because I wasn't drawn to it. I understand that the music is different considering the album its from and such, but its unrealistic to think that someone would listen to every album of an artist if they listened to the first and didn't like. Maybe its uninformed but it wouldn't make sense considering some bands have been around forever and it would take quite a bit of time to sample songs from each cd and make an informed opinion about them. I've heard what I've heard and I just wasn't blown away like I have been listening to other bands. Just my opinion, not meant to insult Manson or anything.
  16. I've tried to persuade some people I know to watch anime, but they won't even do that. They insist its a waste of time and I shouldn't bother with it either. This annoys me a lot cause sometimes I'm just in an anime mood and they won't even talk to me :animestun . These friends are few, but I don't think there should be any like that. People just seemed to be so narrow-minded and set in their ways that they're actually [I]looking[/I] for these stereotypes so they don't have to bother with the anime itself.
  17. Kamuro


    yes, it turned into more of a discussion about the poem lol, but I agree with you, although I'm not a women, I know a lot of girls it seems that they're looking for the things you mentioned, some are different, but most have a lot of common interests that look for in guys, hopefully I have some of those qualities and I'll attract the ladies like Tatsubei Yagyu ;)
  18. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=DarkRed]All that was left was the leader of the mysterious men. He charged at Tsuke knowing that if he was gone, Jin would be much easier to take down considering his wound. Tsuke jumped to the side and struck. The sword and claw clashed and grinded together shooting sparks in every direction. Both men jumped back and eyed their opponent. Tsuke huffed and puffed, he'd never battled like this before, but he must win. Tsuke ran towards the man and sliced downwards, he felt his claw rip through the cloak and assumed he had killed the man. However the man stepped to the side as Tsuke attacked and dodged the blow. He swung down at Tsuke and just barely scratched his face. Tsuke struck angerly at the man's chest. He fell to the ground grasping his wound. He began to speak as he coughed up blood "Y-You will never get the f-flower, Suzaku will c-crush you." With these last words his head fell to the ground and breath no longer left his mouth. Tsuke rushed over to Jin "You alright?" Jin stumbled to his feet. "I'll be fine, its just a scratch." Tsuke knew otherwise but there was nothing he could do at the moment "Can you walk?" Jin grunted and stood up straight "I told you I'm fine, now lets go." Tsuke nodded and they continued up the path. Snow fell as they neared the top of the mountain. The men shivered as their skin began to change color "It sure is cold, we must be close to the top by now." Tsuke concluded. And he was right, just around the next bend was a large house. The two men looked at each other and nodded as Tsuke swung open the door. They seemed to be in a large chamber. Everything was dark except for a small pedestal in the center of the room. Atop the pedestal was a small red flower covered by a glass case. "That must be it" Jin said as he walked towards it. "Lets just grab it and get out of here." He walked up to the pedestal and examined it "Doesn't look dangerous." Tsuke shrugged and removed the casing. Everything was quiet as they looked around expecting something to happen, but, nothing. Jin reached out for the flower but before it was in his grasp it disappeared. "Wha?" he spoke in amazement "Where did it go?" At that very moment the whole room became lit. Torches lined the walls and all ignited simultaneously. Just a few feet in front of the pedestal was a perch with a large red bird atop it. Tsuke laughed "This is the large all-powerful Firebird Suzaku?" Just then the bird took flight and began to change it sprouted legs and arms and its wings grew larger. It had become human, all accept the large wings attached to it's back. A long sword ignited with fire in Suzaku's hand and he spoke "Its been awhile since anyone actually made it up the mountain, but I am guardian of the flower, and you shall not take it." Tsuke laughed nervously "Heh...sorry about that all-powerful crack." Jin shook his head. "No matter, its a joke you won't live to tell twice." said Suzaku as he flapped his large wings and took flight. He dove down at Tsuke and swung his large sword nearly missing and singeing his shirt "Whoa." Tsuke stumbled back and regained his balance. Jin studied the bird as it flew "How are we supposed to beat it, we can't fly." Tsuke looked at Jin and shouted for him to move as Suzaku dove at him next narrowly missing once again. "You cannot dodge my attacks forever." yelled Suzaku from the top of the chamber. He dove at Jin once again swinging massively, Jin and Suzaku struck at the same time each flying back pain. Jin's wound had been reopened and he had a new one to match. He grabbed his chest in pain as blood seeped through his fingers. Suzaku's shoulder had been cut and he grabbed it trying to get a feel for how serious it was. Tsuke ran to Jin as he lay on the floor motionless. "Jin! Wake up, c'mon now, I need you." Jin sighed and spoke "I'll be fine, he missed all my organs, but I can't fight like this, its up to you Tsuke." Tsuke looked at him, concerned "No, I can't do this alone." Jin looked up at him and mumbled "You must." Tsuke layed him down gently and turned to Suzaku who had just regained himself "You will pay!" Tsuke shouted as he burst into a run towards Suzaku. Suzaku immediately took flight dodging the attack. He dove down at Tsuke and swung his large sword. Tsuke quickly dodged and grabbed his wing flipping himself onto Suzaku's back. Suzaku flapped wildly trying to remove Tsuke from his position but he couldn't. Tsuke ripped at his right wing causing Suzaku to loose altitude. He fell rapidly and smashed into the pedestal in the middle of the room reducing it to rubble. Tsuke jumped from his back unharmed and just as Suzaku was pushing himself from the floorTsuke ran towards him. He dragged his claw on the ground creating sparks as he ran faster. Just before he reached Suzaku he raised his claw slicing through his enemy's face. He stopped just behind Suzaku and turned slowly. Suzaku fell to the ground wings limp and bloodied covering his lifeless body. Tsuke walked over to the lifeless body and noticed the rose in Suzaku's hand. He took it from him and ean to Jin helping him up. "You did it." said Jin coughing. "Yeah, but you gave me the strength I needed. Now lets get this flower back down the mountain, can you walk?" Jin nodded "Yeah, I used my shirt to patch the blows and hold off the bleeding until I can rest." Tsuke nodded and they walked from the dark chamber beginning their journey back down the mountain.[/COLOR][/FONT] OCC: Tried my best to make an entertaining fight with Suzaku. Innocent can do the trip back down the mountain and interaction with the forgeman if she likes. Its up to her.
  19. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Chiju Coche Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: [IMG]http://tinypic.com/4ih8xx[/IMG] Alliance: Sith Side of the Force: Dark Class: Sentinel Force Powers: -Choke -Shock Lightsaber: Two single-bladed silver lightsabers. Bio: Chiju grew up on the planet of Nar Shadda. A planet populated by a majority of thieves and mercenaries. The planet is highly-evolved from a technological standpoint and is covered with tall buildings and fast ships. Chiju grew up with his father, his mother had died when he was young and he barely remembered her. His father made his money in Swoop races and had become quite good over the years. Chiju loved to watch his father race and by his teens had become an established pilot himself. At 20 he raced alongside his father and they were always neck and neck at the finish. Chiju had yet to beat his father in a race but longed for the day to come. This day would not come, however, because Chiju's father soon died in a Swoop race. Chiju continued to race in spite of his father's death and became one of the best on Nar Shadda. This gave him quite the name in some of the wrong circles of the planet. After winning a race against a Sith pilot he was marked for assassination. He was attacked in his home soon after. "You will die Chiju, never to race again." Chiju laughed "Your a fool, attacking me because you lost." The Sith ignited a lightsaber and swung at Chiju. He jumped and kicked the Sith's hand causing the lightsaber to fly across the room. Chiju jumped and grabbed it striking quickly killing his pursuer. Soon after, Chiju was offered to race for the Sith in an attempt to win money and gain fame for them. He accepted but soon took a liking to fighting rather then racing. He requested to be trained in the field of battle and was given a Sentinel position by his masters. He trained for years and became skilled in both weaponry and force use. He was a formidable opponent and became one of the higher generals of the Sith army.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. No, this isn't a post about the anime's themselves, its about the people that watch them. I've found that theres several stereotypes about the [U]people[/U] that watch anime. I've heard that people who watch anime don't have lives, no friends, even that they're so crazy for feeling something for a drawn character that they could never do so for another human being. I call these myths or even rumors because they're obviously not true. But I've decided to make a post to prove the majority of these are false. Tell me stereotypes you've heard and why they're just plain not true. A "MythBusters" of my own you might say.
  21. For me manga is a release. Whether then getting angry or stressing out, I just sit down and draw, or watch an anime, etc. I've sat down and for hours just drew, and I messed up time after time after time, but theres really no feeling like getting the drawing perfect or getting the character right from your head and placing it on the paper. It makes you proud to know that its something you've created, or you took something someone else drew and made it your own. Its an accomplishment.
  22. Well, for all he Manson lovers that actually do check out this post, you should say why you like Manson because personally I don't find him all that great. His music is ok, but a lot of it is slow and just him in his solemn weird voice. It just seems hes trying a bit hard to be different and/or "weird" so that people are drawn to him from curiosity rather than musical talent.
  23. ahh well, people are ignorant, it happens. Even though politeness often isn't a big deal, I believe that doing something nice or helping someone out will come around and you'll be rewarded in some way. Karma I guess. Maybe its just hopeful aspirations, but its nice to think your kindness is truly appreciated and will eventually be returned to you.
  24. Well, if its black, and you want a generic name then just choose something that fits. Shadow, Night, Coal, etc. If not, then just choose something random that you like, or something that fits the cat's personality when you get it.
  25. Kamuro


    If you didn't write it then how can you tell me what the true purpose of the poem was? I did exactly as you said, read the poem, and interpreted it as I see fit and because it was interpreted differently then you, apparently I'm missing the author's true meaning? Unless you can find the author and have him tell me the true meaning of the poem, then its open for interpretation, any interpretation. I wasn't even that adamant about the point I made about the poem. If you read my first post after the poem you'd see I was just agreeing with someone else. However, I do defend the freedom to interpret the poem however I choose without someone who didn't write the poem, or have any say in it, tell me I'm wrong. How do you know your not wrong? You could very well be arguing a mute point and putting words in the author's mouth of your own opinions.
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