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I loved life. I'm usually pretty lucky and ended up with a nice house, good job, money, almost everytime while the other person lived in a trailor and worked as a trash man lol. Monopoly is fun too, but its incredibly long and people always seem to quit unless they're winning.
as said above, Google or another search engine is best to find something like this, I'm not sure if theres such thing as a "hardcore commercial fan" so you might not be able to fin a fan site or something of the sort
[FONT=Garamond][COLOR=DarkRed]Roland sat on his bed, head in his palms he thought of several things. He was still angry that Godo had sent him back here. [I]Why? I've trained for years, I'm ready for this[/I] he spoke to himself. He wanted the great power at the end of the cave, he longed to feel a new burst of strength as he had felt when he first recieved his crests. [B]Flashback...[/B] "Your sure this is what you want?" Godo asked. Roland nodded "I need this power, how else will I defeat Chaos?" Godo sighed "This alone will not be enough, you must train hard, and learn to manipulate the power of your crests, you must master them and bring out the true potential of each, like Chaos has." Roland looked frustrated. He wanted to fight Chaos right this second, but he knew it impossible. He wasn't ready. "I will choose the placement of your crests." said Godo. Roland motioned to speak but was interrupted "I know your going to protest, but I know what is best, and you will listen, or you will not be engraved." Roland quickly closed his mouth and nodded. Godo began by removing a long dagger from his belt. "Place your right hand on the table and we will begin." Roland did as he was asked. "Your right hand will be the place of the Destruction Crest. A powerful crest indeed, it is much easier to use when engraved on one's hand. The explosions must be manipulated perfectly or you will hurt yourself in the process, remember that." Godo proceeded to carve the symbol in Roland's hand. He flinched a bit, but had been in battle before and suffered much worse. What pained him was the hot black ink soon placed in the cut ridges of his hand. Steam bellowed from his arm as the Destruction Crest found its new home. "The Dragon Crest will be placed on your left hand. The ability to command dragons is one of the most rare crests you will find. Not only do you need the crest, you must find your dragon and a bond must be formed. Without the trust of the creature the full potential of the Dragon Crest will never emerge." Roland nodded and closed his eyes as Godo once again began the engraving process. "The third and final Crest of Fury will be placed on your face, over your right eye." Roland looked worried and Godo made note to calm him down. "I know it seems harsh, but the Crest of Fury is best kept close to one's brain. This particular crest creates a bond with his user and when he is in trouble, or greatly infuriated the crest will automatically activate and increase your power greatly. The Crest of Fury will also be able to mesh with your other crests increasing their power as well, now hold still." Godo carved the marking over Roland's eye and once again brought out his ink. "Now close your eye, this will not be as easy as the others." Roland's eyes closed and he gritted his teeth as the ink flowed down his face. He could feel it fusing to his skin and every inch felt as though a mile. "You are no engraved, you will rest tonight and tomorrow we will test your abilities. Sleep well and be warned, the power of the crests is great, and if you abuse this power, it will be taken from you. You will be left with nothing but painful scars and symbols of the mistakes you've made." Roland nodded and layed cautiously in bed as to not injure his wounds further.[/COLOR][/FONT] OCC: If you havn't found/interacted with Godo yet then do so now. You can be descriptive as to your crests, but I'd like to start the second chapter soon so the real fun can begin.
[FONT=Garamond][COLOR=DarkRed]Tsuke fitted the claw over his hand "Wow, fits perfect." He looked over at Jin and watched him swing his sword "Yeah, mine too, good weight" he said. They both looked up at the mountain once again "It looks rough, you ready?" asked Jin. Tsuke gave a nod and they began to walk. Just before they reached the mountain path the old man who had forged their weapons stopped them "What are you doing?" he asked. The two men looked baffled and replied "We're going up the mountain." The old man shook his head "No, the Firebird rules over this mountain, even if you managed to reach the top, you'd never make it down alive, he doesn't take well to trespassers." Tsuke and Jin looked at each other "We can take care of ourselves." The old man frowned "Well if you must, theres something I'd like you to do for me, when you reach the top theres a flower in the Firebird's great chamber, the Ghost Flame Flower. I'd like you to retreive it for me." "Why not?" the men nodded in agreement. "We'll get it for you." The old man stepped aside and they began their journey. Even at the base of the mountain snow covered the ground. The men walked a good pace as to not slow their blood down. The path was well marked and easy to follow so they had little problem making their way. Almost half way up the mountain they reached a bridge over a large crevice in the mountain. Halfway across the bridge Jin stopped "Someones coming." Tsuke looked around noticing 4 people coming from each side of the bridge. The men were masked with swords draped across there backs. "Looks like trouble." The men reached Jin and Tsuke and stopped abruptly "Going to the top of the mountain?" Tsuke and Jin nodded. "For the Ghost Flame Flower no doubt, however, this goal shall not be achieved, the flower is our's." Tsuke spoke "And what makes it your's, is your name on it?" Jin sighed at this childish remark. The men laughed and their leader shouted "This!" and burst into a run towards Tsuke. Surprised he jumped back just in time, and the fight began. Jin ran to the opposite side of the bridge and confronted the four men there. One swung his sword to high, Jin ducked and easily sliced through his waist. He jumped to the side and lept forward at another masked enemy. The man's arm dropped to the ground after a quick downward slice. The two men left attacked Jin at the same time. He jumped over them and landed at their backs. He wrapped his arm around both their necks. In one quick slice both throats were slit and the bodies dropped to the ground. On the other side of the bridge Tsuke jumped frantically as the men attacked. He dodged a slice to the right and jumped on the railing of the bridge. One man swung at his feet, Tsuke jumped and sliced down with his claw through the man's chest. He quickly spun and stabbed another in the stomach ripping up through the man's heart as he stepped back. Blood dripped from his claw as he stood infuriated. He burst into a run leaping behind one man and snapping his neck, then quickly to the leader. He put the claw to his neck and whispered in his hear "Your names not on the flower, is it?" He proceeded to thrust his claw into the leaders back and pull it out slowly throwing him to the ground. Jin and Tsuke met once again in the middle of the bridge "Wow, these weapons are awesome, I've never fought like that before." Tsuke smiled. Jin nodded "Yeah, this sword is amazing, but we better get on our way, we don't wanna be hear all day." They soon continued on their journey to the top of the mountain, hoping for no more obstacles in their way.[/COLOR][/FONT] OCC: Tried to put a little excitement into the journey up the mountain. Innocent can do one as well in her next post or we can just go to the top. Whichever she chooses.
ahh, wish I would've come across this sooner, I love Squall, anyhow if you ever need someone to play an original NPC just ask, I'm interested
I think this was mentioned in another post and I answered Shippou from Inuyasha as a main, but useless character. He has little to no use at all in the story. Someone responded saying "Sometimes they need his fox fire." Well, how many times have you actually seen them [U]need[/U] fox fire? I mean c'mon lol. A lot of the time the show side tracks just to play an episode based on Shippou, which gets annoying when you really want the story to progress.
Whats the problem with Tetris? Its tedious. Although theres tons of levels, each one revolves around the same concept. Its addicting at first, but in about five minutes your wondering why your wasting your time trying to make a row of blocks. There isn't really much thought to the game, which attracts some, but when it comes to the real gamers, its just not intriuging. You can make as many versions and/or installments of the Tetris series as much as you want, but as long as it has the basic idea of Tetris, it will quickly get old and people will move on to something else.
the thought that anyone would actually believe the fabricated stories and ridiculous fights that take place in wrestling amazes me. Do you really think all those chick wrestlers just randomly become attracted to Vince McMahon and start humping him? And if you throw someone on top of the table it will just break, and the person will get back up and keep fighting? No, its fake. Its a TV show for our entertainment able to be cancelled at any time. As "entertaining" as some people say it is, I'd rather not spend my time watching men in tight shiny speedos bounce off ropes and try their best to lay on top of the other guy for at least 3 seconds.
Well, first off, Slipknot is not an acoustic band, besides Vermilion, I doubt you'll find another song even comparing to that genre. There are a couple good songs on Volume 3, but it is softer then their first albums, however you look at it. Boxy said lyrically they're the same, but I don't think so. "I don't know what to do, when she makes me sad." is a bit different then "I wanna slit your throat, and **** the wound." Maybe I'm just bitter because I liked the hardcore crazy Slipknot, but Volume 3 just isn't as good as the previous albums, and if thats the direction they're going in, I expect the next to be even worse, which would anger me, because they use to be so good. Sure, Vermillion is acoustic, but Slipknot is not an acoustic band, which is the problem. Why would a band with 9 members play an acoustic song. Its not their style and it never will be. As for the other comment about how long the bands will be around...who cares? I'd rather judge a band by the music they play rather then their duration in the spotlight. Just because its been done before doesn't make a "metal reunion" a stereotype.
I'm not really hot tempered, pretty much laid back. Even so, sometimes people do lose control and say things they don't mean. I'm not sure if this post includes drunk/high ill-temperment but that happens a lot lol. Sometimes people are just having a bad day, and if they're usually a good person, I give them the benefit of the doubt and don't really let it bother me
Tucker sobbed, he'd never felt like this before. [I]What the hells wrong with me?[/I] he thought. The feeling of lonliness was overwhelming. It'd been years since he cried and even longer since he felt the need to leave his home. [I]Anywhere but here, anywhere but here...[/I] he thought. He crawled back to his garage huffing and puffing, his arms almost limp from the stress. [I]I will fly, I will fly[/I] he reassured himself as he made his way through the garage. When he finally reached his plane he looked up at it. It had always been big, but it seemed enormous from his current place on the ground. He used the strength he had left to pull himself up and into the pilot's seat. The keys were already in place and he gave them a turn igniting the engine and the propeller on the front of the plane. He'd done all this before several times, he reassured himself, he was an expert. He steered the plane from the garage and lifted off the ground. He could use his hands to take off and control the engine, but steering was difficult without the use of his legs. He flew higher and looked down. [I]Its been to long[/I] he thought to himself as he flew. The wind through his hair. As he flew he began to descend. He attempted to pull himself up but to no avail. "Shit" he shouted. He lost control the plane began to plumit towards the ground. He closed his eyes as he fell, expecting the worst.
Tsuke awoke abruptly and jumped to his feet panting heavily. He looked around expecting to see the alley, his pursuer, trash cans, anything related to home. He found nothing of the sort, in fact, he found nothing at all. He his body and the place where he'd been stabbed, no wound. His shirt was still covered in blood but there was no signs of ever even fighting the man in the allie, let alone being stabbed. [I]Where am I? What a weird place?[/I] He began to walk, not knowing the direction or where he was going, but he couldn't just sit there and wait. "Is anyone there?!" he shouted as he walked. No answer, not even an echo. The darkness was completely silent. He stopped walking and stood encased in the little light he had which made only him visible. As he was thinking he suddenly felt something. He looked around and saw another faded light. [I]That wasn't there before.[/I] He ran towards the pillar of light. It seemed he wasn't getting any closer until he was almost on top of it. There he saw a man. A young man but still older then himself. "Hey!" he shouted. The man turned around in shock and took a fighting stance "Who are you? What do you want?" he said. "Hey hey, settle down, the name's Tsuke, I'm not here to fight, who are you anyway? What are [I]you[/I] doing here?" The man resumed a regular stance and shrugged his shoulders "My names Jin, and I'm not really sure why I'm here either." There was an awkward silence until Tsuke saw a small red light resembling rope "Hey, whats that?" Jin spun around and looked "I'm not sure, I've never seen it before." They looked at each other and nodded in agreement and began walking towards the light. When they finally reach the end of a long path lit by red they saw a door. Tsuke walked around it examining the area. "Well, looks like a normal door to me." Jin looked it over as well "Yeah, but it could be dangerous." Tsuke gave a nod "So lets go together, no sense staying here." Tsuke and Jin stood close and walked through the door together, overwhelmed by light.
I really only comment on signature's since my thats where my expertise lies, and I definitely like your's. The animated one more so. It might have looked a little better if the font stayed solid rather then flashing with the rain but I'm not sure. I love the font you used on Knightmare and the background as well. If these are some of your first attempts then I'd like to see some of your later endeavors, they're probably awesome.
Manga "Angels Must Die" RP comic Discussion
Kamuro replied to You Don't Care's topic in Otaku Central
thanks, my scanners being pretty gay at the moment, but I should be able to get them up soon -
OCC: Here you go Kairi, as for everyone else, take my advice, don't break the rules... [COLOR=DimGray]There Tucker stood, shackled to a pillar, his head down as he stared aimlessly. Sweat dripped from his forehead and hit the ground. He heard it, but only that, he couldn't see it or where it had landed. He went back and forth in his head regreting his decisions and justifying them at the same time. [I]So I entered darkness, so what? It was only for a second, and it was just so I could follow his stupid card, now look at me.[/I] He wondered what could become of him and where he was. Was he even still in the Master's mansion, or was he somewhere else? A small noise interrupted his thinking "Whos there?!" he shouted. There was no answer, only the echo of his voice. "I hate this place..." he mumbled to himself. He heard another noise louder this time. He became more frantic, struggling to be released from the pillar. He cursed to himself unable to break free. All of a sudden he stopped. His body went limp and he felt overwhelmed by a power unknown to him. His eyes closed and he lost conciousness. When he awoke he was no longer bound to his pillar. He sat up quickly panting and looking around. He was home. He rolled out of bed, but instead of standing and stretching, he found himself on the floor, his legs feeling weightless. His arms worked just fine, strong as ever, his legs however did nothing but take up space. He tried to move them, but failed. "Whats going on, what happened?" he spoke to himself. He dragged himself out of his room and cursed as he made his way down the stairs. He reached his front door, pushed it open and rolled outside. There he saw all of his friends and fellow pilots. They looked over at him and asked why he was on the ground. "My legs, they're not working, somethings wrong with them." Everyone stared and just walked off "W-Wait, come back!" Tucker shouted dragging himself as fast as he could. He soon ran out of energy and fell to the ground panting heavily. "W-What the hell is going on here?" He used his hands and turned himself over on his back, laying there, staring at the sky. Planes flew by and Tucker grew infuriated "Why?! Why am I like this?!" he shouted to no one but himself. "Master of Games, I know you can hear me, get me outta here now!" he shouted as tears began to stream down his face.[/COLOR]
Manga "Angels Must Die" RP comic Discussion
Kamuro replied to You Don't Care's topic in Otaku Central
hey, well, I'm not actually a part of "Angels Must Die" RP but before this thread was even started I had made sketches of the characters, I always take those I like and try to draw them, I've asked some people I know, who havn't read the RP said they're really good, but I'm not sure how you guys would feel, and I didn't wanna be disrespectful and post them without asking first -
yeah, the most common data corruption happens if you turn off your system or remove the memory card while saving. Not only do you not save your new data, but it corrupts the original data on the memory card. Other problems could have occured, but I have a feeling thats what happened.
Believe it or not people to do care what other people think, its our nature. I'm in 11th grade and neve have I seen so many people conform and change who they are to be accepted by their peers. Its simple to choose Green Day over My Chemical Romance just to fit in. I didn't say that was the exact case, but I'm sure some people will do it, and not even think twice. On the topic of music. I believe this thread was started just so the person could confirm that their band was better. Whichever it was, the bands are definitely not similar and not fit to be compared. Even so, considering all Green Day has done, I still prefer MCR. Its new, and its different, and the music is great. And people keep making excuses saying "The old stuff was good, who cares about the new stuff?" Answer: Everyone does lol. What do you hear when you turn on the radio, I guarantee you it won't be something from an old Green Day cd, it'll be that damned Boulevard of Broken Dreams. And when you enter a record store, all you see is a current Green Day cover, not Dookie or something of the like. If you like the old music and not the new, then obviously Green Day made some mistake in their new endeavor and lost fans as a consequence. Its ok to admit you know :rolleyes:
well, I've never seen it, but it does seem mildly interesting. Theres so many new shows coming out I don't even bother to watch half of them unless it really catches my eye. Some of the shows I've seen, especially on Fox, hits or not, have been terrible. They just seem to be desperate for ideas and will put basically anything on TV. This causes me to lose interest in the network and/or the shows it plays.
I don't think its really an issue of wrong or right. Your not supposed to do it, therefore, its wrong. However, everyone gets overwhelmed at times and needs a break, so they cut, big deal? Caught or not its usually worth it. And if its just for fun, so what? Kids are supposed to have fun, make mistakes and enjoy life.
well, at least you have some positive reinforcement. Anyway, just go for it man. Your not a bad person for wanting to be happy and trying to get this girl is just another stepping stone to the true happiness I'm sure you'll find later in life. Even if your risking a lot, I think its worth the risk, and you should definitely go for it. The longer you wait and contemplate your moves and whether or not its wrong or right the farther you two become.
Theres several ways to aquire untranslated manga. I actually like it untranslated, although I'm not all that good with Japanese, if you have a way to interpret it then you can easily learn a lot from them. My advice, if you do come across some, is not to get frustrated. It can be hard to not only translate, but actually comprehend what it is your reading, but it'll get better. But if your adamant about learning Japanese then it should be easier for you to be patient.
well, hate a lot of people, some people I don't even know, but what I do know of them, causes me great dislike. This includes celebrities such as Britney Spears (who can't keep her legs closed, or her mouth for that matter, especially at the alter), Jamie Lee Curtis (who is infact incredibly old, yet tries to be young and "stylish" as she might call it, yet the only thing she does well is kill trends that had previously been started), and basically every rapper ever (your not cool, your not gangsters, and no one loves you). In terms of people I actually know, theres lots of them I hate too. Its better to group them rather then mention them personally. I don't like wiggers for one. Your not black, get over it, just because you wear long shirts and walk like you were shot in the leg, doesn't mean you were, and doesn't mean your like 50 Cent. This leads to the disliking of stereotypical black people. Now, this is not a racist comment, because I do have friends that are black, however I hate the ones that are loud, ignorant, and needlessly outspoken. I hate stuck-up people. Anyone who thinks that they're better then someone else needs to look in the mirror and see past their skin to the inside, where they will find themselves empty and alone as a consequence of their actions. I hate posers. Most people relate this to music or some state of mind, I just don't like fake people. Someone who tries to be cool by saying "Oh yeah, I smoke weed all the time, man, I was so drunk last hah." Most people that flaunt these things are actually trying to compensate for not doing them in the first place. Don't say you smoke if you don't just to be cool, its not cool, and neither are you.
As Roland fought he became more and more consumed by the darkness of the cave. As he walked he heard a voice in the back of his head. "They've begun to arrive" Godo spoke. "Good, I expect your best work on this one, don't let me down." Roland was impressed with his companions, they would prove quite useful in his crusade to fight Chaos. "Yes yes of course, however, I'm feeling a great deal of turmoil around you at the moment, Forgotten Cave?" Roland laughed "You were always a good guesser." Godo was silent for a bit and spoke again "This is not a joke Roland, you've gone to far into the cave, your not ready yet." Roland's smile turned to a frown "I am ready, and I'm tired of waiting, I must achieve this power before I fight Chaos, you won't stop me." Godo was quiet once again, Roland blinked and he was back outside the village. He looked around franticly "You will continue when you are ready" Godo spoke. Roland shouted back but Godo had gone. Rolands mine was left with only thoughts of his own. He was still soaked in blood and his weapon still tarnished from ravaging lost souls. He was furious Godo had sent him back here without his consent, and he was so close. His fist ignited and struck a close tree and watched as it cracked in half and smoked on the ground. He made his way back to his home, hair in front of his face as to protect himself from the glances and stares of the towns people. He swung open the door and closed it the same. Juren came running towards him "Oh master you've ret..." Juren stopped and stared and as Roland approached "Sir your covered in blood, are you alright? Shall I call the doctor?" Roland had only enough courage to mumble "No..." He made his way up the stairs to his room whee he would clean up and contemplate his next move.