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Tucker sat silently at the table. He wasn't really hungry, his only reason for attending the dinner was to recieve his card so he could leave. When it was finally given to him he examined it quickly. His jaw dropped in disbelief of his instructions. He grumbled, but then thought of all the Game Master had given him, and figured the least he could do in return was follow the rules set for him. As he contemplated how he would accomplish this task, the young man named James got up and excused himself from the table. As soon as James had left the room Tucker arose "Uh, thanks for the dinner, but I'll be leaving too." He quickly left the room and walked far behind James down the hallway. James took a seat on the stairs and Tucker pushed himself up against a wall, simply watching. James seemed to be worried, or stressed about something, Tucker did nothing, but made a mental note of the situation. James eventually rose to his feet and continued up the stairs to his room. Tucker followed in suit and as James' door closed he ran to it and placed his ear to it in an attempt to hear what James was doing. He heard someone plot on a mattress and assumed it was James. He waited a minute or so and opened the door slowly. James was asleep on his bed so Tucker took it upon himself to enter the room. He examined some of James' things and eventually noticed a picture of a plane on the wall. It wasn't the kind Tucker was use to seeing, much more advanced. He assumed it was one of James' planes but took the picture from the wall to examine it none the less. However, as soon as the painting had been removed from the wall he saw a switch. [I]Hmm, what could this be?[/I] he thought to himself. He decided to flip the switch and watched as the wall slid asside. Tucker walked slowly into a dark room eventually finding a light switch to his right. As the room was illuminated he saw it was almost identically to his own. His jaw dropped as even his things were here. [I]This is crazy, my room isn't here, but, it is?[/I] Tucker assumed this room had been created to help him accomplish the task given on the card. He closed the wall from the inside and looked through the hole previous covered by the painting. [I]Hah, a new show to watch, it'll be fun watching this youngsters squirm.[/I] He gave a quick laugh and continued to watch.
As Kassius walked from the cindered body parts Jedoth spoke "Leave, you will not." Kassius stopped in his tracks and turned "Your a fool Jedoth, just as your student was, you can't defeat me, with one arm or no arms at all, you produce no challenge." Jedoth grabbed the lightsaber from his belt "See, we shall." Jedoth quickly ignited his lightsaber and jumped towards Kassius slashing repeatedly. Kassius regained balance and blocked each of Jedoth's blows returning a few of his own. He used the force to knock Jedoth back and again to strick with lightning from his remaining palm. Jedoth caught the force attack and negated it. Both fighters gasped for breath and stared each other down. Kassius made the first move striking the ground with force power where Jedoth was standing. Jedoth jumped, bounced from the wall and sliced downwards. Kassius side-stepped and struck with all his might knocking Jedoth off balance. He continued to slash mercilessly as Jedoth blocked. The lightsabers crackled as they struck echoing like thunder throughout the base. Both Jedoth and Kassius used force power at the same time knocking each other back. Kassius stumbled to his feet "We will finish this later." He jumped back into the shadows and disappeared. Jedoth rose to his feet and returned to his group. He examined Jassk and shook his head, he removed the lightsaber from his belt and attached it to his own. "Remember him always, we will..."
[CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=SlateGray]Gunsmoke[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://tinypic.com/4gp85l[/IMG][/CENTER] A man walked alone down a dusty dirt road. His arms at his sides, cape flapping in the wind. His surroundings, seemingly antique compared to the ones of our day. Saloon doors swung as he walked. The only other noticeable life on the street were the horses tied up on each side, keeping their distance from the figure. When he reached the end of the street he turned and entered the bar. Everyone went silent except for a few weird looking men sitting at a secluded table. As the man walked to the counter he motioned for a drink. He sat down and one was slid to him. He took a sip and lit a cigarette. One of the weird looking men got up from his seat and walked to the counter. He took a seat next to the caped man and spoke "What are you doing here Hunter?" the weird man whispered. The caped man who had recently entered the bar took the cigarette from his mouth and spoke "You are under arrest, and will be coming home with me. I've been instructed to return you by any means necessary, so I suggest you come quietly." The weird looking man gave a quick laugh and unhooked the laser rifle strapped to his back and placed it at the caped man's head "You will die." Hunter placed the cigarette back in his mouth and took a puff. As soon as the laser rifle was fired Hunter ducked, swept the man off his feet, quickly regained his balance and removed the rifle from its holster. He aimed it at the man's head "This is your final warning." Before he could even answer, the other men got up from the table and burst into fire. Hunter jumped behind the bar as to hide himself. Red plasma lasers flew over his head. He quickly rolled out one side and shot two gunners, each in the chest. They fell to the ground, dead instantly. The man with the laser rifle jumped to his feet and shot several rounds at Hunter. Hunter took a bystander and through him infront of the blasts absorbing the blows. Blood sqiurted from the body as Hunter quickly returned fire, a shot to the head and a quick end for his opponent. He kicked up a table and hid behind it. There was two enemies still standing. Hunter took his pistol from the holster and threw it to a bystander attempting to run from the bar. The enemies attention was quickly reverted to him and he was shot down immediately. This gave Hunter the distraction he needed, he jumped from the table and fired twice. Special bullets, exploded on impact. As soon as they pierced the flesh of the two men body parts flew and blood splattered the walls of the bar. Hunter wiped his face of the blood and placed his rifle back in its holster. He took his pistol from the dead man's hand and did the same. Everyone's jaw had dropped to the floor in this astonishing example of gunplay. Hunter walked from the bar and was met in the street by another man. "Messy in their?" the man asked. Hunter nodded. "Oh well, it happens, I'll clean up hear, you return to the ship." Hunter nodded once more and was off. -------------------------- [CENTER][B]Explanation[/B][/CENTER] Hunter is an expert gunman working for the Galactic Defense Force (GDF). GDF is responsible for keeping peace in the galaxy. Many planets assume their home here, however, some are more under-developed then others. Many people from advanced planets become greedy and decide to take an under-developed planet and make it their own. Since technology is practically nonexistant on some of these planets its quite easy to be taken over. It is Hunter's job to find these people and take care of the situation so that the planet can go back to it's daily routines. Although he is a part of the GDF, the branch he works under is quite blunt and does what they choose when it comes to routing out power hungry advanced lifeforms (ALs). Hunter recently heard of a powerful alliance forming on the planet Shear and plans to investigate with the help others from the GDF. Your job is to accompany Hunter on this mission and help him route out the AL's on the planet Shear before they can strike any under-developed colonies. You work under the same branch of the GDF as Hunter and may choose to accompany him for whichever reason you want. Hunter refuses to use any weapons other then the ones hes currently equipped with. However, you may use whichever weapons you choose. The following are things I'll be looking for in your sign-up. [CENTER][B]Sign-Up[/B][/CENTER] [B]Name[/B]: (Any name will do) [B]Age[/B]: (Any age will do) [B]Appearance[/B]: (I prefer pictures, since it gives you something good to work with. But its not required) [B]Personality[/B]: (A detailed description of your character's personality) [B]Weapon[/B]: (Any weapon you choose) [B]Previous Job[/B]: (What you did for the GDF before you decided to join Hunter on his journey) [B]Reason for Accompanying Hunter[/B]: (Your reason for joining Hunter on this journey, ex: disliking of your previous job, disliking of ALs, personal reason, etc) [B]Background[/B]: (The background of your character, how he/she grew up, life experiences, etc) [I]My sign-up...[/I] [B]Name[/B]: Hunter [B]Age[/B]: 25 [B]Appearance[/B]: [IMG]http://tinypic.com/4gp5ck[/IMG] [B]Personality[/B]: Hunter is a born leader. He is usually reluctant to take orders from his superiors but must. He likes to work alone but hes not opposed to teamwork. Hes very focused on his job and position in the GDF and cares about almost nothing else concerning personal matters. [B]Weapon[/B]: A long rifle at his right and a pistol at his left. Special bullets are made for each that have numerous abilities. [B]Previous Job[/B]: Unemployed [B]Background[/B]: Hunter grew up on an under-developed planet. He had a normal life, a father, a mother, even a dog. As he grew he became curious about the world around him. He always swore that there was life other then that on his own planet, but people never acknowledged him. At the age of 20 he was walking through a nearby field and spotted a weird looking machine, a ship of some sort. He boarded the ship and found himself in a whole new technological world. He explored vigorously until a man boarded the ship and spotted him. They contemplated what to do, but Hunter convinced them to take him. He soon became a fighter in the GDF and is still currently employed by the GDF. [CENTER][B]End[/B][/CENTER] Thanks for reading the whole thing. I encourage everyone to post a character if your interested. This is definitely gonna be a fun RPG. Plenty of fights, gunplay, and character relations. I'm looking forward to starting soon.
As for Slipknot, Iowa was awesome, and Slipknot the CD was pretty good, however, Volume 3 sucks, terribly. They went from hardcore metal, to pissy Vermilion. What is that? That is a sell-out my friends. A sell-out, so they can be safely played on the radio and become more mainstream. And I'm sure people will argue massively with this, but I've talked to several SEVERAL Slipknot fans and they all hated Volume 3. I've also checked fan sites and such and each confirms my suspicions of a massive sell-out. Mudvayne, although they were on break for a bit, are now back. L.D. 50 was an amazing cd, and I expect no less from their new one. Masks or no masks, I expect most of you will be swallowing your tongues at the sight of a new Mudvayne.
My Chemical Romance by far, at least for me, not only do I relate to the lyrics, but the melodies are pretty catchy. MCR has been classified as "emo" though, so I figure a lot of people will choose Green Day as to not be labeled, or just to be gay. And by the way, if I hear Boulevard of Broken Dreams on the radio one more time, I'm gonna go f'in crazy, thank you.
I've read up on my Japanese a bit, but that doesn't make it any easier to learn the language. Its hard, just like learning any language, its not unique to Japanese. However, if you want to able to read and write it I suggest getting books on it. Theres several books you can get that teach you all the basics of actually understanding words, and how to write them. But its basically impossible to learn pronunciation from a book, so you can either find someone to teach you (like you did), or find another means of having it spoken to you. Some sites let you type in the phrase you need and it speaks it back to you. This helps if your actually trying to be fluent in a conversation rather then comprehend all of the words of the Japanese language.
I'm definitely a nocturnal, just not here lol. I have school during the day, and three computer classes in which all I basically do is surf the forum. In the later hours reading over posts gets tedious and I'd rather just go in my room and play a video game or something. Even on school nights when I have to wake up around 6 in the morning I can't usually sleep until 1 at least.
The basis of Afire's post was just as I said, an opinion. Did she write the poem? If not then all her comment was was speculation, as was mine. We both did the same thing, except we read and interpreted the poem differently, just like others did. It just got to me that you felt it necessary to ignorantly criticize those you simply disagreed with. I understand your criticism, it just seemed, harsh? I don't know, I just think that if you really wanted to enlighten someone, or express your opinion so that others might understand, you wouldn't do it so bluntly, it just didn't seem necessary. Anyway, I'm glad I intrigue you lol, and I thank you for your thoughts on the original subject as I do everyone else.
well, it all depends on how you play the RPG and what system your asking for, as far as PS2 goes there is numerous RPG's that can be played for over 40 hours, I always mention Suikoden 3, just cause, I love it lol, but besides that, there is all the Final Fantasy's, I don't believe any of them could be beaten in under 30 or so hours, and thats not considering all the extra things you can do, Grandia also provides a good challenge that should keep you busy as far as XBOX goes, they've been coming out with some pretty good RPG's lately, at least from my POV, Fable only took me about 15 hours to beat, but after doing sidequests, main quests, getting treasure, a house, a wife, I was definitely over 40 hours, Morrowind took me a pretty long time as well, I don't reccomend it though, it can get frustrating, theres also the KOTOR series which offers some pretty good gaming, I can't promise it'll be over 40, but its well worth checking out, and if you do a good bit of gaming it should be close to 40
[B]Name[/B]: Nicolas Frock [B]Nickname[/B]: Daft [B]Age[/B]: 23 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Affiliation[/B]: The Spooks [B]Physical Description[/B]: Nicolas is a tall slinky man. He currently resides in The Haunted House, and he would have it no other way. He does not enjoy luxuries like the others, he believes they only corrupt oneself. Most think him crazy, due to his opinion on most things. However, he is quite methodical, his sinical side just seems to get the best of him sometimes. He wears old tattered and torn clothes covered in dust from sleeping in The Haunted House. His hair white and dusty as well. He likes to keep to himself and only goes out of his way to aid The Spooks, who provide him an ideal home. [B]Biography[/B]: Nicolas lost his parents when he was just a child. He was moved to a nearby orphanage, but he soon came to the conclusion that this life was not for him. He hated the other kids, they made fun of him, which began his tendency to be by himself. He disliked the judgement of others and refused to suffer it any longer. Only a month or so after being placed in the orphanage he ran away. They came after him of course, but he was quick and escaped easily. He grew up the rougher part of town, living among the other homeless people. He slept on the hard wet ground and wore barely anything for lack of money. But as he grew up he learned the tales of the trade. He was an excellent thief, and an excellent dealer. He once stole a beautiful ring from a well known shop in town. A day later he returned to the store and sold back the very ring he stole the day before. He had become an expert when it came to the city, he knew almost every in and out, secret passage ways, short-cuts, everything. This aided him greatley in the field of thievery. However, he had been finding less and less items to steal and was confused as to why this was happening. He then heard of [B]The Spooks[/B] an aid to the Black Devils, and one of the most talented forces of thievery in the city. Nicolas found himself running several errands for [B]The Spooks[/B] in return for loyalty. Eventually he was asked to join and accepted the invitation without thought. He soon earned the nickname "Daft" for his excellent thievery and ability to execute quick deaths when needed. He was crazy, and unforgiving, a deadly combination. [B]Specialites[/B]: Nicolas specializes in thievery of course. His unrequited ability to take things that don't belong to him, without being noticed or even acknoledged. Sometimes, however, he is discovered and has been trained adquately to defend himself. He keeps hidden blades in his sleeves that connect to his hand. When needed he is able to extend the blades from his sleeves and use them as he pleases.
Jedoth was silent as he was assigned his duty. He was familiar with the students he had been given. Although young and inexperienced, he felt each had a special power within them that had yet been unleashed. He made it a habit of constantly checking each student's force alignment and power and he was quite happy he'd been given these three, as well as Gartrek to accompany him in their mission. As Jedoth walked through the silent base he observed his surroundings. He didn't notice much out of the ordinary. [I]Maybe this corridor had been left untouched?[/I] he thought to himself. However, he couldn't think of a reason for the someone to take a base and not examine it fully. They were almost to their destination when Jedoth heard a loud crash. His lightsaber quickly flew to his hand and ignited the dark hallway. As he spun around he saw that Jassk had simply knocked something over "Heh...sorry." Alask shook her head. "No matter young one, but next time be cautious you must" Jassk nodded and they continued. At the end of the hallway they reached a large empty room. The lights flickered as they walked in. Jedoth closed his eyes and tried to feel the force...nothing.
Roland continued his journey through the cave, souls coming more rapidly as time progressed. They seemed to be never ending, but it made no difference. Roland had become quite skilled with his weapon already. This was his favorite place to train because he was able to fight several different kinds of beast without traveling long distances. As he walked, he began to feel strange. A large number of souls was moving fast towards him. They were much more intelligent and before he knew it the scythe was out of his hands into those of the enemy. "Back again?" Roland heard a voice echo throughout the cave. "Of course..." Roland mumbled. "You know you will die, this new weapon, it is nothing compared to our power, and even if it was, its not even in your control anymore." The souls began to laugh, Roland was quiet, and just smiled. He closed his eyes and burst into a run towards the first soul, he grabbed it's shoulder, ran to the second and and did the same, then jumped back. Each body exploded and fell to the ground. Roland's hand began to glow a dark red as he became more and more furious with the laughing souls. One came to strike him with an old steel sword, he grabbed it and it snapped in the power of his fist. He punched straight through the soul's body and came out the other side. He ripped his hand from the corpse and threw it aside. He smelled the blood that now encased his hand and gave a quick smile. Two more souls came from behind, he spun and kicked the head from the first and simply touched the head of the second. As it exploded he ran through the smoke towards the final 3 souls, the middle one holding his weapon. Just before he reached them he jumped to the wall, sprung off it and gave a stiff shoulder ripping through the first. The middle soul jumped back and swung the large weapon just barely cutting Roland's chest as he attempted to dodge. He tripped the soul, put his hand over the head and smiled as the head slowly lit afire. The cave became illuminated and the last soul trembled in fear. He backed away slowly "P-Please don't k-kill me, I'll leave, I promise." Roland looked up quickly, grabbed his scythe from the ground and sliced through his final opponent. The lifeless body parts scattered as he stood up. "Hah, fools..." Roland walked away as the bodies of the dead still smoked in his wake.
After the Master's speech Tucker gave a "Hmph" and walked away from the fountain. He thought of the card he would be given, what would it be? He mumbled to himself as he walked to his room. He sat on his bed and contemplated [I]This is all crazy, anything I want? I doubt it, no one just throws away money without a catch, but whats the catch?[/I] He couldn't figure out the Game Master and why he chose to bring these people in his house. Tucker began to think of a the cards again [I]Wonder what the cards are for? Hopefully I'll get a good one.[/I] He decided that thinking about this wouldn't really help any and decided to take a nap. He layed back on his bed and put his hands behind his head. He looked up at plane he had placed there earlier. He slept for a couple hours and was woken by people walking through the halls. [I]Loud youngsters[/I] he thought. Oh well, he decided it was probably almost dinner time and he began his long walk to the dining room.
Gelgoog, narrow-minded... :animestun . The poem was fine, but it was interpreted differently by different people. Just because we thought it meant something different then you doesn't mean we're wrong, your right, and we're stupid for thinking of it that way. Next time, just post your opinion rather then busting on the people that posted before you, sorry, but its annoying to open a post and find more of your opinions on everyone else rather then the actual subject of the thread.
Agreed Panda, someone could empathize with the situation, but theres a difference between empathy and actually understanding the situation. Someone could sympathize and say "Oh, its ok, it'll be fine." But that doesn't really help, at all. And your opinion isn't unbiased, its just unknowledgable. Not all relationships end badly, and even so, at least you have past experiences to relate to current situations. I don't know about you but when someone is giving me advice I'd rather they know what they're talking about then just make up something to say to make me feel better.
luckily I'm not retarded enough to tell a girl shes only on this earth to practice humility lol, I appreciate the poem, however, someone could definitely take it the worng way, good intentions, bad result
Its in their nature for parents to overreact in this situation. However, it depends on the kid, I don't think my parents would really freak out if they found out I was skipping. I have before, just havn't been caught. Before you actually do this stuff you need to plan it, cause if you just do it randomly then you will be caught. At least think about it first for god sakes :animesigh
Well, this might not be the answer your looking for but...no. How could you truly state facts about relationships when you've never been a part of one. You can say you've seen people in them, even felt the feelings for someone, but if its not mutual then its not a relationship and you don't know how it feels. I don't mean to be harsh, but would you want advice on how to lose weight by a fat person? No. It just wouldn't make sense to accept advice from someone who has never been in the same situation as you and truly doesn't understand the experiences your having.
Its quite unfortunate that the popular people, who are actually known by many, really aren't worth knowing. Most of the "popular" people from my school are stuck-up and condescending. It has a lot to do with looks if you ask me, have you ever seen an obese popular person? No, you havn't, because they don't exist. Now there might be a chunky girl that follows the popular girls around everywhere, but they don't count. Have you ever seen a really skinny nerdy looking popular guy? No, you havn't, because they don't exist either. This is unfortunate, cause some really nice people don't fit the "popular" mold and are treated like crap because of it.
He said he wanted good system, not a Gamecube, geez lol. Go for the PS2, if you really look you could definitely find lower then $130 as previously mentioned. It also has the best variety of games, and I'm not sure what shes into, but the PS2 will surely have something for her. As for boxybrown...*nudges again* quite a nice guy.
sorry dagger, well, there was reasoning behind voting for Orochimaru, I love Naruto, and besides Kakashi, Orochimaru is my favorite character, anyway, it looks like a race between Legato and Vicious however, so I'm rooting for Legato.
Well, I've always wanted to create my own anime and have it shown on TV or have some kind of exposure. I draw now, all the time, and most people think they're pretty good. I'd put them on here but I'm having trouble with my scanner. Anyway, I enjoy drawing for fun, so I assume I would enjoy drawing for money.
Roland flew on Shadow's back through the air, scythe in hand getting use to the balance with his new weapon during flight. Shadow flapped vigorously and it took awhile to be able to control himself as well as his weapon in the air. After this he leaned down "To the Forgotten Caves." Shadow steered off course and sped towards a large cave to the west. When they reached the cave Roland jumped from Shadow's back and landed at a kneel. "You stay here." Shadowed huffed acknowledging his master's command. Roland began his walk through the cave. It was dark, but Roland had been here several times before, so he knew his way. Roland often trained here, fighting lost souls that had found their way here. Lost souls are unable to reach Heaven or Hell so search for a quiet place to lie dormant away from others of the living world. Souls often take the shape of the surrounding area after a certain amount of dormancy. This cave was dark, so after a certain amount of time souls began form. Dead skin, tattered clothes and no mind of their own. Somewhat like zombies they wandered the cave looking for a fight, but not being able to leave without being harmed by the sun. Roland walked until he heard a noise. Light footsteps walking towards him, he closed his eyes and tried to focus. He couldn't feel any life force around him, because there was none within this cave, but he focused on the footsteps and where they were coming from. Mere seconds after closing his eyes he swung his scythe around, an attack from behind. He heard his scythe rip through the tattered flesh and the thud of body pieces falling to the floor. The souls near the beginning of the cave were rather easy to kill, it was the ones near the back that caused him trouble. He'd never actually made it to the end, but he oftened tried and failed. He continued his journey until he reached about mid-way into the cave. He heard something large drop to the ground. A soul had taken the form of a large dragon. This was no ordinary dragon, however, it to was tattered and lusted for souls of the living. Roland jumped quickly to dodge the black flame fired him. He jumped through the air slicing down but missing his target. The dragon's wings began to flap pushing him back, it was quick. It shot 3 more flames from its mouth in an attempt to knock Roland off guard. He dodged the first and sliced through the last two. [I]It has to stop flying or I'll never get it[/I] he thought to himself. He proceeded to throw his scythe, it sliced through the air towards the dragon and cut one of the wings off at its base. It let out a cry of pain as blood squirted from his lost limb. Roland caught the scythe and immediately burst into a run towards the dragon. He held his scythe out and dragged it through the dragon, coming to a stop just behind it. Blood dripped from his hands as the dragon dropped to the floor now in two pieces. He then continued his long walk through the Forgotten Cave.
Orochimaru has my vote, he wins :D