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Roland flew through the crisp air atop Shadow's back "Its a beautiful day out isn't it?" Shadow gave a grunt and flew a bit higher. Roland looked down and saw horses galloping off in all different directions. "I wonder how they'll do? That Godo is quite the character, I'm sure he has something in store for them all." He caught a quick flash as he flew. "Hmm, what could that be?" He flew lower and saw Phoenix riding on a slick black horse "I don't believe thats one of my own, hmm, interesting." He took a quick right and and saw Zhuge Wei riding a firey red horse "Hah, the red one, I figured as much, they'll get along just fine." He continued to check up on each person and then returned to the castle to find Juren standing outside. "How are they doing sir?" asked Juren as Shadow landed just in front of him. "They're doing just fine, I'll check up on them again later, how is my weapon?" Juren gave a smile "Its finally finished sir, would you like to see it?" Roland nodded and followed Juren to the Blacksmith. They stepped behind the counter and entered the back room. There he saw it, a long scythe lying the table. The long handle made of a tainted black metal leading up to a large blade at the end. Roland picked it up and began swing it. "Its perfect Juren." Juren smiled. "I'm taking this, I need to train while the others are away." "Yes sir, I will attend the house while your away." Juren nodded and left the room, as did Roland. [URL=http://tinypic.com/4ftw81]Scythe[/URL]
Tucker leaned against the fountain listening to the others talk [I]Spoiled...[/I] he thought. [I]What possible use could there be for a fountain that spouts champagne? I could make a fine plane with that kind of money...[/I] He listened quietly to the young men and women speak. [I]Oh well, I love the youngsters, maybe I'll be able to teach 'em a thing or too.[/I] He laughed to himself as he continued to watch.
Tucker walked up a long staircase as a man in a suit lead him to his room. Tucker looked around in awe at the house. [I]This place is friggin huge[/I] he thought. They finally reached his room at the end of the hallway and the man opened the door for Tucker. "Thanks man" Tucker patted the man hard on the shoulder as he walked into his room and shut the door behind him. He looked around the room and saw it was pretty plain, just how he liked it. [I]Hmm, you'd think a fancy house like this'd have a pretty fancy room[/I] he thought as he plopped on the bed testing it. He began to unpack his things and rearrange a bit to his liking. Opened a drawer and found some model airplanes and pictures as well as blueprints of several planes. [I]Holy shit, look at all this stuff[/I] he began to hang them up on his wall and examine some of the model sets he'd found. After an hour or so the room looked just like his own. Pictures of planes all over and a couple models sitting on a desk to the right of the room. [I]Perfect[/I] he thought as he lit a cigarette. No more had he taken a puff he heard an announcement on the loudspeaker. He grunted "And I was just getting situated." He opened the door and began his walk down the long hallway to the fountain mentioned over the intercom.
The list of acceptants goes as follows... [B]Paertekarka Ahzraei Neuvoxraiha Sakura Jian Anarchy[/B] Thanks to all who applied.
[FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3][CENTER]Shackled Retribution[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://tinypic.com/2mcuj8[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER] Participants Myself - Roland Summers Paertekarka - Kyss Crafter Ahzraei - Ashem Dal Neuvoxraiha - Saturnine Lattinae Sakura - Azalea Oakley Jian - Zhuge Wei Anarchy - Phoenix[/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Chapter 1[/CENTER][/B] Roland sat in his chair pondering thoughts as he stared out the window. He was interrupted by a squeking door. "Everyone has arrived my lord, I've gathered them in the dining room" said Juren. "Good" Roland stood up and left the room. When he reached the dining room he saw three people on each side of the table. Three men and three women sat in their chairs as he walked past. He took his seat at the head of the table and began. "Hello everyone, and welcome. My name is Roland, but I will be referred to as Leader from here on out. You're all here to accompany me on a crusade to defeat the tyrant Chaos. You all have your own motivations for doing so, as do I, but we will work together to achieve this common goal. I already have a strategy set in place, but before we could even stand a chance against Chaos, each of you must become engraved. I'm sure Juren has told you already, but each of you will become engraved with three Crests of your choice to use on our journey. To do this you must meet with Godo. He is an expert in the field of engraving and will do so to each of you. However, Godo is a very paranoid man and refuses to stay in one place for very long. This bring us to the first step in my plan, each of you must go on a seperate journey to find Godo. You all will be given a map with his location marked. However, each location will be different. Some are longer and less dangerous, while others are shorter and have more obstacles along the way. I assure you each one is of equal difficulty. Godo came up with this game on his own, but I endorsed it, as a test of your abilities before you become engraved. If you fail to complete this task, then you will not accompany me on our journey to destroy Chaos. Use the rest of your day to prepare equipment and ready yourself for tomorrow. I advise you get an early start, it won't be easy." Roland rose from his seat and walked quietly from the room. Once the door was shut he heard chatter begin but thought nothing of it. He returned to his room and retired for the night. The next morning he woke up and made his way to the dining room where Juren was waiting for him. "Good morning sir, sleep well?" Roland gave a yawn "Yes yes, have they begun?" Juren smiled "Yes sir, they all left early this morning." Roland left the room and returned to his own, he got dressed and returned to Juren. "I expect my weapon to be done by the time I return Juren" "Y-Yes sir, I assure it will be" Juren mumbled. Roland walked out of his home, rose his hand the air and spoke "Shadow." The silouhette of a dragon soon became more realistic as Shadow landed in front of him. Roland hopped on his back and they took flight. Roland leaned forward and spoke "Lets go see just how much progress they've made." OCC: Each of you is to write your own joruney to find Godo and your journey home. The day before you leave you may use to prepare equipment and interact with each other as you see fit. Have fun!
Name: Jedi Master Jedoth Age: Unknown Gender: Male Personality: Master Jedoth is a very calm and collected Jedi. Hes a descendant of one of the most renowned Jedi of all time, Yoda. He lives up to his name by being one of the biggest advocates of the light side. He speaks as Yoda did, sometimes in riddles leaving lessons to be learned for young Jedi's. Appearance: Jedoth is very similar in looks to Master Yoda. He has grown a bit taller, however, and is less frail then his descendant. His age is unknown but he is thought to be no more then 50 or 60. He wears the generic tan light side Jedi robe with a lightsaber hanging from his belt. Bio: Jedoth grew up on the same planet Yoda was from. At a certain age he was left here to fend for himself and develop a closeness to the force. He was told several former Jedi Masters had aquired their great power on this very planet. He was dropped off in nothing but his robe and monitored as he grew. Over time he formed a bond to the planet and became stronger each day. He had created his own weapon, home, and developed several strategies to keep himself fed and safe from the beasts of the planet. Several years later he was met by a current Jedi Master and taken back to an industrialized planet. Here he was given a lightsaber and taught the ways of the jedi. He had become strong while living on his planet and had unbelievable bond with the force. He learned quick and in no time he occupied the spot of a Jedi Master. He currently fights in the frontline of the Jedi army. He commands hundreds of soldiers as well as teaches young Jedi's at the academy. Lately hes been feeling a disturbance in the force and is worried of what might come. However he feels it not important that the other Jedi's worry of this disturbance and keeps it to himself. Lightsaber colour and type: Single-bladed green lightsaber, the original one used by Yoda himself that was passed down and intended to be used by Jedoth. Most likely to turn to: 100% Light Side
"C'mon you dumbasses we have to get this plane finished by Thursday or we'll lose one of our best customers!" shouted Tucker as people rushed back and forth carrying parts. "We don't have all day!" As Tucker shouted orders at his employees his secretary walked up to him and timidly spoke "Umm, sir, you've recieved a rather interesting e-mail." Tucker turned "What? I can't be bothered with this now, we're on a deadline." The secretary trembled "I-I know sir, but its rather important." Tucker gave a loud sigh "Fine fine, I'll go check it." After reading the e-mail he gave a loud laugh "Hah, as if someone was actually stupid enough to give away money, Tina why did you want me to read this? Its a complete waste of time." The secretary spoke "I know sir I didn't believe it at first but look here." She opened his bank account and point to the recent $10,000 dollar deposit. "Holy shit, its $10,000" screamed Tucker. "Umm, yes sir" mumbled Tina. Tucker pondered the situation for a bit and then replied to the e-mail. [CENTER][I]To Master Of Games, I'd be glad to accompany you at your mansion, I'll be there. Tucker Owens[/I][/CENTER] Tucker ran out to the shop. "I'm outta this crap hole, finally, I'm going somewhere, Tina your in charge while I'm gone." He went home and packed nothing but clothes, a model plane set, cigarettes, his lighter, and his lucky bolt taken off a plane engine. No sooner had he walked out of his house did a black limousine pulled up and a distinguished man stepped out. "Mr.Owens I will be escorting you to the airport where you will be transported to The Game Master's home." Tucker smiled "Nice" he hopped in the limo and was soon aboard the plane. He sat in his seat looking out the window. A flight attendant walked by and he stopped her "Hey, do you know what year this baby is? Its a smooth flight, one of the best I've been on, tell me about it." The flight attendant stared back at him "Umm, I'm not quite sure sir." She scurried away. "Hmph" Tucker let out a sigh and began piecing together his plane set. When he finally arrived he was escorted by limousine to a huge mansion. He stepped out and let a cigarette. "Hmm, nice digs." He saw some other people sitting outside waiting to be let into the mansion. He walked up and introduced himself "The name's Tucker Owens, expert pilot and plane building extroadinare." Everyone just stared at him. "Yeah well, your not all that special either..." Tucker mumbled as he took a seat on the ground.
Name: Luc Fallan Age: 29 Gender: Male Race: Meram Occupation: General Position: Meram General Weapon: Longsword kept at his left side. Spells: None Appearance: [IMG]http://tinypic.com/2n3mli[/IMG] Personality: Luc is a cold, unforgiving man. He has risen in the rank of the Meram army due to the unfortunate end of the former Meram General. He is confident in his abilities, especially in battle. His judgement sometimes becomes impared on the battlefield, however, and he becomes an uncontrollable monster. Excerpt of Character: A young man walked down a dark narrow hallway in a large Meram castle. It was quiet and the only sound that could be heard was the echo of the man's footsteps as he walked. When he finally reached the end of the hallway he found himself in front of a large door. He twisted the rusty handle and opened the door. Inside the large room he found 3 men standing and one sitting at a desk in front of them. The man walked forward and stood still next to the 3 men previously standing in the room. The man in the desk began to speak. "Welcome all of you, I've called you here to discuss the matter I'm sure you've all heard about. The former General of the Meram army has been killed in a violent slaughter of our people by the Mages of the Malroy army. It was truly unfortunate but I believe he will be replaced here and now by one of you. Now don't flatter yourselves, this is merely a test. We need a stern, cold-hearted general. Someone precise on and off of the battlefield. Although I doubt any of you will fit this mold, I have no choice but to..." The man's speech was cut off by a quick "hmph." He looked upon the four men standing in front of him and noticed it had been the most recent of the men to join them that had made the sound. "Something to say Luc?" asked the man at the desk. "Your wasting my time Counselor, I did not come here to endure your long-winded speech, nor your opinion of my abilities." The man standing next to him spoke "You can't speak to the Counselor that way, have some respect!" Luc gave him a quick look drew his sword and in mere seconds the man's head had resumed its position in Luc's hand. The other two men gasped as the Counselor smiled. "The rest of you may leave, Luc, you will stay." The other two men walked cautiously out of the room and closed the door behind them. The counselor spoke "It seems your just the man I'm looking for to assume control of our army." Luc gave a smile "As I expected." The Counselor took something from his desk "This pendant is proof of your position in the Meram army. It was recovered from the neck of our former general and I expect you to wear it at all times. Now go ready your troops and equipment, we never know when another attack will ensue." Luc took the blood stained pendant and put it around his neck. He turned and walked from the room.
mine says the same, and I'm not sure how accurate it is, but I know that while playing it I definitely work up a sweat lol, its a pretty tough game especially when you move on to heavy and such, with 100's of beats per song its easy to see how its equivalent to a 2 mile jog.
well, theres lots of games I've love to see remade, but this question is basically for Gavin, you seem to be a big fan of Star Wars, and I really enjoyed the KOTOR series, do you know if or how many more installments there will be of this series? The game is pretty unique, and its fun. So if you havn't played it yet you should definitely check it out
[QUOTE]Yeah, FFIX's boss is really tough, even if you know what you're up against. I was beaten at least eight times by that... thing.[/QUOTE] lol Darkfire, I thought that was one of the easiest bosses I've ever fought against, get the regeneraion ability for each of your characters, I was recovering about 800 points of health every 10 seconds, Steiner, although not my favorite character, completely owned this boss. And Zidargh replied to my Onimusha 3 comment. Well, your right, you don't have to get the final weapon of the game, but weren't you intrigued to get it? And it was a nice challenge to actually complete the last Dark Realm considering the size. I enjoyed the last dark realm more then the actual boss fight. Its not that it was terrible, I just think it could've been set up differently.
I didn't really mention XBOX in the previous post because the thread is based on nintendo, but I do agree with Zidargh, XBOX has unbridled potential as far as systems go, a perfect example is Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. As mentioned before in another thread its gotten excellent ratings, some of the best ever. I'm not much of a fan of thir-person shooters, so I probably won't buy it, however, it is one of the highest rated games of the year. I believe XBOX has contracted with the Final Fantasy series because it has yet to really explore its RPG capabilities. I enjoyed Fable a lot, although it wasn't that great as far as story, but there was so many things you could do, it was fun. I also enjoyed Morrowind, although the world was huge and the game was quite tedious, its almost impossible to stop playing. The next installment of the XBOX will probably surpass whatever Nintendo and Sony have in mind. From another POV...Halo 2 sucked, thanks :catgirl:
Stealing is definitely a problem on lots of PC games. Diablo was my classic example because anything and everything could be taken from you in seconds. Some servers were specifically designed for people to join, their stuff to be taken, and them to be booted from the server. This was quite annoying because they look just like normal servers. I actually found myself getting pretty far and in the game, and I had a decent character with some decent stuff. Basically everything I got was in this server (we had worked together and gotten pretty close to the end) and before the final boss one of the teammates turned, killed us all, and the final boss. When somethign like that happens, you can't just "ignore it." Its not just PC games, if you got really far on a PS2 game, and then the power went off or something, you'd be mad you just lost everything you'd worked for. On the issue of morals. I don't believe its specifically all online gamers, however, I've found that a lot of people who play games like Diablo, play quite constantly and end up becoming "jerks" as they've been referred to as (I don't believe the mods would enjoy my other names for them ;) ). Even so, there are definitely nice people on these games, and its worth it to actually play through them and meet the people. I've found lots of friends on these games that I still talk to even after I've left the game. You can't really generalize all the people who play online games, cause theres an intire spectrum of people who play these games and they're all different.
The Gamecube, as soom previously mentioned, isn't doing all that bad. However, I don't really believe its a good system. The graphics are ok, they vary from game to game, but I don't really think it has some special to offer us as gamers. Many of you have mentioned Windwaker, well, I'm a fan of Zelda, but not of this game. I don't like it, any of it lol. But that just further supports the point made before that personal opinions really make no difference in the selling statistics of the Gamecube. Even so, the only few games I enjoyed on the Gamecube were Metroid, Super Smash Brothers, and SMS (mildly). And if you have to struggle to mention a good list of games for the system, then there has to be some trouble concerning it. As far as the PSP goes, I think it sold as many as it did just because it was made by Sony, and lets face it, the PS2 is the best out there right now, so why not expect the best portable station? However, its not all that great, especially compared to price. The game line-up is well, not all that exciting. And since it comes so expensive, you'd think it'd actually have somethings already in place when you buy it. However all the things included on the PSP (music, gaming, movies, pictures) are seperated. You have to buy the games, pay for the music and movies, and the picture program is below par at best. The DS, although not as diverse is definitely much better from the gaming stand point.
well, it sounds like jahjah has progressed after each post in this thread lol, hes had an epiphany about anime panty shots, not exactly the epiphany I would be looking for, but still good :animesmil
hah, I like it, I was wondering where you got this idea/why did you decide to do it? but the poster looks good fo the most part except for the very back of the truck, it becomes transparent and looks a bit pieced together, but that can fixed, overall its good *thumbs up*
it depends on the games, I use to big into PC gaming and such, but the people definitely pissed me off, it wasn't even their comments, I could careless what they say, but in Diablo, for example, you could have a certain amount of gold and it could be stolen from you instantaneously in a trade or a battle, which gets pretty annoying if you had a lot, people turning on you is another issue, but it doesn't really matter, most of the retards that turn on you do so to see your reaction, it makes it more enjoyable, instead of freaking out, go level-up and kill him :p
I see where your coming from concerning gamecube, I actually bought one, beat super smash brothers, and then sold it to my friend lol, its definitely nothing special, at least not to me However, I like the DS and basically ever gamer I know has one, and its not because they're hardcore nintendo fans, its just good. The graphics aren't bad and the touch-screen, although awkward at first is quite fun when you get use to it. I'm not quite sure about the PSP. It looks ok, but it usually downsizes the gaming when people try to cram all those abilities into one system "pictures, movies, games, music" and its rather expensive as well, more so then the DS. I've played both and personally I find the DS more enjoyable. Lastly, I don't think nintendo is nearing its end. Although later endeavors havn't been as successful as originally thought, they've had several hits in the gaming world over the years and I'm assuming this is enough to keep them going and keep the people buying.
of course, everyone has had childhood dreams, I don't think I've met someone whos actually achieved one of those dreams but still, when I was younger I wanted to be a Vet, I loved animals, and figured why not? then I wanted to be the classic "fire-fighter", but now, I'm really interested in being a musician, they always change, but dreams are important and keep children innocent as well as give them something to work for
I like rock, more specifically hardcore, but that wasn't really an option, therefore, rock
I didn't request it, but I felt the need to comment, I love it, its really good jones *drools*
hah, I never really thought of DBZ as a sexist anime, but I guess you could think of it that way if you look at Bulma. However, it does have females like 18, who are smart, witty, etc. As for Yu-Gi-Oh, I completely agree. Females are more or less useless in context to the show. The only women chracter that is mildly intriguing is Mai, and I kind of lost interest when the new season began and the voice actress had changed. The rest of the girls are well, boring.
interesting, I have lots of questions, at what age did you move here? which animes are you longing to watch but havn't been conformed and played in America? which shows that actually do play here do you think are best?
well, I don't really understand how someone could possibly be "homophobic." Some people just say its not natural, and maybe its not, but I assure you, its everywhere. In some cities more then others, but everywhere you go there will be a gay person, and chances are, there will be gay affection. I'm not particularly fond of watching gay people make out lol, but it doesn't give me shivers or something. Just imagine you in that situation, would you like people staring at you and judging all the time? Try to sympathize.