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Everything posted by Kamuro

  1. I actually thank elfpirate for not sugarcoating it, I'm tired of hearing about it, period, however, I don't think its merely coincidental that so many children have come forward claiming he did these things to them, it would be different if he was standing alone, especially consider other "fraud" cases, but what about all the other children he brought into his house? and slept with "innocently"?
  2. agreed, but if that person came into your life, and made some sort of impact, changed you in some way, good or bad, it sort of feels like somethings missing without them, even if its their life and not your own
  3. Kamuro

    X Box help

    yeah, I got the same, I've heard they've had a lot of certain re-occuring problems, and if it is the X-BOX it might be wise to see if you can get some kind of refund or something, considering you have a warranty or anything
  4. Kamuro


    I agree, I think most people do prefer the dark, fighting, types of animes, who wouldn't? but the lighter, happier (for want of a better word) animes do offer something different, and I find the characters to be a bit more realistic and easier to relate to on another note (I was going to make a totally seperate post about this but didn't want to annoy the admin with a thread that might have already been started awhile ago, I'm new) how do you guys get your hands on these various types of anime? I'm 16, and funds are limited considering actually buying the shows on DVD, most of the anime I watch comes from cartoon network, which is satisfying to some extent, but it seems I'm missing out on some of the best anime? The only anime's that I have seen, that aren't on CN are Naruto and Berserk, and only certain episodes, Dagger seems rather knowledgable about a lot of anime so I guess this is directed towards him, how do you see so many diverse types of anime?
  5. I agree to a certain agree with everyone in the post, its definitely hard to pick an "average" suicide and decide if its right or wrong, selfish or selfless, but in my opinion (and I'm 16, still young) life has been hard and trying moments highlighted by a few happy moments, rather then the other way around, sometimes it just seems like things won't get any better, when in reality, you havn't even come close to realizing your own potential, school sometimes makes people feel trapped, to stay in one place, with the same people, and dealing with the same things day after day after day, which can really drive a person crazy and to support people that do think its selfish, well, to an extent it is, especially if you've known someone who has committed suicide, you wonder if they even thought of you, or how you would feel before they went and took their life, even when you do care, it just seems like caring wasn't enough, and as much as you second guess yourself, theres really nothing you can do but learn from the experience, and sometimes it actually helps a person, to not take things for granted, and really treat people well, because you don't know if they'll be there tomorrow, its not exactly comforting, but it does give us some hope, knowing that the person's sacrifice wasn't in vain
  6. It sounds sort of like the second enstallment of Star Wars on XBOX "The Sith Lord", you could refer to it to get some sort of idea for characters and development
  7. its pretty good, I like the wind feature also, I'm not really a big fan of the font you used for the letters but its something I could let go for the stellar background
  8. I thought the battle system of Star Ocean (anyone) is a great battle system, it gives you so much freedom, you could move anywhere in the field useing different attacks depending on distance, and once you get the bunny shoes you can move hella fast :D
  9. 1. Yu Yu Hakusho- My favorite by far, it has some of the best characters I've seen and they're development is good as well. It some of the most insane fights especially later in the series. 2. Berserk- I'm a sucker for an anime like this, I love the fighting, and Griffith, w00t. 3. Rurouni Kenshin- As well as YYH, Rurouni Kenshin has awesome characters and the story progresses very well (a little slow at first, but it picks up). 4. Dragonball- Although its not one of my favorites, like many it was the first anime I was really interested in, although GT was kind of a let down, DB definitely is worth watching. 5. Naruto- As someone said earlier, the characters are easy to relate to, and definitely likeable, I.E. my name :cool: 6. Fullmetal Alchemist-Seems to be really well liked among people here, and although its not my favorite, it is a solid show. 7. Inuyasha-I am impressed how the show has progressed, with a lengthy series and 3 movies its made quite a name for itself. 8. Witch Hunter Robin-I also really liked this show. It doesn't get much recognition, but given a chance its a very good show with a very good story. 9. Trigun-I loved the concept, and Vash is definitely one of my favorite anime characters of all time. 10. Cowboy Bebop-Its all the way down here at number 10, but I still love the show. The ending was a bit sad, but I've accepted it :animedepr
  10. geez, lots of people here busting on raiden from MGS, yeah, he kind of sucked, but as cool as snake is, in MGS3 his voice gets on my nerves more then anything, the game is alright, but the voice is trying so hard to sound cool, it just sounds retarded, he always holds his words to make them just a bit longer with his scratchy "I'm stealthy, and trying to be cooler then any other character ever" voice
  11. I agree with r2vq's list, be open to new people, there is such a variety of people at the conventions, chances are you'll find someone you like
  12. I understand what you mean, but with all the characters in inuyasha, I just don't think shippo is needed, kagome always sets him straight, he learns from songo, and somewhat from miroku, the good things anyway, I can't quite remember the name of kikyos younger sister (old women as inuyasha often calls her), but she does a great majority of inuyasha's "setting straight"
  13. I agree, accents, definitely a no no, I think its just to make the manga seem more detailed, or indepth, which is good, but its definitely not worth the trouble, and hellsing, awesome :cool:
  14. well, guess I'm first to reply here, I believe that I most relate to Kenshin of Rurouni Kenshin. He has a past hes not proud of, things he's done that he regrets and a past hes not proud of. Although hes had a hard past, he still goes on, and he is determined to repent for the life he chose to live. He once was known as battousai the man slayer, a supposed feelingless man, but we now see that he can care for people, more then most would. He has a strong mind and a quick hand, and if theres any anime character that I'd like to be compared to, its Kenshin.
  15. yes yes, I agree with most, I think for every sexual outfitted girl, you could find a normal one just the same, it depends on the anime, story line, audience, everything. sometimes clothing just fits the show better, it doesn't really mean they're portraying the girls as sluts, or lowering our opinion of women, its all in the style and writing of the shows
  16. hey, well, I'm new to the forums but not to anime, and well, this is how I feel... [B]Respect:[/B] I respect Vash the most. Hes not exactly the coolest anime character ever, but almost everything he does he does without having to kill anyone. Hes an expert gunman, yet barely anyone ever dies in the show (by Vash's bullet). Even though hes pretty comical, he definitely has his badass moments as well. [B]Love:[/B] Well, if I had to pick someone to love, you'd figure I'd pick a girl, since I'm a guy. But theres no anime girl characters that I really really like. So, my love goes to Kakashi :animeswea [B]Hate:[/B] Well, if there was ever an anime character that I hated, it would probably be Shippou from Inuyasha. I'm sure some of the girls will hate me because hes "cute" or whatever, but he really serves no purpose in the show, and has his own "theme" episodes that totally side-track the story so we can learn more about Shippou, which I really wasn't intent on doing :sleep:
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