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Everything posted by Kamuro

  1. [SIZE=1]As the title implies I've decided to post all my works in one thread rather then scatter them throughout the Anthology forum. The thread is rated M because some of my writing can be graphic and better safe then sorry. I'll be seperating my writing into three sections. Poems, songs, and quotes. Each will be explained before my actual writings and I won't descrbe every single work, but I will now and then. I'd like you all to draw your own conclusions from the things I've written and decipher them however you like. I'd love to hear what you thought after reading them. Of course you don't have to critique them all, maybe certain ones you felt compelled to. Or simply say which one you liked best or ideas you thought were good. If you see a certain work that you'd like an explanation for please ask and I'll post one. Thanks [I]Poems[/I] My poems are probably my most passionate examples of writing. In songs you sometimes have to compromise certain lyrics to fit the flow, but poems provide a lot of freedom. I'm allowed to ramble, put any feelings down I want and not worry about whether or not they fit a certain mold. My poems seldom rhyme since my feelings, even the happiest ones, don't rhyme in my mind, so why write them that way? Some of my poems are long, and others short. Sometimes even the most indepth feelings can be described in just a few words, so don't judge a book by it's cover. The poems aren't related in any way, so don't try to find a theme lol. They're simply works I decided to post. [B]"Me and You"[/B] be still my heart... you are nothing shy of amazing and I pray that things work out. I am getting so caught up in thoughts of you. if this isn't what I thought then I am up for another huge fall. I really hope that's not the case. I could get used to "me and you." - - - [B]"Casualties of Mail"[/B] This letter to you stamped rather then signed A blood substitute from the usual ink And as I lay branded, loves true victim Your taste lingers onward, leaving no solace My eyes stamped closed revealing my cost Five cents for my soul and a broken heart Eager to speak yet my lips unable Sealed tight like the letter, grasp in your hand After reading, your eyes become veined and red Mind scarred to match your paper cut palms The message, written and long since traveled Finds it's owner, and the morgue - - - [B]"Reality"[/B] You always wondered where we stood Well I can say my feet are stuck Soles happily neighboring that of your own You always wondered how I felt And I was confused by the look in your eye I guess flowers are more subtle then they use to be You always wondered if we'd work I could never really say for sure Yet you bring a warmth so long overdue You always wondered if love was real Well if it's not then please don't wake me Reality is so overrated [I]Songs[/I] Songs resemble poems on paper, it's hard to actually catch a beat without hearing the song first. I expect some of these will sound a bit weird, depending on how you read them. Some lines might seem out of place or lacking the harmony provided in the previous verse, but it's merely there to comply with the song. I won't be repeatedly writing the chorus, I might not even make a note of where it comes in again, as to not interrupt the reader. I hope you all like them. [B]"Reading Between the Lines"[/B] "Let's just be friends," she said with a smile As if I meant nothing, as if she was special "You'll find someone better," her vain reassurance Hollow words and smiles leave me feeling empty Tired lines is all you're good for, insincerity your vice Lips bleeding lines of untrue words Useless cliches and my own heart at fault "I just need some time," she says, lacking patience Counting the minutes from a clock flashing eights "I've got to find myself," her muffled excuse From a girl with a map and little direction "I'll always love you," my own contribution Brimming words from a razor's edge - - - [B]"How Are Things?"[/B] Don't let go Cause it's all that you know (And) What's it like To go down with the ship You'd better hold on To the weight that's pulling you So at least (that way) You won't go down alone If you can't beat 'em then join 'em That's exactly what you did Way to give in, Way to give up You gave up on hope cause you couldn't believe in yourself How are things Now that you're not yourself? When it ends Will you be happy with your life? I remember All the things you used to say (But) Don't sign the note Sincerely if you never meant a word [I]Quotes[/I] Quotes are simple things I hear or say that strike me more then the usual conversation does. Sometimes you can be struggling with a problem and the answer is as simple as a sentence from a song, or even a friend. Things can become complicated over time, and a small problem can distort and create something larger. A quote can help to understand life, or nothing at all, make you think, or confuse you totally. The possibilities are endless. - "If you love her then go for it, if not, then what are we talking for?" - "A life alone is no life at all." - "I want a guy just like you...but not you." - "Something to forget me by." - "The permanent solution to a temporary problem." Thats it for now folks.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]I'm not a big fan of Evanescence really. I am just as surprised as you that an extremely metal based site gave them props on the music. I thought it was funny how they busted on 12 Stones though lol. There's way to many genre's and way to many rules pertaining to each, it's impossible to learn them all and be able to classify every band under a certain one. Evanescence is definitely not metal, but I think it's nice that they've been recognized for their talent. Although they aren't a metal band, they're good at what they do. I'm not particularly a fan but I'm able to give them props for the music they've made. And as you all said, they've become quite popular, so that means something (or it use to, anyway).[/SIZE]
  3. [quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']Are you talking about OtakuBoards or forums in general? If you are talking about OtakuBoards specifically, you may want to check out the ten thousand other threads related to thread quality discussion. ~_^[/font][/quote] [SIZE=1]As James said, theres been plenty of threads concerning post quality. We can all come to our own conclusion on the matter. For some reason the little lock symbol seems to attract people's eyes away from the 9687586 posts without it lol. The boards are even more attractive now cause of James' new skin ;) , and theres new people all over. It's only natural to have posts of ill-nature or lacking of substance, but once they find their "groove" around the forum everything works out fine and we're better off for it.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]I don't know. Maybe I'm simply upset at the fact that someone I've never met, and knows nothing about me, is choosing what "appropriate" is for someone my age. Generalizing obviously isn't the way to go concerning such serious matters. So one mentally disturbed person go's out and kills someone because they "saw it in a video game," in turn decreasing the government's estimation of kids' maturity. They go purely on assumption. I think you give the "politicians" to much credit. Sure, they have good intentions, but in the vast majority of cases things get out of hand. I think this is being taken a bit to far. As I said, the game already had an M rating. If a store declines the option to card it's customer, then that should be the problem rather then the game content itself. "1) retailers got in trouble for selling M-rated games to children under 17 in the first place, 2) if carding kids to make sure they're old enough was a common, required practice," thats how it's supposed to be. We put these restrictions on games for this very reason. What difference will it make to change the rating? If the store doesn't ask for ID, they'll still be able to buy it and play it to their heart's content. So why all this political fodder over changing the rating when in the long run (judging by your statistics) it won't make a difference anyway?[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Hihei ran closely with the others, Kuro following in suit behind him. If it was up to him he would've brought the squad, of course the shinigami was powerful, but the younger ones must learn. Until they had felt the true fear of battle they would not be able to progress to a higher level. No fight with a mere teammate, or even Kuro could prepare them for the likes of the strongest Hollow, and certainly not the Shinigami. And so they arrived, everyone haulting abruptly at the sight of Sado-fukutaicho and the Shinigami already engaged in battle. Among the sound of clashing swords he could also hear Kuro, gritting his teeth angrily. Hihei couldn't quite understand it, but his partner thirsted for this man's blood more then any he'd seen before. Despite Kuro's brash looks, he was an intelligent man. He must know that this was no ordinary opponent. Yet that made no difference in the matter anyhow. The fight had already begun and it was not their place to disrupt the sanctity of battle. Of course the firey fukutaicho wished for his comrade to win, but a little peice of him hoped for the defeat of his friend. So that he himself might have a chance to do battle with the Shinigami. As Hihei watched he found it hard to concentrate. The air was full of energy, some of the strongest he'd felt in a long time. Both Chad and the Shinigami's aura filled the air, along with the eager essence of the rest of the team. But not only that, there was another evil force in the area, hidden somewhere. With so much dormant energy becoming active at the same time it took a toll on one's spirit just to breath. Luckily he embodied the Red Dragon, and their bond one of the strongest among the fellow Taicho. He could feel the force pulsating within him. His friend felt the energy as well, and enjoyed the taste of strained essence. Hihei moved his hand to the blade, gripping it tightly and taking control. [I]You can feel it to, I know[/I] he thought calmly, regaining his composure. [I]You desire this Shinigami as well[/I] he echoed again. It was strange, even though Hihei had no real passion to kill the man, his other half desired it so. What was this ominous obsession from those around him towards this Shinigami? It just didn't seem right...[/SIZE]
  6. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']The ESRB does not play ANY of these games. They're given a write-up/survey that answers some basic questions about the content and such. They're also given tapes that show first-hand examples and complete cutscenes that may be considered inappropriate for an E-type rating.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Well, for one, If the ESRB is supposed to veiw all seemingly controversial cutscenes and portions of the game, then it's the creator of the game who should suffer the consequences for the inadequate rating. It's their job to provide the ESRB with all the information needed to place the best rating possible. But this isn't the case, instead of cracking down on this one portion of gaming, whether it be the game itself, the creator of the game, etc. Instead they bare down on all games and industries due to the mistake of a certain company or product. I think it's unfair to look at GTA and then generalize about all video games. Do you think the politicians, or even the parents play these games. I can assure you that few play GTA and most don't play video games at all. So they see this one controversial scene, and thats all they have to go on. There is so many examples of good gaming, but this one spark of opposition causes problems for everyone. As far as parents go, if their children are playing GTA already, then they aren't doing their job. It already had an M rating, they would've had to buy it for their child anyway. And this particular scene is far from the worst thing in this game. Killing policemen, people, prostitutes, etc. And everyones worried about this particular scene. I mean c'mon.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Ok here goes... [I]Jake of Bodom -[/I] Me and Jake are big metal heads, so what better duo then this? I gotta have someone to go all crazy with me and mosh all over the place. It'd be kinda weird if everyone else walked in on me moshing all by myself lol. [I]Retri -[/I] Every season needs an artsy type, and who's better then Retri? Answer=no one. We get along well and I can only imagine the stuff we'd get into in the same house for 6 months. [I]Gavin -[/I] I don't know Gavin well, but he could make the most boring ideas seem interesting. We'd be doing something completely random and he would say "hmm interesting, most interesting," thereby making whatever the activity is, interesting lol. [I]Dragon Warrior -[/I] DW is a pirate, what other reasoning do you need? He's absolutely crazy and I couldn't imagine the looks of the people from the street while he and I sword fight on the roof at 1:00 in the morning lol. [I]demonchild781 -[/I] I love DC. Plain and simple, she's awesome so I couldn't have a real world house without her. It just wouldn't work. [I]Imi -[/I] Imi is incredibly cool. She's nice as well as crazy, offering a plethora of insane ideas for us to do for 6 months lol. I havn't seen it yet, but I bet she's got a real party girl in there! [I]ULX -[/I] He'd be mad if I had a house with Imi and he didn't get to come :p [/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]I want all of you to veiw the following link, and then rethink your thoughts on sex and it's sacred basis. [URL]http://sexmap.ytmnd.com/[/URL] (provided to me by Retri, hilarious)[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]No, I'm still not interested lol. But I must give credit where credit is due! I actually prefer being one of the few who enjoys a certain movie. It's fun telling people how truly awesome it is when they've never even heard of it before. A lot of amazing movies never really get the credit they deserve. With so much movie clutter it's hard for a seemingly unpopular movie to achieve the prestige of the latest Lindsay Lohan film.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]I've made you all aware of how skeptical I am concerning this movie. But I was watching VH1 a little bit ago, cause I'm a loser with no life, and found myself watching "Best Week Ever." There's a segment of the show where certain issues are subjected to either a Downgrade (bad) or an Upgrade (good). Corpse Bride got an upgrade, congrats DW! lol [/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]First off, I love the title of this poem. Taking a cliche phrase and changing it's meaning to suit the idea of the writing, it's nice and it works well with the overall feel of the poem. The first two verses meshed well and presented a good talent for writing and an obvious passion. You keep to the rhyming scheme and stick to the original idea, not wandering off and relating things uneccessarily. This allows for the reader to go through it flawlessly and the words to roll off the tongue rather fumble and disrupt the flow of the poem. Nice job. The last verse isn't nearly as impressive. It seems as though your thoughts got a bit cluttered and the words came out wrong. Maybe it's the right feeling you were going for, but it's merely arranged in a less attractive way. You break the rhyme scheme and although the idea remains, you use longer statements and include more syllables which can complicate the reading after the flawless first two verses. It doesn't offer closure but I really don't think it was meant to. The poem obviously exudes a morbid idea of unhappiness which never really seems to end when dealing with one unfortunate event after another. Why offer an end to the poem when the original idea or problem in question hasn't quite ended itself. This could be the first installment in a much larger story we've yet to read. You never know. Overall I liked the poem and thought it offered a lot to the reader, as long as they're open-minded and find some rhythm while reading I think it go's over quite well.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][CENTER]The Otaku Real World! (insert cheesy MTV reality music here)[/CENTER] So, I was watching the original Real World on MTV and wondered what it would be like if I was chosen to be on the show. But then I realized all the insane crap that these people go through and how entirely opposite their personalities are, creating tons of conflict. So I thought, if I could choose 7 people from OB to join me in a confined house for 6 months, who would it be? And so you come in. I wanna know who you'd choose to be a part of your own OB Real World. The average amount of people involved is around 7 but you can choose lower if you have trouble thinking of people. There's literally thousands of members here, all types of people to choose from, but what route will you take? You can fill the house with friends, people you get along with, or you can fill the house with opposites or people certain to cause conflict and stir things up for the veiwers. It's up to you. I'll post mine after a couple others post. Have Fun![/SIZE]
  13. There he knelt, the great Sasurai reduced to a whimpering, washed-up samurai. He gripped his leg tightly, applying pressure to the warm, poisoned skin falling away slowly. [I]C'mon, get up, it's your destiny, cease it![/I] he shouted to himself, the noise echoing from ear to ear as he rose slowly from the floor. He stumbled slightly but regained his balance and took another fighting stance, this one different then the last. "Have you had enough?" boomed the dragon. Sasurai simply smiled, "This battle is just beginning." The golden dragon seemed to almost smile, it's jagged teeth shown as the fire erupted once again. This time Sasurai was ready, in a flash he disappeared, the fire beating upon the floor where he was just seconds ago. As the monster ceased to attack he looked around cautiously, confused as to where the man had went. He stretched his neck from side to side, checking every intimate crevice of the large room. As his head rose and looked towards the ceiling Sasurai dropped, straightening his body and darting down the dragon's throat. Immediately he began to slice, the dragon's insides much softer the tough outer surface. The once barren throat flooded with blood, propelling him even lower into the dragon. As the small tunnel began to expand he stopped himself, shoving each sword through the moistened wall on opposite sides. The blades erupted through the rough hide, each tip gleaming a lavish crimson color. With all his strength he gained momentum, spinning slightly and causing the blades to follow, slicing a full circle through the dragon's neck, causing it to fall limp to the ground, severed from it's original form. Soon after the damp samurai erupted from the large wound, landing briskly and shaking himself off, attempting to rid his clothes of the dragon's sanguine fluids. The neck perished, disintigrating slowly and floating to the golden sword. The blade glowed slightly, it's luster increasing as the dragon became one with his weapon. However, the Ivory Serpent was still left, the neck writhing wildly at the loss of it's comrade. After regaining composure it shot another barb of posion in Sasurai's direction, but this time he was ready. Using the conflicting white sword he subdued the blow, leaving it coated in the serpent's poison. Again he spun, only once, stopping abruptly and watching as the liquid flew from the tip of his sword towards the beast. A perfect shot, the monster's eyes smoking as the acid ran along it's ivory scales. Sasurai jumped forward, grabbing hold of the opportunity and slicing through the serpent's neck, sheathing his swords as the second head fell limp to the floor. He had won, it was finally time for him to succeed the creator. He would lead the Divine Kinship, and rightly so. [B]OOC: Great series of posts everyone. I've finished my battle with the spirit beast and you all may do the same. Afterwards we'll be able to progress the story and interact with one another. I've put up a post at the Underground for addition NPC information (there will be more up soon and it will increase with the coming chapters). You'll find it [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=670952#post670952][I][COLOR=White]here[/COLOR][/I][/URL]. Good job so far everyone![/B]
  14. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v219/AzureImi/8zk0ew.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE=4]Fuki Yuriyama's Divine Kinship[/SIZE] Kamuro as Sasurai Hitorine Katana as Senka Hjorrdis Revelation as Tomoya Yujin Woo Sakura as Sakura Hiwatari Retribution as Rafael de Machiavelli Deucalion as Shichishito Hauken Epsilon as Dorothy. Spes. Octavius. Archangel as Sozoro Tetusya Imi as Fayth Archer Unborn Lord Xion as Zhou Tao Revue as Rieur [SIZE=4]NPC's[/SIZE] [I]The High Council -[/I] Below God are the 9 members of the High Council. Men and women assigned by God himself to rule over heaven in his absence and carry out his wishes otherwise. They are deemed most loyal to God among all of his followers and aquired their position in the High Council by proving so over the years. They hold great power yet do not fight and boast their greatest strength from a mental standpoint. Each person specializes in a certain area yet when an important matter arises they all convene to discuss the issue and produce an adequate decision. [I]Hendrix -[/I] Hendrix is one of the 9 High Elders responsible for the supervision and protection of heaven. Although he is an extremely smart man he has a firey temper and sometimes his judgement can be skewed on certain subjects. His ideals are old-fashioned and traditional. He believes humans to be lesser lifeforms then himself and refuses to depend on someone of an obviously lower level of power. However, through God's eyes humans are of utmost importance and even his own life seems a mute point in comparison the highly favorable race. He is loyal to God with every fiber of his being yet sometimes questions his decisions and motives concerning lower lifeforms. He isn't well-liked but is very well-respected among the members of the council. [I]Louis -[/I] Louis is one of the 9 High Elders responsible for the supervision and protection of heaven. He is thought to be the very smartest of the group, well-known for the power his mind rather then that of his fist. Over the years he has learned to use every ounce of knowledge given to him, allowing for changes in reality formatted by changes in his mind. This allows him to speak with others using telepathy, teleport from one place or another, distort physical beings, whatever he chooses. This great power has aquired God's notice and his unique abilities have bestowed upon him the task of the Divine Kinship. It is his job to provide the humans with all the tools and information they'll need to accomplish the task of protecting the Chosen One. Louis believes humans to be just as important as God himself, and he enjoys being able to aid them in any way he can. He is closest to God among the members of the High Council and is often the subject of envious remarks from the others. [I]Lord Takanaka -[/I] Lord Takanaka is the major antagonist of the story and is responsible for the capture of the Chosen One. Over the years he has become more and more powerful, training under the strongest users of dark magic known to man and aquiring abilities far beyond any other normal human. He is thought to have connections with the Devil himself, as the Divine Kinship does with God and those of heaven. He has assembled a nearly unbeatable force, sweeping through all of Japan and the surrounding areas, claiming each as his own. For a short time he has haulted the expansion, no doubt planning to increase his army's power in hopes that the surrounding nations will prove easily attainable. No one truly knows what he has in mind, but everyone hopes the expansion will stay dormant while the Kinship attempts to infultrate and rescue the Chosen One. [I]Fuki Yuriyama (The Chosen One) -[/I] Fuki is a young boy with a firey spirit and strength unlike anyone at the ripe age of 14. He grew up in Japan, living an average life under the roof of the man he called his father. Although he knew the man was not truly the one responsible for his birth, he accepted his new family and they raised him as their own. His parents knew there was something special about him. Even as a child he had a presence like no other, the ability to make even the saddest person cheer up almost instantly. However, as Takanaka swept over Japan he got word of the extroadinary child. Rumors spread quickly and soon the boy was captured, expected to tell the secrets of his power to the dark lord. Although he was quite different from the other children, he had no idea he was the famed Chosen One, the future king of Earth. Even as he was beaten, he was unsure as to why and what he had done to deserve it. But his pride stays strong, and even on the roughest days he believes that someone will rescue him, and he will finally learn the mysteries of his past and future. [I]Participants -[/I] The members accepted to the RP have posted their character information [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=48474][I][COLOR=White]here[/COLOR][/I][/URL] at the Inn. As the story progresses there will be more and more NPC's and people you might need some extra information on to write posts to the best of your ability. All excessive character information will be posted here at the Underground. [SIZE=4]The Five Lords[/SIZE] [B]Provinces[/B] [I]The Earth Province[/I] - The area where the team begins is towards the outskirts of the Earth province. There are forests and areas resembling any other normal wilderness. However as you approach the center of the province plant life dwindles down and the area changes. The land closest to the castle is desertlike, the hot sun beating down constantly and offering no release for those who attempt to trek through it. Members of the province have learned to adapt to the whether and certain cities have arisen within the barren wasteland, however they aren't very fond of visitors. [I]The Earth Castle[/I] - One of largest of the Five Lords, the Earth Castle peaks high through startch desert air surrounding it. Entirely made of stone the castle is nearly indestructable and offers the perfect protection for one of Takanaka's Five Lords. Surrounding the castle is a large stone wall, formed in a square shape with gates to the north and south. Guards are not only stationed at the gates, but are also positioned all over the area between the wall and castle. Most of the army's training is done in this area, the men learning to adapt to the hot sun and performing battle under it. [SIZE=4]Technique List[/SIZE] Throughout the RP the team will learn more techniques to aid them in battle as well as various other activities they run into along the way. These techniques are most uselful and vary from person to person, allowing for different battles each time. As techniques arise they will be listed here so that participants can refer to them incase their characters are in a squeeze. [I]The Familiar Technique[/I] - This technique allows the user to create a rip in time for their spirit beast to travel between realms. The beasts are only able to stay in our reality for a certain amount of time, but their immense power makes all the difference in a tough battle. The only catch is that while your spirit beast is present in our reality, you won't be able to use your weapon power. The spirit beast can only be used in one form at a single moment in time, so keep that in mind before envoking the spirit. [SIZE=4]Final Thoughts[/SIZE] I'll use this thread to post any extra information concerning Divine Kinship that might be useful to all of you along the way. Any general questions about the RP or it's participants may be asked here as well. For personal questions please PM me or IM me anytime. Also, feel free to comment on the writing, structure, characters, etc., of the RP as well. Creative criticism is always welcome and appreciated. You'll find the actual RP progression [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=48593][I][COLOR=White]here[/COLOR][/I][/URL] at the Square. Thanks to everyone involved.
  15. [SIZE=1]lol, that was definitely a good line Gavin :p As for me, my imaginery friend(s) was always a normal guy. No matter how interesting I tried to make them, they always had names like Bob, or Fred or something. They were never good looking, so when they hung out with me I would look good compared to the imaginary ugly guys.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Lately there have been more disputes then ever about psychological medicine and whether it's truly essential or not. Tom Cruise is one of the more noteable people that believes that mental problems or chemical inbalance can be solved without the use of medication. He has spoken out several times against the use of such medication and is obviously very adamant about the issue. Medicine like Zoloft, Ritalin, Welbutrin, etc. Medicine responsible not for physical illness, but the temporation of one's mind and interaction with others in everyday life. There has been numerous cases in which this kind of medicine proves most useful. People unable to sit still have been able to attend school and live a "normal" life among the rest of us. Cases such as ADD and ADHD, are deemed curable under this type of medication. It works both ways as well, people who suffer from depression are also perscribed this type of medication, evening out their mental difficulties in an opposing fashion. However in some cases the mind proves to difficult to comprehend, the medication doesn't work, and in some cases causes further inbalance and leads to suicide. It's a doctor's job to decide whether or not a child needs this medication, yet both sides have reliable evidence that the medicine either works, or doesn't work. Of course, it can be a case by case problem, but from that POV how is one truly able to tell whether the child needs medication or not? The basis of the thread is to ask what you think. Is there a way to cure these types of ailments without using medicine? Do you believe in to many cases doctors have immediately turned to these types of medication without exploring other areas that may help to balance a child's mental indifference without the use of drugs? Is it possible, in even the most severe cases, to subdue inner thoughts and live a life among the rest of us on an even playing field? What do you think?[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Thank you. My opinions are somewhat biased, but in no way do I condone suicide, if thats what was previously indicated. I don't believe it's the right way of going about things, I merely wished for people to understand that although it is wrong, to the person in question it is the only option, or seems to be. I think less people would have to contemplate the issue if everyone was a bit more open-minded about it. Don't agree with it, but simply listen to the person and how they're feeling. If you've ever experienced this kind of depression, then you know it's much easier having someone there, anyone, if not to talk at all just to listen. It's overwhelmingly lonely sometimes, and every now and then you just need someone to comfort you, it happens. But it's not a weakness, it's a strength, being able to confide in others. Knowing that you're responsible for your own happiness yet being able to let others in as well. I don't mean to make assumptions, but it's hard not to on forums where you don't really know anyone. My comments went over the wrong way, but the intent was good I assure you. Sometimes it's hard to adequately display feelings on a topic you're so adamant about. I merely wish for us to understand people, rather then shun them for feeling the way that they do.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][B]OtakuBoards Username[/B]: Kamuro [B]Alias[/B]: The Emo One [B]Image[/B]: [URL=http://tinypic.com/9jpzs2.jpg][I]Here[/I][/URL] [B]Writing Piece[/B]: Vincent didn't want to believe her, but the events of his life, things that had happened, there was just no other explanation for it. But how could he be part angel? That was a great responsibility he wasn't so sure he could bare. And the child of Gabriel? The Moon Brand? It was all so overwhelming. But he had to do it, he had to fulfill his destiny. And as his hand raised to meet the brand he fell to the floor, panting heavily. He tried hard to control himself as every muscle in his body tensed and began to distort. He could feel the blood in his veins change and become even thicker then before, flowing through every inch of his body, a sharp and agonizing pain as the heavenly spirit traveled through each and every crevice. He could feel it center towards his upper back and cried out as the skin split violently. Wings of light ivory sprouted from the wounds and burst into the air. Feathers floated slowly to the ground around him, a bloody circle of the most beautiful white plumes. His fist met the ground and pushed him upwards, stumbling slightly to regain his balance. Jace had felt this very same pain yet it seemed much worse for Vincent. Perhaps those of holier decent were more in touch with their heavenly counterparts? Who knows, however she did notice that his wings were different. Although darkened by the blood, they were white. Even the strong crimson color was overshadowed by a divine glow emitting from the ivory sails. Vincent clenched his fists as the wings stretched outwards, splattering blood upon the walls as they shot into a great white span. As they returned to their original position the very tips glided towards his face, wiping the tears from just under his eyes and smearing a bit of blood across his cheek. "T-This power, I've never felt it before," he spoke quietly. Jace was in awe, even after experiencing this ordeal first hand she was amazed at the first transformation she'd actually scene with her very own eyes. She reached out her hands, running her fingers along the soft feathers that cluttering the wings. [B]OOC: This was something previously written for an RP. I know you wanted something new but I had some writers block. Hold it against me if you wish DW. Tell me if anything needs changing.[/B][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]ahh well, perhaps I went to far. But as Panda stated, suicide is a touchy subject, and just as I was asked to not generalize suicide, or assume things about people I don't know, I'd ask the same of all of you. I'd be glad to oblige this request if other posts had the same restrictions. Read over Chaos' first post and you'll see why I was angry with him and it was so blatant in my own post. It wasn't merely his own opinion, but the way it was posted and it had an overall feel of putting people down. I understand if it's something you don't agree with, but don't expect to post an adamant feeling of your own and not get one back in return. My post might've been a bit candid, but it was rightly so. As for Ceres, I don't think the thread should be closed, for whatever reasons you might have provided. Sure, me and Chaos might have very conflicting opinions on the subject, but some of my remarks that seemed geared towards him were more towards everyone, even if it didn't seem that way. My intention wasn't to flame him, or his beliefs, merely post my own thoughts on the subject, that happen to be quite opposite of his own. Sure, things might seem "out of hand," but how are we to learn if every time we approach a new POV on something the thread is closed and the discussion ended. I won't apologize to everyone since I don't believe my remarks were offensive to the "general public" of OB. I will apologize to Chaos, since it seems he took the brunt of my anger, even if it wasn't meant to be that way.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]I think for the most part people use video games as a scape goat for violent activities in reality. Anyone who saw something in a game and then re-enacted it in reality, especially at the cost of someone's life, has mental problems in the first place, all games barred. Any sane person would chalk up video games to just that, games. Awhile ago a mother thought it wise to sue the creaters of Everquest, because her son killed himself. Apparently, he'd worked on a character and his character died, so...he killed himself. His character's name, by the way, was called "ILoveYou." His life was nothing spectacular, so he played the game and became obessessed and enthralled. It is ridiculous to blame something like this on the game's creator. The boy was obviously unstable to begin with, get over it. There is so much useless controversy surrounding video games, most of it is just senseless babble. People with to much tiem on their hands.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Wow, it was really hard not to flame some of the people in this thread but I shall reserve my anger for another time. Suicide varies, as much as we'd love to be able to generalize all cases instead of going from person to person, it just isn't possible. None of us have the right to speak for anyone else, let alone everyone associated with suicide. I think it's very narrow-minded to simply assume that everyone has people who care about them. In some cases, there truly isn't. And even when there are people who care about you, isn't it their job to make sure you know? So what if people care about you, if you don't know that they care, then it's the same as being alone. And speaking from this point of veiw, how can you call it selfish? Sure, the person is thinking of themselves, but in their mind thats all that needs to be considered. No one has extended a hand to aid them in their perils and no one has given them any chance whatsoever, so why give them the chance? Why consider those who never did the same for you? To each his own, and no matter the case it varies between each. No one has the right to call suicide selfish and claim it fact rather then opinion. You asked for the onslaught Chaos, and you shall be given it. Some events in peoples lives, the pain they feel and the hurt they've been put through, you could never fathom. It's easy to call them weak, sitting upon your own high horse and looking down among those who thought the world best without them. They've been left with no other choice, people like you blinded by your own ignorance mocking them rather then lending a hand to your fellow man. "Nothing is bad enough to kill yourself," you say? Really, have you experienced every pain there is, mental or physical, and brought us this final conclusion to support your veiws on the subject? I don't believe you have, and I don't believe your opinion should even be considered valid after not only what you said, but the way you said it. An "emo" reference, is that what emo is? I seem to remember posting a thread on the very same subject and coming up with quite different results. "Emo," another way for you to generalize about a subject not meant to be cluttered and packed together as one. It's ridiculous. Karma will come around, and you will be dealt the hand you deserve. Mocking those who know true pain, you'll wonder where everyone is when you've fallen. As strong as you may be I'd like to see you go through life with no one there to comfort you, and you'll deserve every ounce of pain you're given, and we'll see just how strong you are. What you may veiw as whining could be simply someone's life, the things they've been through and the trials they've endured. Perhaps you'd understand if you took time to listen rather then boast your own strength by putting down those you deem "emo." I'd rather someone kill themselves then have to suffer the ridicule of people like you. I will provide no sob story, and I don't expect sympathy from any of you. I only wish that you might open your eyes and see the big picture rather then the one thats been provided for you. With so many conflicting opinions and beliefs on the subject, how can you merely classify yourself on one side of such a large issue? Especially without hearing all the details on each.[/SIZE]
  22. [quote name='Dragon Warrior']it's just another crazy fairy tale with an unusual plot.[/quote] [SIZE=1]exactly my point, it's been done before. It all just seems so cliche to me, especially since Burton is involved. No matter how weird the story or abstract the idea I just get the feeling I've seen it before. Depp is a great actor, but I definitely think he's overexposed. It just takes away from the movie intrigue. They both have my respect, but as far as this movie go's, I'm just not interested.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]As the title implies, games have become more and more controversial over the past few weeks. There are particular games more publicized then others, but I believe all games are being watched closer as of late. Some of these stories do have some merit behind them, but some are just ridiculous. GTA is the more controversial title. Of course it previously had an "M" rating but a code leading to a certain "sex scene" has achieved it an adult only review. Of course, if you're playing the game anyway, I don't think this makes much of a difference. You're already killing cops, stealing cars, beating people with sex toys, I really think a mild sex scene is the least of parents' worries. Of course, Hillary Clinton, thinks otherwise. She claims that those judging the games and applying ratings aren't aware of the actual content within them. Which is ridiculous really. How could a game be given an adequate rating without being played beforehand? Voice acting is also becoming increasingly complicated. Actors have requested a 37% or so increase in pay for their voice-overs within games. Now I'm sure that the actors and actresses are stressed for money *rolls eyes*, but I think it's ridiculous paying them overwhelming amounts of money to simply talk with some luster for characters within a video game, I mean c'mon. There are various other stories surrounding certain games, the new systems, XBOX 360, PS3, etc. Details being leaked and things being fabricated. But I wanna know what you guys think. Has gaming really become so complicated? I don't remember it ever being this bad.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Sure, the characters in the movies are different, some very different, even opposite. But as Tim Burton has his own style, so do actors like Johnny Depp. Even in roles that lack similarities, a lot of the time you can see through them and the acting is overshadowed by an outside force almost jading the character. Don't you think you'd love a Depp movie even more if you had to wait for it? Wondering when he'll do another movie and you'll get to see his acting again after his previous endeavor? It just seems to be to much of a good thing. Depp, over and over again. Tim Burton's outlandish movies becoming, well, not so outlandish.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]This is quite the discussion lol. Virginity means nothing anymore in my opinion. Sure, it use to be something "sacred" and still is to some extent, but I don't believe it really means anything, even to those who wait till marriage. They don't do it by choice, they're religion influences them to. They fear they'll go to hell otherwise, so they keep they're legs closed. Most of my friends aren't virgins, and the person they lost it to, isn't to be found. So what happened? I'm tired of hearing about this love expected to last forever from people who just met last month. Going through infos on AIM and seeing "I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH, FOREVER," it doesn't mean anything it all. It means someone has found another flavor of the week, and next week "love" means nothing at all.[/SIZE]
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