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[SIZE=1]I'm torn on the subject. I'm not a Tim Burton fan, even less so after "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," which was well below par in my own opinion. Maybe it's just my spite towards remakes but I didn't like it very much at all. As for Depp, he's a good actor, but I think he's out there just a bit to much. I think people would be more excited to see him in a movie if he wasn't in every other one coming out. Especially with similar actors in each one, it just gives off a feeling of having been done before, even if the idea is new. Tim Burton's ideas give off a "breakthrough" feeling, some things none of us would have thought of, but when you take a step back and really look at each movie, you'll see similarities maybe you might not have before. I do like the idea of this movie and "The Nightmare Before Christmas" was quite the film, but I definitely have my doubts.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I like to create a distinction between Adult Swim shows, since Futurama and Family Guy are quite different then the anime towards the later hours. Family Guy is by far my favorite of the first group. Futurama is funny, ATHF is great, but I've never laughed near as much at them as I have at Family Guy. The new episodes are just as funny, some even more so then the old and it always puts me in a good mood. As far as the anime shows go, my current favorite being played is s-CRY-eD. Samurai Champloo is a close second, but I've fallen in love with s-CRY-eD and can't imagine choosing another show above it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Just as you said before, it was the pure emotion. The new stuff just doesn't strike me like the old stuff did, and still does. Sure, it grows on you after awhile, but even when it does, it still doesn't compare. They lack the passion that made them famous in the first place. They sold out, plain and simple, it's just not the same. I'm tired of posers in "Slipknot gear" claiming they love the band after merely hearing one or two songs from Volume III. I'm tempted to scream Disasterpiece in their face and then see if they still like Slipknot. Mate, Feed, Kill, Repeat, that's passion, Iowa, was pure Slipknot. Look over the booklet, read the lyrics, read the comment towards the back, thats Slipknot.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hihei walked silently in the rain, the dirt path below him becoming soft and giving slightly to the sole of his boots. He was anything but fond of his memories of rain, but it did help him think, and as he walked he looked to the sky, observing the dark clouds. [I]A sign of some sort?[/I] he thought to himself. However, he shook his head, the lengthy black hair wet to the core and splashing lightly against his shoulders. He sat upon a nearby bench, his lower coat brushing against the wet marble as he leaned back and closed his eyes. A pulse of power within caused them to open just as fast. He looked down towards Aka Doragon, sitting quietly at his side, where it always slept. He took pride in never having to worry about being alone, his sword was the only companion he needed. He drew the sword from his belt, running his gloved fingers along the edge. "Your time will come soon," he spoke quietly, bringing the blade closer. "I can feel your pain my friend, but it will pass," he spoke again, twirling the blade and tapping it against his shoulder, the damp blade pressing against his moistened coat. He was interrupted by Kuro, equally as wet, approaching him from the road. "The blade pulsing again?" he asked, taking a seat on the bench beside him. "It's never felt like this before, I can feel it's hunger. Something big is coming," Hihei returned, sheathing the blade once again and turning to his partner. Kuro new him better then anyone, even without a weapon as complex as the Red Dragon, he could sense it's power, and Hihei's pain when the desire became to overwhelming. Sometimes he thought it was Kuro that kept him sane, his mind at ease in the partner's company. "Jidanbou has passed on, the shinigami attacked him," Kuro spoke quietly. "I know, I could feel it somehow, these clouds are not ordinary ones," Hihei motioned, his gaze of the utmost serious. Not much was known about the lone captain, but it was times like this Kuro was lead to believe that he was much more deep then he put on. He wasn't one to pry, but he could feel layer upon layer within his friends mind, a book waiting to be opened and a story waiting to be told. "We've been called back to the training hall, I believe it's best we go to accompany the others," Kuro spoke once again, his large body rising from the bench and stretching wide under the splashing rain. Hihei rose as well, nodding and beginning his walk back towards the road. As they entered the hall it was cluttered with fellow taichos and those of higher rank in the society. Hihei took a step to the side and leaned nonchalantly against the wall. "I always feel so out of place around here, everyone's so tense," he said, brushing the hair from his face. Kuro stood tall over the rest of the crowd, "I know what you mean," he said, laughing a bit at his great physical difference. "But what would they do without us?"[/SIZE]
As Sasurai opened his eyes he could see that his surroundings had changed and the rest of the team was gone. He was in a dark chamber, nearly pitch black, and whether his eyes opened or closed there was nothing to be seen. He heard the voice of Louis in his mind once again, [I]your swords are the most powerful of the weapons of faith, this beast has resided here for many years, none have been able to succeed it's creator, but it is up to you, set an example for the rest. Remember, you must address the monster with utmost respect, he is an old, wise beast, with much to teach you.[/I] Sasurai sighed, knowing what he must do yet lacking the confidence to do it. Suddenly the chamber was bright, candles adorning the wall bursting alive and illuminating the large corridor. Towards the very end stood an old creature, a dragon of some sort. As Sasurai approached it rose from it's idle state, it's wings stretching and the tips nearly touching the wall on both sides. "You wish to fight me?" grumbled the monster, his voice bouncing from wall to wall and causing Sasurai to wince as the booming noise entered his ears. "I am Sasurai, successor of the Twin Dragon swords and leader of the Divine Kinship. I am destined to wield this Weapon of Faith on behalf of the Chosen One, Fuki Yuriyama," he spoke with great confidence, attempting to match the dragon's loud roar. "You have been chosen, but are you able to defeat us?" spoke the right head, shaking it's long neck as a cloud of dirt floated slowly to the floor. It had obviously been sometime since this beast had awoken. "No one hasss yet to achieve thisss goal," spoke the second head, doing the same. As each dragon awoke Sasurai felt more and more in touch with his weapons. He drew both swords and gazed along the length of the blades, the dark designs almost speaking to him as his grip grew even tighter. The head on the right was to be the [I]Junkin Doragon[/I] creature. It's golden head lavished and scales gleaming in the candle light to match that of his own sword. The second would be his [I]Aibori Daija[/I], it's head resembling a snake more then that of a dragon, it's crimson tongue shooting out over the ivory fangs erupting from it's cheeks. This was no game, it was the first time Sasurai realized the severity of the situation. The world and all of it's people hung in the balance, it was up to him. No matter how tough his talk might have been, he was blatantly nervous, his forehead shining of sweat caused by the plethora of candles. "Defeat us and you will gain all of our knowledge, the history of both Twin Dragons, and the power to wield the swords on behalf of the Chosen One." And with that Sasurai took a fighting stance, breathing deeply as his bare feet brushed along the concrete floor. The dragon grew closer, and Sasurai leapt, screaming as he swung his sword at the first dragon's neck. The blade scraped against the rough hide, even an edge as sharp as this barely made a scratch, Sasurai's jaw nearly dropping as he returned to the floor. The dragon turned, it's mouth opening and fire erupting from the back of it's throat. Sasurai jumped from wall to wall, running along each attempting to avoid the large spout of fire. He could feel the embers nearly singeing his heels as he strode jumping and weaving in and out of the large pillars surrounding the outer area of the room. The dragon's mouth closed as he returned to the floor, panting heavily. But no rest was in order, the second mouth opened and a green liquid shot from it, just barely catching his leg as he leapt from the floor. He could feel it, some kind of acid, smoke floated from his pants, the tattered ends gone and his skin unprotected from the ominous liquid. He cried in pain as he fell, unable to continue his swift escape. He'd never felt any pain like this, how was he to defeat such a powerful beast? [I]Dammit...[/I]
[CENTER] Red nodded in Silver's direction and took over command once again. Until the ships were close enough they'd all have to man the cannons. "Everyone, next to each cannon are three cannonballs placed there incase of this very situation. You'll use those first, when you run low the armory is just below the deck, run down and carry as much ammo up as you can. I wasn't expecting a pre-emptive attack but we'll make it!" shouted Red, running to the nearest cannon and opening it's rear. He picked up a large black sphere, shoving it into the weapon and closing the hatch once again. "Hugo move a bit closer and then turn the ship, we'll have a clear shot from all one-sided cannons!" Red shouted. "Aye," Hugo returned, using all his might to twist the wooden wheel as quickly as possible. No sooner had the ship fully turned Red's cannon lit with a twitch of his fingers. Seconds after a loud explosion could be heard, the dark sphere erupting from the cannon tip and gliding through the air, just barely striking the enemy's hull. "Now everyone, fire!" Shouts rang out across the sea, some hitting, most missing however. The enemy ship was quite formidable. Although it didn't house near as much fire power as the Dauntless, it was quick and dodged nearly every shot with divine excellence. As it neared the ship Red could hear the noise of wood scraping against wood and the cannons being pulled back as to not hit the enemy vessel. His thought was interrupted by a sharp metal hook flying through the air and latching to the ships sturdy railing. He fell to the ground, surprised they'd prepared so quickly. He squinted, the bright sun obstructing his veiw upwards, soon showing the silhouette of a Meran soldier, coat flapping in the wind. He rolled to the side just in time to avoid the blow of a rough Meran sword, the tip rupturing the Dauntless' tarnished deck. He swiftly spun and tripped the man to the ground, jumping to his feet and shooting instantly, the man's limp body falling, his sword still erect from the wooden crack. "Alright everyone, you know what to do. I'll find the Captain but he'll be heavily guarded, the rest of you have to clear a path!" shouted Red to his team, nearly prepared and ready for battle. Luckily he didn't need to think of a way to board the vessel. He hopped on the man's rope and stepped across it, never faultering, even as the intense ocean winds beat against him. The rest of the team was a bit in awe, but followed in suit, each finding their own way across the relentless waters. [/CENTER]
[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v219/AzureImi/8zk0ew.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE=4]Fuki Yuriyama's Divine Kinship[/SIZE] Kamuro as Sasurai Hitorine Katana as Senka Hjorrdis Revelation as Tomoya Yujin Woo Sakura as Sakura Hiwatari Retribution as Rafael de Machiavelli Deucalion as Shichishito Hauken Epsilon as Dorothy. Spes. Octavius. Archangel as Sozoro Tetusya Imi as Fayth Archer Unborn Lord Xion as Zhou Tao Revue as Rieur [SIZE=4]Chapter 1[/SIZE] [I]A Place of Our Own[/I] "This is ridiculous. Leaving the Master's fate in the hands of mere mortals. He's as good as dead," spoke Hendrix, being motioned to return to his seat at the large circular table. He was not at all pleased with the idea of having to depend on lower lifeforms then himself. Even in his position as High Elder, he sometimes questioned God's motives and intentions with the people of Earth. Was it simply a toy? Are humans there for merely entertainment or do they truly serve some purpose in our universe? "It is not our place to interfere. You know better then anyone the fine line between Heaven and Earth. Humans must do things for themselves," spoke Louis, the Elder responsible for the Divine Kinship. He was always most loyal to God and followed each and every order, no matter how trivial. His undying faith had aquired him a seat on the High Counsel and it was his job to make sure that the humans were given all the tools they needed to overcome such a great force of evil and save the Chosen One. "Hmph. And their leader, a common criminal responsible for numerous deaths. How can we trust him, or any of them for that matter," spoke Hendrix again, reluctant to conceed even the slightest. "The Twin Dragon weapon of faith has chosen him. A representation of Yin and Yang, for every ounce of evil in his body, there is good. He is destined to be their leader, and the rest of them destined to follow. He knows what he must do, I made sure of it." [I]Who knew the world could weigh so much? I never noticed until it's very girth had been placed upon my shoulders. But what was I to do, deny God? And I could already feel the boy's pain. A minute seemed an hour, time crawling by, almost slowing down for this very purpose, to prolong his pain and inturn my own. And the High Counsel sitting comfortably in the clouds, the perfect seat to witness my demise. Louis told me they weren't at all fond me, but who cares? They needed me, they needed us all. I'll be damned if I lose this chance to repent and find myself upon a lavished seat rather then this pedestal bathed in blood. The charade is over.[/I] And so we were gathered, Louis working his magic and bringing us all from one place or another to feudal Japan. No one looking particularly happy about it. But who would be, expected to put their life on the line for someone they'd never even met. I wasn't sure how they felt, but I was sure it couldn't be much different then how I felt. Helpless. [I]They're all here[/I] Louis' voice echoed in my head, and so it began. Sasurai stood from his seat at the head of the table, everyone turning to meet his gaze. "Listen up," he spoke, his rough voice catching everyone's attention. "You all know why you're here, the old guy in white explained it already. But theres a couple things you don't know. First of all, I'll be your leader here, the names Sasurai," he spoke with utmost confidence. The rest of the group seemed a bit unsure, his scruffy face and unkempt hair wasn't to appealing to the rest of the team. He looked as though a wanderer, his clothes tattered and hanging just above his belt as his arms crossed above his chest. "Now, take your weapons and place them on table," he spoke again. Everyone reluctantly layed their arms upon the table. "Look at it, and get to know it well. This weapon, first and foremost, will be your partner. These, ladies and gents, are the Weapons of Faith. Weapons forged by God himself for this very purpose. Each and every one of us was chosen, for one reason or another, to weild these weapons and do so to protect the Chosen One." [I]They all looked so serious, I kinda felt bad. Some of these people were so young, still children, expected to bare the weight of the world on their shoulders same as I was. They all gazed aimlessly, no doubt thoughts cluttered their heads and even the most confident were unsure of what to do.[/I] "I don't know much more then the rest of you. But I do know this. Since the world was created we've been expected to follow a path previously created and trust that fate was in our own best interest. But now it's time to forge our own path. It's time to accept our destiny and obtain the power to change it. Would you rather have some unknown power determine what happens to you, or will you decide? Now is the time, for you to make the first decision. Will you sit back and see what happens, or pick up a sword change what happens? It's up to you." And with that he turned from the table, [I]nice speech[/I] Louis' voice echoed in his head once again. [I]But it's time to go[/I] he spoke. And so Sasurai turned to his teammates, "It's time for the first task, good luck all of you." [SIZE=4]Explanation[/SIZE] All of you have just been briefed on the basis of the story and each character has been given the opportunity to achieve true greatness. It is time for humans to realize their own potential and save themselves from certain demise. Everyone has just been sent to another dimension. They've been given nothing but their Weapon of Faith, however the weapon has yet to release it's true form. The weapons spirit will take the form of a beast and you will be expected to fight, and kill the monster keeping you from realizing the weapons true potential. It has chosen you to wield it, but it has yet to deem you worthy of access to it's full power. Hopefully you'll all make it out alive. [SIZE=4]Final Thoughts[/SIZE] This will take around 2 posts, feel free to make them as long as you like. The beast you're fighting is a representation of your weapon and keep that in mind while you're writing. Be sure to describe it and your surroundings. Where does the beast live and why might it live there? Just some things to think about while posting. After everyone does this we'll be able to talk to one another and interact. There will be more freedom, but before forming a bond with the rest of the team you must first form a bond with your weapon. Thanks to everyone who signed up. I couldn't accept all the sign-ups but they were all great. Even after letting some people go I still got more then I initially thought lol. If you have any questions or comments please PM me anytime or IM me at "your x alibis" I have yet to post an Underground thread but I will soon with more information on the characters at the beginning of the story and summaries of the participant's characters. Until then if you have any questions please ask me directly. [B]Thanks to...[/B] -Imi for the amazing background and help with the title, shes awesome. -Retri for his worth with the list even though I couldn't use it lol. -Everyone who signed up, without you we wouldn't have an RP. -My inspiration (refer to sig).
[I]Character[/I] [B]Name[/B]: Sasurai Hitorine [B]Age[/B]: 29 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://tinypic.com/96kpio.jpg][COLOR=White]Sasurai[/COLOR][/URL] Sasurai resembles that of a wanderer. His clothes are old and tattered, both his vest and pants of a dark black variety. A silk white belt encircles his waist, tied tightly just below his stomach. He lacks shoes and has developed rough feet from years of traveling without them. However, he does possess an old pair of wooden sandals for lavish occasions, a seldom occurance. His hair is long and of blueish tint matching that of his goatee, often put up towards the rear of his head. He wears both of the Twin Dragon swords upon his back, the handles shown just above his broad shoulders. [B]Personality[/B]: Sasurai is a confident fighter and an overall self-indulgant person. When he heard of the task that lie ahead it took heavy convincing to even get him to consider it. He was never one to put his life on the line for that of others, he fights for himself and his own motives. However, he has been forced to save the Chosen One, taken out of his element, and expected to succeed with flying colors. The weight of the world has been shifted from the Chosen One to his own shoulders, and he's not at all happy about it. Those of the Higher Counsel were very reluctant to choose him as leader of the Divine Kinship, yet they had no choice. [I]Weapon of Faith[/I] [B]Appearance/Weapon Specifics[/B]: The Twin Dragon swords retain the shape of an ordinary blade yet are composed from quite the opposite. The first sword named Junkin Doragon, or Gold Dragon, is made from pure gold. The blade is thick and incredibly solid, yet still sharp enough to cut through even the toughest material. A lavished black design runs along the edge of the sword, thinning towards the very tip. This sword exemplifies all that is good, giving off a true essence unlike any other. The second sword, Aibori Daija, or Ivory Serpent, is of similar shape to that of it's counterpart. The blade is cluttered with black designs as well, implicating it's connection with the Gold Dragon. This sword is the exact opposite of the first, giving off an ominous aura, a sword of pure evil. [B]Technique[/B]: [I]The Twin Dragon[/I] A special technique used when a person is wielding swords of identical length and weight. It is extremely important that the body is balanced allowing for swifter movement and a strong attack as well as defense. Few men are able to master the technique for lack of the proper swords and ability to distribute chi. [B]Weapon Power[/B]: With such opposed swords one could imagine the power of each blading meeting that of the other. Junkin Doragon was forged to save people, it's true purpose to protect life. While Aibori Daija was forged to take life, a truly evil weapon. Each sword's strength depends upon the situation. When fighting to save life Junkin Doragon is intensified, and the opposite is true for Aibori Daija. When brought together nearly every element of the users ability increases allowing for fighting on a whole new level. [I]History[/I] [B]Bio[/B]: Sasurai was born the child of a priest and his wife. His father wished nothing more then for him to follow in God's footsteps and become a priest as he had. However, times were hard, Japan was a country burdened with anarchy and famine. Even when crops had been grown their town was raided and all the food was taken to supply those of undeserving nations. All boys, no matter their age, were taken from their homes and expected to learn the ways of the samurai, the most famed title in all of Japan. They were taught to fight, and to protect what was theirs. However as time passed even certain samurai became unjust, abusing their newfound power and taking advantage of those below them. Sasurai was torn, he wanted nothing more then to stay true to his country, but the things he'd seen were nothing he wanted to be a part of. He was accused of treason and exiled from the way of the samurai, and all of Japan was encouraged to turn him away and not offer aid to a fallen warrior such as himself. So he became a wanderer, traveling from place to place and killing as he desired, taking the lives of even the most famed officials responsible for his undoing. Such a troubled past worries those aware of his leadership position within the Divine Kinship. [B]Character Snippet[/B]: The night was dark and the air was dry, the wanderer known as Sasurai walking quietly along the edge of a dirt road. He was alone, the only source of light showing from the tip of his tobacco stem pipe. He merged his way towards the middle of the road, sensing an approaching carriage. He could hear the hooves of horses beat violently upon the dusty path and the crack of a whip encourage them further. It finally came into sight, the very tip of the carriage emerging from the peak of a hill, obscuring the moon and stars as it began it's descent. However, as it reached flat land once again, Sasurai stood in it's path. A government soldier stood from his seat, looking eagerly towards the silhouette just ahead of the carriage. "Hey you, move from our path!" shouted the man, brushing his arm through the air and motioning the man to move. Yet he fell instantly, Sasurai's head moving slightly to dodge the squirt of blood from the driver's neck. He heard a voice from within the carriage, "What's the hold up?!" shouted a man, jiggling the handle and opening the door to reveal the dark night sky. As the door swung open he became the second to veiw a tattered silhouette against the open scenery. "W-Who are you?" spoke Fuushin Minomori, a samurai overlord responsible for a vote against a young man's treason. "You don't remember?" spoke Sasurai quietly, approaching the man. Fuushin jumped back, attempting to slam the door to the carriage yet unsuccessfully, a golden flash shooting through and pinning him to the opposite wall of the coach. The silent night was interrupted by a loud cry of agony, and Sasurai smiled as he entered the large carriage, quiet whimpers filling his ears. One would think that a samurai overlord would be a formidable opponent, however the title samurai meant nothing to him anymore, and this man was merely another spoiled lord responsible for the change in chivalrous ways and his own exile from the faction. Fuushin pleaded, attempting to move his arm and clasp his hands before the dominant Sasurai, a second sword of tinted ivory in his hands. "Tarnished ways must pay with tarnished blades," spoke Sasurai, the very tip of his sword caressing the soft skin of his villain's neck. Fuushin brought his hand to the wound, attempting to put pressure on the area yet only forcing himself to cough and spit the sanguine liquid from his lungs. Sasurai ripped his sword from the wall, watching the body fall limp to the floor and forming a new silhouette, one of scarlet lies and mistaken beliefs that burdened the samurai lord. Another step on the way to changing a corrupt nation. - - - - - Theres my character information, feel free to read over and modify your own if I had an idea you liked or some influence on your Weapon of Faith. We've got some great sign-ups so far but I've had some people request more time to perfect their characters before posting. So the sign-ups are still open for anyone interested. Thanks
[SIZE=1]Xander and Katz exited the room together and looked at each other in the crowded hallway. "I have some things to attend to, but how about we meet up at the hanger in an hour or so and take a car together? Less clutter at the scene," spoke Katz. Xander nodded "Sure, see ya there," he said, turning from the alien and making his way in the opposite direction. Katz had a few things to do, but the most important was to retrieve his sword. His communicator had been off during the meeting so he wasn't sure if Fargoth had attempted to reach him or not. As he entered the weapon shop he saw no one, not even his lazy friend usually sleeping near the counter. However, as Katz approached he found his sword, the blade lying on an otherwise empty shelf to the side. He gripped the handle and drew the sword from it's case, his eyes sparkling at an unbelievable luster. Fargoth was right, this new material was truly amazing. Although the sword's size had increased, it retained it's light weight. The blade was thin and razor sharp, wielded effortlessly as he took a practice swing. He owed his friend greatly for this one, Katz had never seen anything like it. Fargoth even outfitted the case for him, a perfect length and made from an even tougher material then his former one. He strapped the sword to his back, the handle shown just over his shoulder and the tip emerging at his left from behind the large coat. - - - - - - - As he entered the hanger he saw Xander waiting for him. He immediately noticed Katz' new weapon and asked to see it. As he drew the blade Xander's jaw dropped. "This is no ordinary steel," he spoke, running his finger up the length of the blade. Katz nodded, "It's a new material Fargoth aquired from some friends. It's sharper then even the finest crystal swords held by some superiors, yet much sturdier." Xander handed the weapon back to his friend. "I'll have to talk to this Fargoth when we get back," he laughed as they entered the vehicle. It was somewhat of a bumpy ride. The two men joked back and forth as their distance extended farther and farther away from the compound. Xander looked out the window taking in the scenery. He turned back and jumped, unexpectedly seeing Katz in his trance form. "Geez, don't do that," he said, scratching his head nervously. "Sorry, I have to make sure the form is stable beforehand, just in case," spoke Katz, returning to his normal self.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hihei sighed as he entered Soul Society's famed training area. The wind blew lightly against his face as he watched numerous colored leaves dance over the cobblestone courtyard. One hand on his hip and the other on Aka Doragon leaning against his shoulder, the blade vanished behind his flowing black hair. Kuro stood behind him, his large figure erupting a couple feet over that of Hihei, his rough armored hands gripping a long double-sided spear placed over his shoulder. As the two walked Hihei glanced back and forth, observing spars and various training activities. The regimen had been increased as of late, no doubt the rumors had spread about the lone shinigami and presumably stronger Hollow. As the two men reached the 7th squad recruits they stopped. "Hello everyone," spoke Hihei, a smile on his face as he watched the team squirm to get into proper position. "You'll all be training with Kuro today. I've got some other things I need to attend to," he said, turning from the group and leaving them staring at the large man. "Hihei as given me permission to work you like never before," laughed Kuro, admiring the nervous faces before him. Hihei made his way through the courtyard finding an interesting spar between Orihime and Akuma. He sat on a nearby bench, observing their moves with great intrigue. "How entertaining," he mumbled to himself. Orihime was in quite the predicament, sure, she could hold her own, but her strength was waning. Akuma was no pushover, having never fought with him before Hihei couldn't gauge his strength to accurately, but he'd observed many matches including the captain and was quite impressed. However, as his weight shifted Orihime did the same, slipping from his grasp into the safety of the surrounding area. She was a quick one, maybe he'd underestimated her? Still, his money was on Akuma. How fun it would be to spar with the two. It had been so long since he'd let Aka Doragon release it's power. Even Hollows had seemed weaker as of late, and his sword was kept from transforming. He longed to use such great power, an ache rising inside of him, the Red Dragon nearly bursting from it's idle state without even being called upon. Even so, Hihei had complete control over his emotions, and supressing the power made him even stronger, training or not. Even just sitting there, a fight was going on within him, his inner chi protecting him from the dragon's fury. As he rose from the bench his coat began to flap in the wind, the sharp tug bringing him back to reality. It wouldn't be right to interrupt, and so he turned, again placing the sword upon his shoulder, it's crimson edge gleaming in the sunlight. [B]OOC: I'd love to fight, but I didn't wanna interrupt. Figured I'd offer a little insight anyhow.[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hmm, how do I feel... Oh well, thats what I have to say lol. Slipknot was going in a direction I just wasn't excited about. I have other bands to listen to that play acoustic songs, and Slipknot isn't one of them. The overly large band was made for metal, and in their earlier works thats what they did. They did it well and even when people ridiculed them I was proud to call myself a maggot. However, more recently I've seen a not so blatant attempt to sell-out. Less meaningful lyrics and just less passion. It's not the same, and personally I'd rather see Slipknot break up then suck.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Not sure if I'm going as of yet, but if I do end up going I'd probably be most excited to see As I Lay Dying. I havn't seen them live yet and I'm sure it'll be awesome. I agree on the point of Velvet Revolver. I just don't like the band, whether they're Ozzfest material or not. Their songs get on my nerves. I really don't care if jesus played guitar in the band, I still wouldn't go to a show featuring them lol.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Of course there's other alternatives, and I do take advantage them, the post was merely to take a step back and really ponder why what they put on TV is actually there. I can't really see the News changing, and if it's always gonna be this way then why not simply discuss it? And if it really bothered me to the extent of doing something about it, what exactly could I do? Write a disgruntled letter to the Today Show concerning their lack of what I consider to be important news? The basis was just to sort of laugh at the extremes some News shows have gone to to attract veiwers who only watch it for show value rather then actual information. I'd hate to generalize, but NPC is right, a lot of people just don't get it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]So, your complaints are about the controls? I agree as well on particular games. I enjoyed Zone of the Enders the controls were definitely good for the basis of the attacks. I'm not a big fan of the Gundam series however, so it's impossible to be compelled to play with other flaws aside from the series itself. As far as large mechwarrior type gundams, aside from Zone of the Enders, I like the Xenosaga idea. It's the stereotypical RP battling with the huge mechs we love to pilot. Theres plenty of attacks and combinations as well as a pretty good battle system. I think games based on gundams or similar to them try to hard to make a crazy indepth battle system, when a much simpler one would do better.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Reminds me of our conversation earlier today Retri. Well, you know everything you need to know now! lol Short but sweet, pretty "right to the point," which is great. Sometimes poems can turn into rambling and the message is blurred, no problem with that here. And I agree, having everyone you meet knowing more then you'd actually like them to know about your life is a bit weird, makes me uneasy. When people walk up to me and ask me about things I've never even told them before, I wonder if theres a book about me I just havn't read yet lol. I love oxymorons as well, keeps you thinking. Being alone yet surrounded, brilliant.[/SIZE]
[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v219/AzureImi/8zk0ew.png[/IMG][/CENTER] A night like no other was upon us. Even in the darkest of corners light had shown, if only temporary, hope had been given to all in a time where faith had run thin. The birth of the Chosen One had finally occured. The most divine of all beings, the shell containing the greatest power known to both man and divine creature alike. It baffled even those of the purest faith, how a boy could harness such an immense power, or bare the weight of the world on his shoulders, for that matter. But they had been assured that this boy held the fate of Earth in his very hand, and he would be the one to decide the future of God's most beloved creatures. However, Heaven was no place for a child such as this. He was meant to live among his people, those he was destined to save, destined to love. A life among angels would only draw him away from his true purpose. And so he was sent to Earth, to live a life just like any other. No one would know of his divine ancestry and he would be treated just as any other young boy would. However, many perils plagued the people of Earth, it was dangerous to relinquish control over such an important child to that of unpredictable humans. So the Guardians were created. Ordinary humans burdened with the weight of protecting the Chosen One. It was their job to ensure that he stayed true to all that was good and fulfilled his destiny to return Earth to it's former greatness. By saving him they would essentially save themselves, and find that the fame once desired is nothing more then an illusion created by fellow man. And as legends, they would never die. Their place in history to forever be remembered, and their destiny fulfilled even beyond ones' greatest expectations. The Guardians, lead by the controversial Sasurai Hitorine, are of utmost importance to the Heavens and the Chosen One's perilous endeavor. No ordinary human could hope to combat the powers of evil, so each Guardian had bestowed upon them a special weapon. Each possessing the power of the Gods yet none revealing the true nature of Chosen One's beginnings. And so the Guardians gathered, one by one, to form the Divine Kinship, famed protectors of the future ruler of all that is Earth. [I]There I stood, outfitted in my normal clothing, yet the surroudings were far from normal. Where was I? What was this? I was in some sort of building. It was nothing like I'd ever seen. But it was far from glamorous, I was in some sort of prison. Surrounded by all types of devices of torture, yet no one was here. And then the door swung open.[/I] "Chain the little bastard to the wall!" shouted one of the three men who entered the room with a child no older then 14. He was chained to the rough brick by the iron tyrants, while the third man stood back, watching silently. "Whats your name?!" one of them shouted, shoving him and twisting his arms to their limits. "Screw you..." mumbled the prisoner, spitting in the man's direction. [I]Wow was this kid a trip. As much as I, well, didn't care, it was inspiring seeing such a small kid with such a sharp tongue. But that wasn't nearly the end.[/I] A whip cracked, black leather caressing the child's back and creating an instant welt which soon bled the liquid of the famed Chosen One. "I suggest you start talking, or it will only get worse," spoke the third man for the first time since they'd entered the room. "I've got nothing to say!" shouted the kid back at that men, another crack of the whip interrupting his plea. "Leave him down here until he's changed his mind," spoke the the man once again, and motioning for the other two as he left the room. [I]It was weird. I didn't know the kid, not at all. But I felt some sort of connection to him. When he was struck, I could feel the pain in my back. It lacked the identical welts but the pain was definitely there. What was this? What am I seeing? Didn't have much time to think about it though, cause then I woke up.[/I] Sasurai leapt from his bed after an abrupt wake-up call. "What the hell was that?" he mumbled to himself, scratching his forehead. With all the commotion he failed to notice another man in the room, dressed in a flowing white garb, a beard of the identical ivory color covering his lower face. "Who the hell are you?" asked Sasurai, reaching for his swords. "Calm down, I've brought you a message," spoke the old man. "The vision you just had, was no ordinary dream. The boy is Fuki, you'll be calling him master soon enough." Sasurai looked at him curiously. "Whoa whoa whoa, I don't call anyone master. I think you've got the wrong guy," he said, laughing nervously. The old man shook his head, "No, you are exactly who I've been searching for..." [CENTER][SIZE=4]Explanation[/SIZE][/CENTER] The past has been corrupted, and faith has run thin. All of the current area in feudal Japan has been overtaken, and all of it's people, enslaved by an evil lord, the man from the dream, Lord Takanaka. He has absolute power, or so he thought. Until he caught word of the Chosen One, a small boy supposedly holding the greatest power ever created. The boy is destined to be the ruler of the Earth, however, Takanaka will not stand for this and has captured the boy. He is currently being tortured and questioned for information pertaining to his great power. However, the fight is not lost just yet. Guardians are being awoken, and the Divine Kinship is soon to be born. A group of choice humans selected to protect the Chosen One, and in this case, rescue him. The legendary weapons are being envoked as we speak. Various arms scattered across Earth and obtained by those worthy of weilding the true weapons of God. Each one, however, acts on it's own. The weapon chooses it's capter and only that person has the ability to use the weapon to it's full potential. Even the creator has no power over the decisions they've made, but he has the utmost of faith in each of the people chosen to form the great Divine Kinship. Time is of the essence, a new dark era has shown it's intentions, and although the dark lord Takanaka's motives are unknown, he possesses a great power, a threat to even the Chosen One upon retrieving certain information. Each Guardian is bonded to the Chosen One, refusal to participate will only make things harder, and if he dies, they die. Sasurai is the closest to the boy since he is leader of the Kinship, he will begin to feel the boys pain, the burden of each plea will echo through his mind. The rest of the Guardians will soon suffer the same fate, each person haunted by the thoughts of a dying boy, unknowledgable of just how important he truly is. [CENTER][SIZE=4]Your Sign-Up[/SIZE][/CENTER] You will be playing a Guardian, a member of the Divine Kinship and one of the people responsible for the retrieval of the Chosen One from the dark clutches of Lord Takanaka. You may be from anywhere, as I said before the weapons of faith were scattered all throughout the world. However, when the story begins we will all meet in the same place, feudal Japan, the center of the story's setting. My character, Sasurai, resides there, and he is in the same situation as all of you. He knew nothing of this boy and nothing of the Divine Kinship, but he has reluctantly accepted his duty and so must all of you. I'll be asking for the following details concerning your character. [CENTER][I]Character[/I][/CENTER] [B]Name[/B]: (Partial to whichever place you hail from) [B]Age[/B]: (I'm not very particular about this, choose whatever you like) [B]Gender[/B]: (Self-explanitory) [B]Appearance[/B]: (A picture, detailed description, or both. I'll be doing both to give the most specific description I can) [B]Personality[/B]: (Pretty wide range of possibilities here. You know the drill, try to vary a bit from stereotypical characters if it's possible) [CENTER][I]Weapon of Faith[/I][/CENTER] [B]Appearance/Weapon Specifics[/B]: (Picture, detailed description, or both. It can also be in the picture of your character as well. Your weapon can be anything really. From a sword, to a mace, to spear, even a divine bow. No guns, but I'm sure you guys can deal with that. These weapons resemble ordinary ones at first, but after their spirit is awoken they take on a more flashy appearance, feel free to describe both or just after the transition) [B]Technique[/B]: (This is merely your form of weilding the weapon you possess. My character uses two swords each of identical length. I call this the Twin Dragon technique, having both it's pros and cons but an overall solid fighting power. Choose whatever name you like and describe it a bit) [B]Weapon Power[/B]: (Each weapon is unique and different in it's own way. They've been forged each with different purposes, so what does your's do? Extend to unmentionable lengths? Manipulate air to your advantage or simply offer a little extra speed when fighting? This will also influence your technique) [CENTER][I]History[/I][/CENTER] [B]Bio[/B]: (I don't need an indepth biography or anything, just simply a little about your past. Feel free to leave mysteries or loopholes as you see fit for the rest of us to find out later, or never find out, depending on the difficulty. I find that characters work well together when a lot is known about each one, allowing for easier interaction) [B]Character Snippet[/B]: (Feel free to do anything here. Merely an example of your writing. I know most of you and I'm sure I already have a good idea, but don't worry, have some fun with it) [CENTER][SIZE=4]Final Thoughts[/SIZE][/CENTER] I'll be posting my character after a few others have been posted, merely for something different, since I usually post my character before. I want the sign-ups to be free ranged, open up your mind a bit. I won't be putting up an Underground thread as of now, but when we begin I definitely will with additional information and such concerning the RP. I expect active posters and people who wish to have some fun and add something new to the story I've developed. It took quite awhile to actually finish and I hope you guys like the end result. [B]Thanks to...[/B] -Imi for the amazing background and help with the title, shes awesome. -Everyone who helped with the story, it's greatly appreciated.
[CENTER] Black Orchid's head swung quickly after the sound of a muffled clap from across the room. Red and Silver stood in the doorway, both clapping, smiles upon there faces. "Quite the fight it was, but it'll have to stop here. I don't need anyone injured yet, the journey has just begun, and I'll be needing both of you," spoke Red, walking forward, lifting Tai's shirt from the floor and tossing it to him. "There's some bandages in the infirmiry one deck lower, clean those up," he spoke again nodding towards the door. Tai sighed, turning from the room and leaving. Black Orchid remained, spinning the whip through her palm tightly and placing it upon her belt. "Try to be more careful next time Orchid. Save the true fighting for true enemies," Red spoke, nodding in her direction. "Merely having some fun," she said, her hands upon her hips. "There will be plenty of chances to test your skills, but I'd rather you not do it on the likes of a fellow crew member," Red spoke firmly. Orchid held her tongue, nodding and acknowledging the Captain's wishes. But soon after the ship shook with violent intention. Maybe the time to test her skills would come sooner then he thought. As he ran up the ships many staircases he finally reached the deck, the sun beating down upon him immediately as he immerged from the depths of the Dauntless. "Whats going on Hugo?" he shouted to the fumbling old man towards the rear of the ship doing his best to keep the large craft steady. "It's those damn Merans!" shouted Hugo, cursing violently as his body shook to the weight of the ship. "But we took a safer path far from the Meran settlement, we should be out of their district and far from the patrol routes, whats going on?!" he shouted back up towards Hugo. "I reckon they heard of our quest from the Middleton port, they always were a bunch of spoiled-" Hugo's voice faded off with curses once again. The two were interrupted by the rest of the team, making their way to the deck, some sooner then others. It was time, Red had to take charge, or the ship would sink, and there was no way he could let that happen. "Alright everyone. We'll need two teams. One to stay aboard the Dauntless and attack from afar and one to board the Meran vessel when we approach. Cannons will be operated from a distance, however when we get closer those aboard the ship will have to switch to pistols and other methods of battle to prevent collateral damage. Team 1 will be responsible for protecting the Dauntless and making sure it isn't overtaken while Team 2 disables the enemy threat. Any questions? Good." Red motioned to Silver to approach him. "I was greatly impressed with your skills earlier, I'm putting you in charge of Team 1, just below you will be Dartanian, he takes a bit of getting use to, but he's an amazing gunman. I expect you two to lead the others and protect our ship from being overtaken. Now choose the rest of your team!" [B]OOC: I figured I'd stir up some action before I post the jobs and such. Fallen will be picking his team to stay aboard the ship, and those he doesn't choose will go with me and take the enemy ship (teams will be even, by the way). Just because your staying aboard the ship doesn't mean you won't see action. When the vessels meet both crews will be attempting to thwart the other, so both teams will be provided with plenty of fun. Fallen won't always be chosen for captain if issues or battles arise, I'll be rotating and shifting to different formats in different situations so don't worry. After Fallen posts everyone is welcome to follow.[/B] [/CENTER]
[SIZE=1]*squeals* Sean wouldn't so I did it for him :p I do agree with the first two posts here. Your writing is quite good and I've become a fan. I'd love to hear a melody to the songs though, it could make the amazing lyrics seem even more so. Although you call yourself a bad writer, I like it that way. People who are humble with good attitudes aquire better responses because they write better stuff. Some of the nicest people in the world, that seem so content, have the most interesting stories to tell. Happiness is not easily aquired as we all know. And some of the most talented people are overshadowed by their own presence and their writing talent is the least of their worries. I'm glad you decided to post these because I got the feeling you were nervous about what people might think. But I assure you, any ill-thoughts of your writings are unfounded. It's hard to critique the actual structure since you modified it to resemble a poem rather then a song. However, the words are catchy and I imagine you had a good enough chorus in whichever order you put it in. I rarely find writing that inspires me like your's did, and as much as I'd love to give an indepth writing critique, I just don't think I could without regretting it lol. But I can say this, a lot of the songs people write, even my own, look horrible on paper, but come together when the music is added. But these songs look amazing on paper, so I can't really imagine them actually being made into songs. My hopes would be quite high, and although I'm not aware of your musical talent, I think you have a great writing talent. Whether you decide to do something with it is your own decision. I'd be happy simply reading it but sometimes hearing your own words and feelings in a song is truly amazing and inspiring. It makes the words seem even stronger and the feeling that much more clear. Just some thoughts.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]As the title implies, I'm really baffled at the recent news I've seen. Now I know it varies between each state but if it's anything like my own then you know what I mean. I've found nearly every channel to be cluttered with useless information and blatant pleas for higher ratings. Now I here rumors, thoughts, assumptions, whatever, of important things happening all the time yet when I find myself watching the news I see lackluster stories and fake people. Yet, however many stories they have, only 1 of the 20 is actually a good thing. People say "love life," yet the only examples I've been seeing as of late of "life" is random kidnappings and death. Is this what we've all been reduced to? I mean, shouldn't there be some type of balance? Parents worry about their kids watching shows of ill nature and as of now the news should be under that category. The only news show I really enjoy is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, merely because its hilarious to see him make fun of all the so-called news across the world. Things so stupid that even retarded people wonder why it's taking up time when they could be watching Judge Judy. So, what do you think? And what are some utterly ridiculous news stories you've heard? Things that you, well, just don't care about.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I really don't feel like getting album photos so I'll just give some titles lol. Now, my two aboslute favorite genres are Hardcore and Acoustic, so I'll list a CD from both. [B]Atreyu - Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses[/B] I know you guys are geared more towards the old school feel, hence the Pink Floyd. And Atreyu is merely a few years old, but I'll keep telling you guys over and over again that this album is truly amazing. It will be on any list I have, forever lol. Melodies, breakdowns, lyrics, they have it all, and although it's less so in the new album, this one is amazing. The drummer sings and plays at the same time, truly you unique, and the screamer is incredibly talented. I've seen them plays shows for hours and his voice stays strong the entire night. I could name their real names and give as much information as you like but I'm sure you guys have hear enough rambling from me about this band lol. [B]The Early November - The Acoustic EP[/B] I know a lot of fans of this band, but a lot of people miss this certain EP. It contains some of the best acoustic music I've ever heard. When times get hard it's best just to relax and time flow by for a bit, and theres no better CD to do it to. Sure, its not metal, and it's not screaming. But the message is clear, it's easy to relate to, and it's fun to listen to. Ridicule all you want Jake, I love it! lol[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]lol I do listen to Coheed now and then so I suppose I'll tolerate it :p . Concerning emo, I have heard whining, and sometimes I do agree. As for the music it doesn't really bother me. Music about losing a love, lamenting and such, is something I like. Because love is a ground of common interest, it may be a battleground but we've all been there. What some may classify as whining could simply be a person's feelings. However fabricated it may be, anyone who writes could tell you that it's a release and sometimes things are amplified beyond the original intention. I can vouch for myself and say that some songs I've written have gone totally off track from what I thought they might be. The point is to have an open mind. Don't listen to a couple seconds of a song and judge it. Listen to the words and listen to the person singing. You might find yourself enjoying music you never thought you would. I love all types of music, and I'd be proud to name each and every band whether classified as emo or any other genre. As for the "superior" post, I usually believe the opposite when it comes to emo. Most of the stereotypical things I've heard (such as the mentioned whining) is the person actually feeling sorry for themselves rather and thinking of themselves as something better. And truth is, people do hate to hear whining, but we've all done it before. Sometimes life just gets to us, and we're overtaken by emotions rather then rational thought. The point is, people always think of labels as a negative thing. But I suppose this time it's kind of different. Next time you're called emo, accept the title with pride rather then scourn and maybe it won't be so bad? Being able to feel and able to cry is nothing to be ashamed of, and as long as you're living life to the best of your ability then you're allowed to complain. It's ok to feel "whining" thoughts, and feeling sorry for yourself is only natural. But merely to an extent. And if I died tomorrow, I'd rather everyone remember me as "emo" then not remember me at all.[/SIZE]
Gaming Console front plate customization, Sink or Swim?
Kamuro replied to SilentSecurity's topic in Noosphere
[SIZE=1]I'm not really a fan of another thing to buy concerning playstation, or any other console. There is so much clutter already, things being sold with little purpose whatsoever. I just want to buy the system, and play the game, but even that can be complicated nowadays. I'm really not out to spend anymore money on something I don't absolutely need. I'm not sure about you guys but gaming is expensive. Hundreds of dollars for consoles, money spent on controllers, memory cards, seperate modems, computer hook-ups, seperate TV routers. Tons of money without even considering the price of games. $45-50 for a new release. And sure, you can play it on the internet, for a fixed price that is. I love gaming, and I love to play just as much as the next guy. Maybe I'm old fashioned but isn't this a bit much?[/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1]You know what, I'm tired of being called emo as an insult. What is "emo," it stands for emotional, that much I know, but really, is it bad to be in touch with your emotions? From my point of veiw it seems as though guys who know what they want get things more then those that deny actually wanting anything in the first play. Yeah, I play the guitar, I sing about love and I sing about loss. My hair is black and so are my clothes, so what? Who decides whats "emo"? Are you "emo"? Well, I'll tell you one thing. I am who I am, no one will change that, and no matter how many labels are created to classify me as a specific type of person, I'll always be different. And all of you are just the same. Whether you exemplify every single feature of the "stereotypical blonde" or none at all, you're different. No matter how emotionless someone may seem, each and every one of us has feelings, about everything. And I for one am not ashamed to admit it. I know there will be dozens of posts in this thread saying "I hate labels, I don't like them," blah blah blah. We know, but not one of us can reply with the god honest truth that we've never judged anyone before. I have, and so have you. The point isn't about the labels, and it's not even about emo for that matter. It's about you. I want to know what you think. Not what you assume, and not what you're told. I don't want you're friends opinion and I don't want your parents opinion. Tell me about yourself, and tell me about your "emoness." [B]End Rant[/B][/SIZE]
[CENTER][IMG]http://tinypic.com/8weeck.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://tinypic.com/8wef76.gif[/IMG] [SIZE=1][I]Yozen Hihei Beginnings[/I][/CENTER] [I]I hate this damn place[/I] thought Hihei as he sipped from a small cup in a rough stool at an "out-of-town" drinking establishment. Across from him sat his friend and fellow teammate, Kuro. He was a man of large stature, and his body was cluttered with armor, making him seem even more enormous as he sipped his fellow drink. "Couldn't we have gotten a drink somewhere else Kuro?" asked Hihei, looking up from the table. "We could have, but this place has good wine, and theres no one here that knows who we are," spoke the large man, his voice rough and unforgiving. "Ahh, I was wondering why we went so far out of the way for a simple drink," spoke Hihei, sighing and taking another short sip. "We have something to discuss, this is not merely a social call," said Kuro, his face changing at his partner's careless attitude. "Why so tense? Whats up?" asked Hihei, looking more interested by the minute. "The Hollow are becoming stronger you know. I think you underestimate them. This is not a game. We must-" "Hold your tongue Kuro," interrupted Hihei. He would have no one of lower rank lecture him on the strength of Hollows. However, he caught himself before interjecting a comment he might regret. Kuro was just worried about him, although he expressed his concerns in a way less subtle, his intentions were well enough. "You know me Kuro. Do you think I would simply allow myself to be overcome by the weakness of Hollows?" spoke Hihei somewhat reassuringly. "A new enemy has emerged, and he isn't a Hollow, or so they say. I've heard only rumors but it seems he's a being of unfathomable power. Some say he might even be Shinigami," Kuro inquired, sitting back in his chair. "Hmph, ridiculous. Shinigami banish Hollow, not aid them," spoke Hihei in utter disgust. "He does not aid them, not necessarily anyway. His motives are unknown, and unimportant if you ask me. I'm only concerned with his strength. Oh, how I'd love to slay him. Could you imagine? I'd be the famed fighter I've always desired to be," spoke Kuro, his speech drifting off into nonsense of dreams and aspirations. Hihei took a final sip and stood from the table. "Fine, if we find him I'll let you kill him. But I get the next one," he laughed, turning from the table. Kuro joined him, laughing as well "I can't wait." [B]OOC: Sorry for the delay.[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I havn't purchased the new cd yet, I suppose I could simply dl the music but I havn't gotten around to it. However, I do have "Waking the Fallen" and "Sounding the Seventh Trumpet," and they're both great cd's. Although I'm not a fan of the increasingly new music, I really like the old stuff. I find that the band sort of wears itself out though. Some cd's I can listen to over and over again and never get sick of it, but this one gets old. The sound becomes repetative after awhile and compells me not to listen.[/SIZE]