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[SIZE=1]Trace swung his head angrily towards Flare and sent a strong glare in his direction. "This is no time for your games," he shouted in anger. However as soon as his attention was diverted, Joyride leapt from his grasp and landed crisply on the ground behind them. Trace rose his fist and struck the ground with all his might, dirt engulfing his arm, almost to his elbow. His neck cocked back and he glared in the direction of Joyride. "It's time..." he spoke quietly to himself. "Obey me..." he spoke once again. That very instant large stalks of plant rose from the ground. But this wasn't just any plant, it was [I][COLOR=DarkRed]the Scarlet[/COLOR][/I], from before. Trace slowly pulled his arm from the ground and watched as even more immense branches flowed from his palm through his fingers. Jaws began to form once again and teeth gleamed in the sun as even more appendages ruptured. Joyride's face was priceless and Trace smiled as he saw the power of fear overtaking his opponent. Flare jumped to the side as one of the mouths struck the spot where he was standing. "Hey! Watch that thing!" he shouted across the grass. His fist clenched tighter and the plant winced slightly as it's attention was diverted back to Joyride. The mouths struck wildly as the man teleported back and forth attempting to avoid the great plant. With each strike deadly saliva was spat across the ground, burning wildly as the grass lit afire. Joyride jumped from it's area, sweating and panting heavily. He was becoming tired and it was quite obvious he was no match for the power of [I][COLOR=DarkRed]the Scarlet[/COLOR][/I]. He teleported once more but found himself surrounded, encircled by the flames of the large red plant. Smoke filled the air as the fire began to draw closer to him, as did the plant, jaws snapping and growling wildly. He heard Joyride's muffled scream, a plea for escape, even a surrender. However, Trace wouldn't hear of it and he continued to draw closer, his eyes closed, his mind focused on the victim before him. However his concentration was interrupted by a loud "Stop!" from that of Sparx.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]How delightfully morbid, I like it. Although it's inspired by a mere username it does show passion and a talent for writing. My stuff doesn't usually rhyme either and I can tell it's something new to you. However, I don't believe it takes down the poem as much as you might've thought. It's short, I would've liked to see it drawn out a bit more. The ending was good, I just would've liked a little more to grab onto while reading the poem. However, I love roses and whenever I see them used in poetry I just can't help but love the poem as well lol. It's such a good subject and a great contrast to life and how a lot of us feel sometimes. It's good and I enjoyed reading it a lot.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]As Trace walked through the hallway he saw Lily exiting a room and beginning her walk to another destination. "Wait up," was all he could muster, he wasn't much for yelling. Luckily she heard him and turned around to meet his gaze with that of her own. "Find anything?" she asked, attempting to put the scuffle they'd had earlier behind them. "Not really, and you?" he asked inquisitively. She shook her head "Nope, people are so edgy around here. I don't suppose they'd tell me anything even if they did know." Trace sighed quietly "It's just as well. It was their job to protect him and now he's gone. They're probably all wondering who will take the blame for it, as am I actually." Lily looked at him curiously "What are you so interested for?" she asked. "I find it a bit funny actually. All the people here claim to be better then "us" yet they can't do their jobs and even a simple attack like before left them irrate and confused. We could take this place at the drop of a hat and not even break a sweat. I just wonder why we havn't." Lily shrugged, "It just wouldn't be right I suppose," she inquired. Trace gave a quiet laugh and sped up his walk a bit leaving Lily behind him. Before attempting to leave the house he turned to Lily "Sorry about earlier by the way, I suppose it "just wasn't right"?" he said as he turned and left her there to contemplate.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]This thread is for games you find particularly amazing, but never really get noticed or don't get the recognition they deserve. Sometimes people only buy games they see on TV, or hear about from a friend, but there is some truly amazing games that are rarely ever talked about or recognized among the popular gaming community. My addition to this was the Suikoden Series which I mentioned in another thread. I'd like for everyone else to mention games that they've played that are really good, but really havn't been noticed. Even recommend for others if you like, nothing wrong with a plug here or there you know lol.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Aron breathed heavily as he held his sword steady, sweat dripping from the tip of his nose. The large knight struck first, swinging his broad sword towards the ground. Aron jumped to the side, the large blade striking the ground as dust erupted from the crevice. He hid in the smoke, the knight was powerful, but slow. Aron snuck behind him and with a quick slip of his sword the knight was dead, blood spilling from his throat. He heard metal hit the ground and turned to see Garrek running from the battle. It wasn't like him to run and Aron wondered what it was that made him do so. However, now was not that time and he couldn't abandon the rest of his group. He saw Chase struggling with 3 knights on his own so he ran over and punched one in the face with all his might. It sent the knight flying and another cloud of dust filled the air as he smashed into the ground. Aron figured this was their best bet to win the battle. Hiding in the cover of the dust and attacking only when it was needed. He grabbed Chases shoulder and pulled him back into the cloud away from the previous battle. "Use the cover" Aron whispered, letting go and running off in a different direction. [B]OOC: I didn't wanna put to much into the battle cause I wanted you guys to have some fun with it. When we get to Tresora (soon) you'll get new skills to use making the battles more exciting.[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Ichi sat quietly in class, he tried to pay attention but often found himself drifting off into thoughts of other things. A slap to the desk brought him back to the classroom abruptly where he saw the teacher standing before him, her hands on her hips. "Welcome back Ichi," she spat at him. Mrs.Yuri was definitely the most annoying teacher he had, and he found himself grinding his teeth almost the whole class, trying his best not to physically harm her. "Instead of being totally oblivious, why not just act like you're paying attention so I don't have to waste the rest of the classes time disciplining you?" she spewed. "Whatever" was all Ichi could muster, he wished nothing more for then the teacher to just leave him be, however, she continued her attempts to embarass him. "I'm really not sure why you come here, couldn't you just sit around at home?" she asked following with an evil chuckle. Ichi stood from his desk, he was tired of everyone complicating his life, and he'd heard enough of Mrs.Yuri's insults. "I'm not sure why you come here either, wouldn't your time be better spent exercising?" he said with a laugh. The rest of the class burst into laughter. Mrs.Yuri was definitely not the most "fit" teacher and her face was blush red as she turned to see Ichi walking from the room. He knew he'd pay for it later, but the satisfaction was well worth the trouble he'd be in. As he walked the school hallway he threw his jacket into the trash and swung open the door, sighing with relief as the cool air brushed across his face. Mrs.Yuri's class was only second period, so he had the rest of the day to do as he chose before returning home to his mother, who wouldn't pleased with the schools phone call he was almost sure they would make. He walked along the sidewalk, his hands in his pockets until he heard a loud shout from behind. "Hey punk!" was all he heard. No doubt another event to worsen his day...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]K watched from a distance as the man they called "Lucifer" prepared to battle the team. He watched Lucifer, who stood with the utmost of confidence, even before such powers as Kraven and Asariel. He'd watched them battle before and couldn't see how anyone could stand up to them without a mere tremble of fear. [I]Not this time[/I] K thought to himself as he ran up, standing adjacent to Kraven. "What are you doing Zodiac?" Kraven spat in his direction. "I won't be sitting this one out, it's my turn to show what I can do." K spoke triumphantly. Kraven glared at him, his swords drawn "This is not the time for your novice attempts at battle Zodiac!" he shouted in anger. "I'll not lay down my axe to you nor Lucifer and I will protect Reoan with every ounce of strength I have!" K shouted back, trying his best to sound valiant in his attempt to join the battle. Reaon turned sharply "Kraven, leave him be, it's his choice," she spoke calmly. Kraven grunted loudly "If you get in my way I swear I'll take you down," he spoke, resuming his battle stance and reverting his glare to that of the demon standing before them. "Trouble in paradise?" Lucifer spoke with a muffled laugh under his breath. Maybe it was mere coincidence but everyone there gave a quick laugh in suit. "We're far from paradise," said K, laughing a bit more as he flung the large axe from his back. "You'll see soon enough..." he spoke, spinning it swiftly and bringing it to his right side, ready for battle. [B]OOC: I didn't wanna start the battle quite yet just in case anyone else wanted to say something. Hope this is alright with you guys, I'm ready to hold my own[/B] :animeangr [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Katz walked down a silent hallway, his hands in his pockets and cigarette standing erect from his mouth. As he approached a large steel door he took one hand from his pocket and flicked open a zippo. With a twitch of his fingers a flame appeared and his cigarette was lit. The door opened with a loud "swoosh" and the silent hallway was soon full of the chatter not uncommon to Residential Area. He walked in and caught the glance of several others within the room. He was rather tall and it was hard not to take notice as he walked throughout the crowded corridor. "Hey Katz!" a friend shouted from across the room. He nodded in acknowledgement as he hung a sharp left and entered a considerably more quite room. He had entered a popular tradepost in which a good friend of his resided most of the time. A fellow alien named Fargoth who made it his job to temper weapons and sell various items to members of the force. Katz entered his friends personal store and found it empty other then Fargoth, laid back in a chair, his legs stretched out and placed upon a stool. He was sleeping, as usual. There was so many smiths and weapon shops among the base Fargoth got little attention, but Katz found it to be one of the best places to go for tips and advice on weapons. As he approached the counter he kicked the leg of Fargoth's chair, knocking him from his slumber. "That wasn't necessary was it?" he asked with frown, scratching his muffled hair. "[B]You're always asleep, no wonder you don't have any business.[/B]" "Hmph, I like it that way, you should to. You're my favorite customer." Fargoth implied, followed with a wink. "[B]I need you to temper my sword. I've been training a lot as of late and the Superiors suggested I work on my weapon abilities, rather then just literal hand-to-hand battling[/B]." "Will do, shall I add anything special to it? You know how I love inserting elemental crystals. Wouldn't your sword look so much prettier engulfed in red flames?" Fargoth asked with an evil smile on his face. "[B]No, I like my weapons simple[/B]." Katz said, unhooking the katana from his belt and placing it on the table. "[B]There is, however, something you can do for me. I want something larger. Apply more metal to the sword and make it thin, so that the blade is longer yet the weight is distributed evenly[/B]." Fargoth ran his eyes over the sword "That'll be quite the project, you'll need a new sheath as well I expect?" he asked inquisitively. Katz nodded "[B]Give it a shoulder strap, I'll drape it over my back rather then at my side[/B]." Fargoth nodded in suit "It should be done soon enough. My home planet just shipped in a new type of metal alloy, I hear it's the best around. I wouldn't usually use it for such a stereotypical sword, but since I like you, I'll do my best." he added with a laugh. Katz just smiled "Thank you my friend. I'll be in my room. Give me a buzz when it's done." Fargoth nodded and took the sword behind the counter, readying his equipment for the weapon temperment.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Kugo ran through the smoldering hideout, leaping back and forth over the burning pillars. He shouted Sakura's name as he ran but saw no sign of her or Gabriel. [I]Damn, where did those two get to[/I] he thought to himself, mumbling curses as he threw ashing wood to the side. He made his way to the collapsed stairs and found smoking bullets encircling them, from Gabriel no doubt. He leapt up the stairs and winced as he fell to a kneel, grabbing his leg in pain. It seemed as though a large piece of shrapnel had impaired him just after the explosion. Adrenaline had made him oblivious to the pain until that very moment when he fell upon the floor. He ran his finger over the wound and applied pressure in certain areas, gauging it's severity. He felt blood pour from his skin, but this was no place to sit and whimper over a minor injury. He rose to his feet and ran forward, finally spotting Sakura lying safely in the cellar's protection. [I]That Gabriel is a wily one he is[/I] thought Kugo to himself, laughing a bit as he lifted Sakura from the floor. He made his way out to the rest of the team lying her upon the ground before them. "She'll be ok, Gabriel moved her to the cellar before the fire spread," he said with a sigh of relief. However it was short lived, and just after his statement he felt the ground. A poof of soot filling the air around him as he hit the stone sidewalk. [B]OOC: He's a bit tired I suppose lol[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]This thread is simply one to help remember the past and the events of our childhood that made us who we are today. I was thinking about this and some of my favorite shows as a kid that I liked to watch. Not necessarily "Barney" or anything, but a little older. I found myself loving the show "Boy Meets World" as a kid. I'm not sure why, but I loved it and just couldn't seem to get enough of it lol. I also remember watching "The Fresh Prince of Belair" as a kid as well. Will Smith is an amazingly famous actor now but seeing him in this role still makes me laugh. So what about you guys? Take a trip down memory lane.[/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Frog Brigade]How many episodes have you even watched, you sound like you?ve watched two episodes and decided it was predictable and boring. I?m really starting to think that you?ve only seen Season One + Two (and apparently the musical). They?re the only two seasons with monster of the week episodes, which are the only ?similar? episodes in terms of plot. But once they got into Season 3, those episodes pretty much stopped dead in their tracks.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]That doesn't really make any sense. If you see the first two seasons of the show and they suck, then what possible reason would you have to watch the following 5 or so seasons? To tell you the truth I can't really name what I've seen cause my knowledge of episode chronology concerning Buffy is a little jaded but what I have seen is repetative and lackluster after the first 5 minutes. And well, I guess thats my last comment on the subject, I've reduced myself to arguing about a show I don't even like lol. So you win *bows*[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Wal-Mart is definitely out of line concerning this issue. Like Generic and some others stated earlier, they find solace in the music and although it's censored on TV at least they can go get the CD's and such, well, not at Wal-Mart. This is completely unrealistic. I mean, having the "Parental Advisory" sticker on the CD is a blatant warning for children as well as parents yet they still refuse to sell them. And as Morpheus stated, they stock many other things completely contradictory to their lack of "Parental Advisory" music.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I agree with Generic as far as dungeons go. Places like "Mountain Path" could definitely take a good amount of time to go through. But once again, Viki is the remedy to this problem and after getting her it's a lot easier to travel from one place to another without having to travel through the long-winded dungeons and such. In the first Suikoden things were a lot more linear then the games you see today. I'm not sure why they make it that way but I suppose it makes the gaming a bit safer and although you don't get the characters you want as soon as you want them, you do get them eventually. The new games have remedied that situation and there is always an option of whether or not to actually go on the mission.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I read those very same reveiws which had me really skeptical about whether or not the game would be any good (I beat it). Well, the ship sailing does get a bit annoying, but as soon as it becomes mildly old, you get Viki and don't need it anymore. It's only rough when sailing from one side of the map to another, far islands can take quite awhile. But a lot of the islands are clustered together and trips aren't nearly as long as the reviews make them seem. Ocean battles are alright, nothing spectacular though. You can battle from afar with rune cannons or come in close and hop aboard the enemies ship and fight hand-to-hand. The strategy is that some runes do well against others and you have to choose the best runes to use against your opponent so that the battle ends up in your favor. You choose a captain, 1-3 people to man rune cannons, and 4 people to fight hand-to-hand if you decide to board another ship or another ship decides to board you. It's mildly fun really. Suikoden IV reviews are way out of perspective. They see one flaw such as the sailing and forget about the other things that really make the game spectacular. No it's not as good as the first installment of the series but it really is a great game. Especially if you are a Suikoden fan. It had a less amount of really inspiring characters, but the ones you actually develop a connection with our truly amazing. Snowe, for example, is a very complex character. And in the beginning of the game you might hate him, but towards the end you'll find that he's really not so bad, and he has an amazing combo with Hero lol. As for Suikoden III, I totally see what you guys are saying. But without having played the whole game, you just can't grasp how good it is. I might even say that it's my favorite of the series. The characters are truly fantastic and the battles become even more and more epic throughout the game. It has an amazing ending and although one of my favorite characters doesn't fare so well (Luc), it offers a great amount of satisfaction and loads of game time. I've been through it at least 4-5 times, playing different characters in different orders and choosing different flame champions. It's quite fun really. I've beaten Suikoden II but regretably got rid of the game. I've been trying to get a new one forever but can't seem to find one. If any of you have one you don't want anymore, hit me up lol. I've found it easier to find copies of Suikoden I rather then II. Anyhow, the series is spectacular and I encourage all of you to pick up Suikoden III and IV if you havn't already. I promise you won't be disappointed. And by the way, Suikoden III's knights are a bit lackluster, but Percival is great :D [/SIZE]
[quote name='Frog Brigade]As for the ?running out of ideas? ****, Buffy was almost always fresh. The reason ? Evolving characters. Buffy in Season 1 is [I]not[/I'] Buffy in Season 7. They?re polar opposites. Willow is different, Giles is different. But Xander is, admittedly, pretty similar, just a bit more mature. Also, some of the acting was brilliant, James Marsters (Spike), David Boreneaz (Angel), and Sarah-Michelle Gellar (Buffy), in particular. They put on some of the best and most memorable performances on Television[/quote] [SIZE=1]Just because the episode has a new title doesn't mean its "fresh" as the WB calls it lol. Granted yes the characters have changed a bit, but aside from a couple outlandish episodes (the musical one for example) they're all incredibly similar. As Shinji said before, they fight a new demon every episode. And the characters had to change eventually, or else every episode would be [B]exactly[/B] the same, rather then just incredibly similar. It gets old, and as much "teen" drama as they want to add to the show, it's just played out already. Time to move on.[/SIZE]
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
Kamuro replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1]I choose Blackjack just cause he's a mod and...I love him? :animeswea [I]Username:[/I] Maybe you like the card game? Who knows, but my speculation is this. Those normally associated with the name 'Blackjack' are usually risk takers. People with strong personalities and witty train of thought. This relates to the game as well. You must be able to read people and their expressions as well as create your own expression to throw them off. This takes skill and comes easy to those who have the ability to put on a front, or bluff as they call it, to fool people. [I]Custom Title:[/I] Political interests I suppose. Politics aren't really my area of expertise so I can't say much here. Lets just assume you like to vote lol. [I]Sig/Ava:[/I] This of course is the most revealing about the personality of the infamous Blackjack. I'm not sure what anime the character is from in your sig so I'll just leave it be and assume you like anime as a whole lol. Your involvement in Ichigo's RP shows interest in writing and that you have good taste. As far as RP's go the story for this one is very complicated and by the time I actually thought of a character it was closed lol. The quote "Everyone wants to be a hero" is quite true for the most part. Even people who act as though they're "evil" or "badass" some might call it really just want the attention and admiration of others, which is really what a hero is. The sig is obviously made by Ozy and well, shes a genious, once again showing good taste *thumbs up* lol.[/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1]This is what I'm talking about, annoyed people speak out and get these things censored yet no one ever says anything. Just "well, thats the way it is." But it really doesn't have to be that way. I'm really tired of hearing people even now continuously complaining about the things they see on TV or hear on the radio. Especially concerning music. I'm shocked that people still feel the need to judge and change music that they really have no connection to whatsoever. The biggest thing that urks me about this subject is that every person you'll see complaining, or even trying to change these things, is a hypocrit. Parents complain about music and adult themes on TV, then go to their rooms to make sure they catch the next episode of Sex and the City.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I agree with most of your points Generic. Concerning the music I just hate to hear any part of it simply taken out to accomodate some people who have never even heard it. Music is something I'm very passionate about, and although I do believe some things need to be censored, I believe it's taken to far and some songs are completely butchered before actually getting play on TV. I don't really see the point in playing a song thats been completely changed to fit an "appropriate" standard. You are completely right concerning NIN and political music. Although I don't listen to it much, I think it's outrageous to condemn a song just because it contains a conflicting opinion. I mean, aren't we supposed to be able to voice the way we feel? We write a set of rules and instead of obiding by them we add little details and clauses forming them to our own liking and changing the original meaning completely. I'm actually surprised that they play B.Y.O.B. by System of a Down on TV, it's just as political as any other song you'll see. "Why don't the presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?" seems pretty outlandish to me concerning political music, yet no condemnation, not yet anyway. Concerning Law and Order, which is just an example we're using for anyone whos been reading this thread lol, I disagree. I've actually seen a Law and Order marathon on TNT, twice. Once during Memorial Day or some other fabricated occasion and once on another day I can't really remember lol. This is primetime for children, and really, any time is primetime for children when you think about it. But even when shows such as this are advertised and warnings are placed before the show's air, they are still censored! Even after warning the veiwer of the content of the show and displaying a message of age appropriateness trivial events and words are still censored! I mean c'mon.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I know it's how the world works, but is it really right? Everything you said is valid, but as I said before, there are much worse things on TV then a music video played 2-3 times a day. Of course you could go get the cd, thats not really the question here. We pride ourselves on the freedom we're given, it's all over our money, the pledge of allegiance, yet the very freedoms we promote are becoming more and more restricted and compromised each and every day. It's easy to say "thats just the way it is," but no one would grow if everyone thought that way. We should question things and think to ourselves whether whats going on is right or not. We can't simply follow rules and regulations blindly without first questioning the foundation on which they were created. I'm looking at the bigger picture here, a simple music video could lead to something much more important. And as we've all seen, things become increasingly compromised with each passing year, well when does it stop? It doesn't seem there's a safe and full-proof solution to this problem so who's to say when enough is enough? Shouldn't it be us rather then a disgruntled mother with nothing more to do then question the content of a 3 minute song her son glanced at on MTV? Is it fair for everyone to be penalized for the lack of parental skill here? Isn't a parent responsible for watching what their kids watch and making sure that it doesn't contain adult content? We've made several strides and now even entire channels can be blocked by a parent who believes it shouldn't be veiwed by their children. With all these alternatives and different ways about doing things is it really neccessary to censor such trivial things? And as I said earlier, much worse things have been veiwed on TV, shouldn't we be worrying about those things? By the way, if you've ever seen Law and Order, you'd know what I'm talking about lol. You're right, they show barely any gore or adult material, however, they speak about it increasingly and with much detail. In the song I mentioned, they sang about the cutting, but did they show it in their video? No, not at all. Well on Law and Order they don't show the girl being raped or the child being molested, they just talk about it for an hour or so.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]No worries, I've posted many a poem that no one replied to. I see the veiws and know that one person or another might've glanced over it and who knows, maybe they liked it. And even if they didn't at least they read it, and that means something. But I know it's sort of nerve-racking wondering whether anyone will post a comment about something you've actually written or not. But in the long run it really only matters what you think.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Censorship has become increasingly strict over the past years and if you ask me it's gone a bit to far. I understand it's been taken this far with good intentions but the time has come to just stop it already. I recently saw a video on MTV, the song is by Hawthorne Heights and it's called "Ohio is for Lovers." I'm sure many of you have heard this song before and are familiar with it's lyrics. Well the line in question is this "So cut my wrists and black my eyes. So I can fall asleep tonight, or die." Now as morbid as this may sound to most, I've seen far worse on TV then the line in this song. And you guessed it, the word "cut" is absent when played and it pretty much ruins the song's chorus. Point is, you can't say the word cut on TV but you can watch it happen in a war show, or horror movie. We can watch shows like "Law and Order" and hear about women getting beaten and raped for the happiness of sadistic men, you can't turn on the news without hearing mention of Michael Jackson molesting someone or a detailed description of someone being at the wrong place at the wrong time and dying horribly, you can even turn on late night TV shows and watch young women get undressed for a half an hour yet the word cut cannot be said in a 3 minute song? It just doesn't make sense to me, do you guys think its gone to far? I mean the examples I've given are just a few of the outrageous things put on TV yet a curse word here or there in a song or movie is COMPLETELY FORBIDDEN. It just doesn't make sense.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]This series is one of my favorites and consists of some of the best games I've ever played. It has yet to consist of a game with intense graphics or online play, yet it continues to amaze me with each installment. Now I know what some of you might be thinking and although it's not near as popular or published as Final Fantasy, I believe it surpasses a lot of RPG games that are more knowledgeable among gamers. I believe Suikoden is a very underrated series of games with a lot to offer us. I just recently purchased Suikoden IV and after reading the reviews I wasn't sure if it would be any good at all. It got bashed a lot and the average rating I got of the game was a 6. However, after beating the game I found that most of the reviews and "problems" with the game, were well, nonsense. It offers about 30-35 hours of gameplay on average. I spent around 40 getting all the Stars of Destiny, armor sets, runes, etc. As I said before, the graphics are way behind the times concerning the PS2's capabilities, but they really didn't bother me as I played. The voice acting was good and the story was really good as well. The character development concerning Snowe and Hero was amazing and Konami did a fantastic job with the intertwining of the characters, considering there was over 100 of them. Which brings me to my next kudos concerning the game. The 108 Stars of Destiny within each Suikoden game allows a plethora of playable characters and support characters to use in your party. Games like FF (not including 11) usually offer around 8-10 playable characters, while Suikoden offers (on average) around 80 playable characters per game. Now of course, not all of these characters are winners, but some are just so interesting its hard to choose a certain number of them to use in battle. Well, luckily theres a remedy to this as well. Along with the RPG stereotypical random battles, there is also strategy battles where you are able to create several parties to battle with, rather then just one. Some of the strategy battles towards the end of Suikoden III were so complex I got frustrated trying to figure out who worked best with whom and how to set up my parties and such. This brings the battle system into play. Its not the greatest out there but it works well with the amount of characters given. You can use regular attacks as well as combo attacks where two to four of the characters in your party can work together to execute an attack of a much larger scale increasing the damage you're able to do. Now with all these characters each game offers around 20-30 different character combos allowing for more diverse play. Now all the things I've mentioned so far are great, but they aren't really why I love these games. I love them because of the plot, the characters themselves rather then just the number you get to use. It's hard to play a Suikoden game and not become enthralled with the story or feel connected to one of the characters in the game. Whether its a villain, a hero, or someone in between, theres always something or someone to relate to. It really allows for indepth gameplay and makes the twists and turns even greater and more surprising. Suikoden allows you to play the game over and over again learning something new each time. Theres always more stars to get and enemies to defeat allowing for much more playtime then just going through the game once. Does anyone else have any thoughts on the game? Likes, Dislikes, whatever? I'd like to hear what other people think.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Trust me, it's not outlandish at all to feel these feelings, and rambling just sort of happens when you talk about them, as you said lol. Sometimes people just don't know when to stop, its alright to have fun, but theres a line and people often cross it without giving it a second thought. Some people have complete disregard for other's feelings and purposely push their buttons just to watch them squirm. It's quite pathetic if you ask me, someone whos life is reduced to the sole degredation of others. Now there is an alternative to these kinds of people. Some people cross lines mistakenly and although feelings can be hurt, things are done with the best of intentions. I've found this happening several times with people close to me. Sometimes people just try to hard. The feeling of being helpless isn't something anyone wants and it just helps people to make erratic decisions. So as you stated before, the feeling to escape is an appropriate one. Time alone is great, and it helps to clear your head. However, there is an extent to which you should take notice. To much time alone can seclude you from others even more, and make it even harder to relate to other people, or abide by the rules society has set for us. I found it pretty hard to give advice concerning the subject so my conclusion is this. If things get to overwhelming, or people just become to much to handle, then take a brake. Take some time for you, and when you return to the original hussel and bussel of everyday just do things to the best of your ability. And even things that go completely wrong, will have some meaning or the reason to help you grow.[/SIZE]
Love at First Sight.......Does it exist?
Kamuro replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1]I havn't read all the previous posts but heres my opinion. I can't really define love, its hard to write it down or even place together a sentence in my head concerning the subject. Its a feeling, and although you've never met a person before, I believe it's possible to feel a connection with them from a simple look. I've seen people before with such a presence that it's hard to be in the same room with them and be able to look elsewhere. I believe that some things are meant to happen, and coincidental meetings or glances across the table might not be coincidences after all. Sometimes I see a person, and have an incredibly strong feeling to just go over and say hi, but I usually never do. And a lot of the time I regret this, cause you never know, it might've just been love at first sight.[/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1]Well, heres my opinion. Everything I've ever written has revolved around an experience in my life or that of someone close to me that affected me in some way. Although a writing can be good without an actual occurance of the event, I would find it hard to write about something that didn't actually concern me. As lackluster as a song or poem might sound, I know that each word was a feeling once on my mind and it means something to me. I don't think my writing would mean near as much if it was about someone else and their experiences rather then my own. Each event in my life, good or bad, has helped me to grow and would make any writing I did fulfilling to me, and thats all that really counts.[/SIZE]