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Everything posted by Kamuro

  1. [SIZE=1]I read this poem over several times trying to find a specific idea to grab onto until I found I was reading it wrong. Sometimes things are just overanalyzed and this poem is one of those things, at least for me. It flows really well if you just sit back and read it. It rolls off your tongue and the words form thoughts on their own, rather then any assumed ideas you had before actually reading it. I actually thought of my own "yesterday" while reading it. Things I'd done and mistakes I'd made, and regretful as I might be, they've made me who I am and without them, yesterday would mean nothing, cause there'd be no tomorrow. So after all that rambling I'll just say I like the poem cause it makes you think, I created a picture of my own and found the poem highly relatable after some thought. Hopefully, thats what you're going for lol.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Although I can't really relate to the POV of the women in the story, I liked it a lot. My mother passed away and although its not the same situation I could see her exemplifying some of the same things you've written here. I can see true feeling behind the words and it's obvious to see a great loss of someone important in your life. I like the use of the letters as the writings basis. Although it seems to be about a mother and her son, the story clings to the existence of a simple letter. Showing that even the most seemingly lackluster things can be of the utmost importance to someone. And everyone has felt that uneasy feeling of waiting for something that may never come, or waiting on someone who might just not be there. Its easy to relate to and it really drew me in as I assume it'll do to others. Nice work.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]It Dies Today - Marigold (highly recommended)[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]K walked silently beside David, who did the same. He could hear the subdued chatter between Kraven and Asariel and did his best to listen closely to the conversation. He heard their condescending undertones when they spoke of Zodiacs, he wondered why they thought of him so. Although he had a certain dislike for the demon already, he longed for the attention and admiration of others and wondered why the label of [I]Zodiac[/I] burdened him so. He could see the two men were blatantly strong, but he figured he could hold his own, unless there was something he was missing? He stared at the ground, converging in a hard concentration. [I]What could it be...?[/I] OOC: Sorry it's so short.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Well, as far as anime go's I enjoy Samurai Champloo as well. Family Guy is probably my favorite comedy show, it's hilarious. Two other shows I really enjoy are "Intervention" and "DOG: The Bounty Hunter." Both are shows on A&E and both offer something different then your usual show. I've mentioned Intervention in many posts before, and as the title implies, it offers an option for addicts to combat their addiction and people close to them form an intervention to help remedy the problem. DOG is a show about a family consisting of basically all bounty hunters. Although they're rough and tough when it comes to catching their fugitives, at home they have a heartfelt family life with interesting twists and turns to watch.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]If you're looking for an alternate way to host your sig then try [url]www.tinypic.com[/url], it offers free hosting and its pretty quick. Sometimes photobucket images don't work for me either, plus the url's are always so long. Give this a try and as long as it complies with the forum rules and standards then it should work.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Its an acoustic song actually. [url]www.purevolume.com/foreverDOWN/[/url] if you wanna give it a listen. I do that sometimes, adding to many words, its hard to convey a complex feeling with a short statement that flows well in the song.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]*wipes his forehead* whew, thanks to James I can now breathe easy again. lol, seriously, hes right though. The best thing for us to do is focus on now and not what could be in store for us. Sure, we can analyze the situation and predict an apocalypse, but its all pure speculation. Why worry about something your not even sure will happen? I really don't believe these things "mean" something. It's not as if we've never had it happen before. The 4-5 hurricanes hitting florida last year, pretty big deal, yet no apocalypse or death of life as we know it. Living life in fear isn't living at all, so let it go, and whatever is in store for us will happen, whether we want it or not. Its not as if it can be helped.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]"Hope your summer is like toilet paper, long and lasting." How sentimental.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]Best of luck, be safe. And thanks, by the way.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]My birthday (August 24) is the same as Cal Ripken's, which is alright I guess. And it's always two days before school starts! WOOO[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Fear is often a strong emotion, however I find it's easy to overcome after devloping a plan of action against it. In other words, facing what you fear the most helps to abolish the fear so that it no longer burdens you. The strongest emotion I've ever felt is love, which I'm suprised no one has said yet lol. Love is by far the strongest emotion one person can feel towards another. Yes, hate can be strong as well, but hate could never match the original feelings you had for that person. Would you really be that angry if you hadn't lost something so important to you in the first place?[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]I agree with Retri as usual lol. Calling him a jackass, even if it was called for, probably wasn't the best plan of action. However, kicking his *** was the right plan of action, since I probably would've done the same. People like that have nothing better to do then heckle other people and be annoying, and it seems as though hes been doing it for quite awhile. Maybe next time he'll refrain from calling names to someone he's never met, or suffer the same fate from someone even larger.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Hardcore, Screamo, Acoustic. Hardcore bands such as Atreyu, Killswitch Engage, Avenged Sevenfold. Screamo bands such as Underoath, Dear Whoever, Silverstein. Acoustic bands such as Feeling Left Out, rookie of the year, Dashboard.[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]System is quite a good band, very unique. I think bands like SoaD only come along every so often, and what they bring to the table is truly inspiring and should be recognized as some of the best out there. However, "the best" is quite the title for a band such as SoaD. With so many bands out there, its hard to choose just one to call "the best" and be done with it.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Hearts, Necks, and Other Things That Break - Across Five Aprils[/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=Teal][FONT=Book Antiqua]Aron scratched his muffled hair, looking out among the members of his group. They all sat quietly, content with the sleep of the previous night. He had learned much about his companions in the days prior, and was glad to see things were back to normal, lacking the usual stress among the team. He stood up straight, his eyes wincing from the bright sun. "It's time to go everyone, I know some of the team is still behind, but at this rate we'll never make it to Tresora," he said with his hands at his hips. Everyone nodded in agreement, and stood ready, preparing their equipment for the journey to Tresora. They walked along a dirt path, weaving in and out of cliffs and gorges as to make the journey as safe as possible. There was quicker routes, but Aron thought it best to stick close and go the most reliable direction. The sun was hot and the air was dry, he was baffled as to how such a large kingdom could exist in a seemingly barren wasteland. A slight breeze was his only sigh of relief, yet it aided little against the scourching heat of the area surrounding Tresora. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, taking his headband off from around his dampened hair. It was soaked and he squeezed it tightly, watching as his bodily fluids fell to the ground. He looked back at the rest of the team, everyone equally burdened by the relentless heat. "I'm sure it's not to far off guys, the people of Kiko gave us detailed directions and it should be easy to spot all the way out here. Not much else to look at." As they reached the peak of a large hill Aron looked down among the lands of Tresora. Far off in the distance he could see the kingdom, it looked magnificent. "Look! There it is!" he shouted, his finger pointing at the far off city. Everyone gave a smile, finally a sigh of relief engulfed the group. However, it was short lived, and Aron's breath was taken away by a swift kick to the stomach. He looked up upon the rough face of one of Yuri's famous knights. It seemed as though they had finally caught up with the group. "Hmph, knew we'd find you here. The people of Kiko were very reluctant concerning the divulgance of your position, however, we swayed their opinions," he said with a laugh, the rest of his men following after. Aron jumped to his feet "What have you done with them?!" he shouted franticly. The large knight just chuckled "...they're dead" he spoke with a smile. Without a second thought Aron unsheathed his sword, the blade ripping across the knight's steel armor. Everyone from each group drew their weapons, neither side making any movement towards the other. Aron panted heavily, the heat exhausting him even after such a lackluster stroke from his sword. "You'll pay..." was all he could muster, fair words the commension of a great battle.[/FONT][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=1]OOC: Just adding a little action to the journey to Tresora. After this we'll finally reach the city. This will be our first real team battle so far, so it should be fun. As for those still left behind feel free to join or do as you choose until we reach the city.[/SIZE][/B]
  18. [SIZE=1]Vincent stood still, yet to be cluttered with the blood of demons as the others had been. He swung a chain swiftly above his head, each link tight with that of the next. Demons surrounded him, but none were quite sure when to attack, some even laughed at the thought of a man swinging a long metal chain in the midst of a thunderstorm. His eyes were closed, he did his best to keep control of his essence and concentrate, despite all the commotion around him. The first demon attacked, lunging towards Vincent, his forked tongue licking his lips and teeth as saliva fell from his mouth. With a jerk of his wrist the chain wrapped around the demon's neck, slamming him to the ground with colossal force. Although the first attack was unsuccessful, demons continued to run forward, attempting to thwart the young man, who still refrained from opening his eyes. The chain lashed back and forth with great speed, striking demons from all directions. More and more seemed to overwhelm the area around him. He tightend his grip on the chain and used his essence to straighten it out, forming a long pole in his hand constructed from the tensed links. He thrust it forward, ripping through a demon's chest and erupting from the opposite side. He withdrew the weapon and began to spin it slightly, gaining momentum with each rotation. He used his essence to sharpen the edge, slicing fluently through demon limbs. Not one could get close to him, the end of his weapon spinning with great speed. The smaller demons began to move aside, making way for a much larger one. It wore immense steel gauntlets and grabbed Vincent's chain, wripping it from his hands and throwing it to the ground. "Hah, no more little weapons for you," it grunted with a smile drapped across it's face. Vincent regained his composure, gazing up upon the demon's vile face. Vincent spat to the ground, his hands clapping like thunder in front of him, his fingers interlocking. He began to emit a dim blue glow as his hair fluttered wildly in the wind.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Kugo laughed and disappeared almost instantly at the sight of several firearms being removed from their once insulated coats. He drifted in and out of the shadows, pondering moves to make and demons to kill. He was quickly spotted and heard the pull of several triggers and the clicks of automatic guns firing bullets in his direction. He swung the large sword from his back and held it in front of him, deflecting the attack in almost every direction. [I]Guns are no fun[/I] he thought to himself as he smiled. Shots were continually fired in his direction, missing miserably as he moved back and forth fluently. He noticed a demon towards the back of the group, almost secluded from it. This would be his target. He loved to sever little sheep from their pack and cut them down all alone, begging for their life, futile. He appeared in front of the rough looking man, his sword shining in the dim light. He swung his head, water flying in the man's direction from his dampened hair. "Didn't they teach you how to use that thing?" he asked with a laugh. The man grunted and threw the gun to the ground, running towards Kugo with clenched teeth and fists. He swung rapidly, apparently his hand to hand combat was much better then that of his gun skills. Kugo quickly sheathed his sword as his forearms clashed with the fists of his enemy. Seconds seemed like hours as they continually threw punches back and forth, neither man wavering or conceding to the other. Soon enough fatigue began to set in upon the young demon, Kugo laughed as he jumped back, dodging a swift uppercut. "Getting tired are we?" he asked with a jaded grin across his face. The man stopped, panting heavily as he wiped the sweat and droplets of rain from his face. He ran towards Kugo, swinging as hard as he could. Kugo grabbed his clenched fist and twisted his arm roughly, feeling the bones stretch to their limit confined by his white demon skin. However, he was caught by surprise when the demon pulled a knife from his pocket and sliced quickly, catching Kugo's stomach and slicing a fine line between his tensed abs. He looked down and saw blood falling from his open wound. He ran his finger along the line of red across his stomach. "That wasn't very nice" he said as he glared in the demon's direction. The man just smiled and ran towards Kugo once again swinging his knife back and forth. This time, however, Kugo stepped to the side, and in one fluent movement drew his sword, sliced through the demon's wings, and threw him to the ground. He held the large red wings in his hand "Aww, did you lose your wings? Just as well, fake wings for a fake demon such as yourself," he said with a laugh. The man rose to his feet, a look of fury upon his face, he screamed as he ran towards Kugo. However, Kugo had no time to wait for an insolent demon's death. He gripped the handle of his large sword firmly and rose it over his head. He began to swing it in a circular motion, rain shooting from the edge as it gained momentum. He lowered it slightly and let go, watching as the sword left his hand and glided through the air towards his opponent. It sliced briskly through the demons torso, a clean incision cutting the man to two pieces instantly. He slouched a bit as the sword made a turn and rejoined his hand, giving a bit of support. He smiled as the fragments of body fell to the ground. He walked past them, throwing the wings upon a newly fabricated, wet grave.[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][CENTER]"Do you have to be depressed to write a sad song? Do you have to be in love to write a love song? Is a song better if it really happened to you?"[/CENTER] This is the intro a song by Feeling Left Out. But it had me thinking and trying to answer these questions on my own. Is a song better if it really happened to you? Sure, the feeling is there, but does it make for better lyrics or play? Or does a poem read better if the subject was of your life, or someone elses? Share.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Jack Harvey [B]Age[/B]: 18 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Apperance[/B]: [I]Stature[/I] - Jack isn't tall, but not entirely short either, he comfortably sits at an average size. He is a slender man with deteriorating posture. He often finds himself slouching, his hands in his pockets. He has muscles, but his body is no where near defined and his laziness leads to a lack of passion for taking care of his body. [I]Hair & Eyes[/I] - Jack has mildly long black hair flowing just past his eyes and around his neck. He never takes the time to comb it, so it often looks grundgy and unkept. His eyes are a darker shade of purple and and often seem to glow. This gives him an overall dark look at first glance, causing most to stray away from him. [I]Clothing[/I] - Jack wears long black pants just barely covering the tongues of his shoes. He likes them to be a bit baggy around his legs so sometimes they can be seen falling down. A tarnished metal chain hangs from a belt loop connected to a black leather wallet in his pocket. In which he keeps a picture of his love and nothing more. His shirt is also a tinted color of black with long sleeves and messy cufflinks missing a button on each side. It usually remains unbuttoned revealing either a white undershirt, or even his bare chest at times. [B]Powers[/B]: Jack is able to manipulate water in any form he chooses. [B]Personality[/B]: Jack likes to put up a front for those unfamiliar to him. He acts as though nothing is wrong, and smiles as if he's happy. However, those who know him know he has lead a troubled life and struggles even now to keep going. Alone Jack finds himself sad and spiteful towards others. He yells at himself for the things he's done and often makes even the best situations seemingly horrible. For the things he's done he must repent and he does so in the worst ways possible. [B]Bio[/B]: That night, how dreadful it was. Everyone knows, yet feels the need to make me relive it over and over again, why? They enjoy making me suffer, I think, they just can't get enough of it. So there I sat, across from an old wrinkled man and my parents, if thats what you'd like to call them. The man wore a suit, brown and covered in lint. As much as he likes to judge others, you think he'd have more pride in his own appearance, yet there he sat, an eye sore to the world under 60. I really didn't believe any of them deserved an answer or explanation to why I did what I did, but I knew they wouldn't let me leave otherwise, so it was best to just tell them. The night before was one of the worst of my life. Events of misfortune cluttered my days and the desire to live had turned to an insatiable hunger for death. In the corner of my room I sat. My sleeves were rolled up as I scanned my arms for another place to insert the blade. However, I was unsuccessful in finding bare skin yet to be cut on a previous occasion. I sighed, several nights before had left me scarred with no form of release or atonement. Words echoed throughout my head and thoughts of death, once illusions, became the only way to end my pain. As lackluster as it seems, the only sure way to end my pain was by the pull of a trigger. My parents were oblivious to the gun kept under my bed, for safety precautions mostly, or an occasion such as this I suppose. I held it in my hand, my finger caressing the trigger, my only way out, or so it seemed. I placed the barrel to my head and felt the circle press against my skin, my hair conforming to it's shape. My eyes closed, hand clenching around the handle, my finger pressed the trigger slowly. As the gun went off I fell to the ground, my head bleeding from it's open wound. The gun clattered as it slid across the floor, my hands falling limp. Apparently the bullet missed the innards of my brain and I was left to live, the cold steel still dormant in my head. [B]Edit: K, I finished everything. If something needs to be changed just ask.[/B][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]I've liked this band for quite some time now and Hours impressed me even more then I thought it would. After "Casually Dressed & Deep In Conversation" my hopes were pretty high for this CD and I believe they were matched and exceeded. It's less hardcore then most of you here probably listen to, but it's solid music with amazing beats and lyrics. "End of Nothing" is probably my favorite song so far off the CD but I like a lot of the others as well. Has anyone else heard the CD, what do you think? Heres a link to 2-3 songs off "Hours" so give them a listen if you'd like. [url]www.purevolume.com/funeralforafriend/[/url][/SIZE]
  23. [quote name='boombox bushido']i'm sorry, but full metal alchemist shouldn't be number one. it really shouldn't make the list at all. SAMURAI CHAMPLOO should be number one.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Although Samurai Champloo is an amazing anime, it has yet to realize its full potential and belongs where it is on the chart. As stated by Dagger and pbfrontmanvdp, Pokemon wasn't just "chosen," the forum members voted for it. And as mediocre as it may seem compared to others, its popularity was unparalleled for quite some time. From the show, to the video games, movies, card game, clothes, it was incredibly popular and does deserve some credit for that. And for the years it's been around, it still plays today and gets mildly good ratings, so, as much as some of you would hate to admit it, its successful, so suck up your pride and let it go. I thought Hellsing would've done better in the overall standings, but at least it made the list. I was surprised Paranoia Agent did so well since the series didn't really impress me. I was a little sad to see the absence of s.CRY.eD on the list, but I guess it has yet to become popular. Overall I think the list is good, and we voted for it, so I guess we should support it right?[/SIZE]
  24. Kamuro


    [SIZE=1]I usually like more relaxing music while I'm drifting off to sleep. It also depends on the mood I'm in though. I usually put on some good acoustic music. Feeling Left Out, afarewelltoarms, even some Dashboard if the occasion calls for it.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Yes, to each their own I suppose. Maybe its just not my cup of tea? Yes, live action has been done for years, but their are vast amounts of different films concerning live action, a lot more then that of animation. They just placed them all so close together, in the past year or so how many computer animated movies have you seen? The Incredibles, Monsters Inc, Shark Tales, Madagascar, Finding Nemo, Shrek, Shrek 2, etc. It just seems like they all came out at around the same time and a lot of the themes are similar. Just a generalization I made on my own. However, thats all it is, I don't have the time nor strength to search vigorously for information to prove my point, so you win lol.[/SIZE]
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