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Everything posted by AnimeFront

  1. IMO, after we die thats the end. Not even a void. I, if you have'nt figured it out yet, an athiest. I respect people's opinion to believe in Heavn and Hell or things along that basis. And regardless of your belifef in something or not, it should epend more on the deeds you do in life than more on how much you go to church or do mission work.
  2. I must concur with Doukeshi. By allowing illegal immigrants to stay in this country we are worsening things for citizens and legal immigrants here. Big buisness is able to hire these people for cheaper and there for the minimum wage has no reason to go up. And thats just means you SOLed if you are making minimum wage and struggling. Illegal immigrants are getting quite arrogant demanding rights, they have no claim to america. KatanaViolet the true american dream and what this country was founded upon was exploitation. I'm not bashing america, but we were not founded for freedom. I hate how we get these stupid hippie, do good for, kind of liberals on the news interview saying stupid stuff like "open borders man", it gives an unfair representation of the left wing. Im am hevily left winged and I believe that illegal immigrants should be marched out of this country, come in legaly. And if you can't do that oh well to bad, thats how life goes the strong survive the weak die.
  3. I have no problem with [B]legal[/B] immigration, but illegal immigration pisses thef*** out of me. Illegal immigrants come to our country and don't pay taxes and use our resources. They claim 'we are hard working people that help the economy' thats BS. One of my friends, who is mexican, refers to illegal immigrants (the ones from mexico, the majority) as the filthy wetbacks making america dirty. I would'nt put my sentiments in the same words, but illegal immigration is only making conditions here much worse. Its like that one ep os South Park where all the people comeback in time to a better life, and soon they all come and make conditions worse for everybody in South Park, that is truely whjat will happen if people keep immigrating illegaly. Th e goverment has quotas for the number of people who come in each year.
  4. I am a very complex indivual. Im an athiest but I say "hell there could be a god up there". If there was a god, I would not besure if I would be on his side. My friends constantly are quoting me on my "Gods not good or evil but Satans fun and offers more", I am not a satanist. If it came to Judgement Day ( I don't believe in that kind of stuff, but if even the smallest percentage could be real) I guess I would form my own third party of people and rage war against god and satan. Even though I'm no sided with either I have a lot of inverted pentegrams stuff and 666 ( I know, not necessarily a Satanic meaning). There has always been one thing that i have never understood about some christians. Christian Slipknot fans, I mean the whole band is pretty much openly hating of christisanity and yet I see plenty of Christians with their crosses on and a People = **** shirt. Well Im Done
  5. I was introduced to this band last week by one of my friends, WOW. I like their music style so much. The whole techno gothic metal sound really appeals to me. The style as far as dress is pretty cool too (i wouldnt dress like it but the gothic style worked for them). Any other fans of Malice Mizer.
  6. I think thats a bit harsh to call the guy an idiot. I pierced my ear my self, but I i did take precaution. i dip the safety pin in rubbing alchol and then lit it with a lighter ensuring that all bacteria were killed. I hurts a little bit to put it through but it was cool and now I am up to real earrings, by gradualy increasing the hole with larger safety pins, As long as your safe about it, go for it. (however a tongue ring being done by an amateur could be dangerous becase the ring may not be secured enough and u could choke on it)
  7. The Newspaper was politically incorrect in what they did but to ha a PM apologize and people boycot a country is stupid. You dont see black people or any other minority out boycotting the US because of the Aryan Today newspaper, which makes Muhammad with a bomb look like nothing. I dont think the cartoon was meant to be rascist as much as it was showing a dislike towards religon. i myself have multiple pictures ans stuff all making fun of Jesus Muhammad Moses Buddha and even Satan, and they are funny as hell. Im not a rascist and I have friends who are of all these religons its just I honestly dont like religon. i think the news paper should apologize and then thats it, done.
  8. If there is ever an anime i could watch over and over again it would be Gundam 0083. That is one of the greatest UC gundam series ever.
  9. [quote name='Ramen_Mido']Sorry anime is only from Japan.Im sure they call animation in Korea something differnt.[/quote] Actually I will have to disagree with you about anime only being from japan. Anime is simply the japanese word for cartoon, I believe that you can make a real anime anywhere, if it has things in storline or character design that is somewhat similar to what people have come to set as the standard. Also in france cartoons are called Anime'.
  10. Kool, that was a very good idea. Im gonna go post mine right now. Well not everything just the city i live in.
  11. I personally don't see the point of thanksgiving, It really represent the genocide and exploitation of Native Americans. ALso I hate having to see my extended family, they annoy the f@#$ out of me.
  12. I play bass,(stereotypical of a black guy, and I was good on my first try) I just formed my band, Sane Insanity, we draw inspiration from Children of Bodom, Slipknot, Lamb of God, Juelz Santana, Heaven SHall Burn, Caliban, hand to Hand, Disturbed and Zao.
  13. Hmmmmmm, Slayer is ok, but LAMB of GOD, Cannibal Corpse, Kill Christ, As I lay Dying, Heaven SHall Burn, Caliban, Hand ti HAnd, Covet the Knife(my band), and Sane Insanity(me too) oh and yeah Slipknot(they're not death metal but they are metal, and everybody hates them because they are succesful, but I like them.)
  14. dubbed aint bad, but subbed is good/better. You get to watch the show in its prest form. And it means you can cut out the horible editing and voice overs(some voices are better in english) but subbed for me.
  15. [QUOTE=Bloodseeker] A lot of kids that commit violent crimes play violent videogames? No *****! That's because most kids play videogames, and most of those kids play violent videogames! The Columbine shooters played Doom? So did millions of other people, but you don't see them going to their school campuses and shooting 20+ people dead! Too many people play violent videogames and too few people commit violent crimes for it to be a solid argument. [/QUOTE] That one part isn't true, The average videogamer is 28 and single. Most kids that do play videogames, which is less than 30%, are casual gamers, 7% of these kids are hardcore gamers. I support what you are saying, videogames are the easy thing a parent, or someone else who could have prevented the crime, can blame to get themselves out of the spotlight. Like those kids in London who shot 7 people. "he played Manhunt alot that is why he was so violent, i remeber hearing in this case that manhunt had barely come out and the kid didnt even own a PS2, hole in the story. WE must standup for videogames and anime, and music. Fight on i support you.
  16. AnimeFront


    hmm, It was a good show, the concept is kind of weak, but it makes up for that with good graphics, but the characters are kind of anime stereotpical. I would rate it a 6. PS make your post longer.
  17. I liked her vocals, but she was being a pain in the *** so later fo her.
  18. ok whats sumin? But if you want an idea go in thye mech direction. You know a war between seperatist and allinces. If you revamp it and add an intersting storyline, an no love story then it should work out.
  19. [QUOTE=infern0fox]I'm a Christian and I've been one all my life, I have no intention of changing... Lafleur... I'm sorry to hear you used to be a christian, and I will pray for you. Christianity is based on faith, so there can't be scientific evidence to prove it or disprove it.[/QUOTE] Wow, so itis bad to not belong to a faith, I didnt know that. You shouldnt pray for him for be an athiest It is non of your concer, I cast out christianity and became an athiest when i was 13 and since then better things have happened to me. I have learned on thing from christianity "hell is reserved for good people"
  20. My favorite genre is a toss up between rap and metal (weird combo i know). Depending on the day and my mood (which is either cold or mad) it could be rap or metal or both. My fav metal band is probaly Rammstein Slipknot(ppl hate them because they are succesful) Kill christ Heaven Shall burn Hand to Hand Not My God anymore My fav rappers are Ludacris Juelz santana 3 6 Mafia Dem Franchize boys and Monolarch(the only athiest rapper i know, he is cooler for being that) 50 cent sux my dick with his weak asss lyrics.
  21. [QUOTE=Pandy][SIZE=1] Plus Good/Evil isn't a strictly human concept. It's a natural instinct, actually. Animals can tell the difference between a murderer and a bakery owner, ya know. Human beings just rationalize and anylyze everything.. they don't really know how to trust pure instinct.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Actually Lafleur is right about good and evil, to animals instincts just mean what things are dangerous to them or what is safe. Nature has no concept of extremes, there is no such thing as hot or cold in nature. And in humans what i think is evil maybe good to another, so we cant have standard concept of good and evil. Its relaive to the person.
  22. I would take a shotgun and go on a rampage. Might as well do those things that are deeply hidden in our minds, that we deny and fight to keep control of. I might aswell extend my circumstances to evryone else. But seriously I probaly just ask to be left alone so i can blow some stuff up.
  23. Do you remeber old Toonami, I am not talking Kenshin(That show sux, samurai X is way better), I am talking Gundam Wing era, that was the greatest peak of toonami.
  24. The song I think has the funniest lyrics is "Hoes In My Room" by Ludacris. Also "**** It All" by Slipknot. Hey! Thank all yall for comin' out tonight It was a beautiful night tonight and The Shizznit Where pimpin' and dead, these hoes just scared Thanks Snoop Dogg, Ludacris, all the niggas from the LBC It was a beautiful night tonight Oh, look at these fools, Ay! Security! Come get these niggaz! [Verse 1 - Luda (Snoop)] Fresh off the streets, just finished a show in Long Beach Ready to relax, kick up my feet Maybe smoke a blunt or two, that's what I wanna do Broke out and called up the homeboy Snoop (What happenin' nephew?) Oh, nothin' just called, lookin' for some women that can fondle my balls (Well you hit the right dogg, I can help you with that Gimme 15 minutes, and I'll hit you rite back) Off to the hotel, I was ready indeed Slapped the button in the 'llac to control the speed Put one up in the air, the cops just stared Waved my hands out the roof like I just ain't care Got to the tele and I slid thru the door On to the elevator, hit the penthouse floor And what would happen next only time could time Cuz I got up to my room, and I was mad as hell (Aaah! Damn!) [Chorus] Who let these hoes in my room? (These hoes) Who let these hoes in my room? Who let these hoes in my room? (Did you let 'em in?) Who let these hoes in my room? (These hoes) Who let these hoes in my room? [Verse 2 - Luda] Now it was five B.A.P hoes and they look like trash But one was midget, so we'll just say four and a half I was stuck speechless, couldn't believe my eyes What'd I do to deserve this unpleasant surprise? And I was thinkin' to myself, "This is just my luck" Then my nigga bust in like "What the ****!?" (Oh **** it's Snoop!) [Snoop (Luda)] Who in the hell let them booger bears out they cell (Not me) And what they doin' in ya' room? Nigga make 'em bail (Yeah) Got some fine bitches, dime bitches on they way (Okay) And told security, "Let 'em in, with no delay" (Ha Ha!) So when they get here, they'll probably be like half naked Don't mean to trip out, but ***** yall got to dip out (Dip Out!) Catch the elevator up one floor Presidential with the slidin' key for the door (Oh No!) What the **** goin' on? ****, all around the world Luda, then its the same song Them bitches was so ugly, I told 'em to go home [Chorus] Who let these hoes in my room? (Man who let these hoes in my room?) Who let these hoes in my room? (Oh no!) (Did you let 'em in?) Who let these hoes in my room? (Well who let 'em in then?) Who let these hoes in my room? (Get out!) [Verse 3 - Luda (Snoop)] Now, these chicks wouldn't leave, they was ready to clown One was 5'6 and weighed three hundred pounds (No she didn't come thru with a thong on She did for the hell of it, big fat whale of it) You can't seperate me, Ima seperate you ***** ya' ***** smell like Pepe Le Pew (You filthy, nasty, sick in the head Sittin' in my dressin room with dick on ya' bread) She said "I want you to climb in this underwear, silly" But I was turned off by her tupper-ware titties (Fake bitches, break bitches, make bitches Kick rocks, when they ****** up in they face Tick-tock, you gots to get up out my space Hey Ludacris let's get the **** up out this place, let's bounce) Then it got to my head, and somethin' reminded me I know who let 'em in, it was Bill O'Reilly (******) (Ya' white bread, chicken-**** nigga!) [Chorus] Who let these hoes in my room? (Who let these hoes in my room?) Who let these hoes in my room? (Did you let 'em in?) Who let these hoes in my room? (I need to know, who let these hoes in?) Who let these hoes in my room? [Snoop, Talking] Ay, ay yall gotta go Yall gotta get the **** up outta here, ugly *** bitches I dont understand how these bitches always get in my dressin' room You know what I'm sayin'? Soon as I get off stage, it's 7 or 8 ugly *** bitches posyed up in my dressin room And security act like they dont know who did it I know you feel what I'm sayin', I'm my nigga around the whole world We need to form a society or somethin' Fat, gorilla, monkey mouth bitches cant get in our mothafuckin' dressin room or backstage And if they do, we kindly put our foot up their ***** And re-direct them bitches to security dressin' room, you dig? Sick of these ugly *** bitches bein' my dressin' room **** It All [Violent J] ****. **** this ****. **** givin it to me. [Chorus:] If I only could I'd set the world on fire If I only could I'd set the world on fire If I only could I'd set the world on fire Sya **** the world! (**** the world!) If I only could I'd set the world on fire **** em all! (**** em all!) [Violent J] **** you, **** me, **** us **** Tom, **** Mary, **** Gus **** Darius **** the west coast, and **** everybody on the east Eat **** and die, or **** off at least **** pre-schoolers, **** rulers Kings and Queens and gold jewelers **** wine coolers **** chickens, **** ducks Everybody in your crew sucks, punk mother fucks **** critics, **** your review Even if you like me, **** you **** your mom, **** your mom's momma **** the Beastie Boys and the Dali Llama **** the rain forest, **** a Forrest Gump You probably like it in the rump **** a shoe pump, **** the real deal and **** all the fakes **** all fifty two states! Oooo, and **** you [Chorus X 2] [Violent J] **** Oprah, **** opera, **** a soap opera **** a pop locker and a cock blocker **** your girlfriend, I probably did her already **** Kyle and his brother Tom Petty, Jump Steady My homie, **** him, what are you gonna do? (**** that *****, **** you!) Yeah well **** you too Don't bother tryin to analyze these rhymes In this song I say **** ninety three times **** the president, **** your welfare **** your government and **** Fred Bear **** Nugent, like anybody gives a **** You like to hunt a lot, so ****** what?! **** disco, Count of Monte Crisco **** Cisco, and Jack and Jerry Brisco And **** everyone who went down with the Titanic, in a panic I'm like **** you, AHHHHH!!!! [Chorus X 2] [Violent J] **** Celine Dion and **** Dionne Warwick You both make me sick, suck my dick **** the Berlin Wall, both sides of it And **** Lyle Lovett, whoever the **** that is **** everybody in the hemisphere **** them across the world, and **** them right here You know the guy that operates the Rouge River draw bridge in Delray on Jefferson? **** HIM! **** your idea, **** your gonnoreha **** your diarrhea, Rocky Maivia **** your wife, your homie did, he's ****** you **** the police and the 5-0 too **** Spin, Rolling Stone, and **** Vibe **** everybody inside Whoever's on the cover, **** his mother **** your little brother's homie from around the way And **** Violent J!
  25. [quote name='Manic Webb']You know what these girls need? A big, black... listing. They should be blacklisted from record stores across the country.[/quote] NICE!!!!!!! Ignorance like theirs will never be accepted by educated people. They are just Poor White Trash(not trying to offend). They are not as bad as Vaginal Jesus but they need to be shot. Eventually someone will kil them and we can have a celebration. I am going to seend them the song "Destroy Fascism" by Heaven Shall burn. ANd then they will get it. I recommend everybody download that song.
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