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Everything posted by AnimeFront

  1. I dont look at yaoi but h i have no problems with it. The only time it makes me mad to see it is when they take to characters that everybody knows are straight, and make them a yaoi couple, you cant rewrite the story people. Yuri hentai is cool though. Lady Une and Noin.
  2. [quote name='sesshysgirl']im none of the above. man i'm quaker and i dont think y'all no what that religon is. :animesigh no, we're not quaker oatmeal. :animeangr i get that alot.[/quote] Correct me if i am wrong but isnt quaker a sub group of christianity, my friend who is a quaker says he is a christian.
  4. Women, because sexy and evil o so well together. Lust from Full Metal Alchemist is a nice villian. But the queen from Lastexile was even better.
  5. Rammstein is the definition od thrash metal. NIN is the most ***** *** band ,besides greenday, known to man. I always wanted Rammstein to come to the US but ignorant people say "they're nazis." Just because they made a song "Hitler" does not make them nazis. Alot of black metal bands from Norway are not popular over here, but then again alot of those bands are nazis. But nightwish is sweeeeeeet.
  6. Even though i dont think there is a point to life, I am no slacker, I go out work hard in school and I am am active in my interest, but i just dont think there is a point to life. That makes me apathetic some what to somethings, but I am no lazy asss.
  7. Char Aznable would be a sweet leader. WE could get zakus and ZEON uniforms. I would vote for Char in the next election.
  8. [quote name='kuroinuyoukai']a Satanist who was into witchcraft. I have seen some weird and creepy crap. To answer your question, I am a Baptist. And no, Baptists really aren't as bad as they are portrayed. Some people, as in other religions, just go to severe extremes and take things too literal[/quote] Hey you forgot to vote. Ah yes the good ole baptist stereotype. It is the so not true, both of my parents are baptist. I have seen the extreme baptist before, but i dont genralise them as all crazy. my grandmother is but she is just ignorant and crazy because she claims that Voodooism is worshipping of the devil. Alot of old black baptist think that, I don't know why?
  9. A very good "half anime" would be MEgas XLR. That show has guest stars from classic animes which makes it a cool show in my opinion.
  10. [quote name='kuroinuyoukai']You make life seem such a waste! A little morbid and dark, are we? We don't know what's waiting for us when we die. The only way to know is if we're already dead and the last time I checked I was among the living.[/quote] You have your opinion and I will have mine. But yea I am morbid and dark, that is what makes me me.
  11. Well this topic was on here and then it disappered so I thought i bring it back, W00t for me. I am not exactly an athiest but i don't believe in a god really. I more or less see god and satan as icons, rpresenting two different things neither bad, but neither good. So what are your beliefs?
  12. IMO, there is no point to life. I think that we just randomly ended up the way we are today. When the earth is destoyer by meteors and the suns explosion, nothing would change. Ok thats it its over nothing else changes. I enjoy living but there is no point to life or our existence.
  13. [quote name='noblebebop22']Haha all i wanna know is where you got the flag...I am jealous! And weird thing is at my school we aren't allowed to have lockers because the administrators had them removed because somebody said that they COULD have a bomb or drugs in them POTENTIALLY without the teaching staff ever finding out.[/quote] I found it on ebay. ebay is the source of all anime apparell.
  14. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]The first thing I would advise you to do my dear is to look to speak to a councillor as soon as possible over what you have seen, if it has had this bad a psychological effect upon you. It is not surprising, given the no doubt horrific scenes which you witnessed at this accident and for it to manifest itself as you try to sleep means that you need to speak to someone about it. While perhaps it may seem easier to speak to friend or parents over what you have seen, I really would recommend someone who is trained to help people in these situations. As for your feelings, you probably have never witnessed a scene as horrific as this before and you're in a state of shock even now, in time you emotions will return to normal and you will feel a plethora of them, which makes it all the more important to see someone who can help you work through them. I myself have been lucky enough never to witness a car crash, nor ever see someone severely injured or dead from critical injuries. In such situations I would hope I could draw the courage enough to be able to properly aid those injured from the accident, because seeing someone terribly injured and in pain is often enough to cause people to get so fearful they cannot summon the will to help people. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] Getting a couselor maybe overdoing it a little. If youhave a problem looking at or coping with death in such away as a car wreck, then talking to friends and family maybe be best. When my next door neighbor was murdered by her boyfriend in her driveway, I was the first to find her, here was a lot of blood but i didnt really get so mixed up inside, I was like ok a dead body. But that is just me. I didnt need to talk to anyone because death in gruesome ways just doesnt bother me. Talking to people may be the bst solution, but paying for a counselor is a little overdoing it. Also you might want to look at pictures at Rotten.com, not to be sick and morbid but they may help you cope with gruesome death.
  15. Curfew is super flaming. I hate it. I was going to the movies and the movie let out at 11:05, and they would'nt let me go in. That is the most ******** retarded thing ever. A kid can get any trouble any time after they can wake up. Last year one of my friends made a fake bomb and hid it in a trash can in school to get out of a test, it was genius, and he did/nt get cauf=ght. A kid can get into trouble anytime after they wake up.
  16. Are you perhaps an Emo kid. Go to limewire and type in em song. The song actually talks about a guy who cries in class. Is there any thing that is making you sad.
  17. Well I love america. And I really would not say our goverment needs change, but the people in the goverment at the time need some serious change. Bush is a man who keeps inserting his belief on everybody. And his reason for why he does not want certain things, is stupid. As far as I am concerned once you start using religon as a reason, you lost. It really gets to me when everybody thinks all americans want this, and when i go out of the country people want to hate me for what the people in the goverment have done. When i was in france i was asked if i was a republican or democrrat. After i said democrat i was seated it was weird. Our goverment design is no different than Canada and so forth but the people in the goverment right now are stupid. PS destroy the electoral college.
  18. [quote name='Charles']I see that a lot of you are unhappy with Bush's agenda here. So, in an effort to support freedom of expression I suggest we join this war, in defense of porn. It may seem like a small gesture, but we must express ourselves. We can combat this attack on our liberty by taking a stand, no matter how insignificant it may seem in the grand scheme of things. Talking about it isn't good enough--we need to take action! Just like the Civil Rights movement of the sixties. So, all right, all right, like all war-time citizens I'm willing to sacrifice and take one for the team. I'll need some hot (legal) female OtakuBoards members to make an adult film with me in protest of Bush. We'll call it, "A Heated Debate: Going Down on Your Bush." Who's with me?[/quote] Well if your making a porn movie, your gonna need a hot black guy to make camios. So I'm in, I have a fake id to use so let's do this. Hahaha just kidding, if an underage kids was in the movie, it would be helpful to Bush, so i will just help direct. Save Porn!! Porn Power!!!!!!!
  19. [quote name='Decadence][color=dimgrey'] I'll either save it my self, or laugh all the way down to hell."[/color][/quote] Thats the spirit. Seriously I have been seeing this coming forever. The christian right (different than republicans) wants everybody to be a "traditional" religon. Porn to them is a secular subject that needs to be banned. The funny thing is their is religous porn (catholic schoolgirls). The next thing that will come is the "Bush Inquisition", and then all secularist, athiest and new religonist will get hounded by conversionist.. This is a sad day. When will Bush learn there is a difference betweeen church and goverment. I want to see them try and conve t me, ha.
  20. [quote name='dposse']Intellegent Design is crap. Its a based upon faith and religion, not science. It's nothing more than saying "God created everything! End of story". But, the theory of Evolution says that things took millions upon millions of years to become what it is. It needs to stay away from schools. The theory of Evolution is just a theory, but it is scientifically possible, unlike Intellegent Design. Intellegent Design would be a great class for sunday school, but normal public school should only be taught Evolution. I don't know about you all, but i prefer science to religion. Faith has no place in school.[/quote] Straight up. I agree with ya.
  21. Transfer to public school. It's safer and and you can express your anime opinion. And technically anime does oppose some of those deep christian fundametals, but that does not make anime evil, it makes anime bitchin.
  22. Ok, First Day of school, Monday, I am hanging stuff up in my locker and as I get to my Zeon flag, this teacher sees it and mistakes it for some S.S. Nazis Flag. He comes over and drags me off to the office. I at the time had no I idea what was going on I just went along. The principal walks in and starts talking about the seriousness of what I did. Still having no idea what is going on I ask him what I did wrong? He raises an eyebrow and starts referring to the flag, then I laugh and then explain that this was a Zeon flag and that has no relation to nazis. And then i ask them the question of why i was brought to the office and i start talking about how my freedom of speech was violated for just having a flag. Even if it was a nazis flag (which i would never have) you cant bring me to the office for having an opinion , I did not call anybody an offensive name. they ask me to take it down but then I referred how in past school years i have seen people with confederate flags that they did nothing about so, the flag stayed. The teacher jumped to way many conclusions he would have known it wasn?t a racist flag if he had looked at me?..I?m black. What a way to start the school year.
  23. definately Keep this theory out of school if they make us learn it I don't know what i will do. And the sad part is they willl probaly put it in the curiculum, where i Live. Virginia would love to do this stuff, they just approved a a license plate model that said "Same Sex is Bad Sex" it is just sickening, now this.
  24. [QUOTE=r2vq]According to ANN, PoT will become a live action movie. I guess that means J-Drama. -ArV[/QUOTE] Live action anime i watch was G-Saviorur and that was god awfull because fans don't tend to like seeing the characters being played by real people. Hopefully Prince of Tennis will do better.
  25. Ah good ole reboot. I use to wake up at 7:00 am to rush downstairs to watch it on saturday morning anime. I always thought it was so cool theway they fought the actual human player and had to win or risk deletion. Megadaim was the best, i forgot his sisters name but they were the best villans ever.
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