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Everything posted by AnimeFront

  1. Fate is something that people use to explain things when they don't go the way they want it to. I have no use for either no one can forecast the future (unless you go to the future).
  2. Ah to me they are another wanna be Blink 182 band. I don't much care for them but the song Helena is good. But that is all that is good about this band (IMO).
  3. Geneshaft has a pretty good theme song. Also you might want to get Inner Universe, The Ghost in the Shell theme song. And of course Tank of Cowboy Bebop the best jazz.
  4. I met Greg Ayers at anime mid-atlantic. He was an ok guy. I am not sure of whether or not he was gay. (not that it matters to me)
  5. I recomend Vandread, Gundam seed Destiny and Geneshaft. They are real good. Vandread is common mistaken for Geneshaft because they both have that superwoman and men are inferior style.
  6. [QUOTE=Corey][size=1]Not when they have all the speakers on ten-foot tripods in a gigantic circle pointing inward. ^_^[/size][/QUOTE] Oh, now that would be easy to here.
  7. [QUOTE=Syk3] The only real rave I've ever been to was a couple weeks ago when they had one at Otakon, a big anime convention. XD And yes, I know what you're thinking: otaku people dressed up in costumes trying to dance with glow sticks. Bad idea. But with a solid execution and people there to kind of model what you're supposed to do in a rave, it turned out to be a blast. I've been to dance clubs before where they played a lot of rap, and they don't really compare much to this rave that I went to.[/QUOTE] You were there sweet. I was there that was the second rave i went to. The good type of raves take place in wharehouses. Ones that are in giant cornfields are kinda of hard to here because there is no echo.
  8. the saddest, or the closest to saddest moment, in anime was when[spoiler]Spike died[/spoiler]in Cowboy Bebop
  9. That show Ultimate Muscle, it was so controversail when it came to the "barriers". The episode when they fought at the "black barrier" outraged me:mad: :mad:. And also it just plain sucked.
  10. [QUOTE=Ryo the Tactician]Amen, Ilium. I can't stand that stuff either. All that dirty rap that's telling teenagers (which I am), "j00 have sex! Have sex now! Do it! Doooo it!". Pisses me off who knows how much...and everone still seems to love it..why? And especially me. You know why? Cause I'm African-American. So of course being a black male teenager, you're [I]supposed[/I] to like 50 cent, curse like a drunken sailor, talk about having sex, and talk like an illiterate hobo. Screw modern teen culture. Especially the stereotypical African-American part. ~R.E.[/QUOTE] Oh come on there is more than one radio station. people who listen to "dirty" rap and do have sex, do that of their own free will. artist like Kanye West rap about issues in society. Only song that i hate by him is, "Jesus Walks" But i see where u are comin from with the stereotypes. People always wonder why you hear this blaring metal comin out of my headphones. Ignorant White Guy: dude, why u listinin to slipknot u supposedto listen to 50cent. Me: Um... I'll listen to what i want so go bang your sister. Stereotypical Black Guy: Nigga why you listinin to that white *****. Me:everytime you use that word you set back blacks everywhere.
  11. Our country isnt hypocritical, some of the people are. It like Arboks says in pokemon " there is no such thing as a evil pokemon, only a evil trainer" Now to stay on topic. Bush looks at every thing with morality of christianity, if it is not so agreeable with christianity he wil have nothing to do with it. He need to remeber the "Seperation of Curch and State" statuate. Number of website before porn ban, 452,568,245,256 After the porn ban 500. :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :laugh: :laugh:
  12. [QUOTE=Sage]I still can't get over the fact that American government and officials - almost the whole society - thinks that nudity, homosexuality and pornography are something much more worse than violence, crime and guns! [/QUOTE] Whoa whoa, I have no problem with gays, nudity, or pornagrophy. Now almost all of the conservative society may have a problem with it, but I am part of the liberal left. 49% strong.
  13. Have you ever been to one? I have been to 2. They were the best. One, DJ Mixroth, Made techno remixes of the best anime opening themes song. We went an extended 2 hours over on tht rave.
  14. The way i see it is, that anime watchers are the cool ones and mall lovers people who have "social lives" are the nerdy and dorkish.
  15. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] The only progress that's been made, if you can call it that, is that a puppet government was installed. The Insurgency is worse then ever, people are dieing faster than ever, Iraq is in it's worst state since it's creation. Iraq is, if anything going backwards. Guess it's true what they say about Conservatives: [B] A Conservative is a person with two perfectly good legs who's never learned to walk forward.[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Except for your little qoute, cause i have some friends who are conservatives that do make progress. I agree with you completely. And to you morpheus i am suprised that your are so conservative, since your athiest. Bush hates you and me as much as he hates "The axis of Evil". I also think it is wrong how people are demonizing mrs. Sheehan for having some complaints against the war, and to say she does not support our troops is just plain ignorance. O yea one more thing morpheus, name some progress?
  16. [QUOTE=Bloodseeker]What's a military there for? Its there to fight the government's wars. Its the government's giant fighting machine. That's what a military is. When you join the military, you know that. And you know that there are risks involved. He was willing to take that risk, and he paid for it with his life. It may sound cold, but that's what it boils down to. If the President spent all of his time talking to the families of every soldier that died in Iraq, he'd be spending all of his time conversing instead of doing his job.[/QUOTE] shes mad because no progress has been made in iraq, since we caught Saddam.
  17. inuyasha has gone on for way t oo long on CN i love it but they need to find naraku, Sango and Miroku just need to kiss and be a couple, and kagome and inuyasha, need to kiss also. and Shippo should find the girl he was in love with and be happy.
  18. i think mrs. sheehan is moe upset to the fact that her son died, and that bush had promised all this progress and new changes in iraq but nothing has changed really.
  19. i like her song hola back girl everything else was bad. Why did she have to go to pop. But she is kinda hip hop.
  20. My favorites 1. Rap 2. Metal/ Nu-Metal 3. Techno 4. Jazz
  21. [quote name='gaarasgirl90][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]When were and whatis this convention? AHH I SHOULD KNOW THESE THINGS! :animesigh Anyway I thought the show was a work of genius. Does anyone know who Tak is? I liked her and they said online that if the show would have gone on she would have reappeard. Tarnation![/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] Anime Mid-atlantic is a small convention located in richmond, va we rarely have more than 700 attenders.
  22. When i finally got the d/l started i listend to it, though it was hard to make out the lyrics, whoever was singing it had a vocal sound like Zao, i never did hear tghe word ******, which is good. It did not sound like any hatebreed song so i doubt it was them.
  23. Quick question, is hatebreed racist? I was on limewire just browsing and i saw their song Kill the Niggers, so i researched it on th internet and i get these conflicting reports of yea they are, and no they are not. So could one of u hatebreed listners tell me so i will have the facts, thanx.
  24. [QUOTE=r2vq]The Simpsons are on TV in Japan too. Does that make them an Anime? Invader Zim was made by a Western Comic Book artist, Jhonen Vasquez. The Series was produced by Nickelodeon, an American company. -ArV[/QUOTE] It is Officialy reconignzed by Anime Mid-Atlantic as an anime.
  25. I listen to Wait and bleed, and instead of saying air i say game "i felt the game rise up in me, kneel down adn clear the stone of leaves" or I listen to lets Go by lil jon, YEAH!.
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