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Everything posted by AnimeFront

  1. finaly another invader zim fan. my friends say this is not an anime but they are wrong i saw it on tv in japan. Gir or Gur, was the coolest dumb robot ever. And the funniest part was Dib and Gaz, dib was eccentris and gaz was detached from the world into video games, like me except anime and video games for me. Z:Human Slaves will be ruled by me ZIM Bitters: Zim sit down or you will be sent to the happy farm where u will be labonimized.
  2. I was born on july 24. That is the same day as Jenifer Lopez b-day. It has no efect on me because i am a guy. if u go to animelives it tells you what anime characters share your b-day, i share one with Domon Kasshu ;) . [url]http://www.animelives.com/gate.html?name=Anime_Birthdays[/url]
  3. the only candy i like is skittles. I hate all other candies, imagine if someone was to add arsonic to candy, that is more than 3/4 of the child population gone(does not sound like a bad idea :smirk: ) but yea it can be the latch pin to have mass sickness, so beware the candy.
  4. I think we shouild withdrawl, because A. Iraq had nothing to do with 911, as bush says he did. B. i have not heard the name osama bin laden spoken in the war on terror, in 7 months, when he should be the first person to be spoken upon in regards to errorist. Zhara it sux that u dad is being shiped out, my cousin has seen his son a total of 3days, in his childs life and his son is now 1 and a half years old. I wont be going out for a long time (still tryting to get my wings at pensecola).
  5. Silvy is a good name and its unique.
  6. hey good news to u nintendo fanboys, i was on limewire earlier searching for fansubs and i soung some of the old mario cartoons for download, now i was born in 1991 so dont remeber being old enough to see the mario cartoons but from what i have dl they are great, get limewire, it is good for anime also. :D :D :D
  7. I like metal, good ****. my favorite group is Slipknot, followed by Rammstein and System of a Down. Working on a group of my own, we are going to mixe rapping lyrics and metal lyrics with metal sound (and for all the anti-rap people, quit stereotyping rap as hoes and rims, and no i do not just like rap because i am black) right now are name is pending: either Insane Sanity Sane Insanity or Slit Throats(no, we are not satanic, in fact one of our members is a christian :animesmil and the rest are athiest)
  8. being black. i have to say, sometime (lots of time, depends on the area of the country) there will be the incident when the person was arrested for being black or watched more closely because they are black. And sometimes are stoping someone for being black and thet actually do have weed, but they were not stopped because of a suspispision of drugs. when i am with my friends and they jokingly accuse me of leaving the cap off the soda or of burping, I go "cause i'm black" but not in serious situation, though i do anylyze the situation and if there are no other reson for why i get a ccused of something the i bring the race factor in to speculation. But rarely. I was always taught it was an insult to be awarded extra something because u were black, kind of like pitying someone. but x Kakashi x,yo u are a racist white devil, J/K. :D You are ok in my book.
  9. So what exactly happened, did she hit a pilon, or shark attack, or get disoriented went unde and could not swim backup? Also give my condolences.
  10. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]*smacks head against a wall* Dude, he was making a point. wristcutter isn't really going to hack your computer. But your foolish comments about the existence of computer files prompted him to make a [b]very accurate[/b] comment. Just because you cannot physically point to your downloaded mp3s does not mean you haven't stolen the intellectual property of the artist.[/size][/QUOTE] Giwilikers did you ever think that I was being sarcastic. And as for the part "technicaly it does not exist, I meant when you go straight down to the definition of existence and real. But of course th internet is real. I love to download music, fansubs, and movies. Big whoop, yea I am a pirate and damn pround to say "I dont buy cds." Nuke the RIAA
  11. [quote name='wrist cutter']So I guess it's cool if I hack into your computer and delete all your files, because they "technically don't exist".[/quote] If you can than be my guest. It woud be my fault for not taking the proper precautions. But it would be hard to hack my PC I have some nice firewals.
  12. I don't really see a problem with it, if the artist are truly losing money over this than a lot of artist would have already been out, yet i have never heard a case of any music artist or any artist company going out of buisness. There is nothing wrong with stealing of the internet (hacker side of me) if it is on the internet it is whoever can get to it first. It is the internet, technically it does not exist.
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