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Everything posted by ssjgal

  1. hmmmmmmm well, my perfect date would be gohan, but when he's older, of course, we're up to the cell games right now, and i think he's a bit old for me. I wouldnt want to meet his mum though, she's a bit overprotective, and might think that I'm a bad inlfuence!!!!
  2. [COLOR=royalblue] I know exactly how you feel. My dog killed Tom, my budgie. I hatd th littl b*****d for days and days! OI know it's only nature, but, still.........:mad: [/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE]I do, however, know lust. That's what all people my age know. We haven't experienced enough in the world to know what love is yet. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue] I'm afraid I'm gonna disagre with ya. My frind met her fiance when she was 15, and a fw months later they got engaged. It's almost three years since they got together, and now they'r living together. Now tell m that we're too young. [/COLOR=blue]
  4. I dont see why a person's sexuality matters....but I voted anyway.....Bi And there as something lse I was gonna say, but I can't remember it now! DOH!
  5. [QUOTE]I think it's very rare for anyone under the age of 17 or 18 to have fallen in real love. [/QUOTE] I fell in lovce when I was 16. It was the first boyfrind I'd had that I fdidnt go off in about two weeks. The problem was that I moved far away, and I couldnt see him and my parents wouldnt let him visit me so we had to end it. :( I'm 18 now and still think about him loads..........:love:
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