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About LoneTecko

  • Birthday 01/16/1989

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  • Biography
    Like to play video games, draw anime or manga, and go on my computer
  • Occupation
    Mostly jackass preformer, and see of the world is right or not

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  1. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=DarkOrange]Dark Cloud 2 is my 2nd favorite of all time, 1st one is Kingsdom Heatrs cause it kicks soo much ***, anyway Dark Cloud 2 is so unique in anyway, the 1st way ok but it was easy but this one all determins if you have the right things in your inventory, aswell the right wepons with you, someone said that this game was THE Lengend of Zelda for the PS2 who ever said that is right because it?s like The Legend of Zelda but more in freedom the people are sweet, the wepons are awsome, the story is to uncalled for which is really good, and the best thing about it is you can do anything in this game, who ever read this please when you see the game buy it, play it, and enjoy it. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  2. [B] First of all ignore the tital G.I. it's G.U. it means Grown Up really it's .Hack//G.U. also,Sorry I havent been on everybody but anyway, evan though the PS3, and X-box 360 is commin out don't forget the PS2 it still getting good games this is for the people that played all four .Hack games Bandai has announced that there is going to be a sequal to it's RPG hitter it's called .Hack//G.U., the story takes place in the year 2017 a few years after Kite saved "The World" during the modern time of 2003, time passes "The World" gets updated into a better virtual reality game but if you wanna find out your self go to Cyber Connects website, [url]http://www.cyberconnect2.jp/gu/index.html[/url] and see the video the game is going to be realsed in November again like I said: This is for ALL .Hack fans[/B]
  3. I'm back with a new show to tell you about it's from the creator of Family Guy it's called American Dad, it's funny as hell not like Family Guy funny, buy really with out a doubt funny, I saw both that, and the new Family Guy soo great to see that still the same show, back to American Dad it's an odd show but worth watching it's really wacky, stupid, and soo freakin cool.
  4. It's a nice lookin RPG I think you have most of the chareters from both Namco, and Capcom, I was really shocked when the had, Jin Kazama, Mitsarugi, Taki, Xenosaga Kos-Mos, and the original Megaman, the trailer was really good I really liked it the game looks real good to look at hope theres more things in it. Theres a new video on [url]www.gametrailers.com[/url] shows more of the gameplay looks way better than the first one.
  5. I've been waiting for Kingdom Hearts 2 for 2 and a half years :animeangr , but that's the most most antisipated game I want for the Ps2 so I will keep waiting I don't care. For Xbox well I don't see any good games on it all I want from it is Jade Empire that looks like a really sweet game I would enjoy. :devil: And for Gamecube it's no guesser the new Legend of Zelda game this is the game that is for a regular fan, or a die hard fan of The Legend of Zelda series. :animeswea
  6. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2]Awww that's cool Salior Moon was the first offical anime I ever watched, it was really cool to watched I would wait for the show to start on Tv all day long also I liked Salior Jupiter alot. :animedepr [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=2]Again I post my own, I really love Sango from Inuyasha she soo Beautiful, I really love her eyes there like mine really plus I like her cat Killala, and either way I like her in village dress, or demon slayer outfit. I like Sasami in Tenchi Muyo Shes not much of an *** kicker but she is so cut. awww I hate with all my heart Rena of .Hack Legends she looks sweet and but she just acts soo stupid.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]hmmmmm that's tough really but for romantic anime I would consider BIG O, last time one of my friends sister was at my house and see loved BIG O so she asked if see wanted to watch with me, besides see really loves Roger, and Dorathy together. (evan though shes a android.)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [B][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2]I know it sounds stupid but I know some anime boy, and girl fans love or hate there favorite anime charater soo what the hell.....Remember, for boys, and girls!.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] :animeshy:
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][COLOR=Red][SIZE=2]I really enjor the Tekken series alot(#1 forever for me!), Soul Caliber 1 and 2, Dead or Alive, and Dragonball Z Budakai 3, those are really good fighting games but I prefer Tekken a hell lot more kick *** charaters, cool places to fight, and bottom line I love Jin Kazama to fight with hell yes.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2]I know Sonic had alot of sequels in the last years but he really needs a really big sequel, I know Shadow the Hegehog is comming out soon but the game looks crappy, it still has the same dreamcast graphics, and flat enviorments, That's needs a serious remake but for sequel it needs to be an origenal adventure Sonic game like Sonic Adventurs that was cool Sonic 2 was really sweet, and Sonic Heroes welll ummm......It's still a Sonic game that was good but I'm saying to all sonic fans Sonic needs to look slicker, bluer, and faster than ever before Sonic needs a game that will give all Sonic fans fayt.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [B][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2]Is there such a thing? yes, there is some I've played that are God of War, Battlefield 1942, and Merciaries sweet learning games tells about culture, life back then also the future and other stuff, anyone play something educational old or new system? almost forgot... Shadow of Rome was the best near God of War.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
  13. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=2]I really agree Tenchi Muyo manga is soo funny I love Sasami, she's really cute and tries to help (especially Ryo -oh-ki), Ryoko and, Aska are funny together when they fight, or have compitition with each other really cool.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=2]Hmmm....I really don't see how people think this game sucks, I'ts really good, besides having to wait for Kingdom Hearts 2 for the playstation 2, kingdom hearts fans has to deal with chain of memories on the Gameboy Advance Sp, Gameboy Player, or the Ds :animecry: , this game is phanomanall on either system, in the very beggining of the game they show the Ps2 graphics, that's so unfreakin blevable, the combat system is still the same, good(I'm not much in the turn based combat RPG's :animedepr ), mostly the same story, but slowly goes into what Kingdom Hearts 2 is gonna show in the Ps2 so that's nice it's not spoiling the game, just showing glimpses of the game when it comes out so if some people played the game Chain of Memories and said it sucks, they don't know the potental in what the game had it's so far the best Gameboy game I'd played. GOOOO SORA!!!!! :alcohol: [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy][B]Gad Guard[/B] I first watched this at G4 anime unleashed, at first I really did'nt get the whole story but seeing all the episodes on March explains it all, also I like the art style in the show (really fresh looking), the Techodes look really cool, and everyone has to like someone in the show, I like Hajaki, Aiko, Katana, and Arashi those four are really cool (especially Arashi for me), soo anyone like this anime?[/COLOR]
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