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Everything posted by Malak

  1. I only have the manga and im i got em all right now, i agree with everything u say but im alil comfused at some times, like some things i think they didnt explain cause they wanted to shorten down the manga
  2. [QUOTE=Wayfarer][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1] Oh, yeah, and the final 'fight' in Metal Gear Solid 3? [spoiler] you know, the one with Revolver on the plane? You just get out of this awesome, epic fight with the Boss, and then...they had to tack on that final little thing with Revolver. Yeah, it was pretty funny in retrospect, but they could have ended the game really well, without that one...bizzare fight on the plane. [/spoiler][/QUOTE] you got it all wrong,[spoiler] the final boss fight in MGS3 was Boss, that little gun fight with Ossalate(is that how i spell it?) was prettty much a movie sequancel they let u play, and if u picked the wrong pistol, u get to keep it at the end, as a secert wepeon. Though your right, it was disapointing beating Boss and then all of a sudden u have to stop the "really long movie sequance fun buss" just to click a gun at some young kid.[/spoiler]
  3. (sry if this was ever posted before) ok i love NGE so i went out and bought the Viz graphic novel's version of it and it costed $15 dollars, im ok with that but then all of a sudden they decide to stop at 7 and make them smaller, and less expensive so they make 8 and back-tracked, basiclly cut-n-pasted from thier old one, just made it smaller. now thier finally back at 8 and shoul have made 9 by now..but nooo sumthins holdin them up. Is anyone else really annoyed like me?
  4. oo ya i have RO too, its good but not too addicting i have animal crossing and as fun as that can be its pretty much lie a firework at first i couldnt stop playin then it finally died out when i realized im doin the same thing every day, and the ppl of the town were so annoying, i wish i had a Gps divice on each of em, and that i can hit em (did ne1 beat that giraffe challange? i keep trying..) but by far the most addicting game ive played is either KoF' (any year) or Counter-Strike: Source.
  5. Hello my name is Malak, and of course, im new to the forums and i thought it'd be best if i introduce myself. :animeswea
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