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About melovemiroku-ku

  • Birthday April 30

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  • Biography
    I love ranma 1/2. AND LOVE ART
  • Occupation
    yeah right

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  1. i love kouga from inuyasha but my actual fav character is Tasuki from Fushigi Yugi
  2. My absolute favorite anime charecter is Genro (AKA:Tasuki of fushigi yugi.) He kicks butt. Ilove that he's always burning Tamahome on "accedent." He tries to act tough,but he's realy a big softy. :catgirl: [IMG]fy30hhhgfd[/IMG]
  3. My fav anime girl is Akane Tendo! :animesmil She beats up the boys in her school , so do I. She's strong & cute. She's just like me.
  4. Anime is good,but I prefer manga. :animesmil Manga has more details most of the time,and tells things the anime doesn't. For example:Fruits Basket & Tokyo Mew mew. Tokyo mew mew anime sucks!! :mad:
  5. My anime hero has got to be miroku.I love him. :animeblus He is cute,protective,funny,& a pervert.
  6. [SIZE=4][SIZE=4]xxx[/SIZE][/SIZE] :animesmil The funniest enemy ever is PantyHoseToru from Ranma1/2! I'm not sure he's my favorite though. Naraku from inuyasha is cool.Me & my friend make fun of him,& say he's gay. My favorit enemy has got to be the Jackle from get backers.
  7. :animeangr I totally agree.I love ranma1/2, but their always showing girl with their shirt's off.Same in Love Hina. It makes me so mad when my friend brings mangas to school just to show the other boys nasty pictures!
  8. I must say Ranma is way funnier than fruits basket!!!!! It has way funnier transformations too!!! Read the manga! It's funnier than the anime. Fruits basket is good ,but not nearly as good as Ranma1/2.
  9. Well..I've read the manga & watched the anime. It is for boys & girls. My best friend usually isn't into shojos, but he absolutly loved it. you would love it too.
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]undefined[/COLOR][SIZE=2]undefined[/SIZE] :catgirl: I would sujjest you also get the anime. It is realy good. :animesmil And if your into martial arts or comidy. I would highly sujjest the Ranma1/2 manga! It's the best. You would love it.
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