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[COLOR="Navy"]Bailey watched in a detached state while her brothers loaded some of her things onto the waiting wagon. [I]She was going to the wall. She?d get to see and know finally what happened to those who crossed, what had happened to her father and brother. To know finally if it was as good as the soldiers wanted them to believe? or not.[/I] Glancing back around the house she saw her mother enter the room and collapse helplessly into a chair. Bailey went a knelt beside her. [B]?Mama? Mama I need you to listen to me.? [/B]her mother nodded her head but remained silent, Bailey pressed on [B]?It may not be that bad. Just because no one?s come back doesn?t mean it?s a horrible life, may just mean there?s no way to get back. It could be great. Could be where all the taxes go, we don?t know.? [/B]Her mother just stared into the fire, unblinking.[B] ?I need you to do something for me. I need you to look after Violet. She so little and she has no family left in the village that can care for her. She needs you mama.? [/B]Her mother turned and hugged her hard and tight. Bailey understood and returned the emotion with the same vigor. They remained like that for a long moment until her older brother poked his head into the room. [B]?You?re all packed up. And Kevin has groomed and saddled Bunchberry for ya.?[/B] Bailey nodded and stood, gripping her mother?s hand firmly, then she turned and walked out of the house. Her uncle was tightening the ropes when she approached the wagon He leaned close and whispered so the soldiers wouldn?t hear [B]?Your knives are in the saddle bag.?[/B] Bailey gave a small smile and hugged her Uncle before mounting her horse. Her brother pulled his stallion beside her. [B]?What are you doing Aaron??[/B] [B]?What does it look like? I?m riding with you.?[/B] She glared at him with a mistrusting look. He turned to her [B]?Just to the wall. I promise not to do anything stupid.?[/B] Bailey smiled at this [B]?Fine then, and thank you.?[/B] Aaron nodded as the soldier announced they were to begin moving...[/COLOR] [I]OOC: FYI, not posting again between this and the wall, so assume Bailey and party reach the wall uneventfully.[/I]
[COLOR="Navy"][B]?It all looks wonderful mother, really.?[/B] Bailey watched as her mother paced around the tables tweaking the display of breads and pies and nervously tucking stray strands of hair behind her ears. [B]?Yes, yes. Alright.? [/B]Her mother walked over to Bailey and sank into a chair near the kitchen door. Bailey wrapped an arm around her and kissed her mother lovingly on the forehead. [B]?It will all be over soon.? [/B]Her mother nodded slowly and closed her eyes. Three children came running up to the house laughing and carrying balloons. The youngest, a girl of about 6 with hair in pigtails walked cautiously up to Bailey and her mother. [B]?Um, Mrs. McKinley? I um??[/B] [B]?What is it Violet??[/B] The little girl shuffled her feet nervously.[B] ?I? I was wondering if we could have a pie. Mama says we can?t afford pie this year, but I know she likes it and I wanted to??[/B] Bailey?s mother smiled and leaned in conspiratorially toward the girl [B]?I think that blueberry on the corner is her favorite. It?ll be our little secret.? [/B] The girls face lit up and she rushed over to the table. [B]?Better tie that balloon around your wrist or you?ll loose it.? [/B]Bailey called after her. Looks back at her mother she smiled and shook her head,[B] ?you know we?ll never make a profit on the lottery goods if you keep givin? them away.? [/B] Her mother shrugged and looked off down the street and the brightly dress children playing. [B]?Violet lost her pa and sister in the last lottery. Her mother hasn?t had much joy this past year.? [/B]She turned solemn eyes to Bailey [B]?maybe I?m not in this for the profit.?[/B] ..... They were gathered on the field just beyond the fair that had been set up for the day. Soldiers were standing in a line before them with a ledger of names that had been chosen for the lottery. Bailey held her mothers hand while her brothers stood with her Uncle and cousins. One of her cousins, Jeremy, had just been called. Her brothers had gone over to keep her Uncle from doing something rash, he had a bit of a temper when it came to the lottery. When her father had been called, her uncle had slugged one of the soldiers and broke another?s nose before they had hauled him off to the jail. [B]?Kimberly Lock?[/B] Bailey stifled a yell of surprise. She turned to see Violet?s mother fall into a faint. This bit Bailey would never understand, [I]why some family?s had been harvested away completely by the lottery and some had never been touched. She knew in theory that it wasn?t by design, but it raised serious misgivings in her.[/I] [B]?Lastly, Bailey McKinley?[/B] What happened next was blurred to Bailey. [I]She couldn?t hear properly, her vision felt altered. All she could do was stand there, staring.[/I] She saw her eldest brother and her uncle being held back as they screamed abuse at the soldiers. She saw her mother collapse beside her as women came to comfort her. The soldiers just stared coldly at the gathering and announced something before turning and heading back into the village.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Navy"]* slide slide THUNK… slide slide THUNK… slide slide THUNK… slide* [B]"Miss?"[/B] Bailey wiped sweat from her forehead with the sleeve of her dress and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. *THUNK* She buried the cleaver into the counter. [B]“Yes?”[/B] The soldier in front of her looked startled and his focus remained on the knife handle in her hand. [B]“Can I help you?”[/B] she inquired, attempting to keep irritation out of her voice. The soldier shook himself [B]“Yes, where is the food in this house? We expect to be provided for during our stay and…”[/B] [B]“There’s food in the kitchen, around back. Our kitchens aren’t in the normal place due to the meat stores.”[/B] [B]“Right. Fine then.” [/B]His eyes wondered briefly to her hand again, then he turned and walked out of the room. Bailey rolled her eyes letting her gaze pause on the ceiling. She had been roughly woken that morning by the sound of soldiers slamming doors and talking loudly. Apparently her uncle too had boarders. They had arrived in Mydswep yesterday and had filled the bar down the road at night which made it impossible for her to enjoy an evening with her family as she could feel the younger men ogling her. It was a tradition for her family, since so many had been taken from them the night before the lottery they all went out to the bar, had a good meal and drink and talked into the morning. It was their own celebration because at that moment, they were all together which might change next day. Bailey shook herself and looked down at the counter. She still had four more steaks to carve before she could go home and help her mother with the preparations. Her mother always baked things for the festival, there was no official bakery in town, the wives all baked for their families and swapped goods at the market. When she finished her work, she hung her bloodied apron on a peg and shouted out the back of the store for her uncle to come take over. He was sitting with a group of older men smoking pipes and playing cards. [B]“Oy Mitch, seems you’re needed”[/B] one of the them said nudging her uncle who’d had his back to her. He turned and smiled, setting down his cards. [B]“Alight boys, looks like I’m done for today.”[/B] One of the men leaned toward the group [B]“That girl is the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. Such a pitty she never married.”[/B] Bailey grinned [B]“I can hear ya Mr. Reilly. You better watch yourself or I’ll tell the misses on you.” [/B] The men grinned sheepishly at her and her uncle ushered her into the shop. [B]“You’d best be getting home, festival will be starting soon.”[/B] She nodded and went out onto the street. Everywhere people had hung banners and streamers. Children ran by with a dog yipping at their heals clutching at brightly colored balloons. The town was covered by a perfect blue sky. Bailey watched the children until the turned the corner out of sight. She sighed, [I]the festival would be starting soon[/I]…[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"] [B]Name:[/B][/COLOR] Bailey McKinley [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Age: [/B][/COLOR]27 [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Gender:[/B] [/COLOR]female [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Village:[/B][/COLOR] Mydswep, (modern day Utah) [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Appearance: [/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/bailey.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Occupation: [/B][/COLOR]works under her uncle the butcher [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Background:[/B] [/COLOR]Bailey was the fourth of five children, all boys. She remembers moving around some when she was younger, but her parents never would tell her where they had been. She heard whispers growing up that her family had been part of a resistance group and that’s why they had moved. At 17 her father promised her to a local boy of 20, a merchants son, in exchange for goods etc. A month later, the boy was taken by the lottery. By that time she had already lost two brothers and an aunt to the process. At 22 she went to work for her uncle the butcher as her brothers were all the help her father needed as a carpenter and being unwed she was expected to pull her weight. Part of this job included going on hunts with the men on the edge of the village. As they’re not allowed guns, they tend toward using traps and trained falcons. Some acquired guns to hunt bigger game but those men disappeared conspicuously two years later. As her youngest brother came of age for the lottery, her father was taken from them. [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Personality:[/B] [/COLOR]quiet, precise, protective. Her intelligence is high for a woman of her class. Her mother believes strongly in education, a practice the military would like to discourage so Bailey tries to keep a low profile. Due to being raised around boys she has feisty, rougher edge and sense of humor. She has been told her smile lights up a room and is a comfort for those who have lost so many to the lottery. [COLOR="Blue"] [B]Color:[/B] Blue[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi was walking toward the inn lost in thought when she turned a corner and collided with Rei walking back toward camp. Sitting on the ground she shook her head and looked up to see Rei’s extended hand [B]“Thanks, sorry about that.”[/B] Rei shrugged [B]“It’s alright.”[/B] [B]“I was just headed to the inn to get you. Shoko is going to get the others together and met us, I’ve got to get the location of that ancient text from my grandmother so we can get moving.”[/B] Rei nodded [B]“Well, if you’d rather get it over with, we can head their now. Demi can tell Shoko where it is and she can met us there.”[/B] Kaiyi looked over her shoulder back toward camp.[B] “I guess that’d be alright.” [/B]Rei looked at her quisically. Kaiyi gave a small smile[B] “Facing my grandmother I can use all the back up I can get. Come on, it’s this way.”[/B] They started walking. Rei glanced over his shoulder [B]“Did you say Shoko was gathering the others?”[/B] [B]“Yes, why?”[/B] [B]“Nothing much, I just ran into Wolfie. He was wandering alone. Don’t know where he was headed”[/B] Kaiyi sighed[B] “Lets hope he doesn’t get into trouble, this place is on edge thanks to the war.”[/B] They continued walking in companionable silence, both lost in thought.[/COLOR]
[B]OOC:[/B] hope Knuckles' Girl doesn?t mind if I move things along in this leg. If you do have any problems, pm me and I?ll resolve them. Please, no one move the group to Kaiyi?s home, I?d like to write that part. [COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi awoke in a groggy fog. She shifted to sit up and a blanket slipped from her shoulders to her lap. She didn?t remember actually prepping for sleep and the blanket wasn?t hers. The group really was getting closer through all this, subconsciously taking care of each other. Dar nudged her lightly with his head [COLOR="darkgreen"][B][I]Are you alright? You slept very sound.[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B]Yes, I?m fine. Lucky I had people watching over me or I could have been thrown in the water and probably would never have woken. I had no idea how tired I was. [/B]Kaiyi began combing out her hair and braiding it. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]Looks like Shoko is awake. Everyone made it back to camp last night except for Rei.[/I][/B][/COLOR] Kaiyi jumped up and looked around. Some were just waking, other had packed and were gathered at a fire eating a make shift breakfast. [I]No Rei.[/I] She had just started walking at a brisk pace away from camp when Rah leapt in front of her. [I][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]If you're wondering, Rei is fine. I followed him. He?s asleep at the inn. As far as I know he raised no one?s suspicions as to his nationality and the like. Also, your mother just opened the shop for the day. [/SIZE][/FONT][/I]Rah stretched nonchalantly and made her way toward the fire to beg food from the others. Kaiyi went to Shoko [B]?I?m going to the inn to wake Rei, then to the house to confront my grandmother. Things would go smoother if you and at least some of the others could join me. Grandmother is less likely to pitch a fit in front of strangers.?[/B] Shoko smiled slightly [B]?Sounds good. We?ll finish up here and met you outside the inn.?[/B] Kaiyi nodded, tossed her braid over her shoulder, grabbed her coat and bag and headed toward the center of town.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi paced back and forth next to Dar while the others went to get food from the Inn or set up ?camp?. [I]She had wanted to go right into town and get things done, but waking her grandmother would not put her in a good mood. She hated being this close to home and not telling her mother until morning, it just seemed wrong. But everyone was asleep or headed there; in the town and in their group[/I]. Kaiyi sighed and sat on a rock, leaning her back against Dar, listening to the waves. [I]Before she knew it, a calm slipped over her, she felt herself drifting with the tide.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi shrugged[B] ?I don?t care what you do. I never doubted any of you could defend yourselves, I?d just rather you didn?t get into a situation where you?d need to. I want to do what we came here for and move on quickly and with as little trouble as possible.?[/B] Rei nodded [B]?I agree. I?ll stay low profile, promise.?[/B] Kaiyi smiled [B]?Thank you.? [/B][I]This is going to be hard enough as it is.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi strained to see in the twilight. They were just breaking the trees and coming over her village, but she had to be sure she could land everyone safely,[I] and hopefully not attract unwanted attention.[/I] She chose the coast line as their best bet as the fishermen should be in for the season. She reached in her bag and pulled out a flair so everyone could easily follow her lead to the ground. Dar shifted his wings uncomfortably when they landed. [B][I]This doesn?t feel very friendly.[/I][/B] Kaiyi patted his neck ?[B]Tensions have risen because of the war. Too many sons haven?t returned.?[/B] She turned to the group that was dismounting a gathering behind her. [B]?Ok, the house I?m going to is near the center of town. Anyone is free to accompany me. If you would rather stock up on supplies or get food and drink at the Inn that?s fine, however for the Westerners here I would recommend keeping a low profile. You may be safer with me or staying with your dragon.?[/B] Everyone started talking amongst themselves Shoko approached her [B]?I thought your father was a westerner, are they not more tolerant here??[/B] Kaiyi sighed and shrugged [B]?Used to be. But I have no way of knowing if that?s changed. Dar said he felt a chill over the town, I feel it to. It?s grief. This place has been hit hard by the war.?[/B] Shoko nodded [B]?I think I?ll go with you. Come, let?s see what the others have decided.?[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi rolled her eyes as she climbed on Dar’s back and felt Rah shift in her bag. [B][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]--- Huh, you would think we were headed to [I]his[/I] village ---[/SIZE][/FONT][/B] Kaiyi smirked in spite of herself and push Dar to the lead next to Shoko. [B][I]A group of dragon riders descending on the village, you’re going to be the talk of the town for the rest of the season.[/I][/B] Kaiyi shook her head[B] “Dar, we’ll be lucky if grandmother doesn’t try to lynch us”[/B] She could feel rather than see Dar smile. Kaiyi scanned the sky, they should have a clear shot. [I]By night she’d be setting foot inside house for the first time since her father’s death. She wondered how much had changed since then.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi was having trouble clinging to consciousness.[i] They were together now, the sky was getting brighter by the minute. Shoko was talking then… a fight… Shoko’s brother…dead… get out of here…[/I] [B]“Wait” [/B]Kaiyi pushed herself into a sitting position on the ground. Rah rubbed up against her legs and starred at her, waiting. [B]“We all need healing or there’ll be nothing to kill. Rah can help there.”[/B] Rah turned to Shoko first. Kaiyi allowed herself to close her eyes… [I]just for a second…[/I] When she awoke, Emilio was shaking her by the shoulder. [B]“Good, you had us worried, don’t need our guide dying on us now.”[/B] Kaiyi pushed herself up gingerly, letting Emilio help her to her feet. She was healed, just, unsteady. She felt firmness and strength slowly returning to her muscles. [I]She had to talk to Shoko.[/I] The camp was packed, everyone was gathered on the edge of the woods with their dragons. Kaiyi approached Shoko who was strapping her bag onto her dragon’s back. [B]“If we fly we’ll make better time, but we must lose ground also. We can not stay in the open, we’ll be easy targets. I suggest the mountains. Fly in their shadow, they too follow the river. We'll be there by night fall.”[/B] Shoko nodded and then looked at Kaiyi with a very serious stare. [B]“What we’re after, we could put your family in danger for a piece of information, following an artifact that is most probably no longer there. Are you sure about this?”[/B] Kaiyi glance toward the path they were headed on, and nodded [B]“She knows where it is, and she will tell me. It is not a wasted trip, I feel it.”[/B] Shoko smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder giving it a light squeeze[B] “Then let’s go get it.”[/B] Kaiyi smiled and back toward Dar, braiding her long hair for the flight.[/COLOR] OOC: Anyone feel free to fill in the space that Kaiyi was unconscious for. Knuckles Girl, I hope you don't mind my moving things along a little :catgirl:
OOC: Rah is no one’s pet, thus no bell, she’s not a normal cat :catgirl: [COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][I]Rah looked at Rei and shook her head, but said nothing too him. She could hear his thoughts, but needed to concentrate on healing him, and he wouldn’t be the last to need aid. These mutts were more trouble than they were worth[/I].[/SIZE][/FONT] Kaiyi glanced back and realized she was over a hill and could no longer see how Daly and Emilio were faring. The hounds were defiantly thinning out, their ranks far fewer than when they had first attacked.[I] For a moment, she saw a clear path toward the river.[/I] She broke through and ran toward Wolfie and Rei. When she was a few yards away, she yelled and got their attention. [B]“Move! Draw them into the river!”[/B] A skeptical look crossed Wolfie’s face. But only for a moment. Rei had already begun to pull himself onto the opposite bank. Wolfie kept his back to Rei and walked backward, knocking the hounds back, yet more were drawn into the river by the smell of blood. Kaiyi reached the bank and tossed her staff aside balancing her hands over the water. Closing her eyes she pulled on every ounce of energy she had left and thrust it through her hands. With a startling crashing noise, the river seemed to bunch itself up and in another second it crashed down on the hounds, washing them swiftly downstream in such a torrent she felt sure they would drown. She stood and smiled across at Rei and Wolfie. And then, with a shiver, she fell back on the bank[I]... darkness…[/I][/COLOR]
OOC: the red hound is facing off with Shoko actually. [COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi cut a path back toward the river. She felt a dragon go over head and glanced up to see Wolfie jump from it?s back. [I]About time he showed up. She had begun to wonder if he would stay on that mountain and miss the whole thing. Kaiyi had sensed his arrogance before, and was less than impressed by him so far.[/I] As she knocked the next line of hounds back she got her first look at Rei. [I]He was badly injured, they all had suffered wounds but his were the worst she?d seen so far.[/I] Kaiyi whipped the staff and smacked another group of hounds against the trees. Wolfie was help him fight the hounds, but he was going to bleed out regardless. [B]?RAH! Rah, I need you!?[/B] The cat appeared in the tree above her [FONT="Book Antiqua"][I][B]? I?m not coming down there, I?ll be dinner before my paws touch earth?[/B][/I][/FONT] [B]?I don?t want you to jump down here. Get to the river. You?ll have to get your paws wet, but Rei needs healing. He?s got protection from the hounds for the moment, so you should be able to reach him. Hurry!?[/B] The cat disappeared; Kaiyi could only hope she?d get to Rei in time. Her eyes burned and she glimpsed over the hounds and through the trees behind them that the sun was beginning to rise.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi jumped from the dragon?s back and ran for her part of the camp where her weapons lay. The hounds saw them approaching and formed a charge. Kaiyi kicked the nearest hound in the head and kept running. She dodged, rolled, and came staff in hand. With deadly precision she started cutting a path through the hounds. She could see Emilio and Daly over the hounds heads, fighting their way towards the camp. Kaiyi turned and looked back toward the river[I]? the sprite?[/I] Kaiyi started to fight her way back to the river. She heard Daly and Emilio call out to her in surprise at this move. Kaiyi shouted over her shoulder to them. [B]?Rei is only back there because he was concerned for my safety, I?m not going to leave him behind. Try to find the others if you get through.?[/B] [B][I]Dar, watch their backs[/I][/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi was doing her best to keep her voice level and calm. [I]The sprite watching her was one thing, but this was getting ridiculous. [/I] [B]?Please, talk amongst yourself for a moment while I dress.?[/B] She turned her back to them and reached for her shirt and jacket. In that position her dragon tattoo was fully visible, starting at the neck and working it?s way beneath the waist of her pants. Kaiyi was putting on her jacket, listening to the conversation just over her shoulder when she heard the hounds. They attacked with an unnatural speed. Emilo and Daly took fighting stances that sheltered Kaiyi and started cutting them down. Kaiyi was unarmed, her swords being back at camp. Demi pointed to a nearby tree , [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B]?There! There?s a staff of wood there, you could use, hurry!?[/B][/FONT] Kaiyi pulled herself out of the water and ran for the tree, sweeping up the stick and turning to go back to her companions on the river edge. Demi pulled her hair to get her attention. [B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]?Behind you!?[/FONT][/B] Kaiyi whirled and struck the hound that charged her down at her feet. She matched their unnatural speed, knocking them down at her feet with artful accuracy. When she got a break in the onslaught Kaiyi ran back to Emilo and Daly, positioning herself so they were all back to back. Daly nodded to her and turned back to face the woods, [B]?There are too many of them.?[/B] Kaiyi looked at the water and extended a hand over it. [B]?Hang on.? [/B]With a gurgling rushing sound, the water began to rise ?[/COLOR] -------------- OOC: if someone uses Kaiyi in their post- she can control water and is going to try to use it to protect them. From there you can be creative. :catgirl:
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi finished her food and then moved to the edge of the river away from prying eyes to wash. [I]This was an interesting group, but the camp teamed with ego and strength, every one a dominate, not used to following. [/I]That energy was weighing her down and she needed this before sleep to calm her nerves. She splashed the water on her face and drank it in. Water had always made her feel safe, balanced. She was strongest by the water. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]That man’s dragon has returned, he is more suspicious than the rest.[/I][/B][/COLOR] [I][B]Thank you Dar, I will be mind full of it.[/B][/I] Kaiyi stripped to her waist and closed her eyes, pulling the water up around her upper body. Some might see this as a wasteful way to use ones magic, but she saw it as an opportunity to fine-tune her skills. Kaiyi draped her hair over her shoulder, exposing her back. She could hear the sounds of the others back at camp preparing for sleep. She should return soon. [I]Return…. She was returning… she wondered what kind of reception they’d receive when they got there.[/I] Kaiyi straightened and froze… [I]she could feel eyes on her...[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi watched as Wolfie disappeared into the dark. She turned to Shoko who shook her head. [B]?He wants to keep watch from the mountain; he doesn?t believe we?re safe for the night.?[/B] Kaiyi nodded [B]?He may be right. Once your attacker from earlier woke, he probably went to get back up and will pick up our trail eventually.?[/B] She was very matter-of-fact about everything, which tended to startle people. [B]?I know Dar will be pacing the clearing watching, probably so will the other dragons. I don?t know about the rest of you, but I feel pretty secure.? [/B]She let down her hair and started combing it out, careful to keep it clear of the fire. Where she sat it almost reached the ground. Shoko sat beside her [B]?How do you manage to keep your hair that long and still fight??[/B]Kaiyi smiled [B]?The trick is to move faster than the hair.?[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi was examining the river, deep in thought about what she'd have to do when they reached their destination when Shoko caught up with her. [B]“It’ll be dark soon.”[/B] Kaiyi nodded. [B]“Right.” [/B]She paused and took in their surroundings carefully. [B]“There’s a shallow point there ahead. I suggest we cross and make camp on the other side nearer to edge of the wood. That way our dragons can stay close and get to us if needed. At this pace, we should be only one more day’s walk from the village.”[/B] Shoko nodded and looked at her considering. [B]“Is this difficult for you? Where we’re going.”[/B] Kaiyi looked off into the woods, thinking before answering. [B]“Not the place, the people. My grandmother in particular will be difficult to deal with, she prides herself on it. But I promise you we’ll not leave there without answers of some kind to help us.”[/B] It was Kaiyi’s turn to consider Shoko. [B]“So, you’re the East’s royalty.” [/B]Shoko looked at her startled, Kaiyi nodded to Rah who was giving her best uninterested act. [B]“She’s got good ears.” [/B]Shoko paused before answering [B]“Yes, by birth right. But the politics are out of my control behind the stone walls and I’m thwarted at every turn. Being outside that I feel is my only chance.”[/B] [B]“That takes a lot of courage.” [/B] Shoko gave a half smile[B] “yes, well, it’ll be easier now that I have back up.”[/B] Kaiyi gave her an encouraging smile and patted her lightly on the back as they made their way toward the campsite.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]Kaiyi slipped through the group to stand next to Emilio. [I]They were following the river now rather than her specifically. [/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]?You wondered why we haven?t driven ourselves to extinction.?[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Emilio was startled by her. He hadn?t noticed her move. [B]?Well, yeah. I mean, I?ve been living around humans for awhile now, but I still don?t get it.?[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Kaiyi nodded. [I]This guy was deeper then probably he even gave himself create for[/I][B] ?We survive because of individuals. Yes, humans as a whole are destructive and narrow minded, but the individual may not be.?[/B] Kaiyi looked at the people in the group before continuing. [B]?This group, is proof of that. And we?re not the only ones.?[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Emilio stared at her for a moment. She hoped he was listening and not just checking her out. [/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]?Well, maybe I can learn something from this group and my joining won?t be a total waste of time.? [/B]His tone was casual, but there was a spark of interest behind it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][I][B][FONT="Book Antiqua"]--a test group for humanity, well that?s a new one--[/FONT][/B][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Kaiyi turned to see Rah shadowing her steps staring at the back of Emilo?s head.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][B]?Glad you?re amused Rah.?[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi nodded to Shoko, then turned to the others. [B]“Once we cross the clearing, we must land and go on foot into the woods.”[/B] [B]“Why?”[/B] Emilio asked, rather flippantly. Kaiyi sighed.[B] “Because, for one thing we make much harder targets on the ground. For a second, we’ll need to follow the river through the woods and it’s hard to trace from the air. Also the river is safer than the main road, faster too.”[/B]She turned and scratched Rah behind the ears [B]“Go see if you can heal Daly. Also mention to her I have some extra clothes if she had need of them.” [/B]Rah gave an indistinct nod and ran back to where Daly was recovering. --- They reached the woods without much event. When they dismounted, Kaiyi Reached deep into the small bag, deeper then she should have been able, and pulled out a shirt and pants, tossing them to Daly. Daly caught them looking at her oddly. [B]“Thank you, but it’s not necessary.”[/B] Kaiyi shrugged and lead them into the woods. Rei walked up to her. [B]“Nice trick”[/B] [B]“Trick?”[/B] [B]“The bag.”[/B] Kaiyi smiled [B]“Oh, that. My mother. Her ‘talents’ are… practical.”[/B] Rei nodded and they continued in silence… [I]well, almost. [/I] [I][B]We’re going back… are you alright Kaiyi?[/B][/I] [B]Yes Dar, I’m fine.[/B] [B][I]It’s been a long time since…[/I][/B] [B]I’m well aware of that, but it’s where this started and our best chance to pick up the trail.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi was lost in thought. She had never been to the libraries, but something was nagging at her[I]…history…writings…writings![/I] [B]“Actually, there may be something written, outside the libraries.”[/B] Everyone turned and looked at her [B]“I… I don’t know for certain. But my grandmother was very deep into ancient eastern culture. She had this rosewood box with carvings on it, always locked. Once, when I was about 12, I went to bring her tea and she had fallen asleep with the box open beside her. I saw writings on animal skin, stained with age and some kind of official seal, but I didn’t get a chance to read them before she stirred. The box is no longer with her though. I don’t know what she did with it, but it disappeared a week before my father was killed on the main road returning from the capital city. That’s all I know.”[/B] Shoko looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, then turned to the group. [B]“If something does exist outside the guards of our governments, we stand a slightly better chance of getting it. We’ve all come here for different reasons to the same end. If Daly accepts Wolfie’s request for forgiveness, and if you all really do want the truth, I say we go get it.”[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"]Kaiyi tilted her head back and took a deep longing breath of sea air. The meeting place was far from here, far from the water. She had made this place her home; it was on the farthest edge of the east away the front lines. And the water added to her feeling of safety. But in recent weeks, death had even touched this place, leaving no where safe. Kaiyi turned and walked to Dar who was twitching his wings impatiently. [B][I]We’re late. You’ve drawn this out too long.[/I][/B] [B]“I know.”[/B] Rah looked up at Dar and then to Kaiyi [I]--You don’t actually expect me to ride on a Dragon.--[/I] [B]“Yes actually.”[/B] Rah blinked at her with a clearly you-can’t-be-serious expression cats were famous for. Kaiyi shrugged her shoulders and slipped off a leather bag with two arm straps and layed it on the ground at her feet. [B]“There’s a cushion in there and you’ll be perfectly secure, you have my word.”[/B] Rah’s expression shifted only slightly to you’ve-got-to-be-kidding as she begrudgingly stepped into the bag and Kaiyi strapped it across her back. Dar lowered his neck and extended a foot so Kaiyi could climb up onto his back. It was a slippery and dangerous decision, but they needed to make up precious time and this was the best way to accomplish that. Tossing the ponytail that reached to her knees over her shoulder, Kaiyi wrapped her hands into Dar’s scales and braced herself… ------ As they skimmed over the trees and broke into the clearing, Kaiyi saw an intriguing group gathered. They all looked up as Dar dove over them and landed just beyond. As Kaiyi was climbing down, she noticed a couple young men jogging over to assist her. They extended their hands which she accepted and jumped lightly to the ground. She tucked a stray hair behind her ear and nodded to each of them. [B]“Much thanks. I’m Kaiyi.”[/B] The one on her left bowed his head slightly [B]“I’m called Wolfie. Welcome”[/B] his voice sounded warm but his face was serious and distant and he wasn’t much taller than she was. The one to her right, who was still holding her hand, bent and kissed it lightly, keeping eye contact [B]“Emilio, please, join us.” [/B]Kaiyi smiled though she was appraising him. [I]Less genuine than the first man and defiantly more forward. And he was still holding her hand.[/I] With a loud growl, Rah launched herself from Kaiyi’s bag in Emilio’s general direction. He jumped back in surprise and then smiled. [B]“Ah, a cat. Beautiful creature”[/B]Kaiyi smirked as they walked toward the rest of the group [B]“Yes, she is.”[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"]Sage and Kerrian exchanged looks and the followed behind Rain with Vigil in the lead. They all had secrets to hide, but recently Sage had begun to feel connected to them. She hadn?t felt that way in a long time? [I]ever since she left? since Gabe?[/I]Virgil and Milo?s previous mentions of poison had chilled her. Brought back things she hadn?t wanted on her mind anymore. [I]The disease. The thing Sage couldn?t catch and couldn?t cure. The reason she was here. [/I] She had never really paid attention to politics or royalty, so following a princess was an odd thing for her. [I]Perhaps if she had been raised in a city, she?d have some reference. [/I] Everyone was quiet and in their own thoughts. The area they walked through looked as if it could be a pleasant place, but was washed in a kind of thin white fog. Everything seemed faded, old. But the area smelled fresh and clean. She wondered, [I]if there was a monster, how could that clean feeling be maintained?[/I] [/COLOR]
[COLOR="Indigo"][B]Name:[/B] Kaiyi [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Personality:[/B] Passionate. Extremely loyal, had a fun loving side before she took up arms but is no longer sure if she can find it again. A very smooth fighter, tends to look like a dance. But this form is a harder and highly effective for which she’s received respect and admiration. She’s a lot tougher and stronger than she appears. [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance: [/B] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/Dragon_Woman0.jpg[/IMG] 5’5”, long brown hair, lightly freckled tan face with startling blue eyes. The tattoo on her back (the actual one looking just like that only not alive) stretches from her neck down her back and down her leg. Wears a brightly embroidered dark brown leather jacket her mother made, knee high leather boots, tan or brown pants, and dark red tank top. The embroidered design on her jacket is of Orchids and Oleanders (beautiful, but deadly.) [B]Weapon(s): [/B]Carries twin scimitars and a staff. [B]Magic: [/B]her magic is water based. She has some control over storms and waves as well as using moisture in the air. [B]Side [/B](Neutral, East or West): East/Neutral [B]Dragon name:[/B] Dar [B]Dragon gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/SKYBOWL.jpg[/IMG] [B]Friend/Pet name: [/B] Friend [B]Name: [/B]Rah [B]Gender: [/B]female [B]Species:[/B] cat, sort of. Rah is by all appearances a normal cat, but she can speak through telekinesis and has healing powers. Rah has a sarcastic bent to her personality and doesn't trust easily. She's very protective of Kaiyi. [B]Appearance: [/B][IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/cat.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bio[/B]:Kaiyi was born and raised in the east. Her Mother was as well, but her father’s father had come from the west. He had been neutral, but when she and her siblings came of age, things got very intense. Her mother’s family expected her brothers to fight in the war, and they were trained from the age of 12. Kaiyi, being a girl and her grandmother being deeply traditional, was trained in the deeper customs of the east; dancing, ancient hand-to-hand combat, and the power of appearances. Their town was on the water’s edge. When Kaiyi was 14, she used her power over water to rescue Dar from a hurricane, and he’s been bound to her ever since. When she turned 16, her two older brothers went to war. They never returned. At the age of 17, her father was on his way home from trading in a neighboring town when he was attacked and killed. Kaiyi found out later he had been murdered for his western appearance. Rah came to her when, after discovering the reason behind her father’s death, Kaiyi had packed a bag and ran away. After a week in the woods, she was attacked by hunter’s dogs who had been forcibly starved and broken their chains. Dar could not reach her through the trees, and though she was able to kill the dogs, they had left her with several deep gashes in her leg. Rah found and healed Kaiyi. Rah had sensed a kindred connection to Kaiyi, and has never left her. Kaiyi wants to end the pain, end the war. But she already knows fighting in the war will only encourage it. She’s hopes to find a better way.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"][B]?Is there any way to tell which was more used?? [/B]Sage asked the others as she ran a hand over the rough cold walls. [B]?No, they all look the same to me? [/B]Kerrian said, peering down one opposite her. Sage ran a hand through her hair in a frustrated gesture. [B]?Between us we should be able to get a feeling, something telling us which to take?Rain, how about you? You posses the most unique and unexplained abilities, any feelings on where we should go??[/B] Rain shook her head and looked at each path in turn. Then she closed her eyes?[/COLOR] ------------ OOC: be back Monday guys, keep me alive :catgirl: