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Everything posted by Astdis

  1. You're right dc... makes absolutly no sence, lol
  2. [B]Name:[/B] Ashlyn Kelly [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Gender: [/B] female [B]Reincarnate: [/B] Morgaine Le Fay [B]Physical description or pic: [/B] [IMG]http://www.links2love.com/love/romance/main/cute_brunette4.jpg[/IMG] (wears glasses for reading) [B]Personality:[/B] Strong willed. She?s smart, not shy or quiet, but never goes out to party with the other grad students. She typically is found doing research at the house or eating at the pub. [B]Basic bio:[/B] She grew up In Ireland with her parents four siblings. Her father was a former member of the IRA, he raised his children knowing how to defend themselves. Her mother was a quiet woman, but she knew how to keep Ashlyn?s father in line and he joked her mom wore the pants in the family. Her father was very big on education, he sent all his children to good private schools. When she kept up an excellent gpa, they found a way to pay for her to go to Oxford. There she majored in architecture, specifically ancient forms. She also studied ancient mythology and medieval combat. [B]Weapons or skills:[/B] a knife and a gun her father gave her. Basic sorcery, potions and spells.
  3. Alex stood [B]?Well, they don?t have anything on me. And I?ve been informed by Red that I?m staying with the group. I think he suspected Jace would leave. Now, I know the location where we found M and Lee, we can start there, or if someone has another suggestion? but I think we should do something, and soon.?[/B] The table nodded?. A half an hour later, Alex was back in the room, putting her shoulder holster on and attaching her knives to her boots and belt. She reached into her bag and pulled out her sword and placed that on her belt along with her extra magazines. She'd have to go down and dismiss the men. Then she'd meet back in the lounge with the rest of the group to decide what they were doing. Eric came in, leaned in the doorway and whistled. [B]?I?d hate to be the poor soul to cross you.?[/B] She laughed [B]?You know, that?s my favorite complement?[/B] (OOC: sorry so short...)
  4. Ken leaned against the side of one of the emergency trucks. They insisted on checking him, Alex, Aka and others who had help drag people out, for smoke inhalation damage. They had been taken aback by Aka having used a mask. Maria walked over to them [B]?Hey, how you guys doing??[/B] Ken smiled at her and gave her a hug [B]?We?re ok. Did everyone get out of there??[/B] [B]?They think so, but they aren?t sure, the emergency crew is going through and making sure everyone?s out now.?[/B] Alex nodded.[B] ?I?m going to go check on Jace? [/B] he walked over to the medic station. Aka came over [B]?So, are we going home now or what??[/B] [B]?No one?s said anything yet, so everyone?s just standing around here.?[/B] [B]?Well, I got things to do today.? [/B] Aka started walking away [B]?Aka! Come on, they?ll probably let us go soon, just wait it out.?[/B] She sighed, shook her head and keptl walking. Ken shook his head and turned to Maria [B]?So, wanna go back to the apartment after this and watch a movie or something?? [/B] [B]?Sure?[/B] [B]?Ok, I?m going to go check on Kaela. I?ll meet you by the bike if they dismiss us.?[/B]
  5. Ken stood next to Alex and Aka. Alex looked stunned for a second. [B]" Jace.... Maria..."[/B] [B]?My God??[/B] Ken breathed. He?d forgotten they were down there [B]" Hey, where's Micky?" [/B] Aka and Drew asked together. Alex grit his teeth and Ken looked over at him. Another explosion rocked the building. Girls screamed as everyone was knocked to the ground by the shockwave. [B]" JACE! MARIA!"[/B] Alex yelled before sprinting inside the now burning building. Ken pulled himself up and followed. There was no way they were waiting for the Authorities now. Alex kicked down a door. It looked like they were in the IT room. Ken started looking around, moving desks and debris. He heard a cough, Alex waved to him [B]?I got Maria over here.?[/B] Ken nodded, relieved. He continued to dig. He found Kaela under one of the desks. He moved it and started checking her legs. Ken saw Alex come backa nd help a half concious Zeph out. He pulled Kaela out and carried her outside, laying her next to Maria. Aka ran over [B]?Is she ok??[/B] [B]?I think so. There are more people down there.?[/B] [B]?I?m coming with you!? [/B] She followed in after him. They headed back to the IT room. Rin passed them with Kina. They went in and saw Zeph picking up another kid. Aka started to dig. [B]?Ken, it?s Micky!?[/B] [B]?Ok, here.? [/B] He braced up some debris so she could drag him out
  6. Ok, I'm putting a cap on the reincarnates. :catgirl: And I would like more grad students, etc., so I'll wait a few more days and see if I get more sign ups (which will give those who need to edit some time to do that )
  7. I believe the bombings are in Korea, Japan isn't locked down yet, but I'll let dc confirm that
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]She couldn?t believe Kadar. He had finally gone too far with his little ego trip. She waved a hand at Ima for her to stay there, and she started to climb up to the roof. [COLOR=Gray]"...why the girl? She wants to follow and Reoan allows it." "Her part in this is apparent to me. Which leads me to my conclusion.." "..Is Reoan the true threat alone or is there something else?" "I am unsure of what you ask...but I will look into it. Since it has come from a Zodiac directly, I will handle it myself. To keep this follower safe."[/COLOR] Adiol went off, the holes in his wings hampering his leaving. [B]?So, keep what follower safe??[/B] Kadar and Rubedo turned to face her [B]?This doesn?t concern you Kariz, you shouldn?t hav??[/B] [B]?Oh no.? [/B] Kariz cut him off [B]?You don?t get to do that. Not now, not to me. I am not some naive little five-year-old you get to lecture because they aren?t old enough to understand. You want to go off and save the world on your own? News flash, you?re not on your own here. You don?t want to work with the rest of us? Tuff luck.?[/B] Kariz was walking toward him as she spoke. Rubedo was watching her with interest. Kadar seemed a little taken aback by her comments.[B] ?I am damn sick of this egotistical bullshit Kadar. It needs to stop and it needs to stop now.?[/B] [COLOR=DimGray][B]?Well, I, uh?? [/B] [/COLOR] Kadar had not been expecting this[COLOR=DimGray] [B]?Look, I?m figuring out what?s going on here while you went out and collected the zodiac, I was saving time??[/B][/COLOR] Kariz?s voice was calm and a little softer [B]?Yes. Then you come back, tell us only what you believe we need to know about what we should think and then you tell us what to do next.? [/B] Kariz raised an eyebrow at him. He looked at her and his eyes changed from defensive to respectful. He nodded and a small smile formed on his lips. [COLOR=Black][B]?Damn dude, she just handed your balls to you?[/B][/COLOR] Kariz turned and saw Ben standing on the roof behind her[/COLOR]
  9. [i][color=Navy][size=3][font=Times New Roman] Morgaine watched as the mists closed around Avalon, locking her out forever?[/font][/size][/color][/i] [center][color=DarkRed]@))[/color][color=Green]---[color=DarkGreen];[/color]--------[/color][/center] [center]The setting is modern day British Isles. People have been disapearing from the area for the past month. After the last disappearance, a group is being put together to find out what happened to these people and bring them back. [/center] This obviously is the undground thread for the game I'm working on getting going in the inn. If anyone has questions about making a character etc, post them here or pm me. I've also attached a basic over view of the version Avalon story I based the RPG off of in case anyone has questions along that line. Hope I get enough sign ups to get it into the square :catgirl: . Enjoy! ---------------------- [I]5/2/05[/I] [CENTER][B]Ok, I want to get this started. Before I do, I?ll need everyone to post here what their character?s relationship with the situation is (grad student, student, local, etc) and why they?re part of the search party. Then we?ll be moving to the square [/B] ;)[/CENTER]
  10. [IMG]http://www.knowlesville.com/matt/images/2002-09/2002-09-26.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Morgaine Le Fay, the former priestess of the Avalon, stood at the bow of the boat and watched as Lancelot threw Excalibur into the mists, returning it to its rightful home. Avalon opened its gates to them. Arthur lay in the boat, slowly dieing from the wound Mordred had give him. Morgaine went to him and helped him up so he could see. The land was the purest beauty, the perfect paradise. She began to cry [B]?We?re home brother. The Goddess is welcoming us home.? [/B] Arthur clung to her and he too began to cry. [CENTER][I]?he reached up and caught at my hand with his own. ?But it is really you,' he murmured, ?it is you Morgaine...you have come back to me...and you are so young and fair...I will always see the Goddess with your face...Morgaine, you will not leave me again, will you?' ?I will never leave you again, my brother, my baby, my love,' I whispered to him, and I kissed his eyes. And he died, just as the mists rose and the sun shone full over the shores of Avalon.?[/I][/CENTER] Arthur had died in her arms. Morgaine watched as the mists closed around Avalon, locking her out forever?[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]@))[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkGreen]---[COLOR=Green];[/COLOR]--------[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] Katie looked up from her map and shielded her eyes from the sun. She?d been out there for a few hours, studying the castle wall remains. She walked toward the woods, checking her compass. There was supposed to be a wall there, but there were no remnants of it. [B]?Hey Pat, come look at this.? [/B] A guy with gq sunglasses and notebook came over to her [B]?look at this map.? [/B] He leaned over her sholder[B] ?Huh, weird.?[/B] [B]?Yeah, I?m going back to the house to check this against Carol's forms.?[/B] [B]?Ok. I?ll get the others back by dinner.?[/B] Katie nodded and walked down a green slope to the shore. There were small row-boats tied up along, and she climbed in one and shoved off. She rowed, lost in her own little world. After a moment, she snapped back into reality. A fog had come up out of nowhere. She fished in her pocket for the compass... Pat came into the main dinning room of the house, joking with the other students, ready to relax after the long day. He looked around and saw one of the professors at a table. [B]?Where?s Katie??[/B] [B]?What are you talking about, isn?t she with you??[/B] The setting is modern day British Isles. Katie isn?t the first to disappear into the fog, others have been going missing from the area in the past month. After Katie?s disappearance, a group is being put together to find out what happened to these people and bring them back. Characters can be graduate students (including Pat), students, professors, or locals, (all of which have the option of being reincarnates). No Arthur or Morgaine reincarnates, and if anyone wants to do Lancelot they can pm me with how they?d play it. For other reincarnates, please check this [URL=http://www.hour25online.com/Hour25_Mists-of-avalon_characters.html]chart[/URL] . New Members please pm me before posting a character sheet. (I get veto on any character submitted, and I don?t like God-molding, so just don?t do it) [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Reincarnate[/B] (if applicable): [B]Physical description or pic:[/B] [B]Personality: [/B] (at least three sentences) [B]Basic bio:[/B] (a couple graphs) [B]Weapons or skills [/B] (if any): (keep it real people?)
  11. [B]?Well if this isn?t the prettiest sight to see first thing in the morning,? [/B] Ken said, smacking Maria on the ass She turned, smirking, and hit him upside the head [B]?Ow?[/B] [B]?How many times do I have to tell you to keep your hands to yourself??[/B] [B]?Oh at least a hundred more?[/B] Ken said, slinging an arm over her shoulders. She rolled her eyes. [B]?You?re incorrigible Ken?Ichi.?[/B] [B]?Damn, my full name, I must be in trouble.?[/B] She laughed [B]?Babe, when are you ever not in trouble??[/B] [B]?Fair point.?[/B] Ken said, running a hand through his hair. [B]?I?m headed to IT, I?ll catch you at lunch?[/B] [B]?K, later babe.?[/B] Ken caught up with his sister and ducked into their history class. He high-fived Alex, and sat down in his seat behind him, scanning the room. His focus was caught by a timid looking girl in the front row. [B]?Whoa,?[/B] he whispered to Alex, [B]?who?s the new girl??[/B] Alex looked up from his notes at the girl Ken was referring to. [B]?Her? I think her name is Haruko. Why, you looking for a new conquest?? [/B] He laughed and Ken hit him jokingly in the arm. [B]?Thanks for your support dude.?[/B] [B]?Hey, I just call it like I see it.?[/B] Aka leaned across [B]?Seriously bro, you think she?s cute??[/B] [B]?She has potential?[/B] Aka shook her head [B]?Poor girl.?[/B] This caused Alex to snicker and Aka grinned at Ken who shot her a look before the final bell rang and Genki-sama cleared his throat to get the class' attention.
  12. Thank you Anarchy and Starr :catgirl:. And (as the front page has not been updated) I am available to challenge.
  13. (OOC: where have you gone M... :animedepr )
  14. Hey, blade Gods (Ozy, Star, Anarchy), who won our spar? I gotta know, put up your votes! :catgirl:
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz grinned at Ima as the flames rose from her hands [B]?It?s getting hot in here?[/B] A large fireball appeared between her hands, she moved her hands a circular motion around the ball making grow larger. Then she moved her hands far apart and spread the flame into a long wide line, and pushed it toward the shadows and soul reavers. It hit the wind and exploded into a huge circular wall of flame. The soul things caught and screamed, burning and dieing, the shadows cringed back from the intensity of it. Kariz high-fived Ima and they ran for the cars. Zane, Camilla, Rubedo and Raven were in the first car. She pulled the back door of the second, which Kadar was driving, open and Ima climbed in next to Daemon. Ben turned in his seat to look at Kariz patting his lap. [COLOR=Black][B]?There?s room up here for you?[/B][/COLOR] Kariz rolled her eyes and squeezed in next to Ima, jamming her knees up into the back of Ben?s seat. [COLOR=DimGray][B]?Everybody in??[/B][/COLOR] Kadar asked[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]?Yep?[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][B]?Let?s roll?[/B][/COLOR]
  16. Loud punk music vibrated through the walls and shook Ken?s bed. He woke-up and stared at the ceiling, swearing under his breath. Rubbing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he threw off the blankets and pulled on pajama bottoms. He padded down the hall in his bare feet, following the music. He pounded on his sister?s door; there was no answer. He groaned and went to take a shower. When he got out, the music was still blaring. He ignored it and went into the kitchen. [B]?Lord grant me strength and coffee grounds?[/B] he said, fumbling through the cupboards. He perched himself on a stool and inhaled the brew. After a moment, feeling more human, he went back down the hall and pounded on her door again [B] ?Aka! Coffee?s ready! Aka?? [/B] He opened the door a crack and peeked in. She was out cold, snoring and sprawled across the bed. He rolled his eyes and covered his ears, making his way to her radio. He hit it with a fist and the music ended. Aka sat upright in bed. [B]?wha the?? [/B] she mumbled, rubbing her eyes. He sighed and smacked her with a pillow. [B]?Coffee?s ready, you got half an hour.?[/B] She looked like she was going to say something, then she brushed her hair out of her face with a hand and looked at the clock. [B]?Oh, shit!?[/B] She jumped out of bed and started tearing through her drawers. Ken rolled his eyes [I]?women? [/I] he mumbled, going back into the kitchen to grab a second cup. He took it into his room, threw on some jeans and ran a blow-dryer over his hair. He was lounging on the couch, scanning a magazine when Aka ran frantically into the kitchen, pouring a cup of coffee, and drinking it down in one gulp. [B]?Better??[/B] She turned and smiled at him [B]?Much. How do you get ready so fast every morning?? ?I wake up when your alarm goes off.? [/B] She grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. He smirked and ducked, catching it, throwing it back. She ran at him and tackled him, punching and clawing. They rolled onto the floor, beating on each other until they both ran out of breath and started laughing. She picked herself up and ran a hand through her hair. [B]?You should be ashamed, letting yourself get beat by a girl.?[/B] He grinned [B]?Yeah I know, except I can say I taught this one all she knows.? [/B] He stood up and grabbed his backpack. [B]?Ready to go??[/B]
  17. [COLOR=Navy][CENTER]*grins* - Spar ended -[/CENTER] [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed]She nodded to Ben and turned to Ima [B]?Let?s party?[/B] A fireball appeared in her hands and she tossed it like a baseball pitcher heading for the mound. She threw it at the nearest figure and it screamed, bursting into flames and collapsing into dust. She heard Ima?s gun go off behind her and another one dropped. She smiled to herself. All that was missing was Rob Zobie's [I]Dragula[/I] playing in the background. But she could hear it in her head and she threw herself into the fight. She continued to throw the fireballs, which worked well, but [I]not fast enough. Ima and Ben were making headed way too, but there were too many of them. [/I] [B]?Ima! A little help?? [/B] Kariz put her hands together and formed a large ball. The breeze around her started to build. She formed the fire into a long line in front of her. [B]?Now!?[/B] The wind hit the fire and spread it across the figures. The screams were almost deafining. The ones that had been blocked from the flame charged Kariz. She had heard the thuds of falling bodies when Ben?s and Ima?s bullets had hit. These guys were solid. She round-housed the closest one and it flew backwards and had a bowling ball effect on the ones behind it. She shot a line of fire over there bodies and was knocked to the ground by one coming from the side. Kariz pulled her S & W and shot it three times in the gut. It didn?t budge. She heard a sucking sound coming from somewhere within the thing. She strained and tilted the gun and fired into it?s head. It fell. [B]?Aim for the heads!? [/B] she shouted, rolling back onto her feet and preparing another fireball. She threw it and another caught and dusted. She turned and saw Daemon leaning against the wall, watching Ben who was locked in a sword fight with one. She noted the weapon he was using. [B]"You compensating for something with that thing?"[/B] [COLOR=Black][B]He winked at her "You can let me know, later."[/B][/COLOR] she rolled her eyes [B]"You got that guy handled then?"[/B] He sliced upwards, through the creature, then grinned impishly at her [COLOR=Black][B]"Yeah, I think I got it."[/B][/COLOR] Kariz turned and waded back into the fight.[/COLOR]
  19. I think our spar (dmage's and mine) can end where it is, but that's dmage's call. As for the [I]Starr vs. Skye[/I] fight, my God vote goes to [B]Starr[/B]. While she was a theif, she was an honorable one. She gave back the spear and gave Skye a tip for the bazzare. Very classy. That's my vote.
  20. [COLOR=Navy]She looked up the trunk of the tree [B]?You know, I?m noticing you like putting me up against these things, seems only fair I should return the favor?[/B] She ran and jump kicked, blocking his sword with the flat of hers and kicking him square in the gut. He went backwards, slamming into a near by oak and falling to the ground. He coughed and pulled himself up, shaking the leaves out of his eyes. He blew the hair out of his face and smiled at her. [B]?Cute, very cute?[/B] [B]?Thank you?[/B] [B]?I was talking about your moves? [/B] He said, smirking and came at her, attacking quickly. The kick to the gut must have given him an adrenaline boost. He was good; this was the best fight she?d had in years. She flipped out of range ? He came for her. She spun, she flipped, she parried his every blow and still he countered. The sun light was fading from the trees. She grabbed a branch and swung herself up, and scanned her ground. She had an idea and it would only work if? He looked up at her [B]?Now that?s just not fair, how can I kill you up there??[/B] She grinned down at him [B]?Oh fine, spoil sport?[/B] She flipped off the branch and landed hard on her feet with a grunt. Her muscles ached horribly. If she could just hold on a little longer? He was backing her into the woods and she let him. She blocked and pushed him back. He staggered and she took the moment to take a swipe for his head. His foot shot out and tripped her. She fell backwards into the dense ferns. She watched as he leaned down over her and his sword came around toward her gut? He blinked and stopped short, sword hovering over her stomach? She had her broadsword and short-sword crossed around his throat. She looked down at his sword, mere inches from her gut. She grinned up at him, cocking an eyebrow, breathing heavily [B]?Draw?[/B][/COLOR]
  21. Ok, Ima and Kariz are out front with Ben and the Daemond. Everyone else is out back fighting shadows.That's 5 out back and 4 out front... is that right? I'm combining my post with what you put in yours Xy. Hope I got it right, it's a bit confussing so I'm just trying to clearify before we get into it
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz looked at Ben, then at the other?s expressions. She had suspected as much herself as far as Reoan went, so had Zane it appeared. Everyone else seemed shocked or upset. [COLOR=Magenta][B]"Why didn?t you hurt her?"[/B][/COLOR] Camilla asked The discussion exploded from there. The zodiacs started arguing, no one was yelling, but everyone had an opinion and everyone wanted to be heard at once, either about Reoan or about the transfomation. Kariz sat on the edge quietly and watched. So did Ima. She noted Ben?s apparent amusement with the situation and Rubedo?s boredom. The Guardian didn?t seem to care about the details. Kariz was inclined to agree. What mattered was the present, not the past; they had to decide what to do next, not argue over what already happened. She started to drift in thought [I]That transformation was a neat trick? how did he do it though? If what he said was true, and they could all transform, why didn?t he tell them how?[/I] Kariz was drawn out of her thoughts when Rubedo stood and went to the window. A second later she felt the chill and stood, looking out the window as well. [I]Shadows? demon energy? it surrounded the house[/I]. Everyone snapped to attention and the conversation stopped. [I]The present was on the front step, leaning on the doorbell.[/I] Kariz was armed for a close up fight or a hunt, but for this she decided to try her powers first, then go to weapons if they came closer. Most of the Zodiac followed Rubedo through the back glass door. She saw Ben grab his weapons and head for the front of the house. [I]He may be a womanizing prick, but he was willing to fight with them, that gained a small bit of her respect.[/I] She nodded to Ima and they followed Ben out to the front. Let the fight begin?[/COLOR]
  23. [B]Zodiacs[/B] (and Ben & Rubedo) - Who wants to post next? I'll take it if no one else wants to, but I don't want to be a post hog. I'm getting the feeling that everyone's waiting to see what someone else will post next and that's not gonna work well, lol. Anyway, it's just a thought...
  24. [COLOR=Navy]She panted and stared at him. That root had cost her. [B]?Well?. "[/B] she said [B]"This is?.fun?[/B] He smiled at her and retook his stance. She was going to have to do something different if she wanted to win this. She thought of the Romans and the battles, one line against another. She smiled and ran at him. His face looked slightly shocked at what looked like recklessness, but she knew what she was doing. He easily moved out of the way and she went past him. He swung for her, but she turned perfectly so that his sword hit a tree. She then sliced at his knees with the short sword. He twisted and only one knee got the blade. She had hoped to knock him down with that blow. She stepped back and retook what was now a familiar stance. He brought his sword around, and limping very slightly, he came for her. He knew the weaknesses of this stance. Half way to her she tossed her weapons, switching hands, and blocked him easily; he had been aiming for a weakness in her left hand guard. She attacked him then with quick exact shots. He parried them, but barely, her sword was now coming from a different direction and he was having trouble adjusting his attack. He did however manage to back her into a tree. She grinned at him [B]?You know, you?re pretty cute when you fight.?[/B] He laughed and she pushed him off her. He swung at her and she dodged, but he caught her in the side, the same cut she?d delivered to him earlier. She attacked in force, pulling on the adrenaline to fend the muscle fatigue off. He defended well, but she got an opening and took it, swinging for his gut?[/COLOR]
  25. ((OOC: yey! done, except for exact location. this is going to be fun :catgirl: )) [B]Name:[/B] Ken?Ichi (Ken) Matsushita [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] (attached) [B]Location:[/B] A large apartment with three bedrooms, two bathrooms (one off their parents room), a study, and a kitchen that opens into the livingroom. He and Aka are alone there most of the time bc their parents travel for work [B]Personality:[/B] Cheerful, cute, fun guy to be around, bit of a class clown. Liked by everyone, even though he?s not in sports, he's a theater darling- has a high charisma. Not a bad boy, but not a good boy either-he falls somewhere in between. Has as many female friends as he does guy friends, has a bit of a rep as a heart breaker, though no one?s exactly sure where that started. [B]Short History:[/B] Ken has lived in Kitakata with his twin sister Aka all his life. His mother is American and his father is Japanese (thus explaining his dark brown hair and bluish eyes). They both work as executives in an advertising firm. He knows his parents love him and Aka, but they?re hardly ever home the past few years because of business that sends them over seas. He?s different from his sister in the fact that he can fight, he just doesn?t. He thinks it?s funny that so many people are so intimidated by Aka and not him. Ken got a rep as a heart breaker in 8th grade when he dated 7 different girls in one year. The rep stuck, and it?s something Alex, Zeph and Aka tease him about relentlessly. Maria is his closest chick friend and she tends to sympathize with the girl?s side of things when his relationships go downhill. He plays the guitar in a garage band and loves the stage. [B]Subjects:[/B] Buisness, History, Gym, Performing Arts [B]Relationships with other students:[/B] [open for editing...] [B]Aka [/B] (Starr)- Twin sister and fav. "partner in crime" [B]Alex and Zeph [/B] (Reiku & Sakura)- closest friends, mainly through theater class, plays soccar with them outside school [B]Jace - [/B] (DC) knows him through Alex, thinks he's cool [B]Maria [/B] (Kairi) - close friend, harases him about his relationship rep, he thinks she's the hotest girl in school [B]Kaela [/B] (Skye) - Grew up near her, been friends most of their lives. She tries to keep him out of trouble [B]Kyo[/B] (SolarPrincess)- a friend, they hang out a lot outta school [B]Dirk[/B] (Raid3r) - knows him from classes [B]Rin[/B] (Kitty)- thinks she's nice, but doesn't really know her [B]Ran [/B] (Opal) - knows him from classes, hangs out w/ him sometimes [B]Kina [/B] (Albel) - one of his sister's friends, she's ok [B]Andrew[/B] (Jung-Woo) - doesn't really know him [B]Hoshiko[/B] (Ozy)- doesn't really know her [B]Haruko[/B] (lil kitsune boy) - new girl... kinda cute...
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