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[COLOR="Green"]Sage had finished washing in the stream they had passed on their way to where she and Virgil had set up camp. When she left, Milo was brushing the horse and talking to him softly. Virgil had sent himself up to be the first on guard and was setting up their fire for the night. Sage bent down and filled her water skin, letting the sound of the trickling water envelope her mind and calm her. [I]The violence of the day had caused her adrenaline to surge to a point it had not hit nearly a year. She had left the battles to find answers, to find a cure, and perhaps revenge if it was to be had, but never the less, she hadn’t been in a fight in a long time. The thrill of it…[/I] She took a deep breath and shook her hair dry. Standing, she slung the water pouch back over her shoulder and had turned to go back to the camp. Sage paused, listening. [I]What was it? What made her stop? [/I]Then she heard it again. The wind had picked up and she felt the heaviness of it. She turned away from camp into the woods on the opposite side. [I]A rain storm was coming… and someone was crying.[/I] Sage pushed the branches aside as the rain hit. A moment later, she came into a small clearing, where she saw Rain collapsed and crying. She rushed over to her, knelt beside Rain and wrapped her arms around the girl. Closing her eyes she pulled on something deep within and pushed a warm calm out through her into Rain. Rain turned in her arms and buried her face into Sage’s shoulder, still crying, though the intensity of it had slackened a bit. After a moment, Rain raised her head. Her eyes held embarisment, fear, and doubt [B]“How did you find me?”[/B] Sage brushed a semi dry hand across Rain’s cheek as if to wipe her tears, though in the pounding rain it did little good. Sage gave her a small reassuring smile [B]“It’s part of the healer’s gift.” [/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"]Sage watched the display with interest, once the task at hand had been dispatched. When Rain had walked off into the trees, she turned and cleaned her twin blades on the ground. [I]The horse had her bag, she’d have to wait for him to catch back up before she could do any better[/I]. Sage whipped the swords back into their sheaths and walked over to Virgil. He, like herself was covered in blood, there was a deep gash in his side. [B]“Here.” [/B]Sage bent forward and held her hand to his side. There was a slight rush of warmth and when she removed her hand, it was knitted, not perfect, but closed and free of pain. Virgil looked at her and bowed his head [B]“My thanks.”[/B] Kerrian walked over and looked at her work [B]“If you don’t mind my asking, why is it not healed completely?” [/B] Sage was loosening the leather bracers from her forearms, [B]“I could have healed it completely. But as you see from my own person, I too took hits today and do not bare the mark. That plus the fighting all saps energy. Healing others I can control, I take advantage of that. No, it is not perfect, but it works and I’m still awake and able.”[/B] She looked up at them considering. [I]What an odd group they made. [/I] [B]“That was quite a display, care to elaborate?” [/B] Kerrian crossed his arms and withdrew into himself a bit [B]“No, actually, I’d rather not.”[/B] [B]“I have to admit, I’ve seen a lot. But you’re magic is of a flavor I have yet to encounter, very sparatic, I see now why you hesitated to take on this quest.”[/B] Virgil nodded [B]“In all fairness to Kerrian, I think we all may have hesitated for our own reasons.”[/B] Sage nodded [B]“That’s a fair observation.” [/B]She ran a hand through her hair in a sign of frustration and then put her hands out in front of her making it clear that what she was about to say was important and had been waying on her mind, [B]“Alright, we’re clearly getting into something rather intense and I’ll wager deeper than any other quest any of us may have been on previously.” [/B]She looked into each of their eyes in turn[B] “We’re going to have to trust each other and start getting to know and confiding in each other if we’re going to make it through this. The goblins were a low level adversary, and you both know that.” [/B]Sage pointed into the woods where Rain had gone [B]“She’s not from here, she may not be aware of that. But you both know better. We have got to make some effort here, like it, or not.”[/B] They both stared at her, unblinking. Neither had heard her talk more than two sentences since they’d started this journey. [B]“Well, that was quite a speech”[/B] Kerrian said, first to break the silence. Virgil nodded [B]“She has a point though, how can you trust a stranger? No one in the group has actually tried to get passed strangers that all accepted the same quest. When the battles get harder, we need to be more than that.”[/B] Kerrian shrugged, but there was something in his eyes that told her he was thinking seriously about it.[B] “Alright, we could start with you.”[/B] He said, more like a challenge then a friendly gesture. But all men had that tendency, she was used to it. Looking him in the eyes, she walked up to him. She knew the sun was shining directly on her, she knew that her face, hair and ivory of her swords had stayed clean of blood thus glowed with an unearthly, cliché ‘heavenly’ light. [I]Healing may be her only power, but it was not her only gift, and she knew it. [/I] Sage looked from one to the other then gave a smirk, the closest thing to a smile either of them had seen on her, since they’d met her. [I]Before she walked away to find Rain so they could get Milo and continue their journey, she decided to give Kerrian an answer, some what.[/I] Still smirking and with her blood stained hand she patted him on the cheek[B] “I’m not you’re average angel.”[/B][/COLOR] ---------------------- OOC: it's great that you two have everything planned and are really into this, but I'd like to get into it too, so would the others probably- so please don't forget us :catgirl:
[COLOR="Green"]Sage glanced up the road. [I]Goblins. Wonderful[/I]. They were thick skulled creatures typically and she was glad she had her blades instead of her staff. Sage pulled her horse’s reigns and turned him back smacking his rump. He galloped off down the path, [I]the intent being for him to intersect Milo so she could rejoin join them quickly.[/I] Sage took the position recommended to her, and with a swift smooth motion removed the twin blades from their sheths at her back. They shown of a very light colored metal reflected in the sun as her hands found their holds in the ivory handles. As pretty as the blades were to look at, they had a nasty curved edge that, thanks to her diligence the night before, were clearly extremely sharp. Without her wings, she looked less like an angel and more like a Valkerie; [I]both images were an advantage.[/I] They approached the goblins the boys slowed, obviously thinking of a stealthy attack, but Sage kept a brisk pace. Sage walked straight toward the goblins, and when they stood and started to take up arms, she was already to them, killing the first with a swift slice that removed it of its head. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the boys steping up next to her...[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"]Sage stared at Kerrian over the fire.[I] His arrogance was incredible. He had treated her as if she had been trying to hinder Rain in some fashion, or maybe he wanted her to pass out again, perhaps this time in the middle of a battle. She had never met with this kind of instant plain disregard before. Sage only told Rain not to drain herself by healing if she, Sage, were there. That way Rain could put her energy to something else; Rain clearly had many powerful and differing gifts which was a rare thing for a pure blood, or even a dark blood. Doing multiple things that all sap energy could make her either highly ineffective with all, or put her in a comma. [/I] Sage looked back into the fire and shook her head. She unsheathed her other sword and again pulled out the sharpening stone. [I]If they had so little use for her, perhaps she should have remained on her own. [/I][/COLOR] ......................................................................... OOC: don't let her thoughts worry anyone :catgirl:, it's just the way Sage would react to the way she's been treated thus far, she's not going anywhere.
[COLOR="Green"]Sage glanced up from her work and watched Rain for a moment. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][I]The girl was clearly shaken, it was possible she had never been drained like that before so the waking was as unnerving as the passing out[/I][/COLOR]. Sage set down her sharpening stone and hailed her. [B]?I see you?ve finally awakened. Come, it?s a cold night, the fire will do you good.?[/B] Rain hesitated then approached slowly. She sat across from Sage and pulled her cloak close. [B]?Are you hungry?? [/B]Sage reached into her pouch and pulled out a hunk of dried meat.[B] ?Here, go on. It?s not poisoned I promise.?[/B] Rain took it slowly and started to eat. [B]?I?m glad you decided to join us. When did you, by the way??[/B] [B]?I came in just in time to witness your collapse.? [/B]Rain put her head in her hand in a gesture of frustration. [B]?You haven?t attempted to heal anyone before this have you??[/B]Sage added in a kind tone. Rain shook her head[B] ?It just seemed like something I should do, he had fought to save me? I have no idea why, and so I tried and it worked, except??[/B] [B]?You knocked yourself unconscious.? [/B]Sage finished for her. Rain nodded. [B]?Healing takes a lot of training to avoid harming yourself, to know your limits. Also I sense healing is not your primary ability.?[/B] Rain shook her head [B]?I?m still trying to figure things out, it?s a lot to deal with all at once, I honestly don?t know all my abilities myself yet.?[/B] Sage nodded[B] ?I understand. This is a harsh place to be dropped in so suddenly, and our situation is far from normal even in this place. But, as long as I am here, you can concentrate on other things besides trying to heal ?healing is my primary gift, and I have spent years in training.?[/B] Rain looked at her appraisingly and then smiled, the first time Sage had ever seen her do so. [B]?Things are so complicated? it?s nice to have even one less thing to worry about.?[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]Out in front of her stretched an expansive field, green and tall. The wind was warm and soothing. A doe grazed a distance off. Everything breathed of summer… then the world shifted and jolted her suddenly into battle. The same field, the same season, but filled with hundreds of soldiers and the crash of steel and thuds of leather. Red, blood. Gabe was shouting something at her. She saw him rush into the fray with her other companions. A girl was screaming…[/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Sage sat bolt upright and looked around to see Virgil’s back disappearing into the underbrush as the scream faded.[COLOR="DarkGreen"] [I]It was still night and they were still in camp.[/I][/COLOR] Sage ran a hand through her hair. She stood. [COLOR="darkgreen"][I]If Virgil needed help, he’d call for it.[/I][/COLOR] Looking around she noticed Milo and Kerrian were missing. Rain still slept. Sage bent over her and ran a gentle hand across her cheek. [COLOR="darkgreen"][I]What a strange and terrible world fate had dropped this girl in. [/I][/COLOR] Sage was sitting by the fire when Virgil appeared again through the brush. [B]“You are awake then? Why didn’t you come to help when Milo screamed?”[/B] Sage looked up at him and gave a small smile [B]“Someone had to guard camp, I couldn’t see the profit in leaving Rain here alone and defenseless.”[/B] Virgil looked around at that and sat next to her[B] “Where’s Kerrian?”[/B] “[B]Sleeping in the shadows over there."[/b] Sage indicated with a nod [b]" I can only guess he's asleep. I take it the girl’s alright.”[/B] Virgil nodded and ran a hand through his hair in a frustrated gesture [B]“Yes, she forgot herself and a bear caught her. It’s knocked out, not likely to come back this way when it awakes.”[/B] Sage patted him on the arm [B]“You seem to have had enough excitement for the night; you might as well go to sleep. Near enough to my turn as it is. Besides, I’ve had enough of sleep for this night.”[/B] Virgil stared at her for a moment, seeming to sum her up, then nodded and went off somewhere behind her, she could only assume to make his bed. Sage saw Milo come back, but said nothing. It seemed the girl wanted to be unseen in her return, so Sage let her. Taking one of the blades form her back, she retrieved a sharpening stone from her belt pouch and with a calmness of meditation, set to work on the sword.[/COLOR]
OOC: I know I'm posting a lot, but I'm trying to get Sage worked into the group, hopefully I'm not stepping on anyone's toes... --- [COLOR="Green"]The horse burst through the trees in time to see the girl Rain stand and then fall into a faint. Sage leapt down from the horse and rushed to her side. She placed her hand on the girl’s head and closed her eyes. [B]“She’ll be fine, she’s just sapped of her energy.” [/B]Sage stood and looked at Kerrian who still sat on the ground[B] “Are you alright?”[/B] [B]“I’m fine…now. Rain healed me.”[/B] Sage nodded. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][I]She made a mental note to talk with Rain about healing powers.[/I][/COLOR] [B]“Who are you?”[/B] a man with silver hair stepped forward, staring at her critically. [B]“Sage Raphael. I was invited to join this quest and had not yet given my answer when the fires started.”[/B] [B]"Virgil.”[/B] A more than half naked girl stepped forward and extended a had[B] “Milo.”[/B] Sage recovered from her appearance quickly. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][I]The girl must be a fighter[/I][/COLOR], Sage had known men to attire themselves in this fashion who fought but this was the first women she’d met who did so. [B]“Well met.” [/B]She took the hand in a firm grip and nodded to everyone who returned the gesture. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][I]It seemed she’d have a bit of catching up to do[/I]. [/COLOR][B]“Do we know where we’re going with Rain in this condition?”[/B] Kerrian stood and nodded [B]“The name is Kerrian, I am serving as the guide at the moment.”[/B] Sage nodded and looked around at the others. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][I]Everyone was clearly just waiting. [/I][/COLOR][B]“If someone has a blanket, we can lay her on my horse and move out. I felt a darkness on my way to meet you.”[/B] [B]“And we fought it. It retreated in that direction.” [/B]Kerrian said picking up his staff. Virgil nodded[B] “Still, moving is a good idea.” [/B] Kerrian shrugged [B]“Then we are heading north.”[/B] They managed to get Rain onto the horse with little difficulty and with Sage leading the horse by the reins, they pushed on into the woods.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"]Sage sat behind the inn, watching her horse graze in the moonlight. With a sigh she lowered her head and let her hair fall around her face. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][I]This was an odd situation. She had known something lay ahead, something that would help her in her quest but this… this was far beyond what she had expected. The girl needed help, that much was obvious. And she had an aura around her that told Sage to trust her story. From what she had seen of their party, another fighter would be advantageous… she would agree to join them. [/I][/COLOR] Sage stood and walked out into the field toward the horse. Then she heard it. Someone was screaming. Sage turned and saw the flames at the other end of the village. Whistling for her horse she pulled herself onto his back from mid gallop and steered him against his normal instincts toward the fire. A man was being pulled from the building as people rushed passed with buckets of water. Sage dismounted and went to the man. His companions stared at her then parted to let her through. [B]“We don’t know ‘ow it ‘appened.” [/B]One of them was saying. Sage knelt by the man [B]“Is there anyone else inside?”[/B] [B]“No, they was all visiten’ family. Jake stayed behind to look after things.”[/B] The man had a deep gash in his leg and was losing blood fast. Sage placed her hands over the cut and closed her eyes.[COLOR="DarkGreen"][I] She felt warmth trickle down her fingers. [/I][/COLOR]She opened them again to see that the cut, while not mended completely, had stopped bleeding and was sealed enough to prevent reopening. The men thanked her and started to move him out of the way. The building was disintegrating and the one next to it was catching the flaming debris; [COLOR="DarkGreen"][I]that one would start to burn soon.[/I][/COLOR] She stood and turned to look back into the town. People were running by her with buckets from the well in the center. But beyond that she saw the girl Rain and her companions rushing from the inn and heading quickly away from town. Sage mounted her horse and spurred him to follow. As she passed the inn she felt a dark force shoot passed her toward the group in heat and flame. Sage kicked the horse into a run…[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkGreen"]The trees in the woods whispered as she passed and glowing eyes peered at her from ground and branch. Her horse shook its mane and pawed the ground. Sage urged her horse forward through the darkness. A traveling trader she’d passed around dusk had directed her this way, saying only [I]that what she sought was there[/I]. How he would know was beyond the stretch of her mind at present, but she had learned years ago not to question the strangers who oft appeared in her life. She had been riding for three days now, through fields, woods, and small provincial towns, pushing her horse on faster and farther, feeling the pull of something unknown. Suddenly, the trees broke before her and she was looking down on the promised town. Spurring her horse to a gallop, Sage made her way brusquely past houses and closed shops to the only light, near the end of the village. Sliding down off her horse, she authoritatively entered the inn, going streight to the bar. She could here the people whispering around her, but she was used to this reaction. Her light golden hair, startling green eyes, sun kissed complexion and twin ivory handled blades strapped across her back tended to draw attention. Not to mention woman fighters were typically taboo as it was. [B]“I am in need of a drink and information”[/B] The innkeeper stared at her blankly for a moment and then recovered[B] “wine?”[/B] She nodded and dispensed a generous amount of coin from her pouch as he poured into a wooden mug. [B]“What information do you seek milady?”[/B] Sage looked at him unblinking[B] “I thought you might be able to tell me that.”[/B] After a moment of confusion, he eyes cleared and he nodded. [B]“Follow me.”[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"][B]Name:[/B] Sage Raphael [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Gender: [/B]female. [B]Blood Type:[/B] pure blood [B]Appearance: [/B] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/sage.jpg[/IMG] 5’ 5”, 125 lbs, green eyes, blonde hair. Light tan, spends a lot of time outdoors. Dresses in browns, including dark brown knee high boots and a leather bracers. Hasn't worn a skirt since she was 5, she prefers pants (currently dark tan and tucked into her boots.) She has a few faded long sleeved tunics in brown, green and blue. And a simple brown leather laced vest (kinda like a bodice only for protection rather than cleavage) [B]Personality: [/B]Tends to be right behind her friends’ back when [I]they[/I] go running into battle screaming and headstrong. She feels the pulse of battle, the thrill of the fight, but has a more levelheaded approach. She feels it’s her job in a fight to protect her people rather than simply “us against them, kill them”. [B]Biography: [/B]As even a young girl, Sage was a wanderer. There is a distinct difference between that and a loner. Sage loved to run through the fields, climb trees, and rode bareback at age 9. She had a talent from making friends and gaining their trust and total loyalty. When they grew older and more aware of the dangerous times they lived in, they took up arms together. In her group of friends were five boys and two other girls. One of the boys was her brother, Gabe. At age 17, one of the wars reached their secluded region. Before that it had been drunken brawls or land spats. Before that the injuries were at worst knife cuts or sprains. This was different. A lot of people died. She managed to save her friends from dieing in the war, but there was nothing left of their homes when at last they won over the enemy. Forced to travel, they decided to start their lives over in one of the larger cities. This proved a grave error. Gabe and one of her female friends died from the plague. The others who were mortal seemed to avoid it, but how long would that last? She decided she had to do something, even if she wasn’t sure what, she wasn’t going to sit back and let more people die. So she set out, looking for answers. [B]Weapons:[/B] Carries twin curved blades strapped across her back giving the illusion of wings, and a strong staff. [B]Magic: [/B]Healing. She can heal herself with less effort than it takes to heal another. And the larger the wound the more time or energy it takes to heal. But due to her gift she is always in perfect health; never catching ill and is immune to the plague so far. She also is in excellent physical form with a higher than usual stamina (think slightly toned down version of wolverine’s “gift”). Her gift is earth based (adam and eve were born of the earth, etc. So to heal this creation, you need an earth based magic)[/COLOR]
[I]“I need someone who wants to be the elder and leader of this party please.”[/I] [B]Name:[/B] Kipelle Archer called "Kip" [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Gender:[/B] female [B]Weapons:[/B] long bow, staff, long curved belt knife [B]Personality: [/B]She was always seen as a wild, unpredictable person while her husband was alive ; riding her horse bareback, wearing pants and knee high boots, leaving her hair loose and wild around her shoulders. As she got older, she gained respect in the village because she was smart and caring. No one messes with Kip; the other villagers had seen her single-handedly defended her shop from men thinking they could take advantage of her after her husband died. [B]Appearance: [/B] [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/kip-1.jpg[/IMG] 5’4”, hair intricately braided down her back. Wearing a green dress with slits to the hip on both sides, brown pants and knee high brown boots. Brown leather bodice and a gold pendent engraved with a merchant clan symbol on a thin leather strap around her neck. Wears thick brown leather bracers when she’s practicing her bow or riding. [B]Bio:[/B] Moved to the village of Knottwhole with her 28 yr old husband when she was 16. He was a successful merchant. Kip was unable to bare children. Without the extra mouths to feed, their profits were higher than other families in the town. He doted on her and adored her, despite her baron state. He bought her horses, fine cloths and indulged her interests; one of which was archery. Once proficient in this skill, Kip wanted to learn other fighting forms. Her husband caught a fever while negotiating trade over seas. He died a few months after his return… she was 22. His brothers knew of his care for her and allowed her to keep the store and her other possessions. The boy, Gosai, had entered her shop to order new cloths. She was getting robes in various materials from the back of the shop when she saw him talking to Shaun, a boy who’s mother she knew well. They were clearly in eachother’s confidence over something and left the shop heading for the woods. A brown haired girl from the village, dressed all in black, was also heading in that direction. Their behavior worried her. Kip went to the front of the shop and got Odin’s attention from the smithery opposite the shop. She asked him to keep an eye on the children, see that they came to no harm. She would follow once she found someone to watch the shop...
Lexiana sat with the others in the dining hall. Everyone was talking comfortably and getting along. [I]Granted they were the select few who had bonded over the battle and injuries, but it was interesting progress.[/I] Axel was even relaxed and talking with October. Lex had never had anyone vow to protect her before;[I] it was weird that it would be a man.[/I] There was an announcement over the loud speaker. [I]Landing? Perfect timing, they were living off protein rations, it?s be nice to get some fruit and other real food.[/I] Lex got up to take her dishes to the sink and felt a deep throbbing pain run from her hand into her head. She closed her eyes and shook her head trying to concentrate the pain away. [B]?Well? looks like the doc?s pain meds have worn off.? [/B] She set down her dishes and turned toward the infirmary. Axel stood up [B]?Need a hand??[/B] [B]?Na, I got it, finish your dinner.?[/B] Lex made her way down the hall toward the infirmary. She heard two men talking, [I]no women. But she had to get the pain meds,[/I] she pushed the door open and walked in.
[I]Gray? grayish blue? mists rolling, enveloping her mind?silence? no, not perfect silence, there was someone else there?standing, no, walking toward her. A dark silhouette?determined, goal driven ? coming straight at her at a steady pace? The outline shaped slowly, spilling and pouring in the details of the form the deep dark air parted in front of her, and she smelled it, this foreign yet pleasurable sent, inhaling deeply and closing her eyes? opening them she saw the figure was in front of her? he pulled her toward him?[/I] Lex snapped awake, sitting bolt upright with her hip gun in her hand. Axel, along with a couple of the female fighters sat or stood around the room. They all fell silent and were staring at her. Her head pounded sharply and she lowered her weapon. [B]?sorry.? [/B] She glanced down and saw her other hand was bandaged neatly. Raising her good hand she noted the same clean work had been applied to her head. [B]?well,? [/B] she looked over at Axel [B]?to whom do I owe my complements on the patch job??[/B] [B]?Oh, uh, the doctor, Neron. He?ll be back in a bit, I think he went to check the prisoners.?[/B] Lex froze instinctively and responded rather sharply [B]?he??[/B] Axel instantly looked rather uncomfortable [B]?Oh, Axel, I?m sorry I?I just do not know yet how to deal with this shit.?[/B] He was looking at the ground. He mumbled, [B]?It?s alright.?[/B] She pulled herself out of the bed and holstered the gun. [B]?Come on Axel, I don?t know about you but I could use some nourishment.?[/B]
[B]Name[/B]: Herja [B]Gender[/B]: female [B]Age[/B]: 29 [B]Alignment[/B]: norse, one of Oden?s valkyries [B]Appearance[/B]: 5?6?, green eyes, long dirty blonde hair [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/VALKYRIE.jpg[/IMG] [B]Personality: [/B] she?s a warrior, plain and simple. By mer chance, she has never loved anyone beyond her family and comrades (in other words, she never wed nor has she had a lover). As the position of valkyrie, reserved for the female warriors for which Oden had the most respect in their lives, she?s extremely proud of her position and fiercely loyal to Oden. [B]Background:[/B] She was born on one of the roughest rocks the Vikings inhabited. Unlike other cultures they encountered, women were allowed and even encouraged to fight along side their fathers and brothers if they wished to. From a young age she fell in love with the waves. At 15 her father gave in and took her on a raiding voyage. That was it, she was hooked. She spent most of her life on the sea, filling the lust for battle and the joy of comrodery with the other fighters. She was killed avenging the death of her father in a raiding battle. Her older brother gave her a Viking hero?s funeral, in a long boat aflame on the water. Oden himself met her at the gates to Valhala. As one of his valkyries, she was granted a comfortable lifestyle in his great hall. When the gods of foreign lands started meddling with the balance of things and making vicious power plays, Oden called together the Viking gods and declared war. Half the valkyries were left to guard the hall. The other half, including Herja, were sent into battle with the gods. [B]Belongings:[/B] Oden rewarded her loyalty and prowess in battle by presenting her at the gates with leather armor edged in sliver and a sword engraved with the raven of Oden. Also, as a Valkyrie she has use of one of the flying war horses to traverse all levels of the after life and allows a valkyrie to go down to the mortal realm to retrieve the souls of warriors. [B]Snippet: [/B] You live by the sword here. I always have, we all have. The battle songs of minstrels ring through the great hall, stories of valor and honor after every dinner told by the greatest skulls that ever walked the land below us. I often would slip away in the evenings to listen to the tales being told by the skulls still in the moral realm. Around the warm flames of a camp fire in a Viking camp, in the high branches of the trees I?d listen to their tales and feel the old shiver of the thrill of glory and strength in my veins. Oden would shake his head at me when I returned, but he indulged my whims. Until now. The doors to Valhalla have been closed tight. No one comes or goes. Warrior?s souls are stuck in limbo for there are no valkyries to free them. We?ve been given a new task. We rode with Oden and Thor all day and night to reach mount Olympus. There we were told of the full problem. Oden had assumed we?d have the support of these so called gods to fight off the threats against us, but to no avail. Oden was furious and Thor hit the mountain so hard with his hammer that it cracked. In the end, it seems these greeks have appointed souls to fight for them as Oden had us. I?m to go with some Spartan and Athenian warriors into the far eastern other world and stop them. One of these is a warrior called Ashen Luthos, a privileged man but with notable fighting abilities characteristic of Sparta. The other is called Zerus Anithos. A much more personable character, but I sense that his heart is not in the fight as much as in the idea of it. Athenians are not known for their fighting abilities to my knowledge, but we shall see.
After Lex cut off the prisoners and managed to get her Volker docked, she stubbled a bit climbing out and Kaylee caught her. [B]?Lex? Oh my god, are you badly hurt?? ?Honestly, I couldn?t tell you.? [/B] Lex looked over her shoulder at the Volker [B]?I can tell you my baby?s gonna need a bit of touch up work?[/B] Kaylee smiled [B]?Shiny. I?ll get to work on her right away Captain, that is if you promise to go straight from here to the infirmary.?[/B] [B]?Yeah. I?m on it.?[/B] Kaylee walked passed her to look over the fighter. Lex straightened up and felt her forehead. [i]Blood. Fantastic.[/i] She held her left injured arm up to her chest and made her way through the volker?s toward the infirmary. It looked like she had been the last to dock. But everyone had made it back, and that was good thing. As she walked down the hall she could hear an argument coming from the doctor?s office. [I]Fear of needles. God. [/I] She turned the corner and saw Axel leaning outside the office door, watching the fight that was clearly and loudly continuing within. [I]He looked like he was alright[/I]. She was within a 10 feet of the door when a wave of dizzy sickness hit her, hard. [I]Concussion, brilliant[/I]? and with a last glance in Axel?s direction, Lex slumped down to the floor hard?[I]darkness?[/I]
[B]?That?s alright Volker 3, welcome to the battle front. Sweep the front, then I suggest sweeping the sides and making sure none of the robots have landed on the ship and sawing through the metal plates.?[/B] [B]?Good deal, you alright?? ?Yeah, my shields are holding fine, the battles damn near over anyway.? ?Alright, I?m out?[/B] Lex turned her full attention back to the battle. [I]Things were defiantly in their favor. [/I] She took that opportunity to look around for the two prisoners. They were behind her to the right. [B]?Volker 2, see the two we?re supposed to bring in?? ?Yeah, wow their fighters are worse than mine.?[/B] He sounded like he was getting some confidence. [B]?Move in close behind them. They try to jump and we gotta be ready to stop them.?[/B] [B]?ok?[/B] Lex pushed her fighter out more so she could easily block them should they attempt an escape and still protect the ship.
Lex patted Abelia on the back and went over to her Volker. Kaylee slid out from under it as she approached and nodded to Lex [B]?She?s all ready for ya?[/B] [B]?Thanks Kaylee.?[/B] Lex pulled herself up and into her Volker and reacquainted herself with the layout of everything inside. This one wasn?t as shiny or new as the others, this was a custom job obviously done by someone who knew their machines. She strapped herself in and shot her Volker out its designated port. Lex adjusted her microphone that was attached to the head gear. [B]?Volker 4 to field. Fighters, what are your positions??[/B] The first to answer was a man?s voice. He sounded dejected and down right terrified. [B]?Volker 2, front of the battle. The way my fighter is designed? I could use some back up?[/B] Lex took a deep breath and went into fighting mode. [I]This was real. This is what she did, and a soldier was a soldier and an ally was an ally. Period.[/I] [B]?Watch my back, I?m coming in to take the brunt off you?[/B] The radio went silent. She spotted his Volker as she rounded the edge of the main ship. He was right, he had guns but it seemed his shielding was weaker. Lex had a power ship, strong shields and decently big guns. She steered her fighter in to an angle in front of him and started cutting down the hundreds of small robots that were attacking them. Lex?s ship took some of the shots off of the other Volker and she focused back on the enemy in front of her...
[B]"Why do you think they're on the ship, Lex?" ?I don?t know, but they put us together for a reason. Our leaders decided this, not some ship owner, this is our government deciding this, there has to be a reason??[/B] The three female fighters stood together and cleared their plates commencing down the hall behind a nervous looking guy. Lex watched the man that was walking with them.[i] Where women really that much better fighters that only one man had been selected? He seemed so nervous? well, who wouldn?t be being this out numbered by persons you?ve been taught ally our life were evil back-stabbing murdering lunatics? [/i]For the first time she actually felt something toward a man on this ship? [I]sympathy.[/I]
Lex scanned the dinning area and saw the men and woman had separated themselves as usual with a seat or two in-between each end of the table. She grabbed a tray of food and pulled up a seat next to a nervous looking blue eyed girl she knew was another of the fighters. [B]?Hey, I?m Lex? [/B] she extended a hand to her. [B] ?Abelia?[/B] she said taking her hand cautiously Lex gave her a reassuring smile [B]?It?s ok, we?re on the same deck after all.? [/B] The mechanic Kaylee came bouncing into the the room, grinning as usual. She grabbed a tray and sat next to Lex, right next to one of the men. [B]?Hi, I?m Kaylee? [/B] she extended a hand to the guy next to her who looked like he might have just been bitten by something awful. [B]?It?s alright, promise.?[/B] He very slowly reached over and quickly shook her hand. Kaylee gave it a firm shake and smiled [B]?I?ve seen you around the vogel?s, you?re a fighter right?? [/B] The guy nodded [B]?I?m Axel?[/B] [B]?Shiny?[/B] Lex turned to Kaylee and touched her shoulder [B]?What are you doing??[/B] [B]?Just a bit of socializin?. Why, what?s wrong??[/B] Lex stared at her unblinkingly.[B] ?Nothing... it?s just? nothing?[/B] Kaylee looked at her questioningly, then turned and started trying to converse with one of the male mechanics across the table and a few people down from them. Lex was stunned. [I]Was this girl seriously that naive or? were these men not that bad?[/I] Abelia was also staring at Kaylee [B]?wow, she?s got gumption I?ll give her that.?[/B] Lex turned to Abelia and shrugged [B]?I remember when we first boarded she said something about having been on board with the men for awhile and that they weren?t a threat?it worries me, and yet...?[/B] [B]?It makes you wonder huh?? [/B] Abelia finished, warming up to Lex and talking more easily.
[B]?New blood? [/B] Riley hissed, utterly embarrassed that Eden had even sent them. They were newly turned, young and poorly trained by Riley?s standards. They were fighters in their human lives and they all thought they were bad ass, but it takes more than 2 or 3 decades in the ?after? life devoted solely to training before Riley would accept them into the army under her command. [I]This was sloppy. Why was Eden playing this way? It didn?t make sense, none of it?[/I]
[B]?You?re a bastard.? [/B] She said in calm cool voice, wrapping her hand in a strip of cloth she pulled from her pocket. [B]?If you?re going to fry me anyway, why didn?t you just leave me behind, why?d you bother to bring me along at all??[/B] Kizan didn?t answer, he merely shifted the wing to make sure she was completely covered and she walked in step with him, him keeping his pace slow so she could keep up without getting burned. [I]This was all so strange[/I]. She had not seen daylight in over 300 years. [I]There had been opportunities to go out under shelter, she had never taken them. Survival of the fittest was what it was all about after all. What had she gotten herself into?[/I]
Riley stared straight ahead as they leveled out in the air. Eden?s voice raged through her mind. [B][I]?Tell Kizan that he will pay dearly. I will not take orders from him. I will not be thrown aside nor will I go down without a fight!?[/I][/B] Riley removed a gun from it?s holster and checked the ammo, clicking it in sharply. Kizen turned and looked at her with a calm considering look. [B]?I take it Eden?s response was less then favorable.?[/B] Riley stared into his eyes for a long moment without blinking. [B]"Basically, she?s not going to lay quiet. She?ll come for you.?[/B] [B]?And I?ll kill her?[/B] he smiled slightly [B]?And I?ll kill you if you do; you and every other traitor on this boat unless you can find one hell of a reason for me not to.?[/B] [B]?You?re very loyal Riley Green. And you?ve got spirit. I like that. But don?t over estimate your abilities here my dear.?[/B] Dean turned and glanced at her. ?[B]Boss, just so you know, if she is who you say she is,?[/B] he turned back continuing in the slightly mockingly cheerful tone he?d been using since she got on board [B]?if Riley Green attacks, she doesn?t leave survivors?? [/B]
Lex narrowed her eyes and took a deep breath to steady herself. [I]This? was? insane. [/I] But, she had a job to do. This required her to break off from the other women and locate her spacecraft. She had been looking out the side of her eye down at the available fighter ships. She threw her duffle bag over her shoulder and made her way into the vessel, unclipping one of her guns from it?s holster and let it hang lose at her side in her hand. [I]She may have to work with these? men, but there was no way in hell she was going to trust them? not yet at any rate.[/I] Lex wandered toward the left while the other two female fighters leaned right. She found the fighter she thought she would in a nitch off to the far side. Fully armed with some interesting modifications that had caught her attention. While she was running a hand over the side of it, a hover cart shot out from under it and a girl, half covered in greese and smiling from ear to ear looked up at her [B]?Hey there! Welcome aboard.?[/B] She hoped up to her feet and extended a rather dirty leather glove [B]?I?m Kaylee?[/B] [B]?Lex? [/B] she said, smiling slightly and gripping the girl?s hand heartily. [B]?did you do the modifications to this flyer??[/B] [B]?Yeah! Like her? I know she doesn?t look like much compared to the other flyers, but she?s a gem.?[/B] Lex smiled, this girls enthusiasm was down right contagious. [B]?Yeah, I do.?[/B] Lex reached into her pocket and pulled her card sliding it through the panel on the side. [B]?You?re the fighter that?ll be flyin her then?? ?Looks like it.? ?Shiny? [/B] Lex shook her head and then glanced over Kaylee?s shoulder and scanned the hanger. She saw a man also partially covered in grease walking around the hanger on the other side. [B]?So there are more men on this craft.?[/B] Kaylee looked over the her shoulder and then nodded vigorously ?[B]Yeah, I was really freaked by it at first but, we?ve been workin? on this heap for awhile now getting it ready and? it?s not actually that bad.?[/B] [B]?Not that bad? Are you serious??[/B] Kaylee looked at her and gave a slightly sad shrug [B]?I see you?re not all that optimistic?[/B] she said, glancing at the gun in Lex?s hand. [B] ?Let?s just say, I?m wary.?[/B]
Discuss Man & Woman [PG - SV]: Obsession's Bridge [UNDERGROUND]
Astdis replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Name: Kaylee [IMG]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b159/luckywrit/Firefly-Kaylee.jpg[/IMG] Age: 23 Job: ship mechanic Personality: bubbly and friendly, and a natural genious when it comes to the inner workings of a ship (basically, I wanna bring in Kaylee from Firefly if that's cool, I love her character) -
Riley stared mutely at Dean. [I]She had seen him before and he never saw her, interesting.[/I] Riley braced her boots up on the back of the seat in front of her and rested her hands at easy access points for her weapons. Most hunters new who she was by name, due to her job over 300 years now. She had become a bit notorious, so had Krishna for her time, however none knew what they looked like? [I]there would have to be survivors to tell that to others.[/I]